The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1904, Image 5

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ClerW Mstrl.-t Court Jas. M. Kohertsou
Couuty Judrfe Utrwj 11. Travi
County Clerk A. L. Tym
Treasurer . l. Wheelvr
Sheriff Jolm I. Mcltrlde
Attormy J,. U Koot
euuvrlntvudent of Schools C. S. WorUimn
Surveyor 0. F- 11 Hum
I Turner .Ink
CoaiuilsloiH'rs.-! W. II. Ilminiin;
( l. lluwkiwurili
yoT Henry K. GerliiK
Clerk H. M. Siennli-liM-ii
Treasurer K. W. Clement
Attorney II. 1. Travis
Tollce JuUe William Weber
Marshal Jos. r'lttferiild
First Ward Kil Flttferatd. F. W. KliliiKer
Second Ward.. .Frank lluttery. W. C. Tliioens
Third Ward I. II. Iterold. F. II. Stlemker
Fourth Ward... Win. llulliinoe, F. A. Newman
fifth Ward I. M. Vondran. Wm. Slater
Time Table
Plattsmuuth, Neb.
Lincoln, Omaha,
Chicago, St. Joe,
Kansas City, St.
Louis and all
points East and
Denver, Helena,
Hutte, Portland
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco,
and all points
Trains Leave as Follows:
No. IS Purltlc Junction 2:53 pm
No. 2 Local express, to Iowa points.
Chicago and the east 4 :32 um
IS'o. 14 Fust express, dally, from Lin
coln to St. Joseph, K ansas Clt y, St.
IauIs. Chicago, and all points east
and south s:27 pm
No. W For l'aclllc Junction l-iSJ pin
No. 34' Local to Pacific Junction !!:.'- am
No. 2ii From Omaha 4:05 pin
No. 30 Freight, dally except Sunday, 4:00 ptn
JSo. 1 Through vestllmled express for
nil points east 7:2m am
No. 20 From Omaha 4:10 am
Nd. Ill Local express, dally. Omaha,
Lincoln, Denver and Intermediate.
stations Tifiltitn
No. 27 Local express to Omaha, via
Ft. Crook und South Omaha, daily
except Sunday !):30ani
No. 7 Fast mall, dally, to Omaha and
Lincoln 2:13 pm
No. 33-I.oral express. Louisville. Ash
land. Wahoo, Schuyler, dully ex
cept Sunday 3:30 pm
No. 13 Lincoln, Orand Island. Illack
Hills. Montana and Pacillc uorlli-
west 10:2S pm
So. 23-Ixm'uI freight, to Cedar Creek.
Louisville and South Ileml. dally
except Sunday Ii:50 am
No 11 From St. Ixiuls and St. Joe and
Nebraska City lo:25:ini
Dally except Sunday
Sleeping, dining ami reclining chair cars
(seals free) on through trains. Tickets sold
und Imggage checked to any point In the
United States or Canada.
I'or information, time tallies, maps and
tickets call on or write to W. L. Picked, local
agent. Plallsmoutli. Neb., or .1. Francis, gen
eral passenger agent. Omaha. N jb.
Missouri Pacific Time Table
No. 51 5.37 am
No. .57 5.45 pm
No. I) 11:05 pm
No. 233 local freight 3:47 pm
No. 58 11.30 am
No. 50 World's Fulr Flyer t!:01i pm
No. 52 12:20 lira
No. 232, local frelslit 7.4s am
All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that
St. 2s years ex perlence. I'rlces reasoimble.
Work guaranteed.
OFFICE Fixeor.KAU) Block.
Tklichons No. S ok 47
Preparing ahstracta of title, conveyancing
and examining tltlos to real estate a spirlal
ty. Work properly done and charges reason
able, office: Hiwks fl and 7. John liuiid
llulldlng. noat Coun House. Plattsmouth.
office: Plattsmoutia,
Wtermsn Block
Platts. I nes
Osteopathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
rCoales Hlork. rooms -.'. iiiidiM. Olllce hours
to 12 a. m.. I to 6 li. m. and 7 tod p. in. bv no
liolutment. Telephones, olllce 3), ; residence
Ht rerkius notci.
V Abstracts c Title V
Thomas Uallii).
OKFICK-Anheuser-nush "lock.
Wimin Held for Kidnaping.
Alnworth, Nob.. Aug. 17 At a pre
liminary hearing before Judge Ramsey
Mrs. Sherman pf Ogden. Wis, was
found guilty of kidnaping the fifteen-year-old
daughter of Theodore Fisher
ad bound over to tho district court
in the sum of 11.000.
Girl Guide Runaway Team.
Ona, Aug. 13. Florence Fuller,
thirteen years old. guided a pair of
runaway ponies through two miles of
busy downtown streets until they had
tired themselves out. At one point
where the street car tracks are torn
up the child veered the runaways be
tween the plies of paving Ftones and
passed the danger safely. Once they
were under control Miss Fuller turnod
the horses around and drove home.
Stone Strike Breaker on Train.
Omaha, Aug. 16. The South Omaha
packing house strike asserted Itself
in an ugly manner at Sheely station.
A Hock Island train bearing fifty
strike breakers from Cairo, 111., to
the Swift plant, was stoned by a mob.
One of the strike breakers wqh struck
tin the forehead by a rock and his
condition was at first beliived to bo
serious. He was knocked unconscious,
but regained his senses within a few
hours. Seven persons were arrostod.
Section Man Killed by Train.
Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 15. Oua
Tegtmeyer. a section man on the
Union Pacific was struck and instant
ly killed by an engine. With other
section men he was at work a mile
west of this city. Trying to avoid a
passenger train on the westbound
track he stepped on the eastbound
track in front of an extra freight.
Tegtmeyer had both logs and an arm
fractured and the skull crushed In.
He leaves a wife and two small chil
dren In straightened clrcumstancesl
Ntbrask. Crop Condition,
Lincoln, Aug. 17. Tho past week;
has been warm with deficient rainfall
and excessive sunshine In nearly all
counties. The week was very favor
able for securing hay and grain. Hay
ing and threshing have progressed
rapidly in practically all parts of tho
etate. Stacking and Fhook threshing
are about completed. Fall plowing
has begun, but In many localities tho
soil is too dry to plow to advantage.
The warm weather of tho week has
caused corn to grow rapidly, but rain
would be beneficial In southern coun
ties. Packing House Ready for Hog.
Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. 13. The
Morttm-Gregson Packing company and
the butchers' union came to an agree
ment and the men have agreed to re
turn to work at onco. The terms of
the settlement have not been mado
public, but both parties say they am
mutually satisfactory. The house
has been closed for the past
three weeks pending tho adjustment
of the difficulty. The company will
begin killing today. Tho local com
mission merchants have notified their
shippers that hogs will be received
at this market at once.
Suit for Divorce Save Him.
Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. 15.
Lyman Welsch, charged with wife de
sertion, was given a hearing lu tho
county court and discharged. Welsch
is a railway mall clerk and resides in
Lincoln, where be filed a suit in tbo
district court several weeks ago ask
ing for a divorce from his wlfo, al
leging adultery as his cause for ac
tion. About one week later his wlfo
had him arrested In this city for wife
desertion. Judge Joyce held that
when a divorce suit of that character
was filed before the charge of wlfo
desertion had been fllod the defendant
could not be found guilty on the
charge of desertion.
Woman Stabbed by Her Husband.
Lincoln, Aug. 15. Mrs. V. J. Tobln
was stabbed in tho stomach by her
husband and Is now at tho St. Eliza
beth hospital in a dangerous condi
tion! Her husband is in the county
Jail. Tobln Is head cook at the Lin
dell, where bis wife Is also employed.
The two were In their room at the hc
tol when the stabbing occurred and
the police were unable to learn tho
cause of It. Tobln claimed It was an
accident, whllo the woman was unable
to make a statement. The weapon
used was large butcher knife and
the wound Inflicted was about two
inches long. Tobln came here four
days ago from Sioux City.
Society Sends Out Circular Advising
Them to Wait for Dollar Twenty.
Lincoln Aug. 17. Wheat growors
In this section havo received recently
a circular from President Everltt of
the American Society of Equity urg
ing them to make a minimum price of
1.20 a bushel for No. 2 red winter
wheat. Chicago market basis. Ever
ltt estimates the winter wheat crop in
the United States at 3Co,000,OoO bush
els and spring wheat at 210,000,000
bushels. To reduce this to a flour
making basis must be deducted an Im
mense quantity of low grade wheat,
caused from rust and wet weather.
Much of this, he says, Is fit only for
feed. He estimates the shrinkage at
25,000.000 bushels. He bases his fig
ures on estimate received from 12.000
farmer. Of this number he say 11,.
122 say they do not need to sell at
once, and he strongly urge that the
farmer unite In controlling the mar
ket by hiding the visible supply out of
light of the elevator men and wheat
ambler of Chicago, and thus force
price to their own HtUfactlo.
Rain 3vt Corn Crop.
Llr.colu, Ang. 1. Heavy showers
In southeastern Nebraska, following
the three hottest days of the summer,
have dispelled fears of damage ' the)
corn crop, which was needing mois
ture. Early corn, it Is asserted, is
tow beyond danger of drought ami
the late planted is greatly tn-nunicd
by the downpour.
Golden Identified as Man Wanted.
Lincoln. Aug. 15. Chief of Police
rurdy of East St. Ixiuls. with another
police officer, arrived In IJncoln to
take James Golden, tho man accused
tf the murder of Police Officer James
Reedy at East St. Ijoula. Golden aov
eral days ago attempted to commit
suicide, and at that time told Lincoln
officers he had killed Reedy. Purdy
Identified him as the man wanted.
One Dead and Another Hurt.
Omaha, Aug. 12. The breaking of a
scaffold used by William H. Htimmell
and Charles V. Schmlti, painters,
working on tho Tatterson block,
caused the death of the former and
severe Injuries to the later. Moth
workmen were precipitated a distance
of twenty-five feet to tho Btone side
walk. Humiuell died In a few min
utes In the police ambulanco on tho
way to the Clarkson hospital, while
Sehmlti escaped with his life by
clutching lo a rope and thus partial
ly hreaklng the force of the fall.
Row at South Omaha Packing Plant
End In Death.
Omaha, Aug. 12 The South Omaha
packing house strikers filed an an
swer In tho United States circuit
court to the order to cause why
they should not bo punished for con
tempt In violating; tho tomporary or
der of injunction Issued by Judge
Munger, Issued on request of the pack
ers Aug. fi. The strikers make a
complete onla of all the charges,
During tho progress of a row be
tween tho negro strikebreakers at tho
Cudahy plant a murder was commit
ted. The murderer escaped. An
drew Hanson was stablieiT over tho
heart by a man named Isanca.
Berge is Nominated for Governor and
Townsend for Second Place.
Lincoln, Aug. 11. An agreement
looking to fusion on the state ticket
I was enected early this morning by
Nebraska Democrats and Populists In
their state cou ventlons alter ininy
hours of conferences between com
mittees representing the two pintles
and, at times, acrimonious debatut In
Bepaiate conventions. A strong Pop
ulist minority opposed fusion on any
basis except Democratic endorsement
of the Watson and TlliMcs electors,
but this wns met with an emphatic re
fusal from the Democrats and a counter-proposal
for an equitable division
uf tho state olllcers and this wus final
ly accepted. Thu Populists thereupon
nominated George W. Merge of Lin
coln for governor, and the Democrats
endorsed the nomination.
The Populists, In turn, nominated
the following: Stato auditor, J. S.
Canady of Mlnden; treasurer, J. M.
Osborne of Pawnee City; land com
missioner, A. A. Worslcy of Ilutte;
school superintendent, Alfred Softley
of Grant.
This left the Democrats the threo
remaining officers: Lieutenant govern
or, secretary of state and attorney
general. Edgar Howard of Colum
bus was nominated for lieutenant
governor by acclamation, but de
clined, and Dr. A. Townsend of Frank
lin was named. It. E. Watzka of Rich
ardson was nominated for secretary of
state and Edward Whalen of Holt for
attorney general.
Electors-at-large. John A. Lynch of
Boyd county and II. O. Adams of Hall;
First district, R. II. Franz of Cass;
Second district, Joseph A. O'Connor
of Douglas; Third district, Thomas
Ashford of Dakota; Fourth district. S.
M. Dalley of Jefferson; Fifth district,
Patrick Walsh of Red Willow; Sixth
district, J. N. Tuffts of Rod Willow.
The platform contains a hearty en
dorsement of the national ticket It
says. In part:
"We, the Democrats of Nebraska, In
state convention assembled, hereby
reaffirm the principles of Democracy
as asserted and defended by Jefferson,
Jackson and Dryan, and approve the
platform adopted by the Democratlo
national convention at St. Ixmls. We
pledge our support to Alton n. Parker
and Henry O. DavU, the nominee of
the convention.
"We point with pride to the splen
did record made by our distinguished
fellow citizen, and take this opportu
nity of again expressing our profound
appreciation of his steadfast devotion
to Democratic principles."
The feature of the Populist conven
tion was the address of Tom Watson,
the nominee for president.
Mr. Watson scored both the old
parties and ridiculed the Republican
national convention as a cut and dried
affair. Of the Democratic convention,
he tald: "It made Its appeal to the
deity through a megaphone, and
drafted Its platform by telegram."
His speech, which occupied nearly
two and a half hours, was an Indirect
nppi al against fusion, and he was fre
quently applauded.
The Populist platform reiterates tho
national platform adopted at Spring
field and pledges support to the na
tional candidates. Most of the planks
refer to state Issues.
Pollc Rtscue Nonunlonltt.
New York, Aug. 16. Joseph Co.
telto, a nonunion bricklayer, wm re
cued by the police after he had
emptied hi revolver Into a mob which
was following hlra, although without
hurting anyon. He wat held In 12.000
ball, charged with telonlout aasault.
Two of the Russian War Vessel Es-
. cap to Northward, Badly Crippled.
Japan' Nav Waiting Gam Final
ly Rewarded With Success.
Toklo, Aug. 15. -Flags are flying,
lanterns are gliiuinerlug and cries of
"banzai' are riiiKiug in tho ktreets
cf Toklo In rtur of tho victories
guiued at sea by Admiral Togo and
Vice Admiral Kamlinura. I'udiMiieath
the Jollification of tho populace lie a
feellig of deep satisfaction und gratl
ratlon at the dtapoiial of a desperately
serious problem of tho war.
The Kusslau squadron which con
fronted Admiral Tvgo refused buttle.
11 was stronger than Admiral Togo's
squadron In hattlcuhlpn and armored
cruisers and had It elected to fight tho
result might have altered the fortunes
of war. The strength of the squadron
which opposed Admiral Togo com
pelled him to draw vessels from the
squadron under Vice Admiral Kami
mura, and this left tbo Japanese navy
powerless to operate against the Rus
sian Vladivostok squadron and unabln
to prevent the raids of these vessels.
The raid conducted by tho Vladivo
stok squadron In July was extremely
expensive to Japan, and not only was
retaliation tempting, but It was do-
manded by commercial Interests.
The navy, however, grimly refused
to make a diversion and stuck to Portj
Arthur. It was confident that tho
harbor soon would be untenable for
the Russian warships, that it would
eventually get a fair fight In the open
sea. away from the Russian bind bat
terles, and that the Japanese would
win. Tho calculations of the navy
were correct, and tho Russians, with
the chances even, havo been hope
lessly defeated. ...... jf ., , i ,
Vice Admiral Kamlmnra, after
months of weary and patient wnltlng,
finally got his chance at dawn yester
day off Tsu Island. In 'he strait of
Korea. The battle Ja5j''d fjye .hours
and rosiiiteu ITt a "ctSipiciti Jaiunoa
victory. He sunk the Ruxslnn cruiser
Rurlk and sent tho cruisers Grumobol
and Russia fleeing back from the
fight, badly damaged. The Injuries In
flicted on the Japanese vessels were
Japanese guns dom.nate the dor-k
yards at Port Arthur mi l In view of
this fact It would seem to be Impossi
ble again to make seaworthy or fight
able the Russian battleships which
have returned to Port Arthur. It Is
probable that tho Russian battleship
Czar-'vllch will disarm lit TslnKchnu.
The best possible naval force tltnt
Russia can now concentrate at Vlad
ivostok is four cruisers.
Demand for Surrender.
Toklo, Aug. 17 The emperor'u of
fer to release tho non-combutauts at
Port Arthur, coupled with a demand
for the surrender of the fortress,
was delivered yesterday. An answer
is expected today.
Ixmilon, Aug. 17. A dispatch to tho
Central News from Tokio says that a
big oil warehouse at Port Arthur Is
blazing furiously and that the position
of the besieged Is such that the Jnpa
nose are urging them to surrender.
The Yokohama correspondent of the
Dally Mail says that the cruiser Novik
of the Port Arthur squadron hns been
sighted in tho strait of Vandlemen,
steering for Vladivostok.
A dispatch from Che Foo snys tho
Russian ships at Port Arthur made a
sortie Tuesday. The Russians, it is
reported, did not encounter the Japan
ese fleet. Nevertheless, they returned
to Port Arthur.
A creditable report slates that the
Russian protected cruiser Palladawas
sunk by a torpedo during the engage
ment on the night of Aug. 10.
Czarevitch Made Plucky Fight.
Che Foo, Aug. 15. Details of tho
naval battle of Aug. 10 reaching here,
show that the Russian battleship
Czarevitch mailo a remarkable strug
gle. When the battle opened six bat
tleships on each side opposed each
other on almost parallel lines In the
vicinity of Round island. The cruis
ers and torpedo boat destroyers on
both aide were ordered out of range.
When the fight had been under way
for some time, tho cruiser and small
er craft became engaged. Finally tbo
Czarevitch was surrounded by four
battleships and two cruisers. She en
dured hours of terrlblo fighting pluck
Uy. The shell which killed Admiral
Wlthoft rebounded from the turret
Som Details of Fighting.
Ilerlln. Aug. 16. A dispatch to the
Iokal Anzelger from Toklo confirms
tho reports that heavy fighting has
occurred at Port Arthur during tho
past few days, The Japaneso cap
tured three Russian latteries and se
cured positions dose to the Inner
fortifications. Doth sides lost hear
lly. The Japaneso have commenced a
bombardment from Lnng mountain on
the harbor and Inner defenses.
Russian Ship Must Remain.
Tslngtau. Aug. 17. Governor Trtip
pel Stated to the Associated Press
that the Russian ships would not be
permitted to leave the harbor until
after the conclusion cf tho war. A
Japanese flag lieutenant made a per
sonal Inspection of the Russian ships.
Alexltff Reach Vladivostok.
Vladivostok. Aug. 17. Viceroy Alex
left arrived here. At the governor'
house the mayor presented the vice
roy with bread and salt. He then re
ceived several deputations. Including
on from tfc Chloti Inhabitant.
AYcCctaule Prcpnralion Tor As -slmiln
I irtf the Food and Hetf tiki -ling
ihe Slouvtcrs nisi Dowls 1
Promotes Die:Mioi.Chmrul
ni'ss and Kest.Conlains nelltrr
Ojmun.Morpluiw nor Mineral.
W Soul -
ApvnVri Ucmeily forronstipo
lion, Sour Stonwu-h.DiaiTlkHvt
will Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Si!mttur or
Tint? iiirrif
S. The Reliable Store
i n i mi t
is in """"Vi'vji, MiWHjfiiiH minim
I ho following is well worth consideration as we han
dle nothing hut the Lest nrade of tjocxls, and guarantee to
save you money on all lines. Send your order to HAY
DI'N IJROS. and oet the benefit of these special prices.
Furnishing Goods for Men and
Heavy working bhlrts for men QQ
and Iniys at 0 Ju
COOdozen One cotton wcatcrs, plain
nnd fancy colors, all from 21 to
41 regular .OOc quality Q
Men's lino madras shirU, odds and
ends from largo stock, worth itQ
up to tl.i'iO at tJ
Men's hose In plain and fancy Qi
colors worth lio 03
600 dozen heavy working husprndurs
for men, regular ,V): quality Q
to close out q
lion's colorod handkerchief, C
worth 10c at J
$1.96 Per Pair
These samples come in all leathers and as everyone
knows are much nicer and better than the regular goods.
They arc actually worth $2.50, 3.110, 3.50 rid 4.00
I'.riHiks Ilro. $.1.00 Oxfotdi,
turn or welt
Mitres tl.'iO Slipper with bows
Hoys' $l.f0 calf shoe
Youth' 11. .10 satin calf shoes
Little Uonts' 11.40 tan calf laco shoe
Women's fl.JO and 1100 sandals
ClilUls 11.00 and $1.2j samplo turn solo
and slippers
Omaha agents for the STKTSON, CROSSETT, and
JOHN MITCHELL Shoes for Men, and the ULTRA
and OROVER Shoes for women.
'.Hayden Bros.
Dodi St!
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
New Fabrics '
For Spring
In Hiiitins, IroiiHeriiis ami fur
veronals nre imw to he Keen in nil
Hie lairs! novelties from KiiMhIi,
Scotch ami Aiiu i'iciiii iiiamil'Mi tu
iris. Wo will make your Kirini;
ovi-i at or suit in tho host ami
Hwcllest stylo ami of artistic ele
Uiineo at a rcasntialile price.
Frank McElroy
Tiltli anil Main Ms. 1'pstairs
Men's heavy cotton half hose "I
worth 15c at I
Men's heavy calf bkln gloves, worth
7.1c and Oc to close out
j)0 dozen low ties for men and Q
boys, 2Tjc quality I.
Men's black sateen shirts all sizes from.
14 to 17, worth up to $1.00 4Q
all go at H3
300 dozen shirts and shirt walst-i mada
from fine zephyr gingham and per
cales, In light and dark colors QC
on sale at
Men'' patent calf and co t 4 (lf
and . tO oxforUs. . . . 1 li V
Attre 4UU PntHti F U)