The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1904, Image 7

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    Icoal Hfcvcrttecincnt&.
Notice of Adoption.
In tiie County Court of Cass County. Nebras
ka. In Mir mutter of I lie iiitiitiin of Murtoii Kml
ly I'owvll. it minor ctillil.
All persons littirrMi'il tll tnVv'v t I
on tin- ltli day 'f July. A. 1) !'.. Kilvmrl s.
Il.'ssrllllew mid lfi lyrtU' Ih-ssi'iillnw. HUM
tlietr pt'tittou for tin-iiiloition of salil Mitrlon
Kinlly IVwt'll itmt lliul on Hie same luy the
("liilif Sitvlin; liisiituir of Oumlm. it mrpum
tlun cliilininit to liuve tin-romrol mid riirlit
totlUiioM'or sulil iliiUI. Ii I ill its rtliniuisli
Fm'iil hiiiI roiiM-nt to tin pruiHwil ailoption of
thesitlil Mrlon Knilly IWrll l,y the salil Kil
wurtl S. lles-viillow unit .Myrtle llt ssi ntliiw ;
Unit sulil nitlter will W heard 1 y I lie I'ounty
court ul the I'ourt room In Mil. I intuit y on the
bill iliiy of S'iteinlHT. ut in iiYUn'U u. in..
Ht wliieli time ami plaee olijis'lloiis to said
proposed udoptioti will lie lieanl.
It Is further ordered t hat servlre of this nu
tlet' he luul ly piililiiatlon In the I'latlsnioni h
Journal, u ncwspitier printed unit pulillslied
In salil count v. hv piil'llcallon of Oils order
onee In etu'li week for four Miive-stve ucc ks.
W itness my hand and otlii ial seal tins ;i th
day of July. A. I. l.M.
si:.m. Il.titrrv 1. Tmvis.
4-t4 County Juilce.
Hy virtue of nil tinier of sale, tssiieil hy
James linlierlson. eh rk of the District Court,
within unit for Cass County, NolirasLa. ami to
me ilirecicil. 1 will on the -
22d Day of August. A. D. ID04,
lit - o'clock p. in. of said day. Hi the soulh
soul h tloor of the court house In the city of
I'lat tstnout h. In said enmity, sell at imliilc
miction, to the lilulicst Milder for cash, the
fill low lie.' real esi ale. o- It :
Lots Thrce(:il. l-'ounl), 1-ive (M. and Slv it.).
Ill Itlock round. Youni: and Hays- addition
to I'lattsinoiitli. in Cass count y. Nebraska, to
gether with the privileges anil iipiiurleiiances
thereunto lielonu'imr or in anywise uppc rtaiu
lliH. The same ImIiii; levied upon and taken
as the properl y of Martini ,1. lviirsi'ii, .Inhn
C. Petersen, .hilin I.nrvm. Art K. Alexander.
ami Itiith Mcrrlam, defendants, to satisfy a
jtldL'tiif nt of said Court recovered by the
County of Cass. philnUir, UL-aiiist said de-
I'lattsinotitli. Nebraska. July -1st. A. It,
mn. .it m n it. Mciu; 1 1 i,.
Sheriff". Cass County. Nebraska.
Jesse I.. Hoot. -M-i
l'liOiitlll'.s Attorney.
Ity virtue of mi order of sale Issued hy
James Uohertson. clerk of the District court
within anil for Cass county, Nebraska, and to
me directed. 1 will, on the
22d Day of August. A. D. 1904,
Ht, 2 o'clock p. in, of said (lay. at the south
door of the court house 111 the city of l'latts-
moutli. In said eotiuly. sell at, public auction
U the highest Milder, for cash, the followiiin
real estato, to-wlt:
Lots One (I). Two (2l, Three fl). In Itlock
Twenty-three Cttl. Also Lots Ten it'll. Kiev,
en (11). mid Twelve (I:.'), in Itlock Klifht isi
All In the City of I'lattsmoul h. In the County
of Cass, state of Nebraska. loL'i tln r with the
privileges and appurtenances thereunto he-
loiiKiim or In anywise iipperliilnliiir. 1 lie
same Ih Iiil' levied upon and taken as the
property of Henry li. (ierlnir. defendant, to
satisfy a luili-'meni or sain court recover.'ii ny
the County or Cass, planum, against, sain (ie
fendaiit. IMattsnioiith, Nebraska, .lulv 21st. A. D,
I!)4. JOHN ll. McHKlDi;.
SherilT. Cass County. Nebraska,
Jfssk L. I.'IMIT. -.'-j
1'laintill's Attorney.
Notice of Attachment.
LILL1K COVLi:. alias llatlie Hall, will
take notice, that on the 2nd day of July. I!ni4.
M. Archer, a lustlceof the peace of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment
for the sum of .1i.7n. In an action pciidiiiL' be-
foro him, wherein liottls II. Mt'eiilH rcer Is
plalntlll. and Llllle toyle. alias llaltie Hall,
defendant, that properly of defendant. con
sistlm: of household pKids has lieeii atlai'h
ed under said order. Slid c.iuse was contin
ued to tiie '.'t ill (lav of Auuust. P4. at n 1 1 it
o'clock a. m. Loins It. LiicxiintiiKii.
h-4 4 l'lalntlir,
Notice of Attachment.
LILL1K COYLK. alias llaltie Hall, will
take notice, that on the fth day of July. Unit
M. Archer, a iustlce of the neacenf Casscouii'
ty. Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment
for th(! sum of tl.'i.nd. In an action pending be
fore HI in. wherein I'd I'.iien lierucr Is plalntlll,
and Llllictovle. alias Hal t le Hall, defendant.
that proiierty of defendant nsislliiK of
houscfiolil pHids has been altached iindersaid
order. Said cause was continued to the 27th
day of August, VMii, at nine o'clock a. in.
h-4-4 I'laliiliir.
Notice of (ittachnjeijt.
LI LI. I K COYLK. alius llaltie Hall, will
take nolice. that on the 2d (lay of July. l'.iM,
M. Archer, a iustlce of the peace of Cass
county. Nebraska, Issued unorder of atlach
merit for the sum of f IS.Ito. In an action pend
in It before him. wherein K.d Donat Is plalntlll'
and Llllle Covie. alias liattle Hall defendant
that property of defendant, conslstlnu of
Household L'ooils lias neen atiaciieu iiniier sain
order. Said cause was coin intied to the 2th
day of August. I'.Kd. ul nine o clock a. m.
Kn Ikixat.
H-4-4 riainllir,
Notice to Creditors.
STA lass Cunty.SKA' I ss 1 " Com,,y Co"rt
In the matter of the estato of Otto C. Itool
nieyer, deceased.
Notice Is hereby nivcn that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estale. before me. County .ludtrc of Cass
eoiiiitv. Nebraska, at the county court room
In i'laltsmonlh. in said county, on the 1st day
of October. V.M. and on the Lit Inlay or .iiaren.
lim.). at oneo'cliM'k p. in., each day. for the
puriMiseof presenting their cliilins for e.vatn
imitlon. iiiliiislnient niul allowance.
Six tnonllis are allowed for Hie creditors of
said deceased to present t heir claims, aim one
year for the ailinlnist rator to settle saiti es
lute, from the 2nd llav of Senteiiiber 1!H.
Witness tn v hand and seal of said county
court, at I'la'ttsinouth. Nebraska, this stli day
of Autriist. I'.HM. Hakvkv l. 1 HAVIS.
IsEAi.) :i2-4t County JiiiIl'i1
elate ourselves louetlier for the puriose of
fortniiiL' a cornoralloti under the laws of
the Statu of Nebraska, ami do adopt the
followlnc articles of Incorporation:
AltTK'I.K 1. The name by which this cor
IKiratlon shall he known IsThe .Miirdoi kTele
ttliolie f 'i nil Man V.
AltTK'I.K 2. The principal place of business
of this coriHiratlon slum oc in .nun h
H,i. .'..iii.iv nf Cuss and Stateof Nebraska.
Autii i v. It. Theoblect of which tills cor
partition Is formed Is to build, erect, maintain
and operate a system of telephone lines in
Cass county. .NcnrasKii.
AltTK'I.K :i. The authorized capital stoe
.f H,U eoriwiralloll shall Ik' $l.'mii.i wide
.stock shall lie divided Into shares of the par
valueof One Dollar eacii. or wtiicn snart
l...ll I.., ,,l,wHlu.l and fullv 1111 111 tin.
A iirii i.K :i. The hlk'hesl Indebtedness of
this corpiral Ion sliall not exceed two-third:
or the paid up capital.
Aiitii'i.k it. This cornoralloti shall ht
business on 1 he llrst day of September. I'.ml.
and shall lerininale nil the tirst ilay or Sep
t I,,., iii.'.i inile sooner dissolved.
AltTK'I.K ". Tlteallalrs of tills corKratloti
l,ll I in er I ie luanaL'e lient anil couin
, .f ti It. ri I .,f I llri i'liirs. I'ollsMlll.' of live (
l...- i,i In, I'loi'li'il liv the stockholders.
and a n'resldent. secretary, treasurer and
superintendent to he elected by the Hoard ol
nireciors. All elei-l Ions shall he hy ballot
A majority of the Hoard present In person
at titiiecttiiK shall constuiiie a ipioi um o
tl,,, t ., nu,i,. I, ill itf luwi lies.
Aiiii tei. Tiie iiinolal tliel'titll! of th
stockholders of this ctirporiitlon shall 1h' held
ii, r.mrili Moniluvof Seiitetiiber. in inch
v.., i ilu hoiirnf2o clock, Si ial meet
Iiil'm nf vioi'Uhohlers inav he called by the
Hoard nf Dlreciors by clv'lni; three days not!
Ilcalloti in wrltlmr. Notice Intisl stale pur
pose of such meeting.
AliTK'I.K I'. The stiH'kliolders of this cor
iMiratlon shall In-entitled tonne vote or eai
share of sli K'k held. Holders of a majority e
i.,.H.,- i nil lu r bv nerson or hv nroW
shall constitute u ipioruui for th traiisiictlon
of business.
AltTK'I.K ID. These art Idcsof Incorporat Ion
may be amended by a two-thirds vole of ul
tlic'stockiit annual ineetlnK or ut u spci'lal
liieetllllt called for that purpose.
Wltnessour liands this I.Hh (lay of Jtino.lWI,
I,, rresldcnt.
ltoy II, Cox. Si'i'rotary.
lottsnouth Loan arjd Building
of I'liittstiiouth Neliraska. on the .leth day of
June. r.vt.
First tnortitane loan
;isi; ;
I.3"t IKI
S.lnJ H
it irj 41
Slis W loans ,
U'nl Kslale
lH'llnUent Interest. iretiiluins and
lines 77 s so
KH iises and taves phld T.TVi Kl
(Ulier iissels 41s -Hi
21s :v
jlU.ssii iX
l.lAlill.l I'll S
Capital stock paid up
I'lidlvidcd protils ii.:u: :v
Total -jtVJl iM
Receipts and Expenditures for the
Year Ending June 30. 1904.
Italance on liand .Inly I. Una v,w !'T
Hues 111. 'Aw Hi
Interest, premiums and tines a.uVs II
Loans repaid s.Ot',0 IHI
Other receipts l.lul l".'
Total j:t.."i:. :w
l.oaiis ill.l'.'l lii
I'Apellses jll I'J
Stock redi enied I.".,"44 j'.'
Cash on band ZWl II
Ileal estate lull tin
Total i:i:.'.:7.'i
I, T. M. Patteiison. seen tary of the above
named Association, do solemnly swear that
fori'oinK statement of the condition of said
Association. Is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
T. M. I'atteiisdx, Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lllli
lay of Aintust. l.'UI. L. I. II assb.
skai.1 Notary I'tihllc.
My commission expires ( let. , mm.
A nproved:
J. K. llAKWII'K.
- Directors.
V. J. WlllTK.
Without AVtirntim a 'I rneluble
HI1U 1IU Truluer.
A distinct type of a zoo rogue h the
beast that goes wriing owiii to acci
dental temptation, like Slia'K.v, tin ex-
ceiiliiiKly Intelligent, tractable ltocky
mountain grizzly who reverted to wiv-
ngery and turned man killer In n twln
kllii; owiii;; to the unfortunate misstep
and fall of his trainer.
KluiKRy was it bij,', linndsonie, gray
old fellow, with it jungle thick coat
and u lumbering, awkward gait mid a
funny twinkle that miulo him particu
larly inlaptnblo for his part of clown In
a remarkably trained group of fourteen
bears, lie had come under the hands
of his teacher when but it helpless cub,
bad never lost his liking for enresses
and, although the mightiest boast in
the collection, waa least suspected of
being dangerous. Once when u striped
hyena hung to the tinkle of ills friend
lie had run to the rescue, had cut loosu
right and left with his ponderous fori;
paws and had bitten and torn and man
gled the ugly beast to death before he
could be beaten off. Among his necoiu
pllshments were that of turning admi
rably grotesque somersaults and the
more dilllcult feat of balancing him
self on his hind legs on n three foot
wooden sphere.
Not it scratch or n Bear had his train
er to show for the years of work In
had put in with the bear, and yet.
without tin instant's warning, this
same beast attacked and injured his
master so that when rescued lie was
soiuldementod and so dreadfully cut
and lacerated that the surgeons decid
ed it useless to try to save his life.
McClure's Magazine.
Method of the Stwlely In tvamc nf
the Tot In New York.
It Isn't easy to get a baby for adop
tion from the organization which has
charge of them in New York. On re
ceipt of tiie application a blank Is sent
back containing some twenty printed
questions, to be filled out by the would
be parents and a request for three ref
erences. If the answers are satlsfac
tor', further blanks go to the i'rsons
referred to, asking information on tho
applicant's character and clrcum
Btanccs, and reliable citizens of tho
neighborhood nro privately consulted
Then the agent comes and inspects the
family. If the home seems n good one,
a baby ns near tLe requirements us
possible is sought. There Is oven tin
attempt to select n suitable tempera
ment n placid baby for u nervous wo
man or one who Is not bored by atten
Hons for the demonstrative. The visit
ing agent has to be Boniothlng of n
psychologist- Kvory one calls for curly
hair of course, and blue eyes nro much.
In demand, but the new mother gener
ally forgets all her specifications when
she Is confronted with the living can
dldute. Tho baby Is taken to the home
by the agent, who leaves written ill
rectlons nbout food and care and conies
back twice n year to note progress
Frequent reports nro encouraged, and
even after the child Is legally adopted
tho society tries to keep in touch with
it. Tho motive for this Is of course
scientific ns well ns humane-. Juliet
Wllbor Tompkins In Everybody's Mag
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring toclieck
the ravages nf consumption, thc"wliitc
plague'' that claims so many victims
each year. Foley's Honey and Tar
cures coughs and colds perfectly and
you are In no danger of consumption.
l)o not risk your health by taking
sonic unknown preparation when Fol
ey's Honor and Tar Is safe anil certain
In results. Ask for Foley's Honey and
Tar and insist upon having It. F. (!.
Frlcke & Co.
Makos Kidney and BladdoP Right
t.nprovcment it Noted In the Busi
ness World.
New York. Aug. 13. 11. U. IHm &
Co.'s YVit'kly Review of Trado savs:
Moderaio Improvotupnt In mid uim.moT
moans more than au etiulTalent In
crease at any other season and tho
better trade roiiorted ihtrlng the pas?
week Is iiinseijtient'.y most enei.ur.iic
ItiR. Dispatehes fro'n all pnrl of the
country are ty no n'enns uniform. In
some casr-a tho outlook showlnn r.o
chanre, whllo at a few jmlnts then
havo been tetbacks, but on tho xvliolo
the improvement Is utiinlfctaUablo.
Two labor controversies are paitieu
larly Larmful, but others have teen
settled. The Fall River strike U par
tially broken aul tevora". thre, itemed
(liftleiilties have been averted. !
spite some Injury to si'rins !. tit tin
agricultural prospect is very
whilij higher prices priii.'.M' u- r.e.i
trullzo the effect of ftich 'ess in (i ".:i:i-
tity ns ciccurreil Ir.ti rior buyers
havo placed liberal fill .;nli'r in the
leadinir dry l-ooiIs niarke's. nt'.d ten-
f.ilenco In a larito sprlni; tva.lo Is bo-
comirs Ror.oral. Tl.c npp-.'.tehir.K
preslili'iitiitl election is viewed with
more ctnuuiltnity than any o'her con
test rf recent years. h:!h In tinancial
ami Inthis'rinl circles. Not earr.lnr
of the railways nro ntnk'.ui; lavorable
ctimparlsons owlni? L the reforms
tnnile possible by preceding years of
liberal expendittireH.
Agricultural Implement works art
preparing for n brisk fall trade, tho
railways are pku'.nc, more orders for
pqulpinent an, I a better trnniitt"1 ef
Ptnictural steel Is moving
Vullures hls week were 122.
174 last year.
Mayor Harrison's Intervention Plans
Are Blocked.
Chicago, Aug. 17. The packers
sent a committee to Mayor Harrison
and informed him it would i!o no good
to arrange a Joint, conference with the
6trike leaders. Tho committee con
tended that the packers had already
won the strike and had no reason to
meet the strikers. The packers told
tho mayor fiat he should consider
that they controlled Chicago's great
est Industry and had such vast Intor
rsts at stake that they could not he
dominated by their employes; that
they wanted to lie fair; that prices of
meat had not been raised and would
not be raised because of the strike;
that they could not accept anyliody's
Cloudburst at LeadvillJ.
Lead ville. Colo., Aug. 13. A cloud
burst In the hills east of I.eadvillo
caused several thousand dollars dam
ago here. A wall of water four feet
high came down Strayhnrso and Cali
fornia gtilchea. sweeping everything
before it. Tho Kyle & Decker zinc
mill was washed away. Stores were
flooded and goods in tho cellars were
ruined. Much of tho eastern part of
tho city waa undermined, ami a por
tion of the ground caved in. A crack
almost a foot wide extends for several
blocks in tho thickly settled part of
the city and several houses were dam
aged slightly. There Is danger that
this portion of the city will settle so
seriously as to render it permanently
unfit for residence purposes.
Rioting at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Aug. 13. Two inno
cent persons were injured during a
pistol fight between union nnd non
union packing house men near the Ar
mour plant. C. F. Meade, a Missouri
Pacific railroad clerk, was shot
through tho hack and is In a serious
condition, and John Mitchell, a ne
gro, was wounded In the leg. A num
ber of nonunion men were leaving th
plant when they were attacked by a
crowd of strikers nnd their sympa
thizers. Stones were thrown, followed
by shots. Meade, who was at work
in the railroad yards a block away,
and Mitchell, who wag sitting on his
front porch. 100 yards distant, were
struck by stray bullets. Two union
men were arrested.
Bryan Loses $50,000 Bequest.
New Haven, Conn., Aug. 13. A de
cision adverse to V. J. Ilryan in his
contest over tho will of the late. I S.
liennott was handed down by the su
preme court of errors after an all (lay
session. Tho decision virtually denies
that Mr. Hryan Is entitled to the $.'.0,.
000 mentioned In tho sealed letter
written by Mr. Bennett and addressed
to his widow, to bo read by her after
his death. Hy this letter the widow
was asked to give $."0,(oo to Mr. Ilry
an and his family. Tho decision sus
tains tho opinion given by the supe
rior court In tho case last spring and
also tho (loclslon of the probate court,
before which tho matter was brought
Meteor Strikes the Earth.
Meadville, Pa., Aug. 13. A meteor,
taking a northerly direction, struck
tho earth somewhere near Concord
station, thlrty-flvo miles east of thin
city. A terrific oxploslon'aceompanlod
the contact with tho earth, followed by
a high wind lasting fifteen Beconds.
Erie trainmen from Salamanca to
Union City, eighty miles, saw the
preat light, which lasted from fivo to
ten roconds. The explosion shook
hulldlng3 In Tltusvlllc, twenty mtlej
Young Hess Arrested.
Luniar, Mo., Aet'. 17. (leorgo Hpfji,
elglileer. yenr9-ohl, was arretted on
suspicion of having shot his parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Gcorno Hpfb, at Irwin
Sunday. Young Hess bought a pistol
Saturday. Ho Insists thru ho Is Inno
cent. Mr. and Mrs. Hess wero shot
as they lay la led. Doth ara sUll
Ss-ltil Corr. Ni ii,eiie .
John Opp is under I'r. Pavlson's
l!. V. Maiquardt and family enjoyed
a visit tnuu Lincoln relatives this
Miss Uessle Ihcnilcl nf Murray Is in
Am ca.
Win. Sinontshad business in Ueilin
Saturday evening.
Henry Strauli was in i maha Monday
on business.
Charles Tony, of llcilln was seen on
on our st reels Saturday.
Jacob Conrad had business at Ne
hawka last Saturday.
J. V.. Opp ami sister Stella, arrived
home Iron! Fremont Wednesday.
Thomas strauli returned Saturday
from Lincoln.
Joseph Malcolm was over from No
hawku Thursday owning.
(i. W . ll.ii'shinun, sr., is visilmg
Ohio relatives.
Miss Maty .iinnierer visited friends
at I'.urr t his week.
.I.icoli Opp and lamilv are tisiling
Nebraska City relat Ives.
CM. I ; i la : it I and wile leluiiitil
Tuesday from SI. Louis.
Joseph (lialiam had a carload of hots
on the Nebraska t lly market last
K. F. r.iviidcl, of Murray, was here
Miss Dura Wiilf left this week lor
('. D. (Jiiintnn and Matthew Meyers
had business in Omaha Wednesday.
L. J. Maiiuardl ami wife left Tues
cveiiing for SI. Louis.
Mis. Florence Durham and children
arrived home from licit rami Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. II y Wulf have re
turned Iriiin their trip west.
Mrs. A. 11. Newton and children re
turned Monday from their visit in F.lm-
Win xl.
.1. (.'. Miller of lierlin hail business in
Avoca Saturday,
(i. (). Harmon will soon commence
the erect ion of a line dwelling on his
farm west of tow u.
TaHen With Crarrjps.
Win. Kirii).se,;t member of the bridge
gang working near Littloport. was
taken suddenly 111 Thursday night with
cramps and a kind of cholera. 1 1 is case
was so severe that lit; had to have the
members of the crew wait upon him
and Mr. tiitl'oid was called ami consult
ed. He told them he had a medicine
in tin; form of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilcincdy that
he thought would help him aild accord
ingly several doses were administered
with the result that the fellow was
able to be around next day. Tim inci
dent speaks quite highly of Mr. iif
ford's medicines. Klkadcr, Iowa, Ar
gus. This remedy never fails. Keep
it in your home, it may save life. For
sale hy all druggists.
Sieelul CorresK indent
Herman Smith, the boy who had the
misfortune to catch his arm in acorn
shollcr, is getting along very nicely.
Mrs. llrindle and Mrs. Charles Car
roll spent one day this week In I'lat ts
inout !i.
Arthur t oung, from Calilornia, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Young, sr.
Little Miss Uessle Urendle Is visiting
her brother, Dr. Urendle, in Avoca.
James Manners, Lula Leek, Ernest
Carroll and Walter Sans spent Sunday
with Misses Nellie and Uirdic Cream
er, east of Murray.
Charles Stone and his father, J. M
Stone, drove over to Nchawka one day
this week. Charles is again able to
attend his duties.
Misses JLi.zie Edinuns and A libit
Ferguson left Tuesday for the western
part of the state.
J. M. Lock 'and wife spent Tuesday
In I'lattsiuouth.
MissTrudie Long and Mrs. Uoh
Schrader-visitcd in Murray Monday.
The boys are all washing their bug
gies for the " Hd Set tiers' " reunion is
Vera Sans Is sul!ering from a serious
case nfjappeiidicit Is
Mrs. !. II. (iilmore and mother,
Mrs. Walker, were I'lattsiuouth visit
ors Sat unlay.
Miss Madge Young went to Weeping
Water Saturday, where Frank Hullish
met her and accompanied her to Wa-
Yc like best to call
a food because it stands so em
phatically for crfc(t nutrition.
And yet in the m.ittcr i f rcslor-
intf appetite, f K'v'r' ' ,1f ''
strength to the tissues, c -j -t i.ii'.;.
to the nerves, its action u t'n. t
of a medicine.
Sftvl for trrr vnt''e.
SCOTT ' HOW Nr., Uirf
401941$ I'Mll Strrrt,
jc. and 1 ooj ill ami!-,
Department - Store
11" you tlon't want to trade it all out
in Our (looils. wo arc willing to
- haw just tin' omls yon want, ami we ili's-iiv our
farmer patrons to know wo havo, hiuv tho oom
hination of tho two stores, tho largest os.taUihmont
of its i haraoter in lM.ittsmouth. Onr stock iin lntlos
In these linos wo havoovoiyt hint;' that am otherskeop.
ami at tho Lowest Prices, too. Call ami soo ns
ami lot us oon iiii'o mi that I his is tho place to trade.
Remember, we pay hihot market price lor prodiitv.
M. F A N (a E: R .
bash where she will visit lor a lew
1 i leu I'm y and lamily Sundaycd at
the 1 101 1 ie of Have I'll 1 man.
Miss Ma rule Walker is visiting with
friends in l'lattsiiioiith.
Mr. and. Mis. .1. M. Manners ami
daughter, i(iKitby, who have been is
it iiitf in and around Murray left, for
their Inline Sunday.
Miss Allies Kennedy spent a couple
of days Ibis week at the home nf Frank
John Fdmiins was an imaha visitor
(.Miile a number I'roin here at tendril
the funeral of M r. I awsnn.
Miss Florence Mclinnald is spending
the week at Seward.
.lames I'rlvett, who was sn seriously
hurt in the t lucsliiiik' machine, is not
eel I inu' aloutt so well, ami I he doctors
are planning to take the injured limb
nil' the latter part of I be Week, lie is
st ill at, the home nf Lloyd liapen but
will he removed to his home in I'lat Is
moul h soon.
I'niin lln' I.cnilrr-l'.i'lin.
F. 'I'. Comer put up a new wind mill
out;. I). Kun's cily properly this
week, where Mr. Kunz is preparing to
build a line residence t bis fall.
.1 ol 1 n Lynn was able toet up out of
bed Wednesday for the llrst time since
his Illness, and is now convalescing
as rapidly as could be expected.
John II. Iloyer is the republican
nominee for county clerk of Canadian
county, ( iklalioma. John is a k'ootl
boy, and is well able to hold down the
Leslie Stark arrived yesterday from
NewMllford, i'a., and as soon as he Is
rested from his journey he will enter
upon his dul ics as bookkeeper at the
American KxchaiiKe hank.
Mrs. J. F. Hoover's ankle which was
so badly Injured in jumping from a
biitftfy a few weeks ao, is healing
nicely and Mrs. Hoover will soon be
able to dispense with crutches.
Fd Van Fvery, who was so badly in
jured a few weeks api by falling from
a hay loft, hasn't been feeling quite so
well the past few days, l.ut the doc
tors are still greatly In hopesof saving
the limb.
Parson Hullish I rled to tfet us to
stop the press last week to announce
the arrival of a blu, fat, ten-pound boy
at their home on Thursday, August 4,
hut he was a little too late and the
news had to be kept over t ill this
week. All concerned are dohitf well.
L. I!. Yakiner's sickness has devel
oped into a case of typhoid fever. A
nurse was sent, for, who arrived Sun
day evening, and he is having the best
of care and iscttliiK aloiitf as nicely
as could be expected.
Win. Wilcockson has been danger
ously ill the past week with a compli
cation of heart trouble and asthma, in
fact he has not been real well since he
had the jjiip last winter. He was
some IwHer yesterday, but Is st ill n
very sick man. His many friends sin
cercly hope for his early recovery.
The Death Penalty.
A little tiling sometimes results In
death. Thus a mere scratch, Instill
(leant cuts or puny bolls have paid the
death penalty. It is wise In have lluck
lin's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the
best salve on earth and will prevent
fatality, when burns, sores, ulcers and
piles threaten. Only F.C.Fricke
Co., dru'lsts.
Cheap Rates to St. Louis
via 1111; Hi lU.iNinoN.
The Ilurliiik'ton will run coach ex
cursions to St. Louis every Tuesday
and Thursday during August and Sep
tember. K."d round trip, limited to re
turn in 7 days. Leave I'lattsiuouth at
i.M p. m., arrive St. Louis ":1'.) the foN
lowing mornliitf. W. L. I'm kktt,
I rum tlii' l.i ilui i'.
Frank AII1I11 and family uiovcil out
lo I he farm Monday, I in ning I be ho
tel over to Iheir siice.ssois, Mr. and
Mrs. (I. II. yse.
Frank Speaks relumed last, week
from western Kansas, where be had
enough Kansas fanning to convince
him that a heller place than old Cass
county Is not 011 ihe CnUnl Stales
Samuel Luce, who has been the M.
I', nlclit engine watchman line for
a number of years Is now no day duly,
which he finds much more to bis his
IlkliiK'. II. K. Wilson Is the new nlht
Miss Fleaimr Lloyd daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. II. W. Lloyd, arrived home
last week from Mosierlowu, I'a., where
she has been at tending sc I the past
year. Her cousin, Miss Maltle (iam
bic, came home wit h her lo make au
extended visit, with the Lloyd family.
Mrs. I. . Mci'iif ami daughter,
Miss (Jladys, of Akron, Colo., arrived
here Wednesday to spend a few days
wilh Mr. ami Mrs. . I. 1 1. Cross. They
were neighbors in Colorado a few
years a'o ami I Ids visit is one of mu
tual enjoyment .
T. W. Swan went to South Omaha
Wednesday eteniiiK where lie pur
chased a carload of sheep ami Angora
k'oats. He probably knows what, he
wants wilh the noats. I nt. blamed if
we do, unless he intends oraiii.iiiK a
lot of new loilk'cs.
T. (i. Harniiui of Ibis village, the
holder of No. hi the Kosebiid lain!
drawing, left last Friday for Honestecl
to select his laud and do all other
things necessary to make him a South
Dakota land owner by virtue of his
draw. li. W. Mills went with him as
body Kiiard.
Ir. II. Jensen, the Weeping Water
veterinary surgeon, was called here
Monday to Investigate the mysterious
disease that had caused the death of
nine head of Winlield Swan's calves.
The disease seemed lo be Mimetliinjr
new and rather pu..liiitf, but Hr. Jen
sen made a thoronu'li Investigation
and has apparently mastered it, his
treatment, having the desired effect.
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the one that, will cleanse the system,
set the liver to action, remove the
bile, dear the complexion, cure head
acre and leave a k'ood taste in the
mouth. The famous little pillsfordo
hiKsueh work pleasantly and effectu
ally are DeWilt's Little Karly Ilisers.
I'.oh Moore, of Lal ayctte, Ind., says:
"All other pills I have used j;ripe ami
sicken, while HeWilCs Little Farly
llisers are simply perfect." Sold by
F. C,. Frlcke - Co.
DeWitt is the Name.
When you no to buy Witch Hazel
Salve look for the name HkWITT on
every Imx. The pure, unadulterated
Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best
salve in the world for cuts, burns,
bruises, Ixiils. eczema and piles. The
popularity of He Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve, due toils many cures.hascaused
numerous worthless counterfeits to be
placed on the market. The genuine
bears the name of F. C. HcW'itt Co.,
Chlcano. Sold by F. (i. Frlcke .: Co.
End of Bitter Night.
"Two physicians had a loin,' and st un
burn lik'ht with an abecsson my rlnht
lunn" writes J. F. Ilunhs of Iiul'ont,
(la. "and nave me up. Lverybody thot
my time had come. As a last resort I
tried !r. Kind's New Pisco very for
Consumption. The benefit I received
was striking and I was on my feet In a
few days. Now I've entirely regained
my health." Itcotniuers all Coughs,
Colds, Throat and Luiitf troubles.
Guaranteed by F.i!. Frlcke & Co. I'r lee
W ami tl.oo. Trial liottles free.
fr thtldnni toft, fur. plot