Weeping vVater I'l'ili, tin- 111 I. .1 1 fii'l xi ii. ;i riy n i 1 1 '1 lu-ii- .iifii'l mi n.jiriy k;iils in town this .' a. I. t-t hut, tlici" aw ii.un; lOIH'VHIl'- III... Ir. Kickaid ri'pinl- a Mr. and Mr. ! Kiil' v m:i 'imi s- 1 day Augu.1 - Horn. Vi Mr. and Mis. .Join. F.t.pat rick, jr , Thiirsd iv, Aiik i- ''. a ten pound gi 1 1. Horn, to .Mr. and Mis. Will Mi!li. A 11. , : i 1 - Mis. LiK-iN- llal'-s Ml' 1'lattsmout Ii sin.: ;i ;( at Hi'- M- E- church sm vic a.t Smi'l.iy morning. If- was a rare treat and enjoyed very nnicli by the congregation. Mrs. Nettie Amick went to Omaha Thu-it. v to sp.-i.d a tew days under her doctor's cart. In the near future she i-.niteinplates a trip to Wyoming for hr heal Hi. Mrs. (Jiortre Smith received the sad news Monday of the death of her father-in-law. A. .1. Smith of Canton, Mo. He was "7 years old and had been uite feeble. Miss Helen Ashman of Iiadena Cal., arrived in town Monday. She has many old time friends here to vis it, and it has been a gnod many years since he was here. Mis. S Matthews returned home from her extended visit in Pennsylva nia Thursday. We guarantee Mr. Matthews finds life nfore worth living now. I'rof. A. II. Waterhouse of the Oma ha public schools, came down Wednes day evening and visited his many old friends as well as spending a time at the institute. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mad son, July a twelve pound girl with out a blemish. Robert was formerly a Manley lxy. but is now a prosperous farmer of Kearney county. J. M. Carpenter, Mis. Moulton's father, is very low with paralysis. The right side is helpless and the left is partially paralyzed. He is nearly 7 years old and the chances for re covery are against him. Arthur Wiles, from ten acres of oats threshed :2i bushels per acre, the ban ner yield so far reported by Hilly Ash. Mark Wiles from ten acres net an av erage of 40 bushels per acre, Les Wiles from :iO acres gleaned an average of 30 bushels per acre, and another 30 acres yielded 40 bushels per acre. The two rields were early and late oats. W. P. Taylor and wife of South Da kota arrived here last week, and were guests at tlic Wm. Mapel home. They left on Thursday for southern Califor nia. Mr. Taylor is employed by the government as teacher, and has been on the Rosebud reservation, but on ac count of the climate was transferred to California in the same work. $100 Reward $100. The reideis of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much fail h in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address F.J.Cheney & Co..Toledo,0. Sold by all druggists. 7oc. Take Hall's Family J'ills for consti pation. Don't allow money to lie around, is easier to spend it and easier to lose it It f - . - - v.-: SlUE money hy keeping it in a safe place such as The BanH of Cass County Capital .Stock ..V),000, Surplus $1",000 OFFICERS: Clias. C. l':innele. Pres.. Jacob TritKCb. V-l T. M. Patterson. Casli. You can give a check for any part of it at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. "When you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to it rather than spend from it. Don't you want to know more about it. Loviisviile 1 r tn tlii- Or.il lv r. Mrs. Helen Nutter, of AlcesTer, S. 1 , i-, h-p visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mis. ('. Rand. Mis. .!.!. Ferguson and daughter. Alice. vent to Omaha Tuesday t o viit a few days with Mrs. L. C Scott. I We are ej id to learn that EUa Oh I lerkinir. who was struck n the head I i'V tie pully of a hay fork some time is now able to be out. playing. ! Dr. M. C Thomas will move to Lin icoin next month where the doctor has been appointed lecturer in a medical college Louisville people in general will regret to have the doctor and his est imable family leave and will wish them well in their new home. About one hundred relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. 15. Evans gave them a grand reception at the home of the bride's uncle, Gust K reck- low, near Manlev. last Saturday, in honor of their marriage which occured the latter part of July. A royal time is reported. Fred Wagner returned Friday from a week's visit in Custer county, where he has been looking after land inter ests Mr. Wagner reports crops look ing tine all through ithe western part of the state and says that Custer coun ty has had abundance of rainfall and that the people are happy over the prospects of bountiful crops. The Courier was in erior last week in stating that the Iowa state band of Des Moines had been engaged for the carnival. The band that will furnish music for the occasion comes from (Hen wood, Iowa, and is composed of sixteen pieces. Eddie SchulilT, former ly of the P.. & M. band of Plattsmouth, isthe leader and the band is said to be one of the best in Iowa, They will trive two concerts daily that will be worth hearing. If you are troubled with dizzy spells, headache, indigestion, constipation, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. If it fails get your money back. That's fair. ; en ts. Cering & Co. Esxgle From the Beacon. Horn, on Wednesday, August !. to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Re iter, a boy. Miss Ella Waldron is very sick with appendicitis. At last reports she was some better. A little dog belonging to Hert Hud son's children was run over and killed by the merry-go-round Monday eve ning. Jake Reitter, Kieo. Oberle, Geo Onken and Russ Mick will leave Sun day for a pleasure trip into the Rocky Mountains. The friends of Mrs. Emma Reach will be glad to lean tiiat she is recov ering nicely from the operation she underwent a short time ago. On Thursday of last week Mrs. A L. McDonald returned from Indiana, where she was called several weeks ago by the death ol her father. Mrs. R. Wilkinson and three child ren, of Lincoln, left Wednesday for Denver, Colorado, where they have rented a cottage and will spend the summer. Mr. T. E. Jester, of Clay county, is visiting his son., I)r- Jester and family. Mr. Jester is one of the pioneer settlers of Nebraska, settling in Cass county, near riattsmouth, in In 18(51 he enlisted in Co. A, First Nebraska, in which lie served during the re mainder of the Ciil war. Pleasantly Effective. Never in the way, no trouble to car ry, easy to take, pleasant and never failing in results are Ie Witt's Little Early Risers. Tlee famous little pills are a certain guarantee against head ache, billiousness, torpid fever and all of the ills resulting from constipation. They tonic and strengthen the liver. Cure jaundice. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., Gering & C". Elm wood From the Lead-t-r-Kclio. A. 15. Todd, of Denver, Colo., was an Eimwoo'l visitor this week. Tom Gamble, who was operated on at St. Elizabeth's hospital. Lincoln, last wee, for appendicitis, is doing nicely. Julius Langhorst was overcome by the heat Weir.esiay evening, and was under the doct:)i's care for some time. j Geo. Oehlerking's little daughter, j who was so severely injured by leing hit with a pully a few weeks ago, is ! slowly but surely recovering. Miss Minnie Gamble, who has been suffering severely from rheumatism for stveral weeks, was taken to the Everett sanitarium at Lincoln, for treatment, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mary Stoehr, Mrs. Alice Meis ingerand Mrs. Laura Wallinger and three sons, Lee, Guy and Ilarley of Cedar Creek, visited over Sunday at the pleasant home of Geo. Stoehr. One of Si. Mail's teams, driven by Harry Green, became frightened at a traction engine Wednesday and tore up the buggy and harness considerably. One of the horses was scratched up pretty bad. Nehawkai I'r.iiu the ii'-fsier. A daughter arrived at the home (f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chappei Monday. Child and mother are in good health. ). Raier returned last Wednesday from a week's visit in Oklahoma. He says t he season has been ext rernely dry w here his land is sit uated. Charles Johnson, who sustained a fractmed leg and foot at the quarry about two weeks ago, is doing nicely. Ry the aid of crutches hecan get about the house very well. Miss Dora Opp who has been out in Thayer county the past five or six months returned home on a visit Sun day morning accompanied by hersister Stella. Fred I 'use was in town Saturday for the first time since his acjident. He is looking rather the worse for his nar row escape from being killed, and is thankf ul that Providence was his best friend. He w ill soon be able, we hope, take up his farm work again. tto i'. Carroll left Monday morning for Portland, Oregon, where he ex pects to sec the Clark exposition and see many relatives and friends. He will stop at Pringle, South Dakota, to visit bis brother, P. 15. Carroll, who re sides at that place. Otto will probably be out on the coast for a month or more before lie returns. While there The Register will jump over a few mountains and tell him a story from home. Albert Lohse,aged thirteen, Clifford Trotter, aged fifteen left their home Sunday night to carve out their for tune in t lie far west. Their prrents have no information as to where they intended g-oing, and so far nothing has been heard of them. The Lohse boy had a little money and Clifford had a carbine rifle. The boys will probably return wlen they get hungry. They tried to get Harry McConnell to go with them but at the last moment con cluded to stay at home. A Touching Story is the saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. He writes: At the age of 11 months, ourlittle girl was in declining health. with serious Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up. We were al most in despair, when we resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief: after taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At F. (J Fricke's drugstore; 50c and $1.00 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. Urior From the Ledger. Mrs. C. R. Frans has been at Rloom- ington, Neb., the past two weeks on account of the serious illness of her mother. John Urower of Kingfisher, Ok., a relative of Will and Thede Frans, ar rived yesterday morning to make them a few dajs visit. Mrs. Phillips, of Conneaut, Ohio, and her daughter, Mr.. Allie Todd, of Plattsmouth, came last Sunday to visit L. G. Todd and family. Ed R. Todd, of PI ittsmouth, was here Tuesday to visit his cousin, L, G. Todd, who has been dangerously sick the past three weeks. A force of men put in time yester day cleaning up the celebration grounds and getting the grove in proper shape for the old settlers re union next week. L. G. Todd's condition appears to be more favorable the past few days, and in some particulars he is some what better. He now seems to be in no immediate danger, and it is hoped his improvement may be of a perma nent nature. Mr. and Mrs. Ren 1. Davis departed on Monday for the Pacific coast to spend a few weeks viewing the Port land exposition and other interesting scenery of that country. On the re turn trip they will take in Arizona. Texas, Mexico and other states along the route. Ray Frans returned last Saturday from Rurlington Junction, Mo., where he spent a few weeks taking baths, mineral water and treatment for his rheumatism. He was much benefitted by the treatment, and is highly pleased with all things connected with the sanitarium. Public is Aroased. The public isaroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic, Electric Hitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary II. Walters, of "4; St. Clair Ave., Columbus, O., writes: "For several months I was given up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were wreck ed: I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that 1 could not eat. Soon af ter beginning-to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured." Guaranteed at F. G. Fricke's drug store; price 50c. It is not eiough to see young girls pacing up and down the streets with their sleeves pushed up to their el boys, but the boys are getting into the habit, also. GG1RAD Says: "I Do Not Believe Peruna few- - COL. BENJ. Col. iU-nj. F. Hawkes, of GU Mreet, R. W., Washington, I). C, is one of the three living comrades of General Grant in his radet days at West Point. I n u recent letter thin venerable gentleman f-ays of Peruna: ' have tried Peruna after having tried In vain other remedies for ca ts - rh. md I can say without reservation that I never felt a symptom of re- ." -.7 had given Peruna the simple trial that Its advocates advise. I do not believe It has a superior either as a remedy for catarrh or as a tunic tortne depressing and exhausted condition which is one of the effects of the disease." Benj. F. Hawkes. fae Greatest Family Medicine tver Discovered. Hon. Wm. U. Hunter, ex-member North Carolina lA-ginlature, writer from the Census Oflice J;uililing, Washington, I. C, as follows: "The greatest family medicine ever discovered, in my opinion, which comes from experience as well as observation, is l'eruna. The most common affliction to humankind is a bad cold. Peruna drives it out of doors, wards off catarrh, invigorates and gives fresh strength to rr.iud and body. I give l'eruna my untpualified endorsement." Wm. i. Hunter. Chronic Catarrh of the Stomach Cured By Pe-ru-na. Jus. T. Jakeniau, President Klder Morman Church, Salt Lake City, Utah, wri ti-s : '( r-hould be and am & ry grateful man for having been recommended the i.-c of Peruna for catarrh. I had a -ironic case of catarrh of the 6tomaeh ii my system was so filled with differ r remedies that I had taken, that I Pencil at the sight of a medicine bot I'crunr, was a last resort and it did ail me, but cured me in about three A Cruel JoKe. A young indy of this city played a cruel joke on her mother not many days ago, which was told to a .Journal reporter today. The daughter happened to find a love letter written bv her father to her mother in their halcyon days of courtship. She read the letter to her mother, substituting her name fur that of her mother atid telling the old lady ij was from her lover. The moth er raved with anger and stamped her foot in disgust, and forbade her daugh ter having anything to do with a man who could write such sickening, non sensical stuff to a girl. The girl then handed the letter to her mother to read, and the house suddenly became so quiet they could hear t he grass grow- in the hack yard. Soothing and Cooling. The salve that heals without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. No remedy effects such speedy relief. It draws out inflammation, soothes, cools ind heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for piles and all skin dis eases. Dewitt s is the onlv genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Ueware o'' coun terfeits, they are dangerous. Sold by F. Fricke & Co.. tiering & Co. Mad Capers of the River. The (ilenwood, Iowa, Opinion says: "The river is cutting into its old chan nel on the west side of Hobo Island This will be goods news to the people of Mills county, as it will thus throw the river away from Ilenton station and return to Iowa all of the land known as Hobo island. This island is becoming depopulated, many of rii-. farmers moving to Ilellevue and other places in Nebraska. Since the il o-i they are in a state of fear that they may be drowned out. Peter M uko had '200 acres on the Nebraska side near Dellevue and it is all gone Iui ingthe recent flood fifty acres of it was eaten up by the hungry Missouri river within one week. W. TODD. I'll. .1. T. TOI.I). TODD BROS., DENTISTS Dental Surgery a Specialty. 504 Karbaok B'.k PhjneS Omaha, Neb. 15th and Douglas. OF F. HAWKES. months and I feel that it is a wonderful remedy and gladly give my experience from its use." f as. T. Jakeman. Pc-ru-na Proved a Life Saver. Mr. Liouis Jiyrens, auctioneer, com mission merchant and business broker, W14 Richmond street, London, nt., writes : "I had lieen a sufferer wit h what phy sicians diagnosed as chronic catarrh. I thereby lost the neces.-ury speaking faculties, which almoi-t caused me to discontinue t he business of auctioneer. "After spending several hundred, dol lars for various medicines and doctor bills without avail, your wonderful rem edy, Peruna, was recommended to me. 4 After using several bottles of this life saver, I found relief, and I am again capable of conducting my auction sales. I wish to convince others, likewise afflicted, of the merits of your great remedy." Louis Ilyreris. Thousands of Testimonials. We have on file thousands of testi monials like the ones given here. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited endorsements of Peruna which we are constantly receiving. Telephone Man Again Arrested. The controversy between II. W. Sample and the Home Telephone com pany isstill in progress. Heing denied the privilege of moving his home east on Twenty-fifth street. Sample moved the building up onto Twenty-sixth street and demanded that he be allow ed through there. This was also re fused and he swore out a warrant in police court for W. J. Stadelman, the manager of the com pa m. Stadelman was arrested and his, case continued until next Tuesday. It is understood that Sample will now go to Twenty seventh and attempt to go through there. What the outcome will be re mains to be seen. Kearney Hub. A Migbty Mean Man. Some time ago on the Titus Nursery near Nemaha, several buildings were burned, and while Mr. Titus was in Auburn settling with the insurance company, his barn was also burned. It now develops that the fires were the work of an incendiary who previously sent a threatening note to Mr. Titus, the owner, demanding that he place -&VK) in a sack in a convenient place, and if his demands were not met the buildings would be burned and stock poisoned. Oflice rs are now trying to locate the firebug. Weeping Water Herald. 8 5 v- i FRISCO SYSTEM Jf rciu ticrc 8 Homeseekers' Excursions 8 ON FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS June, July. August, Sep U-rn her. Oct. her and Xovermher Mav Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas ONE: FARE: PLUS $2.00-ROCJND TRIP J. C. LOVKIEN, Ast Gen'l Passenger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. (boos EHERAL GRANT Has a Superior. Pe-ru-na is a Catarrhal Tonic Espe cially Adapted to the Declining1 Powers of Old Age. In old tin- mill-on inin I .mix-M eoiiic I 1 1 - It. ii I a in! partly Jie flieir fuiirt ji:i. This 1 is 1 .- to p.-n l ml lews of hearing, Miii'll ami ta.sti , a w. !! u-i f t-i-xt I vr ilirt turliaiiecs. l'eruna eorri i-tn al . Ihi by ltn r ( j (i operation on all lh- iihh-oih iucmi l.rain-H of t hi 1km! y. One b it 1 1 vvil I '"'Mi i ni anyone. tn used and Periin i f . - iin-s a hfe-lo'ig otamf-liy with oi! :.nd young. Mr. I'h-.rli-H 1'. :ntssoii, Trm-Mla I, M r;U - : "I h.i ve f ..llowctl your in- struetioii f.r lie pa.t in'.:. th ::n.l am now as well as I :.:; In at t he ai-cof ei-h t - As Well As Cud I . At the Age of I i r:ty-four Vi ir : four year. I ti.ai yi. for your vain - Me instruct ions anil advice. I first us . , Peruna l'u:,r!i i n yia. s ago v hen lr health was n bad that I had no h.e .' j staying many days, Mid after using i. ! 1 began to pick Up. It b.'is helped nieevt r since. I feci well, but will always haw Peruna us my companion." Charles K. Ileucti.son. ! Suffered a IS'umber of Years From Systemic Catarrh. j Used Peruna as Last Resort, Now In Qood Health. i Mrs. K. Schoncher, H. Olive St. i ! I- Angeles, Cal., president iil n j Friendly Society, also secretary South : Iah Angeles Travelers Club, writes : i "I was for a number of yearn a suf ' ferer from systemic catarrh. I win j very nervous and run down, my iip ' petite had failed me and my Bleep was: not restful. 1 had loi-t much in weight, and liM.ked like a very sick jx-rsori. At' physician advised a change of climate and the medicine t took only gave ma temporary relief. "I tried a bottle of l'eruna an a last, resort and was greatly pleased to find that I felt much improved in a general way and then I lKught several hot Hen more. "I am now in good health and have n. good apjietite and sleep well. J cai.m t say too much for Peri.na and for what it has done for me." K. Nohoncher. Pe-ru-na Contains no Narcotics. One reason why J'eruna ha found permanent use in so many hornet is that, it contains no narcotic of any kind. I'. -runais perfectly harmless. It can In used any length of time without aeiiii ing a drug habit, l'eruna does not pro duce temporary results. It is permanent in its effect. Address Iir. Hartman, President of The Hartman .Sanitarium, Columbus, O. All corresponde&o Lld confidoatiai. Degenerates of the First Water. Two sympathetic traveling men who were waiting for their train at Ne braska City last Friday evening, vol unteered to assist in the search for the two young boys who were drowned in the Missouri river. While doing so some degenerate or degenerates, with out fear of the great hereafter, stole from the pocket of one 0incold cash, and from the shirt front of the other a valuable diamond stud, while their clothing lay on the river bank. This is one of the meanest tricks ever re corded. William tJeldey and A. N. Carraway are the names of the warm hearted but unfortunate traveling, men. Dangerous and Uacertain. For sunburn, tetter, and all skin diseases DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. It is a certain cure for blind, bleeding, stching and protrud ing piles. Jt will draw the fire out. of a burn and heal without leaving a scar. IJoils. old sores, carbuncles, etc. an; quickly cured by the use of the genuine IeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Accept no substitute, as they are of ten dangerous and uncertain. Sold by F. Fricke A: Co., Bering - Co. F0LEYS HONETTAR for children mafc, mure Jio opiate . to Zbctc Indian Territorv A. Hilton, Gen't Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo.