The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1905, Image 8

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A daughter was liom to Mr. and
Mrs. John Stiller Wednesday, Decem
ber 'SI.
Mrs. L. I. (Ireenslatewenttol'latts
mouth Wednestlay, where she expects
to spend the winter.
Mr and Mrs. Dan Hay were made
happy Monday by the arrival of a tine
baby girl at their home. She came to
spend Christmas and liked her sur
roundings so well she decided to make
it her f ueure home.
Mr. and Mrs. CJeorge Towle very
pleasantly entertained the Whist club
at their beautiful home near Wabash
Wednesday evening. About twenty
fiye were present. Splendid refresh
ments were served and a happy even
ing spent. JJ
About thirty of the friends or
Jlruce Iiosencrans met at the home of
11 T. Comer Tuesday evening, and
went in a btidy to Hruce's home, giving
him a pleasant surprise. A jolly even
ing was spent and an appetizing lap
supper served.
1. II. lIoIiMiheck and wife returned
Friday evening from a three weeks
visit at Hillsborough, Ohio, Mrs.
Iloicnhrck's old home. Mrs. Holen
iieck had not been hack there for
thirteen years, while it was her hus
band's first, visit there. Mr. Holen
beck says l.r saw an apple tree lack
there that was set out in lishi, was
feet in circumference, t'.i) feet tall and
bore apples last year.
A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good.
A. II. Thurnes, a well known coal
operator of Buffalo, (., writes: "I
have been afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble for years, passing
gravel and stones with excruciating
pain. I got no relief from medicine
until 1 began taking Foley's Kidney
Cure, then the result was surprising.
A few doses started the brick dust like
fiue stones and now I have no pain
across my kidneys and I feel like a
new man. It has done me $1000 worth
of good. F. (;. Fricke & Co.
Meple Grove
(Sp-elitl Correspondence.)
The Maple Grove correspondence
comes to all with a Happy New Year
and a good and prosperous one for the
readers of the Journal and the editors.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kloepping made
a trip to Cedar county, last week,
where they expect to move later on.
Otto Puis is staying at the home of
P. A. Hild in the absence of Mr. Hild.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hild gave a fine
dance last Wednesday night, which
was largely attended, and a good time
was had by all.
Herman Gansemer sold his team of
mules last week to Chas. Tucker for
the sum of :J10.
Henry Kngelkemeier is hauling
rocks now for a new foundation to his
house next spring.
Siegel Davis and family returned to
IJlair Friday, after spending the holi
days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Davis.
(Juife a iium'oer from this. Ideality
attended t!:e Mary Dawson public
sale I;ir Thursday.
Mrs. IV A. Hild and children visited
at the home .f Wiliiam Tills Satur
day nL'ht.
William Puis and daughter, Mata,
made a trip to the county seat Satur
Chas. Kngelkemcier and family spent
Sunday w ith relatives in Plattsmouth.
Quite a number from this section
attended the llhoden and Gansemer
dance at the Murray hall Saturday
Adam Hild and wife visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis Sun
day. Lewis Young and family spent New
Year's at the home of John Perry near
Quite a number of this locality
-visited at the home of Mrs. P. A. Hild
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
lloney and Tar as a throat and lung
Temedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's noney
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. These worthless im
itations have similar sounding names.
Beware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar is in a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse any substitute.
It is the best remedy for coughs and
colds. F. Cw. Fricke & Co.
A Fine Pig.
Peter Ilalmes. one of our prosperous
young farmers from west of town, re
ceived a fine Poland China male pig
Saturday from Thayer, Iowa. This
specimen is a tine individual and will
be placed at the head of his herd. Mr.
Ilalmes is a great lover of fine stock,
and he wants his heps at the top
One Minute Cough Cure contains
not au atom of any harmful drug, and
it has been curing Coughs, Colds,
Croup and Whooping Cough so long
that it has proven itself to be a tried
and true friend to the many who use
it. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., and
Gering & Co.
Hopoyensiietf Soli
Iiiipovfri.lKMl soil, like impov-t-rislu-tl
Mood, noods :i proper
fcrtilizor. A chemist by nnnlyz
i.M the soil can toll you wlint
fertilizer to use for liFforont
prod net h.
If your blood is impoverished
your doctor will tell 3011 what
you need to fertilize it and jive
it the rich, red corpuscles that
are lucking in it. It may be you
need a tonic, but more likelv vou
need a concentrated fat food,
and fat is the element lacking
n your system.
There is no fat food that is
so easilv digested and assinii-
itetl as
Scott's Emu.sion
jf Cod Liver Oil
I; will nourish and st 11 H'ri-Is' 1:
body v. lt n n:iik and ereaiii
io do il. Scott's lmulsit ;a
always l!;' smii:;-; niwa;.
. :':;abi" and always beneiioia !
h'To the body is wasting from
r.y eiuiss, cither in eliiidreu
We will send you ti sample free.
' Mire that, this oie-
111 it 111 uie lorin 01 11
liiht'l is 011 tin wrupiMT
of every hotti" of Emul
sion you buv.
409 Pearl St., Jew Yon
r.Oi. mid $1.00.
All Druggist.
Weeping Water
From tbe Herald.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hay,
December 25, 1905, a girl. A line
Christmas present.
Wm. Parker, of Correctionville. Ia.,
a nephew of Frank Parker, was a vis
itor last week in town. He used to
make his home with Mr. Parker, and
it has been eighteen years since they
Charles Fhilpot and the boys, Jack,
W. M. and W. J., received recently
from their western ranch, 180 head of
cattle and a car load of horses. They
will fatten the former and break the
horses for farm use.
W. A. Coglizer, whom we reported
as traveling for a wholesale house, the
same Will that used to preside behind
the counters at Giranlet's store, is
now located at 2stwkirk, Okla., and
is in charge of a good salary.
Ilev. Philip II. .Smith united in mar-
j riage by his magic words, at the par
sonage last Sunday, Miss Rachel Alice
Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hunt, to John II. ltoberts. Only a
few of the relatives and friends were
present. Mr. Roberts resides on the
Isaac Wiles farm three miles north
east of town.
That was a line Christmas present j
that came to bless the home of Mr.
and Mrs".' Ray C. Wiles, a son was born
December 24, 1905, which tickles
Grandpa Butler. The doctor says that
all of his children were born on the
24th of the month, and this grandson
must surely take after his side of the
Miss Belle Olive, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Olive, former resi
dents of this place, but now of Corn
ing, la., was married Christmas day to
Mr. Robert Stroud. Tbe happy couple
will reside in North Dakota, where
tbe feroom is engaged in the cattle
business, and in the spring Mr. and
Mrs. Olive will follow tbem to make
their home.
Mrs. DeWolf met with an accident
last Saturday morning, while going
down the back stairs from their rooms
over the Republican office. She caught
her heel and fell down striking on the
back of her head and bruising one
shoulder, rendering her unconscious.
She rallied soon after, and aside from
the bruises, sustained no serious injury.
How to Avoid Pneumonia.
We have never heard of a single in
stance of a cold resulting in pneumonia
or other lung trouble when Foley's
Honey and Tar has been taken. It
not only stops the cough, but heals
and strengthens the lungs. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any
substitute offered. Dr. C. J. Bishop of
Agnew, Mich., writes: "I have used
Foley's Honey and Tar in three yery
severe cases of pneumonia with good
results in every case." F. G. Fricke
& Co.
D. 0. DHYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, HebrasKa.
From the Courier.
Lots of small hogs are being mar
keted these days because of the
S. (Jurbling and family of Elm wood
spent Christmas with Jno. Ferguson
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frampton and family
of Lincoln spent Christmas at the
Lenhoff home.
A telephone message from Manley
Wednesday announced the arrival of a
baby girl at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs John Flasbman.
Chas. Ileim had one of his lower
limbs severely sprained Thursday by
a horse falling on it. It was at first
thought the limb was broken.
Mr. Ivers and family of Lincoln,
Mrs. Scott and children of Omaha and
Miss Ivers of Peru are spending the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fer
guson. "When you shake hands with an indi
vidual take hold as though you meant
it. If there is anything that will
cause a man to form a rotten opinion
of a stranger it is a limber handshake.
Arthur Palmer narrowly escaped be
ing badly injured Wednesday while
t sawing wot id. A largo pile of timbers
j near which he was standing fell fiver
I and it was only by jumping in the nick
of time
that the catasrophe
From tlio Lericer.
Mahlon Applegate of Yillisca, Iowa
arrived last Saturday to visit relatives
and friendsin this villageand vicinity
John Porter and family and Wade
Torter of Murray, were here Tuesday
the guests of their brother, Blair Por
ter and family.
John P. Todd and wife departed last
Friday evening for Burlington, Kansas
to spend several weeks with relatives
Clarence Forbes returned Wednes
day evening from Omaha to take the
position of night agent for the Mis
souri Pacific at this place.
Ray Frans' rheumatism has been
making him trouble again, and he left
Sunday for the mineralspringsat Bur
lington Junction, Mo., for the purpose
of taking treatment.
William Diamotd and family, who
have resided northeast ot this village,
shipped their household goods Wed
nesday to Gallatin, Mo., where they
have gone to make their permanent
Tom McQuin, who farmed near Ban
croft the past season, landed here at
6:40 last Saturday evening with a 4-horse-power
wagon loaded with Imple
ments, an indication that it is "Cass
county for him" in the farming busi
ness. He brought a luxuriant growth
of whiskers, but the boys promptly
landed him in one of Wes Clark's tor
ture chairs and had them amputated.
F. A. Brodie, advance agent for the
Hewitt Family Band, was here Wed
nesday, and made the Ledger a pleas
ant call. He informed us that the
company's date here will be Jan. 20,
further notice to be given later. The
Ledger editor has knowledge of the
musical talent of thiscompany, having
been personally acouained with Prof
Hewitt a number of years ago when
he first became a professional band
man, and we can assure our people
that they will be given a rare treat
when the Hewitt company comes here
The Band Plays.
The citizens in the south part of
town were awakened from their slum
bers Sunday evening, that is those
that were sleeping, by the sweet
strains of music from the Hewitt
family band, playing the old year out
and the new year in. We have heard
many compliments from tbe people in
that vicinity for the band and the
very appropriate selections upon that
particular occasion.
In District Court.
Judge J essen came up from Nebraska
City on the morning train to finish up
tbe business of tbe adjourned Novem
ber term of court. Today the sale in
the Ptak estate was confirmed, and
the judge made an order fixing the
terms of court for the coming year,
the first of the February term, con
vening on the 12th of the month.
The afternoon is being taken up with
divorce cases from the west part of
the county.
Kindly Remembered.
J. M. Young, carrier on rural route,
No. 3, was kindly remembered during
the holidays by patrons of the route,
ty tokens of esteem and in recognition
of the very valuable services he is
rendering the patrons on his route.
Among those who so kindly remem
bered Mr. Young with donations or
"Christmas Gifts" of various - kind
were: J. R. Vallery, Adam nild, Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Wettenkamp, E. II.
Barker.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard and
others. Mr. Young says he appreciates
such favors, and desires the Journal to
return to those who remembered him
his most sincere thanks, and wishing
them all a "Happy New Year."
W cUMtm; mafc. mmrw. Jfr pimt
Babe Dies prom Rare Disease.
After suffering intense pain for
twenty-four hours, Clara, the four-months-old
datghter of Mr. and Mrs
Charles Wood, died at the Everett
sanitarium in Lincoln Thursday after
noon from intussusception, a rare com
plaint. The child was taken to Lin
coin from the nome near here Thurs
day morning at 7 o'clock, and shortly
before 3 o'clock succumed to the oper
ation performed.
The little one was taken violently
sick Wednesday and Dr. Neely sum
moned, who pronounced the disease
intussusception, and recommended
that the babe be taken to a hospital
as soon as possible and be operated
When she reached the hospital, the
specialist made an examination, prov
ing Dr. Neely's diagnosis correct; that
y the small intestine slipping from
its original place into the large intes
tine an obstruction of the bowels was
brought about.
The case had developed to an extent
that recovery was a practical impossi
bility, and the parents of the child
consented to have the operation per
formed in the hope that the life ol t he
little one could be saved.
The remains were accompanied
home by the parents Thursday even
ing and funeral services held from the
Christian church at Elm wood at 11
! o'clock Friday, conducted by Rev. .1.
j II. Bicknell. Interment was made in
j the Elmwood cemetery. Elmwood
! Leader Echo.
School Fund Apportionment.
The .semi-annual state apportion
ment of school funds for Cass county
lias just been made by County Super
intendent Wortman. The amount re
ceived from the state this time was
$4,'J83.3(. which was augmented to
$5,02(5.04 by the addition of local tines
and licenses. Tills amount is divided
into two funds a one-quarter fund
and a three-fourths fund. The smaller
is then divided equally among the
whole districts of the county, and the
fractional districts receive one-half as
much on this same basis. The three
fourths fund is pro rated among the
various districts according to the last
school census, amounting to fifty
three cents per pupil this apportion
ment. Plattsmouth share is $855.50.
A Double Pig.
Edward Mitchell, the superinten
dent of the W. J. Davenport fruit
farm southeast of Glenwood, has a
knack of discovering curiosities.
Some months ago he had on exhibition
a two headed calf, which lived only a
few weeks. This week he brought to
town a pair of twin pigs, coupled to
gether after the fashion of the Siamese
twins. They are very small and were
dead when found. They are now pre
served in alcohol and can be seen at
the Howe drug store. Glenwood ( Ia. )
Julius Pitts Again Injured.
"Julius Pitts lias broken his leg
again," That was the news that came
with a severe shock to his many
friends in I'iattsmouth this morning.
Julius was just leaving the house at
his home south of town when he slip
ped and feil upon the limb that he had
broken some time ago fractured it
again in the same place as before.
This is indeed an unfortunate acci
dent for Mr. Pitts, as he was just be
ginning to move around with the aid
of a cane and partially look after his
duties, and now being con lined to hi
bed atrain with a possible longer time
than before, it is certainly a very un
fortunate affair. He has the deepest
sympathy of his many friends in the
entire community.
Tbe Year's Mortgage Record.
Following is the mortgage record
for farm and city property tor the
years 1904 and 1905, showing a decided
increase in tbe amount released and a
decrease in the amount tiled on farm
property, but making a less favorable
showing for 1905 in regard to city
property, though the last year was
slightly ahead of 1904 in the matter of
satisfied city mortgages:
No, 1905 Anit. ISO. 1904 Amt.
194 Filed S417.6J9 198 Filed $454,253
2d Keleased.. 423.371 230 Keleased.. 416,843
No. 1905 Amt. o. 1904 Atnt.
137 Filed S102.O0C 114 Filed 5 77.CS2
124 Releasee. 95.544 135 Released.. 'M.WH
The following shows the months in
which the greatest and least amounts
were involved in the record:
HUli Low
iirm Released... March.S9t5.20!; Oct.. ?1S.3j0
Farm Filed March. 70.090; Dec. L.Wa
City Released.... Marcli. 22.703; Apr., i.ikm,
City Filed July. 21.007; Apr.. 2.223
Always Increases tbe Strength.
A reasonable amount of food thor
oughly digested and properly assimi
lated will al ways increase the strength.
If your stomach is a iittle off" Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you
eat and enable the digestive organs to
assimilate and transform all foods into
tissue-building blood. Kodol relieves
Sour Stomach, Belching. Heart-Burn
and all forms of indigestion. Palatable
and strengthening. Sold by h. u.
Fricke & Co., and Gering & Co.
Oakes Kidneys and madder Elans
Pe-ru-na Has No Equal.
Mr. M. Jliodi-rick, 1-'
Union, Xo. 1011, Chif
" J'. -liilli St.,
III., vvrin -
'I have been, suffering' from a we:ik crick mid kidney i.-c:;bl: for so:r.o
time and have been able to find relief only tlircngli the iiso of Pcruna.
lurinc tlio win tor season I usually k ti a hot ili; of your mciIm-hi in th
house and by taking a doso at night, I am f'-cling fine tli'j in t morning.
"Sonio of my friends assure me t hat IV-rima jit-qually as good for tlidr
various ailments as it is for my complaint, Imt, J do know t.'ial for kidiwy
Wonblo and Buffering from a v.ak back it lias no 'jual."
Kidney Trouble Is r.'ot Always Recog
nized as Catarrh Pc-ru-na Re
lieves Kidney Disease be
cause it is a Remedy fee
All Puasco si Catarrh.
TW I'Y-i'i Vf! years ago, before
r. Ilartman began distributing
his pamphlets, books and newspaper
articles, JJright's Disease of the kid
neys was regarded as a disease wholly
distinct from catarrh.
A'ow, Brlght's Disease Is thought by
many the world over to be a phase
ot catarrhal Inflammation.
To relieve Brlght's Disease something
must be used that has the power to re
lieve catarrh.
Any medicine that is a remedy for
catarrh of one organ is obviously a med
icine for catarrh of any other organ.
Peruna Is an Internal, systemic ca
tarrh remedy.
An Interesting New Year Scene in Falls
City, in which Mayor Leyda
A special from Falls City contains
the following account of a New Year
scene at that place, in which Mayor
Leyda, a brother of J. M. Leyda, of
this city, '"takes a hand'' to quell the
disturber of the peace: l,The Irish
American ball at IJodie's hall last
night was well attended and everybody
seemed to be enjoying themselves to
the limit until a young barber who
had been drinking too much and was
running amuck, appeared on the scene
and tried to take the management 'if
the jiiac" upon himself, assaulting
Jack ''rakes, a man twice hissi.e, from
which encounter be escaped without
injury only to run up Frank
McFarland, the manager of the dance,
who inflicted severe punishment upon
him. This was little to his liking and
he lied to the club room of the Elks
adjoining where he landed upon James
Jellison, only to be again punished.
About this time Mayor Leyda ap
peared on the scene and collared the
young man, for which favor he received
a blow in the face and a severe bite on
the hand. This raised the mayor's
blood and he dragged him down the
steps by the heels to the street where
he was turned over to the police. This
young man had been to the dance
earlier in tbe evening and had escorted
a lady home where be had a misunder
standing with her, resulting in her re
ceiving two black eyes and the loss of
two teeth and her flight to the street
for help. Two men came to her rescue
and tbe young man disappeared only
to reappear at the dance and close his
new year's celebration in a humilating
Death of Mrs. McCulIoch.
After a lingering illness, Mrs. Han
nah McCulIoch, died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. V. L. Street, in
this city, at 10:20 Friday night.
The deceased was the widow of the
late Elder Wiliiam McCulIoch, whose
death occurred at Ked Oak, Iowa, on
the 9th of last August. Mrs. McCul
Ioch has made her home with her
daughter since the death of her hus
band. Chronic Constipation Cured.
One who suffers from chronic con
stipation is in danger of many serious
ailments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup
cures chronic constipation as it aids
digestion and stimulates the liver and
bowels, restoring tbe natural action
of these organs. Commence taking It
today and you will feel better at once.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not
nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant
to take. Refuse substitutes. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Financial .St-cri t:n y Mta!.!- 1 1 1 1 1 j I -h
I.ikc catarrh. It pervades tin- vhol
system, and counteracts the effects of
tlio disease.
A trrcat many people believe that they
have been cured of chronic J'rilit'11
Disease by the use of I'eruna.
It Is certainly true that In the earlier
stages of Bright' s Disease, I'eruna le
an effective remedy.
Numerous testimonials on thin point
establish the fact beyond all doubt.
Mr. Otto A. Fleissner, American epi
curean, formerly Chef to Jol. V. .1.
Cody, 1412 Sixth Ave., Seattle, Wash.,
writes :
"I suffered with kidney and bladder
trouble until life did not seem worth
living. I had tried many medicines,
but did not get any relief until I took
Peruna. It was really wonderful how
much better I was after I used this
medicine only a week. At the end of
six months I found to my relief that it
had rid my system of all poisoor and I
was cured to stay cured."
Soothing and Comforting.
The soothing and comforting effects
of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, when
applied to piles, sores, cuts, bolls, etc.,
subdues pain almost instantly. This
sa've draws out the inflammation, re
duces swelling and acts as a rubefaci
ent.thus circulating the blood through
the diseased parts, permitting or add
ing Nature to permanently remove the
trouble entirely. Sold hp F. Fricke
& Co., and Cering tc (.
Matrimonial Market Lively.
Ihiriug the year of l'.i'C, (;:) mar
riage licenses were issued by County
.Jutlu"! Travis, ano out of that number
marri.iges were performed by the
judire in his ollicc.
' tg
in any style
Short Orders)
Regular Meals j
Our Spm-
If you are hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
5th door East of Cass Co. Bank
For a clear complexion take
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
ORINO cleanses tho system, and
makes sallow blotched complex
ions smooth and clear. Cures
chronic constipation by gently
stimulating the stomach, liver
and bowels. Refuse substitutes.
Strength to Weak Men
Th world admire men wUu are (ironic la rhTlca'.
mental and nerve f or-e; men of ambition, eoertry aud
personal magnetism i toe true type l perfect mauuoon.
To attain thla tbe flrwt re.jul.lte la rood. boaiUi
Heryes. which (fire capacity for full development.
PCPFEK'S MERVIOOH make Straaa. Calm Mirm.
Curea Herreva Debility, railing Mamery. Vital Weak
ness. PreatraMoA. Sleeplessness ana otner u-ou utesuu
to over work, worry, erookinir. or vicious Daoiva.
slakes rich, healthy blood and repairs w
ueiiy s-ooa for women, ifookiet rree.
Price 1.00 a box. Blx for, postpaid, with guar
antee to refund. If not cared or benefited.
perreR wedicau association. Chicago, u. m. .
For Sale by Gering & Co.
a mums