The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1905, Image 8

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    Weeping Water
From th Iit-ruld.
Mrs.i. II. Olive has Ikwi laid uj
for a w k mIIIi asthma and cold, and
at present is improving .slowly.
Mrs. .1. M. Leyda and daughter.
Kllen, r riattsrnoiith, came over Sat
urday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. II.
Nels Kohinson went to Omaha last
week to see his daughter, who was
operated on In the hospital. She has
recovered so nicely that she was ahle
to return home with him Friday.
John Aniick reports quite a loss on
his farm three miles northwest of
Murray. Two families occupied the
house on his farm, and the building
burned to the ground Friday noon.
Mrs. Charles Chandler and mother,
Mrs. M. Kennedy, went to Omaha last
week to consult Ir. Allison. Mrs
Kennedy expects to go up again in the
near future to undergo an operation.
Henry Smith reports receiving word
this week of the death of Mrs. Martin
Kresscn, of Orange, California. We
have not learned any particulars as
yet. Mrs. Kressen was in very poor
health when she left here, and was
quite sick when heard from recently.
Miss Lacy entertained at her home
last Friday night the following teach
ers: Principal RatclifTe, S. M. Moss
of Fairbury, Murrie Johnson of North
Platte, Pearl Wilkinson and Etta
Crabtree. They enjoyed a jolly time
visiting, as they were all old time
Last Wednesday, in Nebraska City,
a double wedding took place before bis
bonor, Judge Joyce. Those who fig
ured in the nuptial affair were Mr.
Oliver Rinebart, of West Point, Neb.,
and Miss Florence Allen, of Weeping
Water; also Mr. Benjamin F. Itonne
and Miss Verchie Alien, both of Weep
ing Water.
Earl Kirkpatilck has resigned bis
position here as night operator, and
accepted one with the Santa Fe road
at Dallas, Texas. lie will be assistant
ticket agent at a good salary, and in
line for promotion. He left Friday
night and his place here is filled by
Operator VanPelt of Lincoln. Earl
is a promising young man, and has
made many friends here.
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. These worthless im
itations have similar sounding names.
Reware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar is in a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse any substitute.
It is the best remedy for coughs and
colds. F. G. Fricke & Co.
From the Courier.
Raymond Mayfield left Tuesday for
Omaha to continue his course in busi
ness college.
A. R. Walradt and wife are here
from Wausa visiting. They were for
merly Louisville people.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Parmele of
Plattsmouth were guests of Geo. II.
Wood and family Wednesday.
Mr. Anderson Ward of Renfrow,
Oklahoma, is visiting his mother.Mrs.
Oliver Ward, and sister, Mrs. Jesse
Mrs Wm. Kunzman is here from
Surprise, Neb., visiting with her sis
ter, Mrs. Henry Ahl. It has been ten
years since she last visited Louisville.
Stander and Esmay have purchased
tbe Brown drug store building and are
having an arch cut through tbe wall
from their store building and will use
it as a furniture room.
Marshal Johnson arrested Wm. Os
senkop, a local saloonkeeper, Sunday
evening for disturbing tbe peace. In
making the arrest tbe marshal used
bis club with much force and Ossenkop
had to be taken to Dr. Carr's office to
have an ugly scalp wound dressed. lie
is still under tbe doctor's care and will
not be tried until he is able to appear
personally in court.
A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good.
A. II. Tburnes, a well known coal
operator of Buffalo, O., writes:
have been afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble for years, passing
gravel and stones with excruciating
pain. I got no relief from medicine
until I began taking Foley's Kidney
Cure, then the result was surprising.
A few doses started the brick dust like
fiae stones and now I have no pain
across my kidneys and I feel like a
new man. It has done me $1000 worth
of good. F. U. Fricke & Co.
From the Leader-Echo.
J. E. Worley and James Kinkaid,
two jolly Lincoln printers, visited at
tbe borne of tbe former's parents in
Elmwood Sunday.
When Geo. nendricks left Elmwood
for Missouri a couple of weeks ago R.
D. Bailey's fine blooded dog was locked
4a tbe car of goods that was billed for
Hissouri. Tbe dog has already sick
aoed of the new location and Tuesday
arrived back In Elmwood, "afoot and
ilone," ready to help put up ice.
(i. W. WoodrufT.who has been suffer
ing severely for the past three weeks
from an ugly carbunkle on the back of
his neck, is feeling considerable bet
ter. I). S. Loring expects to leave within
the next ten days for Huntsvllle, Mo.,
where he will engage in the jewelry
business. Iluntsville is a town of
3,f00 people and a good business point.
A hypnotist held forth at the opera
house Monday and Tuesday evenings.
He expected to show Wednesday eve
ning, but became disgusted with the
small attendance and left for greener
H. W. Beaver and Fred Canine have
disposed of their hardware, furniture
and implement business, through the
real estate agency of II. L. Greeson, to
Messrs. Philip and Dan Stirtz, of
Iowa, possession to be given the first
of February. The style of the new
firm will be Stirtz Bros.
A Modern Miracle.
"Truly miraculous seemed the recov
ery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place,"
writes J.O.R.IIooper,Woodford,Tenn.,
"she was so wasted by coughing up
puss from her lungs. Doctors declared
her end so near that her family had
wttched by ber bedside forty-eight
hours; when, at my urgent request Dr.
King's New Discovery was given her,
with tbe astonishing result that im
provement began, and continued until
she finally completely recovered, and
is a healthy woman today." Guaran
teed cure for coughs and colds. 50c
and tl 00 at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug
gusts. Trial bottle free.
From tbe Ledger.
Mrs. Margaret Applegate arrived
home Monday from Villisca, Iowa,
where she bad been making a visit
with relatives.
Ray Frans returned on Tuesday
from several days visit to tbe mineral
springs and "other friends" at Bur
lington Junction, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Iliner of Platts
mouth were here for several days visit
with their son Henry Iliner and fam
ily, and returned home on Tuesday.
Misses Josie and Berdie Pittman re
turned last Friday evening from Ban
croft, where they had been for a visit
with their brother, Edward Pittman
and family.
Mrs. R. II. Frans departed last Fri
day morning forOttumwa, la., having
received a message stating that her
uncle was very ill and not expected to
Miss Daisy Buck entertained about
twenty of her friends Thursday eve
ning, Dec. 28, in honor of her brother,
Taylor Buck, who was going to Lincoln
to begin a course of study in the busi
ness college.
Mrs. M. E. Davis arrived Tuesday
evening irom St. Josepn, wnere sne
has resided since leaving here several
months ago. She intends remaining
here for some time and may make this
ber home again.
Leonard Murray and wife of Alva,
Okla., Miss Florence Murray and Chris
Murray of Manley, and Mrs. David
Murray and Ed Murray of Maple
Grove, were visiting at the Grimes
home northeast of this village on Wed
nesday. Roe Baker and wife, of Cedar Rapids,
Neb., have been making a holiday visit
with their relatives, the Applegate
families, west of this village. They
resided near here a few years ago, and
their visit is a pleasure for their many
friends as well as for themselves.
Harry Graves has. been seriously ill
and confined to his bed since Monday
night, suffering from a very severe at
tack of pneumonia. He appears to be
getting along as well as can be expect
ed in cases of that kind, but it will no
doubt be some time before be recovers.
How to Avoid Pneumonia.
We have never heard of a single in
stance of a cold resulting in pneumonia
or other lung trouble when Foley's
Honey and Tar has been taken. It
not only stops tbe cough, but heals
and strengthens the lungs. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any
substitute offered. Dr. C. J. Bishop of
Agnew, Mich., writes: "I have used
Foley's Honey and Tar in three yery
severe cases of pneumonia with good
results in every case." F. G. Fricke
& Co.
From the Keglster.
John Crabill and mother, of Platts
mouth, came over and spent Sunday
with Ezra Crabill and family.
Miss Delia Newman, of Plattsmouth,
came over Monday on a visit with ber
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Earl Kirkpatrick has accepted a
position as station agent and operator
on the Santa Fe at Dallas, Texas. He
left for his new field last Friday.
The Nehawka Milling company
shipped three cars of flour to Omaha
between Monday and Wednesday of
this week, and orders for one car fox
Kansas City, and one for Plattsmouth,
which will be shipped during the
week. This seems to be going some,
yet it is only an ordinary run.
Mrs. C. B. Hadley came down from
Weeping Water to visit friends, on
New Year's, and took dinner with Dr.
Pollard and family, returning home in
the evening.
Hi. Adams came in from Gandy,
Wednesday to look after his farms in
this county. He called at these head
quarters and we found him the same
jovial Hi as of twenty years ago.
II. R. Lessel, the depot agent, tele
graphed the train dispatcher Thurs
day saying that he had business at
home, and hiked. On entering the
house his wife handed him a "pack
age" which was marked "handle with
care don't shake." The doctor in
formed him it wouldn't bite just yet.
He at once ran to the depot and
opened the key and telegraphed along
the line "boy" then turned to the tel
ephone, and without ringing, hollowed
"boy." He returned homeland went
to bed. He is able to be around the
depot now occasionally. We are pleased
to say that Mrs. Lessel and her seven
pound boy are doing nicely.
Always Increases tbe Strength.
A reasonable amount of food thor
oughly digested and properly assimi
lated willal ways increase the strength.
If your stomach is a "little off" Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you
eat and enable the digestive organs to
assimilate and transform all foods into
tissue-building blood. Kodol relieves
Sour Stomach, Belching, Heart-Burn
and all forms of indigestion. Palatable
and strengthening. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co., and Gering & Co.
Scott Hare in Omaha.
W. S. Hare.better known as "Scott"
of Murdock, has engaged in tbe saloon
business In Omaha, having purchased
the Billy Houston place at 1120 Farnam
street, and took possession of the same
Wednesday of this week. Mr Hare
having lived in Murdock for many
years, is well acquainted with many
people in Cass county, all of whom be
will be pleased to meet in his new
place of business.
Mr. nare still holds his interests in
Murdock, but has moved to Omaha
and will remain there permanently
from this date. Sccessto him is tbe
wish of the Journal.
Chronic Constipation Cured.
One who suffers from chronic con
stipation is in danger of many serious
ailments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup
cures chronic constipation as it aids
digestion and stimulates the liver and
bowels, restoring tbe natural action
of these organs. Commence taking it
today and you will feel better at once.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not
nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant
to take. Refuse substitutes. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The Way They Done It in Otoe.
A special from Nebraska City says:
"All differences between the newly
elected county officers and the old
ones have been adjusted, and newly
elected officers have all been installed
in their respective offices. Recorder
C. C. Brant who was making arrange
ments to hold over under the new law,
until the supreme court passed upon
it for tbe second time entered into a
stipulation yesterday afternoon, with
George M. Lathrop.the recorder-elect,
and turned the office over to him. In
case the law is held good Mr. Brant
and Mr. Lathrop divide the fees of
the office. County commissioner Theo.
Webering had filed his bond and was
going to bold over, but as soon as Mr.
Brant compromised his trouble be
compromised with Commissioner-elect
Henry Fastenau, on the same basis,
they agreeing to divide the salary of
the officer.
One Minute Cough Cure contains
not au atom of any harmful drug, and
it has been curing Coughs, Colds,
Croup and Whooping Cough so long
that it has proven Itself to be a tried
and true friend to the many who use
it. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., and
Gering & Co.
Hewitt Band Takes Hell.
As per previous booking tbe Hewett
family band assisted by E. A. Brodie,
went out to Cedar Creek Saturday ev
ening to give one of tbeir popular en
tertainments, and they were greeted
with a large and enthusiastic audi
ence, who in various ways demonstrat
ed their appreciation for each and
every number on the program. Each
and every selection rendered by the
band was heartily encored and Mr.
Brodie in his baton specialty, was en
cored to the third section of his work.
Mr. Brodie is certainly an artist in
this particular line of work, and his
baton specialty is met with a glad
hand whenever and wherever it is put
The Cedar Creek people were more
than pleased with the evening's en
tertainment and insisted that they
should play a return date in the very
near future. Tbe same program will
be rendered in Nehawka on Saturday
evening of this week.
D. 0. D3YE3, Uttcrnsy-ct-LcrJ
el-.-, rvw..v.
Thirty -eight million people, which is half of our
entire population, suffer from some form of catarrh
in the course of a .year. This demonstrates the great
need of Peruna in every home to protect the family
against all catarrhal diseases."-s. b. hartman, m. d.
Beats the Music Cure.
"To keep the body in tune," writes
Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place,
Poughkeepsie. N. Y., "1 take Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They are the
most reliable and pleasant laxative I
have found." Best for the Stomach,
Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by
F. G. Fricke & Co.. druggist, 25c.
Two Minutes
Physicians tell us that all
the blood in a healthy
human body passes through
the heart once in every two
minutes. If this action be
comes irregular the whole
body suffers. Poor health
follows poor blood ; Scott's
Emulsion makes the blood
pure. One reason why
is such a great aid is because
it passes so quickly into
the blood. It is partly di
gested before it enters the
stomach ; a double advan
tage in this. Less work
for the stomach; quicker
and more direct benefits.
To get the greatest amount
of good with the least pos
sible effort is the desire of
everyone in poor health.
Scott's Emulsion does just
that. A change for the
better takes place even be
fore you expect it
We will send you a
ample free.
Be sure that this
picture in the form of
a label is on the wrap,
per of erery bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Scott Se Bowne - .
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50 ccats aaa ft. ool
' S, . SS -Z- X WIT t I J 'S, I . O'V
Evidence of True Friendship.
On last Friday evening a very pleas
ant surprise was uiven W. K. Rosen
crans and family at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Lanhorst, by the M.
E. mite society, in the way of a live
o'clock dinner. About forty were
present to bid them farewell and wish
them sucess in their new home. Mrs.
Rosencrans was a charter member
of the society and had for eighteen
years been in active service. She will
be greatly missed among the mite so
ciety workers, and the ladies, as a
token of the appreciation of her faith
fulness, presented her with a silver
pie knife and set of silver pie forks.
Elmwood Leader Echo.
One Hundred Years Old.
According to the Plattsmouth cor
respondent of the Omaha Bee, Grand
ma Davis celebrated ber one hun
dredth birthday yefterday at her son's
southeast of Plattsmouth, where she
makes her home. Only a few days
ago she came to town, walked about
the streets and went into tbe stores
with quite elastic steps. Tbe furrows
of time are written upon her brow and
cheeks, but she is not much gray and
stoops slightly. She has a rough, toil
ing life of it, much of the time work
ing out of doors, sometimes husking
corn in the fields, sometimes driving
to town on a wagon piled high with
wood to sell. She has raised three
families, her own and two of her son's
children, tbeir wives having died, and
later tbe children of her grandchildren.
In District Court.
In the district court late Monday
evening, an attachment case was filed
and action started, wherein Walker
& Titman, of Murray, were made
plaintiffs and one J. F. Hadley, defend
ant. The aforesaid parties are bring
ing suit of attachment to recover on a
promissary note, given by defendant
in 1898 for $175. The defendant has
real estate interests in this county,
but they have been unable to get ser
vice upon him, thus tbe cause for such
suit being instituted.
Lands, Ranches and City Real Estate
in Nebraska and elsewhere bought
sold and exchanged.
Rentals. Insurance and Abstracting of
Titles. Money to loan at a low rate of
Interest on Improved farms.- Business
correspondents in all important cities
and towns in tbe United States.
TtbihMW N. SO mm4 .
R. D. WINDHAM, Pr.ldnt
W. W. WINDHAM, Serary
Soothing and Comforting.
The soot.hing and comforting effects
or DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, when
applied to piles, sores, cuts, boils, etc.,
subdues pain almost instantly. This
sa've draws out the irillarnmation, re
duces swelling arid acts as a rubefaci
ent, thus circulat ing the blood through
the diseased parts, permitting or add
ing Nature to permanently remove the
trouble entirely. Sold bp F. G. Fricke
& Co., and Gering & Co.
in any style
Short Orders)
Regular Meals j
Oar Sp0'
If you arc hungry we can supply
you with tbe pick of the market
Stb door East of Cm Co. Bsak
For a clear complexion take
Laxative Fruit Spp
Pleasant to take
ORINO cleansas the B.ystem, and
makes sallow blotched complex
ions smooth and clear. Cures
chronic constipation by gently
stimulating the 6tomach, liver
and bowels. Refuse substitutes.
Strength to Weak Men
Tb world admire mea who ara Krone la pfcyteal.
mental and aerva f orr ma of aaiMcloo, anarrr ana
peraonai m&gnettam (taa traa 7V a pert act manhood.
To attain lata taa flra raqalatto la food, aaaitfej
Naraea. wafeb ra capacity for fall daralopataab
rcrrKK'S MCRVIOO auk aa awac Caa Wiraaa.
Coraa - Waiaaaa aHMa. raMaa Slain. VMat Waa-
to avar work, worrr, aatoklaaT, or Tleioaja haataj.
Makaartea, aaaltar blood aad rapalra wa
Yqaallr food for women. Booklet traa.
Prteatl at a box. SI x for aVaa. aoatp4d, '
atea to rentM. i r a of earaaj or aeaoatoa.
For Sale by Gering & Co.
u i