The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1904, Image 3
$ For Every Effect 8 I II 0 I ft V ! J iiJl "HIGH 8 Wm Copyrighted 1902. THE LEADING CLOTHIER.. Andrew Kroehler -IIRALKIl IN- TINWARE CUTLERY. ETC. Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts. Hall's Old Stand. If you are going to build j;ive me a chance to furnish your hardware. If you want tin roofing or spouting come and see me. Work promptly done at reasonable prices. CHICHESTER'S OiGLiSH PENNYROYAL PILLS Safr. AlwftTK n-tlnblp. I.itrtlr. uk Prtilt flit IIM II t-TKIt N KN4.I.ISII In Hrd and 4ild mrUtlllc bolt. willed with blue riblxm. Take no other. Hefue danirernu ulitl aliunnrl initiations. Hu uf your Itmiwiit, or wild 4. In miimpt fur rrllcolur, nonlBla anil "Keller for Ladle." m Utter tiy return Mail. 10,000 TfSUmuWBis. bold OJT mil OruKKixu. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. SIM BladUon Nquarr, PHI LA., PA. M.ptlaa Ult aap.r J. P. Falter, President HARDWARE The Corona Live Stock and Investment Company INCORPORATED 190 CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 J. P. FALTER, General Manager -HEALERS 1N- Livc Stock, Real Estate Commercial Papers NO. 365. l,lu ncri1 f 'an,l 'n I1'1'1"01 County, Neb., six miles from town, one mile from school, nltout SO acres under cul tivation mid SO (teres in liny and iwHttire land. It lins fair improvements and n nice prove. It is a pood neighborhood and n bargain nt $20 per ncre. Heal Estate advanced fully 100 per cent in Eastern Nebraska the last three years, and it i still booming. Don't think far n minute that lands havo reached their limit. We still have some- 6iiaps where wo can double you your money in lens than five years, and besides get good interest on your money invested. Watch our "ad" each week and we'll tell you what we've got. Come and See Us ere is a ' T is nn t'staMislietl fact that we Snitti nmt (l.Ll rVri oi hiitrii jljj County. Wo niter to'tlio young men ami buys, luvmtsc if we can satisfy them when the pnrontH buy for them, after they become olil enough to buy for tlu nisi lxcs they invariably come to us with their needs. We oarry n strong line of this class of clothing mnl if you are in need of a suit for the boy briny him in ami see if we can't please both him and youiself. ORG MM Ricf)'sP $2.25 and $2.50 If You Want Tans We Have Them at $2.00 Up. LIGHT WEIGHT OXFORDS in smooth, fine Don fjola, Military Heel, Hlucher Cut, a well dresser's choice, for $2.50. SHERWOOD & SON Visit the Old Folks. One fare plus $2 for tlie round trip to ii great many points in Ohio, Indi ana, and Kentucky. Tickets on sale September ti, 13. 20, 27 and October 11. Good via St. Louis and stopover at the great exposition. Final limit thirty days. See me for particulars or write to L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. W. L. Pick k it, Agent. J.J. Klnzmann, Vice President v 1 NO. 367-K'O acres in Pierce County, Neb , three and one-luilf miles from town, one mile from nchool. This land lies gently rol ling, lias about M) acres under cultivation, the ballance in pasture. Has a small house, Kood bam, good well and wind mill, good hen house. Price, $'2.") per acre. Office Dp Stairs in Anheuser-Busch Building. ft Cause soil more vouiii; inou' ami thiin unv ntlioi linn in I 'nco Violent Attack of Diarrhoe Cured by Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Per haps a Life Saved. "A short time ago 1 was taken with violent attack of diarrhoea and believe 1 would have died if I had not gotten relief," says John II. Patton.a leading citizen of Pat ton, Ala. "A friend rec ommended Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era and IMorrheoa Kemedy. 1 bought a twenty-live cent bottle and after taking three doses of it was entirely cured. 1 consider it the best remedy in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by all druggists Cheap Rates to St. Louis VIA TIIK lh UUSoTON. The I'.urlington w ill run coach ex cursions to St. Louis every Tuesday and Thursday during August and Sep tember. s..Vi round trip, limited to re turn in 7 days. Leave Plattsmouth at 4:32 p. m., arrive St. Louis 7:1!) the fol lowing morning. V. L. Pickktt, Agent. Missouri Pacific Rates. Reduced rates to St. Louis every day on account of world's fair. Coach excursions, very low rates every Tues day and Thursday of August and Sep tember M. iO for round trip. Auburn Chautauqua assembly, Aug. lit to 21, fare and one-third for round trip. Fall meetings K. C. transportation bureau, Aug. 20 to 27. Sept. 3 to 10, Sept. it to 24: tare and one-third for round trip. Old Settlers' 1'eunion, Fnion, Neb., Aug. lit and 20, fare and one-third for round trip. Home Seekers' excursion, August lt, special low rates. II. II. Lksski., Agent. FOLEYSKIDNEYCUSE Makes Kidneys and Dladdor Right C. G. Siikkly, Sec. and Treas. Cupid Dy CRITTENDEN MARRIOTT K (Vt'in.iM, i ( i 7'. ('. .Vi'ltutw .;. "Teuf: t.'uf: t.'ur: it r r r: wmisii Tlie nut iKi'HU- ,v,iil lis i : 1 1 n. t. i it i i:4 limit, iviik'u'iI i'Ihc ir twltv mul mib- vMril 1 1 1 : o a stale i'l' .slli'iirr mnl, nlns! linmntillity. In u iiioMiont t'h' iti:mf (riir wns olY tils so:it mul .kln about hi tlie iiiaeli'.iicry. TIumi he wnit to the door of the enrrlnue mul tinn'hed his hat. 'Reg pardon, iiilss," he snhl. "but ithe'n tiroke down ami 'II have to p to the Khop. I'm worry, but you'll have to p't a round the city hniue other way." The i;lrl on the buck neat, a tall. handsome liloiul with the bluest of blue eyes, uttered an exrlamatioii. 'If that Isn't too bad: Ami I've pit Just two hours to noo Washington before my train pies! Can't you call another auto for ineV" The ehaillTeur glsinetsl annnul Mm. "Oh, yes'ln," lie .said. "Of eourse. There might to be some here on the Ht n i ul now, only there ain't. I'nl I'll go In mid telephone for one rlht a way." 'Do! Or, stay, there's one waiting at the iiostollice (Iiht now. Maybe It's for hire." The man looked doubtfully at the machine Indicated. "Pon't think mi, miss," he answered. "That's a private machine or 1 miss my guess. Still, I'll nsk." leaving the girl be walked over to tlie curli and luiilresscd tin young man sitting on the box of a handsome automobile. No one familiar with the new horse less vehicles would for one moment have supposed that tlie one In question was for hire. "Uacer" appeared In every line of Its build and costliness la the exquisite nicety of Us construc tion. Hut the girl was from the west and had never had an opportunity to Htudy the makes of machines, while the chauffeur hoped that by apparent desire to serve he might yet gain the hire he had lost by the breaking down of his own machine. That anything but an Instant nega tive would lie the answer to bis query "whether that machine was for hire?" had never passed his brain, so his as toiilshmrnt may be guessed whin the young mail on the box stalled, glanced nt tlie girl still sitting In the Injured Vehicle a short distance away. Hushed deeply and replied 111 the ntliriiiatlve. Then, without waiting for further ex planation, he promptly ran bis machine to the side of the other and halted to IKRTANTI.T TnF. CHAfFFErH BWUKO AROUND IN HIS HKAT. permit the girl to climb In. The next moment they were swinging down tho avenue at n lively gait. The girl leaned forward. "Ahem!" she said. "ld the other man tell you where I wanted to go?" "Said you wanted to see the city, nin'ain," returned the young man re spectfully, but In a curiously inuftled tone. Ho lind kept his head nvcrtcd, almost ns If he wished to conceal his features, a wish If It were n wish- In which he had been successful. The plrl had looked nt the machine, but not nt Its driver. When tho 'hauffeur spoke she started nnd gluncMl -nirlously nt him, ns though his voice struck some dormant chord In her memory. "Yes," she said. "I do want to 8o tho city, but I want to get to the depot nt 3 o'clock. My trnln goes out then." "Yes'in. I'll get you then? in time, (tolng east, ma'am?" Again the girl loobsl nt Mm curious ly. "Yes," she answered slowly. "I'm on my wny to college." "Oh er-jxu Is'lieve In the higher education of women then?" The girl's eyes were dancing with fun now. "I'nder certain clrcimi stances," she said. "Is that the capl tol?" "Yes'in, that's the captiol. I'nder certain circumstances? What clrrum- stanees, for Instance?" "Oh, a stepmother nt home, for In stance. How many senatorn are there?" Tlim hundred nnd elgbty-slx, I be lieve. A stepmother might l a terror to sonic Rlrl, of courw, but rmmt of them enn get awny from one home to another without itolng to college." "How? Hy the wny, Is thnt the It brarT" "Yes. Why, of course, most sirls bare larv can marry." The man was iptaklng eagerly now, but be still SB kept Ids fmv turned away uud threw the word over his shoulder. "Married: WIm ! That's n very radical remedy. It might l' worse than the other trouble. How many books are there In the library':" "Two or thrtv million, 1 llleve. Oh, no! Von wouldn't thul It mi, I'm mirt. Think of growing Into a spec taeletl old mal.i: All college girls do, yon know. 'Mien think of (lint young fellow Just longing to make a home for you" "What building Is thatV "That? Oh, the patent ot'i. e or the pt'iisloii otlliv or soiuelhlng! Think or "Hut siippone the girl has sent lilm nwny'r" "Then let her whistle Mm lank and noo whether he won't eotno." The girl glanced at the Prond luiclt uf the mall before her, while her shoulders quivered with silent iiililh. Then she puekensl up her Hps and deliberately emitted a clear, soft I whistle. Tlie effect was magical. Instantly tlie chauffeur swung around In his seat and faced her. "Hessle!" lie ex claimed, "do you mean If:" The girl smiled at Mm, though her eyes were tlcwy. 'Htf course 1 do. Prank," (-ho said. "1 never th. night you would go awny as yon did Just for a word. No! No! Keep your seat. Von can say all that's really necessary from w here you are." And you knew me all the time?" Of course! '1 he minute I really m il, is I at you. Hut you'll malic uie miss my train." Train? No train for you! I'll not take any chanovs now. Your Interest In the city may have lapsed. Put here's the city hall. Shall I go In and get marriage license, or w ill jou go In With me'f" lie had sprung from the seat and stood holding out his hands, the light of love pleading In his eyes. "Won't you go In with ine, Hessle?" be asked flgaln. For an Instant the girl hesitated; then she took the proffered hand. "Yes, Frank," she said softly. "I will go with you-now and always." Hless that old gasoline rattletrap that broke down with you," he cried. "It must have liven one of Cupid's up to date chariots In disguise." Tn Mr 1miiiiith In Arurnllnn. "We encamped near a swamp," says gentleman, describing a meal he had several years ago with some cart driv ers In South America, "and supped on sliced pumpkins boiled with bits of meat and seasoned with salt. The meal was Hcrvcd in genuine pampa fashion. One Inm spoon and two cow's horns upllt In halves were passed around the group, the members of w hich squatted Upon their haunches and freely helped themselves from the kettle, l'.veu In this most uiiclvlllzi'd form of satisfy ing hunger there Is a peculiar etiquette which the most lowly person Invaria bly observes. Fach member of the company In turn dips his spoon or horn Into the center of the stew and draws It In a direct line toward him. never allowing It to deviate to the right or left. Hy observing this rule each person eats without Interfering with Ms neighbor. Helng Ignorant of this custom, I dipped my horn Into the mess at random and llshed about for some of the nice bits. My companions regarded this horrid breach of pollte- uess with scowls of Impatience. They declared wbh some warmth to the cook that foreigners did not know how to eat. I npoloL'l.isl as well as I could and endeavored thereafter to eat ac cording to gauche etiquette." TIiokp nurrr Woinpn. "Women nro mighty queer about some things," remarked n conductor the other day. "I've been watching them for ten years on this line, nnd every day I sie some new peculiarity You Just watch the next one that gets In. There's one vacant seat left, and she'll walk up to It nnd turn clear nround In her tracks before she sits down. Here comes one now." Sure enough, the woman who stepped on tho car Just then spied the empty seat, made for It and, reaching It, turned clear nround before she sat down. "You see how It Is," continued the conductor, returning nfter taking her fare. "They all do it. There Isn't one woman in ten but what rums nround before she takes her seat. Ferhaps it's natural for 'cm, Just ns It is for n dog to whirl nround three times before ho lies down. I've sen more thnn one wo man lose her seat by having some one else slip Into it while she wns going through her preliminary turn. Hut a little lesson like that doesn't do them nny Rood. TlK-y keep on turning nround before taking n sent Just the same."- Fxchnnge. r.nt tndlnn Wornlilp. In the census rciort of Indln. a gov ernment publication. It Is gravely re lated that native clerks actually wop Khlp the tools of administration. At the time of the vernal equinox there Is a festlvnl known as Sri IMinehanil, which the orderlies celebrate on the Hat roof of the buildings occupied by tho secre tariats of the government of Indln. The worshlM'W take one of the lunr packing cases which nro used to con vey ottlee records from Simla to Cal cutta and drnpo Its rough woodwork with plantain leaves nnd branches of the sncred plpnl. This structure, crown ed with nn otllctal dispatch box, servet as an altar, and In tlie center thereof Is pluced the ancwl symbol a common gliu. Inkpot with a screw top, flanked by paper, pvns, sealing wai, Ink eras ers ami such office paraphernalia, the whole festooned nnd adorned by coll upon coll of red tape. To UiU symbol of godhead offerings of food are made, wblle texts from the Vcdaa are recited by the Hruhmnn officiating at prteet Ayers aanBMaMaHaaaaaMaa You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. ' I inlTiirfst tarrlMr from tnillff'illnn unit lliln liiiuul. I I. I I,. i i,iif mini i tiM.k A,r'a Sftrj,trillii. '"ir luttlln rnia Uouily curoil mi- " Mits. f It. Mai; r, Ml. Klirn. N. T. l 0l hnttlii. .i r a Y Kit co.. Ail.lrm-i-i.i. r M,.a for Rich Blood Aver s Pilln nro eently l.ixnnvo. They grontly nld ttio S.vrsripnrllla. Orlulit nf lliilvr. The lli-s t Unlves, according to the eon elusions of a scientist who has mailt) a study of the subject, were fractured stones that happened to have a sharp cutting edge. Hut the Vegetable king dom nl v furnishes very lorn cutting edges In the leaves and stalks of cer tain plants, which might have been availed of before artificial knives wcrt) made. The fractured rtolie knife easily suggested (be shaping of linked stones. like Hint, Into the form of blades. Among the Herl Indians on Tlhuroti Island, In the gulf of California, the primitive custom of utlll.lng fractured and water worn stones fur knives still exists. KiiKliiiui'a l.nrut'at llouitr. The proud distinction of being tho largest hnUMo in Kngland Is generally accorded to 1orxl Fltw lllhuu's York shire seat, WentW'orth Woodhollse. Of this house It Is said that the three prin cipal entrances are so far distant from each other that visitors are advised t bring three hats with them, one to bo kept at each point of egress. A lions) which Is thNi feet long, has a hall In which two average suburban villas could be comfortably placed and boasts a room for every two tlaj'H of the year Is certainly largo enough to satisfy any reasonable ambition. lit, Tol.l llrr llm Virl. "Doctor," said the Is'iiutlful young woman who had become the wife of a rich old man, "tell me the worst. I will be brave and try to ls;ar It." Heading her gently from her suffer ing husband's bedside the doctor nn h we red: "Nerve yourself, then, for a terrible shock. He's going to get well." Chi cago Ueeopl Herald. Ili'UlnnliiK iWrrali. Mr. Vexall (angrily)-I hate n woman who always contradicts everything a man says. If I don't I'm an Idiot. Mrs. Vexall (sweetly) -Well, (bar. I'll turtl over a new leaf and (siinnieneu right now by ii' it contradicting you. Coacl) Excursions To the world's fair at SI. Louis. Kvcry Tuesday nnd Thursday during August and September. Seven days' limit, .."() fur tlie round trip, via the Missouri Pacific Railway. World's Fair Rates to St. Louis Via Iliiillngton Poute. Tickets to St. Louis and return (iooiI lifteun days, l.'t0. fluid sixty days, f l."(.:i.1. (iood all summer, fr 1N.4U. For full Information about train ser vice nnd other details see the ticket aye i it. The St. Louis Exposition- the great est show the world has ever seen Is now complete and in harmonious oper ation and it will be a lifetime's regret if you fail to see It. In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Allow me to give you a few words In praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Kemedy." says Mr. John Hainlett of Kagle Pass, Texas. "I suffered one week with bowel trou ble and took all kinds of medicine without yetting any relief, when my friend, Mr. C. Johnson, a merchant here, advised me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved, and when 1 had taken the third dose was entirely cured. I thank yon from the bottom of my heart for putting this great remedy In the hands of mankind." For sale by all druggists. NOTICE Wc have mo veil our stock of Books, Stationery, etc. to the Leonard Buiklintf, formerly occupied hy LehnhotI Bros., where we will be pleased to serve you in the future. Respectfully, Mauzy & Murphy