. - THE CITY. PLATTSYIOUTH AND VICINITY. Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Mock. Mrs. Anna Hoffman was in the city Tuesday from South Pend. Miss Jessie Davis took the train for Louisville Saturday afternoon. Claude Land and Kd Parker, of Louisville, were in the city Saturday. A. A. Say 1c and Merman Lohnes were county seat visitors Tuesday from Ne hawka. Mrs. .1. P. Long departed this morn ing fo- Arlington, Neb., to spend Thanksgiving. XV. II. Ileil at:d daughter. Miss Mamie, of Light Mile Grove, n-ic in the city Tuesday. "Gut Ileil," the favorite cigar Miss Josephine SwoLoda spent the day in Omaha. C. A. fjawls, Lawyer. Pro bate and general practice. Of fice of Caunty Attorrjey. Mair Porter, the Union liveryman, came up on the early morning train returning on the 0:45 train Friday. Frank Sitman. Jake Lohnes and il. J. Schroder were down from Cedar Creek to attend the show Thursday David Miller, of Deadwood. S. 1)., was in the city Friday and made this ottice a friendly call. He rep -its that Ceo. II. dive ot" the Weeping Water; hjs vvjfe is iniprovinr iti health nicely. I'rof. A. II. Larhait. the principal Ml' the Murray schools, was in the city T'.iesday with his son. who left for G leiiw'j-.J. to vl.-it lijs u'land-pan-nts. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. ('..p.-nl.avcr of near Murray wm: in th:ciiy Tw.'sday. While licic Mr. Coprnhaver called and WoiIHMl S llixl ( 'li ildren's Coif (iloves only '2f EjU d On Herald was a visitor at t hecourt house Satuid.iy morning. .Iii.lc II. I. Travis and wife went I To Vi--pin- Water Saturday lor a i lnn t i-.it with frit nds. L. W. 1 ngwersmi. his mother and! his will'. if Nehawka. wen: registered in the Hotel Perkins Tuesday. ' Paxter Smith and his iie-n have tin- j renewed fur the Journal another year, j ished a large new barn lor "Prairie Jake Valleiy and have returned home. The irrepressible Joe Mullen, who was here doing a little '-com tine," re turned to his !iome in Mini wood Fri day. Simon Hansen, of Weeping Water, came in Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of his 1. rother-inlaw. C. F. Denson. Dr. 1. D. Jones was called to this city Tuesday from M unlock in the in sanity case of Mrs. Henry Oehlcrkingof the same town. County Clerk-elect, W. L Posen crans. was in the city Tuesday, accom panied by his wife, and while here rented the Ken Klson residence. Jud'e Travis issued a marriage W. F. o'Prien. superintendent of j I lie .t:ite ti-.lierii luilmu clil-inl r.n I the Flatle, was elected justice of the peace for Platteford precinct. Sarpy county, at the late election. Dealers in extracts want to be pre pared for the law that goes into ell'ect December 1. For the sale of extracts with :io per cent alcohol you must have a 2" government license. Many children inherit constitutions week and feeble, others due to child hood troubles. Hollister's Pocky Moun tain Tea will positively cure children and make them strong. :" cents, Tea or Tablets. Cering & Co. I. Pieison, formerly in business in this city, has sold his stock of hard ware in Leatuce to G. M. Smith & t - k' 1 ... . . l-ki-z-ltri'i f At nr. 1 Mcense.-atu.oa ... sr.n, awl the latter disposed of it to C. iurgen.of i:i1nvv,1od.aged.and M.ssi M ,arncU of Jc Xeb That Anna ;utleben. of Lagle. aged .. ..,tfti.,. ..i.L.t,.,,,,., At the sale at the home of A. S j i.ain may by the nameof rheuma. Will Saturday afternoon one span of jtism twulllWia. lumbago, nleursv. No! ik.is-s iMuuuni Lue ...... ... ....... mat te r w I ia t name 1 1 ie pa i ns are called . (.IlC -1 .-". "lie i ....... -.. -. I I!lixt..r l',.L-i- Mmintnin 'Pen ti-ill Mrs. o. C. Shannon, of Columbus, i ,j jj Ve in l'lattsiiioiii h last short visit with her cr. Mrs. Virginia Mc- ! !,- iijlit i:i;t rod man. , ia v ! ro;n 1 ii old r. .. .. v. !' : he Ni t ed ;t,i iri.m.ls and Neb.. :ii riv. d Tuesday ! ' r a mot her and Vick . .!. W. P.sr.-v. r-l:;!:.-.' T'.. home. Ila-i.b.i: v'V,". :, ! ia - .ieijhb- is. A he .: ri nr v, as l in i-omity court Tuesdav "U ;. ciaim i:i the r-t;teo: W. F. I p u u r.v'i i . The executor. Lewis XV. !:ijv.e:seu. of Weeping .V;iter. was present. About twenty yo-:ng people a :t hered at the h ene of '.. II. Todd, a few miles west of town. Satuiday evening where a jolly good time was enjoyed by all present. The evening was spent in dancing nnd social games. . . . , . i .. . . , i i . .nidge m. .vrL'iier ueudu iasL , Tuesday for Marietta, Ohio, on a three week's visit to the scenes of his early childhood. The judge says it has been nearly fifty years since he visited the old town, and he anticipates a great deal of pleasure in this visit, and the Journal hopes his most fond anticipa tions may be fully realized. S. A. Drehmer, who arrived in Plattsmouth some time ago. together with a number or other workmen to accept employment in the 1J. & M. shops, but did not like positions of fered them, have finished the carpen ter work at the pump house, are still in the city and in all probability will find employment in the P.. .S: M. car penter department. .s them awa v. Miss Lena Frlcke went to Lincoin to spend Thanksgiving. Miss Lulu Leek went to Springfield. Neb., today to spend Thanksgiving. Mrs. A. S. Will and her daughter, Miss Minnie, spent the day in Omaha. J. I Hack and family came from South Omaha to spend Thanksgiving. Miss Marie Carvonic was a passenger j to Lincoln today to spend Thanksgiv ing. Miss Dorothy llritt went to Have lock to spend Thanksgiving with her aunt. II. K. Dunbar was a passenger to Ashland, Neb., to spend Thanksgiving with his wife. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Todd arrived in I'lattsmouth from hnaha to spend Thanksgiving. Harry liarthold and family will spend Thanksgiving in Denver, with his son, llalph. Victor Sherwood is playing baggage i man today while Ceo. I.ruhl is nuis-j ing a wounded foot. .1. XV. Thomas departed this morn-1 ing for Wilber, Xeb.. to spend Tharikv i giving willi a daughter. Miss lleien Sv.ai tho.it depai t-'d this' afternoon l'-.r North Platte to spend i t he w niter with an aunt. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Chai'es hopp and; their son went to Lincoin today f r a ; short visit with relatives. Peter Milium, jr., called yesterday' afternoon and left a dollar lor the i weekly Journal for one year. j Misses Catherine Dovey. Lucille j Cass and Marie Donnelly were passen- j gers to hnaha this afternoon. Mrs. Frank J. Morgan returned home today alter several weeks visit in Chicago and in Wisconsin. Joe Fet.er will occupy his new quar ters, one door east of the Lank of Cass County. Monday, December 4. Miss Lucille Kates will come down from Lincoln this evening to spend Thanksgiving with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson went to Lincoln this afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with their daughter. Mrs. Pert Pinkerton, her son and f . . 1 . . . ...... C 1 f i . t . .. ... . -: . : . IdlUCl lIllllCU HOIU ' 'llJtiUtt LU 1S1L the former's uncle. H. C. Van Horn. ! , , ,. .. v , ; Y ill Tweedy, of 1 remont, Xeb D. 0. DVYER, Attorney-at-Law I the guest of Rev. i. a. vout.y. Gffce in buildinq east Of COUrt' James Standee and Sam Kennedy ol i house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ; Mrs. C. S. Polk went to Lincoln to-! with her husband while he! DOVEY I li ( i I ives. Neck weiir. 1 IllllkMc!l'fH for IJoliilaVH. Special Sale of Fine Linens A Large ami Beautiful line of Fine Table Linens, all new anil reliable goods, from .vc to $2.50 a vanl Men Silk and Wool Waisting Soe these new Plaid, Fancy Waists. oSo to S2.50 a vard. and Plain Silks for Wool WaistiiiLrs, assssaeaa Misrs and Childrens' Tains, all colors and styles, special at 5)c Women's llee- Lined I'nion Suits, cod one. -ct-ial at only 50, lriiteen Pieces ( utinur 1'lannel. :,,()(! weight, special, per vard, 7c SHOES, SHOES ueen )ualitv the new st vies Lot children's for women, in all , at S3 and S3. 50. shoes, to close, 50c FURS, FUR S Lare assortment ol Fur CIiai and Scarfs. Don't buy until von inspect our line line and prico. Headquarters for Comforts, Bleinkets, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum and Matting. Yovir PaLtrorvage is Appreciated! DOVE & SON I 3W -JMizz flown on business to- I nay lo ij cents. Tea or i Tablet s o'l Mi;' S; Co. Mrs. Addie White has liled a iut i t i' -ii in t i.e i i -t riet eourt asking that she in.- :-r;uiii"l:i div-'ree fro-:: lier hus band. I-'ieii V : i ; f o . on the er-iiaids -.'f ad:il'r. The p.ainl i;' i :.oti!;:! to a;1;)'-:: r on the t ! : day "f Jariua i y 1' : '"i. .i. l. Mr.'.w r. l!ie tal.;e lnM :,.r . v: A twoi :1 at th. ir st is taking treatment for rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. John Parrier. of Lin coln, who liave been visi tPiir tiieir daughter, departed this morning f. r ( i-ei!p.;iS. M is. 1.11 1 tale l . M:.i !av. .-.ends a uullar an 1 on! Io.;. N'ev rv a l iar 'reek, was owite I. e! M- nt o I ie r ; i y us t; Pre Louisville were day. j Danger is near at hand when the! kidneys are sick. Kidney-Kttes will purify and strengthen Hie kidne. s and , restore them t their nonnai audi li -alti.y condit ion. 2. cents. ! -iadiesof the M. K i-iiure!i w ill ;i Ija. ir I leceml v.-r r-erve meals eae ii ' Ae.- iif varioM ;rit ,nas present.- Ti ! 1. 1 ! Wi:. hiv :'); ( anl day and will : i:ni suit abie r; ! lO ! . jured iiy l.ein animal .stniek Hunter fracturing tlu bones ellmw and wrist. An old settler of toe county, name v a nun- on t!.'. iel wee: y m The Win. the : ra il" h rnah. dt. i i.- M -aie W i.-i' in. the enet of Mrs. A 1 1 pa i i.e. i tin-. fi emi 'ii i' Cent i;.! City. Is'eb. sain IJecorij. who has bought ioi nai les w est -of the M issoui i river tliis p(j i fall and shipped them east, was in the Dr. Eister, Dentist, Waterman Block. Time Table Plattsmouth, cb. J. II. Maver. and residing near IJurr. LUU-l' 11U"1 "'env.uuu, ia. committed suicide bv the carbolic; I''''ed A. Clark, a painter from Albion, acid road Friday. No cause is triv-1 Ia- arrived m the city today and if he Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago, .St. Joe, Kansas City, St. Ladies9 Chic Pvirses ur Tie-Holiday display is nut and. smart ones are lafc inir an early look, and cap turing t he prices. They are not on'.v chic, but the prices aie uch that you will have chink" left Input in them. A nice purse is like a styl ish elove ymi are not well dressed without it. Purses, 'ard Cases. Pill Looks, Chatelaine Pairs not to mention Mu-iie Polls. See Our Window Display. FRIED & HARRIS DRUGGISTS en for so doim:. He was well known j can secure a position in me i,urnngton i Louis and a ! in the community where he lived, and i Paint shoP wiH t-r t0 work there. j points p:ast anfj leaves a family well provided for. : Mrs. M. M. Stoehr departed last j South. i arnnlmr f 's 1 1 t tr Til t" i-icit oi In tl,nrlLt...V.t ,.-r.,r Mill. c,cl",J" 1 IOI u a IIS tllL Ul.-Jll IVV V'WI t 'U t'illi.l-V'UlllJ , Iowa, last week the case of W. 11. Stu.ll, administrator of the estate of William Ii. Webb, was continued to next term. The plaintiff at a recent term of that court was given a judg ment for $'J,."00, but the defendants asked for a new trial which was grant ed, and now it is continued. Mrs. Merritt S. Kerr and little son, Leslie, and Miss Maude Walls, arrived Saturday from Kansas City for a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends here and at South Bend. Mr. Kerr expects to locate in Pitts burgh, Kan., where he has secured r position in the shops of the K. C. & S. railroad, and where his family will go when they have finished their visiting in Nebraska. While a son of John Kuhney was playing with a bow and arrow he acci dentally shot a stick, which struck the pupil of one eye of his little sister. Mrs. Kuhney took her today to Omaha, where she will remain for sev eral days and Dr. Cifford will treat the wounded optic. The physician Denver. Helena, Putte, Portland Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and all points West. 1 psl i:i i "" 7'1 t A VJ " -v. : HEAT 'IM OT?DESTROY TME.rrtCl1 lustre X. : i- I ... -i,. f-K-CVL'TS Ebony V. rf - - k. . i . r. i. .- w i krT- Vr-"-1 ' ;: t. !-;r. tHn.t.AH i , la::k -'-V 1 :(:r; ;j - Aiuito to ;t-: !,!' Stovo Plua ,! 'J ' SH6VB4 .!! '!:'! ;! ,j Rwunon ?' Kcoktai f,t, ,.- UeefJie Omni" toe HoSt '.. Iran tence :. Hoi uter DoSart vt-r - .,5 '' . i d" .,;,,i!: ipahVusTiaiiie siw vf tnt mKint '', i grand daughter. She expects to visit j i rains Leave as rouows: in Chicago before returning home. Maldon and Ernest Prow n departed this afternoon, the former for Have lock and the latter for Lincoln, to spend Thanksgiving and visit till Sun day. Misses Hazel and Ella Ilartson, who have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. M. S. Kurk, departed this after noon for their home in Havelock. They were accompanied by theirgrand mother. If you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, sour stomach, or any other pain, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well and keep you well. 3.5 cents, Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co. J. J. Denson, who attended the funeral of bis brother, yesterday, de parted this morning for his home in Waterloo, la., where he is employed by the Illinois Central railroad com pany as a boiler maker. M. P.Lewis arrived in the city to- i j No. is 1'iieifle .lunetion 2:55 pm o. " Lioeal express, to Iowa point!,. Chicago and the east 4 :32 pm No. 14 Fast express, daily, from Lin coln to St. Joseph. Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago, and all points east and south 6:27 pm No. 92 For Pacific .lunetion 12:5:2 pm No. 34 Local to Tacifio Junction 9:42 am No. 20 From Omaha 4:15 pm No. 30 Freight, dal.y except Sunday, 3:50 pm No. 6 Through vestibuled express for all points east 7:28 am No. 20 From Omaha 4:40 am No. 19 Local express, dally, Omaha, Lincoln, Denver and intermediate stations 7:54 am No. 2" Local express to Omaha, via Ft. Crook and South Omaha, daily except Sunday 9:20 am No. 7 Fast mail, daily, to Omaha and Lincoln 2:13 pm No. 33 Local express. Louisville. Ash land. Wahoo, Schuyler, daily ex cept Sunday 3:30 pm No. 13 Lincoln. Grand Island. Black Hills. Montana and Pacific north west.. 10:18 pro No. 2 Local freight, to Cedar Creek. louisvllle and South Bend, daily except Sunday 7:30 am No 11 From St. Louis and St. Joe and Nebraska City 10:15 am Daily except Sunday F. G. FRICKE & CO., DRUGGISTS G. B. Burharjs Testifies After pour Years. (J. P. Purhans, of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disap peared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to sty cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kid ney Cure to anyone suffering from kid ney or bladder trouble." F. ;. Fricke & Co. Mrs. J. P. Kessler departed this afternoon for her new home in Lin coln. An absolute specific and antl-eptic prep aration far all kinds of SORK TJIKOAT. SIMPLY A 0AE0LE. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. A sura cure for Hoarseness, Tonsllltls, Qulasy. la loved. Ulcerated aad Catarrhal Sore Threat. A preventive of Croup, Wbooplne; Cewfa aaej Diphtheria. fLRirVIXfi NEAI.IMi OOIHM Kadoraei) br the Wot Eminent Throat Special ists Id the oounrrj. ihould be kept la eery home. f'rlre IS C ents. lirrg Medicine Co-. Ies Moloos, Iowa, GERIXG & CO., tlrutfgists. Mrs. Phil Sauter was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon. The mercury registered eiht de- l yrees above zero this morning. DOC DC 3C DC DC rl-iv I'riini bis homn np.ir P:ilisarlp. ' was unable to say whether or not she Neb at which placo he owns a stoolc j would louse the siuht of that eye. ranch, consisting of acres, which j The damage case of Fiances Hris-in tn ,-!! m- rrnrh- fur Ptnttc. j kins administratrix of the estate of C. ! mouth property. lie values his ranch jC. Iloskins. asrainst the Puriintori ; wnrth 2-1.'i cash. ; railroad in the Mills county flowajj ,(. w. Tulenc returned from Omaha! district court, a settlement was made ; ,,t,vhl. nrt,n, -i,pr. i. c,,ii.i Now is the time to provide your home witli a good Range, Heater or Gasoline stove. All our by the company paying tn Mrs. llos- t . 1 . .... .,..1, AT IT- 1 kiii.s uie sum oi m y. j iosk ins t-t. tht: ! mitted to an operation for appendici- weeks ajro. Mr. Tulene is iiuvmiui was much winie in uie ois- i, ,.;.. n im;nr irl ri1Q iv; I lll'JIVIIJ IIIIV llltl.1 'llll.. Ill I 11 IT 3C 'lin ni-, of h i r! 1 1 1 if in 1 1 r 1 ? n il ! nn 1 1 m j yards at Pacific .Junction. i Word has been received in this city to the effect that XV. L. Lambertson. who formerly resided on Wintersteen Hill in this city and worked on the big Burlington hridee, stepped between two freight cars and was so badly crushed that he died soon after the accident occurred. The name of the town in Illinois where the accident happened, and where he was station agent, could not be learned. Memorial hospital for a month, and he savs lie feels just as fine as he looks. ( A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indices-1 tion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colic consti pation, etc. ' Guaranteed at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store: 2oc. Cook Stoves. Ranges. Gasolines. Heaters will be sold at absolute cost. . Get what you want Save Money while you have a chance. 0 DON'T FORGET Q THE PLACE pear: TVJ ART 3Q 3C