DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It docs not contain an atom of phos phatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of alurn (which is one-third sulphuric acid) sub stances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness. UniorL From the Ledger. Dewit t Surface liatl the misfortune to whack his foot with an axe "Wed nesday evening, resulting in a very painful wound. II. K. Taylor and wife have pur chased the fJeorne Leach farm of 40 acres east of town. They also sold a 40-acre tract to S. M. Taylor. Clarence Forhes is the new niyht arent here, co'.nin from Omaha and tfoing on duty last Friday. He is a very sociable uentleman and an accom modating ot'ieial. William Kikenbaiy arrived last Sat urday evening from Colorado to make a visit anions liis relatives and numer- is friends here and in other parts of j O'. this county. Mrs. Myron Lynde has been very ill the past week, suffering from an attack if appendicitis. At present the ail merit appears to be under control, and it is thought nothing more serious will result. Mrs. A. i. T'rtid. f lenver was here la-t Sunday, visiting L. G. Todd and family, her husband. Ami II. Todd, stopping at Kim wood. A v- " weeks ago Ami had a critical surgical operation performed in Denver, and his many friends here are pleased to learn that he is now regaining his health. Mrs. F. W. Kobb suffered very serious injuries Monday evening at the home of W. W. Sikes, where she was making a call. It appears that she stepped upon a lorse plank in the walk, which tripped her and she fell with such force that her right arm was broken at the shoulder. A physician was called and found the injury a very serious one from which it will take a long time to recover, on account of her age. Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless im itations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow pack age. Ask for it and refuse any substi tute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. I J. Fricke & Co. Louisville From thelCour.er. The Christian church has installed a new tell on their edifice. Ralph Clifford unearthed an indian skeleton while hauling dirt from the hill on Cherry street. John and Will Osscnkop went to Sarpy cmnty Tuesday to visit August Ossenkop who is reported quite sick. Mrs. Geo. I. Tan Heck of Davis City. Iowa, is here visiting with her daughter. Mrs. J no. Grimes. Mrs. I Mitt on left for 1'lattsmouth Tuesday after a short visit with her daughter. Mrs. C A. Kichey. Fred G order, the Weeping Water implement dealer, was in town Thurs day the guest f his brother. J. F. Gorder. Many of the farmer, have finished gathering corn. The yield is better than was expected by a great many of the corn crop prophets. Under a new law passed by the last legislature all births and deaths must be reported to a local registerer. Par ties not attending to same will be liable to a fine. The state board of health has appointed M. Tritsch for the village of Louisville and surround ing territory. The many Cass county friends of Mrs. Mary E. Gullion will regret to learn of her serious illness at her home in Greenwood. A message this morn ing stated that her chances for re covery were meager. She is a sister of Postmaster (i. "W. May field and lived in this vicinity in pioneer days. No Case of Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a single instance where a cough or co'rl resulted in pneumonia or consumption when Fo ley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chances with some un known preparation which may contain opiates, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute oll'ered. F. G. Fricke & Co. Nehawka From the Ueg-ister. Attorney Suavely of Lincoln spent Sunday in town the guest of .Toshua Sutphin. The two gentlemen gave us a pleasant call. t several languages oi oanuage. ne was , .1 . r working on the section for the M. P. road, and not being an Italian didn't know the tie was rotten. Some more will be said next week. Not a farmer in this part of the state but that are too busy to talk anything but corn, and the elevators are crowded to their capacity in taking care of the immense crop. We will wager that not one town of twice the inhabitants of Nehawka, handles the amount of grain that this burg does. Last Monday Mrs. Kena McFad.ean and children of Del Norte, Colorado, stopped off here to visit with her brother, J. M. Palmer and wife and her sister, Mrs. O. T. Rockwell and family, for a few days. She was on her way from Tuscola, Mich., where she had been visiting her parent', Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Palmer. A. L. Tidd, late candidate for county judge on the ropublican ticket, gave this office a friendly visit last Wednesday forenoon and hasn?t a sore spot over the returns of the late elec tion. While defeated by "Stand Pat'.' republicans, he repeats the funda mental principles of our government "Vox Topuli, Vox Dei," and carries no ill feeling over his defeat. This spirit will make more statesmen than parties who vote "the way pap voted." Don't be Deceived. Do not be deceived by counterfeits when you buy Witch Hazel Salve. The name of E. C. DeWitt & Co. is on every box of the genuine. Tiles in their worst form will soon pass away if you will apply DeWitt's Witchllazel Salve night and morning. Best for Cuts, ' Burns, Roils, Tetter, Eczema, etc. Miss II. M. Middleton, Thebes, 111., says "I was seriously afflicted with a fever sore that was very painful. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in a few days. Sold by F. J. Fricke & Co., Gering & Co. But Few Are Free. Uut few people are entirely free from indigestion at this season of tbe year. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not only tbe best remedy to use because it digests wbat you cat but because it also enables the digestive apparatus to assimilate and transform all foods into tissue-building blood. Kodol relieves sour stomach, heart burn, belching, and all forms of Indigestion. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., Gering & Co. C. A. Hawls, Lawyer. Pro bate and general practice. Of fice of Caunty Attorney. HEBRASKAHS HELD IN RUSSIA! beo. icnmiat ana wire 01 mcugok, visit Russia and are Sent to Separate Colonies. A special from Lincoln reports two prominent Nebraskans, who took a notion to visit their native land as be ing "in a bad box." It says: "Wealthy, respected and happy, Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt of McCook decided to visit Russia, the land of their birth. Now the family has been broken up by the Russian police and the author ities refuse to allow them to leave the land of the czar. "They formerly lived in Lincoln and were married in this city. Monday Marriage License Clerk Abbott re ceived a letter from Rev. Gustav L. Henkleman of McCook, giving the details of the trouble. "As soon as the two arrived in Russia they were apprehended. Mrs. Schmidt was sent to "ne colony and the husband to another. The Russians examined their marriage certificate and took it from them. Henkleman wanted a cpyof the marriage certificate and Abbott fur nished it. The minister will take the matter up with the Russian embassy in Washington. Roth the prisoners are American citizens. They nave several children ." A man who gave the name of John Marshall and who seemed to hail frcm no place in particular, was arrested Saturday evening on the charge of passing checks of doubtful value. At the Xastner pool ball a check for $10 was cashed, while a check for $-1. 1.5 was accepted at the Stroble saloon. Roth checks were drawn on the Rank of Dunbar. Communication with the bank revealed that Marshall had de posited a certificate of deposit with them for $70, issued from an Oklahoma bank. The Dunbar bank was holding the certificate until the Oklahoma bank could be heard from. As neither holder of Marshall's checks offered to prosecute the man, he was released this afternoon by the chief of police. Nebraska City Tribune. Statkoi--Omo, City or Toledo, I .. Licas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J . Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sumofONR HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fkaxk J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this ;th day of Decem ber, A. D. ls;. Seal A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall"." Catarrh Cure is take intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Chexey & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7i5e. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan tage in this. Less work for the stomach ; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it. We u ill send you a sample tree. Be ture that this picture in the form of a libel is on the wrap per of every bottle of Kmulsion you buy. Scott & Bowne Chrn.Uu 409 PeariSt., N. V. 50 rents and $ I. oo Ail druf gtu JSfl lit a family remedy. Pf-rii-n.a Uscd in Thousands of Homes. 4 3 3v. 2, '. ' 0 c c-Governor Isaac S!iarp. Is A At? s in I KM A TIP, ox-liovfrnor f Kan- a U-ttci from y.J, i i., -n. r. .-i.::iti:i, I). AvriU's : " c.7 csrnestly recommend your Per una as an excellent tonic. Its refutation as a cure lor catarrh is fir n.'y established by my friends, who have been benefited by its use, and the public should know its great curative qualities. "--Isaac Sharp. Mr. .lamps Currie, a prominent mer chant of Montreal, Can., writes from IK)!-. Xotro Dame St., as follows: ' I have used j our I'cruna for catarrh and ii:ul it an excellent remedy for ti jhs and colds." James Currie. ! i you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of l'eruna, wriie at once to Dr. Ilartman, ivin a full statement of your case a nd lie will be pleased to ive you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President ot Tii Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. .Ml i'.orresnondence held eonlidtntial. MOKAL LAWS IK MUTABLE Dr. I'at k liiitsl Makes n Comparison I"lven Them am! Those I" Xal lire. New York. Nov. :M.--Kev. Dr. l'.irk lnust t )ld his congregation in Hie Mi'.dison Avenue Presbyterian church that lie believed in damnation. "Tin apparent cnicltics attributed to .od."' he s;;id, "are i:ot a ircunista in c to the cruelties in liatmc. .Vatttr.il laws pay no more attention to man than 1 a dog. "Saints as well a burned in t!;e Wiiidsoi SI.h-'iiii disaster. If shi'h rs lire and id burns ere 1 he .1 gets The ,o.m;0 ! body i le w iil burn up a soul tlia moral laws. '.." dest l oved ." ill Ihe way of his (hxl of love ill 17. persons in the Lisbon earthquake, does no! amend phvsiral iav.s to He a ve saints. "If man v.-ill not accept Sod's moral laws then I should say that Jod would damn him. and I should say further that Clod ought to damn him." Gral'liiii Constables to Do 'lime. Milwaukee. Nov. 21. Tapers affirm ing the decision of the municipal court having been received from the supreme court at Madison William Han ley and Joseph Trost, ex-constables at Wan- wato.sa convicted of malfeasance in office, will be taken to the workhouse at once to serve six months in that in stiution. The constables arrested a farmer on a petty charge in February, lftO'5, and released him on payment of ?7."i. I'irit at New Orleans. New Orleans. Nov. 1. The first foot ball fatality that has ever occurred in Xew Orleans was recorded in the death of G. C. I'icken, full-back on the jun ior team of Southern Athletic club. Ficken was. it is believed, struck on the head during a scrimmage Sunday. Iiiss lias Sort of Shrunk. Connellsville. Fa.. Nov. 21. The fire at the Overholt distillery at Rroadford resulted in a loss estimated at SI,y.. 000. The warehouse. 17." by .") feet, was totally destroyed, but the distil lery was not badly damaged. THE WEATHER Following is the official weather forecast up 1(1 o'clock tonight: Uliirds iind Indiana Fair; probably becoming unsettled: warmer; fresh easterly wind. Lower Michigan Ienerally fair; warmer in south portion: fresh east erly winds. Wisconsin I'robably increasing cloudiness ami warmer: fresh -a-!er!y winds. Iowa -1 1:1 re warmer in ':; ising cioml i portion. iiiess with Sluggish Liver a Foe to Ambition. You cannot accomplish very much if I your liver is inactive, as you feel dull, j your eyes are heavy and slight exertion j exhausts you. Orino Laxative I ruit Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels and makes you feel bright and active. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or pripe, and is mild and very pleasant to take. Orino is more effec tive than pills or ordinary cathartics. Kef use substitutes. F.G. Fricke &Co. FOLEYSEOIlETTAn .i..i.iii.i.ii.iii.i...iii.fi..: i' h ....uir- FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW Vj.yr!r.t. Vx. y V. . K;i trn nt There had been no '.ess than thirty six thefts and burglaries in the eastern suburb of the city, all evidently by the same hand, and yet the police had not found the culprit. I know that the police worked hard on this case, and that every seeming clew was carefully followed, and that they let a boy fifteen years old take all the credit away from them was not their fault. I wns that boy, and that I solved the mystery was owing to luck. The crimes began about the middle of Septenilx-r, and I gave them 110 attention until about the 1st of No vember. Then 1 happened to be talk ing with a man who had had his push cart stolen. This, in fact, was at tin beginning of the thefts, lie mentioned that the tire of one of the wheels had been wrapped with wile to tighten it. On the night of the talk another house was robbed. It was only two blocks fr 'in my father's ho'ie, and I went there, with others. 'Ihe police re fused all information, but during the. day 1 was told by a son ol the j,oi!se holder that tiny had found tracks tin tier a window. It was an open fall. and the ground had not yet frozen Tne tracks were those of a boot, and tiie sole of one had been mended. I went up anil down the alley in the rear of the house with this boy. and in the dust we found the impress of what looked to be buggy tires. They were something else, however they were the impress of the tires of that pushcart. At every revolution one of the wheels left a sort of smudge, and I was jus tified in believing that it was the tire that did it. My theory was that all the stolen goods had been taken away in the pushcart, but the case was blocked right there. Where had they been take:!? Had I gone to the police with my theory I should have been ridicul ed. The detective who can't find a clew himself doesn't want any one else I to find one. When I had Iain awake a dozen nights trying to figure things out luck helped inc. The streets were still dusty. A barn had been broken open and a lot of bedding temporarily stored therein had been taken. I happened to be passing the place w hen the discovery was made and the police telephoned for. There were the tracks of the pushcart again. In the dusty road following the cart were boot tracks, and one of them had a patch on the sole. I followed them for a mile straight out into the country before they were lost. It was easy to figure that if the thief was not selling any of his plunder he was storing it somewhere and that the country offered a safer place than the citv. The idea now was to follow along the road and spot off any likely looking place. I had my mind made up that it would be an old barn out about two miles. I walked out on the road for five miles and found 110 one but farmers of honest standing. I look two crossroads ami followed them for a distance, but with the same result. The thief had gone out that road with the pushcart and the bedding, but whore had he brought up? The wcath cr changed, the ground froze, and all at once the crimes ceased. Then luck came again. 1 was buy ing a pair of winter gloves in a store when a farmer called and asked for a pair of mittens for a woman. Some talk followed, and it came out that she was a Midow who was living next to him, three miles out of town. He also asked where he could get a pair of rubber boo. 4 for her. I got the idea right then and there that the widow was the criminal. It seemed absurd, but yet the idea clung. A detective would have told me to go home and soak my head, and a report er would have laughed me out of bis room. I chewed over the thing for a wek. and then something happened. I had been sent on an errand directly after breakfast, and I passed a house which had been burglarized the night before. There were quite a number of people about, and the owner was tell ing them how entrance had been effect ed and wbat bad been taken. What hunters aiad farmers call a tracking snow had fallen during the night, and the first thing I looked for was the track of that pushcart. An alley ran alongside the house, and there they were. There were also prints of rubber boots. The alley gate opened rather hard, and sticking to it were some small threads of blue yarn. The farmer had bought blue mittens for the widow. Taking tip the tracks. I followed them for two miles before they were obliterated by travel. I kept on to the house of the widow and found it a small cottage, lie; ween the gate and the road the cart tracks and the footprints were as plain as day. I had worked the case as far as I could, and I now went to the police. I was sneered at and warned not to meddle with their business. I went to the MtfTorer by the last robbery, and as he was a man of influence and anxious to get his property back he not only listened, but Insisted that something le done. A search warrant was pro cured, a couple of detectives went out to the widow's farm, and from an out door cellar enough stolen property was dragged to fill several stores. She had been stealing off and on for three year. She had always dressed as a man in her excursions. Until she stole the pushcart she had tised a wheelbarrow. Stolen money she had made use of, but not a stolen article bad been sold. She had passed for a re spectable, hard working woman, and by ber keeping the goods on band her lawyers made out that she was a klep tomaniac and got ber a sentence of two years, when she might have other wise ot fifteen. M. QUAD. PERRY'S Restaurant F r c s Ii Oysters in any style Short Orders Regular Meals Our Spa etslll0. If you are hungry we can supply you with the. pick of the market Sth door East of Cass Co. Bank Mr. Smoker, do you smoke Buds? I f "ii l m'I ymi lire lint LC-llin 1 1 1' moneys" worth. Buds are . I'.Vliy.S ( ionil. A IwnyH ( 'Jean. A lunys lo Ii.- had ! On the Market for 10 Years Smoke Buds For a clear complexion take Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take OIJINO cleanses tlio pyftoiii, and makes sallow blotched complex ions pmooth and clear. Cures chronic constipation by gently stimulating the stomach, liver and bowels, liefuse substitutes. 3 Cylinder Racords 25c each tuev ;;ic t-xt ra sp"ed mou )i l'-d, svvee tries.-, of t( and durability ..t:d. hijjh which for mi. volume l;ir surpass all .t!ie is. I select fnm. a rye Mock to Phil. Sauter, Sixth Street Plattsmouth, - Nebraska Strength to Weak Men PEFFERS NERVIGOR The world dmire neo who ara tvonir IB fcfcTHlmf. mental and nern force; men of ambition, enerirr ana lrraofial matfueUani ; tbe true type of perfect manbood. To attain ttiia tbe lrt riullte le food. naalLbr Nerve, "blob (rlTe rapacity for full development. PEFFER'S NEKVIOOK luakee Strane. Calm Nma.. Curm Nerveee Oekllitr. railing Memery. Vital Wee. Mil, restratien, Bieeeieseneee arra'otiiern'ouiueeoae to over work, worry, emokitift. or iftoue babKeV. j'aicex ri.'h. bealtliy Mood and repairs wasted aerre. :inaIlT trod for women. Booklet free. I fn.-etl iua lox. Hlx forn.uo, poetpeld, vita a g-ftar anlMe to rftin'l. If Hot cured or beiiefltd. ftrrcn if coical association. Chicago, u. s. a. For Sale by Gering & Co. ..BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES.. Eczema, Skin-cancer, and all pajnfnl itch lntr skin dif)&B treated by the mnt cer tain methods. Molts. Birthmark and fncial blemiBhee) remorfd by electricity. . HUxyl poison in all stages. Ail private and (reniro nrinarT diseases. 'all or add. l It. A . ; I K, Specialist .Skin. Blood and Gn)to-("rinry Insea&es. 1215 O Street. Lincoln. Nebraska. PJtlVATK IIOFITAI, Why Buckstaff HameSS Best Made. Cailfornia Oak Leather No. 1 Trimmings. First Class Workmen. Look for trade mark ON ENDS of TRACE Ask Your Dealer :bb Dr. O. C. Reynolds l..i.ie IV-to Itnrr lllock. Surgery ami Gynecology -7 ra 31.5. 1.3. Z2E t.ItlWUIM HCU