The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1904, Image 3

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To Make It Profitable for Our Friends to Trade at Our Store
- k
88 W o look forward to a large fall business, and desire to count you among
those who feel satisfied with the purchases thev have made.
V Come in when vou need anything in our line. v
Andrew Krochler
Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts.
Hall's Old Stand.
If you are going to build
give me a chance to furnish
your hardware. If you want
tin roofing or spouting come
and see me. Work promptly
done at reasonable prices.
Nftfi. AItbvs Tellable. Lnllr. wk Prucclst fi;t
II M il KM 'KK'M :M.I.III III Itril utl.l
t.old iiu'lullic bo.te. ttcaiiil Willi blutt
Tuk no other. Kofiiae dnnirrrou buIiMI
tutlonnnnil Inillnlinn. Iluy nf your lirnairiMt,
or wnd -4c, in HtampH for I'artlenlar. 1ll
nonlnln ami Krllrf for l.nll-." in Irllrr
by rrlurn nail. 10,01)0 Testiuiouinii. SuM by
all DruKk'inM.
S100 91 ad ikon Nquarr, I'll I LA., PA,
Mention tnl. pap.r,
J. T. Faltek, President
I f.J 5, "'
The Corona Live Stock and
Investment Company
Live Stock, Real
303 lt"0 acres of lain!, seven miles from
town, (.H) acres under cultivation, 70 ncres in
pasture, i,'ool nix room house, ond ham nnd
granary, good well nnd wind mill, splendid
urovo. small bearing orclinrd. Tliis land
lies enliy rolling, is in a good neighborhood
otte-linlf mile from 6cliool. Trice, $27.r) per
Kenl Estate ndvanced fully
is still booming. Don't think for
goiiH snaps where we can double
interest on your money invested.
Come and See Us
Alany Merchants
to Keep Up
So do we, Imt this
have of advertising.
Fair Prices and our
We do all
$2.25 and $2.50
If You Went Tans Wq Have
Them at $2.00 Up.
in smooth, fine Don
gola, Military Heel,
Rlucher Cut, a well
dresser's choice, for
Visit the Old FolHs.
One fare plus 2 for the round trip
to a Kreut many points in Ohio, Indi
ana, and Kentucky. Tickets on sale
September i, 1?, 'Jo, 2.7 and October 11.
(iood via St. Louis and stopover at the
Kreat exposition. Final limit thirty
days. See me for particulars or write
to L. W. Wakeley, Cieneral I'asseiiK'er
Ajrcnt, Omaha.
W. L. I'll K KTT, ARCIlt.
J. Ivr.Nz.MANN, Vice l'resident
, : t cv
rW .. . . .- I j i V"T
J. P. FALTER, General Manager
Estate and Commercial Papers
364 acres nf land, lies three and one
half miles from town, one mile from school,
has n small house- and u small stable. A
small grove, nhotit lot) notes tinder oultivn
lion, about 17t acres in pasture, winch is
.seeded to lame u'rass and has tunning water
through it. This laud lies level nnd in n good
neighborhood. A bargain ut $11 A) per acre.
100 per cent in Eastern Nebraska tiie last three yenrs, nnd it
a minute thnt land.s have reached their limit. Vo still have
you your money in less thnu five years, nnd besides tfet tfood
Wntch our"nd"ench week nnd we'll tell you whnt we've not.
Office Up Stairs in Anhcuscr-Busch Building.
Advertise in Order v
Their Sales K
is not the only way we 0
We sell our joods at
friends advertise vis.
We Can b
Violent Attach of Diarrhoe Cured by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and Per
haps a Life Saved.
"A short time atro I was taken with
violent attack of diarrhoea and believe
I would have died if 1 had not trot tt n
relief,"' says John II. l'atton.a leading
citizen of I'atton. Ala. "A friend rec
ommended Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and I Horrheoa Kenedy. I bought
a twenty-live cent bottle and after
taking three doses of it was entirely
cured. I consider it. the hot remedy
in t in.' world for bowel complaints. For
sale by all druujrists
Missouri Pacific Rates.
deduced rales to St. Louis every
day on account of world's fair. "oaeii
excursions, very low rates every Tues
day and Thursday of August and September-
.. 10 for round trip.
Auburn Chautauqua assembly. Aiij:.
hi to 21, fare and one-third for round
Fail meetings K. C. transportation
bureau, Am.'. -) to -J.'. Sept. :i to Id,
Sept. 17 to :M: tare and one-third for
round trip.
Old Settlers' Keunion, I'nion, Neb.,
Au'. l'.i and fare and one-third for
round trip.
Home Seekers' excursion, August
hi, special low rates.
IL II. Lisi:i., Audit.
and cure tks luixss
Or, Kino
Urn Discovery
50c & $t. 00
Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
C. Cr., Sec. and Treas.
Mcb Overpower Miliary Guard at
Court Room Victims Chained to
Stump, Saturated With Keroieni,
and Match Applied.
Statesborn. llu.. Aug. 17. With
clothing mturutfil ;-u Uerosit'.,',
rliliiiis uii.l twbttm; :n their "muiy,
icn timing to liiuvru ur t!.o u.iry
U;ul the ir.ob wi.u'. i lo( 1.ov, I'uul
lice J ami Will Cat.i, i.rproi'b, two cf
the pilm ipuls in iho munlcr ui.l burn
Idk ut Monty limit's ni: l fatr.U.v, six
U'.i'is turn S'ati's!0!0 three wtoUs
&Ki, wtro luirmM ut tho stake.
A dot, rmliu ,1 melt i hurm'tl hi he
court hi.use, nvttrpowcrcil the tni'.itiiry
guaril, eeiuitvl (.'nto ami UumI, wlio
hud been fouml guilty alter ti leyal
trial ami senteiiiuvl to be lump'. I, tonk
them two miles frem tatesboro atut
there Intttieil them alive. Tim il!:ua
caniK quickly ati:l utiexiieeteilly.
Tim forenoon hiul imssed iiilot!y,
the trial of Tat Heel, tho rliii;!einler
In the iminler, boinn coi.clmled uio', n
verdict of Kiillty rendered. Hot h l:o
nml Will Catii, round guilty the day be
fore, were sentenced to hutiK Sept. X
Captain Hitch of the Oi;letliorpo
Light Infantry, who was In loinmaml
of tho forces, posteil guards on each
of the .stairways that led t ) the floor
above, where the prisoners were con
fined. With fixed bayonets, but un
loaded rllles, the guards stood. The
mob surged toward them, but were iv
puleed several times. Suddenly kouio
twenty five men crowded around the
guatdii. llei'ore they could be pre
vented, they had cioosht two of the
Riiunls, wrested their weapons from
them and thrown open the I tPicli
Mocks. The weapons were empty,
That was what, the crowd wanted to
ascertain. The troops hud been given
orders not to load their rifles The
captured soldiers were held prisoners.
The small Kuard about the prison
ers withdrew Into the room ami closed
the door. The mob crashed tinainst
It, bnrstlnir It as though It were uti
crk shell. The prisoners were at their
mercy. Iteed was taken down one
stairway with n rope about bis neck
and Oa to down the other, both plead
ing for their lives. The doomed men
were dragged along the roadway lend
ing to the Hodges hoiinftead, where
the five members of the family bad
been murdered and burned, doing
a Khort db'tance from the nnd the
crowd halted. The two negroes were
told they had but a short time to live
and that they should confess.
I'.eed confessed, implicating other
negroes, but denied that he had taken
nn a. tlve part In the murder. Onto
answered incohen ntly.
A member of the mob mad" ft
Epeerh, recounting tho horrors of tho
crime. This Inflamed the crowd to
tho burning pitch. To a large stump
tho men were chained. Then a wagon
load of pine wood was hauled to the
f m jt . It was piled around tho men
and ten gallons of kerosene was
thrown over them.
Photographer on Hsnd.
A photographer was present and the
crowd was cleared back that he might
get several views of the men bound tu
the stake. .lust as tho match was ap
plied to fhe pyre, one of llmre In
front asked Heed if he did not want to
tell the truth before ho died. "Yes, r?lr;
I killed Mr. and Mrs. Hodges. Handy
Hell killed the children," ,n replied,
an the flames leaped upward, and fur
ther questioning was Impossible In
tho wild tumult. The spectacle was
frightful. As tho flames touched
Heed's naked oll-sonked skin, he
twisted his head around in an endeav
or to choke himself and avoid further
torture. Only once did he complain.
Ho said, "Ixtrd, have mercy."
Cato screamed In agony and begged
that he bo shot. His lienvy suit of
hair, which was oil-snaked, was almost
the first thing tho flames fastened on,
whllo tho hemp rope heenmo a collar
of fire around his nerk. For only
about three minutes was he vlslhlo to
tho crowd before tho great pilo of
fagots mnde a wall of flume which the
wind wiped around on Cato'g body
and hid him from view. Before tho
flames progressed very far up his body
his head snnk fcrward. As soon as If.
was seen that the men were dead tho
crowd commenced dispersing.
Democratic Vice Presidential Candi
date Accepts Nomination.
White Su'.pnur Springs, W. Va.,
Aug. 17. Henry G. Davis was formal
ly notified at 1 o'clock that ho Is tho
Democratic nominee for the vlco
presidency of the United States. John
Sharp Williams, chairman of tho notl
flcation committee of ihu national
Democratic convention, made tho an
nouncement in a fpeedi requiring an
hour to deliver. Mr. Davis, In accept
ing the nomination, diMussed the po
litical situation hriifly. Tm ceremo
nies took place In a natural iimphlihe
ftter on the lawn, under the oaks In
frnt of the White Sulphur Springs
l.r;el. Th" two speeches and music
by the old "Stonewall litignde Hand"
of Staunton, Va., constituted the pro
gran,. Mrs, Maybrlck May Come Dack.
Washington, Am 17. It was stated
at tho bureau of Immigration that It
officials In charge at New York have
Instructions not to detain Mrs. Flor
ence Maybrlck, now on her way to
America after spending yenrs In sn
Kngllih prison. The New ork offi
cials havj been given In -.t ructions to
extend to her every courtesy due an
American citizen and to facilitate her
landing as far a possible.
New York Exporter Already Getting
Many Inquiries,
Nw Yiik, Aug. U. The exporter
of corn arn receiving Inquiries which
Indleutu that there will bo tin uxcep
t!onn!Iy heavy demand f.T the cereal
f r export during tho coming season.
The news is ( aco dii.gly wulccir.e t
the fi Miners who have huge crops and
are pi. tared n.eit the foreign de
mands. The crop of l'.ei wrts tinge,
nmour.tlr.a; to 2.2 II. l7ii.:C."i bushels,
and that of two years ago win also
large, amounting to 2.r.23.fiS.2 ia bush
els, so that there are no shortages In
the domestic supply to make up, while
the present crop Is estimated by Stat
istician riiown of the New York l'ro
rt'ice exchange at 2.rti0.iioii.nio bushel?.
Th grain Is also reported to lie In
excellent condition and it Is expected
to be In good shape for export To
gethi r wltli tbo largo available supply
for expor', the country has the good
fortune to possess this s'orli when
the other large markets will In- In
great need of supplies bv rc.i-on of
crop shortages n other n-.uutrles.
Houmania ordinarily export-t "."..eon,.
One bushels of corn a year, but the
crops are so llht In thnt country this
season that a ukase ha i been issued
forbidding the exportation of com
this year. The outlook In Italy and
Bulgaria Is also bad. and O.orniiiny U
In n 1 of so much coin that the gov
ernment Is considering a relation of
the Import duty.
The ocean freight rnte-i for corn
nre exceedingly low, nnd bo'h the r
rcrters and shipping Ir.tererfs are ex
pecting n record breaking i xpnit
movement during fhe coming scaion.
Japan Accused of f lagrant Violation
cf Neutrality at Che Foo,
Kt. retersbiirg, An;;. 10- The prog
fss or u strongly worded lturslan nolo
to the I'oklng government., demanding
nn explanation of the Hyeshltelnl Incl
dent, coupled with a demand for tho
restoration of the boat, as l'oreshiuv
owed by tho protest sent to Japan
and the powers, shows that IUishIii Is
apparently determined to obtain sat
isfaction for the affront. Il Is be
lieved hero Hut tho least Japan can
do Is to suriender the destroyer, un
less she whiles to place herself on
record ns delving the most cao gorleal
provisions of lull rnntlonal law, with
Ihn possibilities of International com
plications. Russian, Japanese nnd Ohlncsc ver
sions all agree that tho vc:,e was
fecureil in a neutral harbor. Tho
(barge of cowardice sir,. complicity
brought against the Chinese admiral
is based elike on his failure to pro
tect nn unarmed vessel nnd on his
permitting the Japanese destroyers
to enter the harbor. It is pointed out
that. It was the admiral's duly to place
a guard on board the hyeshltelnl, tak
ing ofT the Russian crew.
A ill- p:it h to Lloyds from Shanghai
says that the cruiser Askold bus gone
Into the dock and the torpedo boat
destroyer Croj-ovol is being dismantled.
Mrs. Mzybrick Sails for Home.
London, Aug. 1.'. A dispatch to a
news agency from llrnssels says If Is
asserted at Antwerp that Mrs. May
brlck sailed for America under an as
sumed name on the Vaderland.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
t'liliMK'i. Aug. Pi. - A new Id'.'li record f ir
tlw si'iivni whs Heiireil t.i'lay In whnit.
The rl-e In pilri-H ('Mini' Willi en -ut waviu
'.f li'iyllltf tllPHlull'lllt llio lll.v. Hie lir-cntii-IKIIllllll
HIS (if lllsllltl'lll'H I'l'i i 1 1 -1 In-
rreiediiitly cMlumtOiii In "in'i.'e-ainim of
ruin tu die virliig wliint. A i nnlliig to
I'll- illrpiitelii'i current, the pr'i." t nf
riliilicll fur I'l'i'M'l liml Si'l-d llppi'liml In In-
a tnnri' olrkl.v ifllinmer. The iniuki t rimed
flruiie at priiellciilly the tup, nltli g:tm
lit UV'i''-.'H" net. Cnni wns nlT H'.i'v. nnls
well' 10' ilnwn tn l,i.r up. f'rnvli-l'ilei Mirlcil
frmn 17"i Pikk tn 'Jy pulii. Cln .inii pi Inn:
Whi'iit Sept., Jl.o.'i; I lee., tfl.o.".; Miiy,
Corn Sept., M' i". flop., r.rt",; Miiy, r.1'
(Hits Sept., "4V; lii'C, :',:,r- Mut,
rork-Sepl.. flirl; Orf., $11.1X1.
I.nrd Sept., i; K.: (li t., $i ii.'i,.
Kllm Sept., $T..':j-t,; (let., J7.:i7'.i.
f'lili'iign C.'isli I'rli'i'H -Nn. 2 ml whrnt,
$1.0V.iln7: Nn. a red wlicnt. t) n."n 1 O":
Nn. 2 Hprlng whPiit. fl.liMil.V.'; Nn. .1
Fprlns wti.'iit. $1.01U III: Nn. 2 linrd
whst, ?l.oo,'!.04; No. S liard, 0",.-T1 f2.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chlrnirn. Aug. la.-Cnltle Ki-relpt. !.
TiOO; tii(ly: inMl to prttn" S"i OfJ
"; pnnr to modlum. $4.('ii l tm; utoeliert
nnd fiedori". S2.iVfi-l.iK): row, $l.iVfi-.2T.:
helfiTK. 2.'i-t.Vn runnel". It.2-V,i7.4.'i;
biilln. f2.'K,M -': en 1 vi. f2.ftiKii;.iKi: wp'
prn tPtT. Hon Itnii'lptN, in,.
Oho: t ly to utronjf; nilx"d nml Imt.'hPM,
$."'ii.'.'K: gmu to rlinli'p liciivv.. f .' ."..V.l
R.4.V miiRh lipnvy, $t .ri'(iS.2.i : Unlit. Jj.'jn bulk nf mibx, f.viiMj.'i.i:.. stipcp-
Ri'PclptK, .'.ndO; NtPixtv; Iti mil to fli'ilrp
wpttiiTv $1 Oif.M I." ; fnlr to clmlif mlxff!,
J2.7Mi.TtW): westi-m cheep. $2.7.Vit'l.o(i; i,n
tlr liiintiJ. Jl.inciiCi.oO; wi'stern lumbs,
:i 7VfiC ii.
South Omaha Live Stock.
Pniitli 'ininVii. Ails. e. Cnltli.. fippplpt'.
?'K"-n: nntln iiondy, n'ni'ri Inirer: nntli-p
tner. 5'! T.Vi'.".!i: eim-n iiikI hlfiTi. S2.73
I.17V V.e-Oi ll I"M, :i linl'i; Texss
steori. 7'.'-.1 7": run? -i, un l le-!f-pr.
J.'hi'.i;! :.; -tm-Ver-! nnd fi'i-ili-rv. 2 -V)
fi.T.7-".; a .. .2..Vf.(a.7."': riily, f. Off. I
r.'e imti. in.'i, i tiv, ii:t :ii. if.,j-
l!iTi.i.N in the. tr.iii"r: ln n,
l nv.i.vo-,: i.,.,i. on: IL-tit. J'.ni
Ti" 1': 1 1.. tl.:.(; t.u'ii nf !,., t-, (fi
r..m stip.'p ijpe.'ii.m. :!; trniv:
nesO'iM Trr'lti;. ?n7''1'J": 'p'tiprt.
Hi':!-"' ' ", . 7-.'.. .'f, sr.d
Knrl,fr, J-.1 '.':.,:t :o: lntr'.. $4 7VT1 Oft.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knm I'ltr. Asg 10 -Cuttle Iti-eelpts,
in.7'"': Kiendy to strung: I'linlm export nnd
ilrei "l I. "i f n'eers, S.'i (Kili.'.V. ; fnlr to
K " il. fi rie j:, no, tpru f"d to.'r, J173
C-'.r.O; uto.kfM snd fepilm, IJ.'J.VJ-l.i'Jj
outliern nre'Ti. li.l.ViHW; tlllltp rows,
tl MVtt4(e nutlrp hrlf.TM. f2.VV.i4 7J;
bnll, $2 (K"i .vi, rnlTi , j.if,i4 ,vi. n,i$t
-ReepU, SlKiO. to .ip lilghor; top,
trW l ti!k rf inlra. $.1.(Wif5 an; htsry.
14 f:i'.J."i 10. p.n-kers. V u'fifl pljs and
lisht, l.l.oii'nS :m. Shi'p-Hir.(itii, 4.500;
Pip lower;, .fttfM.70; ynrltnrs
1..VV.MU): wentern ilieop. .l 4f4.(X;
stocktrt sod fttJertj $2.5v'ol.U.
or any-citbtr
the mdVinc, tfte
best brcakfiKt ftimt'is)
tfll riiffH grade groccri.
2 Jb.packagci.
A Great Inheritance.
A poor waiter In a restaurant, work
in.; for small wacs, received a dis
patch the oilier day that his uncle Idt
him over a million dollars. This will
make him iiiilepemletit ami propahly
happy. We say, prohahly happy, he
cause happiness Is not always the com
panion id inlii'litaiiee. If, besides
weall h, we inherit from our parents
a weak hodv, a disease or Inclination
foil disease, the wealth will not, make
us happy, miles we use Trlncr's Am
erican Klixlr id Hitler Wine. This
Ureal remedy, made of pure k rape-wine
and .selected herbs and containing no
chemicals will change the whole sys
tem of our body, Localise It, re
news the hlood. L acts directly on
the stomach inakli.:,' it, strong and
capahle o receive and digest food, it
si lengthens the Infest lues to assist in
the dlcsl Ion and to chaiiee the food
si litis into pure, healthy hlood, I he
foundation of strep,Mh, health and
heauly. A t. druMi res. .h s. Tl iner,
South Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ills.
A Sweet Breath
is never a I'ailliik' simi of hcallhy Mom
aeh. When the hreath is I ad I he
stomach is out of order. There Is no
remedy in the world c;nal to Kmlol
ly-'.icisla Cure for fining Indlccst Ion,
dyspepsia and all stnmuch disorders.
Mrs. Mary c. Crick, of White plains,
K.v., writes: " have been advsncid.lo
for eais: I l b d all kinds of remedies
hut continued to crow worse. J!y (he
use of of K i idol I henan fo improve at
once, and after lakitiL; a few bottles
am fully restored in weight, health
and strei;nth and can eat, whatever I
ke. Kodol digests what, you eat
ami makes t he i stomach sweet. Sold
hy F. (i. I'ricke .V Co.
Was Wasting Away.
"I had been troubled with kidney
disease for the last live years," writes
Ihihertl;. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost
Mesh and never Tell well and doctored
with leadini,' physicians and tried all
remedies without relief. I'inally I
tried Foley's Kidney Cureand less than
two bottles cured me and 1 am now
sound and well." Inn im: the summer
kidney Irregularities are often caused
hy excessive drlnkintf or hi'liiir over
heated. Attend to the kidneys at once
hy usiiK Foley's Kidney Cure. F. U.
$8.50 to St. Louis and Return
The P.urllnKton oilers the aliove low
rate for tickets cood in coaches and
chair cars (seats free). ( n sale Tues
days and Thursdays (luring August
and September.
See inc for full particulars.
W. L. Tn KKTT, Ak'ent.
"Good HfialuWif
35 nttrnHs all thone i'i'l
Attioluttly purt, wholtMitiit ''Xi!
dtliciout. . . fiZv
Atk yor dmltr,