The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 29, 1904, Image 8

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Sure Joints, Sore Muscles mid Sore Feet
make life miserable for luimlretls of peo
rJe who could px-t in.stant nlicf by umiiij
r.uncamiih. This wonderful external
remedy relieves such nilinc-nta instantly,
localise when npplie J, it 01113 the txircs,
allowing the smithing, licalin;; oils and
camphor to penetrate directly to the seat
of the pain, removing congestion and sore
ness and drawing out all fever end inflam
mation by causing ivrspiration. You do
not take raracai::ph-yoii rub it on, and it
cools, soothes and cures. Don't argue
don't hesitate. livery bottle isgtiaranteed
to do what we claim. Sold in 25c, 50c und
i 1. 00 bottles by good druggists.
town. It Is a blue plumb tree and
bore a lareeropof fruit which ripened
alxiut t lit' middle of August and now
Is preparing fur t lit second cmp.
tills vicinity. He is well pleased with
' ttie Idaho country, and thinks he will
I go hack next spring.
I A merry party of Nehawk.i people
p lias p'irclia.M'd him a
;'. It Is a pacer and
Weeping Water
I'ruin tin' Keimlilli'un
Horn. Monday morning. September
lit, to Mr. and Mrs. ra Kusli of Mur
(lwk, a ten pound son.
Charley McNurlin run an Ice toiir
thruiiKti bis left hand Monday fore
noon, and In consequence has had to
take a lay-off for a few days.
Superintendent Wortmau was a
pleasant visitor this morning and In
formed us of the general meeting of
tlie teachers' association, which will
lie held here on October Hit.
While driving Into town Tuesday
morning Miss Ella Marshall had a col
lision with Mr. lialston's ice wagon
which worsted her buggy considerably,
t hough no serious damage was done.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kreseen started
Thursday for Orange, Cal. They ex
pect to lie gone until the Hist of May
and if they like the country as well as
they expect to, they will settle up
their allal is here and stay permanently
Miss Anna Lyman went to Merlin
Friday evening to hid adieu to her mil
sic utmlls at that place. Miss Lyman
lias accepted a position as mimical In
structor In the Kmerson Institute, at
Mobile, Ala., for the coming year.
Mrs. II. Jensen and Mrs. l-l.C. Harry
wit.ntninod a number of their friend
(lellirhllullv at luncheon at the home
Of Mrs. Jensen Thursday afternoon
The hoi si was beautifully decorated
with llotters and potted plants.
Lunehe, m w,is serve I in four courses,
the belli;; assisted by Mrs.
Lor. a Moist of Omaha and the Misses
Krlcksip, Khiiimeand Hlanche Harry.
I'r.ini On) IliTuM.
Nicholas llalmes and wife of near
l'lattsmouth spent Sunday here with
Ills son, Nicholas, Jr.
August Hansen left on Wednesday
for lteninark. Hut a short time ngo
lie came over, but since his arrival his
health has been so poor that he con
cluded to return.
The high school has an enrollment of
(52 students, Miss Crabt rep's room ;"4,
Miss WurU ,', Miss Hums .10, Miss
tJoodale 4!, Miss Hart V and Miss
Hussell .1; total, :i .
J. II. l'avis, who has been spending
several days In Kansas, returned Sat
urday, accompanied by his daughter
Mrs. Schroeder's children, which they
will toard while Mr. and Mrs. Sell roe
der attend the St. Louis expi sition.
Hert and wife and Oscar
McNurlin and wife have concluded
that Oklahoma may be all right, but
for their pari they prefer Nebraska,
and after taking a good Mew of the
surrounding country they started for
the north again.
Charles I'otylt'.ft last week for Ok
lahoma to see If he could ti 1 id some
thing good in the way of land In which
to invest. Mr. lioty thinks the rental
price of a farm in (.'ass In a year or two
amounts to the cost of a farm in other
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kressen de
parted for Los Angeles, Cal., Thursday
and expect to spend the winter in the
west. Their post.olllee address will be
Orange. If the country and climate
sun, niein they w ill ret urn. close ud
their business a 11 a Irs and return to
Ll Morleyand Miss Anna l-'leshman
of A voca were united 111 the holy bonds
of matrimony last Wednesday morning
by Hev.C. W. Nichols of the Christian
church of that place. The bride and
groom a e highly respected cltl.ens of
that community. They go to house
keeping over the brick store mom.
The Herald is in receipt of a card
announcing the marriage of Letha
Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Wayne Hussell, to Frank W. Picker
lug, V ednesday, September 1 1, l'.mt
Ashland, Nebraska. The happy couple
w ill he at home to I heir friends after
October 1 at West Ashland. Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Hussell were old time res
Idents of Weeping Water, and the
bride hast he best w Lilies 1 f the friend;
of the family.
A Cold Settled in Ills Kidneys.
A. J. Jennesse. trjOl Hutler St., Chi
cago, writes: "I am a switchman and
am out In all kinds of weather. 1 took
a cold which settled in my kldneysand
1 was in bad shape. 1 tried several
advertised remedies with no benelit,
until I was recommended to try Fo
ley's Kidney Cure. Two-thirds of a
bottle cured me." F. (i. Fricke - Co.
Will OsM'll
new driving I
said to be eapablp of setting a 'hot
( ieou'e Now I. as been p;ite low this
week Willi an attack of appendicitis.;
lie Is r"pnrt"d much better as we no
to pre vs. I
The tanners of Cass county are com- (
Ing to the realization that if horse!
stealing is to le stamped out that!
there is a work for them to do Ac-,
cordingly vigilance counnittees are lie- j
intf oruanicd with the object of giving ;
tlnanelal aid to the otlicers In captur- j
Ink' and convict liu thieves. That is j
the proper ea per.
Hernard Siielhorn died Thursday
morning at ! o'clock of llright's dis
ease. He was taken to Colorado sev
eral weeks airo with the hope tint the
change ot climate would prolong his
life, but he gradually grew weaker and
Wednesday evenini! he was brought
home and expired the next morning.
He was fifty-four years of age, and
eaves a w ife, a number of relatives
and many friends to mourn his death.
Wbut's In a Name?
Everything Is in the name when it
comes to wuen naei aive. i. 1 .
IteWItt & Co. of Chicago discovered
some years ago now to nniKeasaive
from Witch Hazel that is a specitlc for
piles. For blind, bleeding, Itching or
protruJIng piles, eczema, cuts, burns,
bruises and all skin diseases, HeWltt's
Salve lias no epial. This has given
rise to numerous worthless counter
felts. Ask for DeWitt's the genu
ine. Sold by F. C. Fricke & Co.
i changed cars here on Tuts lav evening
1 en route to t. Louis to enjov the ex
j position. The party consisted of Mr.
ai.i! Mis. Charles Heehtier, Mr. and
,Mis l:iis:er:ioitz, Misses Stella Han
; nitig. Leona l'ollard, Isadoie Hall. Hv
eiiu Wolph: James l'sarl, jr., and
( liailes iHsall.
i W. .. MwaringiTi, local agent of
jthe Missouri l'acitic, has accepted the
o'lerot ;i similar position at the I'latts
1 mouth station, the change to take
j place at once. Karl Klrkpatrick takes
Mr. Swearingen's place here, for the
present at least. Tin- change Is a mer
ited promotion for Mr. S Aearingcii, as
it giws him a position where there Is
less work at a little better salary,
'iiriek" has been a faithful servant
here since April IT. which time
he succeeded Harry Wills as agent.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
V. Frails, southwest of town, was a
place of more than ordinary pleasure
last Saturday evening, the result of
plans made by Mrs. Faster, Miss Aniela
Nutziiian, Miss ( Ha Munn and other
neighbors. Their provocat ion was Mrs.
Frans thirty-sixth birthday, and the
neighbors called that evening without
invitation, a basket of good things be
ing a guarantee of good intentions.
The evening was spent very pleasantly
by all, and a splendid supper added to
the enjoyment, making It one of the
events that will not soon be forgotten
by the participants.
From llic Courier.
C. A. Hichey went to Denver this
week on business.
0. .1. (Jaehel was on the sick list the
forepart of the week.
Jacob Tritschand wife went to Ok
lahoma Tuesday to visit friends and
look after land Interests.
A fruit tree in full bloom at this
season of the year is Indeed an oddity,
yet that Is what may be seen at the
home of K. Palmer In the west part of
Do You Wish
the Finest Bread
aurd CaJte
It is conceded that Royal
Baking Powder is purest and
strongest of all baking pow
ders,absolutely free from alum,
ammonia and every adulter-
From tlie KntiTiirUe.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. F. Hale are both re
covering from typhoid fever under the
skillful care of Dr. Taleott.
Mr. Sprague. father of Mrs. Hall
and Mrs. W. Harr, is very sick with
pneumonia at the home of Mrs. Hall.
Having talked wllh ipilte a few of
the farmers here, we find the opinion
prevails that corn is out of the way of
the frost.
Mrs. Myra Howard is very sick with
heart trouble. The worry and care of
her mother, Mrs. McNurlin was a se
vere blow.
Dean Stone, who left his farm north
of town and went to Omaha to run a
meat market, will return, not linding
it a money making business.
The way potatoes are coming in
leads one to suppose there was an un
limited supply in this section, which
is about true. The buyer's only (haw
back Is a lack of cars to load the tu
bers. Mis. A. N. House died at an Omaha
hospital lasl evening at ' o'clock, and
her remains will be brought to (Ireen
wood Saturday morning on No.
which arrives at h) o'clock. Funeral
services will bo conducted Immediate
ly after at Hie Christian church by El
der Ftterback. Mrs. House has been
a resident of this vicinity for forty
years, but t he past two years she has
lived near l'lattsmouth.
The funeral of Mrs. H. H. McNurlin
last Friday was largely attended by
the-neighbors and friends here and
many from the east end of the county,
where Mr. McNurlin and w ife formerly
lived. The floral designs were many
and testilied to tlie esteem in which
the deceased was held. '1 lie schools
were closed Thursday and Friday in
respect. Mr. McNurlin has the sym
pathy of all in his bereavement.
Tlie l!ev. T. S. Fowler and family
moved their goods to their home at
Fniversity Place Monday. This takes
from Hreenwood one of the best, most
scholarly ministers ever located here.
He was broad minded and recognized a
christian. The name of the church he
did not ask. The family w ill be missed
from tlie social work of the church,
but they have the good will and carry
the best wishes of all our good people
to their new home.
.w ....
: ' ' A'
'-v: ",
& If K
t S r
t f"Z
t ' V.
Si - (
ant. "Royal" makes the best
and most wholesome food.
What Is Life?
In the last analysis nobody knows,
tint we do know that It Is under strict
law. Abuse that law even slightly,
nam results, irregular living means
derangement of the organs, resulting
in constipation, headache or liver
trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pill
quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle,
yet thorough. Only i'-c at F.d. Fricke
& Co.'s drug store.
From tlie f.oiluiT.
John Thacker was at the South Om
aha stock yards Monday buying a lot
of nice cattle to feed this winter.
Mrs. A. J. Klepser (u rived home last
Saturday from Oregon, where she had
been visiting relatives for about three
Daniel Hurrls departed last Saturday
for Shawnee, Oklahoma, to visit rcla
lives and look after some property lie
had there.
Ell Eaton, Jr., who has been In Idaho
the past three years, arrived here last
Krldav and will snend the winter in
Do Not Be Imposed Upon.
i'oley & Co.. Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many Imitations are offered
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refuse any substi
tute offered, as no other preparation
will give the same satisfaction. It is
mildly laxative. It contains no opiates
and is safest for children and delicate
persons. F. (I. Fricke & Co.
From tlie Ki KlstiT.
Hew Hedges and family left yester
day for their new home at Helvey.
Karl Kirkpatrick, we understand,
goes to I'nioii today to relieve Prick
Swearingen, who is given Hie station
jat l'lattsmouth.
Last Saturday evening about fifty
from Hoo l Will Sunday school went to
C. W. Frans and a delightful evening
J w as spent.
I U'illl'ii,, ( 'M,,;... Iivrl l.iu , ..!' hit
i, in.,,, v iti.ii'iivi mi. -,!. -''. it t. iii.
barber shop here and will seek a new
location. lie may go to Oklahoma.
ne is a goon workman and we nope
him success wherever lie goes.
The machinery for the new mill lias
been unloaded and placed in the build
ing. Carpenters are busy putting in
the floors. The boiler ami engine is
being placed, hut the boiler house has
not been constructed yet.
George Douglas of Lincoln came in
Monday and can now be found back of
the counter at Tom Cromwell's store.
He Is a brother of .Judge Douglas of
l'lattsmouth, and a cousin of Mr.
Cromwell. He is a very gentlemanly
appearing man ami we nope lie may lie
well pleased with his new environ
We received a letter from Lelpsic,
()., Tuesday containing the sad news
that C. C. 1 ladsell had received a stroke
of paralysis and but slight hopes for
his recovery were entertained, lie is
our brother-In-law and a former resi
dent of Cass county, having taught
school for a number of years in this
county, and was also one of t he oldest
printers of the county, having worked
on the old Hecorderof Weeping Water,
(the lirst newspaper venture In that
town) then on the Hepublican, the Lit
tle Eagle, afterwards The Eagle, then
at Plattsmouth on the Journal, Her
ald and News. He left Nebraska for
his Ohio home about ten years ago and
has been in the government service
Cured of Brlght's Disease.
dec A. Sherman, Lisbon Led Mills,
Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes: "I had
kidney disease for many years and had
been treated by physicians for twelve
years; had taken a well know n kidney
medicine and other remedies that were
recommended, but got no relief until 1
began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The
llrst half bottle relieved me and four
bottles have cured me of this terrible
disease. He fore 1 began taking Foley's
Kidney Cure I had to make water
about every lifteen minutes, day and
night, and passed a brick-dust sub
stance, and sometimes a slimy sub
stance. I believe 1 would have died If
I had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure."
F. (5. Fricke & Co.
She Suffered For Years and
Doctors railed to Give Relief
Cured by Pc-ru-na.
Light on Female Diseases.
Whnt used to bo called female disrascs
by the nii'ilical profusion is now called
pi'lvio catarrh. It liaa been found by
e.xorience that catarrhal diseases of the
pelvic orirans are the cause of most
casus of female diseases.
Dr. Hartman was among the first of
America's greatest physicians to make
this discovery. For forty years ho has
been treating diseases peculiar to women
and long ago he reached the conclusion
that a woman entirely free from ca
tarrhal affection of theso organs would
not be subject to female diseases. Ho
therefore, began using Pcruna for these
cadi's and found it eo admirably adapted
to their permanent cure that l'lTiinalias
nmv become the most famous remedy
for female diseases ever known. Kvery
where the women are using it and prais
ing it. l'enma is not a palliative sim
ply; it cures by removing the cause of
fciiulo diseases.
l'eruna builds up the nerves and re
stores the appetite and digestion.
Dr. Hartman has probably cured more
women of female ailments than any
oilier living physician. lie makes thc.-io
euros simply by uciL ami reeommead
iu. 1 1. ruua.
wife of Judge McAllister of Min
neapolis, Minn., arid Chaplain Loyal
Mystic Legion of America, writes:
7 suffered for veers with a pain It
the small of niv back and right side.
It liitertereii often with my domes-tic
and social duties and I never supposed
that 1 would bo cured, as the diK-toi's
medieinodid not seem to help mo any.
' 'Fortunately a member of our Ortle?
advised tv.e to try l'eruna and gave it
such high praise t.'iat I decided to try It.
Although 1 sum U m with little fuiih,
1 felt so much better In a week that I
felt encouraged.
7 foofc it faithfully for seven w cekt
and am happy indeed to be able to say
that I am entirely cured. onls fill to
express my gratitude. Perfect health
once more is tho bast thing 1 could wish
for, and thanks to reruns 1 enjoy that
now." Minnie E. McAllister.
Miss Esther M. Milner, DeOraff.Ohio,
" I was a terrible sufferer from female
weakness and had the headache contin
uously. I was not able io do my houso
work for myself and husband. I wrote
you and described my condition as near
as possible You recommended Pernna
I took four bottles and was completely
cured. I think Peruna a wonderful
medicine." Mrs. Esther M. Milner.
Congressman Thad. M. Mahon, of
Chambersburg, Pa., writes:
"I take pleasure in commending
your Peruna as a substantial tonic and
a good catarrh remedy." T. M.
Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Peruna lias found
permanent uso in so many homes is that
it contains no narcotics of any kind.
Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can ba
used any length of time without acquir
ing a drug habit. Peruna does not pro
duce temporary results. It is perma
neiit in its effect.
As a tonic and nerve invigorator
Peruna has no equal.
'It has no bad effect upon the system,
and gradually eliminates catarrh by re
moving tho causo of catarrh. There
are a multitudo of homes where Peruna
has been used off and oh for twenty
years. Such a thing could not be possi
ble if Peruna contained any drugs of a
narcotic nature.
Address Dr. Hartman, President 02
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Ohio. All correspondence held strictly
War ii China
tops tho cough ind hoaltlunt
A. I . I 'No, A. M
I.L.. I.
1 ii. , I'liii.lm.
i'M n. A. J. Lowa .-. I'rino. yj ,
ITn.lnr,! hi.'l V
rnilorsptlbv Klrst Xut'l
Hank ncil liusluus uiou.
f 10.000 In linllToplWhn, Hunk fixture nul
to TyupwrltPtst, s-tmli'titican wurk fur bnknl.
Srnd f'r fn- cutiloirue, boiuiil In allUMtnr,
(loot errr putilinanl t'jr a Ihnlnon Colliya.
Kvu it, aau )ou m uiwca uic m. u. u
and Queensware
r t in ' n in i iiiwiwi m mu mum whi mi iiiih mm mu win
THIS means just what vc say. Every piece of
Oueensware in our large stock will he reduced to
the original cost, and on many articles below cost.
This line of goods must he moved, as we need the
room. The prices we offer will certainly do it.
In Our Grocery
This Old Reliable store, as it always has done, stands
ready to offer you the best values for the money. Our
line is certainly one of the most complete to be found
in Cass County.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Successor to
Weckbacll & CO. Plattsmouth, Neb.
New Manage-
1770 Tit V? V?
E. S. TUTT jvants all his friends
to know that he has
purchased the Grocer Store of L. I). Uen
nett, and that he will continue to do busi
ness at the old stand and bv keeping the
Choicest V Goods
On The Market
is prepared to meet all competition, lie de
sire all who want good, fresh things in the
line of staple and fancy groceries, to sec him at
Bennett's Old Stand
E. S. TUTT, Prop.
The Journal PTCftfiSt 01
- it
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