GRANDEST BARGAIN sales" Kur Known In the History ot Western Retailing For . . . One : Week lUr.INNINV, Saturday, October I - ;."!"JT;r" ' rst'''"' ?; :r v."'! ;, .-r.-7:-..-i r. NEWS OF NEIUIASKA. "vscty Vearj f:r An.iuit. N't 11 f - a . t ( t oi- : t;. v. I to I v Pi . i; r'.t t t , ri'i nvi-1 r.f V.' Traces cf Misery Fa llunibol !t Nil)., S-.-p: . t ve.- of Jacob II. Uur.z.'hcr, ti.- farm cr who aisa;5'arcJ l'ti-a; !.'. Ut;;i near the Kansas !;nt n wuius aim, believe 'hey have found n.n c'uslvo to U the unidenti fied party found dead tho if Aug. 8 at tha Metropolitan hotel in On:aha. U::.;' i :.- r. ; : Ot !!.- t.v fvt :y it' I .:.s i. x" it. ; 1 f. r 1 cf Hi.y J 1 :l' I'll-. I.' f , t.titiac's tnt- tta'e i 1 1I0ST0N STORE, 16th - loiiRlas Sts. OniRlia. Where tho l i rent Sale will held bo Special Rates on All Railroads Into O.naha lor AK-SAR-BEN CARNIVAL Big Never Were Such Bargains Known hi OMAHA Visitors to the AK-SAR. IU-:X CARNIVAL should not miss a day of this Wonderful Sale , . Million Dollars' Worth o! NEW FALL GOODS 6ola0 it Just About Half What Yea Usually Paj For Th:a SPECIAL SUE PRICES ON all the Goods in the Store All the Men's Clothing, Men's Flats, Shoe. Kiirniihinijv All tho Ladles Millinery, Ladies' and Children's Cloaks ami Suit, Ladles' and Chil dren's Shoot, Dresj CooUs, Silks, Jewelry, Carpets, Curtains Dry Hoods, of all descriptions go at SPE CIAL SALK l'ltlCKS on this Woman Burrs to Death. Lincoln, Sept. 26 Whilu alone In her room at the Tabl'.ha home tho clothing of Mrs. Axella Oestrach, aged sixty i!x. caught fire in some manner as yet unknown and she was burned to death. Her husband, who rushed to her assistance upon hear ing her screams, was himself badly burned and his condition Is serUma. Falls From Wagon to Death. Albion, Neb., ipt. L'lj.Wllllnm Kcevhti, Sr., an old resident of this county, met with a fatal ueelder.t upon the street here, lie had untied his teiim and climbed upon the hay rack on the nsnti preparatory to tie ins home, when he Ins: hi' 1. and fill to tlio ground, receiving in Jui :-s frr.n: which he died Initnediatriy. Aska Help of Express Companies. S.tpt. 22 licputy (lame Warden ("art, r has mailt d to the ex preys ( t tiij a.ilt s a Itt'er n. wliith ho a Ivies ther.. ;. le on lite hit ktiiit fi r MiFplclt'iis li t king l)nt' that Might rt Main gi.;i. e I t ;ng s-kicp'd out Ille gally. VI. i- i ; i n ft it- !'. !:t shooting d.;c'i. nr.! g'-'t hej-ar. .tpt. 1 mid Ott. 1 v 11: l-etin tilt' feas:.n for sli. ot ;r.g -h:-,ct. ar.d giv.e. while on Nov. I the t':nll seas, :i t pens. Est'matei on Grain Crop9. l.::.ttO:, S, ;.t. I'll A taldo of stuif.: tics pit ait 1 by 1'rtil'tbnr lmvls of the r.iiriciil'.ural tit pnrtir.t lit of the 1'r.iverIty of Nebraska t-ir the Hut lingtou the corn crop In Ne braska will reach 2U,O0(i,(Hiij bushels. Tlie fall t'VTp of wheat, nccordiug to this report, will nnioiiiit to l!i;,o(H),0i)i) Imshcls and tlio out t rop will lie Oit, oe.i.iHn l.uiliels. The tiuality of the grains, It la i-:ald, is be'ter than hst year. . Lmted States Judge Fines Strikers. Oihaha, Sep'.. U . Utori-'u StfVer.s, secre'.aiy of the lotai touu 'il of tho Amalgamated Meat Hatchers' union, was fined l-'o'i and costs by United States Judge Munger for violating an Injunction of the federal court re straining the packing house striker from interfering with nonunion men who sought employment. Thirty-four of Stevena' associates were fined $20 each and a proportion of tho costs. They were ail ordered committed un til tho fines were paid. Vice Presi dent Stephen Vail was discharged, tho court holding that tho evidence against him was Insufnciert. Speaker Cannon at Hastings. Hastings, Neb.. Sept. 20. Speaker Cannon and Hon. James Watson of Indiana, who are to address a Repub lican meeting at the opera house this afternoon, arrived here Sunday noon. They were met at the stallon by Sen ator Dietrich, Mayor Miles and a re ception committee, and escorted l the llostwit k lintel, where they had Irer. Invited to ('.inner with Str.ntnr Dietrich. Kn route from Oxford I ho speaker and his party welt tuned r.ov rrnor liliss and party of Michigan !or few minutes aboard his private car. Tho distinguished visitors wire given drive about the city In auttniit.biles. No RcmarrlaQe for Divorcees, l'or.ta. Nob., Sept. 2!', Tho thirty- jocund annual convention of tho Ne braska l.utneran synod was hnriiKinl- iua throughout. Probably the most Important action of this body was on Iho subject of "Marriage and Divorce." Tho following section was added to tho constitution of tho synod: "That no minister of this synod shall know ingly remarry any person or persona who have previously been divorced from a husband or wife, except in tho case of divorce tor adultery, the Innocent person being entitled to re marry when desired." EXTRA SPECIAL Don't Miss IT WEEK FOLEYS HONIYTAR for children i iaf. fur. .Vo opiate CHSCHESTF.R'3 ENGLM PENNYROYAL FILLS fiV ! II t I H !,.!. IHII li, It,. I ni.l 1 ahr no orhrr. Iirfnr d.-tnui-rfdiii ulil liilliiniand Imllaliona. ..I ...r 1 n . , a i.f rt.i lr. in i.m,. I t l'rl Irulur J I innnlitU n I "Hrllrf lur l.,IO-.." , .- b rrlnrm tall, lu.vuu 1 nunuia-. r. Abi k.1 lnir-t. cmonriBTKa cnxiCAL ro. 8109 nullMiB Swiaar. tHIL.4, l'a, Killed Under Load of Straw. Kearney, Nob., Sept. 2. Claud Fester, tho fourteen-year-old son cf Mr. un4 Mrs. Fred V. Fester, living la Muckeyw valley, was instantly killed by the overturning of a load of straw which ho his brother, who Is two years his senior, were hauling Tho bovs were coming down a bill with the load when It slipped forward frightening one of the horses, which tcgan to kick and run. The load was overturned, throwing tho boys to the ground and breaking Claude's neck. The older boy was badly bruised, but his Injuries are not serious. NEWS SERVICE ON ALL TRAINS. Union Pacific and Connections Wiil Pest Bulletins in Buffet Cars. Omaha, Sept. 23. lleg'.nnlr.g next week tt.e i nion ramie an.i ..s con nections, the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul ami tho Chicago and North western railroad, will begin l'sulng bulletin news i-orvlce for the benefit of the passengers on tho overland limited trains. This new3 service, which is the first of the kind ever attempted by railroad, will bo t-ent out at noon and at 4: 3D In the afternoon, and postal In typewritten form In buffet cars Ijj'.er, it is stated, the tervice will be extended to other through passenger trains on tho lyMem All the news of Importance will be transmitted by the cnnipar.y over its own wires, and will be delivered at scheduled points TELLS OF OMAHA BRIBE OFFER Bact Harvest Csn-msrtei rnmcnt. St;,! 22. T..- wr'i rf; U-e s'lkiar n- in; ':: iian i his w t: ,r. i g. ive .1 o to , Ti. :t 1. 1 thi fa w Irrigation rr. ; real g:- ll.e ,(! frun a pretty s ire thing M'NNCAPOLIS Edwards- or.HK; 'I'lf 'T. ti.:li eniiri'-i in lUi-.liii'ii. r l'.ieri,li.-i i (fiil.iri. eve' , Lt. i lllfllt. I.t'ivi'1,1 l,y in;,! Willi f. li.Tili.inil :.u,l Ti hrhiii,-. Telt-.-rapliy unj l'rciiurahiry. :'li,li:-lllx t n i,n i,- , M-t-t:rili; pit - r iMUUoie .S i. i.'i-it t, tr.e. Lincoln Business Collcya, Lincoln, Nebraska main ornor fifth jrd Rolxrt Sis., ST. PAL' I, MINN. 3 (ii'conPou..i:'.ii) DIALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions mariftnsui-m which t!.irl!,,, ea tha!ieo J-jod grain. l, on Blocks Write ft our market ivtur. COMMISSION MERCHANTS IN CAR ICTS Ship Your Grain To Us Ukst KiCiMTtM. Prompt Rktukns. Liiieral Advances. OULUTH WINNIPEG Branch Office 223 Coates Block riattsmoutli Plione 241 Don't allow money to lie around. Is easier to spend It and easier to lose In It m Condition of Stats Banks. Lincoln. 22. Tin: n port of the condition of the r-tate banks at tho lose of business An;;. 2. Just, com piled by Unci l'l rk i;"1sun 1 1 the banking hoard, Is most. gratiiylus'. The Increase of (lejiosiis over the amount reported May H L $2,282,- 13U.P2 and the increase ov; r tlio re port or Sept. ;"), 111113, Is nearly $l,7. . Pno. Hanks held o:i tiie date of the report a restive cf "7 ir per cent, which Is H icr ct r.t hishi'r than the reserve In 1,1 ,lav lit. I lie r.tiiiiner t:l opositors has Itu n Red over tlio la t report 5 .r! 1 1 . Ihero helm: n total of 12:.r-"3 depositor:-. Th bauh? roport- ng n'inibi red JlTi, the greate.t nuni- hrr slnto tho organization of thn banking board. KILLthb COUCH and CURE thi LUNGS WTH Dr. King's Nov Discovery FORI; 'ONSDMPTION OUCHIand 0LD8 Prlc 50o&$I.OO Frts Trial. burnt and ttuickett Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Bulidinq Inspector Siys He Was Of fered $500 and Stated Sum a Month Omaha, Sept. 27. "Charles F.. Fan dug offered me $3l0 In cash and $100 a mouth as lor, a as 1 remained in of flee If I would make the charge the raving i:ec!tUa!k:r.3 as mggtbted ty 1.1m." This was the declaration of Pui'.d lr.g Inspector Wlthnell on tho witness Hand in Judfo Troup's court during tearing cf an application far an In junction to prevent the carrying out of a contract with the Nebraska US tullthic ccxpany fcr ravlr.g Thirty leccr.d avenue Wlthnell produced a coji of tta apeclflcatlcti with red Ink tnterllrat'.cns, h'.ch, tf sail rf pre lected flanges liked for by Fatt'.tu W' Hid he refused Fair.! cfJer. tut tcfortnei Coxptrol'.e; Lo leek cf wbil tad occurred Tt!i Is .ttt lecctd tlty efficial who lu to'.d H ac aitcxpt tc t-rlbt during the prtsett rating controrinj la Otsata USURIOUS NOTES WORTHLESS. Father Schell Wins Victory Over Men Accused of Fleecing Indians. Sioux City, Sept. 25. A lone priest, tut by Mother Diexel, a mllltonairo nuu of Phlladeiphia, to reclaim tho Winnebago Indians of Nebraska from the degradation aud debauchery which has been rapidly devouring them, has won a complete victory against as thoroughly organized gang of grafters as ever looted shamelessly. Father Joseph Schell of Homer, Neb., who has accomplished this, Is now in St. Joseph's hospital here, recuperating after his lone fight. As a result of his triumph the gang that has been robbing the Winntba goes of from $200,0110 to $230,OuO an nually for twenty years, has been thoroughly broken up and thirty ot them will be ordered never to show their faces again on the reservation. One hundred and twenty thousand dollars In usurious notes secured by the grafters from the Indians are not worth the paper they are written on. Mother, in appreciation of Father Scheli's work, will build schools cn the reservation. When Fa'.her Schell arrived at Homer, loss than a year ago, after ex posing the Oregon timber frauds after two oars of effort, tho grafters at Homer laughed at his efforts to stop the sale of liquor to the Imllans and the theft of their money. The grafters, including a number of storekeepers, bankers and paloon keepers. Induced the Indians to sign nn'cs for outrageous sums In pay ment for their supplies. They would thn colkit these notes cn r-ay day by hoing ready cash fcr balances Into tho Indians' hands. Fraternal Congress Convenes. St. Ixuis, Sept 28. The national fraternal congress convened on the World's fair grounds, to continue In session the remainder of tho woek. More than 500 delegates were present at the exorcises, which were opened by William Eldson. president of tho Missouri fraternal congress, lesl dent Francis then welcomed the con gress to tho exposition. Judge Noah M. Givan, past president of tho Mis souri fraternal congress, delivered an address on "Tho World's Fair Templo of Fraternity." Addresses were made by President J. A. Patterson of tho Canadian Fraternal association: Dr. Warner of Topeka. Kan., and Kdwin O Wood, president of tho national fraternal congress. CEDAR LAWN STOCK FARM mmwmmmt The Home m icJSpk Choice Polled Durham Bulls FOR SALE High Grade Pedigreed Stock. Tele. Cedar Lawn Stock Farm. LOUISVILLE. J. D. FERGUSON I NEBRASKA I ,3 ll.t i IV. nv, . ,. k .', ,1 SUE MONEY i ! keeping it in a sate place such as j TheBanI of Cass County ; Yon can k'ive a chock for any part of ' it. at any time ami so have a receipt for payment without askinc for one. When you have a hank account yon will bo anxious t'i add holt rather t han pend li'tuii it. Don't von want to know num.' about it. A 9-St Sugar-coated, easy to take, IX 7MSL lt liC miId in action- They cure TTLZZt BUCKINGHAM'S DYE doea-UlllUiCrOWaorntUDiaCKf U55 urn cn. vawutiUM ua a. . uuit ct), Kisui', a. a. Bee Hive Restauroqt, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. Meals at fill hours. Special nt tontiou to tlio fanner patrons. Tho tables arc supplied with tho best tho markets alford. JOnX COREY, Proprietor. Independent Cigar FACTORY! THE 5c CIGAR, Clmllentti's Coniuiirlson In (juallly uud Werkiimiislilp. JULIUS PKPPERDKKG, Manufacturer. Perry's Restaurant I andShort Order House 1 Q O Socecoosososccccococco: 0 -t.1. O . 1 .il) !.. v iioni& oorveu in ixeguiar q No Decision in Wisconsin. Madison. Wis., Sept. 2S. Owing presumably to tho itbsenco cf Chief Justice Cassady, who Is detained at his home ly Illness, to decision was handed down by the supreme court covering the right cf th LaFollett cr the "Ha'.wart" faction to b repre aected cn tho alate ticket at tha N venitej election. Tha court room ai crowded by attorneys ant) poli ticians anxious to bear the decision and tta pcttpotciKCEt wai a keen dls arpoittmont. The cendltlca cf tho ctlef justice vat reported at much Improved. Menl Hours. Fresh Oysters (IN SEASON) Fish or anything in Market. GX3GX3XD5X3)GX9 -i 1' I? T'U If I I vt lift v r v v.aiju. o P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, S MARTIN BUILDINC. S North Sldt Main Strttt S icccosoocccococcoccecoooco Easy PSSi Ea?v to take ar.d tuv to act Is f H Ihit famous httia pill DoWitt'i Little Erly Rutrs. This is due to ti.s fact that they tonic the liver In atii of FrClnC lb They never grips tor sicken, not even the most delicate bdy, and yet they are so certain In results that no ona who uses them Is dijppoint;d. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu monia and fevers, MirAMD CULT tV X. C. DeWITT 4 CO., CHICAQO Don't Forgft thi Nimi. fj ariy fiisers EAD THIS TWICE To the ( imitlemen of Plnttsmouth ami Vicinity: Boforo ordering your fall and winter Suits and Overcoats bo sure to call on 6. FRANZEN, TAILOR! UNION BLOCK. MAIN STREET. PLHTTSMQUTf!. NEBRASKA and he will show you an ('levant lino of seasonable floods from which ho will u'we you a perfect tit and at reasonable prices. STYLISH fIND GUARANTEED GARMENTS HISi'vEY 9 f Bottled in Bond. is tbc Cheapest in tbc nM Poor Whisky is not only dis agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tie good Whisky is a tine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is como in and try it. PRICES: Guckenhcimer.Uye, per gallon. . Yellowstone, " " ., Honey Dew, " " . . Uijrllorn. " " ., .$4 00 . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 00 IPlnillip PIjATTSMOUTH, j. nieroii. NEBRASKA No Matter How Nice Your House Appears From tho outside, if it is furnished with out-of-date broken and scratched Furniture it doesn't measure up to what your home should be. We have every thing you can think of in Fnrpiture at)d fjouse Furnishings New o;oods coming in daily. Come in and look our store through when you get ready. Hattler h Fassbender EM B AIMERS AND UNDERTAKERS Sixth Street, Ifctwecn Main and Pear Sts. -a 'I - Jy r , .---imLiii i , . ,t . , m, i i " ' ( - - - - ;m t , 'ny. . -.wiaHWMMti-t r i ii j - ' "