The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1904, Image 6

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    leiulliiK, Unit M'o stiirt
lowed, but tin
ninl cdiitituii'ii
Unit ruto cf
Lose Control cf His Auto at World's
Fair Spted Contest Victims Are
Jciin Scott, a Wjtchman, ar d Na
thin Mcntjcmcry .1 Negro.
St. I.eiiis, Au. Ithiuteil l t!i.
thrown . !lu swiltly liu'vi'ii;
u. ; lilne ef A. C. Wv M i-f T: . ti l .
I'm . i. y Dlilll. ,1 i't I'lrvellllnl I.' i-kii-1
1 v 1 1 ( Ills, i-.i.i i V. i;n in a i'aKo Mint i't
tlio t',:,!i I'M tit jf tli.- WniM a f:i'i an
toainliiin -a .-.i.t-i. nml. i T.isl-.ltii;
tl.ll-'U'll till' .-I.'' f I' ll"' lf till' COll-.-M'.
instantly kilW Ji:t:n iVott. a watch
111:111 rliil'lovnl ut ll.i' i:il'!i. llt'.il In
tti tivl Injuries upon Nathan ,!.it;-;:u:n-i-iy.
a tu'ru, Item whUh lie li- '1 In
a few OnlRc'.l wu yiiitit'ully
injured ur.J his n.afhluo ceiiiletely
The accident occurred nftrr a rulno
s? jtrt The. tlaman nlnly tit t-n it
to siRttal O'.iltle'.d ami Wchtt who were
not nl-
-y (t'.il not si e ins tuts
aroititil tlui c'iiimo at u
Hii-'.l. Hlw.rt !y nftcr
.t tun of the nillrt
track. Wel.h veuinM tin- Ira 1 by a
t.nmiw tr.titx'lti at-..! t!u tnt'ti wrro In
n'atlvc'.y tlir mime jio.ltlnn when
jinfslnR the three-quiii'tiT 1U. In
niiikliiK tin' t'ttti WeMi'n machine
shielded ami raised a MIiuIIhk cloud of
dust Unit completely l.llnih'il Ohllleld
and lii'.lf Biiiottii-rnl lil.n. Not rMiii;
able to see that lie had completed the
turn. Ohllleld continued hi courso
ntul crushed throiiKb 'ho fence.
Prof. Meyers Returns to St. Louis.
Totnlinson Sails Ovsr Avon, III.
St. l.ouls. Auk. -"..- Professor Carl
Meyers, the- arronant, who slfirtcil In
a ran for thr World's fair KrouuiW
Saturday iiftenioiiii fur thr Wut.hliig-
ton monument and whose balloon
lauded near St. Charles, returned to
tho city. Professor Meyers raid ho
landed wheru ho did because hi'
feared ho would bo tiiiublu to catch ar.
upper air current that would take him
cast. After leaving the World's fair
Kroumls, the balloon was carried In a
northwesterly direction. Neither ho
nor the balli on was Injiuod, the pro
fessor Raid.
Thr balloon of d'orge K. Tmnllnson,
who started In the race with Professor
Meyers, pass.'d over Avon Sunday.
KoIiik In an easterly direction, and
dropped a curd attached tn a b-.m Tho
card fell In the no'at-) patch of W, 11
Cub. Mr. Caso found the 'Mini. n
which had been written: "Will finder
please write and tell of balloon pass
Ir.R town or city. OrorKO H. Tomtin
son, World's fair grounds." Tho bal
loon was Keen ty many citizens of
Avon. It is estimated that It was
mnro than a ml'.o kluh and was polin
nt the rate of twenty nitlo.-t an hour
Win cf William Weiobtman, the
cf William
Chemist, Filed
Philadelphia, Auk
William Wi'lKhtimin
for Probate.
20. The will of
head of tho firm
Passengers Forced to Walk.
Tor.opah, New, Auk. 2'J The worst
washout tho Tonopnh Railroad com
pany has over experienced occurred
(liirlnn tho nlsht and tho company has
announced that it will bo several days
before cither passenger or freight
traffic can be resumed. The wash
outs were at tho Rhodes end of tho
read ami extend for a distance of ten
or twelve miles. Passengers from
Tonopah were caught between two
washout;! and compelled to walk to
Podavillo. Reports have also been re
ceived hero of heavy washouts on the
Carson and Colorado railroad between
Hawthorne and Sodavillo.
i.f Power Hi Weight num. mutuilar. ur
Injj cheiiilats, who ilhl u few days
uk at tho ago ol uiut-i y-Liir jturi.
as probated, his entire cf tato, valued
t more than $.'iO,oeii,ii(nl, helm? bit to
hla daughter, Mrs. Anna M. Walker.
Widow vt thO l.ltO Cl.IIKrehSlliail Robert
J. C. Walker of Wllliiunspoit, Pa liy
tho terms of thr will Mrs. Walker,
who Is the only suivlvlni; child, be
comes solo proprietor of the extensive
chemical works, which makes her one
of the richest women In the world,
Mrs. Walker will assume active man
agement of Ihi! dniK business, besides
look'nt? alter tho real estate left by
her father, who was ono of tho largest
holder of real estate In the country
Ilr owned luuch property In New
York, Ohio. Nebraska, Delaware. West
VlrKltila, Missouri and Wisconsin
Great Plant Will Close for a Month
on Account of Lack of Orders.
ChlciiKo, Auk. 31). Tho j; n-ut shops
of tho Pullman company aru to lnit
down on Sept. 1, ami thousands of
linn employed In the various depart
ments of the car bulldlliK corpora
tion will be without work. Thirty
thousand people at Pullman and in
the surrounding towns will be affected.
When the Pullman company Is work
ItiK on full lime. 7, unit persons are cm
ployed. DurltiK the last few months,
owIiik to a lin k of now orders, men
have been laid off. Hull and 4uu a' a
time, until now the force does not
amount to moro than 2,000. Them'
men are ciikhkciI In llnbdilnn tho con
struction of cars already under way.
and when these are ready for tho rails,
the shops will In. closed and tho plant
rendered Idle. Tho plant may remain
closed for more than a month.
Money to Move Crops.
Washington, Au. 27. "Tho ship
ment of currency for moving the cropn
has bi'BUU rather vlRorously," wild
Treasurer Roberts. "Wo have sent
already this week to New Orleans,
against deposits In New York, $.'21,
000 and to Chicago, against deposits
In New York, fl.Gou.wm. Ry com
parison with last year It will be soon
that tho Now Orleans movement Is
about tho gaino and tho Chicago move
ment much inoro active. The total
payments In Chicago last year from
January to Sept. 1, against deposits
In New York, wero $1,200,000. Wo
have already sent In thnt period this
year, Including this week's movement,
$l,,soo,noo and It Is possible that moro
will go between now and tho 31st of
Corbin Assumes Command.
Oalnesville, Vu., Aug. 2'. Major
General H. C. Corbin has assumed
command of tho maneuver camps at
Manassas, Thoroughfaro and Gaines
ville. Tho fourth artillery band wel
comed him with "Tenting on the Old
Camp Grounds." General F. V). Grant,
In command of division No. 1, at Ma
nassas, and General (. F. Pell, In com
mand of division No. 2, at Thorough
fare, as well as nil brigadier com
manders from tho two camps, paid
their respects to General Corbin. Tho
Htrength of tho two main camps at
present Is Itctwecn 2.U0O and 2,r.oo
Uruguayan Troops Attack Party
Insurgents Relations Strained.
Piieno Ayr-., Aug. 2'J. A fc'reat
hciisatien hiis been created Lcre owm
to the surprising by troop cf the t; v-t-rnmeni
of L'ruguay i f a L'rugu..;:n
ii.surri ct binary force, numbering lv
n. en, fully urtiiel and equipped, under
Colonel Pampillou, on a Meanier mi
tho I'ruK'itiyati coast, but In Argon' t'e
territory. President Ordonez or I'm
fciiay had been warned thai piepara
thins had been nudo fur nu insun.r
tlonary expedition and dispatched two
forces with armed vessel to watch
for the expedition. At eight the gov
erntnint troops attacked the insur
rectionlsts with a continuous fire.
Many of tho latter swum, but eighty
badly wounded wen; captured. Tho
fate of the others Is not known. The
Insurrectionary vessel was also cap
tured and with It a considerable
quantity of telegraph apparatus. Dip
lomatic relations between Arj;
and T'niguay hnvo become much
strained owing to this Incident.
Paraguayan revolutionary vessels
nro extremely active. They are carry
ing men, horses and arms and are
searching all passenger boats. An
Argentina warship threatened to flro
on tho revolutionary squadron If It
intercepted vessels flying the flag cf
tho Argrntinn republic.
Picnickers Annoy Parker.
Ksopus, N. Y., Aug. 31. Judgu Par
ker's candidacy for president of the
United States has caused his place at
Rosemount to bo visited by picnic
parties In Increasing numbers. Some
of tho parties come from long dis
tances. They enter the ground usual
ly without Introduction or permission,
make themselves at homo with tho ut
most freedom and leave tho place lit
tered with picnic leavings. One party
recently stripped several of the apple
trees in tho orchard and committed
other depredations, dudgo Parker
has lxH.-n most cordial In his treatment
of all visitors, but tho picnickers are
causing much annoyance.
Land Seekers in Line at Blackfoot.
lllackfoot. Ida., Aug. 31. The line
up at tho land ofllce at niuckfoot in
anticipation of the opening of 'no
withheld Fort Hall reservation hinds
Sept. 6 Is gradnnlly Increasing
Every trnln brings recruits. No sort
ous conflicts have taken place, but
trouble Is expected when the Poea
tollo applicants, who were caught nap
ping by the early arrivals here, com
mence to arrive, as several tracts
close to Poeatello will be stubbornly
main orncc
Fifth and Robert Sti.,
lo o d
J J Hla.ul xli r inurvs of lllllllieul.
nii lliod, of usirui-lLu :init tin- kucet-os of our grad.-.uti'v It i 1 r-v. A.lilrt x
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
IViutflit anil M f..r cash or carried nn rrisonnlili;
margins, u. ii w In. h tin re will Iw a charge ut K "O
(ram, '4 ou sUtln ml h un llax.
Write lor our markrl wti.r. ,
Ship Your Grain To Us
Murder and Suicide.
Cincinnati. Aug. 29. Mrs. Amanda
Hatter, aged thirty-right, and James
Leonard Prucln, aged twenty-nine,
wero found dead In their flat In tho
Nornutndlo, on Hare street, under cir
cumstances that Indicate murder and
suicide. With them llvod Fannin
Harter, aged fourteen, the nelce and
foster daughter of tho woman. Let
ters wero found showing that be had
been Intimite with Mrs. Harter and
afterward became Infatuated with tho
young girl.
Athletes at World's Fair.
EL Louis, Aug. 2'.. For several
days past tho most noted athletes In
tho world have boon assembling In St.
Iritis to participate In tho Olympic
games, tho third renewal of which
will bo held In the Stadium at tho
World's fair grounds during five days
of this week, commencing today. Tho
Marathon race, tho principal event of
tho games, will bo run tomorrow, for
which there are forty entries. Fifteen
foreign countries aro represented In
the race.
Carey Is Pistol Champion.
Fort Hlley, Kan., Aug. 29. Tho na
tlonal competition is over. In tho In
dividual pistol competition the high
mire, 23t! out of a possible 2R0. was
made by Sergeant Michael Carey
troop L, Fifth cavalry, who thus won
In addition to tho pistol championship
lind a gold medal, J.'S In money. The
second highest was won by Lieuten
ant Sayer of the Now York National
Guard. His score was 230 and he Is
also In tho gold modal class with
cash prize of $23.
Labor Leaders Sentenced to Jail
Albuquerque, N. M.. Aug 29. Presl
dent Marlnan of tho Albuquerque On
tral Labor union has been given a sen
once of seventy days In Jail and four
tther striking Santa Fe machinists
eav been sentenced to sixty dayt
each for assault upon a strike breaker.
In violation ot an Injunction Issued
th local court recently, restrain
ing the strikers from Interfering with
the new men. The case will be appealed.
i sv
Branch Office 223 Coates 8lock
Platt.smouUi l'liotie 241
Ion't allow money to lie around.
Is easier to spend it and caster
to lose it
mm Choice
Polled Durham Bulls
High Grade Pedigreed Stock
Tele. Cedar Lawn Stock Farm
Ayers Pills
Vegetable, liver pills. That
is what they are. They cure
constipation, biliousness,
J.C. AyerCo.
Lowell, Mnll.
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich b'ack ? Use
rim as. ur unuuuum uuk. r. iuu. t to.. H.uuLi. m. u.
S keeping It in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
You can irlve a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without askinc for one.
11..' . I .. ...x..
w lien you iiavc a oaiiiv ulluuuu juu
will he anxious to add to It rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
un. Inirlng the coming week tnis
force, which will bo augmented some
what dally, will bo occupied with
drills and practice work.
Hill to Retire From Politics.
Albany, N. Y.. Aug. 29. David 11.
Hill, lu conversation with friends
hero, announced that he Intends to re
tire from politics Jan. 1 next and that
no matter what tho result of the com
ing campaign may bo In state or na
tion, he will relinquish the leadership
of the Democratic party In New York.
Ho added that In tho event of Domi-
cratli: success this fall he would not.
accept any position under the na
tional or state Democratic adminis
trations, or again become a candidate
for election to any olllce whatever.
Do desires to devote more time to his
personal affairs and professional du
ties than ho has In the past.
Lynching at Laramie.
Ijiramle, Wyo.. Aug. 3U Joe Mar
tin, colored, was lynched by n mob
of 3in men In front of Judge Carpen
ter's house last night. Martin was s
trusty In tho county Jail. Ho attack
ed a white girl. Delia Krauso, In tho
jail kitchen and slashed her face and
arms with a knife. Six men were in
lured by Martin when entering the
Jail to drag out the prisoner.
Government Troops Deserting.
Iluenos Ayrcs, Aug. 30. The Para
guayan insurrectionists are acuvoiy
Drenarlnc for a land attack by foot
and mounted forces. Serious resist
nnce is not expected. Ooveriimenl
troons at Asuncion are freely desert
lng. Their rations are now reduced
to three biscuits a day. The country
Is almost entirely dominated by tho
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
ClilriijM, Au. .fo.-Iinpilli-il tiy compara
tive wt-tikiii'sH In fon-lioi criiln markets,
wheat irmli rs lii-re wlm bail imI11Im In
hIkIiI were tmlay liicllneil to realize. Tho
remit wits Idwir prices fr nil dillverles.
tile lieei'iiilier option i'IuhIiik with a loss of
Vji Curn whs ilnwu Vn's.". "iitu wore
nil V'-. l'rovUlons were almut iiiiLhanni-tl.
Cloning prleeK'
Whriit-Sept., JUV.N.: Pre., Si. 07; Muy.
11. IDS,.
I'nrii S.-pt.. .VtH--; lee.. ol".,-: May,4'.i.
outs-Sept., :il-V: P'-c .t'."".!-; May, S."i'4.
Turk Sept.. Sll.ItO; Oct., U.4-J,. -Kept., $7.l.-.S; t.-t., J7.V."-5.
Hlt.K-Si-pl.. $7.:i7S; (let.. $7.4.i.
fhleiiR.i 1'imh Prices- Nn. i oprlng wheat,
$; No. .'I sprints wheat. ll.O.'i; No.
'J hard wheat, l.U7'n 1.11 : No. 3 hanl
wheat Sl.OJfal.iiS; No. ;t ensh rorn, 53Vi'd
kle; No. 'J eni-h ents, 31c.
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
To the Gentlemen of Plnttsmouth and Vicinity:
Before ordering your fall and winter
Suits mid Overcoats be suro tocnll on
Mouls at all hours. Special at
tention to the f aimer patrons. The
tables are supplied with tho best
tho markets all'ord.
JOHN COREY. Proprietor.
and he will show you an elegant line of seasonable
goods from which he will give you a
perfect fit and nt reasonable prices.
Laughter Results In Death.
Sallda, Colo., Aug. 21). Mrs. Mnry
Ellis Is dead at her homo on the Up
per Mesa In this city, as tho result
of laughing at a Joke. A friend who
was dining with Mrs. Kills was toll
ing a Joke, when her host, who was In
tho act of swallowing a spoonful of
mush and milk, began laughing. Tho
mush became lodged In the throat,
and In her efforts to cough It up Mrs.
Ellis burst a blood vessel In her left
lung, causing her to strangle to death
a few hours later.
Offers to Send State Troops.
Denver, Aug. 29. Governor Tea
body sent a letter to Sheriff Hell of
Toller county In regard to the mob
which deported fifteen men and de
stroyed tho store of the Interstate
Mercantile company at Cripple Creek.
The governor says he Is Informed that
n similar mob contemplates a still fur
ther outrage, htid offers to send the
military again to assist the Eherlff In
maintaining order.
Antwerp Fire Under Control,
Antwerp. Aug 29 Tho Are in the
oil tar.ks near here Is now practically
ended. Nine bodies have been recov
ered and several more are missing.
The loss Is estimated at 10,000,000 gal
Ions and the damage at nearly $2.500,.
Rains Extinguish Forest Fires.
Missoula, Mont., Aug. 30. As a re
sult of recent rains, practically all
the forest Ores that have teen rsglr.f
la various parts of western Montana
are cow extiDulihe4.
Chicago Live Stock.
rhli-sgo. Aug. :tO.-('attli UceclpK 7.
OOO; weak; g.xxl to prime steer. fS,00(I
fl ID; pour to ineilluiti. jn .'iof.i.'i.-j.".; sto.-kers
ml fee.lers, 'M MVii.'l. .; cows, 1 lUfM.LTi
lfer, Sl.7Vu4.70; eaniiern. $1.3.Vii4.7.'i
hulls. S-J.HOAI4 : cRlven, Trias
.1 teen, S:(..iUi4.:SO: wextern steers, JJ.50
4I4..V1. ling - Kecelpts, lil.uiO; 5e higher!
ilxcd tuitclicm, $.'.xj(ii.7."i; good tn choice
heavy, f.i.3.Vn.Y7r; routth henvv, J4.NlK.t
a.::.".: light.; imtk nf mt'in, $.-..45
4I.VOO. .shtM.p-Ki'celptu, Sl.OOO. iheep
Memly, lHiiit stonily to lower; r.iihI tf
rholee wethers. $.'l.,ri'ii4. fair to rhnle
inlxeil, I.'i.'J.Vh.'i.C'i; western hic, $J.7,V(i
."; native lanihs, S4.Tiifiin.0O; wrsteru
liuilis, $4.'.'5'll.liO.
South Omaha Live Stock.
Smith Oniiihn, Aug. .to.-rattle - K.velptii
a.'JOO; as lilglt as wan pal.l for writ
finished cattle; cows nml heifer. f-J.UKlf.
SM; utoeker anil feelers, $J Ho-iill.-jo
calves, :t J.".'.l4 HO. Hobs Iteeelpts. 10.UOO
weak to loner: coo.l lluht ami shipping
h"g largely from f . ,!0 to Jf . . : t ." . am!
high 11 $."1 40 was pnlil for rltoh-o llitht
eights; nilied hog wero iiionn.1 h nickel
loner mill so'il largely from $," J." tn S.VSO,
Sheep Kccrlpt. ti.sio. thi-ro wa quit
libera! run of sheep repnrte-1 toilny, which
taken with those "nrrleil over from ynter
i!y nin.lf p'.li-i rnth.-r :nrg; tl.t mnr
kt thougtt itel iml t.i.w much
from jestenlny.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kutisat City. Aug sO.-rstt!p-Hrlpt,
ll.iM: utrtdy to lot lowor; itcckrm and
frdtrn trong: rholc riport (lrsl
trf utecrs. l5.U.ViliV0O, fair to ro., f.1.75
4lf..(V; wettrrn f.l itccra, :i ;v(A.40
toctrrii inl TetiieM. li:j:lA 10; row.
ll.a.VilS.7n: taKlfor. $J.Sej.70; bull. -..00
ft.v::,, niTf.. leavers -.w iiog-K.,-ipt,
V.UVi, nprntil Be llbr iml rloi wttk
top. V&; bulk of !. 13 r13 4.,; httvy
1 X05 40: rckn, t.V3'ir 4A; pt in.l
llbt. I.Y20Jd.r. Shp-Rclpti. 4.300
ItBbt Mtoc hlkr, iinihs. 14 0".So
StkMt. IJJ34 0K, , J 0OJ3 76.
Independent Cigar
ChtiUenges rmprlson In Quality
and Workmanship.
' Manufacturer.
V 1 !i
mm w
Bottled in Bond.
TLhc JBcst WlWshB
is the Cheapest
tn tbe EnM
l'liittstnomh : : Nebraska,
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
And Foreclosure of Mortgages a Specialty
I Perry's Restaurant
V lm
bnorturaer nouse
nt Regular
in Market.
Sj P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor,
North Sldt Main Strut
DOSITION for middle aged lady
In this County to net as our
reorfsfhtatlve. One with some
knowledge ot medicine preferred
Apply with references to the Med
leal Research Co., Paxton Block
Omaha, Nebraska.
Toor Whisky is not only dis
ngreenble to taste, but undoubted
ly injurious to the stomach. A lit
tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just as much
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you uon t know how good it
come in and try it.
GuckeiiheimeriRye, per tral Ion... 84 00
Yellowstone, " " . . . 4 00
Honey Dew, " " ... 3 00
Bitf Horn, " " ... 2 00
No Matter How Nice
Your House Appears
From the outs'ulc, if it is furnished with out-of-date
broken and scratched Furniture it doesn't measure
up to what your home should be. We have every
thing you can think of in
Furqiture ai)d House Furnishings
Xew goods coming in daily. Come in and look our
store through when you get ready.
Sattler I Fassbender
Sixth Street, Between Main and Pear Sts
a ii if - - - - - .. t