Icoal advertisements. Notice to Creditors. Stat : or iihaka. Cass County, i ' In tlx- matter of I he stuti Jr., deceased. I ii Count y i '-iiirt. of Jacob Vaii.-ry. Not ice Is hcrehy irl ven t hat I In- i n d I tors of said deceased vtlil meet tlit- executrix nii'1 -f-uior of said estate. I fnri- in-. : m ut y .ludirc of Citss County. .N.hrasUa, at the County Courtroom In I'lat tsmout h. In said -unity, on tin- JNt Hay of Novi iiiIm t. mid on the 'S.ril (lay of I-cl.ruary. '.,. it t. II o'clock, a. in.. -hi-Ii (lay. for I In- puriose of e.xatididii.; ami ii I lustiiur I heir claims. Six months are allowed for the creditors of fcklU deceased to present t heir claims. anl one year for the exccutrl x uikI executor to settle snl.1 Mule, from tin- ilst day of August. I'.M.V Witness my liaiKl ami seal of said County Court, ul I'lat tsmoiit h. .Nehraska. tliU 'Mtli lay of July. 1 1 ..'. Haiivkv l. Tiiavis. County .ludirc. Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter of tin- statt f Anion iicnry Week tiai'li. deceased the s .i.i . -stat,. ar. All parlies Interested In tin- salil estate art herehy not iticd t hat on t he :lh day of July l'.tiT. I n il Ii. hiri-nlx r r. adiniutst ralor of I he estate of Anton nry Week hitch, deceased, tiled Ids m I it Ion In t his court, t In- oli ji .-t ami prayer of which arc that his accounts may lie examined, tliat I In- halauce of t In- crsoiiai property In his hamls may Im- assigned to Mrs. .Mary Week liai-li. widow of Anton llcnrv Wcckhach. deceased, ami that l he real estate of saiil deceased, may Im- assigned as provided hy law. ami for his dischar'.'e as adtniils trator. A hi'.'irlii.' III Im- had on sail h t it ion on tl.' i.lii day of Scpt.uii.cr. A. I . I at hi o'clock a. m.. at the County Court room in I'lattsmoiit h. Cass County. .Nchraska. Vcm are rc.iiircd to show calls,- on or lM-forc In o'clock a. m. of saiil ilay. whv the prayer of s till h tit ion -I,, ,ii :l hi l Im- -.'ranted. Ilatcd this 't Ii ilavof July. A. I. I'"'.'.. s:ai. llAtir:v l. Tmvis. ::w Cou hi y .1 ml -i-. Legal Notice. In tin- County Court of Cass County. N. liraska. In re Kstiit.c of I'atrl.-k CumpUII. (h-.-.-ascil. 'l'o Margaret 'l:.iirk. Margaret M. I'lioiirk. S.isan Camphcll. Mary Ann CamplM-ll. Saint Joseph's t lilon. and all other H-rsoiis Inter ested In sah I ahovc entitled estate: Notice Is herehy vixen that a hearing liMn the final account .,f 1 1 - a.lminist rator ami petition for illstrihtltioli of the real ami m t sonal proxrty. In t he almve entilleil estate, will Im- hail at my ottice In the City of I'latts inoulh. Nchraska. u ijoii the 21st day of Au gust. A. I. liota. at 10 o'clock a. m.. In-fore which hour all ohjcclions thereto. If any. must Ik- filed. I tilted this iml day of August. A . I VAK. s:ai. IIaiivv l. Thavis. ;iw County .ludirc. In the District. Court of Cass County, State of Nebraska. OTHA J W OUT MAN. IMaintitr. NOTICK l ' SlIT. The unknown heirs and ' devisees of Al.MtAM-Mi KliMI'K. deceased, el al. I lef.-iidanls. To the unknown heirs and de Isces of Alex ander l'eni-. deceased. J. .1. Worley. John J. W'orley. Sallie II. Ilemlsley. James II. Hinds ley. Klinor llindsley. Art ('.. Alexander. J. I. Marthis (tirst name link nown I. 1 A. Martins first iiatiu; 11 11 know ni. KuhvDiehl. .Marie M. hirkey. and Kmriia C. .Middles wart. You and each of you art herehy notified that umiii the lutli day of August. A. I.. I'.KO. riainttlT tiled his M-tilion in the district court of Ca-ss cou n t y . stale of Nehraska, to iiit-t his title in and to the following descrilH'd real estate, to-wit : t;.,.t lot f in sec. 4. jrovt. lot '.I in sec..'.. K'i of the XK'i and K'i of the SK'4 of f h. W'i of the SV' of sec. !. the NW, of the NV' of sec. J. lot No. !." a silUiW ision of Pvt. lot No. - in sec. the SW'i of the NW 4 of sec. 1. all in township Ii north of rattle to. east of the lit h I. .M. in said Cass county: allctrin;; thai he has In en in the open adverse Hssessioii of all said lands for more than lit years prior to the commencement of said suit and that hy reason of said adverse possession he has liecotne fully vested with the leiral title thereto: and praying that J. J. Worley and John J. Worley In- ail fudged one and t he same person and thai Sarah Worley. wife of John J. Worley. has Utng since departed t his life: that Sallie C. Harbison and Sallie II. Ilemlsley Ik adjudged one and t he same person ; that Alex ander Kcmpc and his unknown heirs and devisees Ik- adjudged to have no riirht. title or interest in or to the SW'4 of the SW'i of said sec. ".: that Ktihy I Held. Marie M. Shirkey and Ktniiia C. Middleswart are the sole lieirs atui devisees of Kuth C. Mer riani. deceased, who was the sole heir :inl devisee of Willard l. Merriatn. deceased: t'.at .lames II. llindsley and wife. Klinor llindsley. intended to convey ami did did couvey to convey to Charles s. Wortnrin ly their deed of date I tec. hi. lsis. and record ed in IhW "lx"at pac 477 of. deed record of of S lid county, ail thai part of the N K'4 'f the W U f said sec. '.' 1 v ; 1 ir west of the Platte river: that the plaintitJ' he decreed equitable relief and that his title be itiieted as atrainsl each and all of these defendants. You are re tiuired tj answer said petition on or before S pten.,T 17th. i:'..". or saiil petition will Ih taken as true. OTHA J. W t HITMAN. I'laintitT. I. O. Iwv:it. Attorney. 7-1U-14 STATK.M KXT ! TIIK CoNTHTMN nr Tin: PLATTSMOUTH LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Of riattsinouth, Nebraska. :;th day of J line. 1 !).", AsSTs. First taorti-'ac !i:::is st'.fc'k loans ileal estate Furniture and stationery . . Cash IK-Iini'iei!l interest, premiums an lines KxiM-nses ami taxes paid I 'llier assets n the i i "Ti.'lsr, lit! j 7i it IV none none . ';.!'4.l ."d u s. 0 . 1. :;.; 7J j .?.V..7 n' ! T. !al I.I til i.iti K: Capital stock paid UP Keserve fluid I'ndivided proiits I hie shareholders on incomplete loans itht-r liabilities none j '..'lio m) ; none i none i To so i j 4, j RECEIPTS AN3 EXPENDITURES For the year ending June r". l'.V.V ItWKHTS: RtlaiH-e on hand July 1. l'.t4... 1 lues Interest, premiums and tines.. Loans repaid I t her sources Tola!... I.M'KM'iTfllES : Ixians Kx peiises stock redeemed Cash on hand Taxes ndvatict d Tola; State ok Nri'.it vswa. C--i:ny.f Cass. , I. T. M. IVTtei-son. Secretary named Association, do soeti.i the fire--;n- stat. tm nt .f rl said Ass. .; u ;. in. is true anl j.im-: '.'.(41 im j ..-J4:: u. .!fJ4 54 h.4 I -ls..T ,i.i n ui ll'.s s, :..4',7 id ;.:'4:; :.i r.'a I-; of tiie above y swear t hat con. lit i n of irre.-t to the best :' !:' k;i m inl.-i -and ocli- f. T. M. P ATTI K-I N. AlTKi'Vlti: l;. I'.. W I N 1H v. I W. .1. W'i; i ik. 1 '.re.-ior I . i 1 K-W IFtTll. suiscrii't-d ai!'i swi'rn to 1',-fori me t his lt . Hasse. tarv Public. d;iv of A'.i-'V.st. l.'.. I.. I N. CASTORS A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LOOKING BACKWARD FOR SEVEBAL YEARS The Great Cuban Struggle (or Liberty in 1898, Still Fresh in Many Minds. Mrs. John M. Thurston, the Martyress. I Clipping from the World-Herald of date March 2:5, 1 '.:', and copied by per mission from Judge Ramsey's historic '.Scrap Hook." Headers of the Journal will recall the great struggle of die Cuban pa- ! triots against Spain for their freedom - 1 'i"fl the appeal for help to the great- hearted people of the I'nited States. Many in I'lattsniouth will recall the jrerierous donations made by I'latts niouth people in the way of money, clothing and food for all the oppressed of that island and especially for those called the "leconcendradoes'' who' were imprisoned in Spanish fortresses, j They will recall, too. that our late j jjreat-heartcd Frank J. Morgan was ! the disbursing committeeman who1 j most generously contributed, and also collected and most faithfully dis bursed contributions of Cass county peoph; for tne cause of ' CI'IJAN LIIIKKTV." They will also recall theself-sacritice almst tragic deatli of Mrs. John M. Thurston, who had prone toCuba, with her distinguished husband to help re remove the shackles of Spanish tyran ny and cruelty from Cuban men, wo men and children, which death caused the tears to tlow from every heart. No greater no more beautiful tribute could be yiven than such as ure here with reproduced: A FITTING MKMOHIAL TO MILS. THURSTON (World-Herald. March Si. Is'.'s. ) "The best and kindest tribute which the people of Nebraska can pay the memory of that tfood Nebraska woman whose death was largely attributed to the impressions made upon her tender heart by the sufTerinns of the Cuban Cuban people, is to do effective work in alleviating the widespread distress on that Island. 'It is now very evident that Ne braska's contributions to the Cubans will he enormously larpe and the World-IIerald proposes that this con tribution shall be forwarded to Cuba, dedicated by generous hearts to the cause of humanity and contributed with tender affection as a fittintr mem orial to the late Martha Lydia Poland Thurston. Those who were well ac quainted with Mrs. Thurston need not be told that she was a woman who would value such a tribute beyond the most colossal stone that could be erected to her memory. "On Saturday last, some person who preferred to keep his or her name from the public, sent to the World-Herald a loucnin"; piece or verse, wincn is worthy of reproduction here: 'A noble Northland mother a mar tyr to Caribs isle. With heart too fuli of tenderness, too free from taint and uile To bear the sickening sights that met her watchful eyse: To hear the moans of women, ti: fam ished children's cries, Appeals to us in language stronger than lips could frame To answer starving babyhood in God's and pity's name. To lift from depths of black dispair the weakened young and old, Ily giving them our bounteous store, our stock of wealth untold. Could the sainted wife and mother, the loyal, steadfast friend, Know of prayers of thousands that will this dav ascend. To the Father of the Fatherless the Friend of the oppressed. For blessing on her dear ones, and for Cuba, sore distressed. Iler lips, although forever sealed, would almost speak again. M'eed starving Cuba, then I know, 1 have not lived in vain.' " A Bad Fall. As Uert Thrasher was coming down the Fifth street hill this morning he stumbled and fell, striking his hand on the sharp end of a protruding nail which buried itself deep in the palm, Iiert hastened to Ir. Livingston's of- tice and had the wound cauterized and dressed. It is painful and will keep him from work for some time. Shakespearean Club Picnic. The I'lattsniouth Shakespearean i club held its annual picnic yesterday jat the home of Mrs. W. W. Coates. j The picnic was in honor of Mrs. Ilouse i worth, of rr.aha. and Mrs. Waugh. of i Lincoln. ! Tables were set on the pretty lawn J and a bountiful supper was served, j Those present were: Mrs. Ilouse I worth, Mrs. Waugh. Mrs. Henry Her ! old, Mrs. Henry Snyder, Mrs. A. E. U;as. Mrs. Meredith. Mrs. V.. W. Coates and Misses Barbara and Mia Gering. Yema Leonard, Dora and Lena Frickc. This includes the entire membership of the club with the ex ception of Mrs. T. P. Livingston and Mrs. George Dovey who are absent from the city. DearGus: 1 have solved the mother-in-law problem, just give her regu larly Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make her healthy, happy and docile as a lamb. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Gering & Co. ! THE SAD STORY RENEWED Some of the Friends of the Late I. R. An drews Claim to Have Seen Him the Next Evening After His Disappearance. DID HE MEET WITH FOUL PLAY? Mrs. Andrews Yet Firm in the Conviction That He Undoubtedly Was. No sooner does the mystery sur rounding the death of the ill-fated I. It. Andrews wane, than some one comes forward with a "cock and bull story," and revives the sad story of his deatli and also adds that of his being seen here and there a day or two after he left the camp to go out hunting. The entire story of his leaving the stone tjuarry. the search for him of sev eral days and the finding of his body in the I'latte river has been told in the columns of the .Journal, yet there seems to be a belief among some of his friends in Omaha and with Mrs. An drews that Mr. Andrews was foully dealt with. Here comes the stories of i ins ucing seen uv prominent, men who claim to have Leen intimately ac quainted with the deceased, which we clip from the Mercury, a weekly paper published in Omaha: "Saturday evening he was seen by three men standing on the platform of the Burlington station at Ashland They insist that there is no possibility of their having been mistaken. They are: Frank W. Coleman, clerk of the supreme court at Lincoln, who states that he shook hands with Mr. An drews: K. II. Stevens, a Lincoln con tractor, and Prof, lieattie of Cotner University, Lincoln. "Sunday morning he was seen in Omaha bv three men: F. W. Fitch, deputy county attorney, who claims he saw him on the rear platform of a Farnam car shortly after 7 o'clock in the morning. He was then dressed as u&ual and waived hiscaneat Mr. Fitch by way of salution:and Theo. II. John son, of the Robert Dempster Company, who saw Mr. Andrews on Sixteenth street, and John S. Dingman, ex-constable, who walked north on Sixteenth street with Mr. Andrews about 6 o'clock Sunday morning. "These six men are positive in their statements, and their veracity is un questioned. Vet his former partner, II. C. lirome, insists that during the time when he was thus seen by these men, Mr. Andrews' clothes, as also his walking stick and grip, were in the cabin at Cedar Creek. "Tuesday night, two days after it is claimed he had been seen by these six men, his body was found in the Platte river, near Cedar Creek, so badly de composed that upon being removed ! from the river the flesh of one of his cheeks sloughed off, and the condition of the body showed that he had been dead a much longer time than the two days's interval. "These, briefly stated, are the facts as elicited at the coroner's inquest. That they are contradictory, no one denies. And all attempsto reconcile them have so far proven futile. "His wife, Mrs. Mary Gerard An drews, is the president of the Omaha Woman's Club. She is most favorably known to the people of Omaha. She insists that there has been foul play. Her reasons, she admits, will not bear scrutiny. But she is lirmly convinced, either by actual knowledge of enemies who might dog her husband's foot steps, or because of intuition, that he is the victim of a cowardly murder. i She says: "My feeling that it was not an acci dent is as strong as my feeling that he was not seen at Ashland last Saturday evening. And yet we had (belief that is supported by reasons which I must not disclose at this time. The strange thing is that I have felt from the out set that he was going toward the river and was followed along the railroad track in that direction by a man. This notion, fT you please to call it such, was contrary to what we were told at the cabin near Cedar Creek. We were told that he went in the opposite direc tion from the direction I believed he went." The Woodmen Picnic. Two weeks from today will be a hummer for Plattsmouth. no prevent ing Providence. The readers of the Journal do not want to lose sight of the fact that that is when the Wood men have their big time. From pres ent indication the largest crowd that ever assembled in Plattsmouth will be here at that time. With good weather in our favor this will no doubt prove true, because everybody is coming. If you want to be "in the swim," be here on Thursday, August '24, and we will give you an opportunity of "keeping up with the procession." Cottonwood Lumber for Sale. Those desiring cotton wood dimen sion lumber can be provided with what they want by calling on CnAiii.KS L. Mai:tix, Four miles south of Plattsmouth. Greenwood ! special t orresnondei:ce. W. I:. Baney, Karl and Pearl Clymer attended the log rolling at Platts mouth Wednesday. W. J. Kelly, wife and family went to Lincoln Wednesday evening. Dr. F. B. Slusser's father and moth er of Minden, Neb., are here visiting him this week. W. J. Laughlin of Aashland was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Hulbert returned home from Omaha Thursday evening. Mrs. Dr. Miller went to Lincoln last Thursday. The Dr. going Saturday and accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Meeker were passengers to the Capitol Thursday. Mrs. Gavin of Friend, Neb., spent Friday here with her son, Agent Gavin. Nettie VanCleave and Blanche Hul- bit went to Lincoln Saturday evening to attend the assembly. Mrs. J. V. Carnes and two daugh ters, Mary and Myrtle, spent Thurs- in Lincoln. Mrs. B. F. Laughlin spent a few days in Ashland with relatives this week. Mrs. Ed. Montgomery and Miss Myr tle Kerlin went to Lincoln for the day Friday. Mrs. Pullen and children of Have lock spent Friday at the home of Sam Jones. Miss Gail and Lillie Wilson spent Friday at the Capitol. Ralph Clymer went to Lincoln last Saturday. Guy James of Salt ilia spent Thurs day here with friends and relatives. Watson Howard has bought out Chas. Hurlbit's confectionery and will conduct it hereafter. Arthur Armstrong returned home from South Dakota Wednesday, where he has been for about four weeks. Misses Geneveve Kern, Cliff Chen vrout and Kathryn Laughlin were passengers to Lincoln Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blair left Mon day evening for Portland, Oregon. J. C. Clymer is on the sick list this week. Myron Coleman came in from Hast ings Thursday and spent the day with his parents. Rev. J. N. Borck, wife and two chil dren, of Zion City, 111., returned to their home, after a visit of several days with his mother. W. A. Armstrong and family return ed home from the assembly Sunday evening, where they have been since Thursday. C. F. Stilwell spent the day in Lin coln Thursday. Berneice Roberts went to Omaha Thursday, where Earl Clymer awaited her. They were then married in Coun cil Blull's, it being quite a shock to both their parents as they knew noth ing about the elopement. The young couple returned home Sunday. Miss Hazel Devoe has resigned her position as clerk in W. W. Divine's store. Milan Blair was a passenger to Oma ha last Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Carr went to Lincoln Monday.! Rev. R. II. White spent Sunday at the assembly. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLeese of Alliance died Saturday and was brought here for burial Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. White were visitors at the Capitol Tuesday. Warren Hand returned from Funk, Neb., Thursday, where he has been working for the past few weeks. Dr. Miller bought an automobile this week. His first trip with it was to Waverly, where he had to call on expert Cooper toassist him in running it home. Miss Veda Clegg went to Lincoln Sunday. John Lourine left Wednesday even ing for South Dakota. "Give Us More Light!" We have not met a citizen in the past week but who endorses the Jour nal's suggestions on the light question. For nearly four years have the busi nessmen been compelled to grope their way home in darkness after closing their places of business or carry a lan tern in order to see their way. We say, and it is but the expressions of numerous citizens, that if the city council is fearful of the result of tak ing the responsibility of "turning on lights, let them order an election to decide the matter. We will soon have one of the most complete lighting plants in the state, and we under stand that the company is ready to contract with the city at any time now to light the city at a very reason able rate. Let every citizen who lias the interests of Plattsmouth at heart, agitate the matter, and keep it prom inently before the people until some action is taken. FOLEYS HOIiETTAR for children safs, cur. Mo opiate MaLple Grove Special Cor res p. inde lice. ) George Hild left last week for a few weeks' visit to Colorado. He was ac companied by Bert Satchel of Mynard. Mrs. Schafer returned from Gage county last week. She reports a good visit and says crops look fine out there. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Noll are visiting at the home of the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Young, thie week. Mrs. Fulton and daughter, Fae, of Nehawka, are visiting in this section this week. William Puis purchased anew piano last week, which is a beauty. Herman Gansemer made a business trip to Plattsmouth Saturday. John Kastel visited at the home of John West Sunday. The shock threshing is going rapidly on in this section. Monday there were four machines busy in this neigh borhood: Puis Gansemer's at Au gust Engelkemeier's, Jack Philpot'sat Ham Norris', Amick Propts' at Mike Schwarsziisher's, and Thierolf Bros.' at John Kraeger's. iuitea number from Litis section went to Plattsmouth onthe 2 to attend the M. W. A. picnic but were disap pointed owing to the rain. But we will go again on the "Jlth if they will promise us a line day. Rev. Spriegel preached his i!"th an niversary sermon at the German Lu theran church Sunday. He was as sisted by Rev. Miller of Eagle. The members presented the pastor with a gold watch and a line rocking chair, which he received with thanks. Trje Only Way. There is no way to maintain health and strength of mind and body except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will let down and disease will set up. No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting', indigestion, dys pepsia, and all stomach troubles that are curable are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Kodol digests what you eat and strengthens the whole digestive apparatus. F. G. Fricke & Co., Gering & Co. A Faroily Affair. Judge Ramsey is in receipt of an in vitation to attend a reunion of the Ramsey family at Dallas, Texas, on October , 1!05. The invitation is from Mrs. Cora Ramsey-Womack, vice president for Texas of the "National Ramsaey Family Organization." The circular with the invitation contains the following: "October 5, liiO.", lias been designated as Ramsaey Day, by the State Fair association and the Ramsaey family will hold a public meeting on the fair grounds on the above date. The meeting will be held in tlie new exhi bition hall at 10::J0 a. m. There will be a preliminary meeting at 4 p. m. Wednesday, October 4th. There was a national organization formed at St. Louis. August -, 1 104, with twenty-seven states represented. The Arlington hotel will be head quarters for the Ramsaey Family as sociation during the meeting. All are invited to attend this reunion. In County Court Miss Bertha Hofmeister, daughter of Ilofmeister, who was killed by a Rock Island train at South Bend a few weeks ago filed a petition in county court today asking that she be ap pointed administratrix of the estate, there being no will. The property left by deceased amounts to about $700 and there are live heirs. The estate of Moses Haslam was opened to allow the tiling of a claim by E. M. Monson for 2:i2. A petition was filed by the widow of Jacob S. Strickland lately deceased asking that her son, Joseph A. G. Strickland, of Elmwood, be appointed administrator of the heirs. There are five heirs and the property p.mounts to about -1,00. Crcwford Brought Back. Sheriff McBride arrived home yes terday afternoon from Cheyenne, Wyo., bringing with him Jack Crawford to answer to a charge of forgery. The prisoner is a very tall man with a sandy moustache. He wore the shoes and hat which he secured from Wes cott's store on the forged note. The suit he had in a small telescope valise which he carried. He was not hand cuffed. Crawford was placed in the county jail to await trial. He admits the forgery. A. D. C Card Club. Mrs. Carl Kunsman entertained the A. D. C. Card club at her home yester day afternoon. Mrs. Leyda won the first prize and Mrs. Spies the second. Both prizes were pretty pieces of hand painted china. Refreshments were served and everybody had a delightf ul time. Those present were Mesdames L. V. Egenberger, F. A. Guthman, J. C. Peterson, I. Tearlman, Will Smith, Fred Egenberger, Herman Spies, Har ry Johnson, J. M. Leyda, August Gor der, George Dodge, Carl Kunsman. SovitK Bend (Special Correspondence. I Miss Blanche Wallick Is in Lincoln visiting willi friends. J. C Kline spent Sunday at home. blisses i.unice J I 111 and ( laudla Knox are spending the week wllh relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. Rilla Hill, who has Ucn visit ing at the Hill home, left for Lincoln Tuesday enroute for Portland, Ore. Lemuel McGinnisis spending a few days at home this week. Julius Ranke is hauling cnii to the Farmers' elevator this week. Mrs. Kittrell, the aged mother of William Kittrell, died at the Jailer's home Wednesday nigJit. l.'ev. Garris, of Murdock, conducted the service which was held in the Methodist church. Appropriate musk- was furn ished by the choir. Interment, was made at the cemetery soul h of town. J. E. Demi ng and family sp. day in Ashland. Mrs. W. E. Wells and lilt ters. who have been visiting ill Tuos- lc d;iii.'b Mis. W. M. Deming, left for Thursday, thence top Council Biulls lat t sinoiit Ii. Misses Dollie B icliardson, Mav Bi-rge and Lee Smith rode to Murdock. Mon day evening, on the track velocipede, to attend I Jncle. Tom's ( )i. Many improvements have been made at the State Fislieries. A new cement, tloor has been laid in the hatcheries building and a cement walk from there to the spring house: swings, seats and tables are scattered through the grove which adds much to the beauty as well .as com fort of the place. Given Up to Die. B. Spiegel, 1)4 N. Virginia St., Evansville, Ind., writes: "For over five years I was troubled witJi kidney and bladder alTections whicli caused me much pain and worry. 1 lost llesb and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. Iliad three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney (Jure was recommended and the lirst bottle gave me great relief, and after taking t he second bottle I was entirely cured." F. T. Fricke Co. Prairie View. A number of little Lillian Spangler's friends gathered at her home Tuesday afternoon and gave her a pleasant surprise, in honor of her fifth birthday. They were delightfully served with ice cream, cake, candies and fruits. Many thanks to her mamma. Mr. Henry Spangler has been seri ously ill this week. II. W. Rist and daughter, Maud, attended the Glcnwood chautauqua last Saturday. Bob Fitch made his usual visit to these parts last Sunday, but a little earlier in the day than common, in order that he and Miss Nelson might take dinner with her brother east of Murray. Most of the farmers in this vicinity have threshed their grain. Mrs. Mary Taylor departed last week for an extended visit with Iter daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Furlong, at Denver. Miss Ida Pit, is greatly missel, r;ot 'only hy her cousins, Edith and Julirs. but her many friends as well. j We notice George Berger is evi frying ibis lace in ashnu' Irom notlnirg nor ; or less than the extraction of a tooth. Mrs. Nelson and her daughters. Bertha and Doris, sp"nt Monday after noon with Miss Edith Pi. Week from Sunday will he Be v. T. K. Surface's last appointment at Lib erty. Mrs. Maxwell, from Fremont, ar rived here yesterday, she was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Living ston, who is very ill. George Spangler and wileo! Lincoln, and Will Spangler and wife, oi Wc -p-ing Water, are here helping to carr for their sick father. Kow to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis an those who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures, chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. F. Fricke Co. Republican County Conventioa. The republican county centra! com mittee met in Weeping Water yester day and set Saturday, September :, u.s the date for holding their convention to select delegates to the slate conven tion and also nominate a county ticket. The convention will be composed of 222 delegates and the convention will be held at Weeping Water. Death of Dr. Bartlett. Dr. O. F. Bartlett died at o'clock this morning at the home of his step son, E. A. Holyoke. Deceased was b2 years of age. The funeral will be he'rj tomorrow and will oe private. FOLEYSHOliEYTAR top tK cotstfl and lae?.lr !uxi