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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1904)
be llattemoutb Sourn volume XXIV. rLATTSMOl'TII, XMUtASKA, TIU'lfSDAV, SKPTKM Ill-Mi S, t0 1. MMIiKK 'Ml TART CURB-STONE JOSHINGS Culled, Clipped, Penciled and Prepared for the Readers of the Journal. Tin- upplo trot; that st anils In'slde Tin' yomliT uirlmril null'. Is ln'iiilhiK low tx'iu'utli h yield I if fruit Unit's simply (treat ; Anil us I eiwv iix)ii tlie slight, I think nf whin Hiitl gtuttiT Tlic women folks will w u lit it Until Tu iiiuke wiuie upple tiulu r. The liens are again on a strike cy's are going up. Soon the coal man will be letting in his work to a rare-you-well. Some men in this town carry their courage around in a iint tlasli. It'sall right to greet misfortune with a "smile' if you have the price. Hear that school bell, boy? Hun on, now, and don't stop on the way! "A re we to have an early fall?" Is the common every-day inquiry now. The nearer the time for cold weather, the larger the cake of Ice left at your door. Some old maids in this town are up to date in everything except their birthdays. The year I'.hU is proving a horror; but what could one expect of a leap year anyhow? Duty and pleasure arc no more close ly related than a wheelbarrow and an automobile. The hen-pecked husband is always held upas a model by the women of tlic neighborhood. There may be such a thing as love at first sight, but love at several sights is apt to be rare. Too many people keep on singing "I want to be an angel," when they ought to be doing the fall plowing. A man gets a lot of things he doesn't want in this world as a woman wants a lot of things she doesn't get. Nebraska City has passed an ordin ance regulating the sale of cocaine, morphine, opium and chloral. Some one has said that wealth docs not beget contentment and we are positive that poverty doesn't. It is difficult for a man to climb to the top of the ladder, but it is dead easy for him to slide down again. You can't win a crown of glory by giving away your old straw hat after it gets too cold to wear it yourself Substantial brick sidewalks have been laid on the south side of Main, be tween Third and Fourth streets. The small boy who furnishes the motive power for a grindstone Isn't easily convinced that turn about is fair play. We should all have a warm spot in our hearts for the ice man. Then why not a cold spot in the same place for the coal man? Men aro being taken in every day at the shops. Matters are looking bright er with those who have been out for so many weeks. Love may be blind, yet the lovelorn youth is quick to detect his best girl in the act of making "googoo eyes" at the other fellow. Girls don't worry about when they will be old and have lost their beauty because they think they will be mar ried then. But how about old maids? Tlirro'n never n day tluit dot's not wi'iir Tho rt'tlwtlon of a brlKlilt-r morrow, A nil never it trlul that does not bear A lilessInK us well us a sorrow. A new brick walk is being laid In front of Fricke's drug store. But one gap will then remain to complete a good walk the entire length of the block. We have known men who would la bor for years preaching the doctrine of elevating the world who will sit in the shade and let their poor wives carry in the wood and water to get them a bite to cat. Did you ever notice that the man who Is the slowest in paying his own debts is always on hand to the dot to get what is coming to him. He Is not a believer In the kind of reciprocity that takes what Is due him to pay what Is due from him to the other fellow. The other evening while standing on the corner of Main and Fifth street talking to a young gentleman, a young lady handsomely attired and puttlngon such airs as to make a stranger believe she wasamllllonalre's daughter. The young man, calling our attention to her mancuvcrs,sald: "There goes one of the slouchlest girls around herhomo In this town from her present appear ance you wouldn't believe It, would you?" But he convinced us. The good Lord deliver a young man from mar rying a young lady who goes slouchy about her own home-she will make a slouchy wife. But the contrast from homo attire to street attlre-why so great? Is it to deceive? Girls, keep yourselves tidy around home. Rules for Rural Mail Boxes. By a recent ruling of the postoffice department, more than one family may now use the same mail box on a rural delivery route. All rural route boxes must be equipped with signals to Indicate whether or not there is mail in them. Heretofare only one family could use a rural route box, and it was not necessary to place signals on the boxes. A VERY SERIOUS ACCIDENT The Family of F. M. Massle Thrown From Wagon and Two Seriously Injured About half past seven o'clock last Sunday evening F. M. Massie, wifeand children started from homo to attend meeting at Otterbeln church. The roads seemed to be a little rough in places, and they proceeded to within a half mile of the church, when one side of the vehicle went down Into a deep rut, throwing out Mrs. Massle, their little daughter, Georgia, and the little boy. The accident occurred within a half mile of the church, and parties went to the aid of the mother and little daughter when it was discovered that they were badly injured. Dr. Gilmore, of Murray, was immediately summon ed and upon examination it was dis covered that Mrs. Massie's collar bone was broken and one of little Georgia's lower limb's fractured. While the accident of course is deeply regretted by the friends of the family, it is very fortunate that it was no worse. At last account M rs.Massie and Geor gia were getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances, Under the cllicient cue of Dr. Gilmore the Journal hopes that Mrs. Massie and her little daughter will hastily re cover. The Opening of the Schools The schools of Cass county are all now in operation again, l'revioiis to the opening day, Superintendent Wortman communicated with both teachers and directors, calling atten tion to several minor matters con nected with the successful running of schools. He laid before the teachers the plan of the Heading Circle work all are expected to do. This was also communicated to the directors, with the assertion that it was as necessary for a teacher to do these things and aim to be progressive, as it was for a lawyer, minister or doctor to attend meetings of his profession. The superintendent takes the stand that a dictionary and globe should be in every school house. He Intimates that the idea that these things cost money should have no weight, by stating that those districts which arc trying to economize should have them at any cost, even if so to do would ne cessitate the cutting short by a few weeks or a month the length of the term. A teacher without these esse a tial tools with which to do work is handicapped to the extent that more progress can come with them even with less school. He writes: "By all means I recommend that you have them even if to do so means one-half month less school." Incidentally he states that there are seventeen schools In the county without any kind of a dictionary. Mr. Wortman suggests that school board members attend the local teach ers' meetings whenever they can, and extends a standing invitation for them to do so. Speaking on the point of teachers doing Beading Circle work, Superiu tendent Wortman concludes in his letter to the boards: "Every teacher in the county should attend these associations. Lawyers have their meetings, ministers have their meet ings, physicians have their meetings, and so on. Ten times more import ant than any of these is it that those who labor In the school room with the child mind also have their meetings. So Impressed am I with the necessity of this work lor teachers that 1 uni formly refuse to endorse any grades of a teacher's last cert I Heat e if she h;;s not put forth an effort the previous year to perform this needful duty. On the other hand, it is my custom to en dorse good certificates in their entire ty when the holders thereof have made commendable efforts Ir this work." It is announced that there will he four sectional meeting and two gener al or county meetings during the school year. Injured at Soath Omaha. William Mendenhall of I'lattsmouth while at work on a bridge at South Omaha last Monday, had the misfor tune to fall a distance of forty feet, In flicting a painful fracture of one of the ankle bones. One hip was also quite seriously Injured. He was brought to his home the same day. LABOR DAY'S CELEBRATION The Principal Feature of the Day Was the Address of A. H. Floaten of Colorado. Labor Day was mast appropriately observed by the laboring men of this city. While the exercises were not so extensive as last year, yet iiiite a good ly number of the people from the city and surrounding country attended. The celebration was held in Mapes' grove, where the day was well spent many taking their dinner on the ground. The I!. M. band furnished the music fur the occasion. In the afternoon Mr. A. II. Floaten, of I'oloriido.delivereil the principal ad dress. In a very neat little speech, Chas. Martin, of this city Introduced the orator of the day. The Introduction was so appropriately and effectively done as to receive the plaudits of the assembly. Mr. Floaten is a very pleas ing speaker, and after some explana nation as to the principlesof socialism, the speaker told of the trouble exist ing in Colorado, and the hardships he and others went through when de ported from their homes. Mr. Floaten was manager of the Peoples' Supply Company, which was the depository of the funds and stores of the Western Federation of Miners. Among the many things he told was the following: "I was dragged from my home about 11 o'clock. 1 was dragged away from my family, half clothed, and was com pelled to spend the night in the Bull I'en thinly clad. The mob broke down my door and rushed to my bed room and drove my wife out of lied and then came down stairs to find me. "I asked the mob to let me put on my shoes, and the only answer I got was a blow with a revolver butt, which felled me to the lloor. "They dragged me out. My wife came with my shoes and 1 asked again to put them on. I was told that I would soon be iu a place where shoes would go up in smoke. The mob herded sixty-four of us in front of the city hall until we were put on a special train. A special agent of the railroad had charge of the train. "We were put off at Bidgcway, w here there Is only a water tank, and had to walk twelve miles across the country to Ouray. 1 walked in my bare feet." Mr. Floaten told a most pitiable story, and from what has been allowed to appear in the papers, no one seems to think that he enlarged upon the subject. He told of the various deeds of violence inflected upon the miners, w hich was enough to curdle the blood in a man's veins who had a spark of feeling for humanity. Deportation In free America! Shades of George Wash ington and Abraham Lincoln! Mr. J loaten's address was well re ceived by all who lieaid It. The day was all that could be de sired for an occasion of this kind. In the afternoon most of the business houses were closed and their clerks given an opportunity to attend the celebration. Three games of base ball were play ed during the day. The first game which was called alx)Ut 11 o'clock was between what is termed the Originals of this city, and the Cedar Creek team, w hich resulted in a score of U to 12 in favor of Cedar Creek. The second contest was between the Omaha and I'lattsmouth cigar makers, the latter coming out victors by a score or 11 to 2. The last game was played by the Ori ginals and the High school team, the latter winning out by a score of 11 toll. Thus passed Labor Day 1()4, In I'lattsmouth. A New Swindle. Look out for this graft. It's a new one and is being worked In various sections of the country. A stranger approaches a farmer and oilers to sell 1 ii in a water tank which he guarantees will prevent water from freezing In zero weather. Failing to make a sale he induces the farmer to act as sales man and has him sign a contract for (ne to be used as a sample, as Mr. Stranger is very desirous to place one tank iu each precinct. A few weeks iter, a couple of accomplices come along with the contract transform "' into a note and demand payment. G all strangers the marble hand auu trade with the home merchants. Captured Two Premiums. Mrs. J. I). McBrido of this city Is known as an excellent hand in fancy work, but when she sent a counle of articles to the state fair she didn't do so with the expectation of capturing a prize among so many articles of like character that would boon exhibition. But she was awarded first prize on both handkerchief and lunch cloth. Of course Mrs. Mc Bride feels some what rewarded for her trouble as well as a little pride In the fact that she captured both first premiums. Harmer Monument Cost $1750. One of the largest monuments ever gotten out by u firm In Western Iowa was shipped this week by the Moore Monumental Co. It will be set up in the Tabor cemetery and is in memory of Barton Harmer, a wealthy hichelor who recently died near Flat tsmout h and who was a brother of A. J. Har mer living south of Glenwood. It Is of Barre granite, beautifully polished and artistic in design. It is lot feet high above the base and weighs nearly pounds. It cost the good round sum (f $17."o. - GltMiwnnd (Iowa) Opinion. SOMETHING STARTLING Daring Deeds Most Deftly Done in the Big Barnum & Bailey Shows. A large number of excursion parties have already Wen arranged for the pur pose of visiting the famous Barnum Bailey Greatest Show on Farth when It exhibits In Omaha, Monday, Sept. 12th. All transportation lines give cheap excursions rates to the big show and thousands of people in this vicinity will take advantage-of the opportunity to see this colossal modern exhibition. The Barnum & Bailey Show was not only the original combined circus, me nagerie and hlppadroiue, but it has kept so far ahead of all other shows on these distinct lines that it Is be yond the range of all rivalry or com parison. In New York City, where the great show opened a live weeks' season in March, and where It played to record-breaking business, press and public vied in praising the perform ance. Bishop 1 'otter voiced the senti ment of the public of the lirst perform ance by declaring: "It Is the best cir cus I ever saw." That this praise was sincere and just Is proved by the novel and unique characterof thcexhibitlon. From the time the doorsopen and Carl Clair's splendid military band begins its grand preliminary concert, until the the final thrilling chariot race in the hippodrome contests, there is something interesting to sec-something to wonder at and to carry away as a pleasant memory to discuss for days and days afterward. First there is the splendid zoological collection of rare and valuable wild animals, which forms a vestibule into the main exhi bition tent. Thirty elephants, a herd of four almost pricelessgiraffes, twenty camels and dromedaries, and over fifty cages of other wild beasts form a dis play both Interesting and of a distinct educational value. In the hippodrome pavlllion, where seats arc provided for nearly lf,ooo spectators, there Is a triple-ring circus performance so new, so novel, so sensationally attractive in its varied features as to dwarf any thing In the arenic line ever before offered the American public. Tho program opens with a gorgeous repro duction of the great Dunbar at Delhi, presented upon a most unprecedented scale of magnitude and grandeur. Fol lowing this scene of Oriental life and color 300 aeriallsts, acrobats and other specialists Introduce scores of sensa tlonal feats of skill and daring. This part of the program Is brought to a lit ing climax by the almost incredible feats of Yolo, the Yolltant, who loops the aerial arch on a bicycle, and of Ancillottl, who performs the latest and greatest of all bicycle actsty turn ing a somersault on a wheel In a great loop with an open gap. A scries of exhllcrating hippodrome races con eludes the performance. The gorgeous free parade which Inaugurates circus day will take place on the morning of the opening exhibition. "He's a Jolly Good Fellow." The above headline Is the caption to a song that is very popular now and generally continues so from the time the campaigns open until they close, when it is consigned to the junk-pllc with a lot of frayed out politicians. Just now most editors arc "Jolly Good Fellows" and the candidates sing him to sleep at night and sing him awake In the early morning with "He's a Jolly Good Fellow." But they omit he refrain, which Is something like Is: "To rake our chestnuts out of the fire." Our personal experience along this line Is no doubt the expe rience of country editors everywhere. We have raked political chestnuts out of the fire by tho bushel and tho first men to tramp on our toes were the fellows who got most of the roasted chestnuts. The trees will soon again Ijo loaded down with chestnuts and without doubt we'll be expected to go out with a long polo and knock the nuts off and put them In the pockets of the candidates. That means nuts for the candidates and the marble heart for the editor. We are not complain ing merely reciting a little comedy. ANOTHER OREGON LETTER C. W. Sherman Writes Amother Interest ing Letter to His Old Friend, Conrad Schlater. Homkstkui, near Dairy, ( Ore., Aug. ;io, 1mi. My Dkui Fkii:ni Si iii.a i i:h: It has been a number of months since I last wrote you, and Iu the meantime I have to acknowledge the receipt of numerous newspapers at your hands all of which were highly appreciated. Several things have occurred since then notably t lie democrat n- conven tion at St. Louis, the nomination of Barker for president and the elimina tion of the silver issue from polities. And another thing of unieli import took place: While his opponents thought by wiping out the silver iUestion to wipe his name oil' the pol itical blackboard, the result was that Win. .1. Bryan came out of the contest a larger figure and more dist inct ly a leader than he was before. Beside him the other prominent men In that convention were pigmies. Who, save him, can be pointed to as having ac complished anything worthy of men tion':' Daniel, of Yirginla, ami John Sharp Williams, mayhap won a trifle of distinct ion by abusing Bryan, but they were Hum. nly men whose names appear above the horizon. Hill's in fluence was absolutely nit; and Bailey, whom the press bad set down to an swer and crush Bryan, was not, heard from. In the face of an overwhelm ing majority, Mr. Bryan practically made the platform. While others could not be heard, he alone could sway the vast throng as with a magic wand. And why? Because he spoke from the heart; he knew what to say and how to say It, because he spoke from the impulse or righteous think ing. His words bad power because he spoke the truth. In the largest sense his triumph was a realization or that old saying: "Thrice armed Is he whose cause Is just." A clear head and a true heart; these are the factors that have made Bryan great and the world has not his eipial today, It her in statesmanship or oratory. And you and I, who have stood by him from his humble beginning, can glory In his triumph. In this out-of-the-way region, where the smoke or whistle of a railway en gine has never disturbed the atmos phere, the word politics is seldom ut tered, and except when one reads a newspaper, the fact that a presidential election is pending, is never thought of. Bepubllcans are content to say nothing, and democrats are indiffer ent for two reasons: If Barker and Davis are elected tliey will be happy at their party's success; while if Booscvclt should win, they confidently expect that a period of depression and hard times will come, and thus break down the illusion upon which that party banks-that a republican tri umph always brings prosperity; and when that assertion Is proven false, it will pave the way to permanent suc cess for the democracy. Democrats remember that hard times were com ing on In ".12 when Cleveland won, and If Harrison had been elected the crash would have come Just the same, but the republicans are able to make the country beliuvc that it was democratic success which brought on the hard times -and they have Wen in power ever since. So you may say there Is no campaign on in eastern Oregon. Now as to affairs material: Harvest is nearly ended, and a most bountiful harvest it has been. Wheat, rye, bar ley, oats- all have turned out splendidly-far better than was expected, and farmers arc happy. Here most of the rye is cut while the stalk is green and is used for hay, called grain hay. So there Is an abundance of w inter feed ahead. Wheat Is turning out twenty to forty-live bushels to the acre, w ith plump, heavy grains. Oats will weigh 40 pounds to the bushel. The rye crop was' the biggest and best ever raised here, so farmers say, and some w ill soon cut their second crop off the same tleld this summer. There Is a peculiarity about the rye crop that I never heard of elsewhere, and that Is that most of the rye raised was a volunteer crop from last year's seed ing, and In nearly every case was a Wttcr crop than that raised a year ago. And that Is not an unusual thing, cither; but many men depend upon raising two or three crops from one sowing. Indeed, a most reliable farmer Informed mo that about the Wst crop he ever raised was the fourth crop from one sowing "on that field out there," said lie, pointing It out. I am told that several cases of this kind have accurrcd In this valley. My nephew, who owns a ranch two miles from here, harvested some "0 tons of rye hay from 60 acres, all volunteer grain, and he sold It In the stack for 7 a ton. Is it any wonder that men say "this Is the easiest country to make a living in I ever saw"? But the era or elieap lands here Is evidently about at an end; b.r I'ncle Sam has this summer sent his engi neers Into Ibis region and plans have been made or arc in progress for Irri gating all the tillahle laud in all these valleys including Langel valley, I'ne valley, Alkali valley, Swan Lake val ley, and K 1 1 valley ami basin. and embracing, all told, some :I2o,iiiio acres. By damnum; Cleat lake and Horsefly valley Hie soiuecs of Lost, river and using Hie wateis I hereof lor irrigating the aile.s above men- I. they expect to 1 1 1 - up he ters or Fale lake ami make I he laud Ihereiif tillable. By deepening the channel of Klamath river at the head of the gorge, below Ken,, s,,ie twelve feel, I hey expect to dry up the waters of Lower Klamath lake (s nap of Oregon) and make tillable the land It now covers. I 'art of the land em braced hi Ibis scheme Is In California, so It, Is an Interstate a flair. Associa tions known as water users are now forming Iu Hie various localities, coin posed of laud owners who are to be come the beueliciaries of the irriga tion projects, under the auspices of the government.. I expect, to become. a member of this association, as all of my claim will be "under the ditch." The government makes one si range hut benelleieiit rcgulu! inn; Nobody can own ami irrigate re than loo acres. If he has more he must sell It, The purpose of this is to Insure the benefits to as large a number of resi dents as possible. And If a man Is too poor to pay for the irrigation or all his laud, he can sell a part or borrow the money on It, to do it w it h, or the gov ernment will wail on him for a term of years. These are some of t be regu lations. What, the cost will be Is as yet an unknown factor, but after t hire years the users are to pay annually for ten years, and will then have a per petual water right. I have no doubt that the Irrigation system will make this region a garden spot, and with the pasturage of the adjacent mountain ranges for I he sum mers t his will become an ideal cattle raising country. Cat tie on the range are now fat enough for beef, and soon their owners will be rounding them up and taking them to market. Wit h alfalfa hay to winter them on a second lot could Im t urned otr In tin siuing. or whenever suitable to sell at the best prices. Sol think there is a line future for this count ry. Now farm lands can be had here for .' to th( an acre. The price will be more than double that next year. I shall hold my claim, and make a home here. With kindest regards to all my old friends, not forgett ing yourself, 1 re main your humble friend, W. Nii kk m a n, sk. N. B. I somehow missed getting the Journal containing my last letter, and I presume It Is too late now. till Mr. Bates to send me the paper. I should think he could afford to do that at half price-as a tribute to Itsfound er. Much obliged for the Mills Co. Tribune. I am a siiliscrlber to tho Commoner, so I see that weekly a week after Its publication. Hope that when this reaches you Frank Morgan will Ix; convalescent. He is too gi od a a man for the community to lose now. Yours truly, C. W. N., sit. We ask your pardon, Bro. Shei man. It was simply an oversight on our part in not sending you the Journal regu larly. We feel like the Immortal J. N. Free, in paying his hotel bin. The landlord Invariably threw olio hair, while J. N. threw off the other half, making it even. Now you prop.,' iu pay only half rale for the and wo w ill throw off the other balf.u aking the full rate paid for. So Iook oik for It regularly. Kd. Jm iinal. Mortgage Record for August. Follow ing Is the record of hum g.iges filed and released durng tin- u.o in of August: KAItM rKlil'I KIY Filed !.V.o Beleased 122 CITY I lit I'KI!T Y Filed... ...H2 Beleased .1 1 Seven farm Instruments i and seventeen released; eh o mortgages were filed and leafed. An Old Citizen Passes 1. E. Knapp died Siinda Sept. 4, liK'l. at his home south of this city, at the ag eight years. The deceased suffering for some lime win , n I trouble The remains were i nkei to Macedonia, Iowa, Tuesday, for inur mcnt. He was a good citizen mid imi excellent neighbor,