The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1904, Image 4

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    The Piattsmouth Journal
I I hi.imu.: W f.KKI.Y AT
K. A. I'ATFS. 1'rni.TsiiKK.
I .r i-k ,i it mv.hiI.'.iiv. mutter.
Kor I'i eshlcnt ,
ai.ton it iwkkuk.
i.f New York.
Tor Vice President,
hknky c. havis,
i.f West Virginia.
For (!ni'rniii -
(JKoiuiK w. iu;i:i;i:, Lincoln.
I''(ir I.llMlll'lllllll-lidVl'IIMll-
IUI. A. TOWNSKN l, l-'ranklln Co.
For Secretary of Mali -Kl'lHtl.I'll
K. WAT7.KK, IIiiiiiIkiII.
For Treasurer -
J. M. OSr.OltNi:, Pawnee (V.
For Audit or -
J.S. CAN A DAY, Mlnden.
For Attorney-tlcneral -
F.DWA 1 1 W11ALKN, O'Neill.
ForSupt. 1 n 1I U- Inst ruction -
A. A. NOITLKY, IVrklnsCo.
For Land Commissioner
A. A. WoKSKLKY, Unite.
For Congressman - First hlslrk't
Johnson County
Hon. (int. L. Siiki.imin, itls riniioi-
ed, will lefuse tin' reiinmlnallon for
state senator. Kvldcntly Hie Captain
views a mirage of Hie 'Scavenger" aet
in tlie heavens.
Ik a high tariff i-rodticcs high wagts,
how does It happen that In (.ertnany
where tlie tarlll is twice us MJi as In
Kitglaml, the wages are much lower.
and that In Frame the wagesare lower
till, although the tariff Is so high that
everv fanner who carries his produce
to market must pay a tariff on the
I. t -. i . i
euliniiy roan nctorc in- t.iu emit me
t-it v V How do these and those liar-
Tiik man who Is Idle or who Is work
ing on half time when he has a chance,
and who has to pay higher prices than
ever he fore- fur what he eats, cannot
tie fiHiled tiy any academic argument
ahout the value of the high tarilT or by
any assurance that he Is prosperous.
He knows perfectly well that lie Is
not well olT, and orators cannot con
vince liiin to the contrary against the
weight of his own experience.
Tht "Scavongir" Act.
Commenting on this "scavenger"
legislation ty the late republican
lature, the Omaha Lee says it will U
the cuum! of many poir people losing
their little homes; but the recent rev
enue law was enacleil In utter nisie-
gard of the people especially of the
poor man.
The object of that legislation was to
till the (Meat hole In the Nebraska state
treasury; all under the dishonest hue
and cry that the people were dishonest
and would not, pay their taxes: anil
that the old revenue law was not ade-
iiuate to meet the necessities arising
for state and local revenue purposes.
Why was not the old law adequate?
It could have been enforced. It was
thieves like Joe Hartley and his class
who were robbing the public with
Impunity. The dishonesty of these
scoundrels was charged up to the poor
people of the state who were accused of
'tax-dodging." A(;aln, In the cities
If there Is a populist In Cass county
w ho has the least Idea of vot ing for the
present occupant of the While I louse, an 1 villages of this state w here corpor
should first understand what Teddy ate management ran rlotand munlclp
thinks of the populist party. Uoose- al indebtedness was recklessly plied
velt's pamphlet on the cainpitlgn of upon the poor people, city property,
"Thrift, Industry and business especially that outside of business cen
energy are qualit ies which are Incom- ters, became utterly worthless, yet this
patlble with true l'opullstlc feeling, property was taxed, and taxed outof
Payment of debt, like the suppression existence
of riots, Is abhorrent to the l'opulistlc In l'lattsmouth city today, the aver-
mind. Such conduct strikes the Top- aire property Is placed upon the tax list,
ill 1st as Immoral.'
Tint best evidence extant that Ceo.
W. I'ergo Is the strongest man that
could have been nominated by the fus
ion forces, is the fact that the repub
lican papers are doing their level best
to create a discord in the present har
monious action of the two faetlous In
the interest of the fusion candidate
for governor. The opposition papers
are just now enlaced In circulating
some base lies, but so far they been
nipped right, square In Ihe bud.
Tun democrat ic congressional com
inittee has not jet, (jot Into effective
working order because It has not yet
received an adequate supply of the
"needful" from the national commit
tee at New York. It has been deemed
more important to elect Parker and
I avls than to insure a democratic con- this measure,
and valued, much of It, twenty per
cent beyond Us actual w orth. Outside
resident property has no market value.
Pills is the same in all municipalities
within the state; and now, the people
are experiencing the beauties of a re
publican financial policy In Nebraska.
Itls the highwayman's argument to
raise revenue, when holding up his vlc
tic on the highway. When done w ith,
It is all at the expense of the poor man:
the man who can't hire special lobby
ists to hang around the legislative halls
to nurse the peoples' representative,
coddle thecommlttees, and then report
daily to the "general manager's otllce."
Why should the scavenger law be en
forced against the people, anyway?
Wc venture to say, poor old ring-ridden
Cass county will be the only county
outside of Douglas to lie scourged with
which merely piles up
The News Still Lying.
It would seem that the "Cissy" of
the News is never better satlstied than
when he can rake up some lie to
about most any prominent demo
crat of the Mate As Hon. W. H.
Thompson of Crand Island was nomin
ated by the democrats two years ago for
governor and endorsed by the poplists.
tnd as Hon. George W. Merge has been
nominated this year by the populists
lor governor and endorsed by the dem
erit, nothing suits such "small-fry"
publican new paper editors as the
News man when they can Invent a lie
that would sever the ties that hind the
riendsof Mr. I Serge and Mr. Thomp
son so nrimy. me journal Knew
that the article published in the News
as one of those "little white republi-
iii lies," that that paper Is socager
to print during a campaign or any
titer time, for that matter, hut to be
sure we were "right netore going
ahead" assumed the liberty of address
ing the "Little Giant" touching the
flotation published in the "great
truthful, moral and religious" daily,
Ith comments that were calculated
to mislead. Here Is what Mr. Thomp
son says:
(HAND Island, Neb., Sept. 3, '04.
Kditok Plattsmoi Til Jot liNAI.:
Piattsmouth, Neb.
DkauSiu: 1 understand that the
News of yourcity published the follow
ing, to-wit: "This fellow Merge will
not get as many votes as t he Parker
lectors and there is not a single popu
list in the state who will vote for
I'lie press of the state, regardless of
politics, has so uniformly treated me
with absolute courtesy ami candor as
to make me loth to in any way enter
into a personal controversey. The
statement above, said to have leen
made by myself, however, was not
made either as printed or otherwise.
I he person who started this report Is
certainly mistaken At least 1 know
t here was no basis for such a report to
be prlnted-as coming from me.
Mr. Merge 1 have known for years,
and always held him in the highest re-
nect, and personally knew that all the
statements that were being circulated
againt him were untrue. Ith best
wishes, I am Yours truly,
W . 11. TllOMl'SON.
Conoukss made an immense appro
priation toenable the president to light
the trusts - that, Is, "the bad trusts."
lie has only spent a tenth of the fund,
and has only tackled the t rusts Instead
of Injuring them. Why Is this?
Dk mock ats have no particular reas
on to weep over the fact that the re
publicans of West Virginia have a large
quarrel on their hands which Is likely
to change the political complexion of
at least three of the the congressional
Tn i:i;k seems to he an overw helming
demand for speeches from Hon. W. J.
Hryan In all the pivotal stales. Very
well; he ought to make I he circuit. He
Is a brilliant and eloquent speaker,
now entirely In harmony w ith the pur
poses of the party, and sure to edify
and Instruct as well as entertain w her
ever he goes,
Kress, so that matter has been taken
In Id of llrst. Hut there are at least
titty closely contested districts which
will lie vigorously tackled within a
month, and where It Is believed the
democrats have a lirst-rate lighting
chance to control the next congress.
Yw It mav he doubted If one-half
the heads of American families are In
as favorable a position as they were in
lssn. The third party the majority
who are neit her capitalists nor able to
fortify themselves hchlnd laltor union
walls Is today giving more propor
tionately than In 1N!I7, while getting
only t he same. When capltalistseoni-
tilne to raise prices, reduce expenses,
or anticipate prolits it Is the third
party that" pays the higher prices,
stands the reduct Ions of expenses and
converts the anticipated prolits into
actual ones-Chicago Inter-Ocean.
In the foregoing paragraph the In
ter-Ocean unwittingly confessed to a
truth that has lieen apparent to every
thinking democrat for the past year or
costs for court officials, entails heavy
clerical expense in the county treas
urer s office and gives the prosecutor
and district Judge the unenviabli
glory of collecting a whole lot of an
cient, llligillmato tax off of the tax
burdened people of this county. Why
are the present members of the senate
and house in this county representing
to the people that this law was never
Intended for any county except Doug
las? Nice excuse, isn't it?
Is there any man in Cass county big
enough fool to believe that the inv
mouse lax raised by the present drastic
revenue law will lighten the burdens
of taxation in the future, or that the
state house rats can't spend it faster
than it is collected? These fellows
never dream of cutting down expenses
by curtailing appropriations and fat
salaries to lessen the burdens of the
people. Their idea of relief seems to
be toconliscatc the property of the cit
izen to make good the larceny perpe
trated by republican office-holders and
I oi kss no one w ill neense me of nn
fh. frli.nikhln ror Alton It . hoM rtn UpClld-thrift Olliclals,
.....i... i.i. i ..... When the late revenue
uvmiiiii- iiiti iiiiiiiiiiiiMi ill iriiiiiiK iii5
Foil the llrst time in a half century
there Is not a single orator In the cab
inet. There are three or four men
who make a few remarks on occasions
when they are cornered, but there Is
not a single man among them who Is
what Wattersou calls "a thriller."
Ivoosevelt keeps a poet, but allows no
rival orator near the throne.
"Ik I were to select a soldier I would
choose the President Itefore any man
in public life. If I were to choose a
statesman 1 would select almost any
man In public lire before the President.
As a soldier leading a forlorn charge lie
would be magnificent. Asastatesman
administering the affairs of the nation
lie Is dangerous." Senator Bailey In
Brooklyn speech
NValtku Wkllman. the great re-
publican newspaper correspondent, has
been guilty of giving away secrets at
national headquarters, and Is being
censured by the republican press,
Among other things "given away" by
YVcllman is that he obtained "right
from inside republican sources" that
the republicans place tvelve northern
states In the doubt ful column, and that
Nebraska Is one of them. "Posey" of
the Pee discredits Wellman's state
mcnt because he includes Nebraska as
one of the doubtful states.
David M. Htt.i. announces that he
will retire from politics on the tirst of
January and w 111 accept no position If
Judge Parker Is elected. Mr. Hill has
not been of a very retiring disposition
lie has alway been at the front and
Mood up royally for his party's success,
Moreover, lie lias had about everything
there Is, having served asclty attorney
alderman and mayor of Elmlra, N. Y.
member of the legislature, lieutenant
governor, governor for several terms
and U. S. senator for six years. He
lias earned the right to w ithdraw and
devote himself to bis personal affairs,
high salaried position because of the
nice point of honor involved. Theo
dore Uoosevelt, his chief opponent for
the presidency, retained a death grip
on the governorship of New York up
to and after his election as vice presi
dent. His running mate, the Indiana
Icicle, has evidently frozen fast to his
seat In the senate, as he still retains
It. I might say something about El-
mer Murkett, but he really isn't worth
the notice. It has been very pertin
ently said of republican office-holders
that "Few die and none resign."
Central City (Neb.) Democrat.
l'.VKitv day (leorge W. Merge, the
fusion candidate for governor, grows
more popular among the yeomenry of
Nebraska. Gradually as they become
acquainted with hint the more they
look upon him as the proper man to de
feat the midget governor. Mr. Merge's
record for honesty and Integrity will
compare favorable with that of any
public man In the state. His ability
is equal to that of any man who has
ever served as governor, and if elected,
which, with the united supported of
all populists and democrats we candid
ly believe he w ill be, he w ill be a serv
ant of all the people, and not especially
of the railroads and corporations, like
the present chump governor.
Is it any wonder that Chairman
Mabcock of the republican congression
al committee Is In a great stew over
the congressional outlook. There are
:J.'i congressional districts which are
put down as safe to one party or the
other In November. This leaves a
large residue of doubtful members-
some In every large northern state. In
Wisconsin the single democratic con
pressman Is likely to be a good deal less
lonsesoinc after November. Five of
the ten republican members are light
ing desperately to retain their seats.
In West Virginia the republicans will
have to tight very hard for four out of
live of the districts which they now
control. In Indiana democrats hope
to carry three districts, and In Ohio,
four. In Pennsylvania the democrats
are putting up a vigorous tight and ex
pect to carry live districts now held by
law was en
acted the howl was made by the gang
that brought II about "Ihtiun the jm-
file make Ihrm vj tluir tiuvx." We
say to our readers that these fellows
w ill continue to "damn the people"
until the people turn them out of
Pretty Tough on Midget Mickey.
The following Is from the Clay Conn
ty Sun, a prominent rural republican
paper, which goes after the midged
governor thusly:
"Just as long as the republican party
uses the second term to keep In post
Hon unworthy and Incompetent men
that long will It be misrepresented. It
Is a duty every republican In the state
owes the party, to defeat such men
when nominated, to the end that the
party may be purified and the men
thereafter nominated that shall not
smell of corrupt Ion on their garments
and have not tried and found lacking
In ability to keep the state's banner
In the foreground. Desperate diseases
require desperate remedies. Apply
me Kin re aim remove ihe excrescence
Better far an honest, able man of the
opposition than a corrupt, Incom pe
icni man oi our own party.
Suppose Parker Were Elected.
At iioitA, Neb., Ami. 2!). -To the Ed
itor of the World-Herald: Suppose
Parker were elected president, what
would liappen? In the first place, we
would have a thoroughly honest man
in the White House. This is a fact
conceded by Mr. Packer's political foes
as well as his political friends, and it
Is more than the republicans can say
of every candidate put up by their
party for the last twenty years. We
would have a president of unquestion
able ability. Mr. Parker has shown
himself a man of parts. He is not only
a brilliant orator, but he has demon
strated his possession of the qualities
of statesmanship. We would have a
president who is personally unselfish.
Mr. Parker Is devoted to principles
rather than to advancement of his in
dividual Interest. He is a broad-mind
ed man. We would have a president
that would not change his policies ev
ery other day to suit the sugar trust or
some other great trust, which would
put up a big campaign fund that would
be detrimental to the welfare of the
masses of the people or to any favored
class of men. lie would be a president
of the people and for the people and by
the people at all time to come, and
special privileges to none would be the
policy of Alton H. Parker; also death
to Imperialism and expansion by force,
and a free and independent government
to the Philippines. Yours for freedom
to all people.
W. M. Lakix, Populist.
' - v : W. y :1 tr
That Has
That is too kiml we have,
Not only now but all times.
Beef that hns been pro
duced from rich, sweet
country grass and fine
nourishing corn. It lms the flavor that is so highly tender,
ciated by those who know what good meet is. It ia lasting,
juicy nnd delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or rousting.
Our prices invite purchases. Also bear in mind that our
is up-to-date nnd that tho quality of our goods ennnot be
surpassed nor our prices ennnot be beat. We divide our
profits with our customers, because we give them tho best
goods for the same money that you havo to piyr for poorer
quality. Don't bo backward, but give r.s a trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office
PUItsmcuth, Neb.
b For a Spring Tonic J?
S- iry a cast: yi uiu r aurue joim viunu
o wonder W ind-bak' Purkett don't
care to withdraw or resign as infinite
of congress. The fact is the republl
cans are not any too sanguine about
controlling the legislature, on account
of the restlessconditlon of the farmers
who have been made to stand at least
a one-fourth Increase in their taxes.
The people of Nebraska will not stand
to be tax-ridden by a patty that thinks
it can play hot and cold with them and
then expect to have their legislative
ticket pulled thorough on the hind end
of the Uoosevelt gtveart.
Tiik only legitimate purpose of a
tariff is the raising of needed revenue,
but when It requires a heavy Import
duty. Incidental protection to manu
factures will result. Pat why should
the schedule not be so adjusted that
farmers will get some of the benetlt?
Tiik ofllelal treasury statement
shows that the United States debt has
increased more than six millions In the
past month. It takcsathorouhggolng
Imperialistic administration to put
Uncle Sam In the hole.
That $10,000,000 Contribution!
Simultaneously with the news of
Wall street's ten-million-dollars' con
trlbutlon to Teddy's campaign fund
comes the news that stocks are strong
on Wall street. Wall street w ill now
endeavor to make back what It pays
out. Ordinarily Wallstreet makes the
people pay lis way and the present In
stance may be no exception to the rule
A ten-mllllon-dollar contribution to
Ills Accldency'scampalgn comes undo
the head of operating expenses for Wall
street. In a sense It is the purchasing
of a license from the administration
It means that the trusts may plunder
the people undisturbed under the
Hingley protection and also may ma
nlpulatc the stock market as they see
fit as the Steel Trust and Shipping
Trust have done.
Thus, it appears, the people are
caught "going and coming." They
are, as It were, made to pay for the
privilege of being robbed. They do
unquestionably at one time and an
other pay the campaign assessment
which enables the pursuit of "the
robbery of the many for benetlt of a
O - o
One of the Purest Beers on the Market
Q h
Q Call on Ed Donat at the Peerless Sa- Q
Inon nr tolonl-irmn 11 nnrl T1 will it- tLr
loon, or telephone 112 and Ed will do
the rest. All we ask is a trial for this
popular brand and you will buy no
Try a Case To-Day.
ED. DONAT, Proprietor.
Attention, Farmers!
Pitch Forks, Stoves, Hinges
And Numerous Other Articles at Half Prices at
Give us a chance to put in one of those
Twentieth Century Furnaces
If you contemplate putting in a furnace
before cold weather comes.
We will make it an object for you to do so.
. wwi.i.igmmiiiL via, mm - i l .!
i Bauer's Hardware Store
If you are a Judge of a tfood smoke,
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
lor Infant and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Slgnatw of
. A. ..