The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1905, Image 2

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    does not expect to return home again
he fnrr t he tirt of A ulv. f.
Dentist, Coats' Mock.
went to Omaha this
Omaha visitor this
went to Hellevue
Glenwood, is in
os.' celebrated
was an Omaha
assenger for
usiticss trip
bargain if
of town
t!n city
t!i this
n vis-
fed ka
The i fcite vs. HansGoos,
that was. come up in county court
yesterday, was continued until Satur
day of this week.
frank Herold, who has been spend
ing his vacation here with relatives
and friends, returned to his home in
Lincoln this afternoon.
The W. O. W. will give a grand ball
and oyster supper in Coates' ball, on
Tuesday evening, Jan. 16. A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
A. D. Hall and wife, who have been
visiting friends and relatives in Platts
rnouth for the past few days returned
to their home in Omaha this morning.
Attorney K. W. Beeson and wife, of
Red Oak, Iowa, arrived in Platts
mouth yesterday evening for a few
days visit with relatives and friends.
J. K. Meisinger departed on the 2:12
train this afternoon for Madison, Neb.
to visit bis brother, M. I'., who resides
near that place. lie will be gone about
one week.
Have you Backache? Get a box of
KIdney-Krtes the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
they will make you rii-'ht. 2",c at Gcr
ing .t Oi's.
Not iff has boon received by the
section forem:in at this place or a re
ductiiin in the wau'es of the section
men all along the line of the Burling
ton to il.'2't per day.
The Misses Dorris and Jtanctte Nel
son returned to Peru this afternoon to
take up their studies in the State
normal. They were accompanied by
their sister, Miss Geneva.
Geo. Decker and family, who have
been in Plattsmoulh for the past
week, visiting with the family of J.W.
Tulcne, departed this morning for
their home in Obiowa, Neb.
M. A. Puff, of the Duff Grain Co.,
also president of the Nebraska City
Telephone Co., and Manager Munn, of
the same company, were in Platts
mouth this afternoon on telephone
Guy Harris, of Omaha, is in Platts
mouth today on railroad business. Mr.
Harris was for a number of years a
resident of Plattsmouth, and is now
employed in Burlington store house
in Omaha.
Danger is near at hand when the
kidneys are sick. Kidney-Ettes will
purify and strengthen the kidneys and
restore them to their normal and
healthy condition. 25 cents at Gering
& Co'..
Marriage licenses were issued today
to Jos. Bird Dawson, age 24 of Weep
ing Water, and Miss DeEtte S. Daily,
ane Z of Nehawka. Also to Bert
Kager, of South Bend, and Miss Etta
Parks cf Greenwood.
Dr. E. W. C k, John Bauer, jr., I
L. Cummins. J. G Bichey and C. C
Parmele went ! I.bcofn this after
noon, where t.i inLr. I lev will take
the Shriner dtk-ree in Masonic
lodge. They wer- tv by II.
II. Gering and A. W. wi.iie, the only
two members of the home lodge that
have taken that degree. There will
be a large number of Masons from all
over the state present, many of whom
are to take the Shriner degree. An
elaborate banquet is being prepared
at the Lincoln Hotel, and the event of
the season is anticipated by all.
Personal Points
From Saturday's Ifctily.
A. L. Cox, of Mynard, passed through
Plattsmouth en route to Omaha.
John Schiele, of Murdock, was trans
acting business in Plattsmouth today.
John A. Ilennings was in Platts
mouth this morning enroute to Louis
ville. Mike Williams of Cedar Creek, was
transacting business in Plattsmouth
W. E. Dull and James Brown from
knear Murray were among the Platts
mouth visitors today.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger from
near Mynard, were visiting Platts
mouth relatives today.
August Stander, of Louisville, was
in Piattsmouth today, and while here
i paid the Journal oliice a short call.
C. I). Clapp, a prominent west side
republican from Elmwood, was attend
ing to some business matters in Platts
mouth today.
Mrs. Caroline Iluif, of Benson, Neb.,
returned to her home this afternoon,
after attending the funeral of Mrs.
John Ahl, yesterday, near Lovisville.
I'll brave the storms o' Chilkoot Pass,
I'll cross the plains of frozen glass,
I'd leave my wife and cross the sea,
Bather than be without Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Gering & Co.
Mrs. G. W. Rhoden, from near Mur
ray, was in town today and reports
ler husband suffering a great deal with
sciatic rheumatism, and having been
confined to the house for several weeks.
Constipation and piles are twins.
They kill people inch by inch, sap life
away every day. Ilollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea positively cure you. No
cure no pay. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Gering & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. August Gorder are re
joicing over the arrival of a new baby
girl at their home yesterday about
noon. Both mother and the little
one are doing nicely and August is the
happiest man in South Park.
G.J. Halmes living west of town
has purchased a new ten horse power
corn shelter, and will soon be ready to
do all the shelling in his neighborhood.
Those desiring good work will do well
to call on him.
D. C. Morgan is looking after the
business at the county clerk's office
during the absence of Clerk Tyson and
Deputy Barton, today. As the two
last named gentlemen carried the keys
of the vault away with them there is
not much doing.
Dan Coffey and wife, who have been
here spending the holidays with home
folks, left this afternoon for Omaha
and will from there return to their
home in Ft. Worth, Texas. Their
brother, Ccn will accompany them on
the return trip, and it may be that he
will remain in Texas, if the location
suits him. Miss Mamie Coffey accom
panied them as far as Omaha.
I'rom Tuesday's Daily.
Attorney Teft, of Weeping Water,
is in town today.
Simon Hansen, from near Nehawka,
was transacting business in the city
C. S. Stone and Jeff Brendcl, of
Murray, were in Plattsmouth yester
day afternoon.
John P. Tbacker, of Union, was in
Plattsmouth today attending to some
business matters.
Miss Maude and Florence Ruster
holtz of near Murray were in Platts
mouth yesterday.
James Manners and Miss Marie
Berger, of Murray came up to attend
the play at the Parmele last night.
Mrs. John Buck, from near Nehawka
was in Plattsmouth Saturday visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. nunter.
Geo. Horn and J. II. nessenflow, of
Cedar Creek, were in Plattsmouth yes
terday, returning home this morning.
Miss Delia Newman returned to
riattsmouth this morning after a
short visit with friends and relatives
in Weeping Water.
W. E. Rosencrans and family ar
rived yesterday morning. Also, their
household effects, and they will soon
be "at home to their friep.ds"' in the
Elson residence on south Sixth street.
Mr. Rosencrans will assume the duties
of the otlice of county clerk next
From Wednesday's daily.
Ed. Tribble of Louisville was in the
city yesterday.
Dr. Brendel of Murray was transact
ing business in the city today.
Otto A. Wurl departed this morning
for Milwaukee to take up his work in
the turning line, after a pleasant holi
day visit with the relatives and friends
at home. Otto's present class will
close about the middle of June, so be
Lee Applegatc, of Union, came up
last evening on a short business trip.
Charles Joyce, of Weeping Water, is
in the city today, in attendance at the
district court.
Gabe Austin and Bill Tillman came
up from Union this morning having
some business in the district court.
An Omaha man has been arrested
for selling bogus passes. He secured
82, it is alleged, for a pass which read:
"Carry the bearer of this message to
any destination on your road, provided
be has the price "
E. A. Brodie, advance agent for the
Hewett's concert company, was here
looking this town over for a concert
under the auspices of the A. O. U. W.
lodge. The company consists of a
band, orchestra, vocal and instru
mental music. Mr. Brodie is noted in
the east as a star baton juggler. The
company is meeting with great suc
cess everywhere. Nehawka Register.
Sustains Broken Arm.
Last Friday afternoon Alfred, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shell of Pap
pilion who have been visiting the
family of Chas Richardson, was thrown
out of a cart and both bones of his
right forearm were broken. The chil
dren were driving along and the horse
ran the vehicle into a post, and the
result of the collision called for the
aid of Dr. Butler to reduce the frac
ture. Weeping Water Herald.
Happy New Year.
Not being urged by the universally
accepted custom, but by pure grati
tude toward all my friends and patrons
I desire to extend to them my heart
felt wishes for a happy and prosperous
new year. May all their undertak
ings meet with success and may all be
able to do their share toward the well
fare of humankind. I have received
during the last year more proofs of
friendship than ever before and only
by such a rich support was able to
bring my specialty, Triner's Ameri
can Elixir of Bitter Wine, to the acme
of prefection and to introduce it to
many thousands of families. I was
able to show that it is the best family
remedy, because it regulates the di
gestion, strengthens the nerves and
constantly renews the blood. If you
will use it as soon, as tbe slightest de
viation of appetite or a decline of
your faculties or of love for work will
be noticed, you will check tbe advance
of many diseases. It protects you and
upholds your strength and vitality.
At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 799 So.
Asbland Ave., Chicago, 111. Mail 10c
for the most beautiful wall calendar)
Demand for Cass.
A special to the Lincoln Journal
from Ashland, says: "Elevator men
throughout Cass and Saunders coun
ties are complaining of a shortage of
cars in moving the last crop. About
half the elevators are full to the roof
and the farmers are experiencing dif
ficulty in disposing of their crop. It
is estimated that two hundred cars
are needed at once to market the crop
from stations in these two counties."
AnvTcdi Dangerously Iil.
Word comes from Denver, Colo.,
that Ami Todd isagain conlined to his
home, suffering with cancer of the
stomach, for which he underwent an
operation a few months ago, and is
again in a very dangerous condition.
Mr. Todd was in Plattsmouth a few
weeks ago, and at that time he ap
peared to be gaining strength. Mr.
Todd has a world of friends in riatts
mouth and Cass county who will re
gret to learn that his second attack is
a very dangerous one, which may re
sult in his death at most any moment.
May Live 100 Years.
The chances for living a full century
are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie
Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., now 70
years old. She writes:"Electric Bitters
cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20
years standing, and made me feel as
well and strong as a young girl." Elec
tric Bitters cure stomach and liver dis
eases, blood disorders, general debil
ity and bodily weakness. Sold on a guar
antee at F. G. Fricke & Co's. drug
store. Price only 50c.
New Stone Quarry.
The new stone quarry is being open
ed along the old main line of the Bur
lington between Ashland and South
Bend and a stone crusher of large ca
pacity is being erected by an Omaha
company. It is announced that by
March 1, the new company will be in
shape to deliver twenty car loads of
crushed stone a day. One hundred
men will be employed. The stone
crusher at Cedar Creek, though work
ing night and day, has been unable to
keep up with the orders.
Half tbe World Wonders
how the other half lives. Those who
use Bucklen's Arnica Salve never won
der if it will cure Cuts.Wounds.Burns,
Sores and all Skin eruptions;they know
it will. Mrs. Grant Shy. 1130 E. Rey
nolds St., Springfield, 111., says: "I re
gard it oue of the absolute necessities
of housekeeping." Guaranteed by F.
G. Fricke & Co., druggists. 25c.
15c a pair
or 2 pair
for 25c
Fast Black
We begin to invoice soon, but before commencing we want to close
out all winter goods which we have left. You get the goods just
when you need them most, at prices that cannot be duplica
ted elsewhere. Our stock is still complete, including
Blankets, Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens,
Outing Flannels, Flannelette Gowns,
Table Linen, Shoes, Furs, etc.
ress Goods
cs dress joodsin plain checks J Op
mixtures, worth up to 33c j
ana n
18 pieces
vaistinjf, 1 i 1 1 1
sold up to 60c,
15 pc Suiting, plain mixtures, most- 7Jo
lv54-in, worth up to SI. 25, per yd
Don't Fail to Attend
(Special Correspondent.)
H. A. Tool and wife went to Omaha
Wm. Neilson was an Omaha visitor
last week.
Peter Eeuter was an Omaha visitor
Miss Mina Goehry left lor Malvern,
la., Monday.
Floyd Cole and lady were Murdock
visitors Sunday.
W. S. Hare was an eastbound pas
senger Saturday.
G. V. Pickwell was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tuesday.
Hare & Tool shipped a car of hogs to
South Omaha last week.
W. S. Hare returned home sate and
sound Wednesday morning:
Miss Emma Rikli is home from her
extended visit in Oklahoma.
Fred M. Cox is down from Omaha
spending a few days with his parents.
A number of Juniors enjoyed a party
given at the home of Georgie Eggles
ton Tuesday.
John Westlake and family, of Eagle,
Sundayed with II. Westlake and fam
ily of this place.
Paul and Max Goehry spent several
days visiting with their sister who
lives near Union.
Erhart Goehry left Saturday to
attend school in Omaha the remain
der of tbe winter.
n. Meierjurgen shipped a car of
cattle and a car of hogs to South
Omaha last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wait of Clatonia
are visiting with the former's sister,
Mrs. O. H. Eggleston.
Dr. A. E. Merkel went to Julian,
Neb., Saturday to eat New Year's
dinner with relatives.
Oscar Rikli left Saturday for Naper
ville, 111., to attend school the re
mainder of the winter.
Misses Anna and Ada Pagenstecher
of Council Bluffs are visiting at the j
home of II. V. McDonald. J
II. P. Dehning and wife returned J
Saturday from their visit with their
daughter, who lives in Omaha. !
R. E. Neitzel, cashier of the Bank j
of Waterloo, is spending New Years
with relatives and friends in Murdock.
Dave Thimgahn returned Tuesday
from several days visit with his
brother, Lewis, who lives in Lincoln.
M. Sorick and Dell Austin have com
pleted the stonework for the farmer's
elevator at Manley and Mike will work
with the carpenter force at that place.
A card party was given at the home
of Geo. Towle one evening last week,
and about twenty-five guests were
present and enjoyed a pleasant even
ing. E. n. Davis pulled in from Alliance
last Thursday and says there is plenty
of shop work out there at fifty-eight
dollars per month, with board at four
rifty per week, which means that if a
man is broke and on the bum, we ought
Womens heavy i'eece-lincd Union
Suits, January Sale,
Women's heavy ilkeced vests and
pants, worth 35c, garment
and dark
per yard...
25c !
size. (See
Children's Shoes, all sizes, 50c; Women's Arctics, 75c;
Ladies' and Children's Rubbers, to close out, 25c pair.
This Sale. Bargains for
to get rid of him. Enlist him in the
navy for instance.
Arthur Rager and Miss Lena Kyles,
both of Greenwood, were married on
New Year's day. Ye correspondent
wishes them happiness, and prosperity
and hopes all their troubles may be
little ones.
A party was given at the home of
II. V. McDonald on Monday night in
honor of the Misses Anna and Ada
Pagenstecher. Quite a numter of
young people were present and a good
time was had.
Robert Crawford and sister, Mrs.
Bushnell, pulled in last Saturday from
an exiended visit with relatives in
Oklahoma and Bob says he would not
trade a good quarter section of Cass
county real estate for the whole state
of Oklahoma.
Doctors Merkel and Neely operated
on Miss Helen Wood Tuesday and suc
cessfully removed her tonsils which
have been in bad shape for some time.
The operation was performed at about
ten o'clock, and at noon the little one
was able to eat a hearty dinner and at
present is doing nicely.
Miss Lulu Nickel of Bushberry was
taken to an Omaha hospital Tuesday,
to undergo an operation for appendi
Double Wedding.
Cards were out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Blanche Eveland to Mr.
Rudolph Kuebn, to take place at the
Eveland home on Thursday, December
28, and all of the guests had been in
vited, when it seems that something
out of the ordinary happened, for
about twelve o'clock Wednesday night
Uncle Peter came to Murdock and
called our liveryman out of bed and in
very short order Mr. O. W. Gillespie
and one John Schwin was on their way
to Plattsmouth, and about six o'clock
in the morniDg they hammered Judge
Travis out of bed and said they wanted
a marriage license and wanted it in a
hurry. So the license was issued to
John Schwin and Gertrude Eveland,
after which the parties returned in
due time and four hearts instead of
two were united in the bonds of holy
matrimonly, Rev. Emil Miller, an
uncle of one of the contracting parties,
performed the ceremony, ana every
body present enjoyed a good time.after
congratulations and a sumptuous re
past had been partaken of by the
Nigger Assaults a White Boy.
Considerable indignation is express
ed over tbe brutal maiin-r in which
Jack Obanion, a colored n k t, the
Gibbon house, knocked Elmr Mm!
down, while tbe young people cip
skating on New Years day. Tnrv vwip
playing "shinny" and we are ild i hat
Obanion came up behind him wiiL a
heavy club and struck him a terrible
blow in the back of the head which
bled profusely. Dr. nungate stitched
the wound together. The question is
what were the other boys doing while
Woods was lying unconscious from a
blow behind. Weeping Water Herald.
Wo men's
98c a pair
Underwear and Wrappers
Six dozen ladies' wrappers, livale and
well made and full
'em in west window)
Each and Every One
HMTlal Corr'Kiun(lcnt
Hello! here we are again.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perry
a boy, January 1st.
Fred Spangler and family drove to
Manley Saturday to visit his parents.
In the evening his brother hitched up
a span of young horses to Fred's car
riage, which took fright and ran away,
completely demolishing the vehicle.
A few young people gathered at the
home of L. W. Nelson, Wednesday
evening for a social time.
Henry Rise and family were Platts
mouth visitors Saturday.
We are sorry to note that our friend
Julius Pit, had the misfortune to slip
on the sidewalk Tuesday morning and
again fracture his knee cap. His
physician says it is now necessary for
him to go to the hospital at Omaha.
Steve Wiles' children are having a
siege cf the chicken-pox.
Miss Doris and Jeanettc Nelson re
turned Wednesday to the State Nor
mal at Peru, to resume their studies.
They were accompanied by their sister,
15. W. Livingston and family attend
ed the. anniversary of Mrs. Living
ston's mother, Mis. Gilmour, New
Year's day.
Henry Trout fell across the runner
of liis cutter Tuesday and sustained
injuries which came near beingserious.
Perfection Attained.
Perfection can only be attained in
the physical by allowing Nature to ap
propriate and not dissipate her own
resources. Cathartics gripe, weaken
dissipate, while De Witt's Little Ear
ly Risers simply expel all putrid mat
ter and bile, thus allowing the liver to
assume normal activity. Good for the
complexion. W. II. Howell, Houston,
Tex., says: "For years I have used
Little Early Riser Pills In my family.
No better pill can be used for consti
pation." Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.,
and Gering & Co.
Per Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Kigatare of
An absolute specific and antl-septlc prep
aration (or all kind of
A aura car for Hoarseness. Tonsllltl. Quinsy.
In.lamed. Ulcerated and Catarrhal Sore Threat.
A preventive of Croup. Whooping- Coach mnS
PCRirmo HEArcro sooTHixq
endorsed by the If oat Eminent Throat Special '
Uts Ln the oouairy.
honld be kept In every homo. Frteo 15 CeattW
m -m mfp mwm AVI
GERING & CO., druggists.