The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1905, Image 2

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Marshall, Dentist, guaranteed
Smoke the Wurl IJros.' celebrated
"Cut Ileil" tigars.
K. I). Vooihees, ! Greenwood, was
in the city Monday.
Kd. Weaver was a business visitor in
town from Ashland Monday.
Mrs. Mackey, Miss Myrtle Ilaynie
and Charles Ilaynie returned Monday
morning to their home near (Ilenwood
after a visit w ith 15. Chrisweiser.
.Johnny Tains, son of our old friend
J. II. Tarns, departed Monday for
Sheridan, Illinois, to visit a couple of
weeks with his sister, Mrs. Fred
M, .1. and I W. Tijjlic. of Wabash,
came in yesterday on business, going
to Omaha in the afternoon and return
imr this morninsr. M. .1. called and
enrolled his name for the Journal
A complaint was made before Judge
Archer Wednesday by J.Mutzcharging
Pat and MikeTighe with tearing down
a fence. The case was continued un
til September 14.
Work was U'gun today on the ferry
road to run through the Missouri bot
tom lane'. The county commissioners
were down at noon and expressed the
opinion that the big grader cannot be
used there.
Mrs A. A. Wilson departed Mon
day afternoon for Peterson, Iowa,
where she will make her home for the
present. Mrs. Wilson is an old l'latts
mouth settler, having come here in
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Perry, of Wabash:
Mrs. L. II. Young, of Nehawka: llen
Perry, of Murray and Peter Perry, of
Plattsmouth. left Tuesday for Yellow
stone Park, Portland and other Pacitic
coast points. They will be gone about
six weeks.
f;eo. Horn is in the city Friday from
Cedar Creek, and reports a bouncing
baby girl at his home, born on Wed
nesday August Geo. is very proud
of his little daughter, and he has rea
son to be. as it is the only one he has.
Long live the little lady.
In a letter from James Winn, who is
now living on his farm in Dade coun
ty, Mo., he states that zinc and lead
has been struck within a disance of
four miles of his place. The Journal
hopes that Jim will strick it rich in
that country, and he is pretty close to
the right spot fordoing so.
Jake Miller and three other men
brought up three more big channel
cattish Tuesday. John Hat .S; Son
lmught one weighing 4!i pounds,
Kunsman & Ilamge one weighing 511
pounds and Lorenz Hros. bought the
biggest., weighing pounds.
Jacob Meisinger, sr.. and John luck
departed Saturday for Stanton, Neb.,
thence to Pierce county, and from
there to Madison county on a prospect
ing tour. M. P. Misinger, a son of the
former, resides in the latter county,
time. It was taken in charge by the
coroner, who will hold an inquest.
A young lady of this city entered a
certain real estate otlice the other day
on business, and just as she went in
the son of the proprietor who had
been there was coming out. After she
went away, saying she would r-tnrn
later, the son sat dow n and w rote on
a piece of paper, Why in the h 11
don't you stay in your oiliceV' and
went away. Soon the old man came
in and read the paper. Not long after
the young lady returned and told him
she had been there, when he turned
over the paper and asked, -"did you
write this?" The young lady :-s
considerably embaraassed when she
saw w hat it was.
( A
rag Store
Why Noi
: S3
!"i't iif-i:ate moment t.
ra'.i up Wo. 27 when Vi l. f.i
' any drug store article. We
promise that it will be deliv
v i M 'j'iH-kiv ai.d be jut as
s l T !-'irv ."is trMl'" i'i
carr.e to the store. If you
wish to pay for the goods on
o- ivetv our m'S.sfiiger will
have lh- nn'-ssaiy change.
i:.v;,- nilier. '.' a cent extia
'Jut Ileil," the favorite cigar
Dr. Marshall. Dentist. Coats' I'.I'fk
W.h.. Copcland, ot Murrav, was a
visitor in town yesterday.
I homas ISarnum and William Car-
raher of Union were in town yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Weaver of Ash
land, were visitors in the city Wed
The farmers will be in tine shape to
spend a day or two at the street fair
next week.
Next Monday begins a big week for
Plattsmouth, but Thursday will be the
big day of all.
Remember the date to which the
M. W. A. picnic is post poned Thurs
day, August 24.
The "Havana Tag," the best ccigar
on the market. Try one today and
you will buyone.
C. A. hjawls, Lawyer. Pro
bate and general practice. Of
fice of County Attorney.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ilild of Eight
Mile J rove left yesterday morni ng for a
trip to Hurwell, Neb., and Pierce and
Madison counties. They will begone
two or three weeks.
Prof. Rouse returned Friday evening
jrom St. Paul, .Neb., where he has
been assisting at a teachers' institute
this week, going to that place from
Weeping Water last Saturday.
Miles Standish and daughter, Nora,
of Murray, were in the city Friday
accompanied by Miss Mabel Ramsey,
of Ashland, who is visiting her cousin.
The Journal received a pleasant call
from the party.
Alvin Ilartlett, who has been stop
ping with friends near Murray for sev
eral weeks, left for his home near
liushnell, Illinois, yesterday morning.
Knroute he wi'l stop off at Center
ville, Iowa, a few days.
Jake Miller captured another big
tish Friday evening, the largest one
he says he has caught this season.
Weight 70 pounds. Jake makes a reg
ular business ot fishing and has made
as high as $50 in one week .
The United States Carnival com
pany come to this city highly recom
mended bv the officials of the nu
merous towns and cities they have
visited this season. The company is
up to date in all its performances.
Harry (Jraves came up from Union
Friday evening and was a caller at the
Journal headquarters. Harry reports
our old friend L. (J. Todd getting along
nicely, and says the old gentleman is
in a fair way for recovery. The
Journal sincerely hopes he will soon
be up and around.
When a mosquito sees a girl with a
seemore waist on he hurries back home
and invites all his family and the
neighbors and friends to come to the
party. And they intend to stay right
with her until she learns to pull down
her sleeves when she ventuies out on
the street.
Matt and Peter Spader returned last
evening from a few days with
their uncle, John M. Leis, near Mui
dock. The boys lived in that vicinity
for twenty-one yeaisand near,
and on this t rip had the pleasure of
shaking hands with many old friends,
and enjoyed their visit very much.
Matt says the Journal is well liked by
the people over in that section.
Two marriage licenses were issued
today. One to Kdward Weaver 21,
and Miss I-.lla M. Spurts 21, of Ash
land. They were married by Cannon
liurgess and will live in Omaha. The
other license was t iken out by Chris
tian Christiansen :;2. of La Piatt' , and
Miss Daisey Wiseman 2", of Nehawka.
They will be married tomorrow at
Nehawka and will resile at Weeping
"'Vi ! :t! U :i '.it :i w :n:i u s ;:ln r'.
A- iiiuiit'li ll h:i. :t Umil :
Tin re'-, in t :i )i;u'c in c;iri ii it lira v 1 1 .
TlnTr'" f lot il t;i"li to ma M U (in I fivrii.
Tin !' in t a lii ,! 1 1 s or a vi .
There's in t a vv h Sjier ye- or no.
There'-, not a life, or death, or Lirth.
Thai has a feather - weight.
W ithout a woman in it."
One week from today, and then
comes the oig Woodmen picnic if it
don't rain.
Peter Perry of Mynard and ;iennj
Perry and Mrs. Young of Murray, de
parted Monday for Portland.
Arrangements have been made, we
understand, to have plenty of light
during the street fair next week.
Misses Lizzie and Annie Rich went
to Cedar Creek yesterday to spend a
few days on a farm near there.
Rev. Swan left this morning for
Hastings and McCouk on business con
nected with the child-saving work.
Mrs. J. L. McKinney and two chil
dren. Hailie and James, went to (Ilen
wood this morning for a short visit.
Mrs. Charles Johnson and little child
returned to Louisville yesterday. Mrs.
Johnson came over to see Mr. A. II.
II age r.
What a satisfactory old world this
would be if we were all paid what we
think we are worth and we actually
earned the money.
The fact that but one republican
candidate has publicly announced as a
candidate for county clerk is no sign
there are not others.
D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
A. S. Will, Henry Larson, Thomas
Frye, John Leesley and son and Will
Wilson left Wednesday for Akron,
Colo., to tile on land claims
R. II. Fitch, one of Cass county's
hard toiling yeomen, was in the city
Wednesday, and gave this office a call j
and renewed for the Journal to August .
J, l'.tOti. 1
Mr. and Mrs. If. Northcut and little
daughter returned to Omaha this I
afternoon after a visit with Mrs. !
Northcut's mother, Mrs. E. W. Ken-!
nedy. Miss liertha Kennedy accom-j
panied them for a short visit.
One reason why there are
vacant store rooms on Main street
A dtd mi o u dd mm mi 4
B Wish to state to the fiood neoole of Plattsmouth and vicin-
A A -
ity that we have just received our new Dress Goods and
Waisting. Also some very beautiful and popular tiling in Bags,
Belts, Corsets, Combs, etc. Come in and see them.
To lose Qui
One Lot Ladies' Shirt Waists,
All the Best, None Reserved;
sold from $1.50 1 Ji
- ii r '
to o, to close U i
One Lot Ladies' White Waists,
Some Genuine Beauties, that
sold from $1.00 (r(5
to $1.50, to close
Grand Clearing Sale off Oxfords at
, i Several teachers have taken ad van
several ! , . , ....
. iage oi uie cneap rateonereu mem lor
I t Y to Tniirrt'il rrrk 'ri r rP liic- rn
because the owners will not hx them
. , , .. ,n'y continue through the present
up in proper shape. Several parties 1
have been here to rent business rooms.
but they
want them in a presentable
Mrs. William McCauley, who for ai
a number of days has been suffering
with an attack of appendicitis, is re
ported as improving slightly, and her
many friends will b3 glad to learn
her physician thinks an operation will
not be necessary.
The marriage of a pretty South
Omaha girl to a recently imported
Japanese has aroused a bitterness
among the workmen in the packing
! houses against the little fellows from
! the Orient.
Mrs. Rose Chambers Ruffner and
daughter, Kthelyn, arrived in town1
Tuesday and are visiting at 1I12 home j
of Mr. and Mrs. Cliir Wescott. Mrs. j
Ruffner and her daughter were form- j
erly Plattsmouth residents. j
Casper Page, an employe of the j
plaining mill at the local shops had
j the ringers of his right hand badly;
lacerated by a band saw Wednesday j
! Dr. Livingston dress?d the injuries!
and Mr. Page will 1 e layed off for some
time. I
W. W. Perry, of Wabash, is the first '
j candidate to properly announce fori
OTice this vear. In the eemng ater
Geo. W. Snyder wasinthe other day, j Herald of this week Mr. Perry solicits
and renewed for the Journal for II. W. j the republican nomination for county
Vallery, of Fairbanks, Alaska. George cierk jn regular form. Mr. Perry is a
P.C.Nelson left this morning for
Grand Island, Neb., where he has;
taken a job of brick laying. Grand Is-1
land is his old home. He says there
are over forty new buildings in course !
of erection there. j
C. C. Parmele and family are mov
ing into their beautiful new home to
day. They have been removing the
furniture gradually for some time but
today th family will start housekeep
ing in the new residence.
First House West B. 6c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.-
When in the City Give Us a Call
75he Perkins Hotel
s iys he feels sorry for the poor fellow j
away up there, and knows he isn'table !
to pa v for it. but wants him to have j
the news from his old home
L. G. Larson went to Omaha this j
morning on business. Mr. Larson is'
bidding on one of the buildings for
the new government soldiers' home at
Hot springs, s. I. The government i
has appropriated H.O0),000 and of this
amount oo,000 still remains to be
spent. The bids will be opened today !
in Omaha.
Laruest Commercial Srhool ami Institute of Shorthand ana
jTelc-nraphy west (it the Mississippi river. Owns and occupies
entire buildinK. Graduates assisted to positions. Students may
work for board.
The L&.ri(e Illustrated Catalogue
is Free. Address
.-on of Peter I'erry riear Mynard.
I Vitevl.":" 'ri
In addition to the account of the
excellent supper served at the farm
home of Martin Steppart it is desired
to announce that :;' people were
served, over 40 were prt sent. ?!. 7-
was realised in addition to 1..", which
Mr. St; iOMid on the ground the
next morning and which he turned
Harry Proves and w ife were in the j
city yesterday, sporting a line automo
bile. Groves will be remembered as
editor of the Journal several years ago.
How years will change a rran's cir
cumstance, for good or bad, as down
the pathway of Time they step. Many
of CJ roves" forirer friends looked on
with a longing for something that was
coming to them, but it never came.
Ilusiness has bce-i irjsrering lately
with Jake Miller, head of the Platts
mouth tish trust. At tiist Jak-i had
to carry his fish up cn his shoulders.
When he landed a " pounder lie had
to hire another man to help him. Such
over to the church. The material for ! is no longer the case. A little ponev.
the feast was furnished by the sur-! a new harness and a second hand
romi .:!.. funi:ers and the members of ' spring wagon have been purchased iwA
the church ho a!s desire to thank j now Jake comes to town with his iSh
tiie pco;.;.' wi. liheraily patronized in the wagon, himself on the scat and
t ie little poney in the new harness
j proudly drawing it all.
Every time a freight train
Jake Miller's luck in iishing is .-.till
continuing. Late Sunday evening
he pulled out a channel cattish that
weighed just a triile over ;o pounds.
It was carried up Main street hy two
men about s o'clock last evening sus
pended from a heavy pole borne on the
men's shoulders. The tish 's tail trail
ed on the ground, its gills touching the
pole on the shoulders of the men. The
big fellow was followed by a crowd cf
people to Lorenz Bro.'s butcher shop,
where the fish was weighed and pur
chased from Mr. Miller. The tish was
caught in the Missouri river, near the
Ed. Fitzgerald placet
g cs
through town anywhere from two to a
dozen small boys and young men m iy
be seen hanging on the various cars
and jumping on and off while t he train
is moving rapidly. Some day one of
these boys will be carried home minus
a couple of legs or an arm. The train
crews and the police can't keep these
boys off the cars. The parents must
doit. They should do it for their own
ease of mind and for their children's
good. A sound licking administered
now may save that boy a couple of very
useful limbs.
i r
i I C.
f ll
U 3
Six Big Days
Given under the auspices of the 7Uiyor and City Council
Attractions furnished by
W A ITQ) y
1 w
i !
i a m
Giant Ferris Wheel ! Ma
i l i i 1
Ul J I
WO Bis lree Acts,
SIG. FRISCO, Sensational Hih
Aerialist of the World.
ce fc.ach Day TWO
HOWARD, in their Wonder
ful Impalement Act.
Moral and
Bring the Family and Enjoy a Big Day's Fun
n Monday to Saturday, Avigust 21 to 26, 1905 ft