The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1905, Image 8

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Mrs. Cora. Pickett d'.wn from
Omaha lat Friday t' complete tin?
sale of her town property ami remain
ed fr a few (jays visit.
Mrs. Mabel Reynolds departed Wed
nesday eve nine f'f I 'ni verity I'lace,
where she lias accepted the position of
manager f t!i; local telephone ex
A nice cement walk is one of the im
provements Mr. Tracy is making in
front f his hank. Simon Oruber and
(Jahe Austin are doing the work.
Ate Rupley and Reuben Foster went
to Nehawka Monday morning to put
some finishing touches on the new res
idence of Charles St. John.
Mark Freeman's deal in which he
disposes of I lis stock of general mer
chandise was closed Tuesday, when W.
1'. Mohr of Spencer, Neb., arrived to
make the transfer, and they have been
involving the stock the past few days.
Mr. Freeman has invested in 20 acres
of good land in Royd county, and ex
pects to move there in a shot time.
Mr. Mohr informs us that he will con
tinue the business at the Freeman
place, although his plans for the future
are-r.ot yet completed.
Last Friday evening the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ranning, three
miles south of town, was the scene of
a very pleasant reception given in
honor of the marriage of their son,
Joseph Ranning, and Ins bride. There
were about two hundred invited guests
present, and the evening was spent in
such a pleasant manner that the occa
sion will not soon be forgotten. Rand
music and a general good time, along
with a delicious supper, made the ev
ening one of enjoyment for all, and
the hearty congratulations and good
wishes tendered the bride and groom
convinced them that the guests ap
preciate the unlimited hospitality of
the Ranning family.
. Kddie Gobleman met with an acci- j
dent Monday evening that he will not
soon lorget. Jie was attempting to
cast a throw line in the river when a
large hook buried itself in the index
finger of his right hand and it was
necessary for a physician to cut down
to the point of the hook before it could
be extricated.
A very pretty wedding occurred at
the German Lutheran church, south
west of Louisville, at two o'clock
Wednesday, when Rev. G. Jung united
Mr. Chas. JCornrofske of Omaha and
Miss Freda Sahs of this place in the
holy bonds of wedlock. Misses Annie
Trulsen and Martha Sahs were the
bridesmaids and l'aul Rehschuh and
Gottlieb Wagner acjed as groomsmen.
The bride was attired in white silk
with silk laces and jube trimmings,
and the groom wore the conventional
black. After the ceremony they de
parted for the home of the bride's
parents, where the tables fai rly groaned
under the pressure of so many good
things, at which about 1"0 relatives
and friends partook. They were re
cipients of many beautiful and expen
sive presents. They w ill leave Satur
day for Omaha where they will make
their future home. They will be given
a reception in Omaha Sunday evening
at the home of the groom by their
Omaha friends.
Always Successful.
When indigestion becomes chronic it
is dangerous. Kodol Iyspepsia Cure
will cure indigestion and all troubles
resulting therefrom, thus preventing
Catarrh of the stomach. Dr. New
b rough, of League, W. Va., says: ''To
those suffering from indigestion or
sour stomach 1 would say there is no
better remedy than Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. I have prescribed it for a num
ber of my patients with good success."
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what
you eat and makes the stomach sweet.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. and Gering
& Co.
JLo uisville
Fpini tli" Courier.
Miss F.tta Ilasemeier. of Los Angeles,
California, formerly of Louisville, ij
visiting the Kllis family.
George Frater left Thursday for a
visit with his parents at Shepherd,
ohi '. whom he has not visited for
several years.
II. J. Tangeman, who with his fam
ily has been visiting for the past ten
days in the western part of the state,
was called to Iowa the forepart of the
week to the bedside of his mother.
Miss Elinor Frampton returned
home Thursday after an extended visit
with her grandparents at College Hill.
She was accompanied home by her
uncle, Wm. Lehnhoff, who will take
in Ringling Rros. circus Saturday.
"Wm. Hot., of Austin, Texas, was
here three or four days this week vis
iting his brother, Fred, and family.
Mr. Hot, is baggagemaster on the I.
& G.N. Ry. Jt has been seventeen
years since the brothers have met and
to say that they had a good visit would
not half express it.
Rheumatism, gout, backache, acid
poison, are results of kidney trouble.
Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea goes
directly to the seat 6f the disease and
cures when all else fails. cents.
Gering & Co.
From the HeacoD.
Ed Retts spent Sunday with his par
ents in Avoca.
C. J. Kelsey, who has been here vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Leghtel, the last
tnree weeks, leit yesterday ior nis
home in Lancaster, Kan.
Chris Huffman was wearing a very-
broad smile while in town the other
day, all because of a bouncing baby
boy presented him by his wife on Fri
day, September 5
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wetenkamp and
daughter, Mrs. Henry Snoke, and
George Reitter, sr., went to Elmwood
Sunday to attend the confirmation of
some of the members of the German
Evangelical Lutheran church at that
The Eagle schools opened .Monday
with Miss Cora Smith as principal,
Miss Rivett intermediate, and Miss
Minnie Ilorsh primary teacher. The
enrollment the first day in each de
partment was 24, IV2 and 41, respect
A. L. McDonald returned Wednes
day evening from a two weeks visit
with his daughter in Denver. While
there he met one of his brothers whom
he had not seen for aboutsixteen years.
Mac is looking much betterthan when
he left here, and says he is feeling just
as good as he looks.
John Frohlich believes in putting
his money in circulation and at the
same time makingsubstantial improve
ments on his place. He has just com
pleted a double crib 24x32 feet, and is
now building another story over the
east addition to his residence. When
this is completed he will build an ad
dition 14x2; to the north end of his
barn. I
A Clear Complexion and Bright Eyes.
In most cases a sallow, blotched com
plexion and dull heavy eyes are due
to poor digestion and an inactive liver.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids di
gestion and stimulates the liver and
bowels and makes the complexion
smooth and clear. Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe
and is mild and pleasant to take. Re
fuse substitutes. F. G. Fricke & Co.
? yf
if xe
F. S. Davidson, Late Lieut. IT. S.
Army, Washington, D. C, care U. S.
Pension Office, writes:
"To my mind there Is no remedy
for catarrh comparable to Peruna.
It not only strikes at the root of the
malady, but it tones and strengthens
the system In a truly wonderful
way. That has been its history in
my case. I cheerfully and unhesi
tatingly recommend it to those
afflicted as I have been." F. S.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
From the IJegister.
Renjamin F. Lee and a gang of help
began the carpenter work on the new
Cunningham residence.
S. J. Lee of Delta, l'enn., arrived
Wednesday and will make this place
lis future home. He will engage in
thecarpenter business with his brother
Miss Isadore Hall is clown from Lin
coln running the bank in the absence
of I). C. West, who is in Cherokee,
Okla., where he and Lester Stone will
open a bank about the first of next
All the old veterans that went from
here to Denver to attend the reunion
returned Wednesday night. They
were tired and almost worn out, but
report the most enjoyable time of their
John Schwartz, while papering a
house near riattsmouth last week,
fell from a breaking trestle across the
edge of a box, breaking a rib which
penetrated his lung. He is doing as
well as could be expected
Abe Rupley and Mr. Foster came up
from Union to finish the heating plant
in C. D. St. John. Mr. Rupley is in
the employ of L. R. Upton, the Union
hardware merchant. Abe is a good
workman, and thinks he will finish
his work here this week.
Section Foreman Humphrey left for
Barren county, Kentucky, where he
was born and raised, Tuesday noon.
He has not been back there for a num
ber of years, and will no doubt find
many sad changes around the old
"familiar spot." Timelevelsall things,
and ;tbe things memory holds dear
are not. He will return about the first
of next month.
Weeping Water
From tli; HT;tM.
The man that rents and pegs away,
should do his best to buy and stay. To
rent means move, to move is bad, if
you own a home, it will make you glad.
Miss Anna Lyman expects to leave j
in the near future to take up her j
school work in Mobile, Ala., providing!
the yellow fever does not break out in
that city.
word comes from Rooks county,
Kansas, that Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mc-
Nurlin are the proud parents of a boy,
born last week. Mrs. R. D. McNurlin
is a visitor there.
Mrs. R. W. Hitchman departed last
Thursday for Pennsylvania, where she
will visit relatives in Connelsville and
Mt. Pleasant, expecting to remain
abouut one month.
A small wreck occurred in the rail
road yards here Monday. In shoving
three coal cars onto a side track, it
happened to be locked at one end, and
all three were derailed with very lit
tle damage.
C. E. McClain. who has been mana
ger oi iue teieuiionu cxciiauL'e at mis
place has resigned the position and has
been visiting in Lincoln for several
days past. We understand he expects
to go west.
The pension board held their regu
lar meeting here last Wednesday
Dis. Xeeley, Pollard and Rutler had
before them three old soldiers, one
from Omaha, one from Lincoln, and
George Askew lrom this place.
Our hint to grain men would be to
commence orderingcars for marketing
corn. If they can get about 500 cars
on the side track here and lock the
switch, they won't experience any
trouble next winter.
why No be One Yourself?
ings of every variety,
and we promise to
Our Stylish,
cost you only
about one-half
what you pay
for the same at
thetailor shop.
New Styles
Just Arrived!
and we will be
glad to show
them to you.
We have also a
very finelineof
and see us
neip you in your
search for what you may want.
Got Off Cheap.
He may well think, he has got olT
cheap, who,"fafter having contracted
constipation or indigestion, is still able
to perfectly restore his health. Noth
ing will do this but-Dr. King's New
Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and cer
tain cure for headache, constipation,
etc. 2"c at F. G. Fricke & Co. "s drug
store; guaranteed.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
to finest cookery and to the comfort
and convenience of modern housekeep
ing. Royal Baking Powder makes hot
breads, cakes and pastry wholesome.
Perfectly leavens without fermentation.
Qualities that arc peculiar to it alone.
Numerous and Worthless.
Everything is in the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C.
DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered
some years ago bow to make a salve
from Witch Hazel that is a specific for
Piles. For blind, bleedidg, itching
and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts,
burns, bruises and all skin diseases De
Witt's Salve has no equal. This has
given rise to numerous worthless
counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's the
genuine. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
and Gering & Co.
A Warning to Boys.
Saturday night about 8 o'clock Dee
Eyler, a lad about 14 years old, with
other companions, was caught stealing
watermelons on the premises of D. O.
Potter at Eartlett. Mr. Potter was
in hiding, and as the boys were steal
ing a melon gave them a load of No.
(j shot. Thirteen shot took effect in
young Eyler. nine of 'them lodging in
his right arm and four in his left hand.
The wounds are not considered serious
and the boy will be out again soon.
Glenwood (la.) Tribune.
D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
From the Leader-Eeho.
Miss Grace Hobbs left Monday
evening for her home at Eugene, Ore.
Mrs. II. G. lieardslee, of,
Neb., visited her many friends here
this week.
Dan Fentiman came in contact with
i mule, whose name was not Maud, a
few days ago. He is now nursing two
or three fractured ribs.
Word lias been received hereof the
arrival of a fine boy on Saturday, Sep
tember !, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
lay E. Worley, of Lincoln.
J. W. Williams, of near Troy, Penn.,
s visiting his brother, Philander Wil-
iams. lie came back with Mr. and
Mrs. Laughorst and will likely spend
the winter here.
Miss Minnie Gamble is still at the
sanitarium at Lincoln. Dr. eelv
was up to see her Friday, and says she
s not doing as well as she did a couple
of weeks ago.
Mrs. John Turnbull is reported very
11. Dr. eelv was caned out to see
her Monday evening in consultation
with Dr. Cameron, of Palmyra. At
last report there were some hopes for
her recovery.
Harry Wilcocksun, who is holding
down a good position with the Na
tional Biscuit Co., at Minneapolis,
Minn., came home Saturday evening
for a few weeks visit at the home of J
his mother.
First House West B. 6c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
75he Perkins Hotel
Should Trade at Home.
An exchange remarks that the farmer I
has an interest in developing nearby
market. A village is better than a
cross roads, a town is better than a
village, and a city is better than a
town. He therefore, should as far as
possible trade at home. A deserted
village is a bad thing for neighboring
farmers, yet what but a deserted vil
lage can be expected if neighboring
farmers refuse it.theirtrade. The larger
a town prows the better place does it
become for the farmer to buy in or sell
Dr. Finn's Testimony Interesting
Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro,
Mo., who has practiced medicine for i
32 years, says he has used every pre
scription known to the profession for!
treatment of kidney and bladder dis
eases, and says he has never found
anything so effective in both chronic
and acute kidney and bladder trouble j
as Foley's Kidney Cure. It stops ir
regularities and builds up the whole
system. F. G. Fricke v Co.
Farmers, Mention !
If you have some Live Stock to sell, such as Veal,
Calves, Butcher Stock, Cattle, Hogs, Poultry or
Butter and Eggs, call on us and see what we pay.
It will pay you to come and see us.
Remember we will now butcher our own stock.
Lorenz Bros.,
Plattsmouth, 5au oP "ne - 2it Nebraska.
Jfrom Texe to Zbevc
Homeseekers, Excursions
0 Prr
Dental Surgery a Specialty.
504 Karhark Blk
Omaha, Neb.
15th and Douglas.
May, June, July, August, September, October and
-T O:
Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma.
and Texas
Indian Territorv
sj Ass't Gerrl Passenger Aent,
b Kansas City, Mo.
A. Hilton,
(ien't Passenger Agent,
St. Louis, Mo.