The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1905, Image 7

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    Icoal advertisements.
Notice to Creditors.
T Ni tin K . '
( "! 1. 1 y.
I ii t inatii-r "f I
1 11 (''iiul y f'.i jrt.
it- -it .l:i.N.t
Jr.. !-" .
N li r tv irl i n I I In- rrdltitr of
villi i' i ! will iiift-i ilif --nrl inl --.iiinr
uf n.iIiI m.i-. ix f-r- tif. iiiiity .I'ulu.'
.f f'ns 'i..u:ty. Ntr;isU:i, t tin- County
Courtroom In I'littfiinoiilli. In :tll oiinly.
on t Jti uiiv of ...n-iiilr. l'i.V iiml on itn
T'.nl il.y of li linmrv. : II oVlo.-U. it in.,
in-li l.iy. for I ! urio- of xainknlii .iml
;i't liii I in; I lit I r i'ImIiiih.
! x inoiiili-. nr- iillowt tl for tin- crrtlltorH of
kuIiI iift--Nf to prtt-iit l lit ir t'l.iliio. iiml out-y-itr
for tin-fxt-t-iiirl hihI -tfnur to M-ltli-all
t-ttatf. from i In- l:iy of Auiriisi. I'm.',.
Wltriro Iny ti.nnl mikI iil of xiil't Coiinlv
Court. t I'l.ti turnout h. -liriflm. tills Jjin
tl.ty of July. I'"... lUiivtr l. Tim i.
County Jmlf.
Notice of Final Settlement.
I n 1 1 if initttrr of t In- .t.,t.- if Anton II. nry
V t-.'k ti;tilt. lf-.ftl
All pitrtlt-H InitTfHiftl In tin vill ft:ttf ;irt-lit-rt
liy not lti. il t li;il on t In- -l Ii V of .1 u I y.
Ir". I rt-'Hi. r.Ki,iil'r'i-r. itImlnKtr:it4.r of tin
.t;ttfof Anton ' II. nry Wifkliiiflt. lfff;i-..l.
h . .1 lii m t il ion In tliit irt. thf ol.j.'.'t :n:.l
iir.tytr of t I -1 urt- tit.. IiU :ifi-uiit s m:iy
Im- (X.'lliilli.'.l. t Ititt t lit' tillllllli'f of I In- M r-on;il
nron-riy In lilt li:tn.t Ki;iv :ix-.iimh-.I to
Mr-.. M;trv W.-.-U I .-!. widow of Anton lli nrv
I.:i.-Ii. tl--.-;i..-l. :inil t : t tl- r;il fstitt.
of s:ilil i. .-. :i-.. il. tn.iy I uiiU'in il sit iroviilfil
liy iin! f..r hi-. llvli:iri.'f :i- :i'lifiii:K
tr:tor. A In .irin-' u ill ti- Iml on xiiitl Mtltionon
th. iiili il.ty of S.-pti-itiixT. A. I. I'm... :tt l'
o'rloi'k ii. in.. ;it tin- County Court room in
i'hittiinout ii. Cji-.- County. NforsisUji. You
art- ri-uiri-l to .how -;u-.f on or i fori' M
o'l-liM-k a. in. of'l ilay. why tin- prayer of
.hI-I H'tit ion slioulii not ! irrantftl.
I lalf.l till-' Ii l avof July. A. I. 1 '..".
;!w County Jinlt'f.
Legal Notice.
In tlit- County Court of Cass County, ,N-tira-ka.
In rf Kstatf of Patrl. k Ciimpbell. deceased.
To Marirari' t I'Kourk. Mrtf;iret M.O'Kourk.
Susan Camplifll. Mary Ami CnmpU'11. Saint
.loxri.h's 1'nlon. and all otlii-r itersons lnte r
esteu In snUi aimve entitled estate:
Not Ire Is hereby Jflven that a bearing uimjii
the final arrount of the artuiinist rator and
jH tltion for distribution of the real and mt
sonal property. In t hf alxtve entitled estate,
will lie had at my ofHre In the City of IMatts
rnouth. Nebraska, upon the 21st day of Au
gust. A. I. VMk at 10 o'clork a. in.. Iiefore
wliii-h hour all objtrrtlous thereto. If any.
must be tiled.
Dated this L'ntl day of Auiriist. A. I. ISHIO.
liAKVY l. TltAVIS.
:iw County Judue.
or THE
Of 1'Iattsmuuth, Nebraska, on the
otli day of June, l'0.
First mortae loans SJT.tlsii ii
st.N-k loans T'tl
Keal estate none
Furniture and stationery none
Cash ''.'.'W al
IK-Ilmi lent Interest. pr miiimx and
tines s f. JO
Kpriis s and taxes paid ..'f 33
t itlier assf ts 1.:'3 TJ
Total fVi57 Nl
i.i a lit i. in us:
Capital st. M-k paid up ?.!s..V.-J 00
Reserve fund none
I ndivided profits I'.'XiS Ml
I eif shareholders on infomplrir loans none
Other liabilities none
Total iX.7 so
For thf year ending June 3. l!ir.
Hilanreoii hand July 1. 1''4 ? iiK'J -II
I lut-s Sum
I nterest. preliiiu :i;s and tines ::.-4:i 07
bnns repaid :.'.'-Jt ;4
Other sourres bU -i i
Total Js
I. Kins .V-tW IK
KXHMIs-S iH is !Nl I
StiK'k rt deenn-il ."..4i7 IM .
Cash on hand l..!'4.'S 51
Taxes advan.'td l'.'.i 0i
Total -.:.-: 2-
Stati: or Nkkkaska. "
County of Cass. '
I. T. M. Patterson. S.-rretary of the atMe
named Association, do silt-mnly swear that
the foretfoimr statement of the rolidi! ion of
said Assoeiation. is true and rorrert to the
t'st of rny k nov I.-dirf a nd lielief.
T. -M. I'attkuson. S.-rretary.
K. K. W I Mm am. i
W.J. WHlit -Jlirerlors.
1 . II A KSttllllTII.
Sub rilied and sworn to In-fore me this 1st
day of A;:-ust. V.K. I Ix'. IIasse.
Notary I'ublir.
The Only Way.
There is no way to maintain health
and strength of mind and body except
by nourishment. There is no way to
nourish except through the stomach.
The stomach must be kept healthy,
pure and sweet or the strength will
let down and disease w ill set up. No
appetite, loss of strength, nervousness
headache, constipation, bad breath,
sour risings, rifting, indigestion, dys
pepsia, and all stomach troubles that
are curable are quickly cured by the
use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Kodol
digests what you eat and strengthens
the whole digestive apparatus. F. G.
Fricke Co.. (lerini: & Co.
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The change is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why it is. He has our
formula and will explain.
"When 13 e:r old. far many month, no
onethouk'lit I could live bfCueof thin blood.
Hat. in a (rw wfrkn. At' 5ari'nll cora
plctalv restored tne to hewltb."
Mrs. i BftKMlS8TK. Vlneland, 3f. J.
ft 00 bottle.
A'l itniri".!.
J. C. ATM CO..
T.owell. Mtl
The Children
Biliousness, constipation prevent re
covery. Cure these with Ayer's Piils.
?leral Coriespondenre.
Mrs. Josephine Montk'omery re
turne'1 home Wednesday from St. Ji
when? she has Ix'en for the past few
weeks with a sister.
Ir. Miller, Chas. White arid Herbert
Cooper were passengers 'o Omaha
Will Kniis left Tuesday evening for
lortl.nd, Orrtz'tn.
Mrs. Movery, of Missouri, is here
visltink' her brother,.!. U. Clytner, this
Mr. Kerlin, of Lincoln, came down
Thursday evening to see his daughter,
Miss Myrtle, and returned Friday
L. James was transacting business
in tiie county seat Friday.
Yountf IIansjn, while delivering
corn for Tommy Ilhyan the other day,
drew the money on one load but was
caught by Cashier Welton before he
had the money all spout.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coleman spent
Friday in Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ;rotfir, of Have
lock', were visit in.' friends here Satur
day. VA Coleman bought a ticket for
Jennings, Kansas, 2'.th.
Will Poid was a passenger to the
capital Saturday.
Mrs. Hose Montgomery went to
Omaha Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kimbcrley, of
Lincoln, spent Sunday with his moth
er, Mrs. William Kimbcrley.
Misses Ina and Elsie K I mberley re
turned home Friday evening from
Lincoln where they have been working
for the pasj few weeks.
Mrs. Loder and daughter, Etta, of
Waverley, returned home Sunday after
a few days spent with friends and
Mrs. V. B. Harter and two children
visited friends in Ashland last week.
Mr. Stilwell returned home from
Shelby, Saturday, where he has been
for the past two weeks with his
Quite a number of the teachers left
Saturday for Weeping Water to attend
the institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Meeker, of Missouri,
are here this week visiting friends
and relatives.
W. F. Fulmer and wife, of Ashland,
are visiting this week at the home of
their son, D. A. Fulmer.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rouse,
Wednesdaj', an eight pound boy. All
concerned are doing nicely.
A few of the young folks here went
over to Alvo, Saturday evening, to
ride on the merry-go-round.
Willie Nicholas went to Lincoln for
the day Thursday.
Nettie VanCleave returned from
Ashland, Saturday evening, where she
has been for the past few days with
Earl Iloenshell, of Omaha, came
down Saturday to spend Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Iloenshell.
Mrs. E. B. Craig returned home
Sunday from Alvo where she has been
for the past two weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Muir.
Mrs. Chas. Hurlbut went to Omaha
Monday for a few days visit with her
brother, she also expects to goon to
Plattsmeuth and take in the log roll
ing. J. S. Lytle left Saturday evening
for lied Oak, la.. Mrs. Lytle went
W. E. Hand went to Lincoln, Sun
day, to see Ed Steiner w ho was stabbed
by one of the convicts. He reports
him getting along nicely and expects
to go to work again soon.
F. B. Walling has bought out-O. L.
Wilson's confectionery, invoicing to
day, August 1, lwvj. Mr. Walling has
been working in Fulmer's drug store
for about fourteen years. We wish
him success in his new business.
O. L. Wilson has bought Ray Huri
but's dray. We are sorry to lose
Ray as a drayman and hope Mr. Wil
son will give as good success.
Rev. W. B. Harter had the misfor
tune to get his foot hurt quite badly
while helping unload Mr. Divine's
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby de
stroying the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testi
monials. Address F.J.Cheney & Co., Toledo,0.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Eight Mile
Kiee:i I Cor res p, . 1 1 . 1 . ii"e.
The grain is all cut a id threshing
has commenced in earnest. Every
body wants to thresh out uf the: stock,
but can't all thresh at onc, so once in
a while you'll tint! a tield stacked.
ieo. Hilt shelled and delivered his
corn toMynard last Saturday.
F. H. Chassot . who has been laid off
on the sick list, came out to see us
Sunday, also to take in the ball game
in 1'. A. Hild's pasture, where the
Maple drove and Eight Mile teams
crossed bats witli a score of 14 to 11 in
favor of Maple (Jrove. After this game
was over bats were crossed between
Eight Mile and the Cottonwood team.
They played innings when the Eight
Mile team made three scores, which
made the game 17 to 11 in favor of
Eight Mile. Whenever the Eight
Mile boys get beat they are never
afraid to play again.
Ceo. IMld and Bert Sache are going
to rnak a trip to Akron, Colorado, in
the near future. We wish them both
a good time in the west.
Mrs. Joe Mesina and Mrs. Hild ex
pect to go to El Reno. kla., in the
near future, where the latter is going
to see her father, brothers and sisters.
1. 1. Meisinger shelled and deliver
ed corn to Mynard Monday. Meisinger
Bros, did the shelling.
Amick & Rropst did the threshing
in this vicinity this week, beginning
with Jacob Lohnes.
Public is Aroased
The public isaroused to a knowledge
of the curative merits of that great
medicinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for
sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary
II. Walters, of 54 St. Clair Ave.,
Columbus, O., writes: "For several
months I was given up to die. I had
fever and ague, my nerves were wreck
ed: I could not sleep, and my stomach
was so weak, from useless doctors'
drugs, that I could not eat. Soon af
ter beginning to take Electric Bitters,
I obtained relief, and in a short time I
was entirely cured." Guaranteed at
F. G. Fricke's drue store; price 50c.
(Special Correspondent.)
Miss (iracie Mann of Omaha is vis
iting at A. L. Cox's this week.
Mike Hild shelled and delivered corn
M iss Pearl II uffer and Lizzie Wheeler
of Plattsmouth were Mynard visitors
Mrs. Lou Henton and Ina Henton
left Tuesday evening for a visit with
the former's parents at Scotts Bluffs,
Will Adams and Misses Maude and
Ednah Propst are attending Institute
at Weeping Water this week.
W. F. Gillespie and Jim Giuber
went to Plattsmouth on the special
that passed through here Wednesday.
Mrs. W. B. Porter and Misses Eva
and Bunita were visiting at the home
of Herman Bestor one day last week.
Mrs. Minnie Stokes and Mrs. W. F.
Gillespie were visiting at Wm. Long's
in Murray one day last week. Mr.
Long is dangerously ill.
Cjuite a heavy rain visited this sec
tion or the country Wednesday and
we heard someone remark that "the
corn is laughing."
In last week's Journal we stated that
Eight Mile Grove had defeated My
nard in their game of base ball a week
ago Sunday. We- opoligize for that
Mynard and Oreapolis played a game
of base ball July 3d with scores 27 to 4
in favor of Mynard. Hurrah for My
nard: Domestic Difficulties.
With many an excited gesture and
many an unstemable volley of words
did principals and witnesses testify in
the case of Koutnik against Svoboda
in police court this afternoon. Mrs.
Mary Koutnik charged Anton Svoboda
with assault with intent to do bodily!
All those concerned are Bohemians
and the service of an interpeter was
Mrs. Koutnik appeared supported by
her husband and three witnesses. Mr.
Svoboda was supported by two wit
nesses. The plaintiff took the stand
first and amid the scornful smiles of
her opponents testified that Mr. Svo
boda and his children always make fun
of her and that on this occasion he
grabbed her arm and inflicted bodily
injury. Sh exhibited her arm in
question. The member showed no
sign of injury, which confuting testi
mony she explained by the fact that
she had applied liniment to it.
The defendant and his witnesses
showed, amid the scornful smiles of
his opponents, that he hadn't been
near Mrs. Koutnik and that he was a
man of peace and mildness.
Judge Weber, after hearing the evi
dence discharged the defendant.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Commencing Wednesday, August 2d, 1905, and continuing for two week's I will
sell roods at a price cheaper than you can !uy elsewhere, considering oJualily;
and will allow a discount of 5 per cent, for cash.
S hars of Diamond "C" soap . . . . 25C
S bars of "Santa Claus". soap. . . 25 C
3 cans of p;ood corn 25C
3 cans jood tomatoes 25C
18 pounds jjrunulated sujar. -$,()0
Merry War lye at 5C
Rex lye at 5C
Soda, one pound package 5C
Soda, one pound package Arm Cn
and Hammer brand
One pound package bird seed .... 5C
Prodi cmee Wai untied 2
We will take Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Lard and Hides at all times at
market price in exchange for goods. Our prices are right and ve
would be pleased to have you call and give us a trial.
Cedar Creek, - Nebraska.
Popular With All.
Reports from Weeping Water are to
the effect that teachers' institute in
session in that city this week is one of
the most successful ever held in Cass
county. County Superintendent Wort
man has left nothing undone that
would add to making it so. II is whole
soul is wrapped up in the schools of
the county. The teachers all like
him: the directors all like him, and
the patrons of the schools all like him.
His every effort during his incumbency
has been directed especially in the in
terests of the public schools.
. C. S. Wortman, if a candidate for a
second term, will be elected trium
phantly. There has not been a day
since he has been in oflice but what he
has added to his strength in the esti
mation of those who know him best.
Capable, obliging, he has given every
one dealing with his office a "square
deal." On account of a very general
belief in his superiority. Prof. Wort
man defeated his opponent two years
ago, and this year the opposition has
no one available as strong or popular
as their last candidate. Many repub
licans say, what the Journal believes
to be the gospel truth, that Cass
county has the best and most popular
superintendent she ever had.
If you are troubled with dizzy spells,
headache, indigestion, constipation,
Ilollister's Bocky Mountain Tea will
make you well and keep you well. If
it fails get your money back. That's
fair. '.' c ents. (Jering & Co.
How to Avoid Appendicitis.
Most victims of appendicitis are
those who are habitually constipated.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures
chronic constipation by stimulating
the liver and bowels and restores the
natural action of the bowels. Orino
Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nau
seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant
to take. Refuse suhstitutes. F. G.
Fricke Co.
Fiendish Suffering
is often caused by sores, ulcers and
cancers, that eat away your skin. Wm.
Bedell, of Flat Rock, Mich., says: "I
have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve for
Ulcers, Sores and cancers. It is the
best healing dressing I ever found."
Soothes and heals cuts, burns and
scalds. 25c at F. G. Fricke's drug
store; guaranteed.
Delinquent Taxes.
The Lincoln News says that the sub
ject of delinquent taxes is one which
will bear investigation in the near fu
ture. There was some talk of having
the legislature look into the matter
and make some provision either for
the collection of the money from the
counties, or else to release the old
claims which have now become stale.
The ninety counties of the state owe
the state a total of $2.20,2l:J.2I which
has been accruing, in some instances,
since 1839. This amount if it could
all be collected would wipe out the
lloating debt, but a considerable frac
tion of it became delidquent before
1!m) and there is a disposition to can
cel the claim of the state for those
amounts. Little would be gained by
securing judgments against the aver
age county for the delinquency. All
of the counties owe something and the
collection of the tax would necessitate
heavier local levies. The property
owners will have to pay the amount
any way in the shape of increased
state levies with which the floating
debt will be retired ultimately. There
would be considerable difference in the
incidence of the tax burden, however,
under the two ways of collecting it.
Soothing and Cooling.
The salve that heals without a scar
is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. No
remedy effects such speedy relief. It
draws out inflammation, soothes, cools
and heals all cuts, burns and bruises.
A sure cure for piles and all skin dis
eases. DeWitt's is the only genuine
Witch Hazel Salve. Beware o' coun
terfeits, they are dangerous. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co., Gering & V
Why Not Do It?
It has been suggested by several cit
zees to add one more day to the Wood
man's picnic and make it the date for
celebrating Plattsmouth's fiftieth an
niversary. The suggestion looks good
on the face of it, but whether the
Woodmen would want to consent to
such an arrangement is yet to be de
termined. The Journal believes that
such an arrangement could be perfect
ed and that it would give general sat
isfaction. The farmers will have laid
their corn by and will be in shape to
take a couple of days off better than at
most any other season of the year. It
is up to you gentlemen. What do you
say? Remember that the second day
would bring hundreds of people to
Plattsmouth who would not otherwise
Yz pound package best tea 20C
16 ounce can Calumet Haking QQp
Powder "U
16 ounce can Dr. Price's Baking An
Powder ww
Yz pound package Belle Starch. . 3C
1 pound package Silver (iloss On
starch Ob
1 pound package IClastic starch. . C
1 pound package force J2C
2 pound package drifted Hakes.. ()Q
5 pounds oat meal 20C
1 pound Ralston C
Dangerous and Uacertain.
For sunburn, tetter, and all kio
diseases I e Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
has no equal. It is a certain cure for
blind, bleeding, stching and protrud
ing piles. It will draw the lire out ol
a burn and heal without, leaving a
sear. Coils, old sores, carbuncles, etc.
are quickly cured by the use of the
genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Accept no substitute, as they arc of
ten dangerous and uncertain. Sold by
F. G. Fricke it Co., fieri rig .V Co.
Given Up to Die.
B. Spiegel, 1:101 N. Virginia St. .
Evansville, Ind., writes: "For ov 1
five years 1 was troubled with kidney
and bladder affections which caused
me much pain and worry. J l"-,i. H.-Mi
and was all run down, and a year a"
had to abandon work entin h. I had
three of the best physicians did
me no good and I was pract icaily given
up to die. Foley's Kidney (,'un- wa-
j recommended and the first ir.ti.le gav
i me great relief, and after t.-ikmg the
: second bottle 1 was entirely cur- d "
F. T. Fricke it Co.
t i
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend it and easier .
to lose it
bj keeping it in a safe place such as
TheBanH of Cass County
Capital Stock 830,(XK), Surplus 1."j,0o0
Ch:is. C. rarmele. Pres., Jnx:oh Tritv:h. V-l.
T. M. Patterson. Ciisli.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
W hen you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
I J- "' '" r ".,''" ' ' ' ' -v'