The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 19, 1905, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
K. A. HATES, I'l-ulisiikk.
Eotered at the postoffice at IMattsmouth. Ne
braska, as nccondclass matter.
For Treasurer
Tor t;iTk
For Judge
For Sheriff
For pup-rlntendrnt
For IU-glster of Deeds
For Coroner
K. !. CKAIO. .
For ?urrejor
For Commissioner
Thk people of Cass county are
assured that the county treasurer's
office will le rightly run with the
re-election of W. I). Wheeler. Take
no chances with a new man.
Tin-: democratic ticket is one that
every voter of Cass county can sup
ort, knowing that they are comie
tcnt, honest and well fitted for the
positions for which they are candi
dates. Their records as citizens
and as officials are lefore the people.
V. K. Roskxckaxs, candidate
for county clerk, is making many
friends ly his affable manner in in
terviewing the voters. "Rosey" is
just what is claimed for him a ge
nial, whole-souled gentleman and
one in every way fitted for the im
portant position for which he is a
We got rain when it was needed,
we got sunshine when it was nec
essary for the growing crops, we
got frost, just a little in due season,
and we have got the biggest crops
that ever grew out of doors. Stand
up for Nebraska.
If Mr. Crowe, of Omaha, can
fix things with the other fellows,
he can go on the lecture platform
and earn the money to pay Cudahy
in a few months. Mr. Crowe is in
great demand. His life and exper
ience is worth relating.
Senator Burkktt's friends and
his organs are apologizing for the
appointment of Tucker of Tecum
seh as judge of Arizona- No
explanation is necessary. Mr.
Burkett had no right to endorse a
man he did .not know'.
In bidding farewell to his Sun
day school class, John D. Rocke
feller told his scholars that they
should lead the life that he would
lead if he had life again before him.
It is a whole lot easier to tell peo
ple to "do as I should have done,
rather than as I have."
One holf of the available time of
each session of the legislature is
devoted to making charters for
Omaha, and the courtsare occupied
a great share of their time, declar
ing the provisions inoperative.
Omaha under its bran new charter
is unable to employ a police force.
JrixiE Travis is som-e better to
d.iy, and he hopes to be out in a
few days. I lis sickness h.:s pre
vented him from attending to the
duties of his office. a::d ain to see
many of his friends throughout the
county. The Judge is still confined
to his room, but his present condi
tion is very lavorable lor complete
John P. Thackkh should be
elected commissioner because he
will make a good one. lie was
reared on the farm, and knows the
needs of that class of people. The
idea that some people have that a
farmer can't make good county
commissioner is all bosh. They
are the class that should be inter-
-esrcu in navingone oi ineir numoer
on the board. They should le rep
resented on this board bv all means.
The register of deeds' law passed
by the last legislature as part of the
biennial elections legislation has
finally gone up to the supreme
court. It is only a question of
time w hen every bill of that series
will have to have the judicial stamp
on it to tell whether it is good or
no good. Omaha Dee.
Iidc.k Travis' extended and
The city council of Omaha again
"sit down" on the Independent
Telephone franchise last night.
Maylje the members of that august
body know what they are doing, but
we seriously doubt it. In southeast
Nebraska there is fifty Independent
'phones in use to where there is one
of the Bell. Under this condition
it seems folly for the council of the
metropolis of Nebraska to deny the
Independent admittance to a point
where nearly every merchant in this
section buy their goods. We will
say, and sav it without the fear of
successful contradiction, that twenty-five
of these country merchants
use the Independent 'phone to
one that uses the Bell, and yet the
wholesale dealers, who should be in
direct touch witb.them, will sit back
on their oars and allow the city
council to "dpjwii.'-'-roposition
that is ojf such , vast importance not
only to the patrons, but' also to the
wholesalers from whom they buy
their supplies. Do the wholesale
people of Omaha want to lose this
trade through negligence? If they
don't they should whisper a word
of wisdom in the ears of those un
wise "henchmen" of the Bell Tele
phone company who are working a
detriment to the business inter
ests of Omaha. They should
get a move on them by petitioning
the city council to order an election
in which the Independent company
mav get "a fair shake."
Ji'ix;e Travis has been a resi
dent of Cass county for many years.
His qualifications are well known
to nearly every voter. lie has
been a practicing lawyer ever since
he came here. lie has the confi
dence and respect of all with whom
he has transacted business, and a
better or more efficient public
servant never occupied the county
W. IS. Rosencrans is the demo
cratic candidate for county clerk,
and was in town during the fair
but was so busy with his "fence"
and shaking hands with his many
friends that he couldn't come up to
see us. He is doing some tall
hustling that is making Barton and
others rather shaky. If he gathers
in the "fruit" he will make one of
the lK?st clerks Cass countv ever
had. He is bound to get those few
votes Marshall adopted to his own
use and then some, after which he
will land with his family at Platts
mouth and take up his pen and
write some. In his home in Kim
wood no citizen is more highly
esteemed. Nehawka Register.
f v V -, , - , ; . .
Republican candidates in their
rounds over the county should tell
the farmers. why. their taxes are-so
high, and how the state administra
tion came to increase the assessment
roll from a valuation of $165,000,
000 to $305,000,000. And they are
not telling the "dear farmer" how
it comes that the state debt has been
piled up to more than $2,000,000.
It would be just as well for the re
publican candidates toexplain these
matters of interest to the tax-burdened
farmers when the solicit
for their votes.
i judge's bench,
i elected because
He should
he deserves
varieu practice, covering a long
period of years and his two years I Fremont Tk I nrxE: By the way,
experience in the county judge's have the members of the Nebraska
office fits him especially for a trial legislature who insisted on aspecific
judge, and his exceptional business : declaration from Mr. Burkett as to
abilities fit him particularly for j his position on the president's plan
handling the probate department j of railroad regulation before they
of the office. Indeed this branch j would elect him senator, turned in
of the county judge's work is of j their annuals in response to the de-
the greatest importance, requiring clared sentiment of the party in
not only a careful lawyer, but an ! state convention? It is a poor rule
official well qualified in the details that will not work both ways.
of office work. . " " .
; j It takes experience to make a
It gives the Journal pleasure to good superintendent of schools.
In voting for those on the dem
ocratic ticket you are voting for
men, everyone of whom has resided
in Cass county long enough to be
comeacquainted with the voters and
for them to know as to the qualities
of each ami every one. Several on
that ticket were lxrn and reared in
the county, while the balance have
lived in the county from fifteen to
thirty years at least long enough
for the people to know them by rep
ution. K. B. Ckak; of Greenwood is
just the man to fill the office of cor
oner. He is a businessman who is
"known for his excellent qualities at
home. He is a fair and square
man, and will prove so as coroner of
Cass county. In accepting the
nomination, he stated that wherever
he was called to hold an inquest, if
he had anything to say in preparing
the body for burial, that work will
be given to the local undertaker, if
there be one, or to the nearest one
KvErv person who liss had busi
ness with the sheriff knows that
John D. McBridchas performed the
duties of the office in a manner
most creditable to that official. No
night has leen too dark, no road eo
long, no storm too fierce to deter
him when duty called for his ser
vices. His knowledge regarding
the service of court writs has en
abled him to handle important pa
pers in his office without making a
blunder, thus winning for him the
approbation of the attorneys and
judges on the bench. But over and
above all this, John D. McBride is
a man among men.
refer to the democratic ticket. It
is a ticket that all voters should de
light in supporting, and those who
desire to see the affairs of Cass
county in the hands of competent
officials, will support. Take the
ticket from top to bottom and you
cannot place your finger on one that
is not a model citizen, and highly
respected by all. It is a ticket that
should be elected because it is made
up of men in whom the people who
know them have the utmost confidence.
The ring candidate for county
superintendent has a two-year cer
tificate good in Cass county only.
Superintendent Wort man has a pro
fessional certificate, good in ninety
counties. This ratio one to nine
ty the Journal believes represents
the difference inability, qualities of
leadership, and general fitness for
the office between the two men. It
should mean that everv voter who
believes in the motto, "the best is
none too good in school matters"
would vote to give Prof. Wortman
a second term. Let every lover of
good schools speak a good word for
The Lincoln Star savs that we
have plenty of money, over $30 per
capita. But what makes us rich, is
not the volume of money in the
country, but because the people of
the west have the stuff to exchange
for money. It is not the money
tied up in banks that makes the
country prosperous, but the money
in the hands of the people. Dur
ing the panic of thirteen years ago,
the banks were full of money, but
they were afraid to let it out, for
reason that the people had nothing
to exchange for it, and there was
no certainity that the banks would
be able to get the money back. It
takes more than a high per capital
of money in the country to give
things an air of prosperity.
That's the reason the voters will be
wise in re-electing Prof. Wortman.
A new man at the head of the
public schools of Cass county
means a disorganization of the
present excellent system of which
those who are interested in the
schools are so well pleased.
A religious publication asked
William Jennings Bryan recently
to write an article on ' 'the price of
a soul" to be published. After he
had written tne article tne paper
refused to publish it unless he
would eliminate a paragraph relat
ing to Rockefeller. He would not
eliminate the paragraph and the
copy was returned to him.
Prof. Wortman will'put in the
balance of the week in visiting
schools and return home Saturday.
Superintendent Wortman's whole
thought is in the success of the
schools of Cass county. The sys
tem that he has inaugurated is a
grand success and the best evidence
of this fact is that a big majority of
the school boards and teachers
agree with him. Not only this,
but they are a unit in expressing
the fact that he has made the most
efficient superintendent thecounty
has ever possessed.
Paul Morton lias arranged to
bring with him the major portion
of ex-President Cleveland's cabinet
and Mr. Cleveland on the 2Sth.
He will also bring a large number
of eastern friends. It is not known
whether they will come on special
cars attached toregular trains or on
a special of their own. Mark and
Joy Morton will also bring with
them a large number of friends
from Chicago and other eastern
points on that day. Nebraska City
litr.j-iir'iiiiTin.iir ' mi.. .i"tT'r" i,T..'t'tL".i-Mti uMi
AVegetable Preparation roc As
similating the Food andReguIa
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
i here are manv good reasons
why Judge Travis should be elect
ed. The principal one is that he
knows the intricacies of the office
better than he did two rears ago
Another is his excellent qualities
as a lawyer, who fully understands
the law in all its branches. He has
shown himself so well fitted for the
place that the voters will wisely
conclude that he should be retained
for another term.
K. B. Craig of Greenwood,
democratic candidate for county
coroner, was in town Tuesday mak
ing votes. Mr. Craig who was a
candidate for the same office two
years ago made a good run and
stands a much better chance for
election this time. He is a man in
every way qualified for the place
Kagle Beacon.
Custer County Beacon: The
populists, while in control of the
state, paid the running expenses of
the state government and cut down
the- state debt $700,000. The re
publicans have had control a little
over four years and the state debt
has increased $700,000, and this too
under much higher levies.
Are the farmers of Cass county
interested in taxation? If you are
just ask the republican candidates
when they ask you to vote for then,
who is responsible for the $2,000,
000 state debt, and why the rail
roads are not compelled t pay
their share of the taxes?
Keep it before the voters of Cass
county that never before in the
history of the county, was there a
better ticket placed before the peo
ple for their sufferages than the
democratic county ticket.
The people of Cass county are
apt to look more to the fitness of
men in the selection of county
officials this fall than to the party
to which they belong. That is one
thing to be said to the credit of the
voters of Cass county they are
independent in their voting.
It is generally admitted that no
treasurer the county has ever had
has given the office closer personal
attention than Treasurer Wheeler.
This is why he is going to be re
elected. The people desire the
public business looked after with
There was no frenzied finance
in the Lawson wedding and no
strenuousness in the original toast
contributed by Mrs. Julia Ward
John McBride has made an ex
cellent official, and many voters of
Cass county believe in "letting
well enough alone."
Any old chump can be a crank.
It takes a man to see things as they
are, ana to take iiom or tne right
end of the stick.
Be cheerful. It makes you
feel better, and it imparts a com
fortable feeling to those around
vou. .
Jack Frost has not hurt an--
thing or anybody but Yellow Jack,
and he has no friends.
Promotes Digealion.Cheerfuh
nessandRest.Contains neither
Orium3forphine nor Mineral.
ot Harc otic .
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcveri sly
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
rifg HE!
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
First House West B. & M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
15he Perkins Hotel
Percljeron, Belgiai) & German Coacl) Stallions
Both Imported and Horns-Brad. I will sell you a full blooded Ainerii'.'in-lired SUi!
lion as good as were ever srrown in Kurope. and Ix-tUT tud mor- prolific breeders at
prices from tliUO to 10o0. I have horses of all atfes. 'i to " years old. from J'i.Xi to i'XW
in weight, all sound and Jjood. and will, besides paying for themselvesin one season,
put S500 in tbe owner's pocket. Many a Nebraska farmer has reached the point
where lie has several fine brood mares and is able to keep a nice stallion for tils own
and his neighbors' use. Don't let the boys leave the farm: raise more horses and
mules, it pays letter than anything you can do. Now is the time to niise good
horses. Come to the Cedar Rapids Jack Fa
have ever seen for ?WU. I also have a lare assortment of
and bring four Importations per year from Spain. -Mules three months o d are sell
ing nearly everywhere this season at Jl'JO each.
Cedar Rapids, la. y
1TTT7 r tt T7 OT vegetable Sicilian
Gil ALES Hair Renewer
Alvays restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used
to have. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all
dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing. u tfttc'F'ZJZL.'Z'J1
Bottled in Bond.
nrtift.a ninwttrpnnm n
TLbc Beet XHUbfs
ie tbe Cheapest
in tbe nt!
Poor Whisky i not only dis
agreeable to taste, but undoubted
ly injurious to the stomach. A lit
tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just a3 much
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you don't know how ;ood it ia
come in and try it.
ft uckenheimer:Rye, per gallon .. .14 00
Yellowstone, ' " ... 4 00
Honey Dew, " 4i ... 3 CO
Big Horn, " ... 2 00