The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 22, 1904, Image 8
MEXICAN Mustang Liniment la use fur uvt-r ltjr i-ui. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment fur Muu, lli-nut or Poultry. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment limber up Stllfjolut. Mustang Liniment l!et for Home ailment. MEXICAN MKXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment curt-a Spavin uml Klngboitr. Mustang Liniment belli Olil Son quickly. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment i-tirt'M C tilted I'diK-r Iti ova. Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment in netnue to tlio very uoue. ,le-t for Clltl,0 ailment. cure Sprain and Strain. uluS ur M MX I CAN ang Linl MEXICAN Mustang Liniment nlway given antlMfactlou. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Kent for Sheep ailments. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment rum nil forma of KlieiunntUiu. la a positive cure for I'llen. drive out all inflammation. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment enrett Cuta, lturna, Bruise, cure Froatbltcn and Chilblain. Weeping Water Kivin tlio Ki'inihllrun Ir. llunnute reports tlie birth of a sou to Mr. ami Mrs. Tracy J.eyda, Thursday, September s. The new engine and pump for tlio city water works lias arrived and Is lie iutf plaeed in position. Tlie publishers of tlie IWlIn News have illseont limed tlie puhlleat Ion of tlio Avuea end of tlie sheet, as lie found It wouldn't puy. We have tried to run two papers at onee and It wont work, so we di n't Maine lilm for llittlllK. Mrs. (lilieisnn nave us a poach last week measuring nine and iiti:irtcr Inches In diameter. It was a sample of some brought to her by Mrs Klwood Morris living 'j miles south east, of this city. They are certainly tinelioth in sie and llavor. Last Friday iiiorniiik' Win, S perry bewail haullnt,' lumber from the yard of the IMekson I, umler company for the erection of a new house and barn tm Ills farm west of town. The house will bo 'H-1H feet and the hum IMxSS, with 8 foot basement and I I foot posts, Mr. S perry and his fatlior-ln-law will do the work on the buildings. As announced In last week's repub llcan Kev, Miss Meyer has been assign ed the Weeping Water charge for an other year, by the Mennonlte confer ence which has Just closed. This ac tion Is entirely In accord with the wishes of the conc'ieeallon Here, as Miss Meyer has done a tfood work the past year and has greatly endeared herself to her people. We predict for her another year of very successful work. The State Journal of Tuesday states that a marriage license was Issued to Charles Welliover and Kdna l Mrusli and that .Indue Waters performed the ceremony which made them man and wife, These are Weeplnc Water yountf people and have a ureat many friends here who will he surprised to hear of their marriage. From llix IIitiiM. The stone quarries employ about eighty-live men now and their dally shipment Is from lll'teen to twenty cars. W. J. Fhilpot and wife, W. M. I'lillpnt and wife, and Chas. l'hllpot headed for St. Louis last Sunday eve ning. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Per ry will he pained to learn of the death of their baby boy, who died recently In Orange, Cal., of brain fever. The academy has an enrollment of forty-seven students, llindley hall Is at the mercy of painters and plumb ers but will soon lo ready for occu pancy. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kressen de part Thursday for Los Angeles, Cal. to spend the w inter, and maybe they will conclude that country Is the place to remain. Charlie Savage, of Alwood, Kas. and John Savage of Clearwood, Ne Draswa, came in last l-ruiay to see their mother who for the past few days has been In quite a critical condl tlon. S. G. returned home from Oklahaina last Saturday, lie con eluded not to tile on a homestead, but will assist his son Ilert In keeping things moving on the one liw. Mr Uoglier says they have good land there, lint Just at present It Is pretty dry. John Johnson, who works for James Hreckenrldge, not long ago in jured hi hand on some barbed wire. The wire in some manner was pulled across the back of his hand, cutting the flesh to the bone. Dr. lMckard was called and found it necessary to take sever ai stitches In order to close up the wound. Last rriday nr. Kiekard was called to Avoea in consultation with Ir llrendel. and on his return, just thl side, Wm. lunii and his auto passe by. The Doctor's team shied quickly, made a turn and tipped the buggy over. The doctor was spilled out and received a few Injuries on his face and head and portions of his body. The buggy top was damaged and the team got loose and returned to Avoca. Mr. Dunn rendered what assistance he could. Last Thursday night Messrs. Dun can, Parkins, Greeno and Levlngs, the latter of Plattsmouth, while out In one of Wm. Dunn's carriages, met witli a mishap that might have re sulted In great bodily Injury. South of town, by Walter Cole's place, the tugs came unhooked, then the ncckyoke slipped oil the tongue and at this point they started down the steep hill. The carriage crowded the team, the latter ran, and thetoam woittone way, the carriage the other, over an em inent, and all were spilled and bruised. The carriage looked like the wreck of a cyclone. What's In a Name? Kverythlng Is In the name when It comes to Yt lu ll na.ei aive. r. i,. leWitt Co. of Chicago discovered m I 1 - sunn; years ago now 10 maxe a saivc from Witch Ila.el that Is a sped tic for piles. Tor blind, bleeding, Itching or protru ling plies, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases, UeWil t's Salve has no equal. This has given Ise to numerous worthless counter feits. Auk for lieWltt's the genu ine. Sold by F. (i. Fricke Co. Union Kroni tlit l.i'iliicr. Mrs. II. S. Yost, of p.rewster, Neb., came Tuesday evening to visit her sis ters, Mrs. It. 11. Fransand Mrs. Leila Dugay. Win. Craig and Tom Mcfjuln sailed Wednesday for P.ancroft to spend a few days "sl.lug up" the country with a view to locating. Dr. M. L. Thomas arrived home Wednesday from his ten days' trip to Chicago, returning via St. Louis wherein; enjoyed the sights of the great expo.sH Ion. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge H. Wiitklns, residing north of town are happy on account of the arrival of a nice little girl baby, born Friday morning, Sept. II, 1001. Fred ('lark and wife arrived last Saturday from Carson, Iowa, and have again become residents of this village. They will occupy the James N'iday property In the west part of town. V. (i. lianiuiii went up to South Omaha Wednesday morning and In vested In .'l."0 head of sheep with which to stock the farm west of town. If he bought, any for his No. :ii'l llonestecl farm he has not made the fact known to the public. Dr. 10. S. Dungan Is enjoying a visit from his parents, Kev. and Mrs. J. Dungan of Maue'n Chunk, Pa., and his sister, Mrs. !. W. Moore, jr., of Moore, Pa., also Miss Mary (iyger, of Mauch Chunk. The party arrived here Wednesday evening, ane the visit Is one of genuine enjoyment for all of them. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Stotler, whose home Is In Thurston county, are the parents of a line little daughter, bom Wednesday, Sept. 14. Some years la ter the young lady may be proud of the distinction of being born in this village, the mother having been visit ing her parents here the past few weeks. A Cold Settled In His Kidneys. A. J. Jenuesse, 0201 Kutler St., Chi cago, writes: "I am a switchman and am out In all kinds of weather. 1 took a cold which settled In my kldncysand I was In bad shape. 1 tried several advertised remedies with no benefit, until 1 was recommended to try Fo ley's Kidney Cure. Two-thirds of a bottle cured me." F. (J. Frlckc & Co. Li i WTO'LuLi Greatest Aid to Cookery With least labor and trouble it makes hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and assuredly digestible and wholesome. Prick Baking Powdik Co., Chicago. NehaovkaL Kruiii the Ki'Klsti'i-. Mrs. Nora C. Putts, of Fremont, Ne braska, daughter of Kev. and Mr. Kl ser, with her to grands his, Is visit ing at the parsonage this week. I'ncle Serret Klklns, who has been spending the summer in Nebraska City, returned home Wednesday even ing. Dels slopping with his sister, Mrs. Panning. Kev. .1. I!. MeVay has been assigned to this tield for the coming year. He takes the place of Kev. Hedges, and will preach his lirst sermon Sunday night, Warren Muiin and sister, Kdna, left Saturday for PcFiiniac Springs, Flor ida, when' t hey were called by message to the bedside of their mother, who had been taken seriously ill. Kev. Kiser Informs us that he will stay here and preach to his faithful Hock another year. Ills friends are pleased to learn this. Frost occurred lirst here In l'.ioo, Oc tober 8; liHil, . September 17; 1!K)2. Sep tember 12. We have lost the date for l!H:i, but Tuesday night, last, Septem ber PI, was the lirst perceptible frost In this vicinity, (iardeners say no damage was noticeable. Kev. J. F. Hedges returned Monday from his trip to conference at Shelby. The gentleman has been assigned to the work at Helvey, Jefferson county, where he will remove with his family some day this coming week, perhaps Thursday. J. W. Seainster, of Avoca, Ark., in the employ of the iambic-Kobinsou Commission Co, of Minneapolis, Is here, barreling apples at the Isaac Pol lard & Sons' fruit farm. Mr. Seam stcn will probably stay here until the apples are all gathered. Mr. Pollard has contracted to furnish the commis sion company witli sixty car-loads, or more, if the orchard produces them. Last Sunday morning the people of this vicinity were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Lohse. She had been sull'erlng for the past week or ten days from appendicitis, and after a consultation the physicians thought the only hope for her life lay In an op eration. Last Saturday this was per formed, but her feeble strength was not equal to the trying ordeal and she passed away at 4:4d Sunday morn ing. Fearful Odds Against m. Kedridden, alone and destitute. Such hi brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver sailles, (). For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doc tors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Hitters. It put him on his feet In short order and now he tcstitles, "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Pest on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all formsof stomach and Ixwel complaints Only ode. (iuaianteed by F. (). Frlckc & Co., druggists. Louisville Kmhi tlie Coiirlrr. Miss Alice Koper, of liellevue, Colo rado, Is here visiting with the Misses Peterson. C. C. Smith sold his property on Pail road avenue this week to A. J. Spooiier, the consideration being $700. Mrs. ('. C. McPherson left Thursday for her home in (ireeley Center, after a pleasant visit at the home of her father, Henry Lehnhoir. In a letter from Mrs. Cole of Des Moines, to friends here, she says that her father, John Speaker, is very ill in a hospital In DesMolnes and not ex pected to live. Miss Kettle Thomas has been se cured as pastor of the Free Methodist church at this place. For the past year she has been pastor at LaPlatte, where she built up a good interest. John P.radhury sent to tins oillce three onions raised from seed on his lots In the south part of town that would be hard to equal. One of them measured twelve Inches In circumfer ence. 1 hey were a strong t rio. Thursday afternoon the High school debiting sections met, the 10th and 11 th grades in the assembly room, and the !Hh grade In the recitation room, and after some heated discussions, or ganized for the year's work In the ora torical line. The following olllcers were elected: President, Otto Peter sen; vice president, hdwaru Cline; secretary, Florence McMullen. The Ninth, the Uusy Twelve . section, Blanche Kathbun, president; Charles Kathbun, vice president; Claire Ellis, secretary. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, eigh teen miles, to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. W. II. Krown of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave in stant relief and scon cured him. lie writes: "1 now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, coldsand grip prove its match less merit for all throat and lung troubles. (luaranteed bottles ."Oc and $1.00. Trial bottles free at F. (i. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. Elmwood From the I.oiidcr-Kelio. Mrs. John McCabe has been on the sick list the past few days. Pom, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hot tie, on Friday, September 9, 11)04, a girl. Mrs. M. J. Irons left the first of the week for Longmont,Colo.,to spend the winter with relatives. Henry Inhelder sold his confection ery last Wednesday to W. C. Bartlett. The latter took possession Immedi ately. Orval and Lynn Robertson returned home from their Oregon and Wash ington trip last Sunday. "Re It ever so humble there's no place like home." Ray Marks, a brakeman on the Lin coin freight, had the misfortune to get one of his hands pinched Monday eve ning, while switching In the yards here. S. M. Cox and son, Oral, returned home from Oklahoma Saturday mora Ing. While there they tiled on a piece of land. Last Saturday morning John Gerry Stark, Wm. Deles Dernier, Lou Lang hoist, Joseph Mullen, 15. I. and J. A Clements left for a two weeks' hunt Ing and lishlng trip to Osakis, Minn. Mrs. J. II. Larklns left for St. Joe, Mo., Saturday, where she will make her home. She has been here forsev oral weeks, and during that time has made manv friends. Cured of Bright's Disease. Cteo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills, Lawrence Co., N. Y writes: "1 had kidney disease for many years and had been treated by physicians for twelve years; had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended, but got no relief until 1 began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The tlrst half bottle relieved mc and four bottles have cured me of this terrible disease. Before 1 lirgan taking Foley's Kidney Cure 1 had to make water about every fifteen minutes, day and night, and passed a brick-dust sub. stance, and sometimes a slimy sub- stance. 1 believe 1 would have died If 1 had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure F. (i. Fricke & Co. FOLEYSIIONEYTAR top ttxm coutfh. and land Low Rates East September 20 and 27. October 11, 1904. One fare plus 2 for the round trip to many points in Indiana and Ohio, and to some points in Kentucky. Good to return for thirty days. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Through train service to Chicago from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railway. Route of The Overland Limited. Three trains daily, Omaha to Chicago. For Free Books and Folders kindly Fill Out This Coupon and mall today to F. A. NASH, G. W. A., 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA. Name Street Address City Probable Destination 5X9GX3(SeXDQ33GXS30GX3(DSGX War on China and Queensware THIS means just what we say. Every piece of Queensware in our large stock will be reduced to the original cost, and on many articles below cost. This line of goods must room. The prices we offer will certainly do it. In Our Grocery This Old Reliable store, as it always has done, stands ready to offer you the best values for the money. Our line is certainly one of the most complete to be found in Cass County. H.M. Soennichsen. Successor to Weckbadl & CO. Plattsmouth, Nob. GnDGXDG i3XDfflG3X5X3GXiX9(B Under New Manage- inent E. S. TUTT purchased the Grocer nett, and that he will ness at the old stand Choicest On The is prepared to meet all competition. He de sire all who want good, fresh things in .the line of staple and fancy groceries, to see him at Bennett's Old Stand E. S. TUTT, Prop. The Journal State. be moved, as we need the wants all his friends to know that he has Store of L. D. Ben continue to do busi and by keeping the V Goods Market "raftS-