The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1905, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Pou I4ry cited
pkkpai:i:i in tiii: inte rusts of the people of Murray and vicinity especially for the jufknal header.
i' ft' (fit. ii mliiii fif (he Journal knffio of ft w trial erent or nit item of intercut in thin vicinity ami null mail naimi to thix o'Jb't it vUl ;;;"r
'i n ant till i!i in tif iittf.rext. J-Jilit'tr Jmirntil.
itmhr tfii.s ht.a)
i uij.
L. II. Oldham was a county seat vis
itor Monday.
E. ltuterii'.!lz was a county wat
visitor Monday.
.Mes. Nettle Lindsay was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Tom 0pe!.i:i 1 was a Plattsmoulh
visitor Wednesday.
Oias. Stone was a Piattsxouth vis
itir Tuesday evening.
T. A. McNuilin, living west of town
is reported piite sick.
It. K. Stone and family wen; visiting
relative in Niliaka .Sunday.
Murray was pretty. well represented
at the Old ettiers' j i.-i.ic last week.
Mrs. E. I-'. Rrendell and Mrs. Char
lie Oirroil vere shopping in Omaha
Jwl.-s and
wcic Murr.i
I mi;!, the lit tie vi
'.vim '.v;in operated iri
t !!; sick iisf .
la ines Mai :.''.' !'
e- t ipi'ii in M ..
l pit 'ill Jri
a -I
i" a v
' Hi.
A. el
it Cook,
cr. is on
M 's .I M;i' ' l'i i "i was
III ::!!'- ;iiS i''i- ! e:i i'-l last
Sunday M.''. Mi !. ia .
lauies I;.-ovm:. L'nas. lull at. d E. 15.
i nii.T wr.o.l !i'.k the Wed lies l:iy eve
ning train tor ; hnaha.
Ir. A. E. 'Valk-r of Siiiihert, Nehr.,
came up Sunday to visit his patents,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Walker.
Miss Ethel Field returned io her
home in Li-u oi-i I'ter spending three
weeks Allison's.
.1. C. Smith and wife and son, John,
went to Piattsmouth Wednesday eve
ning to attend the f ionic.
Miss Marge-v Walker er.t to
Piattsmouth Wednesday evening for a
.short visit with the D.ivev uiiN.
Miss Virginia Walker of Washing
ton county, :'i.. is in Mu i ray, the
guest of her ? rother, J. . Walker
and family.
Leslie and Teadon 1 1 all went down
to Xcl.awka Sunday to spend the day
with the latter's sister, Miss Isadora
. , - C T T 1 - . ATT .
oranniua. oiuvcs iro:n ii.uc.iv iiiuus
was a -Murray visitor J ridav and Sat
Tom Copenhaver and family of Syra
cuse are spending the week at the
home of John Copenhaver south of
Mayor Carl vYest went to Platts
noulli Thurs Jay to take in the Wood
men picnic and take a ride on the
Ferris Wheel.
Tht; new hone of W. C. Erown is
fa-t nearing completion and Mr. and
Mrs Erown hope to get to housekeep
ing by Sept. 1".
Misses Carrie and Grace Allien,
Mis.-. Fields of Lincoln and MissGussie
P'jbb were entertained at dinner last
ing, and on Wednesday he shipped a
car load of hogs, on both occasions
Chas made the trip with the sti ck.
In conversation with Chas Wednesday
afternoon he ex pre.-se l himself as i.e
ing very well pleased with the price
paid for feeders, the amount of grain
consumed, and the price received cn
the market; in other words he made a
little money.
Mrs. James Allboi and daughters,
(J race and Carrie, entert lined a few
young people from Murray and vicin
ity at their beautiful home Monday
evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. IJrown. Ti.e evening was spent
with music and parlor games and ice
cream and cake were served. The in
vited guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. S
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. IJrown,
Misses (Jussie Kohh, Hazel Kline, Nel
lie Creamer, Ethel Field of Lincoln;
Mes-iis E alo.i and Chas. Hal!, Chas.
Stone, Jake and Jeff Er.Mniel. Joe I u 11
and Ernest Can oil.
.Mrs. L. U. Oldham and l ay aie
planning f r a t rip out west in the
near future. the lirst of Sep
tember they will start on their jour
ney and en route will he joined by
Miss I'auline vho has been making
h r home in Eroken Euw. Their tirst
i'uii will beat Denver. From Denver
jury will go to Clippie Creek where
Mi-. Oldham has a brother, to which
country he moved fiom this county in
17. Miss I'auline will close her class
in Eroken Eow on September :Oth. and
return home with her mother and
Said To Be a Non Possumus,Re
iterating the Reply Given
at First.
Intended to Give Both Parties Every
thing That They Desired.
I-Mi initiated llolh the Cession of Sakha
lin ami the Indemnity .Japan
Says It Is lTp to Ktisshi.
1 ilw
by M:s. W. S. Smith.
J V. Porter. Etair Porter. S. W.
Copei. haver. :u:d Tom Copenhaver of
Syracuse, and their families spent last
Sunday at the home of John Farris.
Mrs. Georgia Creamer was a Piatts
mouth visitor Tuesday accompanied
by Miss Clara Eatton, who was re
turr.h. hjrr.e after a week's visit with
Mrs. Creanter.
MLs Marie Eerger, who lias been vis
iti r.g friecds in Blair for the past few
weeks, returned home Monday even
ing. She was met in Piattsmouth by
Jarnes Manners.
Mrs. L. E. Underwood and Miss Ma
bel Deericg departed last Saturday
for (Iran:! Island, Miss Deering's
home, ana where Mrs. Underwood will
visit her patents.
F.rn Carr.-Ii made a trade Wednes
day afurr.jon with D. L. Amick,
whereby i.-' became owner of Dave's
line spar: two-year-old grays and
David is i:" the o a tier of Ern's work
Mr. an 1 Mr-. W. C. Erown. sr., cu
te; lamed iuite a number of friends
iai Saturiiy eveniiijr in honor of
th'-ir-.n. W. C' . and wife. Only a
few very fr.lsinate f riends were present
out I i
hey :
i vory line time.
l M . -ewc!l was p r-
one of his instru-
V i d'.t1
v. M.e
is diitie
;ud and the ke;
.h i:; his htind.
rtially laid up
n cdizc cut
The tl.ftor
for a few
!I. C. Ix-n.
and wife were
visiting fri-nd.s d;.vn in Johnson Co.
was piaf ini.r havoc
last week the wind
wit ' i his hay stacks, leveling a num
lirr o: them almost t" the ground. it
all reports are ttu this is about the
last ear of Mich troubles for Mr.
Lon., as it is said in? contemplates
s'iiiii his farm and moving to town
C. N. Eeverage s!iipped "T head cf
cattle to South Omaha Tuesday even-
Magpie Grove
(Special Cirresinieju-e.)
Mr. Gustnf Kuchotf, of Hayes coun
ty. visited tel.mei in tni.s licility week.
Shock threshing is all finished in
:his locality and the farmers can work
at home.
W. II. Puis hauled the lumber for
his new barn last week. The carper.
ter work will begin in a few days.
L. oung is on the sick list this
Mrs. Lewis Young left last week for
Portland, Oregon. She will be gone
about four weeks.
Chas. Ilenen and Alfred Ganseicer
made a business trip to Nehawka Fri
Quite a number of this section at
tended the Old Settlers' picnic at
L'nion Saturday.
Miss Augusta Eannick, of Coleridge,
N'eb., is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Puis.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz and
daughter, Gertrude, returned from
their visit to Jefferson county Friday
Ihey report crops looking fine out
George Ilild returned from Colorado
Saturday. He reported having spent
a tine time which he most enjoyed.
Julius. Annie and Iiosa Engel-
kemeier visited at the home of Mr
and Mrs. William Puis Sunday.
Quite a number of this locality
attended the ball game at Ed Kiser's
pasture Sunday afterno n, where a
game was played between Glendale
and Cotton wood, which resulted in a
score of IT to 2 in favor of Glendale.
II. A. Youn' shipped hogs to South
Omaha market Monday.
Good Times.
Eeports coming from all parts of the
United States promises one of the
largest and best crops and prosperity completed.
for everybody. All of us will enjoy
life, but those who are sick or weak
unless they use Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine. This prepara
tion, being made of pure grape-wine
and imported herbs, acts directly on
the stomach, and any food will then
be readily accepted and digested.
Whatever jou eat will agree with you,
will be thoroughly assimilated and
made into healthy, strong blood, giv
ing new life to the whole body. There
no other remedy increising the
vitality and strength of all organs to
such a degree. In ah ciseases of the
tomach it brings ijuick relief and a
certain cure, as also in deases caused
by impure and weak blood. Lse it as i
oon as poor appetite or bodily weak
ness is noticed. At drug stales. Jos.
Triner, manufacturer, 7:': So. Ash-
and Ave., Chicago, lii.
Portsmouth, N. II., Aug. 21). A long
cable message from St. Petersburg
wliii h is believed to be the Kussiaii
reply, arrived about in p. m. yesterday
and de Witte's seeretaries. Nulmkoff
and Planeon. immediately began de
ciphering it. Sheet by sheet the trans
lation was taken to lie vv lite s room.
1 lie rumor is that it is a relusal a
non p.)ssumvis a reiteration of the
Kiiss:aii position that she has given
simple proof of her desire for peace in
the artieles already accepted, and that
more she could not yield with dignity
sintl honor.
Was Jin Ingenious Scheme.
J he Associated Press is now In n
position t reveal substantially the
srirgesi ion of President Iloosevelt for
breaking the deadlock in the peace ne
gotiations and resell! hit the conlerence
from failure. His solution would in
genioiisly permit the satisfaction of the
Japanese demand far reimbursement
for the cost of the war, and at tin
same time enable Russia to face the
v.-oiM with the declaration that she
l :ul not ceiled a loot ot territory or
paid a kopec of war tribute to the victor.
Summary of the Proposal.
Tersely stated it consists in an agree
ment tr re-purchase possession of
either all or halt ot the island or mk-
?tiliii ?i tin in 11 i t.i T"i i fcrrni tl t i ll
..... ....... ..a uv. . v ..jr.. ..v..
ot a.Tpancse for a sum the amount of
which if the two countries cannot
agree shall be decided by some meth
od of arbitration hereafter to be de
termined. The purchase money, to
gether with the sum Japan would
obtain from the cession of the Chinese
Eastern railroad and the maintenance
of the Itussian prisoners in Japan
would, it is estimated, about equal
the amount claimed by a.Tpan as her
bill for the cost of the war.
"AH Depends Upon llussiH."
It seems practically certain, though
this cannot he affirmed positively,
that the president was able to give
de Witte substantial assurance that
Japan would be willing to accept such
i compromise. This is apparently sup
ported by the authoritative Japanese
statement made "to the Associated
Press in the reply to a question as
to whether Japan had not decided to
make substantial concessions. "It all
depends upon Uussia."
President's Message Causes Much Se-
Jereey Amonj; the Knvoys.
It was the president's message to
up me wmcn caused tne sensation
of the day. Early in the morning had
come the oliicial announcement that
the meeting of the conference which
was to have been held yesterday had
been postponed until this morning at
9:.".o o'clock. The public reason as
signed was that the protocols for sub
mission at the sitting had not been
Tint a few hours biter the
true reason leaked out J. L. MclJrew.
one ot tne stenograpners auacneu to
the executive offices at Oyster It.-iy.
had arrived with a communication
from the president for the iiussian
De Witte and P.aron liosen had ieft
the hotel ostensibly for a ride in an
auto car to iork beach, out instead
had quietlv slipped over to the con
ference building at the navy yard to
receive the message irom Assistant
Secretary Peiree. Tile most elaborate
precautions had been taken To insure
secrecy, but it leaked out through a
"tip" from New York.
Prom ln-ro vrtil 1:1" de Witte end
Paron Ih'sen remai:!'. d at the confer
ence Minding wmi i eaee. .vu inose
present declined To make any state
ments regarding what transpired at
the navy yard, even refusing to admit
hat any importance attached- to the
matter. I e u ate would only admit
that he had 'gone to the building "to
tuition of going down in the sub
marine plunger which is now in Oyster
bay. The president intends to watch
the maneuvers of the plunger from the
steam j-acht Sylph.
Death of Alfred AVatertious.
London. Aug. 23. Alfred Water-
house, a well known architect and
prominent member of the Koyal aead
tiny, is dead. He was born at Liver
pool in 1S..0. Mr. Waterhouse designed
many of the best known buildings in
various parts of England.
Denver Expects the Attendance This
Year To IV it Kecord
Denver, Aug. 2.". With the ap
proach of the thirty-ninth annual en
campment of the (hand Army of the
Uepublii Sept. 1 the local commit
tee announce that it has a thoroughly
systematic plan for handling thu
thousands of visitors who will come to
Denver. It declares that the encamp
ment will break all records for attend
ance and some estimate the probable
number of visitors at .floojNUi. All the
churches in the downtown district,
school buildings, halls and vacant
store rooms have been engaged as
meeting places and headquarters, and
a canvass of the city has resulted i:i
pledges of all a vailaldeioojus in homes
for guscsts. This, in addition to the
many hotels and r mming
sures accommodations for
A new feature has I
the Denver general iii:i: i:
iting bands, drum crp.
place their services at tli'
the committee will 'save o:
meals provided free. The
insists, howevr, that an !'
intent be given and that :
Crand Army headquarti r- :
al organ ixat: i;s stair the
pieces, time of arrival, etc.
;i 1
d hv
;-s :r..
They Have Their 'ot!ii.s IN adv.
Clooinington, 111., Ang. '';. Two
handsomely trimmed cjfiii.s -epiwo in
a spare room at the comfortable farm
house of Christopher C Phelps ami
wife in Selby township, Ilmvau coun
ty. The old people are aged respec
tively .S2 and 78 and are pioneer resi
dents of central Illinois. The cas
kets were made according to specifica
tions prepared by the couple and wood
was used from their own orchard
which had been carefully seasoned by
Bryan Is to Sail West First.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. W. J. P.ry
an is home ror a short rest trom hi?
lecture engagements, which will con
elude-, he announced, in two weeks
i;ryan s son w uuam. who lias ieen m
hospital at Chicago, but has neirly
recovered, accompanied Ids father
home. In September Ilryan and his
son will g to San Francisco to sail for
the Orient, instead or to Europe, as
was previousiy announce.!.
i '
For wiic!i vve lii p.iv 1 1
the week, delivered
This week
! ;l.est in ii (;. pr.o- ;.im ii. iv :n
al t iie creamery in Meiia;
ve are p.iying h i
Okl Hens, per pound,
Spring Chickens, per pound,
Old Roosters, per dozen.
I)n't torrjt we always pav
the Highest Market Price in Cash
8 cts
9 cts
Chris Miller
J. M
.STONE, PnioijiKN-:
STONE. CA-im::
Murrav State Bank
Murray. Nebraska.
s-K-ts :t (M-ncnil Haul-iir.r II; sim s-. Kays :oi'l s
;il w:iys on liai:il. M'.iey l.:u,c.l oi: en;iio-
The Reliable Hardware Man !
Collision on the Urooklyn liriilge.
.New ion;, Aug. One ni.-'u was
iilleil and tive persons wo;e injured
in a trohey car collision on the I .rook -Iyn
bridge. Two ;uri';;i e ears, directly
under t!ie st ".! arch o:i ti:-.' I'rioklyn
side 1" th'- briuge. n:'t In a
)l!isio;;. T! e denu nniii was i'rederick
Tripji. cf the
Chicago. Aug. 2-1. Following are
the base ball scores:
League: At New York Pittsburg
r. New York 1: at i:oston St. Louis
1. Poston : at P.rooklyn Chicago ,
Prooklyn (second game) Chicago ,
P.i-'ioklyn .": at Pliiladelphia Cincin
nati (.. Philadelphia 0.
American: At Iietroit Washing
ton 1'. I'etroit 1 eleven innings
game forfeited to Washington, Detroit
disputed umpire's decision: at Chicago
Philadelphia 4. Chicago O; (second
game) Philadelphia 1, Chicago '2: at
Cleveland and St. Louis Weather.
Association: At Minneapolis Louis
ville 1. Minneapolis 14; at Milwaukee
Columbus 4. Milwaukee 7; at St.
Paul Indianapolis 1, St. Paul 4; at
Kansas City Weather: at Sioux City
St. Joseph 2. Sioux City 13: (second
game St. Joseph 4, Sioux City 5; at
Denver Omaha 0. Denver 1.
Western: At Pueblo Des Moines j
::. Pueblo o.
Monarch Malleable
"Great Western" Ranges
Watch For Date !
Largest Commercial School and Irstitufi of Shorthand &nd
Te!erar'hy west of the Mississippi river. Owns and occupies
entire building. Graduates assisted to positions. Students may
work for board.
The Large Illustrated C&ttlogvie
is Free. Address
) Mi
i DR.
Dr. Elstsr, Dentist,
Waterman Block.
The way people leli about what fun
they had camping out, after it is over,
they almost convince themselves they
lad a gooil time.
What a woman is afraid of when bhe
is making a railway journey is that
maybe the road doesn't uo wheie the
time table sav it does
a ive:-'sag
and Pa ivii Itustii
Veiused to n;ai;e
st m
:nd 1 ciree al'soluieiy
miy statements.
The only t'y in the forenohig
ointment is a statement by Peiree
vt'hieh makes it impossible that what
i.; stated to have oeeunvd did oeeur
or on tne nypoiiusi;
statenienj is false.
that Peirce's
President Not to Pliinuf.
Oyster P.ay. L. I.. A us. lii. Presi
dent Koosevelt announees through the
exeeutive otliee here that he had no in-
Wile Acquitted of 15is Mui-der.
Ottinnwa. Ia.. Aug. 2... Mrs. Mary
Harris, ehared with murder of her
husband. .lames Harris, has been dis
d at
".v ;
tiM- 'M !toj.
jure.l ia the
K. L. w en
t ep ."e 1 out
P i- run
r.aiiey i i.rt
w'll . '
:i !. !: i'..
the preliminary hearing.
f-und dead Aug. with a
ill his liead.
!!: IJ'iy Oar totds.
'.-a;. It is understood"
rov .-'id the -governor of
; l-a . e .-greed to suppress
:. ..:::! -t Pniteil States
. ;::: v.: : ag
: ' ! i f !( t he
i liu 1: akage in
''. v.": ";-. who was in-
a :! at Newport.
1 T'' I . . .. killed, is
;i it;
of ';
,.l '
J-4 -SI
Fifteen YearsExperience
4 SPECIALTY .'Ofc-w1
In Murray Every Tuesday.
SATIS l ( TIO.V (il'AKA N TE K i). S
wr w .wmi v wr jbttct T Tff TJ nri
t I:en ei'ort'
oboe lfi i-rr,
!lM::teei ; orU
ill. 1 n I ' 1 i I Ml . -.1."--" - 11. .
i 5 ain i . I lig a i I K11K! - or ireitrm. ami win niuvc an i .' i o-r in ino
the Imuseliolil uoc-il line All henvv liaulin. new matter the weijrht.
j Careful attention given, and f-atisinction guararjteetl. (Jive n.- a trial.
Nebraska 72. PHONES'; Piattsmouth 73-20S. .
j jpSWe also deliver ice to any part of tlie city.