The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 20, 1905, Image 7

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The eminent physician will le here
SATURDAY, JULY 29th, 1905,
and will ta at
until " o'clock p. in., Friday, July J'.th,
n day only,
President of the stalf of physicians of
the Boston Medical Institute, is mak
ini? a tour of the states.
This being an advertised t rip. and to
introduce the new system, will give
consultation, examination and all
medicine necessary to complete a cure
f ree.
All praties taking advantage of this
offer a ree re nested to siaie 10 uieir
friends the result of the treatment.
Cures deafness bv an entirely new
method. Catarrh in all its varied forms
cured so that it will never return.
The discovery of absorbing medicine
by electricity, in paralysis, loss of
power, rheumatism and all diseases or
the nervous system is a God-send to
humanity. Thousands who have given
up all hopes of being cured now ha"e
an opportunity to consult without
charge doctor of national reputation
his knowledge of medicine combined
with electricity, gives him control of
diseases that others do not posses.
Treats all curable cases of Catarrh,
Nose. Throat and Lung diseases: Kye
and Ear, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys,
C. ravel, Rheumatism, Paralysis, iseu
ralgia. Nervous and Heart diseases,
Mood and Skin diseases, Epilepsy,
Bright's disease and Consumption in
earlv stage: diseasesof the Bladder and
Female rgans. Liouor and Tobacco
habit. Stammering cured and sure
methods to prevent its recurrence
given. A never failing remedy for Big
Piles. Fistula and Rupture guaran
teed cured without detention from
business. Special attention given to
all surgical cases, and the diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Classes titted and guaranteed Gran
ulated lids, Cataract, and Cross Eyes
straightened without pain.
I o not fail to call on this eminent
specialist as he may save your life.
lr you are improving under your
family physician do not take up our
. . . war . a. i A
valuable time, we wisn 10 gne eacn
one plenty of time, but cannot listen
to long stories pertaining to your case.
The rich and poor are treated just the
same. Idlers and curiosity seekers
will please stav awav. Our time is
Remember not one penny will be
charged for all the medicine required
to make a cure of all those taking
treatment this trip.
rtioe hour. ! a. m.
Positively married ladies must be
ied bv their husbands.
Remember the date. Saturday, -Inly
2'.ith. at the Riley Hotel. Plattsmouth
$3 00 David City and Return.
For the David City Chautauqua the
Burlington offers round trip tickets at
;i.oo from riatlsmouth, July 21 to .0,
inclusive, limited to return July 31st.
This year's program for the Chau-
tauuua is stronger than ever Iwjfore.
mnnir the lecturers are: Hon. Frank
IMvon. Dr. Thomas E. Green, Harvey
M. Harmon, Rev. F. J. Vanllorn, L.
H. Wickersham, Thomas McClary and
John R. Clarke. Music and enter
tainment will be furnished by the Dnn-
bar Male Quartet and Hand Bell
Ringers: the Chicago Lyceum Ladies
Quartet: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bruce
Armsbarv. singers and entertainers:
Ross Crane, cartoonist and clay mod
eler: the celebrated Katherine Ertz
Bowden company, presenting the Pas
sion Flay and Fictoral ' Hiawatha,
adapted from Longfellow's legend:
and Ilagenow's full concert band. For
full information regarding train ser
vice ask the agent .
The Diamond Cure.
The latest news from Paris, is, that
they have discovered a diamond cure
for consumption. If you fear consump
tion or pneumonia, it will, however, be
best for you to take that great remedy
mentioned by V. T. McGee, of Vanleer,
Tenn. "I had a cough, for fourteen
years. Nothing helped me, until I took
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds, which
gave instant relief, and effected a per
manent cure." Fneqiialled quick cure,
for Throat and Lung Troubles. At F.
G. Fricke & Co. drug store: price 50c
and $l.o guaranteed. Trial bottle
Ucijal Htvcrttecmcnts.
Notice to Creditors.
STATK i'K Nkhkaska
C:i County. t
ss. In County Court.
In tlie mutter of the estate of J:ieob V:i!lery.
Jr . defe:ietl.
Noti.-e is hereby ufven that the creditors of
aid dve:isel will meet the executrix and ex
ecutor of said estate, lieforenie. County . I udtce
of Cass County. Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Vlattsmouth. in said county,
on the 2lst clay of November. and on the
3rd day of February. l'.. at 11 o'clock, a m..
each day. for the purpose of examining and
ad Justin their claims.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deeeas?d to present their claims, and one
Tear for the executrix and executor to settle
. . . . i ai ... .1 . . . . . il .-
Witness my hand and seal of said Count
Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 30t
day of July. la. Harvey I. Travis.
LezALl County Judge.
He Is Not Hankering After Another Con
gressional Contest.
Mayor Brow n, of Lincoln, late demo
cratic-candidate for congress,e.vplained
to the Lincoln Journal yesterday that
when he said the night before that the
special congressional election held on
Tuesday last was but a trial heat and
that it was all illegal, that he was
merely joking and that he did not
mean that he would insist on another
battle of the ballots to till this oflice.
He said further :
"I made my run and I have had
enough. The nomination was forced
on me and put up to me in such a way
that I could not decline it. I never
wanted to run for congress and I real
ized all the time that in the First dis
trict a democrat had no show. The
pops did not vote for me and some
democrats did not vote at all. I got a
numlK'rof republican votes. You may
say for me that I do not want another
congressional contest. If a man wins
the oft ice is not worth the effort.
"A personal friend of Mayor Brown
and a man who had something to do
with the mayor's campaign, said that
the populists have left the democrats
and that they are voting the republi
can ticket now."
This paper does not believe what
this personal friend of Mayor Brown
says. The populists in Lancaster
county might have left the democratic
party, but in this county we know of
several as true populists as ever
breathed the breath of life who voted
for Mr. Brown, and that money can't
induce them to vote with the republi
can party. They are of that class,
however, who are honest in their con
victions, and would rather . remain
away from the polls than go and vote
for a republican who endorses the pro
tective tariff and trust ridden party,
As one of the oldest populists in this
county remarked yesterday morning,
I voted for Fresident Roosevelt be
cause I thought he would stick to his
text more closely, but I am afraid he
is backsliding to a considerable extent
and will eventually fall into the hands
of the enemies of good government
No true populist can act with the
republican party and be true to his
Commissioners Proceedings.
Plattsmouth, July 18. Board met
pursuant to adjournment. Present
I). Hawksworth, F. E. Marshall,
county commissioners, and L. A. ly-
son, county clerk.
Minutes of the previous session read
and approved, when the following
business was transacted in regular
form :
Depository bond of the City Na
tional bank was approved.
Sam Johnson was appointed over
seer ot Road oistnct o. o;: omciai
bond of J. W. Richards approved; otli-
cial bond of Charles llasson was ap
E. F. Marshall, salary, $23.(50: George
L. Farley, printing. $24.25; N. Jones
labor, 50 cents: D. Hawksworth, sal
ary, !::: Kiopp liartieit uo., mer
chandise to county, $113.70: B. & M.
R. R. Co., merchandise to county,
$2.40: C. E. Wescott, merchandise to
poor, $10: Lyman Kildow, salary, 850;
Dr. J. M. Xeely, salary first half year,
$24.75: B. C Marquardt, merchandise
to poor, $S; X. Jones, guarding river,
$4, refused; Western Wheel Scraper
Co., repairs, 81.95: Ed Tutt, guarding
jail. $12; M. Runly Co., one traction
engine, $t;i5.35; J. W. Spence, use of
bloodhounds. $25, refused: cost bill in
quest on Hofmeister, $23.35: C. A.
Tartsch. guarding jail, $11: II. F.
Kropp, serving road notices, $1; E. A.
Wurl, merchandise to poor, $10: C. S.
Wortman. two months salary and ex
penses, $250; fee bill State vs. Thomp
son. i.-j.7.$: lee oui state vs. -ean
Bernall, 810.4S; Nebraska Telephone
Co., rents and toll, $S 55: Plattsmouth
Telephone Co., same. $19.40; F. II.
Nickles. merchandise to poor, $20:
J. V. Egenbeiger, coal, $12.75; Dora
Fleishman, care of blind man. $18:
lex Rough, printing, $1.50.
Board adjourned to meet August 1,
. D. 1905. L. A. Tyson.
County Clerk.
Feel Impending Doom.
The feeling of impending doom in
the minds of many victims of Brigbt's
disease and diabetes have been chang
ed to thankfulness by the benefit de
rived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure
it will cure incipient Bright's disease
and diabetes and even in the worst
cases gives comfort and relief. Slight
disorders are cured in a few days. "I
had diabetes in its worst form," writes
Marion Lee of Dunreath, Ind, "I
tried eight physicians without relief.
Only three bottles of i oley s Kidney
Cure made me
a well man." F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Por Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
' Plattsmouth People on tfce Pacific Coast
Enjoy Themselves on the Fojrth.
Some good fri-nd among the large
number .f Piattsmouth people who
now reside on the Pacific Coast sends
the Journal a copy of the Long B'-ach
(Cal. ) Dailv Press, giving the follow
ing account of a reunion of a largt
number of former residents of tin
city who are now making their homes
at various points in California. Some
of these people have resided in that
state for seveial years, while others
have gone there within the past year.
They, no doubt, enjoyed the meeting,
and talked over Plattsmouth. her peo
ple, and especially friends of former
days :
"On the Fourth of July M. B. Mur
phy and family of this city gave a pic
nic party on the beach to a party of
people now in California, all of whom
were former residents of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, ebraska. They had a
very delightful time. In the party
were: Arthur Clark, wife anu family;
J. Finley Johnson, wile and son; Ben
ton Brown, wife and family: Frank T
Davis, wife and family; Wade Davis,
wife and family; James Patterson,
wile and family; Robert Brown and
Thomas Brown, all of Los Angeles
Morgan Brown, wife and family, of
Riverside; L. D. Bennett and wife,
Arthur Helps and wife, Charles B
Murphy, wife and son, M. B. Murphy
and wife, all of Long Beach. The only
guest not from Plattsmouth was Miss
M. J. Ableson, a teacher in a college
in Colorado, who is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Murphy."
Cass County is Wealthy.
The county treasurer's report for
the six months ending July 1, 1W5,
has just been issued and is of a most
satisfactory nature.
The balance on hand is $f)4.941.(8
Only $2,24.01 of this is state money.
Two years ago, July 1, 1903, there
was a balance of 70,573.12 but against
this there was about $20,000 of out
standing registered warrants. At
present there are no outstanding war
rants. They have all been paid off.
The county owes not a penny and has
over $90,000 in its treasury.
The general fund of the county has
$21,025.20 and the school fund $25,521.-
The total receipts for the six months
covered by this report were $177,688.
40. What's the matter with Cass
A Novel Marriage Ceremony.
A gentleman who had brought in
the election returns from one of the
western precincts, was in the Journal
office last night, and in talking with a
number of other gentlemen, related
the following story which he says is
the fact: Last fall we elected a justice
of the peace who never had served in
that capacity. He didn't want the
otliee, but was finally induced to ac
cept the nomination on both tickets
and of course was unanimously elected.
As soon as he was elected, he began to
study up, and get ready for business.
Just about the time he thought he
had prepared himself good and ready
for business, along comes a young man
to secure his services in performing a
marriage ceremony. This was the
first call for business,and he had never
dreamed of marrying anyone, but he
finally told the young man he would
be on hand at the time designated for
the happy event. The day arrived, and
believing that he had gotten the words
to use down pat, he donned his Sun
day-go-to-meeting clothes and pro
ceeded to the home of the parents of
the bride. Quite a large number of
guests had already arrived when the
justice got there. When he looked
around and saw the number of those
in attendance he began to get a little
nervous, but determined at all haz
zards to perform his mission. Finally
everything was in readiness, and when
the bridal couple and attendants filed
in, he bravely met them in the center
of the room and proceeded: "Do you
each solemly swear that you will obey
the constitution of the United States
and oi the great state of Nebraska,
and to perform your duties to the best
of your ability, so help you, God?"
Here a sort of a snicker was heard,
but notwithstanding the justice got
red in the face, he went on: "Then by
the power in me rested, by the strong
arm of law, 1 pronounce you man and
wife, now and henceforth and forever
you will stand committed until the
fine and costs are paid, and may the
Lord have mercy on your souls." The
ceremony stood just the same, but it
was several moments after refresh
ments were served before he was told
of his error. He thought when the
laugh went around the room, it was
simply a part of the congratulations
extended to the happy couple. But
our informant says he has married
several couples since, and has done the
work like a an old hand at the busi
ness. Cottonwood Lumber for Sale.
Those desiring cottonwood dimen
sion lumber can be provided with what
they want by calling on
Charles L. Martin,
Four miles south of Plattsmouth.
That Which Accompanied the Excursionists
From Omaha Sunday.
About Fifteen Gambling Perices Yere Kept
From Opening Up.
Two special t rains arrived over the
Missouri Pacific railroad Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock, bringing the
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen ex
cursion from Omaha. The trains
stopiel at Streight's pasture, about
two miles north or town, and every
body alighted and hastened to the
shady groves.
There everything had a picnic ap
pearance. Tulene Bros, merry-go-round
was already in operation, and a
dancing Moor, about 40 feet square, had
been constructed. Next in import
ance was the booze dispensary, where
several waiters were kept jumping all
day supplying the thirsty. The gyp
sies were there with two tents and
half a dozen children and dogs. Then
there was the shooting gallery lady
and the hit-the-nigger, baby-with-the
base-ball device, the roast beef sand
wich man, the man selling pink lemon
ade out of a galvanized iron tub, and
the paper fan man, and all the rest of
the picnic attendants.
The Tri-city band of fifteen pieces
came along from Omaha and furnished
music for the dancing all day long.
From 2 till 4 o'clock the athletic
events were contested. There were
about 20 events altogether, including,
beside the time honored fat man's
race, sack race, potato race, etc., and
the prize for the best waltzers.
There were probably 1,500 people on
the grounds, half of whom came from
Omaha, the other half from Platts
mouth and the neighboring farms.
Several carryalls were busy all day car
rying people to and from the grounds;
scores of buggies and carriages made
the trip, and many walked out.
The crowd that came from Omaha
had a large sprinkling of the tough
element. Not more than half of them
were railroad men. Those in charge
of the affair had made arrangements
several weeks ago with Sheriff McBride
to pay him for the services of three
deputy sheriffs for duty at the picnic.
ccordingly he appointed R. W. Hyres,
Mr Petty and Nels Murray. The
sheriff and his deputies reached the
grounds an hour after the trains ar
rived. At that time they found fif
teen gambling devices, some in course
of installment, others already running
There was everything, from the rou
lette wheel to the time honored three
shell game.
The sheriff closed all the gambling
devices as soon as he reached the
grounds. There was a storm of pro
test, but McBride was not to be put off
or circumvented. Three negroes, who
had erected a crap shooting shrine
some distance from the ground behind
a clump of trees, were not discovered
for a short time, but they, too. were
eventually closed up. Sheriff McBride
and his deputies stayed there all day
and kept order. In the evening those
in charge refused to pay for their ser
vices because they had compelled the
gamblers to close up.
Railroad men as a class are law
abiding, generous people, but when
they allow their outings and picnics
to be overrun by the tough and law
less element of a city they do them
selves a great injustice, and appear in
a false light.
In spite of this the day passed with
out much friction. The shooting gal
lery lady caused some excitement
toward evening when she discovered
that two prize "gold" watches were
missing. But these were found later
on the person of her husband, who was
sleeping on the neighboring hillside.
The party broke up about dusk, and
by 9 o'clock the grounds were de
serted. 9
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any
thing better than Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your
own doctor if this is nor so.
He uses it. He understands
why it soothes and hculs.
I had a terrible consh fnr irei-!:
took Ayer's Cherr Pectoral i.wi .n!'
bottle completely cnrel me '
Mrs. J. B. Oaskouth. St. .lo.-j.;.. .
25e.. 50c.. fl.OO. .1. 4 . xvi
u 1
Coughs, CVo
will hasten rec - : -
. -:.e of Ayer's Pu- t.
-ir . ; I Ci ri ii l-11
Mrs. Tom Bio.mi went to Gretna
Tir vlay evening, ret ui nhigThur.sday.
Mrs. Galley of Lincoln returned
home Friday morning, alter a few days
visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. T. Cheuvront was a passenger
for Lincoln Saturday.
Mrs. Owens of Lincoin left Saturday
for her home, after a few days visit at
the Kelly home.
Several wagon loads of Gypsies pass
ed through here Sunday morning, en
route to Lincoln.
Mr. Gavin of Seattle, Wash., spent
Saturday and Sunday with his brother
here, Agent Gavin.
Mr. and Mrs. Descher and little
daughter, Helen, of Omaha, spent Sat
urday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Kellv.
Mrs. Kimberleyand Mrs. Weideman
went to Lincoln for the day Thursday
The merry-go-round left Monday for
Alvo, where they expect to remain
about a week.
Threshing is the order of the day
now. ue can hear the hum of the
machine in every direction.
Ld. James and J. c. Stevenson were
passengers to Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cheuvront of
Lincoln came down Sunday for a few
days visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Cheuvront.
Mr. Ryan and wife, of Oskaloosa,
Iowa, are here this week visiting his
brothers, Sam and J. Ryan.
Mr. E. B. Craig is still batching, as
his wife was called to Alvo last week
on account of the illness of their
daughter, Mrs. Dr. Muir.
E. S. I). Voorheesand Uncle Tommy
Faine, drove to Ashland Monday on
Mr. A. D. Welton is having a con
crete walk put down on the west side
of his residence property this week.
Mr. George Walling isdoingthe work.
Mr. and Mrs. Proudy, of Alvo, drove
over Tuesday morning for a few days
visit with friends and relatives.
Last Saturday night Will Rouse and
George Burks had quite an argument
over the ball team. Consequently it
ended in a fight. George coming out
Mr. Herbert Cooper had a new piano
put in his home last Friday.
Mr. J. E. Gavin and Miss Kathryn
Laughlin drove down to Ashland Mon
day evening and spent a few hours
with her uncle, Wm. Laughlin.
A. D. Welton was transacting busi
ness in Omaha Tuesday.
II. II. Bronson shipped his household
goods to Kenesaw, Neb., Friday.
Thieves broke into O. L. Urlson's
confectionery store Wednesday night
and stole between $25 and $30 worth of
cigars and tobacos.
Herbert Cooper moved into the new
bank building last week and Charles
Ilurlbut will now occupy Cooper's
Mrs P. II. Walling, who lias been
very sick for some time, is much bet
ter and able to be around again.
John Weideman was a visitor at the
capitol city last Tuesday.
Ira Lee and family have now moved
into their own house in the north part
of town.
Al Cline, Jwife and two daughters,
spent Sunday at J. Cline's.
T. J. Marshall and wife ?vere passen
gers to Omaha Friday.
Rev. Haiterand family spent Tues
day with friends in Ashland.
Joe Hoenshell, wife and little son, of
Waverly, visited relatives here last
Dr. F. B. Slusser was called to Min
den. Tuesday to perform a surgical
(Special Correspondent.)
Miss Ilarriette Murray was a Platts
visitor one day last week.
Mrs. Mattie Wiles shelled and de
livered corn the first of the week.
Doc Carey and family of Louisville
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Par
ker Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Porter were
Plattsmouth visitorsTuesday evening.
Philip Meisinger shelled and deliv
ered corn the latter part of the week.
Mr. Glenn Wiles was a Mynard visi
tor Sunday evening.
Miss Nora Ilenton spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Shrader of Murray.
Misses Myrtle and Helen Parriott of
Peru visited with Miss Burita Porter
a few days last week.
Misses Eva Porter and Maeola Propst
visited over Sunday with Miss Mary
Moore or Murray.
Mrs. Ira Bosworth and daughter of
Weeping Water, and Mrs. Ames of
Glenwood, Iowa, visited with Mrs.
Frank Marler Sunday.
R. L. Propst had the misfortune to
have the ends of two fingers on his left
hand cut off while working with his
gasoline engine Tuesday.
Beautify your complexion with little
cost. If you wish a smooth, clear,
cream-like complexion, rosy cheeks,
laughing eyes, take Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea, greatest beautitier
known. 35 cents. Gering & Co.
SovitK Bend
i n i Ci r n pi i I .-1 i i.
The elect ion was very quirt , ahoi.t
half I lie vole bring polled.
Many fanners aie putting the lin
ishing touih's into then harvest
fields, and nearly all have Ihrirconi
laid by. The latter has grown so fas!
the past week It is piaituaMy beyond
cultivating now.
Supt. O'Brien will soon hate a p;
foot gasoline launch in which to cross
over from the state fisheries.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Deming are
enjoying a visit from Mrs. W. L
Wells and little daughters, of Platts
mouth. J. H. Doming drove to Ashland
J. C. Kline came up from Kansas
Sunday for a few hours with the folks
M iss Beatrice Tucker arrived Mon
day and is with Mrs. Harry Long dur
ing the busy harvesting season.
Jake Caruicle and Lou Latlrr mixed
on election day, but not over politics.
Jake, it seems, was scooping corn to
Laller's'sheller and the latter claimed
he was choking it or over t browing,
while Jake claimed it was another
scooper. From mild discussion and
sharp repartee things went to physi
cal argument, reaching that interest
ing climax near Sturzenegger's store.
The younger man, Jake, was having
the best of the fray when the by
standers interfered and held results
down to the minimum of a black eye
and a bloody nose, each combatant
being wonderfully cooled, tempera
mentally speaking, and ready to sus
pend hostilities until cooler weather.
Bend Her Double.
"I knewnoone, for four weeks, when
was sick witli typhoid and kidney
trouble," writes Mrs Annie Hunter, of
Pittsburg, Pa., "and when 1 got better,
although I had one of the best doctors
I could get, I was bent double, and
had to rest my hands on my knees
when I walked. From this terrible
aflliction I was rescued by Electric
Bitters, which restored my health and
strength, and now I can walk as
straight as ever. They are simply
wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stom
ach, liver and kidney disorders: at F.
G. Fricke & Co. drug store: pi ice 50c.
Alf Marshall and son were
from Weeping Water Monday.
Louis Carsten shipped two car loads
of cattle to Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Mary Zimmerer is enjoying a
visit from Nebraska City friends.
William Langhorst and wife arrived
lome Monday evening from their
western trip.
Mrs. G. Buss entertain d a lew
friends Saturday evening in honor of
Miss Lina Lfneback, ol Weeping
Water. Those present were Mesdatnes
John McFarland, Bus. Hutchius, Ora
Cones, Otto Brooks and Mi-.s Line-
beck. A dainty luncheon was served
on the lawn.
The Avoca team drove to Nehawka
Sunday and defeated Mason's' Colts by
score of 8 to 3. TheAvoea team
played gilt edged ball, winning the
game with ease. Score :
Avoca 3 0 2 0 0 o o 3 x h
Nehawka 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 03
Base hits Avoca, 10; Nehawka, 5.
Iome run Pittman. Three base hit
Wolf. Batteries Harmon and Pitt-
man; Gruber and Rood. Umpire-
Will Interest Many.
Every person should know that good
health is impossible if the kidneys are
deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will
cure kidney and bladder disease in
every form, and will build up and
strengthen these organs so they will
perform their functions properly. No
danger of Bright's disease or diabetes
if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken in
time. F. G. Fricke & Co.
a Cow gave
Tiankind would have to
invent milk. Milk Is Na
ture's emulsion butter
put in shape for diges
tion. Cod liver oil is ex
tremely nourishing, but
it has to be emulsified
before we can digest it.
Scott's Emulsion
combines the best oil
with the valuable hypo
phosphites so that it is
easy to digest and does
far more good than the
oil alone could. That
makes Scott's Emulsion
the most strengthening,
nourishing food - medi
cine In the world.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists
409-415 Pearl Street New York
60c. and Sl.OO. All druggists