The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 22, 1904, Image 7
i i Republican Primaries. Tlie contest for the nomination fur j county attorney was nulte spirited last Saturday cvciiinr, in this city particu larly. Pawls, F.eesmi ami TUU1 ami their friends worked like heavers from the time the polls opened until they TLcoal Etovcrttecmcnts. PROBATE NOTICE. IN THE COl'NTV COfliTor I ASS Col'N TY. NKHKASKA. In the iimturol tl.o csluii' of Almlm Uwiii- fll. tl.tfil-rttl. Notlre I hiTctiy islvi-n Ui nil x rson Intt r- r,unl In HiU-tuto lh:il u 1K11I1..I. lias , , KPllri,fi mvt of the ttle.l la llil euurl pr:ivlii I..r II. i prunim- or "' un instrument :iiii-rti t. Ow liiM win mid delegates and Tidd the balance with U-sttniiii-nt of sultl il.veu-i'.l ami for Hie up- n uolintmiit of an ii.liiUi.Mnit..r with will an- Ilawls shoving Up the rear Willi HO neel of saiil estate ami that InMirlntf will ...,,.,... ., ,,, i .1.,. ....oven! loll to he had uik.ii said jK-tillon In the County loll III lilt U'tlUlllloii to Curl rHim of Cuss eonniy. Nehraskii. at eVl, te t)ie tale. It Would appear 1'inttsim.ulli. on the ltlth day of ii.-u.Ikt. 1U. ... ...... i. . ., at the hour of lu o'clock H. in. You are re- upon the fate 0T It that heesull or nulled to show cause, if liny you have, why ,,. , f, ,,,,, i,,..p lint Wi si 111 ll.e prayer of said petition should not Ik- 1 kill W ill Oe tlie llOIlllllie, Mill WC Still irrantrd. on or iH'fore Ihehotir of Uiu'ehn k A. beliCYC tllil ItUWlswill he SUCCCSsf 111. M. on said loth day of tictoU r. l.4. Witness my hand and Ihi'sculof iheCounty No matter lloW HllS UKiy tcrillin.lle Court of Cass eomity. Nehritska. this leth day ,,. ,,-.,.. .... ,i. if ,, more of s. i,i..i.,iht. inn. iiAHVKv . Travis, lidil will prove as muai u noi mort istAi.) county ju.u.-. (lf a rintf caiiilulatc than Pawls. Those SHERIFF'S SALE. opposed to the riattsinontli rinu, ami especially the frleiidsof Sheriff Meb ride Hv virtue of an order of sale Issued hy ..ill not wuin fm-i'.'t. tln nroilllnellt i. .. ..... " "" n-- ivoisr.stiu. i n-i a o. me I'l-iitnv . . ,i.,,.. within and for Cass county. Nehraskii. and to part lie took III the dirt)' Work IlaillSt me directed. I will, on the mninnt him last fall. Pr. Hall nets the solid Zbtn uay oi acpiemocr, h. u. ... ... .i i i ...... ...... ... ti... k.,ntii diH.rof thec.'.uri house in tiie'.-iiv of plaits- precinct for representative, and may mouth, in said county, sell at aucilun ,. .. , . , vonl ion nmvioi'il tolhehlirhesthldder. for rush, the followlutf pull lliroll!,'!! I lit I 0I1U tllion, tl real estate, to-v it: however, that no one else desires the U.tstMie (I). Two til. 'llir.c (.. In I'.Iocli ' Vli. AUo Lois 'I'en din. Kiev- nominal nil. luriier.Ulk W . 1 1'Olll en (in. and Twelve (I:;., in uio. k Ki'.'iii im. ,.,...,:, ....... i , , ,i n l in i iil family will remain here for a while un- All liithct Ityof I'lattsini.uth. in the County t lie W d.V It looks How , lil 1 e-nollllll.lU 11 J , of Cass, state of Nei.msua. topth.T with the f(U-mimissioner without opposition. llL Kft a suit.ih!e pl.u e to move prlvlleu'es and appurtenances iherenmo - 11 . inlo lonclMi; or In anywise appertalnln-'. 1 he NeilUlor MieillOll W III lie leiHillllllilli'U same oeniK leiieu up... nun ih.o ii ..s .... , ... . , , . . ,,., rl r.'O. I ll :ill i 3' . ..... t III. I'u. iriuii.i, t , Kroiu the lleacon. Mrs. Latrom and Miss Vera OUU- wilier returned from St. Louis Satur day. Sam N'estlake. has hauled the lum ber and ben this week to build on addition to his farm residence. Wm. Kemp arrived here from La l'latte Thursday evenhu of last week to take charge of the east section, lid Hamilton left for Panama the same evening. L. r.eclittl last week tinishedastone foundation for a new barn .VIxlO feet for Fred Muencliau, and this week Is building a foundation for a barn 'x:!J for Uudolph liberie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred lleeeli left Tues day morning for Kansas I'ity, where Fred will resume his work as railway mail clerk. AH are ulad to know that Mr. lleecli has regained his health. F. .1. l'.uhr left Monday for Milllnan to take charge of the elevator he pur chased recently at that place. His uronenv of enrv 1;. t.eriuf. .l.Teiniant. 10 sat isfv ii InilLMiient. of s:ilil court reCo eft'll hv the County of Cass, plaintiff, apilnsi said de- leiiilant. ' I'lattsmuulh. Nehraska. August '.Vtrd. A. I. ym. .uiiiN n. m. i: i; 1 1 n:. Slierlll'. Cass County. Nehraska. JlsSK 1.. ItoOT. I'liiliitliV's Attorney. thoiii.'h we do not believe that either one is "hankcrink'" alter the nomina tiou to any ureal extent. There mav be several "dark horses'' into M. P. .inkon has resigned his pointnient asuuardlanof Wesley Penl ler as he expects to move onto his homestead in Wheeler county in a cou ple of weeks, (i. W. Peterson has spruiiL' on the convention both for been appointed county attorney and representatives, plac hut you mark the .It.urnaPs prediction as guardian in SHERIFF'S SALE. .. .. .,1 i,i ... llv virtue of an order of sale Issued hy the IHC I'lailSlllOUlll uepuoneuil uniwm tret in its work next Saturday the same as ever, "and don't you forget it." The Plattstnouth delegation will leave Saturday on the early train on the M. P., with a special coach. clerk of tin. district court of Cass county. Ne hraska. and on a decree of foreclosure w here in Nehraska State Hiithlinir and Loan Asso ciation Is plulntlu". and Fred 1'. Heed and Kltzaheth N. Heed. Wecplnc Water Academy, F.dwardT. lilckard. l.ydia Ulckard and A. .1. Mclkuiald. llrst name unknown, are defend Kilts. I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash ul the front door of the court house In said county on the 26th Day of September. 1904 lit out o'clock p. in., the following described A Power For Good. The pills that are potent in 1 1 u-i r ac tion and pleasant in effect are Pe Witt's Little Parly Piseis, W. S. Phllpot of Albany, (la., says: "Purine; a bilious attack 1 took one. Small as it was it did me more piod than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took and Desires to Find Her Boy. Coroner Henry Hoeck received a let- at the same time the effect was pleas lands and tenement to satisfy the .indnmcut or ;lst, Friday iiiornhiL' from Mrs. 15. 'int. 1-dlUe harly iiisers are ceruunij O. T., an ideal pill." Sold by F. i. Frlcke block thirty-four. Weeplm.' Water. Cass conn- L, . , v.i.jn,r Imnilnes rn. & CO. ty. NebriisKii. In tract; lot live, block SeplemlXT H, making 1I1(IU11(S It th drtv-four. Weeplm; Water. Casscounty. Ni- irnrdltiL' licr SOU. Thaver. wlldlll She l.ruskii. liinnothertractiiiidtheuortli seventy 7 " ' 1.. feet of lots three and four, block lirty, Ween Inir Water, Cass county, Nebraska, in niiotli tr tract. Dated this illh day of Autfiisl. VM. MAW 1. McltKlliK. ContTltloilT A: Si iinkk. Shcrlll'. Attorneys for l'lalntliV. Greenwood SHERIFF'S S(1LE. has not heard from since July 11, last The mother st ates mat wiien sue msi From the Knterprise. heard from him he was in Lincoln, and Mrs. Win. Leesley and son, Harry, had been for several (lays, having his left Tuesday morning for Portland, hand treated for a carbuncle, hut that Me., where they will visit a month or he expected to go to the country to two, work the next day. Three children of August Hamlow, The distracted mother Is very anx- six miles south of town are down willi ions to learn the whereabouts of lier typhoid fever. Pr. Miller is the at lire im Hy virtue of an order of sale. Issued by ti e clerk of the lllstrlct Courl. Cass County. Ne- t I I. ........ j.t f.......l..kll... IL'I.III Nebraska state iiuiidinu' and Associa- son, and gives tlie full name as Mirle tending physician and tliey Vll he irilavuarh.hon. i wn, sH, ',a T. P.yerlv, aged twenty, described as proving rapidly pubiicauction to the hiK'hest bidder for casii f0uows: Height, 5 feet and H inches; Elder I'tterback moved his hous. tl, r.. ... 1 . . r. ..f tin. ittifl INlllvi' HI VHllI 7 I county on the weight about 14.". pounds: light com- hold effects and family to Hethany 26th Day of September, 1304 plcxion, blue eyes, light curly hair, Monday, where he will remain for the ut land and block lir.'.sk iMitcdl i sJUlHltiy or Annus!, run. .llUIN II. M II III UK. COfltTltKiliT ti Stl.NKit. SheriiV. Attorneys for I'lalntllT. Ltone o'clock p. n... the f. i lottinc dcscriiiefi uneve teeth, one front tooth being next year and attend school. ands and teiiemaiits to satisfy the judgment ' J imi costs of said action: u.ts and two. gone, and smooth face. J lie reiiiest Will Hollenbeck Walter Parr, ,h,k, my. wee,,i,, water.-ass county. Ne- js madc of Mr. P.oeck that he inform sollilll(i Karl ,itnv:;r(i left Wednes, Wat lav . l.i i i . licr it lie lias any Knowledge 01 such a ,.v,,ri.m,i f(.r ,..,,,, .vt...i.s. recreation described young man. J he mother . , , ,, W(.sU,ri) nart of the state Hunting will be tlieir chief pastime Word was received by Mrs. William fears he has died, and oilers a reward for any Information that will lead to the location of her missing boy. Mr, Hoeck answered the letter, stating lie was unable to give her the desired Huberts that her brother, (Juy Moon died at his home near Kingtisher, Ok Tuesday, and was buried Wednesday at 2:150 p. m. The deceased was a for mer Greenwood citizen, having left here eight years ago. Since bringing out the name of W. E. Hand for candidate forcommission SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of unorder of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of cass county. Ne- i ....... I. i.' it v.,k;A., suite Hull. line and Loan Associa- Information. If ailVOIlO Call 8011(1 Slicll tlon Is philntltr. and Nettle ir lteed and llarry . f . ,ln ... rP I'a.w.i- be will ad I). Keed are defendants. I will sell at public 11110! 111.111011 10 M T. I.01LK, lit will atl raM vise the mother. n, n, s,nin,hr. 1904 The Stomact) Is the Man ,..,.,, .,, . the foiiowi.iL' described A weak stomach weakens the man, lands and lenen.ents to sat Nfy the judj: ment because it cannot transform the food er (,tbcr of his friends have Insisted "wo feet of ti.e west forty-four f. et. lot live, be eats Into nourishment. Health and that Instead he be nominated to the block slsty-fuiir. Weeplnn water. ""-.....,, i,rnnn(,t he rest died toanvsifk ntllco of rpnroPntnMvP lie could till man or weak woman without first re- either oftice to a nicety and if it is the storing health and strength to the wish of a majority of his friends that stomach. A weak stomach cannot di- be represent this county in the state nest enoui-h food to feed the tissues legislature, thus might it he. We are and revive the tired and run down f0r Hand for representative. Murrxxy Special l'orrev.i,, nee. , Mrs. P. Parker has been on the sU k list for the past few days. Mrs. James Lotighrige, who has been con tilled to her bed since April, Is able to be up, and her many friends feel greatly encnuraired. Arthur Yoiiiii; left Monday morning to resume his duties in the university at Lincoln, lie was accompanied as far as Omaha by his sister Viola. J. M. Leek spent Sunday with his family. Mr. Leek is putting an addi tion to Win. Taylor's property, which will add greatly to its appearance. A large number from here attentlt d the dance at Poatcs' hall last .Satur day iiiglit. Pr. .lake Hrendel and his lady friend drove over to Pluttsinout'h for the play Monday evening. Wm. Ci'iissei' and family spent Sun day at the home of Meek Pavis west of tow n. P.. W. was a I'latts mout h isitor mi Monday ! Mis, Emma ii,ics, l,o has been on th"sick list t ltf past week, isanain ible to lie up. The Munay mail wagon is under going i e pairs, and when ready for I he road ill look like new. Mrs. .1. M. Leek and daughter Lulu, Pr. and Mrs. Picndel, A. L. linker and wile spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Frank Young, jr. I'has. Stone and Will lirown spent one evening south of l'latlsinoulhthis week. Miss Edmunds, who lias been visiting at Hrewster, Neb., for the mst few weeks, returned home Friday f last week. Homer Miller has gone to Flails- mouth to accept a position in uiarlesi Martin's barber shop. I G. II. Manners and Guy I'.urton re-1 turned to Nehawka Tuesday to com plete the new telephone line. Tlie creamery has not been running on account of the boiler being worn out. Mr. I.aiiderinilk hopes to have it replaced with a new boiler hi a lew days. I Tom Wills anil Miss Trudie Long were Murray visitors .Sunday evening. ; Both primaries were held here this; week in the brick hall. i Hev. .lackson made his usual trip here Sunday, and preached both morn ing and evening at tin Christian church. The Misses Matecr and .Jell' Hrendel were I'lattsmuulh passengers Satur day evening. Several changes are soon to be made in Munay. .lames Leek will remove his family to Piattsinouth. Phil Hris ben will occupy the place made vacant by him. Win. ('rosscr will Immediately take possession of the place which Mr. Hrisben occupied, and Joe Cook has bought the property in which Mr Crosser lived and expects to move his family there. 3 Saving and Investment- Huylntr a toniilm. Dotrolt in.ulo anil tr.ulo tn.w koil STOVE or RANGE Id like, oiotnlnu it fiavlnirn .recount In tint bank. ,uul Ih a nooil Invi'Ht mnnt. It drawn l.lw: lntT'Ht as lonif ax you oho It, lu-i ,uiho It In him.cI.iIIv dosltnod to navo f uol ft :V, SB 3 . MSB m 6 m r A- ' - El . . i IT DOES SAVE FUElKfel JownN aio f.unoiis for that, and (jlVL iLfpl '.i fTvP't fortholr lasiiim im ai.tli. allv a illo V'JlJ I 1 !'' .,,,, W:iv- W l' J MJti-',..j llmo-. fc -'is i-y?xz-'-' Jr Mill., of lilllK I' .11! Kll.'ll Stool W.'l ...... whit h will nut I o:.t, chip turn whlto. ('all anil mo tliom. poi 1, ui 141 w C or S.ilo ly x V I.'.. T.'-'. A.tillWI'.'.! Platb IOHX i , I : K I nil u t!i X ti n'.iska Who has tlie Largest raised in tliis lm-ality In order In liiul out. this -la-mi JONATHAN HATT & SON offer One Dollar ! for tlie largest pumpkin brought P tlieir store in IMaltsmoittli on or le 1'iire Xoveinlief 1st. Let us see w ho is the best pumpkin raiser. imiatuam mil 9, Kim 114 Alain St. Piattsinouth. Neb. ! Avoca tills 24th day of Aiiifjist. I'V'-,, Idll.N 1. Ml HI41 lK. COfBTIIIOHT .V Sll.NK.ll. SJl.Tiir, Attorneys for I'liilntlff. Don't Break Your Buck Shoveling. spri'lill CiirrrsMillllrli'l'. C. 1. luinton was .a county seat vis itor on Saturday. Orlando Tefft returned the tlrst of tlie week from his St. Louis visit. K. (1. Spencer, of I!cd Oak, Iowa, spent several days this week in Avoca. August Tliiele left last week for a S2?s'' w . . - limbs and organs of the body. Kodol Married-Mr. Leonard Muir of Alvo Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, , M1 s Carrie Craiir of this ulacc e ennses and streiiL'tliens me irianns ,., 1.,,,i,i t rnivnriiv i'ino nt . . i ncic iiiuii icii uu i. in ivioit j i"" i . .. . and membranes of the stomach, and L ..vior.k Wednesday evening and left vlslt 10 crinany cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all immnfi.ltpiv for a t.rln to the world's (lustave Ulnik'e visited at iMinbaron stomach troubles. Sold by I V. Frickc fairi Ti10 Kr0ym is a professional man Monday & Co. Mrs. J. Benson 212 South Kit. Omaha, Neb. Elegant walsts'Jfor evening, dress or pencral wear. For cvcnlnK Crepe de Chine, l'cau de CyK and lace, all lined with silk, In nile crcaunx jrrcen and cream, (!.". tci !.'. For dress and general wear I'e m de Soie andTalfeta in black, novelty weaves and new shades of blue and brown at to :i.:,0. Mohair, French Flannel and Wool Crepe, for $2.':.-. to &UH1. LOW RARES TO OMAHft via r.urllnntoii lloute, For the AH-Sar-Ben Festivities. October .1 to " Inclusive, the liur- lint-ton w ill sell ticKcts to Omaha and return at cents-praclically nail ( arnivai uns year in on of Alvo and very highly respected. Tlie John Neumelster upent several days bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. last week visiting his brother Fred at 15. Craig of this place and has many Cook. friends who wish her unbounded hap- Ceoiye llowland and family are vis. plness. She has been a successful m,, at, Hui trand. ICaClier 111 IIU AlVO SCIIOOl aim as ,,,,, I,,!.,,.,... ),., rotor.w..l from principal of tlie Nehawka school for the past three years. Tha Rocke Wagon Dump end Elevator For loading nd unloading Eir ind Shell(dCorn,'or any kind of Small Grain. Capacity, 15 busMi o( Ear Cornar 25 bushcliol Oati per minute. Tht !eva tor is made ol itcel, cm set parallel with dump or at riht nntiles. Dump ml I Ifvalor inounusl nn l,...r I V Inrh wlip.. with r inrli litem. iul ianl n.nveJ tailr to r.'rli knr (' ("" J'!" rob. or from faun to farm. No kn. i king down re-tiiic-tl whi-n inmlnii. iut lnw. t cli'vatnr. lul l hriilkct nvr ami Intili "ii team. Worn for spi'Ciul ii.tio.un nn I'.xc a .,.,. 'im. Plnnerlmpl8menlC9..Coun5ii eiuiiis n ,.rl ..,(i iinnroveinent over all pre mmrciskTOSRsrasKSM a(!llui0I, l0 a bik, st reet carnival every oay mere win ne :i Flower parade iciooei .., a kuik'ou . , , .... ... 'ri.o.-.l-il, nt'iin III. lecincai para.iL- jhui.s.mij i.v.. ...m of Fifty Head of Tlionm-iilnvtl DUROC JERSEY H06S From theljueen M ills lb-id at my farm four and one-half miles south of I'acilie. .Iiinetlon, Iowa, and sewn miles southeast of the Flat tsniout h Ferry, on Thursday, September 29, 1904 coinineiiclnii at 12::sn sharp. Olferinu to consist of live bred Sows, ten Cilts, thirteen Fall and Yearlhm Hoars and twenty-two Spring Hoars. All tlie tops of our Fall and Spring crops of I'iys and a number of Choice I'.rood Sows. We have spared neither pains nor expense to put a useful lot of hous In t his sale- as ijood blood as is known to tlie breed. Now is your chance to buy a Duroc Jersey ho at your own price. Positively no by-biddiiiK and no reserve. Sale will be. held under cover, rain or shine. So come and spend tlie day with us whether it Is a red lion yon want or not. Write for catalogue. Will meet parties at .1 unction and return them. Free Lunch at noon. A credit of live month will be ulvenon approved notes bearing per cent. Interest from date. TERMS OF SALE: Two per cent, off for cash Col. F. F. LUTHER, Auctioneer. Claude Anderson, Clerk. C. F. TIMMONS, PACIFIC JUNCTION, IOWA. October ii. ami the AK-sar-i.en nan October:. Ask the ticket auent for ml 1 particulars. L. W. ;m. Pa-s. Audit, Omaha. From 143 to 92 Pounds. One of the nmst remarkable cases of Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many years It has been supposed thfl Catarrh of tho Stomach caused Indigestion nd dyspepsia, but the. truth Is exacily the iji vi catarrh. Ro- pealed Stacks of lndlEestlon Inflames the- U cold, deep-seated on the iunus. cans. mucous membranes lining mo aium-v- - in(, pneumonia, is tn.ii m .'im. wi-i-exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus- y Fcnner, Marion, Ind., who ThS lfeta? B'SiSn". U was entirely cured by the use of One eliuJd cI?rVh S SI. Stomch. Minute Om,-h Cure. She says: "The l J I n...MAMi.i4 Pns-ft couuhlnu and st ralnlnR so weakened KOSlOl UySpGpS!a UUlB lnc Uial ! ran ,iown wHKlit from 1 IS relieves ill Inflammation of the mucous l() 2 1(,u,u. 1 tried a nuinlH-r of rein membranes lining the storrach. protects ilio c(icH t ., avail until I iisedOnc Mln- nerves, and cures bad trea in. i V'''';'' " . . L'ure. Four bottles of this S Ifutreme-lycuredmeentirelyof Kftni Digests What YOU Eat the jkIi, strengthened my luns and Make th Stomach Sweet. restored me to my normal weight, oniMniT. Rcul.r.'..'5?:J,,!me, licalth and strength." Sold by F. O. his St. Louis trip. Henry Huette, of Nehraska CWy, hail business here several days last week. A number of the Avoca l!elekahs attended the district incctlnu held at Piattsinouth last Friday evening. Mrs. Fred lletts Is spending the week visilinu' her parents at .Murray. Magpie Grove Speeliil CirreslHinili'iii'i'. Mrs. Schafer left last week for a few weeks' visit with relatives and friends In (la'e county, Nebraska. Louie Puis and' Herman Cansemer made a business trip to Omaha last mail Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through e the wins has to come In mi somewhere. The springs of red blond are fuimd m the solt core ol tr bones called the marrow ar.d some say red blood alo comes from the spleen. Healthy bono ii..iii.M. ..Hv. .iv.u.iij ,'.,.v. i i upsday aie urn oi j.CVi .,.,.,! sprir'el made a trip to bcott s lmulsion makes new i0Wa last week .1 1 I blood by tecding the bone Mr.William Puis left last Friday for marrow and the spleen with the st. Louis;fair, where lie will stay the richest of all fats, the pure for a few weeks, rod liver oil (Julte a number of friends and rcla For pale school -iris and llv visited at the home of Mr. and ,. , 1 i ( i . Mrs. P. A. 11 lid on Sunday, to cele- inai tn .mu it . a . Ibrate the birthdays of P. A. Ilild and bioou is tnin anu paic, dcou s i,r(1(1 UU i- 1 . I t I l. I iMinilsion is a picasani ana rieii w .uls vvas a Nei,awka visitor blood food. It not only feeds Un Monday. the bkuKi-making ortrans but Miss Annie Puis visited at Murray eiyes them strength to do on Monday. their proper work. Mr. Fred Knuelkemeler and daunh tnt for free unmptf. ter returned last week from their Ok bcott novNE, chemi.K lahoma visit. They were well pleased iuvillj I Call nuiTi, inw iv.a i soc.a.idi oo; all dniKtfu. with the country. at Costs One to have it Senti It's Won- cy Well Spent, and You'ii not repent the Cent You Spent to have it Sent"!? You Spend a Cent For a postal card to order our catalog on. That's all it costs you, is the one cent you send for a postal card to write your name and address on and the one word Catalog Wc want to send it to you. We want to put this book in your hanJs show you samples of cloth that we make cur suits out of show you prices such as you can get of no other house on earth. We want to make you know The Nebraska 6o that when you come to Omaha you'll have reason to come and see us, and when you want something to wear and don't want to come, you'll have reasons for ordering from us. Trice reasons such as ours, ought to make you want to trade with us no matter if you live 1000 miles away. I3uy your postal card today and send for this catalog it will prove a good investment. Cor. Fnrnam and 13th Sts., Omaha. Pr.p.r.db'illo. 5:;.TTdo"ohlc.o..iu Frcke & Co.