The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1904, Image 7

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    Icflal Hfcvcrtiscmcnt.
In County Court
Notice to Creditors.
Cum County. t
la the tumo r of the otatv of ttto C.
ini-yir. uivrast-u.
Niitu ic Is luTfl.y itlvtn that tlu- civriitorsof
Mild dtvMil will mift the BiitutnUtrHtor of
mid estiite. Ix-fore me. County .luilue of Cs
county. Nt'hnikii, m the count) court room
in I'lKttMiumtli. in viiil romitv. on t lif Ut iIkv
of IVtolxr. 14. mid on the lit h day of Mnivli.
Uli. hi one o'clock ji. tn.. rncli Uav. for tliv
iiiirpoM'of prj'M'iitlint thi irclHluis for c;im
illation. HilluMini'iit and iillowiimv.
Ix months arc allowed for the creditors of
mild dtveued to iireciit their claims, und our
yt'Hr for the mlmliiKtrmor to M ltlo mi Id fi
nite, from tht- inil (lay of ScpU'inlicr VU4.
V linen-, my hunil anil m-hI of wild oniony
court, tit riattsmoutli. Ncliriisku. (ills Mil tlay
ofAtllfllst !'M. IIahvkv l. HAM.
11-1 County Jutlijo.
,' Purest
16- id
i ......
d9 sweetest
ieat foods.
as eroccrs.
lty vlrtui' of an order of sale Usurd hy
James KoUtImiii. cli rk of the UNtrlct court
within anil for Cass county, Nebraska, uml to
nit' directed. I will, on the
26th Day of September. A. D. 1904,
at I o'clock p. tn. of said tlay. at the south
iloorof the court house In the cltv of I'latts
mouth. In salil county, sell ut puliUe auction
to the highest lihliler, forciish, the following
n l estate, lo-wlt :
Lots due (I), Two c't. Three C, in Itiock
Twenty-three tZU. Also IjOtsTcn ilm. Kiev
en (II). anil Twelve (IJ). in lllock Klirht im.
All In the City of I'lattsinotilli, In the County
of Cass, state of Nelimka. together with llie
piivllenes ami appurtenances thereunto te
lonirln or in anywise appet'talnim.'. The
same lielni levieil n h ii anil taken as the
pfoiierty of lleni y K. (ierlni;. defendant, to
kiitltty ii lnilnnieiit of salil court recover, il hy
the Cotinty of Cuss. plalllUll'. untllsl sakl ih:
fendum, HitU'woiilli. Nebraska. August rr.lnl. A. I).
'.4. JOHN II. McllUIHK.
Slicrlu". CassCotinty. Nebraska.
.IrsK L. ItooT. M-i
I'lalntlU's Attorney,
lly virtue, of an order of wilt; Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cass county. Ne
braska, and on u decree of foreclosure where
in Nebraska State lliiildiiiif and I.oiill Asso
ciation is plaint lit. and t'red I', Keed and
Kll.aheth N. Keed. Weeping W ater Academy.
Kdward T. liickard. l.ydia Klckard and A. J.
McDonald. Ilrst mime unknow n, are defend
ants. I will sell at public auction tothe high
est bidder forcasli at the, front door of the
court house In said county on the
26th Day of September, 1904
at one o'clock p. in., the following described
lands and tenements to satisfy tho Judgment
and costs In said action. Said property w ill
lie sold in three tracts as follows: Lot six.
block thirty-four, Weeping Water. Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, ill one tract: lot live, block
tldrty-four. Weeping Water. Cass county. Ne
braska, in a not her tract and the north seventy
feet of lots three and four, block fifty, Ween
ing Water, Cuss county. Nebraska, in anoth
er tract.
Haled thlsSltli (lay of August. 1!M.
CouitTHKiliT & SniNKlt. .sheriff.
Attorneys for l'litlntln".
lly virtue of an order of sale. Issued by tic
clerk of the District Court. CassCotinty. Ne
braska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Nebraska State Itiilldlng mid Loan Associa
tion Is plaintiff, and Fred T. Davis and Willie
Kllzulieth Davis are defendants. I will sell at
public auction to the highest nldili r for rush
at tin' front door of the court house in said
county on the
26th Day of September, 1904
at one o'clock p. in., the following described
lands and teueuiants to sat Isfy tint judgment
it in I costs of said action: Lois one and two.
block llfty. Weeping Water. CusS county. Ne
hru ska. I
Dated this Slth day of August. Pml.
Coi'imiMWT & Sidm:h, Sheriff.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Ilv virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cass county. Ne
braska, on a decree of foreclosure wherein
Nebraska State llullding and Ixkiii Associa
tion Is plaintiff, and Nettie It. Heed ami Harry
I). Heed are defendants. 1 will sell at public
unction to the hhrhest bidder for cash at tin
frontdoor of the court house of said county
on the.
26th Day ot September, 1904
it one o'clock p.m.. the following described
lands and tenements to sat isfy the Judgment
und costs In said action: 1 lie north twenty
two feet of the west forty-four feet, lot live
block sixty-four. Weeping Water. Cass conn
ty. Nebrusku.
Dated this :Mtli day of August, 1W4.
JOHN D. .McIlltlDE.
CofBTltKlilT k StiiNKH. Sheriff.
Attorneys for I'lalntlff.
OK Til K
Plattsrtjouth Loan ai)d Building
of I'luttsniotith Nebraska, on the Until day of
June. I Mil.
First mortgage, loans I.T5.M2 76
KUx-k loiiim 1.3" W
Keul Estute iM'tt M
dish - Cot; 41
Dellmiui'iit Interest, premiums uml
fines 77 ho
Expenses uml tuxes puld 7.71U 5.1
Other ussets
Total ','-''s
Capital sUH'k paid up fU.ssil (10
flidlvlileil pnillts lj-'EE! -U
Total 0.2IM -1
Receipts and Expenditures for the
Year Ending June 30, 1904.
Ilulance on liand July I. 1W3 S O.'.W H7
Dues HUMS 00
Interest, premiums and tines 3.S0S II
Loans repaid "-Wi rt)
Other receipts l.l4 S2
Total pt;.s.j:io
EX PEN Di l l" KKS
louns $14,421 10
HtH k redeeined 1', :'44
Cash on hund 2.UH2 41
Heal estate m ""
Tl),., f;i2.5T5 JO
cor NT Y t'K CASS. I
I, T. M. l'ATTKltsiiN. secretary of the hIkivc
nuiiied Association, do soletntily swear that
foregoing statement of Hie condition of said
Association. Is true mid correct to the Is sl of
my knowledge und belief.
T. M. I'Ai-rj'iixnN. Secretary,
Subscrllicd mid sworn to Is fore mo this lllh
day of August. 1- K. IUss.
iH(.Ai Notary Public.
My commission expires Oct. V. lit"!.
K. II. Winpham. I
J. E. Uaiiwh k. MHrectors.
W.J. Wiiitk.
a r nv.i A M . LI.. It.. I'r's .
rti'T. A. J L')wt:v, l'rlnc. J . .
Knilorsitd by Fir-t Nut 1 "
Special CirresKinJeiit.
Mrs. . V. Drendlo lias tlie pleasure
of entertaining lier mot her and sister,
Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Slielliy. of Indiana.
James Manners and Lula Leek
spent Sunday in riattsinoutli.
Miss Kthel Mailer is visiting Hirdio
Creamer this week.
Chas. Stone spent Sunday in Ne
hawka. Miss Allies Kennedy lias heen on
siek list.
Miss Mable llrindle who lias been
visitiiu; here left last Friday fur her
home in Indiana.
FleiniiiK' Hubb. spent Sunday at his
Olen Terry and family are spending
the week at Lincoln, taking in the
Troy Holmes of Kansas is visiting
his brother, James.
Miss Isabelle Tanner spent Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Vomit;.
It is rumored aiound that a wedding
wl'l soon occur anion),' our prominent
younj: people. This we are not sure of
but we do know we admire that new
Hoy l-'rans washereSunday evening.
We are always glad to welcome I!oy,
and glad that he has made arrange
ments to come again next Sunday.
Mark Uurton left for Nebraska City
Hob Fitch and Miss Mellie Keenan
spent Wednesday at the fair.
We know of a case where the uncle
and nephew are "Hoyal Hivals." This
we are watching with intense interest
to see which one wins out.
Walter Sans and Miss Hirdie Cream
er spent Sunday in I'lattsniouth.
Prof. Fowler is hero ready to take
up his school duties next Monday
Tbe Stomacf) is the Man.
A weak stomacli weakens the man.
because it cannot transform the food
he eats into nourishment. Health and
strength cannot be restored to any sick
man or weak woman without first re
storing health and strength to the
stomach. A weak stomach cannot di
gest enough food to feed the tissues
and revive the tired and run down
limbs and organs of the body. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat,
cleanses and strengthens the glands
and membranes of the stomach, and
cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
stomach troubles. Sold by F. F. Fricke
& Co.
Cedar Creek
Special Correspondence.
Cedar Creek is getting to be quite a
sporty little town, by gum! Did you
hear about it?
Keynold and Fred Hilley of Emer
son, Iowa, visited W. II. Heil last
week. A party was given In their
honor Friday evening and a good time
was had by all.
Every farmer In this vicinity has a
force of men In the hay Held for fear
of an early frost.
It has been reported that G. (J
Meisinger lost three head of horses In
one week. One died of old age, one of
lung fever and one dropped dead work
ing at the plow.
Misses Lizzie, Mamie and Ida Ileil
visited friends In South Uend over
good many young folks in this vi
clnlty are taking In the state fair this
The independent '.telephone coin
pany has put in several new phones
south of Louisville.
Mrs. J. J. Lohnes of Eight Mile
(Jrove returned from Clarkson hospital
where she lias been taking treatment
for eczema.
Earl Terry berry, an eleven-year-old
lad drew quite an attention ata crowd
of shooters at his father's home last
Sunday. During the match they told
him to get his gun and Join In. They
did not have to ask him twice, He
got his 20-guage I'arker gun and ap
peared ready for action. They laughed
at him at first but soon ceased. He
loaded up aud took his stand the same
distance as the older sports, and said
"pull." He missed the first one, but
in the end had hit eighteen out of
twcnty-Ovc. After the match lie
marched to the house as proudly and
with as much cause, as any of them
The correspondent sent the com
plete score In for publication but lack
of titno and space makes it Impossible
this week. It was a fine shoot. Ed,
From the liemvn. f
C.C. Huckiu'll of NclMiii.aiul (loorge ,
Frohlich of Alvo, left week fori
Washington to lcok up a location. '
refer Chrlstophersoti sold his farm j
of MO acres last Saturday to parties
liviiiK near Hlmwoml. Consideration!
11.000. !
Fred CWmkop and Clareuce have
recovered sumViently from their mis
fortunes tu be able to discard their
Mrs. Ida Tappan and two daughters
arrived here Tuesday night from Cali
fornia on a visit to her father, J. H.
Mrs. Walter Peterson Is lying In a
very critical condition. She lias been
unconscious about half the time since
Sunday. There was no change in her
condition yesterday. i
Isaac l'ollard and sons of Nehawka, !
who have many acres In orchard, made
a contract last week with a cumiuis-
sion house of Minneapolis to furnish ,
them with sixty car loads of fall audi
winter apples. The shipment will
take two train loads and is the largest
ever made iioai uus state nyonei
swarm of bees took possession of
Emory Cleman's mail box a few days
igo. Emory didn't care to dispute
their right of possession and eject them
by force, but took the box down gently
Hid persuaded them togolntoauother
box. Hut the next morning they went
back to the mall box, which was a
wooden box that he had put up tern-
pjrarlly, so he took It down again and
let the bees keep possession of it, and
put up a metal box.
We are sorry to announce this week
that Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Townsend ex
pect to leave here about the first of
September. Dr. Townsend has bought
out Dr. Alton of Elmwood and will
move there. We are informed that
Dr. Alton will go to Porto Hico as a
medical missionary. Doctor aud Mis.
Townsend have many warm friends in
and around Eagle who w ill lie sorry to
see them leave, but all will join in
w ishing them well in their new home.
Given Up to Die.
It. Spiegel, VM X. Virginia St., Ev-
ansville, Intl., writes: "For over live
years I was troubled with kidney and
bladder affections which caused me
much pain and worry. I lost lleshand
was all run down, and a year ago had
to abandon work entirely. I had three
of the best physicians who did me no I
good and I was practically given up to
die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recom
mended and the first bottle gave me
great relief, and alter taking the sec-
lt:.nli nml huitiKivs III on
110,000 In Hull Tup Desk. Hank Flxtw m4
k 'l i-nn.riii.m. St iiilcnti can work tor bounl.
Hem! for free cutnlogu. bnund Id nlMgutor,
finest ver tvililmhcd b lluslnrss tollego.
Ueud It, and you will attend Uo . U. L.
For Sale I
A rublier-tlred go-cart and lady':
hicvcle. both In splendid repair. In
quire at the Journal oftlce.
ond bottle 1 was entirely cured.
C. Fricke it Co.
(SEPTEMBER 1, 1904)
I have just received a new line of Boys' Suits
rangin; in size from 4 to 20 years and at prices
in reach of all who are in need of Boys' Clothing
Knee Pants you pay 60c to 75c for Elsewhere, I can i
sell yon for 50c. Also Men's Pants at Reasonable Prices
In order to get a share of your patronage
I will irive you a Discount of 5 per cent on
every Dollar's Worth you Pay Cash for in
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps
and everthing pertaining to the Dry Goods
Line, but Not in the Grocery Department
Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Hides
taken in exchange for goods at Market Prices at
all times. Give me a call and I will treat you right.
Cedar Creek,
V Nebraska
Prom tin; Ki'Klstcr.
Roy Klrkpatrick came up from St.
Louis Saturday evening and spent Sun
day with his mother.
Mrs. 1 E. ItulTner and son, Horace,
of I'lattsmouth, arc visiting at the
home of E. A. Klrkpatrick.
V. II. Shomaker and wife departed
on the Myer to attend the world s fair
at St. Louis last Thursday.
Fra.icr Hear, who for many years
was a resident of this vicinity, but now
a citizen or lowa, came in a few days
atfo and is making an extended visit
with the Carroll families and other old
C. W. Snyder, who is employed at
the stone quarries, had the misfortune
to have one of his lcs badly pinched
between one of the dump cars and the
schute. His doctor fears nothing ser
ious unless some unforseen complica
tions should arise.
Grandma White, who has been quite
feeble for some time, is feeling much
better as we ro to press. Her cousin,
Judijc Newell of riattsmouth, accom
panied by his son, Robert, and daugh
ter, Mrs. Hertha Shopp, drove over
Sunday and gave the lady a pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith of Center
ville, Ind., came In sonic ten days ago
to sec the lattcr's sister, Mrs. (iritllth,
whom she had not seen for thirty-seven
years. Mrs. smith neara mat nor sis
ter lived here and came to see her. 1 1
was a very happy meeting, antf after a
very pleasant visit started home Mon
day, taking Mrs. (irllllth with her to
the old home for a protracted visit,
where she had not been since leaving
many years ago. It Is understood that
If Mr. Smith can dispose of his prop
crty there he will come here and pur
chase and make this his future home.
Another Instance of "dldn'thlnk-It
was-loaded' caused what mU'ht have
Those who are BalnlnK flash
and trngth by regular treat
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
houtd continue the treatment
In hot weathers smaller done
anda little cool milk with It will
do away with any objection
which Is attached to fatty pro
ducts dwrlnti the heated
SmJ fnf trr wmplf.
SCOTT a HOW Mi, thtmlris,
409.41 I'tarl Strrrt, Nt York.
ac. tni 1 1 00 1 til dniKKUU.
been the death of (Jeorgt: A. Malcolm,
who is driving rural route No. l.'l out
of Avoca. (Jeorgc has made it a rule
for some time to eat his dinner and
feed his team at Kinll St raub's place,
and last Monday as he had just finished
his repast, some of the young men who
had gathered there were sporting with
a 22-calibre pistol, which of course was
not loaded." In snapping it the piece
was discharged, the nan entering
(ieorge's right thigh near the hip, and
ranged downward toward the knee,
making a very ugly wound. He was
here Wednesday and a physician ex
amined the wound, which was found
only a penetration into the flesh, not
deep enough to reach the bone. The
probability is that the ball will not be
removed unless unforseen complica
tions arise. This Is certainly another
warning not to tamper with llrearms.
It is a very dangerous practice. We
hope the young man will notsufferany
great hardship from this accident
Stomach Trouble.
"I have been troubled with my stom
ach for the past four years," says I,
L. Beach of Clover Nook Farm, (Jreen
Held, Mass. "A fewdaysago I wasln-
duced to buy a box of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have
taken part of them and feel a great
deal better." If you have any trouble
with your stomach try a box of these
Tablets. You arc certain to be pleased
with the result. Price ir cents. For
sale by all druggists.
It Is great fun to gel, up a few times
in the middle of the night ami chase a
blamed old cow out of the front yard
to keep her from getting an overdose
of yourbluegrassthatyoti have lain nod
faithfully to raise. That's why all
cows ought to run at, large in town
without any ordinance to protect, the
lawns. Turn t he cows out and let them
feast upon the neighbors blue grass.
1'rof. .1. W. (iamble shipped his
household goods to Klmwood this week,
where Mr. (iamble will have charge as
principal of tho schools. He and his
family departed fur there yesterday
morning. They have many friends In
this village and vicinity who regret
that they decided to locate elsewhere.
Elmwood has gained good citizens, as
well as out! of the county's best In
structors for their schools
L. . Todd has closed a deal where
by he Ix'comes owner of the Wallace
residence, one of the finest in town,
and Mr. and Mrs. Todd will lccome
citizens tif this village the coming
spring. They have resided on the "old
home place" since KIT, and when they
move to town we suppose L (J. will
have to put on a high collar and a
stove pipe bat to make hlin realize that
he can forget the old farm troubles.
What Is Life?
In tlie last, analysis nobody knows,
but we do know t hat it is under si rict
law. Abuse that law even slightly,
pain results. Irregular living means
derangement of the organs, result ing
in constipation, headache or liver
trouble. Ir. King's New Life Fills
quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle,
yet thorough. Only J'c at F.t,. Fricke
Co.'s drug store.
Prom tho Limner.
Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Foster departed
Monday evening for St. Louis to spend
several days seeing the great exposi
tion. M Iss Jessie Robertson of I'lattsmout h
was the truest of Miss Vernie Harnmi
a few days, returning home Monday
Mrs. W. R. Fanning, Mrs. Louise
Mickle, Misses Minnie Taylor, Eva
Smith, Carrie Fanning and Luella
Taylor departed Tuesday evening for
St. Louis to spend several days at the
T. G. Rarnum desires to save the
people the troubleof asking questions,
therefore he authorizes the announce
ment that there Is nothing wrong .vlth
his neck excepting a tine largo boil
that has filed a rlalm there.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy have
sold their Fnlon property and will
probably locate In Nebraska City. Will
L.Taylor Is the purchaser and will take
possession as soon as Mr. Kennedy finds
a suitable location for a home.
for chltdrmni tufa, turt, JV oplafi
DeWItt li the name to Iw It (or whon
ymi c to bur Witch Ha?l S'.
rVltfi Witch h.fl Enlve 11 the
orli-lnil and only t'nulre. In lact
Df Will 111 the u ly Witch Har.l Salve
that li made from the uiadu.teraled
All otheri ire coui-.terOlts hale Imi
tation!. chap i"4 worthlMi even
dariffrrm. LwWitt iWltch Ha?el Salve
Il e specific for fey IMInd. BifHInc.
Ilchlnc and Protrudlm Piles. AlioCuti,
Burns, bmiwi, Sprain, Lwratloni,
Cnnhislons, B'ili. Cibuneles. Ecemi.
Ttt r. Salt Rheum, ai.d a. I ether Skin
riiii AiiiD bt
War on China
and Queensware
THIS means just what we say. Every piece of
(JtKriiware in our laro stock will he recluccd to
the original cost, ami on many articles below cost.
Thi line of jjootls must he moved, as we need the
room. The prices we offer will certainly do it.
In Our Grocery
This Old Keliahle ftore, as it always has done, stands
$ ready to offer you the best values for the money. Our
line is certainly one of the most complete to be found
in Cass County.
H. M. Soeimiohsen.
Sueeeitor to
Weokbaclt & CO. Plammouth. Neb.