The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1904, Image 1
tb Journal mou VOLl'Mi: XXIV PLATTSMOITII, N KUK ASK A. TIIUJSPAY. SKPTKM lir.l.' I. li0. m'.mi:i:i: TART CURB-STONE J0SH1NGS Culled, Clipped, Penciled and Prepared (or the Readers of the Journal. Tlnil money talks. ipiUe freely. ti. We nil Iihvc prolmlily liciinl; Hut tlnTv uri' xmu' ot us M w liom It's nt'vrr wilil 11 word. Attend t!ie Labor 1 ay celebration Monday. A man isn't too old to learn if lie Isn't too old to get married, is lie? The public schoolsof tlie city open up for business next Tuesday morning. The state fair is on at Lincoln, and riattsinontli is well represented each day. A man may not have a cent to his name and still have dollars in the name of his wife. A pretty girl is willing to admit that a homely girl is sensible. Ain't that funny? A man whocan induce others to walk into his trap is a strategist. We have 'em In I'lattsmouth. Religion makesamighty poor shroud after it has been worn as a cloak. A warning to riattsmouth hypocrites Next Monday is Labor I ay, and it will be appropriately observed in this city by the various labor unions. I'lattsmouth merchants should make an effort to pull a big fall trade here. Constant advertising w ill do the work. There is a tide in the affairs of w heat which, taken at what seems to be the flood, frequently leads on to misfor tune. The foot ball season will soon begin, and then bunged-up eyes and broken noses and limbs will be of'daily occur rence. Because some men have more wealth than, others, is that any reason why they should get out of paying their back taxes? It is wonderful how some ninety- eight-pound women can boss 200-pound men, but we have one in this city who can't do it. The wise advertising merchant is getting busy to gather in the fall trade There is promise of someting doing, as the season opens. The democratic county convention to select candidates for the several of rices to be filled this fall, willibe held in this city on Monday, September 20. A subscriber wants to know what has become of "Jack-the-IIugger?" He's here yet, and will "engage in bus- iness again at the old stand" as soon as the season opens. And now the South Dakota Rosebuds are rinding to their sorrow that every rose must have its tlwrns; trouble is ahead, not from grafters, but from sooncrs who have pre-empted claims A young lady living in Kentucky was recently killed by lightning while talking over a telephone during a thun derstorm. A warning to all girls to keep away from telepones when light ning begins to play pranks. Walter L. Main is looking aroundjfor winter quarters in Nebraska for his circus and menagerie, riattsmouth will welcome it. Everything needed can be purchased as cheap here as at any town or city In the state. The get-rlch-quick scamp, the forger and the horse thief are getting to nu merous In the land. They are in the same class. If anything the horse thief Is more honorable, because he does not try to hide his guilt under a religious cloak. "Oh, how could you?" exclaimed the I'lattsmouth girl who had been unex pectedly kissed the other night. "It affords me pleasure to show you," calm ly replied the young man audaciously Whereupon he proceeded more slowly and deliberately. The man who makes hay while the sun shines will let little grass grow un dcr his feet. He does not wait for something to turn up, but he proceeds to turn something up. Making hay means working to well devised plans as much as strenuous hours of toll. The tire alarm was tested Tuesday evening. First the old lire bell peal cd forth, which caused the tire boys to respond in geat haste. They made a run to test tho hose. At the same time the new fire-alarm system was tested. Everything worked ad mirably and seemed in applc-ple order. but the alarm caused a large number of people to collect on the streets. We bounce right onto a fellow and put him out of church If he goes to a ball or theatre or is caught In a sa loon, but ncveraword Issaldabout the pious old scamp who practices fraud In his daily walks of life. Rut he pays tho most to the preacher. Isn't this Retting to be a funny old world? The bigger the hypocrite, the more respect he commands with the church If he pays liberally for it. Mutual Protective Association. arpy county has organized such an association which has been Incorpor ated, the lirst of its character ever or ganized in Nebraska. The association organized to prevent the depreda tions of hog and petty thieves which at present Infest the county. The or ganizers include many of the promi nent fanners of the county, and the officers consist of a president, vice pres ident, secretary, treasurer and two aptains, who also constitute the ex cutlve committee, which directs tho affairs of the society. Its object is given to suppress thieving, capture and convict thieves and to indemnify members against loss by I heft. Other counties will no doubt do likewise. It is the only remedy to prevent thethiev ing of horses in this and adjoining count ios. Few More Reasons Why You Should Buy at Home. When your wife or child Is sick, do you ask Sears & Roebuck or Montgom ery, Ward & Co. to call and sit up dur ing the vigil of dark and stormy nights? No. When the funeral of your loved one takes place, do you expect Sears & Roebuck and Montgomery, Ward & Co. to come and help you lay away the remains? No. When you need a little money to help your church and Sunday school, do you ask Sears & Roebuck and Mont gomery, Ward & Co. to contribute? No. When you need some one to go on your bond or note, do you go to Sears & Roebuck and Montgomery, Ward & Co. and ask them to f or you? No. When you have a social at your house, do you invite Sears & Roebuck and Montgomery, Ward & Co. to at tend? No. When you come totownwitli your butter, eggs, wood, poultry, etc., do you ask .sears & noeouck and .Mont gomery, Ward & Co. to buy your stuff? No. When you come to town, not to buy goods, but to attend a show and it rains, hails and blows, do you rush into Scars St Roebuck's and Mongomery Ward & Co.'s business houses for shel ter? No. When you want to buy several dol lars worth of goods do you forget the many kindnesses bestowed on ycu by your home merchants and send to Sears & Roebuk and Montgomery, Ward & Co. and get them? Yes. And that is the way you pay the debt of gratitude you owe to the home merchants who sympathize with you in sickness and death; who go on your bond or note; who contribute to your churches and Sunday schools; who at tend your social events; who extend credit to you when you have no money. Read this and then confess publicly how ungrateful you have been to your best friends. Still at Work. The Elm wood Leader, in its last is sue, contains an account of where s horse, thief was foiled In hlsattemptto steal a horse. The Leader says: "One evening last week Roy Lean returned home quite late, and when near the barn noticed one of the horses stand ing at the door with the bridle on. He hastily tied the horse he was riding outside the barn, woke his father and told what he had seen. Mr. Lean dressed, grabbed the shotgun, and they went to the barn, where they found the horse loose In the yard, but with out bridle or halter on, the bridle hav ing been returned to the barn. Keep ing quiet for some time, they finally heard a faint whistle west of the house, near the orchard, which was answered by a whistle from the corn field east of the barn. They waited along time but the parties evidently knew they were being watched for and made good their escape. Had not Roy come home Just as he did, Mr. Lean would doubt less have had one good team less to feed next morning. It begins to look- as though a vigilance committee was needed In Cass county to deal with horscthleves. AH-Sar-Ben Grand Carnival. Opens at Omaha, September 28, and runs until Octobers. Something do ing every minute. More parades, mu sic, fun and attractions than ever bo fore. Sensations of the age Looping the Gap-The High Wire Walking El ephant. Those choice shows on the Pike, the best of the carnival world. Will open your eyes. A panorama of spectacular effect. Nothing cheap. Most of them direct from the worlds fair. Very low rates on railroads. FIERCE LIGHTNING'S FREAKS Murdock Visited by a Severe Storm, as Well as Several Other Points. About midnight last Sunday night there approached the village of Mur dock from the southeast the most tt;r ritie thunderstorm of the season, For about one luiur it was one continual Hash of lightning and ciash of thun der. About I o'clock lightning struck Hie resilience ol deorge I tt, tearing the plastering oil the second story and two rooms down stairs: also wrecking some door and w indow casings, but no one was Injured. A few minutes later the bouse of O. K. Rush was struck and badly dam aged. 1 ho chimney and part ot the roof and the plastering from the cut ire house except tho l ed room in which the family were sleeping, was com pletely knocked oil the ceilings and walls, fortunately no one was hurt except being temporarily stunned. The rainfall was very heavy from 12 o'clock to f o'clock in the morning. From private sources we are informed that this rain will sullico for the mak ing of the corn in that vicinity. OTIIKIS POINTS. On the farm of Simon .lohnson, three miles northeast of town, lightning struck a large rick of hay, containing about fifty tons, which was entirely consumed. His house was also struck and the roof set on tire, but the heavy downpour had the effect of extinguish ing the (lames before much damage was done. This was very fortunate, Indeed. Several other farmers in the neigh borhood lost large quantities of hay In the same manner. We also learn of large residence, six miles west of tow n, being struck the same night, but as to the damages we have been unable to learn. Some of the farmers on the east side of the river are said to have-also been heavily damaged by the storm Sunday night, but just to what extent we have not be able to team. A Sensible Judge. A man gives his wife a terrible beat ing, lie was brought into court and lined $2."i, or three months in Jail, but In imposing the line, the judge says, if every wife beater was horsewhipped gooa ano nam there would be more happy homes. 1 he lining and put ting in jail in such cases Is a mere mockery of justice. The man, we will suppose, is the bread winner of the family, and to pay the $2o Is simply taking that much away from the al ready abused wife and children and means to them, it may be, weeks of semi-starvation, or at the best the de privation of many things they might have had. If they have no money and cannot pay the line, the three months in jail makes the matter worse. The father goes to Jail, Is well fed and com fortably hous"ed, w hile the poor woman and children must get along as best they can. The punishment(?)fallsupon the innocent wlfe.already severely pun ished.and the still more innocentchll dren. Is it any wonder that courts and lawyers nna It almost impossible to get abused women to prosecute these kind of cases? The whippingpost may be brutal, but brutal actions demand brutal punishment, which Is the only kind that will appeal to a brutal na ture. Will They Abandon Permanently. It is rumored that the parties who contemplated lighting the back tax proposition have temporarily a ban doned the idea. This is good as far as It goes. Rut have they abandoned it permanently, or simply until after the election of a new prosecuting attorney one whocan be influenced by the at torneysof t he back tax resistors? When It comes to the wealthy men of the county endeavoring to get out of pay ing their back taxes, while the poorer ones have to march up the captain's otllce and settle in full, we don't be lieve in it. Rut they have the money to employ attorneys to light It, and If thes! attorneys can be sue cessful in electing a man to the office of county attorney they want, they can easily have things their ow n way. The Journal asks the honest taxpayers of Cass county to watch the scheme brew ing. Has Sold n Pile of Chamberlain's igh Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough ikuuicoy ior more man twenu years and it lias given entire satisfaction. 1 have sold a pile of It and can recom mend It highly. Joseph McKlhinoy Linton, Iowa. You will timl this rem cdy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords quick relief and is pleasant to tako For sale by all druggists. Has No Jurisdiction. In the county couit last Friday in' the matter of Mrs. Kate Johnson against the Theodore Roedekeroslate, Judge Travis denied I he prayer of t lie petitioner on the ground that bo lias no jurisdiction to enter any such ile- roo. The case has boon pending for some t line, and no doubt will bo car lied to the district court. The plaint iff, M is. Johnson, who now resides in Omaha, claims to have been adopted by Theodore lloedckor, deceased, a number of years ago at Muscatine, la.. ,liid bv reason of this adoption she claims a share of the property left by tho deceased. WHY THEY LEAVE THE FARM An Old Reader of the Journal Ask; Us to Give (he Reason. The oilier day one of tho oldest read ers of the Journal, and a gentleman who has made what ho has by hard knocks on the farm right hero in Cass county, was a caller at those head quarters, lie told us that he had reared live boys, and that as soon as they gut able to do for themselves they insisted on and did leave home for other avocations in life. Our old friend has plenty of this world's goods and ow ns six hundred acres of as tine land as I hero Is in the state of Ne braska. And now lie has to rent out his land or employ several men to do Ids work. He tried to persuade each one of the hoys, as they departed from the home tlreside, to remain, but they would not do so. "Why," he asks, "do buys insist on leaving the farm'" The Journal does not fool qualiticil to give a version of this matter, but win do the nest we can and let, It go for what It is worth. In the lirst place, pride has driven more boys from the farm than anything else. The roughness of his hands and the tan on his cheek, acquired by hard work In the .sunshine, make the farmer boy feel at a disadvantage with his city cousin whom he chances to meet in the parlor of some favorite lady friend on Sunday evening or out on some pic nlc excursion. The air of superiority exhibited by the soft-handed, fair- cheeked city chap puts the farmer boy at ease and he goes home at night sick at heart and tired of the farm. lie imagines hiscoiintry lass favors the city chap and would prefer some other life than on the farm. Like Maud Muller, she is not content with her lot and she spurns the love of the no ble farmer boy because of what she thinks is an humble calling. The re sult is the boy becomes disgusted with the farm. How many boys who have left the old home on the farm can say they have bettered themselves by going to the city? I'erhaps about one in twen ty. During our career In the news paper business, which has extended over almost half a century, we have failed to see any cause for a young man leaving the farm. And the young lady who prefers the city dude to a good honest farmer lad generally gets left after marriage when happiness and prosperity arc taken into consid eration. Our opinion is that when a city girl prefers a city chap to the hard working country lad because of the hitter's rough hands and tanned cheeks, to say the least, she makes a damphool of herself. And the farmer lad makes a like fool of himself when he pays the least attention to such a girl. The writer was not fortunate enough to be raised on the farm, (and we have wished a thousand or more times that we were), but we imagine and believe it is the most prosperous, happy and independent life to live. Then It is healthful to get up at live o'clock in the morning, harness the horses, eat while they do, and hurry to the Held amid the song of the birds, the per fume of flowers and the sparkle of the dew, there to turn the loamy soil while the city chap lies In bed for many hours after, suffering from adls tresslng lieadache occasioned by last night's dissipation. Stay on the farm, boys; be happy and healthy, and steer clear of the many alluring enticements of city life. Never mind the rough hands and the tanned cheeks they were caused by honest toll while that fair complex Ion and soft hands of the city chap may not have been. Annual Hog Sale. C. J, Ciacbel will hold his annual hog sale at Evergreen Breeding Farm, on Wednesday, October 6, 1W4, at which time lie will sell seventy head of Iuroc Jersey hogs. Mr. Gaebcl's farm Is sit uatcd three and a half miles southwest of Louisville, and these sales are usu ally attended by a large crowd of stock breeders, as they know Charley will not have a poor breeder on his place. STOCK IS SELLING FAST. Plattsmouth Telephone Company's List of Stockholders Increases. Mi ice issuing t he now directories lal week tlie billowing persons have sub scribed lor slock in the Plat Isinoid li lYIeplioue company ; J. E. Douglass, I'lattsmouth . .'mo I'reiKi.Kgenherger, I'lattsiuoutli. 'mil William tl. F.rhardt, Louisville. . .'.on ('. K. Mockonhaupt. Louisville. . . 'mo Frank Craw lord, ( imaha 'mil Uev. J D. Kerr, ( imaha Joou Klleu l'. hillock. I'lattsiuoutli... loo .1. K Keilhley, Weeping Water.. 'J no II. Frederick Kail, Chicago .'mo Pollock I'anuele, I'lattsiuoutli... loo The remaining stock will soon be subscribed lor and the necessary exti n sions to the system are being rapidly completed. Those contemplating Investing in Uils stock would do well to not delay making applloal Ion, for it will nol be long before the treasury slock will all lie sold and there will be no chance to buy at pur alter this issue is disposed of. l'or any informal Ion regarding the stock call at our oilier over First. Na tional bank or address T. II. Pot. i.oi h, Hen. Mgr. I'lattsmouth, Neb. Does It Pay? lie is a farmer 70 years of age and rich. Ills principles havealways been to takecverything in sight, more land, larger crops, more buildings. Illsgait has been the "get there" that kills. Overwork killed his third wife live years ago. His sons slid away from homo at, the lirst opportunity, his daughter married an old st Ick of a man just to get away from homo. Ills sons and worthless sons-in-law have en gaged their lawyers and are now sit tingon tho fence like buzzards wait hi!? for the old man to die so tliey can di vide his wealth among thorn. There will boa large funeral one of these days, seventy carriages, and that will be the end of tho old man. Does it pay to work night and day, save up a lot of money and never spend a cent? Does it pay? The Inheritance Tax Law. Here isailaw adopted by a republican legislature that Is of as little use to the tax payers of a county directly, as any law upon the statute books. F.v- ery dollar derived through this law goes to the state and not one cent to the county. Hut the county uuthori ties are expected to enforce a law which robs the people of the county and gives the money to the state. This law has been In force for some time but few people of Cass county know of Its most objectionable feature. It was certainly a w ise legislature that adopted It, and most certainly the members thereof did not have the In tercsts of their own counties at heart when they voted for it, or else they were Ignorant of Its full meaning. Democrats, Attention. Elsewhere In this issue of the Jour rial will be found the call for the dem ocratlc county convention, which Is to meet In this city on Monday, Scptem her 2(1. The primaries will be held on Monday evening, September l'.i, at 7:30. It behooves all the democrats to attend these primaries, and have their various precincts represented by a full delegation. Several good speakers, In eluding Hon. Hugh Lamastcr, fusion candidate for congress, will be present to address those in attendance. Even If you ar3 not sent from your precinct as a delegate, come anyway and let us have a good, genuine democratic love feast. Charged to Trarnps. John Wiles line two-story farm resl dence, six miles south of I'lattsmouth was totally consumed by fire last Frl day evening. The loss Is estimated at $2,000, with no insurance. It is be llcvcd that tramps ransacked the house, stole "0 and started the conlla gration to cover up the crime, as two pair of pants containing the money were missing. Nono of the lamlly were at home at the time and it is Ira possible to ascertain Just how the lire started. It Is quite a loss to Mr. Wiles as the property was not insured. Well Known In This City. Robert Mack, who w as recently killed at Rulo, Neb., was well known to quite a number In this city. He was super Intcndcnt of bridges on the B. & M division at Nebraska City, and was standing on the track talking to an other railroad man when he was struck by a swlth cnglno coming down the track with a long string of cars. Maury & Murphy, tine china and cut glass. Old Settlers Reunion. Tho thirl y seveiii b annual leunion of tho old sellli is of Hoe and adjoin ing counties w ill be hold Monday, Sep tember in Morion park. Nebraska Clty.audallareinuted toatteml. The ineel Ing promises In be very enjoyable as all anangon. mis have be, n made to entertain a 1 1 r onevd. These an nual meet ing .are in nal uieof fam ily gal 1 1. i ii-s :,, ene Int; o!d ac quaintances, S1, ;,; ;SV,., , , r their dinners and com' and have a good time. There a I e no ; urns i ,1 "graft In;:" and no expi-n , The ladies vvii; , I Vo ! n cli'iiicc, no hot eollee, v ri ial I i'- nnmane anu ice watei. Tbeie will be sp lies I 'I'linvd oratm , ;:n, ni. ii I a i:l p,l pe'. read. There will be ,,iiii:s'ii.enis galore fur d and young. The Labor Croon oigani.'.at l"iis u ill lobule at Pmrview paik on Iho amo day and you can visit there If you so desire. There will bo I wo games of baseball, morning and al lot noon. All who have boon residents of Ne braska lor twcnty-Ihe years are eligi ble to membership in Diet Id Settlors' issue la I ion. Forty Days of Fasting. This feat having been so many t hues iccoinplished does not meet with pop ular favor any more, as the recent, an nouncement of a new at tempt, has shown. We see more fast ing around now than we over saw before: some of ii s the resulfof labor dilllcull les, loss work, negligence and indifference. of while ol her cases an' due to maladies of tho stomach. In I hose last, cases. when I ho stomach refuses or ligest food, Timer's American Klixir of Hitter Wine is t ho only reliable roin- ly. It linpartslothestoinaclithrough mild stimulation the necessary strength to readily take any food and to assist in the work of digest ion and assimilation. Il Is madeof pure grape wine and vegetable Ionics, that, is, sc ooted herbs, known for their effect on the digestive tract. It heals the in- llainod mucous membranes of this tract, renews the blood and the vital ity. Ilelng very palatable It Is tho ideal family medicine for all stomach ind Intestinal troubles. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, manufacturer, "H!i S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ills. Teachers Selected. At the special meeting of Iheltoard of education Monday night, Miss An nie Maxwell of Fremont was selected to (ill the place in the high school made vacant by the resignation of Miss Sprung. Miss Maxwell Is a daughter of the late Judge Maxwell, who at one time, lived in I'lattsmouth. Miss Hilda Harwick was also added tt; the teach ing rorce. Miss Lottie Smith was se lected as principal of the East Fourth ward school; Miss Delia Tritsch will take Mrs. Williams place, and Miss Fight transferred to Central school building. Everything Is in readiness for the opening of the various depart ments next Tuesday morning. Football Team Organized. The young men of I'lattsmouth have organized a football team, and propose to "do up" all other teams In Cass county during the season. The team Is composed of the follow Ing members: Ernest Wirick, captain; Will Kolmrt- son, managerand treasurer; with other assignments as follows: L. K. Rob ertson, L.T.-Carmaek, L. C.-Warga, C Sanders, II. (;.- Clenn. It. T., It. T.-. Ma pes, It. E.-Travls, It. H.-Palmer, . 1!.- Hargor, L. I'.. Wilklns. This will prove a great ag gregation, and all the contesting clubs want to look out when they run up against these boys. Hold On, There! Adams county has more wind lookinir schoolma'ams than any other county in me siaie. Mate papers please copy. Hastings Republican. We challenge the Republican for a show down. We are from Missouri. Cass is the bannercounty for the hand somest and Ix'st schoolma'ams In the state, and claims that reputation. Emergency Medicines. It Is a great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use In case of accident and for slight Injuries and aliments. A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite, if not a household necessity, Is Chamberlain's Pain Palm. Hy applying it promptly to a cut, bruise or burn it allays tho pain and causes tho injury to heal In about one-third the time usually re quired, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger ot blood poison ing. When Pain Halm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated before Inflam mation sets In, which Insures a quick recovery. For sale by all druggists. TT