Weeping Water I n .III lll' lit T.l'.il. I :rn t Mr. ;ml Mrs. .1. 'hi Kl f n WVcliirvIay, .lamiary '.', !- a hoy. ;railiu:i I'.mii ni' f with an :uriJnt last Thursday. Mn' slipped i n tin i i' in tin; yard and Ml, fracturing an ankle hm. IIo rh')I-ra has wrought havoi; anions tlur h rds of a nuinhT of our farmers, and many Ik-s are now af flicted with the flisease. Lena Wo'iertf, daughter of yfm :in,i Mrs. Woherjr, .started in to eat a can of concent rated lye. Sin was discov ered in the act, and hurried lips and tongue is all the had effects that re sulted. Raymond Harrison was out gunning recently, arid shot a raccoon. It measured . 'I feet from tip to tip, and was all the luatro he wanted on the return trip. He skinned the animal and sold the hide. Last Wednesday John lla'Itfky killed another coon that was sleeping in a nest in a tree. A t a mee tirm of the school loard held last Friday, M. C. LehVr of Klmwood, was elected to teach in the eighth urade of our school. Mr. Lef ler is a splendid school man and al though the lxard had to raise the price to$;o per month, they feel that that particular room needed a man that could handle the scholars. Last Thursday niht as Koht. Chandler and family were starting out from the Mennonite church foi their home, one butftry wheel ran oil the culvert by the church, the jar broke it down and tipped the vehicle over, spilling them all out. Mrs. Chandler was quite ill from the ef fects of the fall, but no serious bruises sustained. A Modern Miracle. "Truly miraculous seemed the recov ery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place," writes J.O.K. Hooper, Woodford.Tenn., "she was so wasted by coughing up puss from her lungs. Doctors declared her end so near that her family had wttched by her bedside forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr. King's New Discovery was given her, with the astonishing result that im provement began, and continued until she finally completely recovered, and is a healthy woman today." Guaran teed cure for coughs and colds. iOc and I in) at F. (I. Fricke & Co., drug gusts. Trial rxjttle free. Nehawka From the Keglsti'r. Joe Shrader returned from a trip to Harlan county, Sunday niirht where he had loen looking over his real estate interests. Hi Adams returned to his home at Candy, after spending several days lrxtkirir arter his property in this part of the county. J. V.. Magney went over to Piatts mouth, Tuesday in the interest of the Xeiiawka Milling company and dis posed of one car load, which was ship ped this week. Wes says the old town 12 looking quite attractive. It is rumored that the earthquake the other day cracked the capitol building at Lincoln Wasn't it just a jar caued by the railroads dumping their l'.xx. annuals into the laps of the state otlicialsV Ilobert Vail and Wm. Porter made a deal Saturday, whereby the latter purchased the plumbing, well-boring and windmill business, together with all machinery, stock and good will, Mr. Porter will soon move his family to town and become one of our business men. Mrs. Eli Pittman of York, a sister of Mrs. Reynolds of this place, and Charles McHride of Murdock, also a brother of Mrs. Reynolds, and Mrs. Kester of New Albany, Indiana, have had quite a family reunion at the Rey nolds home this week. The latter is a cousin of the above parties and will probably stay till spring. Always Increases trje Strength. A reasonable amount of food thor oughly digested and properly assimi lated will al ways increase the strength. If your stomach is a "little off" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure w ill digest what you eat and enable the digestive orirans to assimilate and transform all foods into tissue-inn line rliod. Kodol relievts Sour Stomach. Relchinir. Heart-Hum and ail forms cf indigestion. Palatable and strengthening. Sold by F. C Fricke V: Co., and Cering & Co. Better Stop It. In the shad. of the old apple tree, I've waited mi 1 love, fur thee, that the voice one I heard, grows faint with each word, till its barely a whis per to me. There is no more buzz left in the bee, the blossoms are withered, all me! and the tree that once grew where I waited lor jou has cnanged to an old chestnut tree. In the shade of an old apple tree where you hear the blame buzz of the bee, with a big carv ing knife that I swiped from my wife, I am waiting and watching by gee! Of daggers I have two or three and an ax and a cutlass, you see; and I'll stick all these things in the one who sings In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree." Union. From tli !.'lKr. A. II. Austin has purchased the in terest of Albert Eaton in th pool I. all, and will continue the business alone. A. II. Austin has purcha.v-d from Dave LaKue and wife the Walker Jones property in the west part of town, and moved there a few days ago for a permanent home. Mrs. R. II. Frans arrived home Mon day niirht from Ottumwa, la., where she had been to see an uncle who is dangerously ill. She says there was but little change in his condition when she left. Thomas Dysart arrived last Friday from Seattle, Wash., where he has been in business fsr some time. Tom has been away live years, and this visit is one of much pleasure for himself and his relatives. Mrs. Amanda Reynolds is comfort ably settled in her new home in this village, having leased her farm and moved to town to enjoy life and avoid the trouble and worry of superintend ing the farm work. Harry Craves is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia that has con lined him to his bed for the past twelve days. lie is yet unable to bs up, but the critical stage was passed on Tuesday and he is now gradually regaining his strength. Call Frans, who was injured a few weeks ago by falling from a depot roof at Westside Junction, was able to leave the hospital in Omaha last Sat urday, and came home to recuperate. He requires the aid of crutches in moving, but hopes to discard them soon. Mrs. Ceorge W. Edmisten, residing a few miles southeast of town, had her right ankle broken last Saturday eve ning by jumping from a buggy. She in company with D. A. Eaton and wife, had started home from town, and when near the stock yards a train came along, and the ladies being afraid the team would run away, jumped to avoid the danger they imagined was coming. Mrs. Edmisten's injuries are very painful but are not regarded as serious or of a permanent nature. Chronic Constipation Cured. One who suffers from chronic con stipation is in danger of many serious ailments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation as it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Commence taking it today and you will feel better at once. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. F. C. Fricke & Co. Elmwood From the Leader-Echo. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wood jr., on Tuesday, Jan uary Oth. A ten pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hen Hoyee, Sunday, January Tth, 1!H. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kunz.jr., are the happy parents of a fine baby girl, born January ;. L. F. Langhorst and Wm. Ilottle left Tuesday for Aberdeen, South Da kota, to look at land. R. D. Hailey commenced putting up ice Tuesday. It is about a foot thick aud of splendid quality. L. A. Tyson and family moved back from Plattsmouth last week and are occupying the Metteer property west of E. T. Comer's. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Stander and Mr. and Mrs. Kilgore, of Louisville, spent New Years at the pleasant farm home of G . L. Herger. Albert Fleishman, who was acci dently shot on New Years day, is get ting along nicely. Although not yet able to walk on the injured leg he is considered out of danger. . Chester DelesDernier came home Wednesday from the Mo. Pac. hospital at Nevada, Mo. lie is firing on the M. P. between Atchison and Omaha, and some three weeks ago fell from the en gine cab while in the discharge of his duties, sustaining injuries which kept him confined to the hospital since that time. A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good. A. II. Thurnes. a well known coal operator of HulTalo, O., writes: '"I hive been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing irravel and stones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicine until I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust like tiue stones and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of good. F. C. Fricke & Co. One Minute Cough Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and it has been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough so long that it has proven itself to be a tried and true friend to the many who use it. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., and Gering &Co. "Smoles" for Those Who Smile. Money doesn't sit around on empty dry goods boxes when it talks. 1 1 would be strange if the company a man keeps didn't know him. Lives of great men all remind us how easy it is to be a small man. Stern realities of life confront the man at the tail end of the procession. It takes brains to get through the world also to get round on the out side. America's early settlers are those who pay us promptly the first of each month. An average girl is never satisfied un til she acquires a son-in-law for her mother. Usually when a man reaches the turn in the lane he finds that it turns in the w rong direction. Many a man who is capable of giving good advice isn't capable of using it to an advantage in his own business. A wise man doesn't know every thing, but he knows how to obtain information about the things it's necessary for him to know. Scientists tell us that fish make ex cellent brain food, but there isn't much consolation in the statement for natural born fools. A girl isn't an old maid until she be gins to worry for fear she'll never get married. A man isn't an old bachelor until he begins to worry for fear some woman will marry him. The more business ability a man pos sesses the harder it is for him to whistle a popular air correctly. Possibly Solomon's wisdom may have been acquired by association with his numerous mothers-in-law. Once there was a poor man who at tended strictly to his own business and today he is rich and happy. It was the husband of a strenuous woman who said that any man ought to be unhappy enough without a wife. Prosperity has much the same effect on a man as gas has on a baloon, too much of it will result in an explosion When a man reaches his second childhood he has no hair and no teeth j and if single has no more sense than i to want a wife. How to Avoid Pneumonia. We have never heard of a single in-1 stance of a cold resulting in pneumonia or other lung trouble when Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken. It not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered. Dr. C. J. Bishop of Agnew, Mich., writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three yery severe cases of pneumonia w ith good results in every case." F. G. Fricke & Co. Sentence Sermon Shots. Deeds cure doubts. The life of your life is the proof of your love. Many a trial is a test before promo tion. Love fills even family jars with per fume. Truth is without value until it is vitalized. The only way to leave the bad is to cleave to the good. The best social refinement is to be refined of self. The light of the church does not de pend on the oiliness of the saints. It is easy for the plugs in the race to despise the prizes. The sermon that beats about the bush always finds it barren. You cannot give a quart of love out of a half-pint heart. There's a lot of difference between a broad mind and a swollen head. Religion will not keep at all so long as you keep it all to yourself. There are people who never appreci ate the rose until they apprehend the thorn. Unnecessary help is always a sad hin drance. The well of truth would be a good deal cleaner if we would keep our sticks out of it. Create a little heaven now and you will not need to worry about your cre dentials for more of it by and by. It always spoils yourappetite for life if you let your heart get puckered with pessimism. Some men think that they are doing a great deal toward remedying this world's wrongs by reciting them. Many saints are poor because their piety is not vigorous enough to stand prosperity. A Snap for Newspapers- The newspaper people are the people that get the snaps. We are in the re ceipt of a proposition from a hot.s? up at Detroit that manufactures "Cream Crisp" whatever that may be, in which we are offered a lot of the truck in ex change for advertisins, provided we pay $3.80 in cash with the order. We will have to forego the pleasure of eat ing "Cream Crisp." Corn cakes are good enough for us. D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law Offce in building east of court house, Plattsmouth, HebrasKa The Everiropper's Mistake. Some folks have funny ideas. And funny fancies, too, Tb'W seem to think that young folks. Should act as old folks d. They do not think that they were young And with each other roamed, The only thini: that t hey regret, They didn't have a 'phone. And now they stand with long-drawn face Receiver to their ear, And listen to what young folks say, It seems to them most queer. Hut they should not regret it, For down comes receiver and, hark! Kind friends, would you believe it, They get to hear us spark. 'Tis then they turn their thoughts, To youthful days of old; And just to be those young folks, They'd give their richest gold. Kind friends, who always evesdrop There's one thing true as true, The gentlemen with whom we talk Are smarter far than you. Hut there is one thing certain, As true as truth itself, That those who always evedrop Never hear good of themselves. Stop Your K icking. Whining. Gossiping. Knocking. Grumbling. Finding fault. Nagtiinn and worrying. Saying that fate is against you. Dwelling on fancied slights and wrongs. Scolding and flying into a passion over trifles. Talking continually about yourself and affairs. Thinking that life is a grind and not worth living. Saying unkind things about your neighbors and friends. Exaggerating and making moun tains out of molehills. Lamenting the past, holding on to disagreeable experience. Pitying yourself and bemoaning your lack of opportunities. Waiting around for chances to turn up. Go and turn them up. Writing letters when the blood is hot, which you may regret later. Thinking of yourself to the exclusion of everything and everybody else. Carping and criticising. See the best rather than the worst in others. Dreaming that you would be hap pier in some other place or circum stances. Helittling those whom you envy because you feel that they are superior to yourself. The case of Wm. Hobson vs. the Hadiey estate is on again Saturday in County Court, being a contin uation from Monday. This is the case where Mr. Hobson brings suit against the estate for funeral expenses. The executor R. H. Davis was present, also Hen Watkins and Edward Iladley, of Nebawka, as witnesses. At the time of going to press the case is be ing argued. SPED P1Y LIFE That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remed3Ting im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost fleh and vitalitj-, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does, it does through nourish ment the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. Xo system is too weak or lelicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. "We will send you a sample free. Be sure that thi picture in th form ot a label is on the wrapper of crery bottle of Emulsion you buy. scon & B0WNE Chemists 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c and SI; all dm grists. Miss Louisa Sage. The following taken from a IYkin j (III.) paper, tells of the death of Mi.s ; Sauc, who for twenty-live years was a I member of the family of Klias Sage, 1 her cousin, whoso long lived at the i sout hwest edge of town. Site will be most kindly remembered by her many friends in l'lat tsinouth. In lS7!Mlss Sage came west in search of healt h, and linding this climate beneficial, and becoming attached to her new home she remained for a quarter of a century: Miss Mary Louisa Sage died at the home of hersister, Mrs. William Illenk iron.Park avenue and Sixth street, at 3:10 Sunday afternoon, December 24, l!H)f. She had been ailing for some time with Uright's disease. Miss Sage was born in Troy, N. V., June 12. 1847. In isf she came with her parents to J'ekin to reside, and lived here until twenty-live years ago, when she went to I'lattsmouth, Neb., which place she made her home until the death of her brother, Albei t N. Sage, in this city two years ago. She visited Pekin several times aud finally about a year ago was persuaded to make her sister's home her own. Miss Sage owned considerable I'ekin property at time of her death. She had many friends among the older residents who will regret the death of this good woman. The funeral was conducted on Wed nesday afternoon, December 27th, at 2 o'clock from the residence of her sister, Rev. W. I). McLean, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, officiat ing. Interment was made in Lakeside cemetery. Leave for New Home. C. Coffey and daughter, Miss Mamie, took their departure Monday afternoon for Fort Worth, Texas, where they will make their future home, Mr. Cof fey not making up his mind to go until just recently. His son Con has en gaged in business in that city, and im mediately decided to have his father and sister remove to the Lone Star state. The latter part of last week they vacated the old homestead, and it has been rented to Mr. J. L. Thomp son, the liveryman. They were ac companied as far as Omaha by Mr.and Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald, who have been warm friends and close neighbors for many years. We regret to see Mr. Coffey and his daughter leave our city, and only hope the day may come when we can welcome them back to Platts mouth. A Masterpiece of Art. Mr. Jos. Triner, manufacturer of Triner's American Elixir of Ihtter Wine, is again ready to distribute his Wall-Calendars which surpass this year all previous publications. It is a magnificent Calender composed of two pictures, one of which represents a merry automobile scene and the other a happy family scene. There will be no better ornament for your parlor. Any of our readers wishing to obtain a copy, will mail 10c in postage to the address of J seph Triner, 1UU So. Ash land Ave., Chicago, 111. Send in your application before the limited supply is exhausted. Trje Old Guard Passing Away. One hundred and sixty-four grand army men are answering to roll call over there every twenty-four hours, and for the year ending June 15,190.;, 43,855 men who were receiving pen sions from the government for their participation in the civil war passed away. Corporal Tanner says the present session of congress will be asked to amend the pension law by which every man who served the last three months in the civil war and was honorably discharged will receive $12 a month, instead of $8 a month. Beats the Music Cure. "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co.. druegist, 25c. A. J. Graves Will Move to California. In a letter from A. J. Graves to his family in this city he tells them to make preparations to move to Califor nia, where Le expects to remain in the future. lie says that he is feeling trood and has trained several pounds in weight. He will dispose of his pro- j perty here, aJso his horary and 0:1 ce fixtures and will make his future home in California. 1 EL mm mmm Aa absolute specific and anti-septic prep aration for all Irinf SORE THROAT. SIMPLY A GAEQLE. PERFECTLY HABKLES8. A ure core for Homraene, TonallltU, Qulaay, la. lamed, Ulcerated and Catarrhal Sore Threat. A preventive of Croup, Whooping Cough aad Diphtheria. rcRiriwo reaxixo boothtwo endorsed by the Moat Eminent Throat Special lata la the eouatrr. bonld be kept la everr home. Price ZS Cent. Berff M edlelaa Cow Xea Kolnee, Iowa, GERING & CO., druggists. Pill LIEUTENANT BOWMAN. : tt H i & ; , -:. tail t IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS PE-RU-NA CURED Cold Affected Head and Throat Attack Was Severe. Chas. W. Row man, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 4th M. K. M. Cav. Vol., writes from Lanhani, Mil., ait follows: ''Though somewhat averse to patent medicines, and still more averse to be coming a professional affidavit man, it seems only a plain duty In tho present instance to add my experience to the columns already written concerning the curative powers of l'eruna. "I have been particularly benefited by Its use for colds In the head and throat. I have been able to fully cure myself of a most severe attack In forty-eight hours by Its use according to directions. I use It as a preventive whenever threatened with an attack. "Members of my family also una It for like ailments. We are recommend ing it to our friends." Chan. W. Bowman. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Lands, Ranches and City Ileal lOstatc in Nebraska and elsewhere bought sold and exchanged. IN -it tu Is. I ii sum ih'c iiikI A list r;i'l intr of 'l il ies. Moiii-y 1 losin :i low mtf of interest on improved farms. Iluslness i'irresitiiileiits in sill imxrt:inl eltles and towns in t lie I niled Mates. Telephones No. 20 and 98. R. B. WINDHAM, President W. W. WINDHAM, Secretary Soothing and Comforting. The soothing and comforting ejects of DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve, when applied to piles, sores, cuts, boils, etc., subdues pain almost instantly. This sa've draws out the inllammat ion, re duces swelling and acts as a rubefaci ent.thus circulatingthe blood through the diseased parts, permitting or add ing Nature to permanently remove the trouble entirely Sold bp F. (I. Fricke & Co., and Cering & Co. r PERRY'S Restaurant Fresh Oysters in any style Short Orders Regular Meals Our Sp el0ltl. If you are hungry we can supply you with the pick of the market Stb door East of Cass Co. Bank For a dear complexion take Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take ORINO cleanses the eystoin, and makes sallow blotched complex ions smooth and clear. Cures chronic constipation by gently stimulating the stomach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Strength to Weak Men PEFFERS NERVIGOR anw Narve farce mn4 Enerff. Tho worl.i imire rna iij are tron in pnTpJ.!. mental and nerva 1 oiv-e; ma of ambition, enertry aoti pervonal ma."tlam ; the true trpe of prrfrrt mabhood. To attain thin tbe ftrnt riuisll la frood. beaitb Hervee. which (rlre capacity for full development. PeFrER'S NEKVICOR makra Strang. Calm Mervae. Curea Merveua Debility, railing Memary. Vital Week neea. Preatratlan. Sleealeeaneee and otuer troubtaattue to orer work, worry, amokinir. or yldoua nahlta. Make rich, healthy blood and repalra waetad aerrea. Viually rood for women. Hook let free. Prltl.on a box. nix for ts.oo, postpaid, wllfc a gnmr. anrcc to refund. I f not cured or betientd. PCrrER WEDICAL ASSOCIATION. CMICAOO. U. S. A. For Sale by Gering & Co. HIM