The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 20, 1905, Image 3

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m - " Q czzDczr
The Sorinc buvine season is right at hand, and in order to make this the most important trade movement in the history of this store, a
Snecia? SoHnc Pric nc of every article has been decided on. To make this sale a success, prices have been reduced to satisfy the most f ru
gal buyer? Compare the low prices and come here and examine the goods to convince yourself that this is the place to make your purchase.
Bed Room Suits!
The lare display of Suits and Odd Dressers
is evidence of itself that this is the Leading Fur
niture Store, and a comparison of prices is con
vincing that lowest prices always prevail. An
exceptionally jnm! bargain is to he foundQIC Eft
in the suit that is sold. Special OlOiJU
In this assortment the designs and finishes
are positively the very latest productions of the
best manufacturers. Because of the growing de
mands for this come-to-stay article, unusual care
was exercised to select such patterns only that
com bine equally in quality and design. Although
cheaper ones can be had, it is preferable to 00 CO
quote one that is a bargain, an all sizes, OZi JU
No matter how lavish or meagre the outlay
for the bed room may be, it remains for the mat
tress to bring the comfort always looked for and
the necessary rest. Look into this matter very
thoroughly and be convinced that here is to be
found the Best Select All-Cotton
tresses ever shown, at
In designs and prices so perfectly sure to please that
no hesitancy is expressed in the claim that here are the best
go-carts to be had for the least money. The range in prices
provides t he article for your needs and style. A very Pfj QC
iroou go-cart is snown at
Folding Go-Carts with green enameled, with QO Cfl
finest running gear, steel wheels, rubber tired at
Kitchen Cabinets!
Probably of all recent inventions the Kitchen Cabinet
stands peerless before the house wife today as almost indis
pensible in the performance of her household duties. If
you do not possess one, ask your neighbor about its handi
ness, etc., and after you have installed one in your home
you will wonder how it was possible to have overlooked its
many merits so long. Examine the line carried OQ CO
here before buying. An exceptionally good one for OOiwU
v '
! Wo 1 and Cotton Car-
j pets, in iloraland or
i iental designs, 50c, i0 1 p
47 and 2 l
Art Squares and Vel-
Y A A A 1
i vet -Kurs in most attractice
i designs and colors. A good
4.l.-.'l Liliv.ll l. vl niv- t
former, size 9x12. . . OOtLO
Cotton Mixed and San
itary Carpets, in ele
gant patterans, at Q7 1 p
30c and 2
Wilton Rugs in all sizes
and of various designs, firm
ly woven and having a soft,
silken finish. As
sortment of the 27 oi nn
China and Japanese
Mattings. Positively the
largest stock in town to se
lect from, likewise the most
desirable patterns of the sea
son. Fancy checks
and weaves, at. . . .
Curtains and Draper
ies. The largest assortment
of different grades and de
signs to suit the taste and
purse of all. The most at
tractive and latest fabrics
ever shown here. Very good
Imported Tapestry
Curtains to be had 2 ljJ
Don't hesitate to look over this store carefully for
your future wants, for remember that your are al
ways welcome here, whether you purchase or not.
The special inducements offered to those just be
ginning housekeeping is worthy of investigation.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Foair'irQafiDJtr'o sunxdl yJimdleir'SsikDirDg)
A strength tonic that brings rich,
red blood. Makes you strong, healthy
and active. That's what Hollister's
Kocky Mountain Tea will do. 3ocents,
tea or tablets. Gering & Co.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated
Gut Ileil" cigars.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Office with Dr. . D. Cummins.
Dr. El st or, Don t 1st,
Waterman Block,
We don't handle wall paper, but we
carry the two best brands of paints
and sell them too.
F. G. Fricke & Co.,
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, guaranteed
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Fairfield, la,
Osceola, la.
Algona, la.
Creston, la.
H Try Us on Overalls!
Seymour, la.
Ft. Madison, la.
Panora, la.
Brooklyn, la.
Leon, la.
The Price Regulators of Plattsmouth!
New arid better clothes for men. Our clothes are worn by a hundred
thousand good dressers in New York and Philadelphia. They are popular in
fashion centers of America. We offer them to the people of this community at
prices LOWER than they are asked for inferior goods. You will see the force
of our argument as soon as you try our clothes on. Good workmenship,
choice patterns and wear resisting fabrics will appeal to you. You will know
what we mean by clothes that fit and keep their shape.
Buying for our Ten Stores enables us to save you five and ten dollars per
suit. If we cannot save you money, we do not ask your business.
Try Us on WorkGoods! $
( )
Ice Cream Social.
T'horA will hp. an ice pream social
given at the Eight Mile Grove school
house on Friday evening, April zs,
1905. Everybody invited. There will
be an interesting program rendered.
Farm House Burned.
Last Friday morning the farm house
on the Klepser place, now owned by
Tom Wiles, burned. It is located
three miles west of town and was oc
cupied by Chas. Pittman. It caught
fire, we learn, from some clothes near
the pipe upstairs, and but few of the
household goods were saved. Mrs.
Pittman was the only one home at the
time, but some corn shelters nearby
hurried over and assisted as much as
possible. The house contained about
seven rooms, and was an old landmark.
Weeping Water Herald.
Beware of Ointments . for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co..
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and
is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It
is taken internally and made in Toledo,
O., by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimon
ials free.
Sold by druggists. Price 75c per
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often ends fatally,
but by choosing the right medicine,
E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa,
cheated death. He says: "Two years
ago I had Kidney Trouble, which
caused me great pain, suffering and
anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters,
which effected a complete cure. I
have also found them of great benefit
tn general debility and nerve trouble,
and keep them constantly on band,
since, as I find they have no equal."
F. G. Fricke, druggist guarantees
them a
A Surprise Party.
A joyous party of young people gath
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Poisall on Saturday night last to
assist in a surprise party given in honor
of their daughter. Miss Myrtle. Games
were indulged in until a late hour,
then, after refreshments, all departed
for their homes feeling that it was
good to be one of the chosen guests.
Those who were present to take
part in the enjoyable event were: Iiy
ron Gordon, Earl Weldy, Johnnie Hall,
Jesse Godwin, Earl Barclay, Milford
Bates, Misses Birdie Gordon, Ethel
Saffer, Mollie Godwin, Myrtle Hall,
Laura Sachor, Edna Saffer and Opal
Chandler of Havelock.
Young Wolves Captured.
While out hunting a few days since
in the timber southeast of Ucion, G.
G. Brinton and B. B. Everett came
upon a den containing a litter of nine
young wolves. After the capture of
the little ones the boys waited pa
tiently for some time for the return
of the mother, but she evidently smell
ed a good-sized mouse and didn't re
turn. The young ones were brought
to the court house alive, which were
viewed with considerable curiosity by
many. Wolves in that vicinity have
given the farmers considerable trouble
by carrying off chickens. They are
of the regular timber wolf species.
A Daredevil Ride
often ends in a sad accident. To heal
accidental injuries, use Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot,
from an accident," writes Theodore
Schuele, of Columbus, O., "caused me
great pain. Pnysicians were helpless.
but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly
hoalorl it. "
like magic
25c at F.
and heals burns
G. Fricke & Co.
A Free Woman.
We learn from the Glenwood papers
that Mrs. Linnie Roach, who was ar
rested some weeks ago on the charge
of having caused the death of her
child by poisoning, has been released
from custody by the grand jury. The
state chemist, who reported at the
preliminary examination that he
found stiychnine in the pie the child
had eaten, was before the grand jury
and testified that such was not the
case, and that be found no poison in
the stomach of the child. Mrs. Roach
is a former resident of Plattsmouth.
The Supreme Court Says Mr. Polk Cannot
Have Even an Attorney's Fee.
The supreme court has attirmed the
decision of the lower court in the mat
ter of the Kupka heirs against C. S.
Polk, but refused to allow the attor
ney fee in the sum of $2,500 which the
lower court gave to Polk. Consequent
ly the property taken from the Kupka
heirs niched from them by a "Get
Rich Quick" scheme is restored to
them and Mr. Polk is out of pocket
several thousand dollars and lots of
"hot work" in scheming.
This decision will meet with the ap
proval of every honest man in Cass
The Journal will have m
regarding the matter next
decision rendered came und
' U LI VII J U9U a.1 nc piJ pi I.
Orange Blossoms.
Dr. J. F. Paddleford and Mi
Sampson were marr:ed at
Bluffs, Iowa, on Friday, April
L)r. Paddleford is well known
county, having at one time t
school at College Hill, where he
his home with Mr. and Mrs.
Schlater for two vears. , lie is
practicing his profession at Decat
.Neb., where he and his brine will
at home to their friends after May
stand, still resides at ElmwoYxI, wher
he was principally reared to manhood
The Journal joins the many friends
of the doctor in wishing bimand his
wife happiness and prosperity.
After a short visit with friends, the
Misses Doris and Jeanette Nelson re
turned again to their work in Miss
Goehry's milliner establishment in
Weeping Water.
At the meeting of the Cass County
Medical association in Weeping Wa
ter, on Wednesday of last week, Dr.
E. W. Cook of this city, was chosen'
president for the ensuing year. A
honor worthily bestowed.
..... .