The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1904, Image 2

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Dr. Marshull, Dent M, Coats' Rlock.
Read llay.leii Jtio'sad In this paper.
Mauy & Muruliy, booksaistUtation
ery. l)r. Marshall, Dentist, guaranteed
Tim beM mlr water In the world at
Goring, Co.'s.
"Smoke tin- Wuil Rros.' celebrated
"Cut Hell" cigars.
.1. M.Tcej:ardeii wasoverfrom Weep
ing Water yesterday.
Paul Groctchel was down from Om
aim to spend Sunday,
'"Atitone Wall inner of Cedar deck
was hi the elly Monday.
Lee Pollard of Nehawka was a Plaits
mouth lsitor Saturday.
. J, M. Combs mid wife, art; vMUiitf
feiatiu's In fieiiou, Neb,
Mrs. Jesse L. Root and iliiluVOn spent
Sunday with onmlm fit.'nds.
Gcorgo SlfluVu of Nehawka was a
county e'.Vt visitor Saturday.
. H.Meeker.theGieenwood hanker,
was here on business Monday.
Will Seyhert of Cullom went tu Coun
cil UlulTs Monday on husiness.
George F. Honseworth of Omaha
spent Sunday In Plattsinoiilh.
Ed Uynot and w ife of llaveloek Stin-
dayed w ith friends in this city.
Herman rankonln was down from
Louisville Monday on husiness.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Otllce with lr. E. I). Cummins.
George Mattlson of South F.end, was
a county seat visitor yesterday.
lr. J. M, (ireen was over from Weep
ing Water Monday on husiness.
Miss Fannie Pdddleeomeof llaveloek
Is the guest 0r Miss Helen Travis.
W. D. lavlsof Nehawka was a bus
iness visitor to the city yesterday.
MIssFdith Snyder is visiting Miss
Emma Davis In Lincoln this week.
That real, smooth, tasteful icecream
soda costs only ."c, at Gerlng & Co.'s
C. 11. Skomel of Weeping Water was
a county seat business caller Friday.
Hon Atwood of Lincoln was visiting
relatives here Friday and Saturday.
Crushed fruit of all kinds with lee
cream soda, only fie at Gerlng Co.'s
Dr. Frank Cummins was a Kansas
City visitor a few days the past week.
Henry Guthman departed Tuesday
for a visit to the St. Louis exposit ion.
Sheriff McHride and children attend
cd the state fair at Lincoln yesterday
Albert Frlcke Is reviewing thesights
at the St. Louis exposition this week.
Mrs. W. C. Clement lias returned
from her visit to friends In Louisville
John Schlappacasse was a husiness
visitor to Missouri Valley, la., Mon
Hon. William Deles lcrnicr of Kim
wood, was a county seat visitor Mon
Miss Jo Hall went to Ehmvood yes
terday for a visit with her grandpar-
Mauzy & Murphy are agents for
Spaulding's athletic goods, the best on
Miss Ktta Schneider of Fremont was
the guest of Miss Lena Frlcko the past
James Manners and Miss Lulu Leek
of Murray were riattsinouth Sunday
Mrs. J. W. Johnson went to Lincoln
yesterday to visit relatives, and also
the fair.
The Nebraska Telephone company
put In a local exchange at Murdoek
last w eek.
Charles Vallery of St. Joseph, Mo.
came up Saturday for a short visit with
home folks.
The name that means quality Is Pat
ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Gerlng & Co.
Not how cheap but how good. Pat
toon's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Gerlng Co.
Mauzy & Murphy for irraphaphones
and supplies. Largest line of records
In the county.
Mrs. Joseph Andrews, of Friend,
Neb , Is the guest of her son. W, M.
Rarclay in this city.
does further, looks better and lasts
longer. Patton's Sun Proof Paint.
Gerlng & Co. agents.-
I'. L Ruffner caiuo over from Red
Oak, la., Saturday and remained until
Sunday afternoon.
If you are a judge of a vood smoke,
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
Mrs. P. K. Ruffner and son, Horace,
have returned from their visit with
relatives In Nehawka.
Miss Ruth Johnson Is visiting her
brother Ed and family in Lincoln, and
taking In the state fair.
Miss Mamie Schewe of Murdoek Is
making an extended visit with rela
tlves In Mansfield, Ohio.
Ernest Eoesser and wife departed
yesterday morning for their future
home In Lincoln, going via Omaha,
where they will make a brief visit.
Ir. J. I!. Hall of C ff.-yvllle, Kan., is
in t ho city for a visit v ith his cousins,
lr. J. II. and M. A. Hall.
It costs a little more but is by far
the best. Patton's Sun Proof paint,
tiering V Co., sole agents.
Miss I.ouImj Tl'l.'i'y departed yester
day morning for n short visit with
frknds es Moines, :i.
Mrs. S. ( Thompson and children
left for Golden, Col., Monday for a
brier visit with relatives.
For Sale. No. -Smith- Premier type
writer, m arly new. A bargain If sold
soon, J'n-utre at this ofliee.
Iof. House lias returned and is
making pieparatloii for the opening of
sjhool nest Tuesday morning".
A. W Atwood and wife, and Mrs.
A. 's sister, Mrs. Hatch, attended the
state fair at Lincoln yesterday.
Mrs. Lutle K. Ilafcliof Jacksonville,
111., is here for an extended visit with
her sister, Mrs. A. W. Atwood.
Mrs. C. 1!. Troop and sun, Arthur,
departed Friday evening for a week's
visit to the St. Louis exposition.
Mr. and Mrs. Pitman are rejoicing
over the arrival of a ulrl luby at their
home on Granite street lust night.
Jack Pearee and sons, Sidney and
Douglas, spent Tuesday taking In tiro
sights at the state fair In Lincoln.
Fred and Henry Kaufmann, living
west of town, are taking in the sights
at the state fair In Lincoln this week.
Dr. G. II. Gihnore of Murray, ac
comiianled bv Mr. It. W. Reed of
Larned, Kan., were hi the city Mon
Mr. and Mr. C. A. Wliittaker are
rejoicing over the advent of a new
daughter at their home, born Sunday
Miss L'lla RutTner returned from her
visit with friends In St. Joseph, Mo.,
yesterday, and reports a most enjoya
hie time.
lames Stander and Charles Noyes
were down from Louisville to attend
the lecture at the M. E. chinch Tues
day night.
Miss Kittle Cummins wishes to an
nounee that she will begin her lull
term hi piano Instruction on Septcm
ber.r, ism.
The fresh oyster season Is now on
anil Perry's up-to-date restaurant Is
where you can lind them In any styl
you desire.
After a brief visit with Plattsinouth
friends Mrs. C. M. llutler and son
Paul, returned to their home In Have
lock Sunday.
For a bilious attack take Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
a iuick cure Is certain. For sale by
all druggists.
W. W. Coat es and II. K. Dunbar de-
parted yesterday afternoon for Minne
apolis, Minn., to attend the Minne
sota state ialr.
The streets and sidewalks are get
ting In a better condition than they
have been for several years. ' Let the
good work go on.
If tho republican party arc respon
sible for the rise in wheat, who is re
sponsible for all the shut dow ns In the
factories? It's a poor rule that won't
work both ways.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McFarland cf
Reatrlce, Neb., are the guests of the
latter's parents In this city, Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Campbell.
Anderson Rouse accompanied his
wife to Omaha Saturday, where she
was operated upon at ono of the lios
pltals for gall trouble.
It. M. Jackson, M. D. Chronic and
nervous diseases a specialty. Monthly
treatments. Write, or call at 311
Ramgc Mock, Omaha.
Mks Cora Walker departed Tuesday
for Hartington, Neb., where she Is en
gaged as principal of the high school
for the ensuing term.
C. E. Metzger of Cedar Creek was
the guest of Will Robertson last Sun
day. Chris Is one of the rising young
democrats of Cass county.
Our old friend, .1. A. Walker, of
Murray, was in the city yesterday
accompanied by his nephew, R. W
Reed, of Lawrence, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Donelan of
Weeping Water, and Ralph White of
this city, who have been touring the
cast returned home Monday.
Misses Inez Reese and Jeannette
Patterson, after a short vlsltli with
friends In Plattsmouth, returned to
their homo In Omaha Tuesday.
Rread, "the stall of life,'' has gone
up. This Is where the poor peo
ple get the worst of It, while thegraln
speculators rake In the t heckels.
Tho Tarmele theatre opens the sea
son with "A Little Outcast" Tuesday-
day night. This play has the reputa
tlon of being a most excellent one,
C. Uengen of Mynard was in the city
Saturday, cn route for Omaha to con
suit a physician. Mr. Rengen has
been In poor healtji for some time.
Mrs. J. II- Rlauvelt, who has been
the guest of Rev. Fred Warren nnd
family for some time, departed for her
home in Fudicott, Neb., yesterday.
LM liver,)r., who has In-en visiting
with relatives and friends In thisclty
for some time, left Tuesday morning
fur his home in Rock Springs, Wyo.
The Journal regrets to learn that Its
old friend, Conrad Schlater, is again
very poorly. We hope he will be able
to be around again In a very few days.
Mrs. Mary Latkey of Lexington,
'eb., L'raty.l chic of ll'.'llW I'f tliC l
gt'ce of Honor lodge, was a visitor" !n
this city Monday, the guest of Miss
Tcressa llempel.
Louie Puis was In Saturday and ex
tended his subscription to the Journal
another year. Louie Is one of the Jour
nal's best friends, and we are pleased
to number lihu s such.
Miss Agnes Thrasher, one of Platts
mou'.h's handsome and accomplished
young ladies, departed Sunday fir
Sticilry. Ja.. to visit relatives for some,'
time. I
Mrs. t). L. Merger went to Lincoln
Monday to visit her son and family tot
a week, She was accompanied by M iss
Katie shields, Mr. Hcrirtr's clever
young saleslady.
C. H. Peterson, brother of ,1.C. Pe
terson, who has been at Hot Springs,
rk., for. vme time for treatment for
rheumatism, arrived in the city yes
terday morning. He says he has been
greatly lienelitted.
Jack Hall, who has been allllctcd
with rheumatism for some time, went
to the sanitarium at Lincoln Satur
day. Mr. Hall has been scrioutly af
flicted, and the Journal trusts he will
be greatly benelitted.
W . P. Cook has opened up a new bar
ber shop In the Sherwood block, on
'ifth street, where he would be pleased
to meet all his old friends. New lix-
tures. Remember the place in rear
of Egenbeiger's saloon.
Mary. Sponge the pimples with
warm water. ou need a blood tonic,
would advise you to take Ilollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. ltdrivesaway
all eruptions. :j." cents. Tea or tab
let form. Gering & Co.
The old building which has been
used as a tlnshop at the local shop
yards for many years, is being torn
down to make room for side track ex
tensions. The tinshop department has
been removed to either quarters.
Last Saturday, while assisting in the
work of tearing down the roof of the
old tlnshop at the shops, Rudolph Rani
sel fell a distance of eighteen feet, sus
taining a badly sprained ankle, causing
a layoff for several days at least.
Miss Annetta Sprung, who held the
position as teacher in the German de
partment ef the high school, and who
had been re-elected for another year,
has resigned to accept a more lucra
tive position in the Lincoln schools.
Julius Hoffman, who has been visit
ing his mother here for several weeks,
departed Monday night for San Fran
cisco, Cal., for the purpose of bringing
back tho remains of his brother, Sam,
who died In that city several weeks
Henry Zuckweller, eif the tirm of
Zuekweller & Lutz, and family depart-
d Tuesday for his old home in St. Ja-
cols, 111., where they will visit for
sunn time, and thence to visit the St.
Louis exposition before returning
If reports bo true, and we hope they
are, new men are being employed at
the shops every day. One day this
week, It Is said, twenty went to work
in the different departments. This
looks like the boys will all get back
after a while.
Those who have seen Dan Smith
si nee his return from the sanitarium
at Lincoln, where he has lieen receiv
ing treatment for rheumatism, say
that he Is greatly Improved. Mr. Smith
expects to return to Lincoln In a few
days for continued treatment.
The Central City Democrat says:
"With Rerge, not one word has been
uttered against hischaracter and abil
ity. Every day he w ill grow In favor
and when he does become generally
known the contrast between him and
his servile and hypocritical opponent
will gain votes for him all over Ne
The Parmcle theatre w ill have a rep
resentatlve melodrama, "A Little Out
cast," for Itsattractlon next Tuesday,
September t. The product ion Is hi Its
third season.and Introduces Miss Annie
Rlancke as the star. It has been al
most entirely rewritten, new charac
ters Introduced and elaborate stage
effects, said to be the most novel ever
seen, added for the opening of the new
Joi n Bauerand daughter, Mike Mel
singer and daughter, William and
Henry KolTman and their wives, re
turned from St. Louis last week, where
they spent several days viewing the
sights at the exposition. They are all
of one oplnlon-that It Is a great show
-and were so highly pleased that thev
contemplate going back before It Is
closed. Nothing that will satisfy
them but another trip and a longer
Hon He Camito "Set 'Em Up.
Lee Mayrield of the Louisville Cour
ier is always a clever fellow no matter
w here you find him We made men
tion last week of hlslieing In tow n and
of his visit to the Journal oilice and
sotting up the cigars to lK)ys In the of
lice. Ho said they were democratic
cigars, but did not tell why so. But
we have found out. Some time pre
vious to the St. Louis convention, in
conversing w ith Judge Travis (regard
ing the probable nominee, Lee wager
ed a box of cigars with the Judge that
Cleveland would be nominated and of
course the Jiula "called him." The
Judge thought nothing mom of the
matter until the other day when Lee
iotered the County Judgo' oillco with
a box of
cigars undef Ills arm and paid
the wager. Judge Travis did not feel
disposed to accept theentire box so he
divided the "winnings'' with Lee. So
considering them democratic cigars
because they were won by a democrat
.must have been Lee's reason for call
lug them such. Anyway Lee has paid
his bet and Judge Travis has enjoyed a
number of good smokes at his expense.
Nicely Entertained.
I The PhttvHniiii quartette spent u
I, r.ii f,!.,ivn,t pv-nninir !it t lie home, of
' j p.- - -
Ex-Mayor Frank J. Morgan last eve
ning. Mr. Morgan enjoyed their sing
ing very much and the ladies and gen
tlemen composing the organization
were elegantly entertained.
We are informed that after this en-
tretainment the Piatt mian Quar
tettewill be no more. One of the
male members has been caught in the
mat rimonial noose and will soon make
his home In Chicago, We are Informed
that some time this month one of the
female members will be joined in wed
lock with one of Plattsmouth's young
gentlemen. And Miss Edna Marshall
will go to Chicago for musical In
struction. This organization has been
the pride of Plattsmouth, and every
man, woman and child will
they will perhaps never again hear
this most excellent musical organiza
tion as a quartette.
Teachers Assigned.
The following is the assignment of
teachers for the year l'M-PAVi:
High School-Miss Olive Gass, prin
dpi: English. May Powell, mathe
matics; Anna Maxwell, languages;
Grace Montgomery, sciences; Eleanor
Wirt, history.
(Vntral Building Verna(Jole,grades
3 and 4, room 1: Ella Rullner, Third
grade, room 2: Bertha Kennedy, grades
2 and 3, room 3; Amelia Martins, First
grade, room 4; May me Lacy, grades 5
and IS, room ft; Myrtle Levings, Fourth
grade, room 7; Hattle Fight, Fifth
grade, room !; Emma Edwards, Sixth
grade, room I): Mrs. Mae S. Morgan,
Bovonth, trade, room 10: Emma Tre
sham, prudes 7 and N, rwm .11; Euna.
Towie, eighth guide, room 12.
Columbian Bullding"-Marjel Hayes,
principal, grades 3 and 4, room' IS;
Nellie Whalen, grades 4 and 5, room
17; Nettie Ilawkswotth, grades (land
7, room 1''; Rirdella Smith, First grade
room 1'J.
East Fourth Ward-Lettle Smith,
principal, grades 1 and 2, room 20;
Delia Tartsch, grades 3 and 4, room 21.
First Ward Maude Mason, grades 1,
2 and 3, room 13.
East Second Ward -Mrs. A. E. Bai t-
lett, grade 1 and 2, room 14.
West Second Ward-Mary Trilety,
grades 1 and 2, room !.".
South Park, Fifth Ward -Hilda Bar-
wick, grades 1 and 2, room 22.
The rooms have been renumbered to
agree with present conditions.
or THE
Murray State Dank,
of Murray, Nebraska.
Charter No. 57S.
liieurKiralrU lu tin- Stute ( Nt-tira.sku.. ul the
elose of business Auirusi -.3. rK.
Untiis unit Klvounts f A) '.uo M'urrii unit uiists'iin-i.. i'Jl 17
("urn-iil -m-iim-s mid tii- mlu 4u? ta
Hue frin imilonul. miiio mid pri
vate liitnkMiiiil hunker 11 XA !'
Totiilensli on liaml J ut K
Totul $ 3b Itl 5s
1.1 A 111 1,1X1 KS :
Capltiil stock ii:ill In f 5 0i (o
Surnlii fund rj
t'nilivlili'tl urollts tJ to
IndlvtiUiHl di-posltM suli-
to rlierk ? 24 :e: f 3
1 line certitimtes of do.
posit 3 017 111- tiliS ra
Tot Hi J 35 171 $s
Statu of Nnm.4k.. ) .
Canity of Ciih t
I. Clms. S. Stone, rnslilrr of the ali iiiime
eil luink. do solemnly swear tliul the uliove
stnteu:eiit Is i-orn'i't mid n trueeopv of the re
port uiuilo to ihv (one liiinklim' lloiird.
('i!as. S. fTONK. Cashier.
.1. .M.StoxK. I t), ,.
.1. A. I'oi.i.aiu). sin -t'lrntors.
Suhserilied unci sworn to iH-fore li' "i tli -SHU
day of AuKust. l!Hi4
H. C. W'kst. Notary l-ihlle.
My eotntnls-.lor. expires .Mareli l.'. Hi,.
OF Til B
Plattsmouth State Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Chtxrter No, jUi.
liKMrporalril III tliu ftiiU'i'f Xf'uska, at the
close of htlslllM-i, AtlgUst 21. 1W4.
IIMH llllll lllxTOUlltS
farewell Reception.
The (. A. R. post and Woman's Re
lief Corps tendered Mr. and Mrs. A.
P.. Todd a farewell reception at the
post headquarters Tuesday evening.
The evening was most en joyably spent
in social conversation and various other
ways. Refreshments were served,
w hich consisted of Ice cream and cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Tcxld have resided in
this city for many years, and while
their many friends regret their re
moval from Plattsmouth, they all
wish them (Sods peed in their new
home. They departed yesterday for
Denver, where they have purchased a
resdence at No. t'37 Washington
street. Ami was here with the pion
eers, and he had become such a land
mark that his friends were loth to
give him up.
The New Revenue Law,
The farmers know that the revenue
law was a railroad measure, passed by
a railroad legislature, for the purpose
of permitting corporations to escape
paying their just proportion of taxes,
while the poor devil makes up the de
ticlt. They also know that it was the
reckless extravagance of the republi
cans that called for the passage of such
a bill. And when any man has the
audacity to tell yon that under this
law your taxes are not raised, just tell
tnem you prefer to wait until you see
your next tax receipt to learn more
about this matter. Rut the Journal's
opinion is that every farmer in Cass
county will lind his taxes greatly In
creased when lie pays them next time.
Uverdrnfl. secured and unsecured.
Ilonds. V. S
ll:inUnH house furniture and fix
tures Current lvxpeuses anil taxes paid
Premium on I'. S and other IjihU
and securities
Cash Items
Due from national, statu
and private banks mid
hankers 17 !U0 !W
Checks and Items of e.x-
cluiiiL'e. 33 :.
Cash 2 (0 H
Hal cash on hand
Capital stock paid In i 30 W) CO
I ninvuied proms f li 01
Individual deposits sub
led to check ?IS Oil 117
Demand certilicates of
deposit i'M US
Time certlllcale of depos
it!' i, Lw iU "j J7.i
STATU OK Ne.llllASliA, I
Comity of Cass. I
What's In a Name?
Everything is In the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E.G.
DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered
some years ago how to make a salve
from Witch Hazel that is a spccilicfor
piles. For blind, bleeding, itching or
protruding piles, eczema, cuts, bums,
bruises and all skin diseases, DeWitt's
Salve has no equal. This has given
rise to numerous worthless counter
feits. Ask for DeWittsthe genu
ine. Sold by F. (J. Fricke & Co.
I. .1. M. Kolierts. ciislilerof t he aliovp named
hunk, do solemnly swear that the iOhivu stale..
muni is correct anil a t rue copy or the report
made to the Slate Hanliintf lloiird.
ttfst: fusilier.
W. II. Nkwki.l, i Mi..,,.,..,
.J. I'. 1-AI.TE... , llri--tOPH
Subscribed anil su-orn tit before tnellds Kt.
day of September. 1:I4. .Ioski'Iiynk .Mi hi-iiky
Notai-v I'ublli'
.My commission expires Dei-ember ill. l'.u.i.
Wedded Bliss.
On Wednesday, August 24, Mr. Phil
lip II. Tritsch and Miss Anna Myrtle
Massle were united In the holy bonds
of wedlock, In Omaha. The bride is a
daughter of F. M. Massie of Mt. Pleas
ant precinct, and has been one of Cass
county's most successful school teach
ers. The groom Isjone of our most In
dustrious young farmers, and a son of
Jacob Tritsch. Mr. Tritsch owns a
tine farm east of Louisville where they
will make their future home. While
the wedding may have been a surprise
to many tf the friends, they will all
Join In with the Journal in wishing
them long life attended by all the hap
piness imaginable.
Nellie Fuller, Denver.-"My face
was full of pimples and blackheads,
Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea lias
driven them away. People hardly
know me. I'm looking tine." 3"cents,
Tea or tablets. Gerlng & Co.
The fact that the elevator and grain
trust has already placed eighteen of
their ow n number upon the legislative
ticket, In the hope of carrying them
through upon the popularity of
velt and the further fact that Uufe
Schneider, the "Marie llanna of Ne
braska," Is making an effort to Inter
est the national committee In the work
of "redeeming Nebraska" some more
dacs not appear to be relished by the
farmers who have been robbed by the
elevator combine.
A report comes from Centervllle
Iowa, that nearly all the Rurlington
shop employes at that place will be re
moved to Rurlington and other point
where the system lias larger shops
that nothing will remain there but dl
vision headquarters, round house and
small repair works. The order of re
moval takes effect after this week
and who can tell maybe part of this
force will come to Plattsmouth, as the
shops here are the second largest on
the system.
Westward the orb of glory takes Its
Wisconsin U the state, you hear every
body say,
It's made Itself famous by one great
Roekv Mountain Tea has made Its
name world wide. (ierlng & Co.
Dr. Ehter, Dentist,
Watsrman Block,
Very Busy.
A person visiting the couney treas
urer's olllce yesterday afternoan would
have thought Rilly and his clllcient
clerical force had thcirhandsfull. The
olllce was crowded with people await
Ing for a chance to pay taxes, and many
could not remain to be waited upon
It Is this way almost every day, and
the boys have to hump themselves from
the time they open until the closing
Case Dismissed.
The case of the state of Nebraska
against Julius A. Johnson, charged
with wife desertion, was dismissed In
Justice Archer's court Tuesday. The
defendant agreed to go back to his
wife and child and pay the costs al
ready accrued in this action, and
County Attorney Root caused the ac
tlon to be dismissed.
BucKlen's Arnica Salve
lias world-wide fame for marvellous
cures. It surpasses any other salve,
lotion, ointment or balm for cuts,
corns, burns, bolls, sores, felons, ulcers,
tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped
hands, skin eruptions; Infallible for
piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 2."c at
V. G. Frlcke & Co., druggists.
Cider MaHlng!
Rear In mind my cider press will be In
operation during the season on Thurs
days, Fridays and Saturdays of of each
week, until November .Ith, on which
date cider-making will positively dose
for this year. Remember the closln
date November 5.
Wendkl Heil,
A Power For Good.
The pills that arc potent In thelrac
tlon and pleasant In effect are DeWitt
Little Early Risers. W. S. Phllpot of
Albany, Ga., says: "During a bilious
attack 1 took one. Small as It was It
did me more good than calomel, blue
mass or any other pill I ever took and
at the same time the effect was pleas
ant. Little Early Risers are certainly
an Ideal pill." Sold by F. (I. Frlcke
& Co.
$8.50 to St. Louis and Return
The Rurlington offers the above low
rate for tickets good In coaches and
chair cars (scats free). Ou sale Tues
days and Thursdays during August
and September.
Sec me for full particulars.
W. L. Pickett, Agent
a B7J 07
i ;t:is m
3 IKK) 00
714 50
3i W
hi UQ
3) 051 39
.$ U ll 33:
.i ii KPl 3.1
Statu ok Ohio, City ok Toledo, ) c
Li CAs County. )
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho
is senior member of the lirm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, county and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Fka-k J. Cuesby.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this (ith day of Decem
ber, A. D. 18W. A. W. Gleason,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, ""xj.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
From 148 to 92 Pounds.
One of the most remarkable cases of
a coldr deep-seated on the lungs, caus
ing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Ger
trude E. Fenner, Marlon, Ind., who
was entirely cured by the use of On&
Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The
coughing and straining so weakened
me that 1 ran down In weight from 148
to l2 pounds. I tried a number of rem
edies to no avail until I used One Min
ute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this-
wonderful remedy cured me entirely of
the cough, strengthened my lungs and
restored me to my normal weight,,
health and strength." Sold by F. G.
Frlcke & Co.
Fearful Odds Against m.
Redrlddcn, alone and destitute. Such
In brief was the condition of an old
soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver
sailles, 0. For years he was troubled
with kidney disease and neither doc
tors nor medicines gave him relief. At
length he tried Electric Rltters. It
put lilm on his feet In short order and
now lie testifies, "I'm on the road to
complete recovery." Rest on earth
for liver and kidney troubles and all
forms of stomach and bowel complaints
Only :0c. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke
& Co., druggists.
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around expectlug him
to die, and a son riding for life, eigh
teen miles, to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, W. II. Rrown of Leesville, Ind.,
endured death's agonies from asthma;
but this wonderful medicine gave In
stant relief and scon cured him. He
writes: "I now sleep soundly every
night." Like marvelous cures of con
sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis,
coughs, colds and grip prove Its match
less merit for all throat and lung
troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and
11.00. Trial bottles free at F. 0.
Frlcke & Co.'s drug store.