The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 08, 1905, Image 8

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    Weeping Water
From Hit? Hernia.
To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. TefU, Tues
day, May 3o, a girl was born.
J. K. Josephson and wife are proud
wer the arrival of a ioy. born Friday,
11 ay
Charles Phil pot received last week
from Kansas City a large dipping tank
for hogs and sheep.
It is hoped tJiat a few of our girl
who swapped fellows during the reign
of the cadets will have no troble renew
infold acquaintance.
Miss A net ta Woods has accepted
position as teacher in the l'lattsmouth
schools. The school board will hav
no reason to regret their choice, fo
Miss Woods is an excellent teacher
One day last week Dr. II ungate re
moved from the throat of one of John
Whiteman's girls a pin. She fell asleep
with the pin in her mouth, and awak
ened to find it stuck in her throat.
One of the cadets named Scott fell
from the excursion train as it was pull
Jng out Friday mgnt, and struck on
his chin and mouth, knocking one
troth out and bruising the flesh. Dr
Kickard was called and dressed the
Miss Etta Crabtree will not accept
the position as teacher in our schools
another year, having resignd and ex
pects, we understand, to attend school
at Peru. Miss Crabtree is at the head
of the list in her profession as grade
teacher, and disappoints scholars and
parents by the change.
Invitations have been printed at the
Herald announcing the forthcoming
marriage of Miss Ellen Louise Domingo
to James Leslie Wiles, to take place at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr
and Mrs. John Domingo, on Wedne.S'
day evening, June 7, 190o, at 8 o'clock
T. R. Boone met with an accident
last Friday. While carrying a coal hod
of chicken feed down an embankmen
his feet slipped from under him and
he fell, striking his back on the bucket
breaking one rib. Dr. Hungate re
duced the fracture. Mr. Boone suffers
considerable pain, but is able to be
From the Republican.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Peiry Wright
May 2:, a daughter. Reported by Dr
Miss Anna Lyman, who has been
teaching at Mobile, Ala., the past year
w ill be home this week to spend the
James Minnear was in town Friday
and tells us he has sixty-tive acres of
corn plowed over once. Jim is a hust
ler and believes in keeping his work
well in hand.
A very interesting and excitingsham
battle was fought by the cadet battalion
Friday afternoon, in Wolcott's pasture
west of town, which was witnessed by
a large and appreciative crowd.
Mrs. M. U. Thomas and daughter,
who have leen visiting with her
brother,.!. L Kennedy and family for a
week, left Monday morning for St.
Paul, Minn., where they will visit te
fore returning to their home in Cali
fornia. On Tuesday afternoon while attend
ing Decoration day services at the
church, G. W. Norton was taken sud
denly ill and had to be removed to his
home. At the present time he is rest
ing easier and his many friends hope
to see him in his usual health in a few
Against Patent Medicines.
"Collier's Weekly had a shocking
drawing a skull, from which on one
side flows poison, on the other crude
alcohol into bottles of patent medi
cines, distributing death among the
poor classes. We often called the at
tention of our readers to the fact, that
neither poison nor alcohol should be
contained in a family remedy. When
ever it becomes necessary to overcome
a slight indisposition, loss of appetite
and bodily weakness, Triner's Ameri
can Elixir of Bitter Wine should be
employed. It is a true household rem
edy, made of pure wine and bitter
herbs, which has a decided effect in all
maladies of the stomach, in nervous
ness, in poorly nourished blood. In
dorsed by leading physicians who have
thoroughly tested it, indorsed by thou
sands of families who have befltn cure
with it. Guaranteed not to contain
any poison, any drug, any addition of
alcohol. At drug stores. Jos.Triner,
799 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
From the Leader-Echo.
Mrs. George Bickert is rapidly recov
ering from her serious illness.
From all appearances a genuine hen
convention was in session at Wabash
park yesterday.
O. J. Rathbun of Loveland, Col., was
an Elmwood visitor last week, the
guest of his sister, Mrs. J. G. Stanard.
Mrs. Lavina Crail died at her home,
three miles east of Elmwood on Tues
day morning of last week at 11 o'clock.
The funeral services were held from
the bouse on Thursday af ternon, con
ducted by Rev. J. H. Bicknell, pastor
of the Christian church. A large pro
cession followed the remains to the
Elmwood cemetery, where interment
was made.
C. G. Shreve and John Eldenmiller
returned Saturday from Oklahoma
Each homesteaded a quarter section
near Guyman, where Emery Brant and
S. M. Cox reside.
A delicate surgical operation was
performed upon Mrs. II. A. Skelton
Thursday of last week. She withstood
the operation nicely, and is recovering
rapidly. The operation was performed
by Dr. Slusser of Greenwood, a brother
in-law of Mrs. Skelton. and Drs. Bo
batman and Neely of this city.
Willie Atchison fractured a bone in
his right foot Tuesday while actiug as
peacemaker. A couple of the cows got
to fighting and Willie "butted in" to
separate them. He aimed a gentle
kick at one's stomach, but the cow
jumped and Willie's foot struck a hard
spot on the cow's leg. Willie says the
darned old cows can light it out next
time before he'll interfere.
Dying of Famine
is, in its torments, like dying of con
sumption. The progress of consump
tion, from the beginning to the very
end, is a long torture, loth to victim
and friends. "When I had consump
tion in its first stage," writes Win
Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., "after trying
different medicines and a good doctor,
in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New
Discovery, which quickly and perfect
ly cured me." Prompt relief and sure
cure for coughs, colds, sore throat,
bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents
pneumonia. Guaranteed at F. G
Fricke & Co.'s drug store, price 50c
and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle free
From the Ledger.
F. W. Rosenbrook, who was one of
the brakemen running between here
and Lincoln, has "turned in his lan
tern" and retired from railroad work
lie is a practical painter and paper
hanger, understands the business thor
oughly and is now devoting his time to
that line of work. Those wanting a
first-class workmen need not hesitate
in employing Mr. Rosenbrook.
Miss Rosa O'Donnell departed Mon
day for Peru, where she will attend
the state normal during the summer
Dick Conrad believes in expansion in
land matters, having purchased from
Jesse Campbell a nice 40-acre tract
southeast of town.
Ed L. Shoemaker and wife of Oma
ha visited Saturday and Sunday with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M
II. Shoemaker, southwest of town.
Miss Margie Walker of Murray came
in on the Wednesday 10:22 train, en
route home from Lincoln, where she
had been visiting some of her friends
several days.
Miss Eva Allison, who taught in the
Medford, Okla., schools the past year,
came home to spend the summer vaca
tion, and Friday she went to Tecum-
seh to visit her sister several days.
Abe Rupley, who has been L. R.
Upton's efficient clerk and tinner, has
a severe attack of rheumatism, making
t necessary for him to go to his home
in l'lattsmouth to care ior nis rneu-
matic troubles.
Mrs. Charles Anderson of near Mur
ray came down last Saturday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Mc-
Namee, and on Monday she became
very ill, suffering from an attack or
rheumatism and heart trouble. She is
now reported to be getting along quite
Ed Leach has a painful wound on
his right hand, the result of too much
familiarity on the part of Dr. Dun-
gan's Dig dog. "Burr." Ed was mov-
ng a box which the dog thought was
out of order, and the first intimation
Ed had of trouble was when the dog
anded on him. The wound was very
painful but it is lucky that it was not
The Salve That Penetrates.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve pene-
rates the pores of the skin, and by its
antiseptic, rubifocient and healing in
fluence it subdues inflammation and
cures boils, burns, cuts, eczema, tetter,
ring worm and all skin diseases. A
specific for blind, bleeding, itching
and protruding piles. The original
and genuine Witch Hazel Salve is
made by E. C. DeWitt& Co. and sold
by F. G.-Fricke & Co. and Gering &
Mrs. Peter Gruber, who suffered
fracture of the thigh a few weeks ago
is reported to be getting along very
nicely, being able to sit up part of the
Last Monday Tom Isner of Platts
mouth, who has the contract for the
erection of a new residence for C. D.
St. John, arrived in town witli a force
of carpenters. An tone Castner, Jack
sanaerson ana o. i. Monroe made up
the listo carpenters, while Mr. Wal
ters will be assisted by John Lindsey
and John Rowland on the foundation
The Law and Order league of Platts-
mouth have finally prevailed on the
saloonkeepers to remove all screens and
curtains so that the highly respected
citizens can see a booze fighter do bus
iness with the whiz bottle. The good
brothers that signed the application
for the saloonists to do business, and
affirmed "he is of good moral charac
ter" now has a guess coming. The un
mentionables that wanted a chance to
"rubber" are t(o insignificant to cum
ber our columns.
From the Register.
Mrs. Augusta Seeley, a sister of Mrs.
Isaac Pollard, who has been staying
here since last winter, departed yester
day for her home at Mabel, Minn.
The friends of little Harriette Wal
lace at Lincoln will be pleased to know
that after a siege of eight weeks of ty
phoid fever, a change for the better is
apparent, and hope is entertained for
her recovery, although her weak and
low condition will make her improve
ment very slow.
VanCourt sent down a few teams
and a grader from Omaha Saturday
for use in the quarries here. It is the
intention to strip off considerable more
space and enlarge the quarry. Mr.
Lundberg, the manager, says be can
use several more men in addition to
she thirty-five now at work. Wages
are 11.75 per day.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests all -classes of food, tones and
strengthens the stomach and diges
tive organs. Cures dyspepsia, indi
gestion, stomach troubles, and makes
rich, red blood, health and strength
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worn
out tissues. Gov. G. W. Atkinson of
vv. a, says: "x nave used a num
ber of bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and have found it to be a very effec
tive, and, indeed, a powerful, remedy
for stomach ailments. I recommend
it to my friends. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co. and Gering & Co.
From the Courier.
W. F. Krecklow expects to move in
to his new residence the first of the
Col. I. DePuy's many friends will
regret to learn that he is seriously ill
with heart trouble.
Mrs. Hugh Seiver, of El Reno, Okla
homa, is here visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Heim. -
R. Sanders returned from an Omaha
hospital Tuesday evening where he re-
centy underwent an operation for ap
T. F. Cowles, has been promoted to
district roadmaster of this division.
W. E. Ax, of Eagle, takes his place as
secion foreman here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith banqueted
the members of the class of 1905 and
the teachers of the Louisville schools
Thursday at Hotel Speaker.
The graduating class has been dined
and entertained until they have about
arrived to the conclusion that their
years of study and hard work has been
Latest reports from Mrs. Isaac
Bates, who was operated upon at Ne
braska City last week, are to the effect
that she is getting along nicely.
Word comes from Colorado that W.
C. Cunningham, a former feather ren-
evator of this place, has fallen heir to
an estate valued at $80,000, through
the death of his sister.
Raymond Teodorski came near los
ing a finger Monday. While assisting
in loading a heavy trunk it fell on one
of his fingers, mashing it badly. Dr.
Thomas dressed the wound.
Ed Ax went to Louisville Tuesday
to take charge of a section there for
about twenty days.
Mrs. Davis and little daughter, Mar-
iorie, left Thursday of this week for
Kansas City where they will visit her
sister for a few days and then go to
Illinois. They will probably extend
t ieir trip to Canada to spend the sum
Quality vs. Quantity.
Hard muscles and strong body do not
depend on the quantity of food you
eat, but on its perfect digestion and
proper assimilation. When you take
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure your system
gets all the nouishment out of all the
food you eat. It digests what you eat
regardless of the condition of the
stomach and conveys the nutrient
properties to the blood and tissues.
This builds up and strengthens the
entire system, overcomes and cures
indigestion, dyspepsia, belching, sour
stomach, etc. Sold by F. G. Fricke & i
Co. and Gering & Co.
A Live Two-Headed Calf.
Edward Mitchell, manager of the
W.J. Davenport fruit farm just south
east of Glenwood, reports the birth
yesterday of a genuine two-headed
calf. It is a little brown fellow, and
is a mixture of Ilolstein and Jersey.
On account of the great weight of its
head the calf is unable to stand on its
feet and receive nourishment in the
customary way, but every effort will
be made to have it live. It will be fed
warm milk fiom a bottle until it gains
strength enough to stand up. The
two headsare joined together near the
eyes and through the center. There
Q t Vjls k I k 1 1 mrrir rv r 1 1 lie t iksi n ALnf
four eyes, two foreheads, but only two
ears. The two inside eyes are not per
fectly formed. Mr. Mitchell will no
doubt soon be receiving letters from
museums and side show managers
wanting to secure this queer freak of
nature. Possibly Mr. Mitchell may
tour the country himself. The calf
should be on exhibition in Glenwood at
the next market day, June 17. Glen
wood ( la. ) Tribune.
Accident at Clay Pit.
Chas. Mclntire was caught by acave-
in at t he clay banks west of town Fri
day morning, at about 9 o'clock and
injured about the body He was at
once extricated and taken to the home
of Ed Hester and a physician sent for.
Mclntire was unconscious when pick
ed up, and it was at first reported
that he could not live. Dr. Thomas
went out and examined his injuries
and told the Courier that aside from
the possibility of internal injuries, Mc
lntire is not seriouslyinjured.
It seems that in removing the clay
a pyramid of earth ten or fifteen feet
in height had been left by the clay
diggers and Mclntire was assisting in
pulling this down bv the aid of a team
and a log chain when it fell on him.-
Louisville Courier
A Thousand Dollar's Worth of Good.
"I have been afflicted with kidney
and bladder trouble for years, passing
gravel or stones with excruciating
pain," says A. II. Thurnes. a well
known coal operator, of Buffalo, O. "I
got no relief from medicine until I be
gan taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then
the result was surprising A few
doses started the brick-dust-like sub
stance and now I have no pain across
my kidneys and I feel like a new man.
It has done me $1,000 worth of good."
Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every
form of kidney or bladder disease. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
From the Beacon.
Russ Mick gave a social dance to his
friends at his home Wednesday.
A. C. Adams and family were down
from Lincoln to attend Memorial day
exercises and call on friends.
While painting the outside of his
house, J. M. Lindsay feil from a lad
der one day last week, breaking sev
eral ribs.
Miss Mamie Price who graduated
from the High school last week, left
Monday morning for Feru to take a
course in pedagogics.
Geo. Reitter, sr., left yesterday for
Ohio, where he goes to visit for a time
with relatives and old friends. He
will visit a few days in St. Louis on
the way.
John Robotham and family expect
to leave some time in July for a trip
to the western coast with the purpose
of locating there if the country and
climate suits them.
Oscar Wells, who works for John
Froblich, received a telegram Wed
nesday morning stating that his
mother, living at Overton, was dan
gerously ill. lie left immediately for
her bedside.
Do You Want to Go East?
The Journal notes in a recent Bur-
ington circular the name of Superin
tendent Rouse among other educators
who are to personally conduct twospec-
ial excursions to the National Educa
tors' association at Asbury Park, N. J.,
about July 1. Doubtless there are
many in this section interested in a I
low rate in an extended eastern trip,
who will find it to their advantage to
see or write Mr. Rouse. Associated
with Mr. Rouse in this excursion are
such well known educators of Nebraska
as State Superintendent McBrien and
the following superintendents: W. L.
Stephens, Lincoln; A. L. Caviness,
Fairbury; N. Sinclaire, NebraskaCity;
J. D. French, Hastings, and J. W.
Crabtree, superintendent of the Peru
State Normal.
He Who Never Made a Mistake.
The man who never made a mistake
is not now farming. He has long since
graduated and has quit his job. The
fellow who has made mistakes is still
engaged in the business. The fellow
who has been making the same mis
take over and over again has quit.
Keeping on making the same mistake
all the time is what proves disastrous.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, re
quires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, actiug directly upon the blood
and mucuous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. The "Havana Tag," the best 5c cigar
on the market. Try one today and
you will buy one tomorrow.
Claims Many Thousands. A Tragedian's Thanks to Pc-ru-na.
In speaking of Peruna, Kolert Down
ing, the famous tragedian, Rays:
"You may notice that persons in poor
health always find the heat most intol
erable; this I avoid by uirig Peruna. I
know by the thermometer that the
weather is hot, yet I have felt the heat
less this summer than ever.
" find Peruna a preventative against
all sudden summer His that swoop upon
one In changing climates and water.
It is the finest traveling companion and
safeguard against malarial influences.
"The cooling action of Peruna on the
mucous membrane makes it invaluable
to actors and singers, as it does away
with that tendency to sudden hoarseness
mo apt to overtake one on emerging from
a hot dressing room to a draughty
"To sum It up Peruna has done me
more good than any tonic I have ever
taken, "Robert Downing.
Dr. Ilartman was the first physician
in the United States to accurately de
scribe systemic catarrh. His remedy,
Peruna, the only nyntemic catarrh rem
eay yet devised, is now known all over
the civilized world.
Write for a copy of Dr. Hartman's
latest book, entitled,"Chronic Catarrh."
Address Dr. Ilartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
All corresponpence held strictly con-fidential.
The Man in Charge!
There is no better way to make the California trip than
to join the Burlington's personally conducted Through Tour
ist Sleeper Excursions, which leave l'lattsmouth every Thurs
day and Friday at 3:.'!0 p. m. The Conductor, who is in per
sonal charge, is an employe of the Burlington Koad. lie meets
you at the station, cares for you your baggage, looks after
transportation in fact, his sole duty is the care of passengers.
The route is through Denver, by daylight through scenic
Colorado and Salt Lake City, thence San Francisco and the
Coast Line to Los Lngeles.
See that your return titket from from California reads
over the Burlington, that you may likewise be booked in our
east-bound excursions; and if you return via Portland and the
Puget Sound country and you .should do so by all means.
There are Burlington ticket agents at Portland, Tecoma and
Seattle who will make all your arrangements for the home
ward trip.
All classes of tickets are honored in these through tourist
sleepers: the cost per birth is but $5.75.
Daily through standard sleepers Gmaha to San Francisco
and scenic Colorado.
RATES Unusually low rates for the round trip on fre
quent dates during the summer to the coast and back.
Apply for Portland Exposition fold
ers, California excursion folders,
berths, information, etc. Describe your
proprosed trip and let me advise you
the most desirable way to make it at
the lowest cost.
L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A.,
1004 Farnum Street, Omaha, Neb.
War on China
and Queensware
THIS means just what we say. Every piece of
Queensware in our large stock will be reduced to
the original cost, and on many articles below cost.
This line of goods must be moved, as we need the
room. The prices we offer will certainly do it.
In Our Grocery
This Old Reliable store, as it always has done, stands
ready to offer you the best values for the money. Our
line is certainly one of the most complete to be found
in Cass County.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Successor to Weckbactl & CO. PIsttsmoatb. Nab.
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