The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 25, 1904, Image 2

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"(Jut lloil," tin favorite cigar
lr. Marshall, Ivutlst, (oats' Itlock.
Rend llaydcn Itio'sud In tills paper.
Mauy Murphy, 1m ks and st a 1 1
Mauy X M urphy, line china and nit
1 r. Marshal!, iH'iitlst, guaranteed
work. i
The best soda water In the world at
(torliiK X Co.'s.
1,. O'Neill was down from Ilavelm k
to spend Sunday.
Smoke the Wuil I'.ros.' eelehrated
"Cut Hell" cigars.
Miss Klla UulTuer Is visiting rela
tives In St. Joseph, Mo.
Ir. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Office with Dr. K. 1. Cummins.
T. It. Stokes and family of Murray
were riattsmonth visitors Monday.
That real, smooth, tasteful lee cream
soda costs only "c,al, tiering X Co.'s.
A. .1. Iteeson returned Saturday
from a business trip to Carthage, Mo.
Crushed fruit of all kinds with Ice
cream soda, only "c at (ierlng X Co.'s.
Mauy X Murphy are agents for
Npauldiug's athletic goods, the best on
Misses Marie Novotny and Francis
SvtKloda went to Chicago Monday to
visit, friends.
Not how cheap hut how good, l'ut
t(K)n's Sun I'roof I'alut. Sold only hy
Gering X Co.
Mauzy X Murphy for yraphaphones
and supplies. Largest line of records
in the county.
The A. O. IT. W. hall on Chicago
avenue Is being repainted and other
wise Improved.
(Iocs further, looks better and lasts
longer, l'ut ton's Sun I'roof Paint.
Goring X Co. agents.
Mrs. V. R. Clement is making an
extended visit with relatives and
friends hi Louisville.
If you are a Judge of a good smoke,
try the "Acorns" .1 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
Mrs. Elmer Moure and children, of
Paclllc Junction, visited friends in
Plattsmoutli last week.
Several workmen from Omaha are
engaged In putting tire escapes on the
(Vulval school building.
It costs a little more but Is by far
the best, ration's Sun I'roof Paint
tiering Co., sole agents.
Sheriff Mcltrlde Is kept very busy
now. lie lias plenty to do and he gets
a hustle on him and does it.
Dr. .). M. (Jreen was over from
Weeping Water Friday, lie Is well
pleased with his new home.
Misses Jenetta and Geneva Nelson
liave just returned from a two weeks
visit with Weeping Water friends.
Mrs. E. S. Chandler departed for
her home In Havelock Tuesday, ac
companled by her sister, Miss Myrtle
Miss Lillian Rookmeler, accompan
led by the Misses Vlceu of Omaha, de
parted Tuesday for St. Louis to visit
the exposition.
The management Is arranging for a
Mr celebration on Labor lay, Sep
tember ft. All the unions of the city
will participate.
Wendel Hell of Klghf Mile Grove
was a business visitor at the Journal
ofllcc Tuesday. Ills daughter, Miss
Ida, accompanied him to the city.
M. Fanner went to Omaha yester
day to select his fall stock of millinery
goods, lie was accompanied by Miss
Uose Schall and Miss Mary Kunsman
The Jewelry store belonging to L. S.
Koblnson in Glenwood, Iowa, w as bur
glarl.ed Monday night and It Is said
that goods to the amount of $7"0 were
Miss Henrietta Martin, of Platts
luouth, who has licen In the city the
guest of Miss Clara Karstens, return
cd to her home yesterday afternoon. -Nebraska
City Tribune.
Mrs. C. II. Jennings, ltoston -"Our
tables (twins) were sickly. Had sev
eral doctors, but no results, llollister's
Kocky Mountain Tea made them
strong and robust." :!." cents. Tea
or tablets. Gerlng & Co.
Mrs. C. C. Parmele and children
have returned from their trip east. In
their rounds they visited New York,
"Washington, Huston and many other
points in the east, and on their return
rlsited Chicago and points lu Wiscon
sin. A special fini Green wood states
that on Tuesday afternoon William A.
Armstrong was thrown from a buggy
in a runaway and the horse fell on top
of lilm, breaking his leg. The unfor
tunate man Is a mall clerk on the
Hurllngton running from Omaha to
Denver, and was home for a few days.
The report Is that he is In a rcrlous
condition and that the limb may have
to be amputated.
Ed Mann was a Lincoln visitor yes
estcrday. M Ink Teresa lleinpel was an Omaha
visitor yesterday.
John Carter of Weeping Water was
In the city yesterday.
Hon. Frank P.. White was down
from Omaha Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Leek of Murray
were Plattsmoutli visitors Monday.
A. W. At wood went to Omaha Mon
day to witness the automobile races.
Mrs. C. L. Merger visited friends In
Cedar Creek Hit: fore part of tin' week
R. I!. Windham and daughter. Miss
llermia, returned Irom North l'latte,
Miss Ellen PJkcu'iury departed
Tuesday night for I lie St, Louis expo
sition. Miss Mrusilla Thomas is visiting rel
atives In Council liluffs and ('resent
City, Iowa.
Chancellor Huntington of ('diver
sity Place was the guest, of Rev. .1. W.
Swan Sunday.
Mrs. M. S, I'.rlggs ami children went
to southeastern Iowa Tuesday to visit
at various points.
Mrs. F,d McMaken, of Newcastle,
Wyo., came in Monday evening for a
visit with relatives.
W. M. Chandler, who was visiting
In this city, went to Greenwood Tues
day to visit his sister.
Can (J. Swan, of Nebraska City,
spent Sunday with his parents, Kev.
and Mrs. J. W. Swan.
John Hurley came lu from Denver
Tuesday, summoned here on account
of the Illness of his child.
Miss K ut 1 1 Patterson and Jenette
While, of North l'latte, are visiting
relatl ves In I'lasttsmouth.
Mlsf Pert ha White, who lias been
visiting Plattsmoutli friends, returned
to her home in Omaha Thursday.
Mr. and M rs. .1. M. Huberts enter
tained the Shoop-Pirie bridal party
Tuesday evening. Also other friends.
James Dysert, of I'nion, who recent
ly returned from a trip to the state of
Washington, was In the city yester
day. Wes Grassman and H. E. Mateson
went to Omaha last week to enter the
employ of the M. P. railroad com
Alfred Mall, a former Plattsmoutli
boy who has been located In Wheeling,
W. Va.. for some time, Is visiting rel
atives here.
The fresh oyster season is now on,
and Perry's up-to-date restaurant Is
where you can linil them in any style
you desire.
Miss Kittle Cummins returned
Tuesday from her visit with friends in
St. Joseph, Mo. She reports a very
pleasant time.
F. W. LelinhotT has sold the laundry
to Mr. F. Vogel, late of Denver, Colo.,
and the new proprietor has taken pos
session of same.
Mrs. J. W. Newell came In from Al
liance, Neb.. Tuesday evening to be
present at the Plrle-Shoop wedding
yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Halrd, W. N. Halrd, and the
Misses Caroline and L'stella Halrd, de
parted Monday for a week's visit at
the St. Louis exposition.
John Kraeger, one of the Journal's
Mynard patron's called Saturday and
renewed for another year. M r. K reager
reports the corn crop booming In his
D. P. Downs and family went to
Des Moines, yesterday, to attend the
Iowa state fair. From there they
will visit Chicago lefore returning.
You need clean healthy bowels Just
as much as pure, wholcsoiiu food;
without either, you cannot keep well.
llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea elim
inates all Impurities. Tea or tablets.
tiering & Co.
Lee Maytield of the Louisville Cour
ier was a Plattsmoutli visitor yester
day. He called and set up the cigars
to the office Imys, including "Uncle
Hilly." He It said he didn't get us
like Judge Travis did.
Mrs. Anna McKeeof Trenton, Mo.,
has just brought suit in the Cnlted
States circuit court against the city of
shland, Neb., for Injuries sustained
from a defective sidewalk. She wants
HO.iHM damages. Here Is another
warning to the authorities of Platts
moutli to make haste In compelling
the putting down of good substantial
Judge Travis has Issued marriage
permits to the following parties since
the last Issue (if the Journal: Ashlev
O. Ault, aged twenty-live, of Hastings,
Neb., and Miss Anna Wolf, of Cedar
Creek, aged nineteen; William S. P..
l'lrle, aged twenty-three, of Lincoln,
and Miss Grace Slioop, aged nineteen,
of Plattsmoutli; Clans Hoetel, aged
twenty-three, and MKs Pearl Mines,
aged eighteen, liotli of l'lattsmouth.
Joe Klein was down from Lincoln
P. C. Hanson was down from Omaha
to spend Sunday.
Kalph Towle was down from South
( hnaha to spend Sunday.
L. H. Peterson and family Sundayed
w 1th relatives in ( Mnaha.
Mrs. C. E. Melger of Cedar Creek
visited in this city Saturday.
Joseph A. Conner was down from
Omaha Saturday on business.
Sam Patterson, of Arapahoe, Neb.,
was here on business Monday.
F. W. Ethcridge, of Greenwood,
Sundayed with Plattsmoutli friends.
Eddie SehulholT departed last Thurs
day for a visit with friends in Denver.
H. II. Tartsch of McCook, was here
on business the fore part of the week.
Mrs. E. J. Pickett or Lincoln visited
w ith her son, W. L., and his wife last
George Horn and family of Cedar
Creek were Plattsmoutli visitors Sat
urday. The name that means finality Is Pat
ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
tiering & Co.
Miss Myrtle Hoberts, of South Oma
ha, spent Sunday with the family of
.1. M. Huberts in t his city.
Judge Jacob Fawcett and I. A.
Wells, Omaha attorneys had business
in Judge Travis' court Monday.
D. C. Woodrig, superintendent of
bridges for the H. X M., was a business
visitor to Plattsmoutli Saturday.
Mrs. C. M. McElroy and son of Mor
ris, Minn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Pollock, parents of the former.
W. II. Heil and daughter, Lizzie,
were visitors In the city Thursday af
ternoon. Mr. Heil called at the Jour
nal office on business.
H. M. Jackson, M D. Chronic and
nervous diseases a specialty. Monthly
treatments. Write, or call at .311
Hamge Hlock, Omaha.
The M. P. agent sold Hi) tickets to
I'nion last Saturday, which shows that
Plattsmoutli was pretty well represent
ed at the old settlers' reunion.
Miss Adelia Heil. who was the cuest
of Misses Minnie and Elsie Thierolf
several days last week, has returned to
her home In Eight Mile Grove.
Will Archer spent Sunday with
home folks. He has been located at
Valley Junction, Iowa, but left Mon
day morning for Pocatellc, Idaho.
('. S. Stone, cashier of the Murray
State Hank, was a Plattsmoutli visitor
Monday. The Journal is pleased to
note his recovery from his late lliness.
Mrs. Lelia Dugey came in from Ot
tuimva, Iowa, Friday evening, en route
for her home In I'nion. She had been
visiting friends over in the Hawkeye
For the Woodmen of the World car
nival at Omaha August 29 to Septem
ber 4. the Missouri Pad tic will make
one-third fare for round trip August
Hi) to September:!.
Among the teachers examined by
Superintendent Wortman last Satur
day, were Misses Edith Dean of Green
wood, Anna M. Towle of Wabash,
Alice Cameron of Ashland, Stella Opp
of Avoca, and John Opp of Avoca.
1'ncle Jake Kunzmann, our genial
old German friend of Cedar Creek, was
lu the city Monday, celebrating his
seventy-first anniversary with his nu
merous friends. May our old friend
live to celebrate many more similar
events, Is the wish of the Journal.
G. Sprleck, accompanied by his son,
Otto, of Cedar Creek, of gave the Jour
nal a pleasant call Saturday. Mr. S.
Is now a resident of Stanton county,
Net)., where he ow ns a large ranch.and
be and w ife are spending a few weeks
In Cass county visiting with old neigh
bors and friends. Mr. Sprleck Is a
Journal reader and says be has never
missed an Issue. We were pleased to
meet him.
Fred Patterson and his friend, F. A.
Harrett, called at the Journal oftlce
one day last week. Mr. Harrett and
family are out for a recreation trip and
had a skill in which they landed at
their friend's place. Mr. Harrett's
home is at Neuman's Grove, Neb., and
he says he and his family are out for a
pleasure trip and w ill spend a couple
of weeks with Fred and family. Fish
ing and hunting Is the program out
lined, and they gave the Journal man
a very polite Invitation to visit them
and enjoy a tish-fry.
Mr. Frank Walters, of Lock port,
111., was a Plattsmoutli visitor Wed
nesday of this week nt the Inn,,., ,,f
Abram Hupley. Mr. Walters was re-j
turning to his home from the Hone-
steel country, where he had been to
tile on the farm he drew In Fncle
Sam's ' lottery a few weeks ago.
Mr Wi, .ers will be remembered by
some of the Plattsmoutli people, as he
was married to Mr. Hupley's daughter
some twelve years ago in this city and
two years later returned to Platts
moutli with his wife, where she died
of consumption; this being Mr. Wal
ters last visit to our city until Wed
nesday of this week. Mr. Walters is
one of Lockport's prosperous business
men, being engaged In the general
mercantile line, and those whom he
met in Plattsmoutli are certalnlv
numbered with his fast friends.
Bed Spreads CSi Towels
We have made a very special purchase in these
lines and offer them at the following low prices.
In view of the fact that linens and cottons have
advanced, these prices are unusually attractive:
Bed Spreads-69c, 99c, SI.I8, $1.29, $1.39, $1.59, $1.78 and $1.89
Towels lie, I5c, 18c, 19c and 20c
Defender Muslin Underwear
Another Team Stolen.
Last Sunday night another team of
horses and single-seat top buggy were
stolen from near Weening Water.
Sheriff McEride has sent out several
hundred cards, giving a description of
the property stolen and also of the sun-
posed thief. It seems that suspicion
rests upon a certain party, who, from
the description given, ought to be verv
easily detected. This horse stealing
business has become so monotonous in
('ass county that if not stopped nrettv
shortly, the fanners are liable to take
vigilant measures to put an end to It.
Sheriff MclJride has done and Is still
doing everything in his power to bring
the nuilty parties to justice, butas his
hands to some extent have been tied in
the performance of his duties, we can't
blame the farmers for taking the law
Into their own hands. Horse thieves
light shy of a county with a well organ
ized vigilance committee.
A Dirty Whelp.
It is claimed that a young ladv. the
name of whom the police refuse to di
vulge, while on her way home In the
south part of the city about 5 o'clock
Friday evening last, was accosted In a
most ungentlemanly manner by an en
tire stranger, the llkeshcdoes does not
wish to experience again. As she was
passing along near the site of the old
slaughter house, south of the shops, a
mini lumped out from tall weeds and
grabbed her by both hands, and it was
with considerable difficulty that she
released herself from the terrible
grasp of the dirty scoundrel. After
freeing herself, she dealt the man a
blow with her parasol, making her es
cape by running for dear life. The
young lady says she never saw the fel
low before, but that she could easily
recognize him If they ever meet again.
Such cowardly and dastardly whelps
should be tarred and feathered and
drummed out of town.
We have called attention to the
opening of the fall term, Sept. 1, of
the Omaha Commercial College. Many
have written Eohrbough Brothers for
advertising literature, and have de
cided to attend this institution to
prepare for mercantile life. Nobetter
sellectlon could possibly be made. We
advise ot tiers to send at once for free
catalogue. Address Rohrbough Eros.,
Omaha, Neb.
Why is it that Ayer's Hair
Vigor does so many remark
able things? Because it is n
hair food. It feeds the hair.
puts new life into it. The hair I
Hair Vigor
cannot keep from growing.
And gradually all the dark,
rich color of early life comes
back to gray hair.
Whn t Brtt n,il Aytr't lllr Vlsnr mt
Imlr ttmul til (rr Hut nnw It I. m
tirh biark. mill ihirk at I could with."
- Ht. Hi ran KLorrnTiEii, TuicumOin.
A .
I 00 boltl.
J. r. Atrn rn
Gray Hair
Just Received
We have the extra
sizes in these garments
which are usually so
hard to obtain.
"Dickey Dickey Doubt."
F. P. Sheldon's man Friday in his
last effusion in that great moral and
religious weekly, the Nehawka Regis
ter, says: "We have no crow to pick
with John McBride, but will say for
the edification of the Journal man that
Hon. Frank P. Sheldon has nothing to
do with the Nehawka Register at this
time, and knew nothing of what ap
peared in its columns. The writer
does not court newspaper controversy
but will inform Iiro. liates that his In
terference in the news matter of Reg
ister will be disregarded; and that
Slieriir Mclhide and the writer can
settle their diirercnces without the in
tervention of financially interested
meddlers." Well, Dickey, we must say
you feel quite egotistical, since you
thew aside the paintbrush and donned
the garb of editor. When we sec one
of our best county olllcials slandered,
as the copy of the Register which bore
the name of F. P. Sheldon at the mast
head, slandered Sheriff MclJride, the
Journal will fly right to his rescue, not
withanding you consider the Journal a
"financially interested meddler." Rut
don't call us any more hard names,
Dickey, as we might be placed under
the painful necessity of calling you
down "good and hard."
The Poison Label.
The hcaltn department of the slate
of Illinois has in consideration the
proposition of a prominent physician
to compel by law the manufacturers of
medicines and articles of food to
label their specialties poison, even if
It contains the smallest amount of a
deleterious Ingredient. Such a luw
would show to the people that Trincr's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine Is the
only reliable remedy for the stomach
containing no poison. It consists of
the purest natural grape wine and of
herbs known for their prompt action
on the digestive organs and thus on
the blood. For years It has been be
fore the public and today it has friends
In every country, because It always
gave satisfaction. In all diseases of
the stomach and in those caused by
Impure or weak blood, in nervousness,
In bodily weakness, you cannot find a
more palatable and more effective
remedy than Trlner's American Elixir
of Hitter Wine. At drug stores or di
rectly from the manufacturer, Jos.
Trines, 799 So. Ashland avenue, Chi
cago, 111.
A Summer Cold.
A summer cold Is not only annoying
but If not relieved pneumonia w ill be
the probable result by fall. One Min
ute Cough Cure clears the phelgm,
draws out the Inllamatlon, heals and
sooths and strengthens the lungs and
bronichlal tubes. One Minute Couh
Cure is an ideal remedy for the child
ren. It Is pleasant to the. taste and
perfectly harmless. A certain cure
for croup, cough and cold. Sold by F.
G. Frlcke & Co.
Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Fork,
Ky., says she has prevented attacks of
cholera morbus by taking Chamber
lain's Stomach and LIverTablcts when
she felt an attack coming on. Such
attacks are usually caused by Indiges
tion and these tablets and Just what Is
needed to cleanse the stomach and
ward off the approaching attack. At
tacks of bilious colic may be prevented
In the same way. Fur sale by all drug
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block.
Summer Dress Goods
Our sale is still on.
Entire Stock; of Wash fabrics
From 5o to 19c.
Queen Quality Shoes
The best $3.00 shoe made.
See display in east window.
Special Prices This Month on Par
asols and Umbrellas. A Special Re
duction on this Season's Shirt Waists.
Our Lines are Complete In all the De
partments. NOTICE
We have moved our stock of
Books, Stationery, etc. to the
Leonard Building, formerly
occupied by Lchnhoff Bros.,
where we will be pleased to
serve you in the future.
Mauzy & Murphy
Miraculous Escape.
Last Saturday Lee Allison, of near
Murray, came very near meeting with
a fatal accident. He was going from
Union to the reunion grounds, and
drove toocloseto the creek along side
of which he was passing, when the
horses, vehicle, Lee and his companion
went over the bank, landing in the
mud and water, several feet below.
It was with considerable dilliculty that
the team was extricated. After cut
ting the harness and by the use of a
block and tackle, the horses were rais
ed from their muddy bed. No serious
damage was done, but we'll bet that
Lee and his companion don't want to
experience any more such narrow es
capes from serious injury, if not in
stant death.
'Tis said a bottle and a glass
Will make a person mellow,
Rut Rocky MountalnTca'sthedrink
That livens up a fellow.
Gering & Co.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all stagcs,and that
is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting di
rect'y upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of thesystem, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giv
ing the patient strength by building
up the constitution and assisting na
ture in doing its work. The proprie
tors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that It fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J.Cheney k Co.,To!elo, ).
Sold by all Druggists, ::e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Cider Making!
Rear In mind my cider press will be In
operation durlnir thp m9mui n-i
days, Fridays and Saturdays of of each
week, until November . Itli, on which
date cider-making will positively dose
t. .m . 1.1 .. .
mi neinemoer the closing
date November 5.
JVKM'Kt, Jli:iL.
For Sale !
A rubber-tired go-cart and lady's
bicycle, both in splendid repair. In
quire at the Journal ofllcc.
When vou want a nlivsiKrimr i-....n.i
and gentle.casy to take and certain to
un.uinujsusenamoeriain s Stomach
and Liver Tablets. I 'or fcnlrt l. Mn
, , . v till