The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 09, 1905, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
v - . ' ' ..i - v.; ,. . ;
n nu-11 kh wkkkia at
K A. I'A'J'KS, l'l-iiMsiiKi:.
'.: r. i.ered at t he p -.!. till' e ;tt I'ial tsmout h. '
Itraska. as seroiidelass mailer.
It takes a lravu man to stand tip
t- the rack and take his medicine-uncomplainingly.
'I'l.ATTSMotrTM first, last and all
the time," should lie the motto of
every man and woman who make
Hattsmouth their homes.
Xowthat the election excitement
has about passed away let us buckle
down to business and work for the
best interests of I'lattsmouth .
Tim; Journal is pleased note tli.'.t
Jude McCarty has been re-elected
i:i Xeiuaha county, .".ml that YV. .
Wilson has 1 ee:i elected ju!:.;e in
)tf e counts-.
M )Ki". trouble in the l'ilipiiues.
That is about all we are likely ever
to v.ct for the six or seven hundred
millions of dollars the islands have
alreadv cost us.
Standtat Republican organs
keep oti talking about the "race
problem." The only race problem
that exists in the south is whether
the negroes do the work and earn
the wages that are offered them, or
whether the work and the wages
are to go to people of the white
Si:cki:tak v Tai t says there isn't
a word of truth in the rumor that
he is going to quit the Cabinet to
run for President. There is noth
ing better, though, than a denial of
a false rumor now and then to keep
alive a suggestion which might
otherwise die forIack of nourish
ment. Xo matt ick who is elected today
the Journal fc-eis that it has done
its duty to the democratic candi
dates without making one mis
statement pro or con. We also
feel that, in regard to the opponent
candidates, the Journal has been
flee from abusing any one on the
republican ticket.
Ir the democrats are going to
nominate President Roosevelt in
1' is, as many republicans now
claim, the wisdom of Kric Johnson's
recent polical move will be appar
ent, providing he stands hitched till
that time. For fifteen years or
more Ivric has been a populist, but
recently flopped over to the repub
licans making two republican pa
ners now at Wahoo.
Tin: Council Bluffs Xonpariel
claims that a rarity in the animal
world in the form of an albino opos
sum, was captured in a common
steel trap a few nights since by
William Manhood, living about S
miles northeast of that city. The
animal is pure white and) has pink
eyes. It is about half grown, has
already become quite a pet and is
as safe to handle as a cat or clog.
Kvr.x the big newspaper men
sometimes see visions and have
their pipe-dreanis. Walter Well
man, correspondent of the Chicago
Record -Herald, comes out in a
.statement that a "prominent Dem
ent" told him that the Democratic
party would in 190S nominate
Roosevelt as their candidate. He
adds that they will do this in ad
vance of the Republicans, and thus
r.ot only take the wind out of the
latter's sails but compel them to
endorse their candidate.
Two republican "Roosevelt" fac
tions met in Chicago a few days ago
in different rooms. They had to
meet in different rooms, beeause
one crowd locked the other out.
One faction endorsed Roosevelt and
his railroad rate plan: the other en
dorsed Roosevelt and damned the
railroad rate plan and there you
are. The representative from Cass
county acted with the faction that
damned the president's plan. It
reminds one of what may be expect
ed when congress meets to give us
railroad rates.
. .rM. 1 '
v . ft"- .y
Re-elected County Jude hy a plurality of six vote:
The official count of tlie ballots which was completed
at 4 o'clock this afternoon, shows that Jiule Travis' ma
jority was six as was reported. Only two errors were
found. In Mt. Pleasant. McBride gained four votes and
in the Fourth ward of Plattsmouth he lost ten votes.
Tmc Journal expected to give the
official vote of the county in this is
sue, but the result of the official
count was not declared in time to
enable us to do so.
Otoi: couutv democrats fared te-
markablv well this vear. Thev i
elected W. W. Wilson judge, Chas. J
Busch clerk, John Donovan sheriff, j
Henry Festenau commissioner, and j
C. W. Pierce surveyor. !
Tin: citizen who spends money
with home merchants when he has
it can rely upon being accommoda
ted when he is without means to
pay for what he needs. Will the
Omaha merchants do this?
W. K. Roskxckaxs, county clerk
elect, while in the city today was
greeting his friends in the same
manner that he did before election.
'Rosey" will be the same with the
people when he takes charge of the
Oni: of the hopeful things indi
cated in Tuesday's election is the
fact that it is getting easier for men
to scratch their ticket than former
ly. When the people reach the
point that they will vote for men
rather than for party, there is hope
for the country.
Tin-: result in Cass county shows
that people are no longer voting
the republican ticket simply be"
cause Roosevelt is at the head of
the nation, as some of the hide
bound henchmen would have them
do, and tried so hard to work up a
sentiment to this end.
Sauxders countjr elected the en
tire fusion ticket last Tuesday, ex
cept coroner. Wonder if the sell
ing out of Joe Lahppelle at Ash
land and the flopping of Eric John
son of the Wahoo Xew lira brought
about this result? It certainly has
that appearance, as both have been
publishing populist papers until
quite recently.
Tin-: Xebraska City Xews truth
fully says that the business of a
town should take lessons from the
bees, and when it is found that
there is a drone in the commercial
hive, manage in some way to get
it out of the way. One chronic
grumbler or scalawag of a store
keeper in a town can drive away
trade from the place.
The corn crop is so big that the
farmers are going to have a hard
time to get it in. Some of the men
who have been actively engaged in
political work during the past few
L ill ittHtMnilg CfaMMi
mouths, might now turn their at
tention to corn gathering to a very
good advantage.
Burlington Engineers Secure New Agrre
ment From the Company First
Since Strike of 1838.
TI.e brotherhood "f locomotive eng
ineers has ecured a new agreement
with the Chicago. Burlington &
Quiuey railroad company the iirst
iigrt ement made by this company
with the engineers since the t;ieat
strike of 18ss. The agreement became
elective on November 1. Discussing
this an engineer said to the Lincoln
This is tlie Iirst agreement we have
been able to make with the company,
although tlie road has been organized
for three or four years. When the
organization of the engineers on tlie
road began there was some disposition
on the part of minor otlicials to block
the plan, but something from higher
circles soon cooled their ardor and the
men learned that there would be no
objection to organization. The work
went along quietly until now nearly
every engineer on the lines in tne
west belongs to the brotherhood.
"The agreement does not bring an
increase in wages. There has been a
readjustment of tlie schedule" and
some men get better pay, but the men
as a rule will not be benetited by the
new schedule further than dealing
with the men as a body by the road
may benefit them.
"The agreement was secured with
out fear of trouble, and the relations
of the brotherhood's representatives
and the company's officials have been
friendly. The brotherhood did not
insist on an increase in the rate of
A Few Bargains in and Near
For Sale: Seven acres of land most
all planted in orchard, four room house
and good cave, barn, chicken house
and all other out-buildings: just out
side of the city limits. Just the place
for a shop man. Price $1,000.
Twenty acres of land, good six room
house, ham. corn crib and other out
buildings. Land lays perfectly level,
only three-'iuai ters of a mile from city
limits, an elegant home. Price 82,:J0o.
Thirty acres of land, cmedialf of this
in orchard bearing fruit of all descrip
tions, fair house and either outbuild
ings. A money maker for some one.
Price ;i.0ou.
I have other small acre tracts with
buildinps in and outside the city. If
you are looking for anything of that
kind, see me as I have several good
bargains in that line.
For further particulars, see or write
to J. P. Falter,
Office Anheuser-Busch Bldg.,
Plattsmouth, Xeb.
j New Missouri Senator Declares
H s Fealty to tha President's
Domestic Policy.
' ll-lifs i:i lrot'- ion Inn, I'liwcildt-d
to a Sclit iliili (.(i'i iir
a riling Ay a i lot 'irinra-
Kansas City. Nov. i. I niK il Stat-
Senator-Ih" t Wiiiimt, t In Iirst i n
licau to In? flcclfd tin senate from
Missouri sin:- C;irl Sclnirz. in lsi;.t, was
teinUwrd a farewell liinijiict iit tin
Midlnml hotel in this city. Six liim
dnil Iioul(iii-a ns from Missouri ami
Kiutsas atk'!iIcd, and toasts wcic r-
I sjioniliil to by several nuiiii:eiit poli
ticians of this state. ( hii cliner l.atli
I'op. of ('lli'-iuo. eneial coil!:s'l of tin
Atchison. Toptk.i ami Santa I 'e rail
way, acted as l:astiu;ist'!'. Senator
Warner sj o:.e t: the toa.t, "Nationul
I.-sues," jii ii said in part:
Demand i' the Hour,
'liie demand of the hour in ollicial
life is intellectual honesty: a demand
for officials t'i act riidit, as well as
think right: cl'icials who hew to the
line of du'y. as Cod gives the light
to see their duty, letting tlie chips fall
where they may. Today the man of
sill men in ollh-ial life who leads the
' column of intellectual honesty is the
president of the United States. I shall
enter the senate as the personal friend
of the president, as ;u adnjjrer of Ids
stalwart Americanism, and of Ids
nigged official courage. No other pres
ident since Lincoln has trusted the
people as IJoosevelt trusts them, and
no other president have the people
trusted as they trust Koosevelr.
Approves the Kiitc I tegulat ion Idea.
"His efforts to secure legislation
(lothing the interstate commerce com
mission with power to insure a square
deal hetwe-Mi common carriers and
shippers have my unqualified support.
Hie rebate evil, which gives the dis
honest dealer an unfair advantage over
the honest one. should he driven from
the channels of commerce, under the
lashof the law. If thisisnot done it will
he because the honest carriers and
shippers of our country fail to co-operate
with the national administration
in enforcing law."
As to tlie Tariff ami la lb InsiiraiH-e
(ov. Hoeh's Wnrniiifj.
Npe.-ikin: of the recent insurance ex
posures Senator W'a rner .saiil : "Life
insurance companies are. t a trrcat
extent, the savings hanks of the peo
ple, ami should liv legislation heplaceil
under as strh-t a surveillance as na
tional hanks, and the misappropria
tion or eiiihczzlenicnf f funds hy
their oHicials should he declared to he
a felony punishahle hy Imprisonment
ir. the pcnif.'iuiary." Of the tariff' ques
tion he said: "Croiimled as I am In
the protective tariff' faith. I am not
inseparably wedded to any selnnlule."
Senator Warner declared str,nnly for
"a navy that should he second to none
in. the world" anil favored the admis
sion immediately of Oklahoma and In
dian Territ ry as one state hearing
the name of Oklahoma.
Covernor K. V. I loch, of
who respondeil to the toast.
Message to .Missouri." said
'In iisiis'
in the
course of hs remarks: "I want to sjiy
to you. not us an alarmist, hut as a
slight cont rilmtor to the American
awakening, that unless we tind some
effectual remedy for the control of the
reat trus;s -uid corporations in the
interest of all people a tidal wave of
socialism will sweep over this country
one of the days that will do incal
culable damaire. It will not come to
stay if it conies at all because its
wrecks which strew the pathway of
human history for "..eiio years attest
the fact tnat it is not a stayer. To
avert such a calamity conservative
corporation people as well as the wis
est and the most distinguished states
men should bend and are bending ev
ery energy.
Thoiufis .1. Akins. Kepublicjni nation
al committeeman for Missouri, re
sponding to the toast. "The Hespousi
bilities of the Hour." declared that
Missouri Republicans having pitched
their tents upon the field recently
wrested fro:n the dominant party in
the state would never sound a re
treat. Youngster Is Hard to Kill.
Kokoino, Ind.. Nov. 0. Esther, -years
old. 'laughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. I'inoh. while playing in the
nursery on the second floor of the
Finch home, rolled out of the window
to the grotrid below, a fall of twenty
feet. Springing to her feet she ran
into the house, uninjured hy her ex
perience. His Denial Is Discredited. In t.. Nov. 0. Edward Gard
ner. "." years old. shot himself through
the lungs with an old musket at the
horn of his father in this city. Gard
ner denies havinjr shot himself with
suicidal int?nt. hut a note was found
in a hook near where he was lying, in
which he told his family good-bye.
PhvsKiaus ay he cannot survive.
Globe-Democrat His Bonanza.
Standish. Mich., Nov. J. Ceorge
Dubois, a veterinary surgeon, well
known here and in various towns. ha
fallen heir to .,0oo by the death of
his cousin, n shareholder in the St.
I.ouis ;io!-l eniocrat.
Tlio Kind You Have Always
in use for over :( years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and -Tiist-ns-ood" nri hut
Jlvperiiiieiits that trillo with and endanger t lu health of
Infants anil Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops ami Soothing; Syrups. It is IMcasanf. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mihstmiee. Its ajjo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
ami allays l-Vverishness. It cures DiarrhuM ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation
- and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates I ho
Stomach and lion els, fixing; hcalt by and natural sleep.
The Children's Fanacea The 31 other's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
First House West B. 6c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
15he Perkins Hotel
Jacks and
Percljeron, Belgiai) & German Coacl) Stallions
Both Imported and Home-Bred. I will sell you a full llooflc A nn-rii-.-ui-lircd M;ii
1 ion us K"ol as wen ever irrown in Ku ro-. ;inl ltt it .i ml ruon- pro I i tic lini-diTs :i I
pri-es from s;;ii to f liKm. I liavi- Imrst-s nf sill iif-s. 2 in 7 yi'iirs old. from I'.U) v SH)
in ut itrlit. all sound ;inl yooil. iiii'i will, ln-idi-s pnyini? for l lu rust l vi.-j. in oih- scison.
put SVi in ti c owner's po'kct. .Many a .Whraska farmer lias react i d the point
w li'-re Ik; has several tiiie lm kxI ma res a nil is a hie to keep a niee st a 1 1 ion for h is o ii
and hi iieiirli I uV ue. Dmi't let t he loy, leave the farm; r:ii-,e more horse-, and
mules, it pays 1 tetter than anything you ean do. Now is the time to raise inxtd
linrses. l.'iime to t he Cedar Rapids Jack Farm ami huy a ltett-r -i :i I ; it .u than you
ha e ever seen for ii. 1 also have a la r'e as-irt ment of
ami I ni n' fnu r i in portal Ions per yea r from Spai n.
intr nearly every w here litis seav m at 1ihi each.
A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and
always restores color to gray hair. " '"SttiZZTcttlZttltJy
Bottled in Bond.
Crt &C7TLL.
mm m
lionght, itnd which has hc:n
has borno Iho j,!ruaturo of
has been mado under his per-
, sonal supervision ninco its Infancy.
Signature of
M-ll les t h I'l l' Inoli t hs i d a If se ;
Cedar Ffapids, la.
Hair Renewer
XEbe Best TKnbfshs
is tbc Cbeapcet
in tbc int!
Poor Whisky is not only dis
agreeable to taste, but undoubted
ly injurious to the stomach. A lit
tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just as much
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you don't know how it i&
come in and try it.
(JuckenheimeriRye, per ialU-n. . .81 00
Yellowstone, ' " ... 4 00
Honey Dew, " li ... 3 00
Big Horn. " " ... 2 00
Plnierolf .
rmnru i iiBHimiiin