DOC 0 Kraft U KI1CMIaV,s CP EAT COAT 11 " tv" M MrP 0 NEW PENSION DECISIONS By the Assistant Secretary of the Depart ment of tne Interior. . ,; I-, .,!,. ,i ' 1 n sanity I'l l llll.ll M'H I I tiv act of .J une 21 ls'iii , iw-isoii non com-i ii , in. -litis without a committee or guardian, may til. i valid declaration i r pension by a competent person as next friend, but before payment a u janhan or committee must In? ap pointed, are! when ipialitieil to act the pension should be paid to him in accordance with the practice under the general law. Fraud and Mistake L'-imbursement The allowance of pension to claim Lit under the general law was not the result off rami practiced by such claim- if mi.. ii tln 'i i v e in men! but as tlx . .-Cr i.t :in ,.n:,r of judgment based i Minsumcianl evidence and failure to ! :-uire more fr which the Misioner was not responsib'e. and the . ithhol ling of his pension granted iiider i be act of .1 ui e 2. l-'.u. to is im irs the government tor the pension ; id under the L'eneial law was error m i ! -J Kraft Do. o Q' " mre nii gf "1 ThanK the Lord." j for the state legislature to make pro- cried Hannah IVint. ot Little l.ock. visions tor t lie calling of the conven Ark.. --for the relief I cot f mm IJuck-; t ion. Delegates must be chosen to .id's Arnica Salve. It ciued my fear-j this con vent ion and the constitution : :1 runnim; sores, which nothing else j when amended must a'ain be sub would heal, and from which I had j mitted to the electors of the state. " s . r.-ivd for .". years." It is a marvel-; It is pointed out that this delay :s healer foi cuts, burns and wounds, j i very apt to discourage any attempt liwavanteed at F. !. Frieke Co. ! to secure amendments through a con- store: -c. rjow's This? I, ii:v-r tin- campaign the News pub-i ti.-if i',nv.riN!nnti Pollard had i ivomised not to reappoint Post master ! McCartney should he be elected. The ! i.'-Tit'eman to whom this promise was jiven was our informant. Now Pol-j :.ird lias written that McCartney will j that the members ot-i-e his own successor. Amonr some i are voted on. Sh'o'itd n democrats Mr. Pollard's reputation t r truth and veracity is not as oodas it should be. and he has not yet at tempted to square himself with those whose support he secured under false j r-reterises. Nebraska City News. , Foi: Three tine properties on ' South Lincoln Avenue, ham, anient. P. P.. Wind- SPECIAL AMERICAN INDESTRUCTABLE DISC RECORDS THiS LARGE TALKING :'. l: e Phil Sauter, s n.'.ttsrn atli N-l PHONOGRAPHS Willi .: i : ' c :. ' ::: :! -i-:m i. ::ss J . 330.00 i 30C Overcoat . Headquarters for Men, Boys and 1 Children A Word About (n.-.idorin;g Quality, you will ti'nl tlii.s the place for those with conservative purses the place vim Jet the .uality at tin- IMMCK. ( )ur advance in busi ness is attributed ti lu t ne t h img - - Modern Business Methods. Quick Sales. Small Profits W'f like to.-lmw our jgoods C O MuE I N! IT TAKES A LONG TIME Proposition to Hold Constitutional Conven tion Involves Six Years Delay. According to the Lincoln Newsstate I ,i .i i'ji r--. r 1 i -l I - tr rw it I n linvn that """ .. ...... ..v... -.overnor .Mickey win can special J,tv-,lon ,l-lulMl H" U1" .:. . r i . .-...:. 1 .... . f... the proposition for a constitutional convention. lie would save two years by doing so, or even a longer time, but i niiuer any ci rcumsiuiices ue ui six years would be required before an amended constitution could uo into effect. "If the framers of the state consti- ...: ,1 i 1 v l ., I . Liition uesiieu in muKt: it 1 1 i c ouu oie, ! they could not have done so any more ! effectively than they did in drafting it as tlle' flkl said Deputy Attorney ;pneral Thompson today In the tirst instance the legislature must pass a joint resolution providing for a sub mission of the question of a constitu- ! state to be voted on at the next gene ral election for state officers. Then. it i iiwfuci rv if 1 1 if nrnnrni u in en r r i f; stitutional convention. However, ii tliat method is to be empioyed the sa vim: of t wo years through the sub- mission by a special session would be considered a sat isfactory cain. This saving will be effect ed from the fact that the constitution requires that i ine question 01 noiuio a coineuiion i must tie submitted at the same t ime j the legislature ; action be taken now. the next leisrature" could make provisions for a convention, while should the latter body submit it, the people could not not vote on the mat- ter until 100! and several years would elapse tefore the rina! submission to ti,. electors of the state S iifke the Wurl Bros Gut Heil" ci-ars. celebrated A? EXCHANGE YOUR OLD RECORDS FOR NEW you "iOc , ti WJt' J' rW' l mmmmmmm nil iHlkin-4 iii:il:ln-s of ail kinds. :iinl :i reiril stin-k seeoixl to limit, iiielnuiiiir ail tin. r.w hits uiiii i ;.! !.- r pieee-.. whiHi we exchange for your old ones. KICKING ON DEMURRAGE! Waat is Sauce for the Goosa Should be " " Sauce far the Gander.' Shippers, the lumber and m',i and others who ship in merchandise ty the car lots, are up in arms at the policy that is manifested hy tin rail roads iti charging demurrage when the cars an: not emptied strictly on j the dot. It seems that the railroads, j have organized a hureau. the especial J duty of which is to have charge of the i demurrage charges. Allot the roads I are into the comhinat ion and as the) officers of the demurrage bureau are compensated for their work in propor tion to the charges that they collect the charge is rigidly imposed There is no discretionary power left w ith the I local station agent and if he fails to lect the charges lie must make the sum good out of his own pocket. The purpose of referring the matter to a common bureau is very apparent as being to the best interests of the roads. There can be no more leniency displaced by one agent than another and for t his reason no road will have an undue advantage at a competing j point, of course the demurrage bur-j eau is created ny me railroads, oi me railroads and tor the lailn-ads. It is merely a wheel within a wheel where by they can shirk a bit more responsi bility upon t In- shoulders of someone that wil stand between them and the public. Hut aside from being expen sive and annoy in to the shippers it lays undue weight upon the shoulders of the local agents. It may seem a bit queer that when a shipper is com pelled to wait six weeks for a car of coal or lumber that is consigned and loaded not iJuu miles away that he shall bo compelled to get such a hurry on him when the car arrives. Report of Public Schools. The following is a report of the public schools for the month ending November -Jt. 1 '.(.: Pit 'I'f.ielier I'll :. Atl. 'I'urtiy el !itl. (lass 1" l"t " .IT.. Cole 4". 4.; -2 !) ! Kennedy 4 4a 2 C.S Martens .'u 4 !4.:i Lacey 44 4:: '.i... i'reese 41 u '.r,A j i Fi.-ht ::i " :2.8 j Towle 4o :-,s -2 ;a.T j Morgan 4:: 41 u". i ' Tresham .' 41 ; WA ! Heisel 4i 4:: o ,c,.4 ! Mason :2 o no. ' Whistler : r.T -J !i.;.4 ! Kanka . . 4.: 41 . :i4. Ilawksworth . . . U2.-2 Whalen ."2 4.' 2 ur,. j Hayes 4 4". 1 !i4. I I!. Smith 4'1 4:: 4 '.'4.2 j j L. .Smith 47 44 o !:;(; i ; Woods :;2 2'. o td.s ' i Parw ick :::: :;i ." ;:;.s i Hansen l':: 21 1 W.2 i j Totals lm'i: .s !i4.S j vt.. P'4 loT :itj :;i ui.r, Sept., r."'.". ... .ioot '.i:'.s 4o o:;.i j ; Oct.. i! o." 101.", O.'l .7 '.i:;.c. j The enrollment to date Is 111::, cor- i responding date last year lion. Our i tardiness record instead of improving ! i is one more than last -month. About the Tongue. ! I Look at vour toncue in the morninir Fight and you often will notice a change in the color or a coatiny: the tongue will show the condition of your health. Whenever it is coated, vour stomach is out of order and you need Timer's American F.lixir of . jh-v uinv is no ueciei lemeuy 101 me stomach, i ou will perceive a beneti- eial effect from the very first dose: the stomach will become stronger and aeti-ve. It strengthens the intestines and carries the digestion to the suc cessful and designated by nature to the formation of new and perfectly pure blood. No other remedy does that. If your complexion is pale, yel low or muddy, or if you have erup tions, loss of appetite, nausea, vomit ting, or any other condition calling for purifying the blood and strength ening the stomach, use Triner's Amer ican Elixir of Bitter Wine. At drug stores. Jos. Triner. 7!i! So. Ashland Ave , Chicago, 111. Means a Great Deal For Nebranka. I; It is believed that the change of ; j headquarters, by which the division ; , supei nuetrJent ot the Missouri Pacific !; is to he moved to Omaha, means a J ureal oealot reconstruction ' "V., !.,... l. .,,,, , i,, m ,. n,, work in .V UuTili. .1 1 IVi LllilL . i I . jU. ed comes nearer the actual work that he m give it more attention. The reniov , :" the division from Atchis-.n to Om ':' seems to he a fixed fact. ay ,-al ( Jma- Pirating Foley's Honey and Ter. Foley kv Co.. Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless im itations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow pack age. Ask for it and refuse any substi tute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. F. C. Frieke & Co. Want to Pay. TofJav State Treasurer Mortcnsen said tliu! M'vrral counties are oflering , u ,,orti'"s 'f V'T' lJ'1,,(.", ?T I held by tlie permanent school lund. In : cases he: e t hey art- not yet at the j period of maturity. they are oti'ering to ! pav the interest to that (.'ate. One , county oilers to redeem .". mm and pay i more than a year's interest in advance. ! The treasurer will probably accept I sucli oilers, since it does not involve j i any loss of interest, hut under other) circumstances the redemption iti ad vance is not permitted. The treasurer regards the willing ness of the counties to pay interest in fW?"irwk Ok.- 'i n i nrl i.i'i t ! .11 s.f t I in -. ww . ' pci il.v eM.suug uirougnoui ine siaie. In many of the treasuries there is idle money and county commissioners are evincing a strong desire to call in out standing obligations, because of a pop ular demand that the surplus be used in cutting down indebtedness. The permanent school fund has close to l.MMt,oon of these county lionds.-- Lin coln News. A Former Resident of Plattsrrjouth. K. W. Howe of the Atchison ('lobe, who has started on a trip around the world, speaks of a former resident be met in San Francisco, as follow-: "I had an interest in; caller today : K. F. Cunningham, formerly speaker of the Nebraska senate, and surveyor ucneral of Nebraska. When I lived at Falls Citv. vearsayo, F. F. (.'unnin'Miam was n i ' . . n i s 1 r .-.v I-. 1 i. f iiL-norl t 1 in I.'.. 1 1 L2 Cif l' ' in i . ni 'ii'i v i. ii v ik ii . tii.i vii..7 Journal, in connection with A. .1. Weaver congressman. I loth were biy men, and my ideals. I was about sev enteen or eighteen years old. and worked the old hand press. Hon. A. .1. Weaver, member of congress, or Hon. F. F. Cunningham, speaker of the senate, usually 'rolled'' for me: that is. they inked the forms with a hand rolled. I knew them intimately, ! and admired them immensely. I had my tirst real experience at Falls City. The proprietors of the paper, both pol iticians, were away a jjood deal, and I had charge. (That was before I was married, and Noah was a yroomsman at my weddin-) A. J. Weaver has been dead many years, and Mr. Cun ningham is now postmaster of South San Francisco. When he went to Plattsmouth as surveyor general of Nebraska. Paul Morton was just be jinniny work in the office of the P. & L. au'ed about lifteen years. Mr. Cunningham informed me today that he suffered twenty years with dyspepsia, and cured himself with Cal- ifornia olive oil: he took a tablespoon - tul ot it twice a day. tie learned 10 like it. and now his wife cooks with it he won't eat an vmx unless it is fried in olive oil. His breakfast toast is also buttered with olive oil instead of with butter. ' From Nebras ka. Mr. Cunningham went to Dead wood, from Dead wood to Idaho, and from Idaho to California' Mrs. Merrit Kerr and son. and Miss Maude Wells went to South Lend this afternoon to spend Thanksyivin-r w ith their mother and sister. Mrs. .1. P. Wells and Mrs. Warren Deminy. That's what a prominent d r u ir r i s t sa id of Scott's pinu'sion 'l I " ' s. It o r i time As a rule we don't use or reier to testimonials in addr 511l! 1 1... I 11 pllDllC, but the above remark arid similar expressions are j ukuio so uhh u;mii c j tion with Scot t's Km ulsioil that they are worthy oi' occasional note. From infancy to old atee Scott's Emulsion otters a reliable means of remedying im- . " . . proper and weak: develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish ment the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary i.-v.d. Xo svstem is too weak or delicate 1- retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. 7, will send you a sample tree. Be s-.:re that this p:ct.irs i:. t'..c form o: a label i.. on the wrapper r.f every bottle of Emulsion voj b-.iy. SCOTT & EOWNE Chemists 40? Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $1: all druggists. III! PIT LIFE" ; RIG LAND MEN'S MAN IS UP ! Todd Arrested at Denver to be! A. S. Tried in 0m3ha. FORMER RESIDENT OF PLATTSMOUTH Just How Close Relation Prisoner Bears to Richards and Comstock Remains to be Shown in Court. The following is from the Omaha Pee of this mornim.', and has reference to a former Plattsmout h citizen: "A. I. Todd is under arrest at Ien ver under a warrant sworn out by the Fnited States authorities of Omaha charyiny him with subordination of perjury in securing fraudulent land tilings from old soldiers and others within the Siade ranch enclosure of approximately juo.nuo acres in Sheri dan and ( berry counties, Nebraska, which is owned and controlled by the Partlttt Pichards and W. Coin stock land and cattle syndicate. The secret service ayents of tie- govern ment under the direction of Special Ayent Wheeler have been on the trail of Todd for some weeks, but he has managed to elude arrest until Monday, when he was located and a i rested at Denver, and now awaits the action of the federal authorities there for his removal to Nebraska. Todd will be arraigned before I'nited States Commissioner Anderson of Omaha, who issued the warrant for his arrest. Incriminating letters were found in Todd's possession that show the collusion of prominent land hold ers, indicating Todd was acting for them. Just how far Part let t Pichards and W. (I. Comstock may be connected with the matter remains to be .shown. Todd is a former Nebraskan, his home beintf at Plattsmouth, and he is j rc ,,arded as one of the smoothest of !the land ayents of land grabbers in the country. He will be brought to Omaha Wednesday or Friday, or as soon as the necessary extradition papers can be procured. He is charged with almost identi cally the same offenses for which Frank Lambert, Harry Welsh and uev. . u. ware are now under in (ietment) thuugh ll0t with the I. P. 1 r ? Ult u jlll the Spa(e railt.,1 The trial of the federal crimi nal docket of the I'nited States district court will be beyun early next week, or immediate'y upon the con clusion of the case of Connell against Convent of Mercy, now on trial before Judye Munyer." Elks Memorial Services. On Sunday afternoon. December :rd Plattsmouth Lodge. P. P. O. Files will ; hold public ; Coates' Hall. memorial services in The services will com mence at i'::M o'clock, mid w ill consist of the regular lodge ceremonies to gether with addresses and an excel lent musical program to which the friends and relatives of the Flks are cordially invited. The lodge of sorrow is held annually by the Benevolent and Protective Or der of Flks on the tirst Sunday in De cember, in affectionate remembrance to the memory of departed brothers, and this beautiful idea is being car ried out by nearly one thousand lodges throughout the length and breadth of this country upon the same da. The roll of tl io iodge of sorrow on Sunday wili contain the names of four broth ers for whom the lodge will mourn, namely. Brothers .1. M. Patterson, Percy W. Atrnew, ( tto C. Pooknieyer and Frank .J. Morgan. The Art of Forgetting. Plessed h: the man who can forget as well as remember. Forgiveness is j ony forgiveness when it forgets, h flip bntelirt i buried the handle the hatchet is buried the handle j should not stick out. The meanest of men are t hose w ho hoard up vengeance, ; who cherish malice. With some there I is an outburst of indignation and that's the end. With others there is a slow, consuming wrath that eats out their hearts. They have only memory of wrongs done them or fancied. They cannot forget. Many persons with whiter skins than the red man of the j forest imitate him in this regard. They m;.-s the sweet tu.-s because they cherish the bitterness. They ru t d education in letting y,, j-, place of o th;i;js u.ean and ma- . liciou.s. There is p-.ogress material . arid intellectual because of i'oi gelling. .There is happiness and joy because of I loss cf memory. There is also spirit- ual advancement for t lie same reason, j No spiritual nature can go forward that is continually held down by pre cedent and prejudice. Memory be I comes to such not wings, but weights. It clogs and hinders. The soul would soar, but the past pulls it down to earth. A great spirit can lav aside these hindrances, can use only such of j the past as will help, and thus press forward. But the average in the world arc by their very memories xribbed, cotlined and confined." SURPRISE TO MISS SEIVER Young Folks Gather at Her Home to As sist in Celebrating Her Birthday. i.ast evening a i inil ot otnr' peo ple ladeti with baskets full i t cood things to eat very pleasant ly surpi iseil Miss Mollie Seiver at her 1 oo . o in the west part of town. The ejus mid boys made known to her I hat lhe bait come to celebrate her sixteenth biith day and shout led many beaut itul and Useful gifts upon her. A two course luncheon was served and after several hours of social games the guests de parted wishing Mollie many more happy birthdays. Those present were: Agnes Foster. Pertha Adamsoo. Alice Tuey.Allein Pennie, Margaret Cennie, Myrtle Hall, Lillian Thompson, Cer t rude Wray, Bessie Seiver. Mis. .1. L. Thompson, Lotta I'oote of Omaha. Clair Thomas, Cecil Thomas. Clenn Thomas, Pay Smith. Hugh Cecil, Palph M ii 1 1 is.. Civile Adauisnu. Boy Thompson, .James Jones, Frank Pen nie. Jennings and Don Seiver. Funeral of Charles Denson. The funer.i I of t he late ( 'ha I les Den -soih .ecu r red this a f ter nt on at 2 o'clock . The remains weie conveyed to the Christian church, where the tuneral services were conducted by the pastor, Pev. Youtzey. A f t er w bil l i int erment, was made in ( ak Hill cemetery. Tlie funeral was attended by all his bioth ers. his sister and a large circle of sympathetic neighbors and friends. CELEBRATES HER BIRTHDAY A Number of Young Friends Join Miss Dora thy Helps in the Happy Event. Miss Dorothy Helps invited some of her little friends to come and help her celebrate her ninth birthday yester day afternoon after school hours. A more lively and cheerful crowd of lit tle ones very seldom assemble at one party. School children's pranks and rollicking games amused them for sev eral hours. An elaborate lunch of good things was served to the little ones and that they relished it goes without saying. Tlie little hostess was the re cipient of many beautiful present.". Farly in the evening the guests de parted for their homes. The little ones who en joyed this afternoon treat were: Janet Clement, Harriet ( leni ent, Abbie Brown. Mabel Brown, Edith Dovey, Lillian Dwyer. Louise Fbinger, Jeanelte I'atterson, Fin ma Cummins. Meredith Coates. William Coates. icorge Dovey. Henry llerold. Arthur White and Strauss pepper berg. Important to School Directors. j The Lincoln Journal says that state ! Superintendent McPrien has decide; j to issue a circular to county -iupcrin-I tendents asking them to leport what j school district census reports have not I been sworn to by census enumerators. It is estimated that districts whov statements are n t sworn to be ton tht1 state apportionment is disburse' in December will receive none ot t In state funds for support of schools. The last census liled by the school dis trict of Lincoln is sworn to. The Temple Male (juartette are tie oldest musical organization on the road today. Their reputation mu. be sustained. We are sure of a tirl class entertainment. F"vie seats on sale Weddesday and Thuisday at. he Piley hotel. Prices ."o. .V. and 2 cent s. 8 Mr. Smoker, do you smoke Buds? If you don't you .'ire not ;ettino; jour moneys worth. Buds are...... Always (iood. Always ( 'lean. Always to bo had! On the Market for 1 9 Years Smoke Buds PERRY'S ESTAUR A NX Fresh Oysters in any style Short Orders Regular Meals Our Spe cialties. If you are hungry we can supply you with the pick of the market Stb door Cast of Cass Co. Bank " J1 iv. 'l V T7 0