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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
,V VC A A mou ourn VOLUMK XXIV. PLATTSMOtTIl, NICIIKASKA, Til TliSDA Y, SKPTKMlilMi -!, 1 0 1 . M'MI'.KK :; piatte 0 DEMOCRATS IN CONVENTION The Work of tha Convention Last Monday Will Be Endorsed at the Polls. A VERY STRONG TICKET IS NOMINATED Men for the Legislature Who Will Serve the People Well. A BUSINESS MAN FOR COMMISSIONER For Float Representative Hoe and Cass Counties C 1 1 A S. C. PA R M EL E, Plattsmoiitli. For State Senator FRED GOPHER, Weeping Water. For Representatives It. J. POTMAN, Murray. GEO. A. TOWL1" Wabash. For Commissioner Third District W. E. ROSENCRANS, Elm wood. The democrats of Cass county met in delegate convention at the court house, in tills city, on Monday last for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various positions to be voted for on the 8th day of November next. A caucus was held in the equity court room at 11 o'clock, at which O. II. Al len of Wabash was selected as chair man, and John M. Leyda as secretary. The various committees were appoint ed, as follows, to-wit:' Order of business. II. R. Gering. J. Stone, John Prown, D. O. Dwyer, and Walter E. Palling Committee on credentials. E. T. Comer, W. 15. Panning, and D. C. Mc Entee. Committee on resolutions. C. S. Wortman, M. A. Pates and Will Kei ser. After which the convention ad journed to 1:30 p. m., to meet in the circuit court room. Promptly at l::'.o the convention met In. the court room, and those present had the pleasure of listening to a half hour's talk from Hon. Hugh I.aMaster, the fusion candidate for congress. The speaker is a young man of line appear ance, and he demonstrated to those present that he contained all the ne cessary requirements to till the posi tion for which he Is a candidate. He is a fine talker and well posted upon the issues which confront the people in this campaign. This was Mr. La Masters' first visit to thlscity, and the democrats generally were well pleased with him. lie expects to make several speeches in Cass during the campaign, dates and places for which w ill appear later. After Mr. LaMaster finished talking the convention was called to order, and on motion the temporary officers were made permanent. The name of Fred Gotder of Weep ing Water was presented for state sen ator, and amid great enthusiasm, the nomination was made by acclamation. The names of D. J. Pitman or Murray and George Towle of Wabash were presented for representatives in the lower house of the legislature, and they were both nominated in t lie same manner as Mr. Gorder. The delegate's from the Third com mlssioncr 'sdistriet met at 1 o'clock for the purposeof nominating a candidate for that position. The names of Wal ter E. Palling of Greenwood, and W. E. Rosencransof Elm wood, were pre sented, and the ballot resulted in 17 votes for Mr. Palling and 21 for Mr. Rosencrans. This nomination was unanimously rati lied by the county convention The names or Judge I!. S. Ramsey and D. O. Dwyer were presented for county attorney, neither of whom would accept. Judge Ramsey made a most effective and appropriate speech in his declination. Among the dele gates from tle various sections of the county were numerous old nelghlxus and friends of Judge Ramsey of long standing, who wcro eager to have him accept this nomination In order to once more show their appreciation of his excellent qualities for the otllee, as well as the esteem In which he is held by them generally. After the nominations came the se lect Ion of a county cent ral committee. Henry R. Gerlng, who served so man fully, heroically and faithfully for the past year, declined tff servo an other term on account of business In terests, and M. A. Rates was chosen to till the place. The county committee, as selected from the various precincts, is as follow s: Tipton Ed lVtts. Greenwood George P. Foreman. South Rend-O. VV. .aar. Center John Tiglie. Avoea-M. M. Strai.b. Eight Mile Grov. Y. H. Seyboit. Liberty W. 15. Panning. PlaUsmouth G. W. Snyder. Elmwood O. II. Allen. Weeping Water-A. J. Pox. Louisville Theo. I lei in. Mt. Pleasant-F. M. Massie. Nehawka-J. A. Pollard. West Rock lilufl's Geo. II. Manners East Rock Rlui!'s---Geori:e Smith. Stove Creek -George Curnahan. Salt Creek-W. E. Failing. PlaUsmouth City First ward, Ed Fitzgerald; Second ward, William Ne ville; Third ward. D. C. MeEntee; Fourth ward, Henry ofe: Fifth ward, John Lutz. The following resolutions were read and adopted unanimously and enthus iastically by the convention: We, the democrats of Cass county in delegate convention assembled, reaf firm our allegiance to the principles of Jefferson. Jackson and liryan. We unhesitatingly endorse the St. Louis platform, and that courageous lover of law and the constitution, Al ton 15. Parker.' We equally endorse our ow n state platform, and Candidate Perge. The issue in this state is the Issue between corporation rule versus people's rule: between extravagance versus economy; In short, between Mickcyism, Deitrich ism, and Railroadism on the one hand, versus equal rights to all and special privileges to none on the other hand. Our candidate, G. W. Perge, stands for the motto: Equal and exact just ice to all. He favors the repeal of the present iniquitous revenue law that has raised the laxesof the farmer and small prop erty owner almost beyond his endur ance to bear, and out of proportion to corporate property: and lie l.ivois in substitution therefor, a law that will place the burdens of taxation in this state equally and justly on all the. peo ple owning all forms of property, whether farm, corporate or personal. He favors a bill similar to the ISrady hill, that does not conspire, against Hie fanner when lie sells his grain, and put him at the mercy of a heartless com bination formed by 1 1 to railroads and the elevator trust. Equal opportuni ties to all in this. lie believes that, the governor of this state, instead of declaiming against, certain forms of amusement, should have the manhood to stand erect, and should not be dictated to by the Stand ard il trust in choosing a state in- spi'ctor of oils. lie is opposed to a piihhe nhhcial car rying a railroad pass, believing that such passes are given only to those offi cials who can give tavors in return. We invite republicans and men of ad parties who are drssatislicd with their candidate to come to our candi date, believing that he possesses the fewest possible party objections of any man ever named for that otllce. Perge is as much entitled to the votes of all good citizens in Nebraska, as Folk Is in Missouri, or Lalollette in U iscon sin. We pledge our legislative candidates to assist Governor Perge in case of election, In carrying out these reforms. We view with alarm the extrava' gancj of the last republican legisla Hire, that increased our state lndebt ediiess more than a million dollars, be ing far beyond the limits lixed by the constitution: and we point with pride to the fact that under tusion adminis tration that debt was reduced instead of increased. We pledge our candidates not to im Rate the republican legislature which .squandered the people's time and money In choosing the l nlon Pacllic railroad's I'niteri States senator and the Purlington & Missouri railroad's I nited States senator, but to assist In speedily selecting for I'nited States senator the man most popular with the democratic masses of this state. Immediately after the adjourment of the convention, the populists of Cass county met in the sheriff's office and endorsed the nomination of every man on the democratic ticket. Several of the leading populists of the party were present, Including D. W. Foster, L. G. Todd and George W. Shrader. Our Candidates. Fred Gorder, the nominee for state senator, is a resident of Weeping Wa tcr, and is favorably known In various sections or Cass county. He Is a husi ness man hi the fullest sense of the term, and one of good, sound judg ment. He possesses every require merit to represent the county as It should be represented In the Nebraska senate. That he will favor everything that Is calculated to benelit the great yoemanry of the land, goes without saying. His Interests have long been identified with their Interests. Those who know Fred Gorder best estimate his excellent qualities very highly He Is just the man for senator, and will always be found battling for the best Interests. He deserves the sup port of every man who desires to sec "the right man In the right place." D. J. Pitman, of Murray, nominated for one of the representatives, Is a farmer, and one who has the respect and confidence of nil who know him For several years lie was connected with J. A. Walker, also of Murray, in the grain business at that dace, but was "froo. en out" by the train elevator trust, which Ins so harassed the farmers of Nebraska In recent years, and was compelled to sell his business. Mr. Pittn.'ii is one of the best men in the county, and you can bet your bottom dollar that, if elected, he will stand up and defend the lights of tiic tanners wherever thev have been Infringed upon by the corruption of republican legislation. And mi one s in a better position to know the In famous schemes by which the elevator trust has gained the upper hand of the fanners of t'a-.s coiuitv than Mr. Pitman. Geo. A. Towle, of Wabash, is the running mate of Mr. Pitman for rep resentative. Mr. Towle is a gentle man well qualified for the position for which he Is the democratic nominee. Those who know him best say that he Is just the man for the place, and they praise lihn very highly, both as a man of excellent qualifications for the posi tion and as a citizen. M r. Towle. like Mr. Pitman, pledged himself to vote against the anti-fanners elevator law, and also for the repeal of the infamous revenue law. Poth Mr. Pitman and Mr. Towle are prosperous farmers. The latter, like the former, was also 'frozen out" of the grain business by the elevator trust. The delegates selected by the Louis ville convention to the. democratic lloat convention met at the. house in this city Monday, in connection w ith representatives from ( Hoe county, and unanimously nominated C. C. Parmele of this city for representative. The nomination Is one that reilects great credit upon the convent ion. Mr. Par mele is a gentleman in every sense of the term, and one in whom the people who know him have great confidence. His integrity is beyond reproach, lie was born and reared in Cass county, and lias always favored that which ho deemed best for the county at large. Mr. Parmele, if elected, (and the Journal believes he will be) will stand up manfully and defend the rights of his constituents, and will prove a most valuable member of that body. No man has more interests at. slake in (.'ass county than Mr. I'arinele. a:'d being one of t lie safest and best busi ness men in the county, we believe it s the duly of those who desire all classes favorably represented in tli" legislature to cast their votes for Mr. Parmele. W. E. Rosencrans, who received the nomination for commissioner, is a res ident of Elmwood, where lie has re sided for eighteen years. He. is com paratively a young man. of prepossess ing traits of character. His long res idence in Elmwood, and his excellent methods of citizenship, lias won for him the esteem and confidence of all who know him. He demonstrated to the people of Plattsmoiitli during his stay in our city that lie was a man of sterling qualities, and just the candi date to down Schneider's elevator trust candidate for the same position. Mr. Rosencrans expects to visit the various sections of the county in the next few weeks, and our word for it, the more the people see of him the more favorably Impressed they become with him. We do not feel like closing up this article on the convention's doings without speaking a word of praise for Walter E. Palling, who was brought out by his friends for the position for which Mr. Rosencrans was nominated. Mr. Failing is not only one of the best citizens of Cass county, but he Is also one of the most highly respected citi zens, and had his friends been .success ful in 'securing the nomination, lie would have proved a strong candidate and we have not the least doubt would have been elected. He Is deserving of considerable recognition at the hands of the democracy of Cass county, and we hope to see him placed in such a position at some time in the very near future. In conclusion, the Journal desires to impress upon the minds of all w ho de sire good, clean men elected to these positions, the necessity of pulling off their coats and going to work for this ticket. The only way to down Schnei, dor and his elevator trust here In Ne braska is for the fanners who arc opposed to such nefarious schemers to elect men in whom they have the utmost faith will vote against such laws as the anti-fanners trust law and also the Iniquitous revenue law, which grinds the many for the benefit of the few. Foot Ball Game. The hlglischool team of thlscity and a team trom Nebraska City w ill dis play their activity on the hall park grounds next Saturday. This will lie an Interesting sight, as our boys are in excellent trim and those of Ne braska City arc said to be in the same condition. Make your arrangements to attend this Interesting game. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION The Plattsmoiith Republican Ring Gets In Its Work In Great Shape. The republicans of Cass county met in delegate convention at Elmwood on Saturday last, and as was predicted by the Journal several weeks since the machine, or, In other words, the Plat ts niouth republican ring, secured com plete ml of the whole buslnessand nominated the entire slated ticket with the single except ion of llisWhis kers, Turner .ink, lor county commis sioner for the Third district. At the time the Journal published the ticket fixed up here in l'lattsmout h it was their intention to have the present member from t lie Third district renom inated, but as the conventiondaydrew nearei the more they realized the Im possibility of his election by the peo ple of the entire county. The ticket the Journal said would be nominated Is as follows: Senator, George P. Sheldon; county attorney, C. A. Pawls; representatives, William Deles I tender and W. E. Hand. Shel don and Deles Dernier are the present Incumbents, anil were renominated by acclamation, although the delegates did not seem very enthusiast ie for the latter, and after Captain Sheldon had made his acceptance speech, in which he defended the present iniquitous revenue law, many went away from the convention hall saying that it would have been far belter had they selected some one else. Paw Is, the nominee for county at tor ney, on whom a liard light was made here in Plattsnioiith. and who went out of his home town and precinct without even one delegate, did not de ter the ring in their efforts to land I he nomination on him. No sooner had he been mi signally downed in PlaUs mouth than the ring began its syl err atic maneuvering with tin: result as above staled. Ever since the election two years ago the ring lias had its eye upon bawls as their candidate for county attorney, and while apparent ly i ne machine lias iosl its grip in this city, it appears to have held on man fully in other sect ions of the county. When we noted (he ring bossesasthcy boarded the train for Elmwood, we said to ourself: ''Farewell, Jake, an other trip up Salt Creek." It has come to that point that you must promise what the ring wants you to do, or you can't get on the republican ticket in Cass county. Every intelligent voter in Cass county knows the records nf Senator Sheldon and William Deles Dernier. Their every act in the last session of the legislature Is rresli in their minds -how they voted for the present reve nue law and against, the interests of the farmers of Cass county by voting against the Prady elevator bill. The Italian of R. P. Schneider, president of the grain trust, has been not only magnificently displayed in these two reiioininations, but also in the selec tion of W. E. Hand, who has been a grain dealer at Greenwood for many years. E. F. Marshall, who was nominated in siiccied .ink as commissioner, is also a grain dealer in Weeping Water, and it might possibly be his services in that, capacity the grain dealer's trust, through the manipulations of Schnei der, the head center of that combina tion, had something to do wit h his nominal ion also. It would appear that the entire leg islative ticket was engineered through the convent ion by the same old Platts mouth ring, at the instance of Rufe Schneider, the political grain trust boss of Nebiaska. If the farmers of Cass county want such men elected to represent them in the next legis lature they will vote lor the ticket nominated at Elmwood last Saturday. Put If they want good, c lean men men who are pledged to vote against the nefarious i evenue law, am! also vote for a law similar to, or the same as the Prady elevator bill, they will vote for the splendid ticket nominated by the democrats in this city on Monday last. We have faith hi the intelligence of the farmers of Cass county, and do not believe that they will continue to be hoodwinked by the label of 'Republi can Ticket. "when it comes to downing such schemes as perpetrated by the followers of Pule Schneider, president of the national grain trust, who Is now running the republican party In Ne braska so far as the nomination and election of nicmU'rs of the legislature are concerned. Incidents by the Wayside. Some of the party left here more enthusiastic than they returned, It Aould appear the head center of the PlaUsmouth ring remained at home, but Ids man Friday was there while he engineered the editorial de- partmeut of the News "for that day only." It is said that sufficient money e- actlvto tin' cent was collected to iav for I he car. St range, so close, isn't it. due delegate wanted milk so badly u the return trip that Ma pes was compel. cl logel him a loosing not I ie at Fnloii, He should get weaned be fore goiu,; Hum home again. Shelilt Mcl'.iiile relumed ill the same car with the delegates, and the man who wanted Mm removed lo t he caboose the conductor didn't suc ceed in his effort. I'uie spite work. This same fellow rode in a car char tered by the democrats to Weeping Water lour yeais ago, and did thev want, him to ".t nm ;,, mUl.L PROVE PAYING INVESTMENT Why Not Have a Sanitarium Right Here In Plattsmouth? Scarcely a day passes over i hat. some one or two are not taken to hi, aha or Lincoln for treatment In. some sanitar ium or hospital, ami on mi average of at least ilou for each patient paid out for treatment. Every t line an opera tion becomes necessary to remoea t u inor or appendix the pat leu i is carried to either one of t liese places, w lieu If we had a hospital here loving friends could visit them often, w limit the ad ditional expense of railroad fare, hotel hills, etc. That we could suppirt an Institu tion of this kind, the Journal docs not entertain the least doubt. All hos pitals and .sanitariums shold be built where the pat ieiitscan havequiet.aud at the saifie time city conveniences: especially is this true of sanitariums for mild forms of mental and nerve troubles, opera! ive cases, etc.; at the same t hue such patients, when conva lescent, need in addition attractive surroundings, pleasing iews, large grounds in which to stroll, and well away from even private homes. Where can you put. your linger u on a place possessing such requirements to a greater degree t hau Plat 'smoiit h? i uli ismoui ii s aovaiuages .or s :eu an institution are second to no oi In r city. 'I he surroundings a i e beaut if u I. Situated upon land overlooking the Missouri liver, one never viewed liner scenery. St rangeis w ho our city pronounce it beaut ifiil, and say I hat Colorado, wit h her snow-i apped moun tains, cannot, present a more beautiful view. Why, a sanitarium with the ad vantages, the surroundings, the beau tiful landscape Piatt anouth cuild lur id:. h, would oiler a retreat of hope not only for ourselves, but lo st rangers less fortunate. Every 1 hue one of our citizens shows symptoms of mental disturbances, the result probably of disease or nervous prist ration, they are taken sometimes far away from home and loved ones, when they only need the quiet and soothing Inlluences of just such a re treat as might so easily be erected here, instead of being fastened within the walls of the Insane asylums, to as sociate with the wild, vicious, obscene and hopelessly demented, only to be come just such an one. later on. For some time such an Institution has been discussed, but no one seems to have taken the lead In such a prop osition. The Journal has oft en thought of the matter and of laying the same before its readers for furl her consider ation, and would suggest that the com mercial cluli of the city at ils next meeting talk over the matter and see if they cannot start the hall to rolling in that direction. There are physi cians right here who would perhaps take hold of such an enterprise anil help t lost It along. There Is nothing like all elfort, and we believe all will believe as we do, that it would be a great saving to the afflicted and also to their friends. Will the commercial club move in the matter? Death of Mrs. Rouse. Mrs. Rouse, wife of, the. manager of the poor farm, died at linmaniiel hos pital In Omaha on Thursday, Septem ber L"J, luol. Three weeks previous she was taken toOinalia to be operated upon for gall stones, and a few days before her death encouraging rcorts as to early recovery were received. Mrs. Rouse was a most estimable lady, and leaves a husband, two sons, twodaugh ters and one brother to mourn her death. A large circle of friends In Cass county deeply sympathize with the bereaved husband and children In this, the hour of their sad bereave ment. The remains were conveyed to the former home of the family at Greenwood for Interment. For Sale! A rubber-tired go-cart and lady's bicycle, both In splendid repair. In quire at the Journal otllce. DEATH OF KATHERINE AGNEVV Another Bright Flower is Gut Down While in Full Bloom. The Journal, in ils last issue, slated lhal Miss Kalheiine Atiiew was lying .It the 1 ,1 In 1 1 hoii.e in I. iuenh: seriously ill of Uphold ewr, and lhal all hope ol her 1 1 i'iii r i v ha I I ii a ha ndoiicd. A II ,'r t he Journal ha I oiie lo press news was receive I in I his cit v I ha I she had passed awav I he night previous Wednedav , September -:, pii i. Miss Agnew was reaied in Mails HO oi t h, w hei e she w as ovcc hy all. 1 11 I of death the family loss is great. Having Hist entered into the full bloom of tieaiitiful womanhood, her loss can only he fully estimated by mother and sisters, who were her daily associates. Whoof vmi have lost a bright Mower by the fatal hand of Heath? Those who have not, can never realie the loss of such a Mower as Kittle Agnew was. In this busy, bust ling world deal h to some seems to le of hut a small matter, but the motherwho lias reared a liny Mower in ils lonely prison and saw ils beautiful bloom expanding fairer and sweeter every day can feel tor the bereaved mother. Few people fully realle the full meaning of lieath. It, is some thing that comes to darken the homes of the living for many months and J cars. After death the bright eyes of the departed are not there to greet, mother or sisters yiiii heat no more thai angel voice. Children are tin sunshine of our ho v They are like t he spring 1 hey bring laughter ami song, they soften and humani.e us, they make us strive lobe what they believe us. and from infancy ever upon their I liiy heads rests t h" Im rial and coiisecrat ing benediction of the Master, who sai'l, il such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Kit I ie Aglievv sleeps icai l he home o her 1 ll'I Ii, vehecl v, II h Ii r.vei . no bright er t ban her si ai'rv eyes, nor more lawn than In i' shining hair. Her classmates sent farewell Merings, rad iant as t heniselves, lo lay upon hT givi n pi'luvv ai! I ! lie soil of i , od's acre is cotisecra t 'd I'V on" aniv I more. And into I he darkened home she ha-, 1. it , Wii.'iv the Vei V '.ili-iii'.' is iv qlient. of ln r, what sacred and j 1 1 i-.i t . memor ies will abj.le v. It h t he ,' i c. en. Mem ories the j ears wi'l h i! make more tender ami less, lor .o(. ic;ns Ils altar in t lie Ira! I and I icre sv wor ships forever the missing angels wdio have gloriiied in h"r!ream.-,. 'Tis hard for mot her ami sisters to thus even in death, lo part, forever wit h such a loving daughter and sis ter; tis hard for her former-classmates who knew her evcellent qlialit ies so well, to Know that they will never greet that, radiant, smiling counten ance again. May t he bereaved mother seek eoinfoit in the fact that her dar ling daughter is now mingling with the angels on high where happiness is supreme. The remains were brought to this city and Interment made in ak Hill cemetery last Sunday at 1) o'clock a. in., where all that was mortal of Kit I ie Agnew, the once bright and happy girl, was laid lo rest, there to await the resurrection 'norm The funeral cortege was one of the largest that ever attended the funeral of anyone in this city. The pall hearers we re Messrs. Henry R. ;erii:g, II. E. Uiidinan, II. F. Goos, W. P. Elst T, Frit. I'rlckc and Rea Pat terson. Among the out of friends who attended the funeral were S. II. At wood and family, Miss Grace Salisbury, and Earl and Clark Roth of Lincoln; Mr. ami Mrs. C. S. Swanson and Wil liam Paker of Council Pluffs, la.; Thomas Evans and wife of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newell, of Alliance, Net).; Mr. ami Mrs. James llayden, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Atwood and I). II. Paker of Omaha. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, eigh teen miles, to get lr. King's New PIs covcry for Consumption, Cougli9 and Colds, W. II. Prowii of Lecsville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave In stant relief and si on cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night.'' Like marvelous cures of con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip prove Its match less merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles ,Vc and fl.OO. Trial ImiUIcs free at F. 0. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store. Coach) Excursions To the world's fair at .St. Louis. Every Tuesday and Thursday during August and September. Seven days' limit, "CiO for the round trip, via the Missouri Pacllic Railway.