The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 16, 1905, Image 6

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Murray Department.
J.M.STONE, Pkksiuknt. CHAS. (,'. I'ACMKLK, VI
CHAS. S. STONE. Camiiki:.
Murray State Bank
Murray. Nebraska.
Tr.ius.irls u lifiHTiil Kuiiklu? HiisIiicnv Ituys mi.) Nt-lls KxrluuiKr. Money I
always on hand. .Mom-y limned on i-liuUfl morl k'l'k-i s. I
If any of the render of the know of a. social crcnt or an item of interest in thin vicinity and trill mad me to tlti office it trill update undue this licndini).
We tcant tll item of interest. Editor Journal.
Rlair I'orter drove up from I'nion
L. R. Underwood was transacting
business in Omaha yesterday.
Fate Davis was attending to some
business matters in Omaha yesterday.
Mesdames L. li. Underwood and J.
W. Holmes were I'lattsmouth visitors
J. V. Connally, of Oregon is in Mur
ray this week visiting his daughter,
Mrs. l'hll lirisbin.
Rev. Ritchie is expected home tin's
week from a visit with friends and
relatives in Illinois.
V. II. McDaniel is down in old Mis
souri this week looking after his inter
ests "down on the farm."
A bouncing baby boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Worl near
I lock Rlufis, last Friday morning.
Johnnie Moon was in Murray Mon
day making his regular call on his cus
tomers, and also paying up his election
lets. They didn't come Jolinnie's way
this year.
MissMattie Rrendel, of Zionsville,
Indiana, arrived in Murray last Thurs
day evening and will spend the winter
at the home of her uncle, Dr. I!. F.
IJrendei and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vallery are re
joicing this week over the arrival of a
bright eyed girl baby at their home
last Friday. Mother and little one
doing nicey and Frank is the happiest
man in the county.
McGinnis Churchill and John Cook
are preparing to give the tirst grand
mask ball of the season in the Manners
& Lough ridge hall on Thanksgiving
eve. The boys insure a grand good
time to all those wbo desire to attend.
Don Klioden, the new proprietor of
the livery barn lias stepped right into
the harness and is tilling the position
like an old hand at t lie business. He
will move his family to Murray just as
soon as suitable residence can be
T. J. Khoden has been suffering
with a severe attack of sciatic rheu
matism, having been confined to his
bed since the eighth of the month.
He is now on the road to mend and
the many friends hope he will be up
and around in a few days.
Jomes Loughridge went up to Mil
ford last Friday evening to spend Sat
urday and Sunday with his wife who
is still in that city taking medical
treatment from Dr. Loughridge. Mr.
Loughridge returned home Sunday
evening and reports his wife improv
ing very rapidly.
The new Jenking building in cer
tainly being rapidly pushed to com
pletion. The brick layers are nearly
through ani Chris Koehnke is now at
work preparing for the plasterers. But
few towns the size of Murray can boast
of such a building as this one, and the
Colonel will feel mighty proud when
he gets in his new home.
A stranger who answers the de
scription of a forger named John
Hoover, wanted in Illinois, is report
ed to have been seen in the vicinity of
Murray a few days ago. lie did not
succeed in taking iu any victims, how
ever, but it is quite probable the farm
ers of Cass county will continue to
keep a lookout for him.
James Loughridge, . our popular
blacksmith, met with an accident a
few days ago that has been causing
him some trouble this week. While
working around the shop he received
an injury that he supposed was only
a slight bruise lof the hand, but it
seemed to heal very slowly and he now
fears that a piece of steel has pene
trated the injured member and may
have to be removed by a surgical op
eration. Claud Hostetter, the young violinist
came in from Sioux City last Saturday
morning suffering with a severe attack
f appendicitis. The lad was not able
to be taken home and has been at the
home of Dr. Gilmore. At this time
he is getting along as well as could be
expected and will escape the serious
ness or a surgical operation. The
young man has a very promising future
in the musical world, having won the
gold medal offered in a contest held in
Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shoemaker and
daughter Edith, of Nehawka, were
Murray visitors yesterday, coming up
to see Dr. Gilmore in regard to Miss
Edith's sickness. About one year ago
A. L. Raker was an Omaha visitor
Chas. S. Stone transacted business
in Omaha today.
Mr. and Mrs. . C. Brown drove to
I'lattsmouth Saturday.
C. S. Stone and Miss Carrie Allison
were visiting in Nehawka last Sunday.
. A very nice time is reported by all
who attended the dance Saturday
I'rof. Earhardf. went to Omaha Sat
urday to attend the opera at the
F. M. Young, sr., and family were
guests at the A. L. Baker home last
Matt Gering, of I'lattsmouth was
transacting business in this village
Mrs. B. F. Rrendel was in
mouth Tuesday having some
work done.
James Brown says he is one of the
happiest men in the county. His corn
is all gathered.
Miss Viola Young is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vallery in
Murray this week.
Dr. B. F. Brendel went to Avoca
Tuesday, being called there in consul
tation with his son.
Lloyd Gapen and family spent Sun
day in Murray, the guests of Dr
Brendel and family.
J. A. Randal and sister of South
Omaha, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Brown over Sunday.
Mrs. B. F. Brendel went to Tlatts-
mouth Tuesday aftornoon to have
some dental work done.
a. M. Minford went to South Omaha
Tuesday morning to purchase some
cattle for his fall feeding.
Miss Francis Vallery who hat been
visiting at the Brendel home for the
past week, departed for home Sunday.
We are having some very very nice
weather but that doesn't seem to im
prove the sidewalks of our little village.
yards. The horse ran through two
wire fences, and landed in a ditch, the
buggy and all. The buggy was broken
up considerably, but the horse unhurt.
Jeff was very mucli bruised up, hurt
ing his leg and his back. His injuries
were painful, but by the use of a cane
he is able to be out now.
A birthday party was given last
( Wednesday) evening in honor of Miss
Marie Berger, one of the novel features
of the evening was playing cards, and
having a general good time. Refresh
ments were served when the weary
hours of morning begin to come, after
which they all wished Marie many
more happy birthdays, and departed
for their homes. Those present were
Misses Carrie Allison, Gertrude Long
Mattic Brendel, NellieCreamer, Viola
Young, Messrs. Jake Brendel, James
Manners, Ernest Carrol, George Rer
ger, Leslie Hall, I'rof. Earhart and
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown.
I Auction Sale of Horses and Cattle
she was kicked by one of the farm
horses, and received what was con
sidered a slight injury of the left low
er limb, and with prompt medical at
tention she apparently entirely recov
ered from the blow. A few weeks ago
the injured member grew worse and
has continued so up to the present
time. She has been taken to Omaha
for treatment, and the desired results
seem far distant. It is now feared
that tuberculosis basset in and it may
be many months before she gains sup
port of the limb.
Mrs. J. V. Burton, of Cleveland,
Washington, arrived this week and
will spend the winter among Murray
relatives and friends.
J. W. Berger has commenced work
at the elevator for the winter. He
has several unfinished carpenter con
tracts that he i. completing at odd
W. C. Brown and wife drove to
I'lattsmouth yesterday evening. Mrs.
Brown took the Burlington train for
Vallisca, la., to visit with friends and
Miss Pauline Oldham departed Wed
nesday morning for Broken Bow, Neb
raska, w here she will take up her work
in elocution. This is Miss Oldham's
third term in that city and she has
met with great success.
Miss Florence White, of I'latts
mouth, was in Murray Tuesday organ
izing a vocal class. She met with ex
cellent success, quite a number of stu
dents enrolling, and she will be here
to give instructions Tuesday of each
Mont Robb received word Tuesday
that bis mother, living southwest of
Union, had the misfortune to fall and
bruise her shoulder Monday evening.
Owing to Mrs. Eobb's advanced age it
will probably confine her to her bed
for some time.
The new Holmes & Smith store at
Mynard is daily gaining in business
and the stock is being rapidly increas
ed. Messrs nolmes and Smith are go
ing to give the people of Mynard and
vicinity a chance to buy honest goods
at honest prices right at home.
A letter from Mr. A. M. Holmes, of
Wakarusa, Kansas, conveys the sad
intelligence that Mrs. Holmes is grad
ually losing strength. He also tells
tells of a serious accident he met with
a few days ago. While doing some
chopping with an axe the keen edged
tool slipped and cut an ugly gash in
his foot. Blood poiscn has set in and
the old gentleman is having a very se
rious time.
Jess Rennard met with a very ser
ious accident last Thursday afternoon.
He was in the mow of his barn and in
some way slipped and fell through the
floor striking upon a wagon box, break
ing two ribs and receiving various
bruises. He was unconscious for some
time after the fall and the relatives
feared the worst had come. He is
now getting along very nicely and will
soon be restored to his former self.
Jeff Brendel had the misfortune to
have a runaway last Sunday morning
just east of T. W. Vallery's place. The
horse became" frightened and started
run, and while Jeff was pulling on the
lines one of them broke, the horse
gave a quick jump and threw Jeff
from the buggy. His foot caught in
the lines and he was drug about tifty
Fresh Meat.
Alf. Nickels is now prepared to
furnish all with the choicest of fresh
beef. He kills the choicest cattle and
veal and will deliver same to those
wanting it, in such quantities as they
desire. Call him up over the Inde
pendent telephone.
Mr. Johnson, of Mynard, and Miss
Laura Stokes, of I'lattsmouth, sur
prised their friends last Saturday by
going to Omaha and, gettingmarried
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will make their
future home here in Mynard.
A number of the boys charivaried
Mr. Johnson and wife last Monday
night. Mr. Johnson was prepared for
the merry boys of Mynard. He had a
good supply of candy and cigars. After
extending the bride and groom their
congratulations and getting their
treats they departed for their homes.
John Moon, traveling salesman,
called on his Mynard friends Monday.
Wes Burton," wife and children
visited with Mr. and Mis. Graves last
Monday and Tuesday.
Bill Murray is now applying the last
coat of paint to Mr. l'ropst's barn.
Roy Burton of Murray wasa Mynard
visitor last Monday and Tuesday.
Andy Graves spent Sunday in My
nard with relatives.
Al. Land was a Mynard visitsr last
Mr. Ruther traveling salesman for
the firm of D.J. O'Brien of Omaha
made his regular trip in Mynard Mon
day. Ray Chriswisser of Murray was in
in our town Tuesday.
Miss Ethel Marler is visiting rela
tives and friends in Mynard this
Geo. Brissey of Plattsmouth came
down Wednesday to help on Fropst's
The Union liveryman was in Mynard
The carpenters on the I'ropst barn
expected to finish the job today. When
completed Mr. Propst will have one of
the best barns in this vicinity.
Will Smith came up from Murray
Wednesday to look after the interests
of the Mynard store.
Don Rhoden of Murray was a My
nard visitor Thursday.
Mrs. Andy Graves and son of Belle-
vue came down last Thursday to visit
relatives for several days.
Loren Roberts of Bartlett, la., made
his brother, W. Roberts, a visit last
Will Murray, jr., was a Plattsmouth
visitor Saturday.
R. L. Propst and daughter, Maude,
were Omaha passengers Saturday.
W. F. Gillespie was in Plattsmouth
Mr. Cox is now located in his new
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graves visited
relatives in Murray, Sunday.
Buck Vallery made a business trip
to Omaha last Friday.
Mark Burton, of Murray, was in
Mynard last Saturday.
Will Hamilton spent Sunday with
his family in Murray.
W. F. Brissey spent the Sunday in
S. E. Slocum was a Mynard visitor
Pirating Foley's Hooey and Tar.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. These worthless im
itations have similar sounding names.
Beware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar is in a yellow pack
age. Ask for it and refuse any substi
tute. It is the best remedy for coughs
and colds. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Tho undersigned will sell at public
auction at his farm at
(Mile Grove
November 25
Two Carloads of Horses
These arc lino all-purpose Horse.-, from .' to K years old. ood sized
animals, nnd the best seen m the roimiv. Siti'de or double drivi
Also Some Good Milch Cows and Breeding Calves
TKIiMS Time given to suit purchaser on ood bankable note. Settlement unit I
property is removed from premises.
A. S. WILL, Owner
A Specialist From Omaha Thus Declares
After a Thorough Examination.
The Journal regrets to learn that it
will be impossible for Mrs. Edgar Bar
ker to survive the terrible burning she
received on Monday morning last.
When the extent of her injuries was
learned Mr. Barker was advised to
summon a specialist from Omaha.
This was done, and after a very thor
ough examination it was found that
her recovery would be impossile.
The sad accident occurred al)out 10
o'clock last Monday morning at the
Barker home two miles west of Myn
ard. Mrs. Barker was engaged in
rendering lard, and had occasion to
enter the house for something, and as
she passed the fire the same caught
her dress, and it was but a second till
she was enveloped in llames. Samuel
Barker, her husband's father, was at
home, and all efforts were made to
rescue her before she was so badly
Mrs. Barker is a daughter of Roe
Ilinton, deceased. She is alsoaneice
of Mrs. J. W. Johnson, of this city. M r.
Johnson's latest report from the un
fortunate lady is to the effect that it
is but a question of a few hours when
death will relieve her of her suffering.
State of Ohio.City ok Toledo, )
Lucas County . " '
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the
Ci ty of Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Fkank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
u my presence, this th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1830.
Seal A. W. lkason.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is take intern
ally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, Toe.
Take nail's Family Pills for consti
Nature Needs But Little.
Nature needs only a Little Early
Riser now and then to keep the bowels
clean, the liver active, and the system
free from bile, headaches, constipa
tion, etc. The famous little pills
"Early Risers" are pleasant in effect
and perfect in action. They never
gripe or sicken, but tone and strength
en the liver and kidneys. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co., Gering & Co.
lumeuiaii; ticiuiiy i iciook, a town oi i.ono, m lied willow Co.,
Iioice farms, ,: to 125 acres cultivated on each quarter, lying levei,
e with good and others with fair improvements, at I2 .V) to par
;. Every one a big bargain.
Southwestern Nebraska land is the best for the money A N V WII EKE.
Here is what is being raised; Corn, 40 to o bn., wheat, 20 to 40 bu.;
oats. :50 to ;o bu.: alfalfa. f tons per season. Anything grows. We have
in immediate vicinity or icuook, a lown or 4, (too, in Rod Willow Co.
;A) choice farms,
Prettiest country in Nebraska. Soil all clay. Many valley farms
tqat are actually worth $io per acre, can be bought for 2-",. Every
farm raises alfalfa.
In Dundy and Chase counties, unimproved, at &V)0 to l,oon pr ciiar.
All level, good clear soil, close to railroad. Double in six months. Half
cash payments. Excursion rates every day. Cet in on the ground
floor, and buy now.
501 Karbach Bik
09 Omaha, - Web.
Increase of the Saloon Tax I-'avortl.
Columbus. O., Nov. 30. Anuouui-t-incut
is made Jicif thnt a movement
will probably 1 started by the s.-uoou
iiM-n of the state to raise the Dow
liquor hix to JjCUO. It is stated the
brewi l ies of t lie state are in favor of
sueh a law. A Lima, )., saloon muu
has made an offer to donate $?AHi to aid
the movement to have the legislature
raise the tax.
"lul looses lis Home.
Cincinnati. Nov. 10. The Pillars
club, one of the most exclusive social
organizations in this city, has lost its
club house 011 .Madison road by rn'e,
entailing a loss of s:;,r,co to building'
and contents. A large number of dis
tinguished people lias been entertain
ed in the building, among them .Miss
IJoosevelt when she was in 'iiicinnatl
last .lune.
Thawed Dynamite 1 s Deadly.
Charleston, Ya., Nov. 10. One
Italian was killed and two fatally in
jured in au explosion of dynamite at
the Coal and Coke company's quarry
near here. Louis SciratI was thawing
out three boxes of dynamite when the
explosion occuirnl. He was blown to
pieces. Foreman Joseph Angeluci and
Louis Minnotti were fatally injured.
' This Is a Husky Jhisker.
i Kentland. Ind.. Nov. 10. John Mo
Cloud, working on a farm southeast
of here, in one day gathered ICG bush
els of corn, cribbed it and had his
team in the stable before sundown.
The weight was Yerifjed by several
witnesses. McCloud Is a cripple.
fmr chlldrnt Mfc, or Jim mmlmtmm
Man's Unreasonableness.
is often as great as woman's. Hut
T. S. Austin, mgr. of the Republican
of Leavenworth, Ind , was not un
reasonable, when he refused to allow
the doctors to operate on his wife for
female trouble, "Instead," lie says,
"we concluded to try Electric Hitters.
My wife was then so sick, she could
hardly leave her bed, and live physici
ans had failed to relieve her. After
taking Electric Hitters, she was per
fectly cured, and can now perform all
her household duties." Guaranteed
by F. (. Fricke it Co., druggists, price
.10 cents.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
I n. ;. w. TOl.
lU. 4. T. TOff.
Denial Surgery a Specialty.
504 Karbaok Hlk
"Phone r.
Omaha, Neb.
13th and Douglas.
Now is the time to provide your home with a
good Range, Heater or Gasoline stove. All our
Cook Stoves, Ranges. Gasolines, Heaters
will be sold at absolute cost. Get what you
want Save Money while you have a chance.
e. peak:
r .1