The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1904, Image 8

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Mustang Liniment
earra Cuts, Hum", llrniars.
Mustang Liniment
t-urra Sjirnlna nnri Strain.
Mustang Liniment
ia n punitive cure for l'llca.
Mustang Liniment
cure I'roatbltf and Chilblain.
Mustang Liniment
Itcat thlu fur It louic borate.
Mustang Liniment
drive out ull Inllmnmut lotu
Mustang Liniment
Heat for Ilorae ailment.
Mustang Liniment
Beat fur Cuttle ailmenta.
Mustang Liniment
lieat fur Sheep ailmenta.
Mustang Liniment
fur Man, Ueat or Poultry.
Mustang Liniment
beala Old Sure a quickly.
Mustang Liniment
cure Caked Udder in cows.
Mustang Liniment
In uae fur over sixty ycanu y
Mustang Liniment
cures Spavin and Klngbone.
Mustang Liniment
limber mp Stiff Jutnta.
Mustang Liniment
)va4rute to the very buue.
Mustang Liniment
ninny given nntlafiictloti.
ang Lin
Mustang Liniment
cures all forma of Rheumatism.
Weeping Water
I'roin lln Ki'iiulillrun
lr. Creen placed n load or new fur
niture in Ills otlk-o Monday niornhik'.
Mrs. S. S. illh'hlus Is entertaining a
sister from I'allfornla whom she had
nut seen fur more than ten years.
The Hist load of this season's oats
was brought to town last i'riday.
They were liht and ehalTy.
Mrs John I'asey, of Oklahoma, sur
prised her sUte is, Mesdames M. Ken
nedy and .las. Casper, last week and
will spend some time here visiting.
Mrs. Thus. Cro.ler received word
Monday of tlif serious Illness or her
mother, who lives In Oklahoma. The
news effected Mrs. Cro.ler so hadly
Hint for a time her life was despaired
Mr. and Mos. Chas. II. Andrews and
daughter Clara started Tuesday morn
ing to visit Mrs. Andrews' hrolher in
Kalamazoo, Mich. They will return
via CiilcuKO and the exposition.
J. S. Saner, who sold his harness
business here in April to o to Hot
Sprlntis, Ark., for his health, returned
a week aj;o. lie says his rheumatism
isalU-one and the stomach trouble
considerably heneliled.
Jiihn McKay has '2' peach trees and
says ho thinks the crop will average a
bushel to the tree. The fruit Is or a
very line quality this year and those
who are fortunate enough to have
poach orchards are koIiik to have lots
of fruit.
A year-old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Nat llawloy, who live on the Lasch
farm east of town, ate some poison lly
paper one day last week. lr. (ireene
was summoned and after a hard battle
succeeded In brlnnlnt,' the little fellow
out all rl'ht, but it was a close call.
I'rom the llernlil.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Wave Allen
Friday, August fi, a hoy.
Ir. Jensen has purchased for :i(H)
the lots owned by J. K. Klethley on
the corner opposite the (ilblxin house.
The Ioctor expects to have his barn
moved onto them.
The year-old son of Chas. (iilmore
was taken dangerously sick Thursday
morning last, with convulsions, and
for a time his condition was critical.
Johnson & Harnes bought about 0(H)
bushels of apples last Thursday, and
'Friday they took in a number of loads.
The Ihiehess was the variety lounht
and ahm st two carloads were shipped.
Mrs. Mary Koe came In from Ham
burg the fore part of the week, and
visited her son, A. J. She has been
treated for cancer, and although It lias
been removed three times, it Is com
ing back and growing fast, effect ink
one eye.
Mrs. Kaehel Croeo, ofOlatho, Kan.,
spent several days visiting her broth
er, John ,. Pawson, returned home
Monday. Mr. Pawson Is very sick
with cancer of the stomach, and for
weeks has been unable to retain any
The H. & M. l!y was represented by
an adjuster who waited on Allen Walk
er, Saturday, to settle damages for In
juries sustained recently In falling oil
atrain. He offered Mr. Walker I00
which was not accepted. The latter
thinks he should have something
more than the doctor bill, and will get
it If he holds out.
John Jones is having the foundation
laid for his new residence on his fifteen
acre tract of land adjoining town. The
house will he built just west of the W.
F. Case residence, and will tie ;i('.:;r
Imparts that peculiar lightness,
sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts,
etc., which expert pastry cooks
declare is unobtainable by the use
of any other leavening agent.
Made from Pure, Grape Cream of Tartar.
feet, to cost probably 2,,".iH. Mr.
Matthews has the contract and the
IUckson Lumber company furnishes
the lumber.
Frank luidley departed Saturday for
Chicago, and now we extend congrat
ulations to Mr. and Mis Frank 1 Mid
ley, as Frank left fully prepared and
willing to take part In the combina
tion of comedy and drama, entitled,
"Joined In Wedlock," to Miss Cora
Hello Honey. The happy couple w ill
join a company of eighteen people un
der tno title of "Frank Ihidley Co ,
Superlative," and will open their en
gagements for the season at Hot
Springs on the L".M.h. The wedding oc
cuired Sunday p. in., Aug. 7.
Puts an End to it All.
A grevlous wall oft hues comes as a
result a unbearable pain from over
taxed organs. I tlz.lness, backache, liv
er complaint a;id constipation. Hut
thanks to lr. King's Now Life Fills
they put an end to all. They are gentle
but thorough. Try them, (inly 2.".
(iuaranteed by F. (!. Frlcke & Co.,
l'rcim tln Kntrrprlse.
Miss June Rouse has been quite sick
several days.
Dr. Stone left this morning for a
trip to the World's fair.
Harry ltelllnger Is home from Hot
Springs, N. 1)., on a visit.
William Johnson Is very sick hut Is
improving under the care of lr. Mil
ler. Mrs. Lizzie Long and Miss Carrie
Clyzer left this week on a trip to Hon
ton, Washington and other points In
the east.
John llodgins left yesterday for
Host on, to attend the drawl Encamp
ment of (!. A. li. He will be absent a
week or two.
C. F. Hressert, of Cincinnati, a for
mer droonwood citizen, stopped otl a
few hours Friday, on his way to the
Hlack Hills.
I'rof. Foxworthy Is getting the hand
in good shape awl in a short time wc
will have one of the best bands In the
state. The boys should be encouraged
as there Is no one thing that helps a
town more than a good band.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. II. Zehring of
Portland, Oregon, came In Monday
evening for a short visit at the home
of J.S. Foster. Mr. Zehring was a
former droonwood citizen and at one
time published a newpap'T here, but
is now a mall clerk working out of
Paint Bargains -Special.
Linseed oil, raw, i)C per gallon.
Linseed oil, boiled, lie per gallon.
Carter's white load, is.j: per 100 lbs.
Southern white lead, ti.!; per 100 lbs.
l'atton 's Sun Proof paint. J1.75 per
gallon; fl gallons or more, $1,150 pergal.
Turpentine, :c per gallon.
duuiNii & Co., Druggists.
from the lii u'Ntcr.
Mrs. White Is still very low. and it
seems she is not gaining strength, we
are sorrv to saw
Mrs. Tom Fulton's mother, Mrs.
Allen, from Sioux City, Iowa, Is here
to make her happy by a long visit.
Mrs Otto Albin, who has boon a
great sulTeror for the past month from
cancer of the stomach, is still very
weak, we are sorry to announce.
Capt. deo. L. Sheldon returned from
his trip through Mississippi and the
south Tuesday noon. We have not
Interviewed him yet but are Informed
ho enjoyed his trip very much but saw
no country that, would compare with
this great state of the iiorthland.
Tuesday's noon train from thesoiith
brought. In Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kcho
maker and daughters, F.dith and
Hertha. They had been to St. Louis
attending the World's Fair for the
past week. They saw big sights and
had a very pleasant time
Joseph Malcoinb who was so severely
hurt w bile dismant ling the old mill at
Factoryville some time since Is able to
come down town again occasionally,
although he is far from being well, ami times. We
are glad to see him on the street again
and hope he will soon be well.
Lawson Sheldon, who has been quite
sick for the past ten days Is slowly re
covering, we are pleased to announce.
It Is thought he taxed his strength too
heavily (luring harvest.
The only damage wc have heard of
from the storm of Monday night was
that the wind blew open a gate at E.
A. Klrkpatrlck's place and a cow got
In and helped hersilf to the garden
August Johnson is wearing a smile
that would make any mortal Jump
sideways, and the reason Is thuswise.
Fifteen years ago he loft his home,
wife and two children, at Kalman,
Sweden, to cross the big waters to ilnd
a home in America for homself and
family. He landed safely In New York
and Is now an honored citizen of our
village. He just got a letter from his
w ife stating that she and her two sons,
now Hi and I'd years old respectively
would arrive here about the last of
this month. You can all Imagine the
joy in his heart and the pleasure of
this reunited family.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov
ered w ill Interest many. A run down
system, or despondency invariably
precede suicide and something has
been found that will prevent that con
dition which makes suicide likely. At
the first thought of self destruction
t-ke Electric Hitters. It being a great
tonic and nervine w ill strengthen the
nerves and build up the system. It's
also a great Stomach, Liver and Kid
ney regulator. Only ;"0e Satisfaction
guaranteed by F. d. (i. Fricke & Co.,
From tlie lli'HCon.
Some farmers have been complaining
of worms working at the roots of the
Will Hudson has shipped has thresh
ing outfit to Hutler county where it Is
said they have an abundance of small
grain this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sack left on the
llyer Monday evening for St. Louis.
They will also visit relatives in Illinois
and expect to be absent about two
deorge Heitter, Sr. believes there
will be a good crop of corn this fall
and is building a double crib LMx4s on
one of hi farms southeast of tow n.
Another business house of Kagle has
changed hands this week. This time
Fred Hahr has sold his hardware store
to Max Spahnle and Fred Onkln.
They are invoicing the stock now.
John Ferguson and wife of Oklaho
ma, were visiting in town the first of
the week. Mr. Ferguson formerly liv
ed on a farm west of town. Wc under
stand he will engage In business In
F.thel Alice Keitter, Infantdaugliter
of Mr. and Mrs Alvlti II. Ueittcr was
born July 22, l'.HU, died August 4, I'.tOl.
The little one had only a glimpse of
time when she was carried away by
the angels to her Father's palace In
the eternity of everlasting Joy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. It. Kees, of Cape
town, South Africa, who are making
a tour of this country, and at present
arc visiting relatives In Lincoln, visit
ed Mr. Kees's cousin, Mrs. F. J. Hahr
In this city from Saturday until Mon
day. They were accompatiled by Miss
Kees, of Lincoln.
Mrs. Jake Finland, who has been
suffering for some time was taken to
St. Elizabeth's hospital in Lincoln last
Saturday for treatment. On Sunday
Mrs. Finland underwent an operation,
performed by Ir. dlftln, of Lincoln,
assisted by lr. Mliel, of Eagle. The
operation was very successful and at
last accounts was Improving as well as
could be expected.
From the Courier.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. 1'. C. Stander.
W. E. (ioss left Thursday for Minne
sota, to visit his old Inime.
Col. W. J. I!au, the genial agent at
the I!. M. depot, is taking a ten days'
vacation and w ill visit the big show at
St. Louis. Mr. It. V. Stark of Lincoln
is In charge of the station during Hil
ly 's absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lehnhoir re
turned Tuesday from Waverly, where
they were called to attend the funeral
of their only great-grandchild, a little
eight-months' old son of Mr. and Mrs.
deorge Hedges,
The Courier was favored with a call
Wednesday afternoon from the Misses
Nell and Claire Smith from Kansas
City and Miss dertrude Ileeson of
I'lattsmouth, the party being chaper
oned by "L'ncle" lien Hoover. The
young ladies are guests at the home of
Captain J. T. A. Hoover.
Manager Pollock informs the Cour
ier that the farmers' telephone line
has been completed as far west as Au
gust l'anska's and south as far as Wm.
Erhart's and that the 'phones w ill be
placed In a few days. There will be
another line running south east
of town as far as Chas. Gerlach's
which will connect all that part of
the country.
Will Wendt has been hauling lum
ber from Klchey's yards for the past
thirty days, and when asked what he
intended doing w ith so much lumber
replied that he was going to build a
larger hog house than that owned by
Charley (iaehel if it took all the lum
ber Richey had In the yard. In addi
tion to this lie is building a large dou
ble corn crib, and is getting things in
shape to harvest a mammoth crop of
corn and pigs.
G. B. Burhans Testifies after Four
Ct. li. Purloins, of Carlisle Center,
N. Y., writes: "About four years ago
I wrote you stating that I had been
entirely cured of a severe kidney trou
ble by taking less tean two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stop
ped the brick dust sediment, and pain
and symptoms of kidney disease disap
peared. I am glad to say that I have
never had a return of any of those
symptoms during the four years that
have elapsed and 1 am evidently cured
to stay cured, and heartily recommend
Foley's Kidney Cure to any one sutler-
ing from kidney or bladder trouble."
F. C. Fricke & Co.
To Everywhere and Back-
The Hurllngton oilers excursion
rates in every direction, so low that
there is no excuse for staying at home.
Helow are some of them:
St. Louis and back three kinds of
daily rates besides the special low rate
coach excursions on each Tuesday and
Thursday during August and Septem
ber. Chicago and back daily low rates
cither direct or via St. Louis, with
stopovers at St. Louis, Kansas City
and Omaha.
Louisville, Ky., and back $21.73,
August 12th to 13th.
Poston and back the only chance
of the season for a low rate visit to
New England, $.'10.30, August 11th to
i:tth, long limit.
World's fair stopovers at St. Louis
on through tickets.
Colorado, Utah and Hlack Hills re
sorts-there and back at practically
half rates all summer.
To California San Francisco and
Los Angeles and back August 1.1th to
September 10th, -only 4.". The only
chance In 1H04 to get this low rate.
Portland, Fuget Sound and back-
August 13th to lth, one fare for the
round trip.
To Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin
and the dreat Lake region, the Ideal
summer country, dally low rates to
take you away from home.
On the tlrst and third Tuesdays of
each month very low round trip rates
to hundreds of points In the north
west, west and southwest.
Write or call, describe your trip, lot
me advise you on the least cost.
W. L. l'H'KKTT, Ticket Agent.
Cholera Infantum.
This disease has lost Its terrors since
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Mar
rhoe Remedy came Into general use.
The uniform success which at tends the
use of this remedy In all cases of bowel
complaints In Children has made it a
favorite wherever Its value has become
known. For sale by all druggists.
War on China
and Queensware
THIS means just what we say. Every piece of
Otieensware in our large stock will be reduced to
the original cost, and on many articles below cost.
This line of goods must be moved, as we need the
room. The prices we offer will certainly do it.
In Our Grocery
This Old Reliable store, as it always has done, stands
ready to offer you the best values for the money. Our
line is certainly one of the most complete to be found
in Cass County.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Successor to Weckbach & Cn
World's Fair Visitors
Will find first class accommodations within two blocks of four
different car lines direct to world's fair grounds.
Board and Room $1 per Day or $6 per Week
Write and secure rooms before starting or for
any other information.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Livengood
2737 Morgan Street St. Louis, Missouri
Removing of Household Goods a
Spocinlty. Also, Eeavy
(Suiwssor to Ir. .1. M. (in'one.)
COATS BLOCK. Plittsmouth 'Phone 26
top. tli cough and heal.lung.
Under New Manage-
e. s. TUTT "!,ts ""m1 !riTls
to know that he has
purchased the Grocer Store of L. D. Ben
nett, and that lie will continue to do busi
ness at the old stand and by keeping the
Choicest V Goods
On The Market
is prepared to meet all competition. He de
sire all who want good, fresh things in the
line of staple and fancy groceries, to see him at
Bennett's Old Stand
E. S. TUTT, Prop.
& Ramcje
Still lead all other Meat Markets in
furnishing the people of Platts
mouth and vicinity with
First Class Meats
Of Every Description.
Fresh and Smoked Meats,
Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc
They have removed to the first room
west of their old stand.
Fy courteous treatment to all they
hope to retain their present patrons
and jrain many new ones.