The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1904, Image 8

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    VI K
.diking Liniment
ciu cH Cuts, Jturtin, ltrulac.
!!e Liniment
. n n i r:iiii4 ami Strain.
Mustang Liniment
In use for over alxty yeara.
ustang Liniment
cm rruntbltoit and Cbllblulua.
Mustang Liniment
ltewt thlu fur u lutue humu.
Mustang Liniment
lrlvtt nil Inflammation.
Austang Liniment
fur Man, livuxt ur Poultry.
Mustang Liniment
hculx Old Sori-rt quickly,
Mustang Liniment
rurrt Caked Udder in cow.
Mustang Liniment
limber up Stiff Joint.
Mustang Liniment
jH-nctruten to the very bone.
Mustang Liniment
nl way a glvea satisfaction.
Mustang Liniment
Lieat for Horse ailment.
lirvip XI
Mustang Liniment
Mustang Liniment
cure Spavin and King bone.
Dent for Cattle ailment.
j r;Lcir,(j Liniment
: i :i nil! iti v euro for I'IU-h.
Mustang Liniment
Best for Sheep ailments.
Austang Liniment
carta nil forma of Khcamatiam.
Weeping Water
From (lie Iti-euhllcHii
A child was Uirn to Mr. an.l Mrs.
Charles Klehardson Tuesday night,
but the little one only lived a few
The many friends of (irandma Car
ter w ill lie pained to learn tliat her
condition Is not much Improved. The
warm weather proves finite weakening
to her.
Pan McCarthy has a new cork leu
and Is aide to net around on It very
veil. We liopj lan can wear It nil
rljlit and that It will be of great bene
tlt to him.
The foundation Is aliout completed
for the ChrlstlanSc church. This de
nomination has chosen a idee location
for their church home and Kldora
avenue will be much improved by the
lcan, the nine-year-old son of L. 1.
.Swlter, met with a very painful acci
dent last Friday by being thrown from
Ids horse, lie had sprained his ankle
a few days previous and In trying to
shield It in his rail lie struck Ills arm
breaking It In two places.
Will K. Woodrulf, who has lieen vis
iting his parents and other relatives
here for two or three weeks returned
to his home In Conway, Iow a, Monday
morning. It has been eleven years
since Will has been here to make a
lengthy visit and he sees a great many
The ooard or directors In district
No. 21, are building a new school
house. The building Is to 2lx:tS feet
and will be one or the. Ilnest country
school houses In the county. It will
not be ready tor occupancy heroic the
middle or October, so the llrsfc two
weeks of school w ill be held In the old
building. The new building Is situa-
ted on John McKay's rami and is a
quarter of a milo west of the old loca
lion. Miss Lena liurns will bo the in
structor for the coming year.
from llio UcruWI.
(1. I. Smith has rented 400 acres of
land In Frontier county, and will try
his luck there another season.
Victor Iulllelil returned home from
Colorado last Wednesday, where he
has been tpultc sick for several weeks,
Miss Sarah Colman went to Nehawka
Sunday to visit relatives. She will
leach this fall In the llechner district.
Miss Marie Mellows, daughter of
Krnk ltellowsof Cleveland, ()., arrived
Sunday and Is making her headquar
ters with Mrs. A. W. 1 leach while vis
iting relatives.
A special train will he run from
Union to Kim wood on September 24
so the delegates to the republican
county convention from I'lattsmouth
and along the line can attend and have
time to catch the main line train north
on the Missouri Pacltlc at Union.
Dr. W. M. Thomas and family and
Jim Thomas of Louisville, chartered
Dunn's automobile last Friday morn
ing and left for Uellevllle, Kan., where
Mrs. Thomas' folks reside. The auto
Is a fast and smooth traveler, and the
family enjoyed the outing very much,
returning home Sunday evening.
We surmised correctly last week re
garding the wedding of Miss Stella
Nye and Mr. Clarence Conrad, which
occurred at Cook, the home of the
bride's parents, Tuesday evening, Au
gust 211, 1W4, in the presence of a few
friends and relatives. The newly mar
ried couple w ill live on the farm that
the groom has been having charge or
during the past year near Weeping
It is queer how lucky some folks are.
Charles A. Haldwin has been repairing
an engine for use in sawing wood. Fri
day be steamed up to see how It worked,
pulled the throttle, and It started
plenty quick, backed up against the
saw frame, pinned Charlie's leg be
tween the two vehicles and by the
fraction of an Inch It was saved from
ocing crushed, the engine was re
versed and he was soon released.
Cured of Bright's Disease.
Ceo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Ued Mills
Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes: "I bad
kidney disease for many years and bad
been treated by physicians for twelve
years; had taken a well known kidney
medicine and other remedies that were
recommended, but got no relief until 1
began using Foley's Kidney Cure, I'he
lirst half bottle relieved me and four
bottles have cured me of this terrible
disease, lie fore 1 legan taking Foley's
Kidney Cure I had to make water
about every fifteen minutes, day and
night, and passed a brick-dust sub
stance, and sometimes a slimy sub
stance. I believe I would have died If
1 had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure
F. 0. Frlcke & Co.
Kroiii tin- f'uurlrr.
Miss Willie Merger lias gone to Lin
coln, where she will havecharge of the
fourth and lil'th grades In the lichnont
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. l'annele and
daughter, Mary, or I'lattsmouth, vis
ited at the home or K. A. Ilolyokc
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Scherwin and
(laughter or Helden, visited at the
home or .lohn Schocmann this week.
They left Thursday ror Mllford. Mrs.
Schocmann and daughter Kdua accom
panied them.
Oliver I'rwln died Friday morning
at 7 o'clock or spinal trouble, from
which he has been a sufferer for many
years. He was a litt le past nineteen
years of age and a as a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Crwln. Funeral will
occur Sunday at 2::i0 o'clock from the
Methodist church.
r red Wagner, who was injured In a
runaway last week, mention of which
was made In the Courier, was able to
come to town Wednesday. George
Wood, a victim of the same accident,
Is not Improving as rapidly as he would
like, but probably Is doing as well as
could be expected.
Nate lla.en came near meeting his
Waterloo Thursday afternoon at the
clay pits west or town. He attempted
to cross the t racks when he discovered
an empty Hat car approaching at a
rapid speed. He struck his horse with
the w hip and It sprang across the track
Just In time to save the 1 i f 0 or Mr
lla.en and the horse. The hind wheels
of the buggy were struck by the car
and the rig was demolished, Mr.lla.en
being thrown about 11 f teen feet, but
escaped without injury.
It is with much regret that we arc
called upon t ills week to announce the
death or George Ackles, a young man
well known In tills vicinity and espec
ially In Sarpy county, where ho has
spent the most or his lire. Ho had
been ailing fir a long time, but had
been able to lie around up to last Fri
day. He died Saturday evening at 10
o'clock. The funeral occurred from
the family residence Sunday at 2 p.
111., the sermon being preached by Kl
derG. W. Maylleld or this city. De
ceased was born In Iowa October 24,
1H74, his age at the time or his death
being twenty-nine years, ten months
and thirteen days.
Do Not Be Imposed Upon.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar iis a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many Imitations are offered
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refuse any substi
tute offered, as no other preparation
will give the same satisfaction. It is
mildly laxative. It contains noopiates
and is safest for children and delicate
persons. F. . Frlcke & Co.
'Gut Hell," tho favorite cigar
fill s r
Greatest Aid to Cookery
With least labor and trouble It makes
hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest
flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and
assuredly digestible and wholesome.
Prici Baking powder Co Chicago.
From tlu KntrrprKr.
Horn. To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ilolmas,
a boy, Wednesday, August .".I, l'.K)4.
H im. To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole
man, a hoy, I hursoay, September 1,
not 11 Mr. and .Mrs. 1. i . Dale are
sick. They have symptoms or typhoid
Sain Gul I ion is here visiting rela
tives. Mr. Gu I lion expects to move
his family here In the spring.
Miss Nettie Van Cleave left Tuesday
for Des Moines, where she will attend
the Des Moines Conservatory of Music.
Miss Helen Owen of Philadelphia,
l'a , and Miss Mamie Kellev of North
Ilend, Neb., sister and niece of Mrs
W. M. Stone, are visiting here this
T. A. McNurlln of Fairmont was In
town over Sunday visiting ids mother,
who has been sick. Mr. McNurlln was
a former Greenwood citizen, having
lived here in the early 'Hits.
Klder Uttcrback has accepted the
pastorate of the Christian church here
for another year. This is good news
to the members, as lie has done excel
lent work here and Is well liked
throughout the community.
C. A. Bellinger, of Nelson, Neb., was
here Thursday and Friday visiting his
brother, J. W. The two had not met
before In twenty-one years, and the
meeting was a joyous one. M. Hellln
ger Is a prosperous farmer near Nelson,
where he has been for the past five
years. Trior to that time ho lived In
What's In a Name?
Everything Is in the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve. K. C
DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered
some years ago how to make a salve
from Witch Hazel that is a spec! tic for
piles. For blind, bleeding, itching or
protruding piles, eczema, cuts, burns,
bruises and all skin diseases, DeWltt's
Salve has no equal. This lias given
rise to numerous worthless counter
reus, ask ror Dermis the genu
ine. Sold by F. (J. Frlcke & Co.
From tho Leader-Koho.
C. W. Kraft and wife left yesterday
on their California trip.
G randmaCowell died yesterday morn
lug. Funeral services will be held at
2 o'clock tomorrow artemoon.
1'rof. Gamble moved Into the Dell
Tyson residence property last week
and Is getting ready to take charge of
our schools next Monday morning.
Mrs. Lelby arrived Wednesday from
Howard, S. D., ready to coniinenccher
duties as assistant principal of ourhigh
Orley, son of 11. I. Clements, was
quite sick last week with an abcess in
tho groin. The doctor lanced It Friday
evening, and he Is now getting along
Cass county's peach crop will be some
thing Immense this fall. Several farm
ers near Kim wood will have ail the way
from one hundred to live hundred
Mrs. C. L. Hohannan and son, Charles,
left Saturday Tor St. raid, Minn.,
where Charlie will attend Hamlin uni
versity the coming year. Mrs. Hohan
nan w ill spend a month at St. Paul vis
iting. ( )ne hundred and thirty-eight of our
people boarded the early train for Lin
coln Tuesday morning. The sleeper
and baggage car were opened to allow
room for them on the train.
Aaron Gamble lias been suffering se
verely for the past six or eight weeks
from a tubercular abcess on his neck
and jaw. Dr. Neely lanced It Sunday
and it is hoped he will soon experience
A nephew of Joe Ncnstiel, about
eight years old, of Ithica, who Is visit
ing at the Nenstiel home, fell from a
tree Wednesday, sustaining a severe
fracture of the right elbow. Ho was
brought to town and Dr. Hohannan
set the Injured member.
Henry Hays had three or four trees
of peaches that were getting ripe last
week, but Thursday evening one of
the trees was nearly stripped of its
fruit, and Friday Mr. Hays picked the
balance of the trees. That evening
while Mr. Hays sat quietly smoking on
the porch, the dog commenced making
a big fuss out in the orchard and Hen
ry slipped out there to find a couplcof
young men, each Industriously en
gaged in shaking a peach tree that
was peachless. He got within twenty
feet of them and let loose a yell. May
be those boys didn't go some! One
went north through a cornfield, the
other south, In his haste leaving the
horse lie had ridden standing beside
the road. Henry took the horse home
with him, out some hours later re
turned it to its rightful owner.
Fearful Odds Against rim.
Hedrldden, alone and destitute. Such
in brief was the condition of an old
soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver
sallies, O. For years he was troubled
with kidney disease and neither doc
tors nor medicines gave him relief. At
length he tried Electric Hitters. It
put him on his feet in short order and
now he testifies, "I'm on the road to
complete recovery." Hest on earth
for liver and kidney troubles and all
forms of stomach and bowel complaints
Only 30c. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke
&Co., druggists.
From the KckIsUt.
There were 225 tickets sold to the
state fair from this place.
James Easter commenced work on
the superstructure of his new $7,000
residence Monday.
Wm. Halfour has landed safely in
Colorado, and will spend his vacation
with his daughter, Mrs. D. L. Crass.
A. F. Sturm, wife and four children,
left Tuesday for Del Norte, Colorado,
for an extended visit among friends
and relatives. Mrs. D. C. West and
daughter accompanied them on the
Charles Parker, who has been nearly
blind for the past two months from
bidly granulated eyelids, has almost
recovered his normal sight. He is a
poor, but very industrious young man
and has been suffering badly.
The stone quarry Is now running a
force of over eighty men and several
teams, and cannot keep up with the
orders, though they work nights and
Sundays. To appreciate the amount
of work done there one must visit the
place In person.
Our public schools will open next
Tuesday with l'rof. Clans, of Hamil
ton county as principal, Miss Edith
Johnson, of Weeping Water, inter
mediate and Miss Edith Moon, of
Ashland, the primary department.
Last year there were 143 pupils en
rolled in all departments, and for the
good of the school we hope that many
or more may be enrolled the first day.
A Boy's Wild Hide for Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, and a son riding for life. e',rh
tecn miles, to get lr. Kind's New Ids-
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, W. II. Brown of Leesvllle, I ml.,
endured death's agonies from asthma:
but this wonderful medicine gave in
stant relief and scon cured him. He
writes: "I now sleep .soundly every
night." Like marvelous cures of con
sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis,
coughs, colds and grip prove its match
less merit for all throat and lung
troubles. Guaranteed bottles .r0c and
11.00. Trial bottles free at F. O.
Frlcke & Co.'s drug store.
To Everywhere and Back.-
The Hurlington offers excursion
rates In every direction, so low that
there is no excuse for staying at home.
Helow are some of them:
St. Louis and back three kinds of
dally rates besides the special low rate
coach excursions on cacti Tuesday and
Thursday during August and Septem
Chicago and back-daily low rates
cither direct or via St. Louis, with
stopovers at St. Louis, Kansas City
and Omaha.
World's fair stopovers at St. Louis
on through tickets.
Colorado, Ctah and Black Hills re
sortsthere and back at practically
half rates all summer.
To California San Francisco and
Los Angeles and back August loth to
September 10th, only $4.". The only
chance in I'M to get this low rate.
Portland, Puget Sound and back-
August 11th to 18th, one fare for the
round trip.
To Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin
and the Great Lake region, the ideal
summer country, daily low rates to
take you away from home.
On the lirst and third Tuesdays of
each month very low round trip rates
to hundreds of points in the north
west, west and southwest.
Write or call, descrllic your trip, let
me advise you on the least cost.
W. L. Pk'kktt, Ticket Agent.
A Cold Settled in His Kidneys.
A. J. Jennesse, 0201 Uutler St., Chi
cago, writes: "I am a switchman and
am out In all kinds of weather. I took
a cold which settled in mykldneysand
was in bad shape. I tried several
advertised remedies with no benefit,
until I was recommended to try Fo
ley's Kidney Cure. Two-thirds of a
bottle cured me." F. G. Frlcke & Co.
topa th cough and heal lungs
War on China
and Queensware
THIS means just what we say. Every piece of
Queensware in our large stock will be reduced to
the original cost, and on many articles below cost.
This line of goods must be moved, as we need the
room. The prices we offer will certainly do it.
In Our Grocery
This Old Reliable store, as it always has done, stands
ready to offer you the best values for the money. Our
line is certainly one of the most complete to be found
in Cass County.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Successor to
Under New Manage-
purchased the Grocer
nett, and that he will
ness at the old stand
On The
is prepared to meet all competition. He de
sire all who want good, fresh things in the
line of staple and fancy groceries, to see him at
E. S. TUTT, Prop.
Tbe Stomach is the Man.
A weak stomach weakens the man,
because it cannot transform the food
lie eats into nourishment. Health and
strength cannot tie restored to any sick
man or weak woman without first re
storing health and strength to tho
stomach. A weak stomach cannot di
gest enough food to feed the tissues
and revive the tired and run down
limbs and organs of the body. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat,
cleanses and strengthens the glands
and membranes of the stomach, and
cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
stomach troubles. Sold by F. F. Frlcke
& Co.
For Sale !
A rubber-tired go-cart and lady's
bicycle, both in splendid repair. In
quire at the Journal office.
Removing of Household Goods a
Specialty. Also, Heavy
(Successor to Ir. J. M. (ireene.)
COATS BLOCK. Plattsmouth 'Phone 26
WeCkbach &. CO. Plattsmouth. Neb.
wants a11 his frIcntls
to Know tnat ne nas
Store of L. D. Ben-
continue to do busi-
and by keeping the
V Goods
Old Stand