The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1904, Image 2

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'(Jut Moil," tn favorite
lr. Marshall, I Vntist, ( oats' F.loik.
Keud llayden Pro's ad In this paper.
Muuy Murphy, In mks and. st at Inn
cry. Mauy Murphy, lino cliirm anl nit
1 r. Marshall, Dentist, ?u;i ti tl
Mrs. J. W. Newell loft lir Alliance,
Kcb., Friday.
Allen Kami of Mynanl was in the
city Monday.
Tin' host soda water In the world at
Coring t Co.'s.
Smoke the Wuil Pros.' celebrated
"Cut Moll" clears.
William Mayall, of Omaha, visited
friends in thiselty yesterday.
Dr. Frank 1.. Cummins, dentist.
Oillce with Dr. K. 1. Cummins.
A. 1!. Todd departed Thursday night
for Alllanee, Neh., on business.
K. It. Windham made a business
trip to North Platte, this week.
Otto Wurl went to Omaha and Lin
coln yesterday on a business trip.
The litirlington paymaster made
Ills usual visit to thiselty Friday.
That real, smooth, tasteful lee cream
soda costs only "it at (leriujr & Co. 'a.
Harry Northcutand wife of Omaha
Sundayed with Plattsmouth friends.
Crushed fruit of nil kinds with lee
cream soda, only ,1c at tiering & Co.'s,
Mauzy Murphy are audits for
Spaulding's athletic goods, the best on
C. F. Hotter and wife, of llaveloek,
spent Sunday with friends In Platts
mouth. Not how cheap but how good. Pat
toon's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Cerlng & Co.
The name that moans quality is Pat-
ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
tiering & Co.
Mauzy & Murphy for grapha phones
and supplies. Largest line of records
in the county.
Miss Alice Sayles, of Potsdam. New
York, is here visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Kmma Walker.
does further, looks better and lasts
longer. Pat ton's Sun Proof Paint,
tiering & Co. audits.
It costs a little more but Is by far
the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint,
tiering & Co., sole audits.
H. D. Smith, superintendent of mo
tive nower for the lUirllngton, was
donw from Lincoln Friday.
Miss Louise Parkman went to the
western part of the state yesterday
f.r a short visit with her sister.
W. L Palmer was down from Oma
li:i vestcrdav on business, lie was
accompanied by his little dauubter,
Miss Maruie Walker has returned to
her home in Murray after a week's
visit, with her vounu friends In this
John Claus went to Omaha yester
day and returned with his wife, win
lias been at the Wise Memorial bos
pltal for some time.
The I'nion boys came up Saturday
to cross bats with the O. A. 11. dub of
this city. The I'nion boys w ent down
in defeat by a score of 11 to s.
K. II. Pooth, while enunued in paint
Ing a house In Lincoln last Saturday
fell from quite a distance, sustaining
a fracture of several ribs and a broken
Ed McMaken, of Newcastle, Wyo
ming came In one day this week for
a visit, beinu called here owing to the
poor health of his father, 11. C. Mc
Maken. C. W. Croon departed Thursday
night for Alliance, Neb., near which
place he has tiled upon a claim of :Z0
acres, and upon which he will erect
some buildinus. He will remain a
month or six weeks.
There seems to be horse steallnu go
ing on in ether counties as well as
Cas-i. Last week a team was stolen
down in Otoe county, a horse stolen
over in Sarpy and a horse and buggy
taken from Park avenue, Omaha.
The report comes from St. Joseph,
Mo., that Superintendent llrown, of
the Hannibal & St. Joseph road, will
succeed Superintendent Calvert, who
lias been promoted. Mr. lirow n Is a
gentlemen and scholar, and Mr. Cal
vert couldn't possibly be succeeded by
a finer man.
Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Fork,
Ky. says she has prevented attacks of
cholera morbus by taking Chamber
lain's Stomach and LIverTablets when
she felt an attack comlnu on. Such
attacks are usually caused by Indigos
tlon and these tablets and just what Is
needed , to cleanso the stomach and
ward off the approaching attack. At
tacks of bilious colic may be prevented
In the same way. For sale by all druggists.
Mrs. O. K. Duke Sunihyeii with her
sou 1 lals in llaveiicL.
A. 1. Todd returned last exenng
from his trip to Alliance.
A. L. Jardlne was down from !roou-
wood Saturday on business.
Mrs. John Sharp wont to llaveloek
Saturday to visit a few days.
C. K. 'IV fit was ovor from Weeping
Water Friday on loual business.
Frank Johnson loft Friday for a
sit with W. C. Willi ts and family at
Uley, Noli.
I. P. Falter departed yesterday af
ternoon (-is a business trip totho ranch
near Walton, Colo.
If you are a Judue of a irood smoke,
try the "Acorns" ."i cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
Mr. and Mrs. VA llar.stow were down
from Lincoln to spend Sunday with
Plattsmouth friends.
lr. l!oy I lodge leturuid to Omaha
yesterday inoniiug, after a brief visit
with his parents and friends.
Charles Sponsor and family ol
Shenandoah, Iowa, are visiting friends
and relatives in Plattsmouth.
A. C. McMakin and wife, who were
visiting in the city departed for their
home hi Atchison, Kansas, Tuesday.
The friends of Mrs. Carl Frlcke will
be glad to learn that she Is Improving
after several months of severe sickness.
C. 1. Fads has been unite ill for
several days, but is reported asgetting
along nicely, and w ill be out in a .short
Pob Mayes departed Thursday night
for Sheridan, Wyoming, to visit for a
shoittime with bis brother, lr. Paul
Janus Stander was down from Lou
isville Monday on business.
Miss Nellie Smith of Kansas City is
visiting Miss Aiitouia Kessler.
C. A. Phillips of Lincoln was a guest
at the Walker home this week.
A. S. Will, the big stock man wen to
Akron, Colo., Friday on business.
W. II. Pool, the Weeping Water
real estate man. was in the city Fri
day on business.
Mrs. Maltie Williams and son, Fail,
departed '1 uesday for an extended
visit in Lawrence, Kansas.
County J mice lra vis and tamliy
spent Sunday with 1. N. Woodford
and t.iinily In Weeping Water.
John Osl'oin and wife, who were
visiting at the home of W. T. Smith,
departed for their homo in Kaule Monday.
James Pajeek, now in the service of
Fncle Sam as a private soldier at Ft.
(.'rook, was isit ing relatives here over
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vltonsek de
parted Tuesday afternoon for Mealds
burg, California, where they w ill visit
for a month.
marriage license was granted In
Council lllulls last Thursday to S (I.
Muuson and Miss Miss F.uima Langir,
of Plattsmouth.
sher Clark departed Monday for a
pleasure trip to California. Me ex
pects to spend three or four weeks on
the P;.c ilk: coast.
Mrs C. A. Miles returned to her
home in (Jeneva, Nob., last Thursday,
after a pleasant visit with the family
ofC. C. Miles in thiselty.
From Plattsmouth comes the sad
news of the serious illness of Frank J.
Morgan, grand receiver of the A. O. V.
W. No hopes arc entertained for his
recovery. Nebraska City News.
A car load of strike breakers passed
down the Missouri IVHio, going to
Kansas City Tuesday. Most of them
were negroes who had been at work in
the packing houses at South Omaha.
U. II. Kamsel, local recorder of (icr-
mania Lodge, No. M, A. O. V. W., re-
Summer Dress Goods
Our sale is still on.
Entire StocK of Wash fabrics
From 5c to 19c.
Bed Spreads (Si Towels
We have made a very special purchase in these
lines and offer them at the following low prices.
In view of the fact that linens and cottons have
advanced, these prices are unusually attractive:
Bed Sprcads-69c, 99c, 51.29, $1.39, $1.59, $1.78 and $1.89
Towels-lie, 15c, 18c, 19c and 20c
Queen Quality Shoes
Defender Muslin Underwear
J u st Receive d
We have the extra
sizes in these garments
which are usually so
hard to obtain.
The best $3.00 shoe made.
See display in east window.
bimubmhi immiiii mi
Special Prices This Month on Par
asols and Umbrellas. A Special Re
duction on this Season's Shirt Waists.
Our Lines aro Complete In all the Departments.
Fmnions Ilichey went to LoulsvMlo celvetl Satunlav a voucher for $''0oo,
lucsaay to loou alter business at I tie ,,,Vablo to Mrs. Mrs. A. H. Weckbach
lumber yard, his brother Charley being
quito 111.
A large number of Plattsmouth peO'
nle contemplate attending the Old
Settlers' Pettnion at I'lilon tomorrow
and next day.
Mrs. J.N. Wise returned Saturday
morning from Chicago and Decatur,
Ills , where she has been visiting for
several weeks.
F. (J. Frlcke returned from hisColo
ratio i rip jsaiuruay. ne says ne ieeis
twenty years younger since his two
weeks' outing.
The Journal regrets to learn that its
old friend, 11. C. McMaken, is con lined
to his room most of time, and hopes
for his speedy recovery.
Oliver Kilmunds, of Mullens, Neb.,
near which place he Is employed on a
ranch, was a Sunday visitor in I'latts-
mouth, Ids former home.
in payment of policy held by her husband.
Florence, the one-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Furlong, died of
cholera Infanta Friday, August 12,
l'.i04. The funeral took place from the
family residence, near Pock 151 u lis,
Sunday afternoon.
What has become of the "Fire
Whistle" at the IS. & M. shops that
was to alarm the people In case of lire?
We haven't heard anything or the
matter, nor of the whistle, since the
cards were printed and put up.
Tom Williams, a former Cass coun
ty citizen, who is now publishing the
Ken fro (Okla.) Tribune, was In the
city Saturday. For the past week he
has boon visiting old friends in the
neighbors of Cedar Creek and Louis
Henry Donat left Tuesday onanoth-
Neighbors Extend Congratulations.
A Lincoln special under date of Au
gust 12, says: "Kegartlless of party,
several hundred citizens of Lincoln to
night laid aside partisanship and ten
dered a reception to George W. llerge,
fusion candidate for governor. He w as
at Omaha today and when he returned
his friends began calling at his resi
dence. The matter was wholly Infor
mal and ladies and gentlemen attend
ed. There was no partisan oratory.
The visitors tendered Mr. licrge their
congratulations. Mr. Berge declared
that the unexpected demonstration by
s townsmen, many of them political
opponents, was deeply appreciated by
Mr. and Mrs. John Friessel, residents er trip to Oregon. Me was accoinpan
led by a number from this county, in
clutling Nick Hahnes, Adam Sebaefer,
Fred Schaefer, Tom Keckler, Frank
Kila and Albert Pussier. A number
of others joined the party at Omaha,
Judge Travis issued marriage per
mits Tuesday to Henry drcer, aged
twenty-two, anil Miss Clara Stater,
aged thirty-four, both of Crecnwood
also to Finest Koesner, aged, twenty
four, of Lincoln, and Miss Martha
Lushinsky, aged twenty-six, of Piatt
John McNurlin, of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, and Will Seybert, ot Culiom
were in the city Saturday and called
on the Journal. It was a pretty hot
day, but not too hot for those fellows
to soin a few. Ami they never run
down either the v always have some
thing new.
The renionstrators against the ap
plication of Clay Conner for a saloon
license in the village of Murdock,
have tiled their appeal In the district
court. Of course, this will simply tie
lav Mr. Conner In opening up, and as
it is a similar ease to that at Green
wood, It will be decided in the same
Speaking of the fusion candidate for
congress the Tecumseh Journal siys
"Hugh LaMaster has begun work on
his new residence in the notth part of
tow n. The house Is to be of brick,
two stories high and will contain ten
rooms. It goes without saying that
the residence will bo modem in Its ap
appointments and a credit to the city
as well as to the gentleman who is re-
sponsibie ior us erection.
of the Fourth ward, are rejoicing over
the arrival of a nine pound boy at
their home, liorn Monday.
Paul Seeley went to Syracuse, Neh ,
yesterday, where he has accepted the
forenianship of the paper recently
purchased by J. K. Keitliley
Matt Spatler dropped in Saturday to
renew for another year. Mr. Spader
says he can't get along without the
Journal any more than he can without
Adam Stoohr, of Cedar Creek, was a
county seat visitor Saturday, and call
ed at Journal headquarters. Mr.
Stoohr is one of Cass county's energet
Ic young fanners
Mrs. F. W. LohnliolT departed Sat
urdav for Newton, lowa, to visit a
while and then return with herdaugh
tor, who has been spending the sum
mer with her grandmother.
Mrs. William Wescott. noe Miss
F.dna Oliver, formerly of this city, ar
rived in Plattsmouth last Thursday on
a visit to old neighbors ami friends.
She was accompanied by her brother
You need clean healthy bowels just
as much as pure, wliolesom" food;
without either, you cannot keep well.
Hollister's Kooky Mountain Tea elim
inates all Impurities. Toa or tablets
Goring & Co.
The Interior of the state I'.ank has
been thoroughly renovator! -ropapor-
ed, repainted e. Iver thing there
abouts looks as neat as the now one
and two dollar Mils they are placing
In circulation.
Mrs. CM. Jennings, lloston -'Our
babies (twins) were sickly. Had sev
eral doctors, but no reu' K Hollister's
Kocky Mountain Toa made them
strong and robust." :'" cents. Tea
or tablet-.. Goring Co.
You will i
fall term t f
AsKs for Divorce.
Mrs. LucindaMariHa Kraut, through
her ottorney J. E. Douglass, has tiled
a petition in the district court asking
for a divorce from her husband, Emory
P.rant, on the grounds of ill treatment
and defertion. They reside in Elm
Still Lying.
It took the democrats quite a while
to tintl one of their number who would
make the race for lieutenant governor.
The man linally named wasabsent.but
his friends assured the convention mat
he would accept all right. Some dele
gate jumped upto Inquire who he was,
and the replycame "He's a horse doc
tor. ' 'Plattsmouth N e ws.
The average reatler would infer from
the above that the editor of the News
thinks that it is a crime to be a veter
inary surgeon,' or a "horse doctor," as
he terms it. And we know a number
who are just as honorable, upright cit
izens ashe w ho penned the above. Put
while this is very true, the Journal
begs Jeave to state for the benefit of its
readers, that Dr. Townsend,whom the
News refers to, is a tirst-gradc physi
cian and surgeon, and a successful
practitioner in his home town, so you
see Farley's "horse doctor" lie explodes
a hornin'.
Will Be TaHen to the Asylum.
Sheriff McKride went down to Ne
hawka yesterday afternoon and last
evening brought back a man named
Harry Johnson, about 40 years of age,
who has shown symptoms of insanity
for several days. He has been cm
ployed in the quarries near Nehawka
lor several years, and nothing out of
the ordinary pursuits of his everyday
life was noticed until within the past
few days. The Insanity board met
this morning and after a thorough ex
amiuation it was decided to have him
taken to the insane hospital at Lin
Another Divorce Ask.ed For.
Mrs. Nellie May Woodard has tiled a
petition in the district court asking
for a divorce from James Woodard
She alleges that they were married in
Walioo, July 11, l'.Htt, and that a few
weeks later she received a letter saying
that he would not live with her. She
also alleges that she joined him on the
lirst day of the present year, but after
three months he again deserted her,
informing her that she would never
see him again. She asks that her
maiden name, Nellie May YanDoron,
be restored to her.
We have moved our stock of
Books, Stationery, etc. to the
Leonard Building, formerly
occupied by Lehnhoff Bros.,
where we will be pleased to
serve you in the future.
Mauzy & Murphy
Lightning's Pranks.
A special from Elmwood under date
of August hi, says: "A splendid rain
visited this section last night after
several days of excessive heat. Noth
ing but an early frost can hinder a tine
crop of corn in this portion of Cass
county. During the storm lightning
was unusually severe. C. D. Kunz,
living three miles southwest of town,
had a l",Vfoot stack of hay, containing
100 tons, struck by lightning
and consumed. The stack was located
but a little way from the barn and
sheds, but by tearing down connecting
fences the lire was confined to the
stack. Loss was covered by a policy in
the Farmers' Mutual Insurance com
pany of Nebraska. John Groll. living
several miles east of Elmwood, lost
four stacks of oats from lightning. Mr.
Waldron, two miles north, was in his
milk house when It was struck, but he
was not hurt, nor was the building Ignited."
college, of which Kt
e ula. I to
vnv Cat the
i ( ommerclal
.:gh I '.rot hers
are proprietors, will oprii Sept. 1, If
you have not decided school you
are going to attend, we would advise
you to send for free advertising litera
ture. This U the largest and best
equipped commercial school in Nebraska.
For Fields More Green.
A. Cohen, who lias for several
months conducted a milliner business
here, took his departure last week
quite suddenly. The stock of goods
was mortgaged for $100, perhaps as
much as It will bring, and the holder
of the morrgage will dispose of the
stock on September "ith. Nothing has
been hoard of Cohen since his disap
pearance, and his whereabouts Is un
known. He is so well know n In Platts
mouth from past business ventures,
that It is very doubtful If he got into
any of our people for even a penny.
His past career was very chequered.
This falling of your hair!
Stop it, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair some
Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall
ing will stop, the hair will
Hair Vigor
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. Why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich?
" Mr h1r nuirly nil rim out. 1 (hin trlM
ATcr't lUir Viir.r ami oi.1t otif. Imttlf tottM
tli falllnit. Nrw liir rW In rcl tl.ti-k unit
liiti rurli."-Mhk. L. M. txrni.
tmtoRa, ti. Y.
html boti1.
All nnii-i'i...
j. o. ATinrn,,
..!! V-,..
IThick Hair
Well, Here It is.
A reader of the Journal wants us to
expain what the editorial "we" signi
fies. Well its meaning varies to suit
the circumstances. For Instance, when
you read that "we expect our wife
home today," wc refer to the editor-in-chief;
when it is "we are a little late
this week," it includes the whole of
fice force, even the devil and the towel.
If "we are having a boom," the town
is meant: "wc received over 700,000
emigrants last year,'' means the na
tlon, but "we have the hog cholera in
our midst," only refers to the illnessof
the man who takes the paper live or
six years and then refuses to pay forit.
Indications of a Late Fall.
The doves are hatching out a second
brood. The robins are hatching out a
third brood: the barn swallows are
building to hatch out a second brood.
This is unusual. What does It mean?
If the birdscould not raise thelryoung
so that they would be strong enough
tolly south before cold weather they
would not go on with their house
keeping. It means a long, hot, dry
spell and a late fall. The weather de
partment doesn't know It, but the
birds do, and they never go wrong.
Even the sparrows are building now
out in the open.
POSITION f or mfdd Ic aged lad y
In th's County to act as our
representative. One with some
knowledge of medicine preferred.
Apply with references to the Akd
leal Research Co., Paxton Clock,
Omaha, Nebraska.
And Without Proper Credit, Too.
Editou Joi'hnal:
1 notice the Nehawka Register, the
Plattsmouth News and other newspa
pers have copied the article you printed
about the letter "c " Did you ever
hear that the letter "a" is considered
the most fortunate letter in the alpha
bet? It is found in heaven, always in
Jchova, and we find it In faith. It ex
ists in all matters, andanimals are not
without it. It Is always in cash and
never In need, always in wealth but
never in poverty, always in health but
never in sickness, and is not lacking in
peace, ease or learning, but always in
the Plattsmouth Real Estate Ex
change. A. W. A.
'Tis said a bottle and a glass
Will make a person mellow,
Put Kocky MountainTea'sthedrink
That livens up a fellow.
t iering &Co.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been aide to cure in all stagcs.andthat
is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting di
rcct'y upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of thesystem, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giv
ing the patient strength by building
up the constitution and assisting na
ture In doing its work. The proprie
tors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they olTcr One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co.,To!edo,0.
Sold by all Druggists, "c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. A Summer Cold.
A summer cold is not only annoying
but if not relieved pneumonia will be
the probable result by fall. One Min
ute Cough Cure clears the p'.ielgm,
draws out the hillamatloii, heals ami
sooths and strengthens the hums and
hronlchial tubes. One Minute Cough
Cure Is an Ideal remedy for the child
ren. It is pleasant to the taste and
perfectly harmless. A certain cine
for croup, cough and cold. S'.'.d by F.
(I. Frlcke & Co.
A. C. Onii, A. M.. LL. 11., riv.. Omaha.
rnor. A. J. Lowitv, Trine. k
En.l.iril Vy Klr-t Nnt'I
Hank nnl business men.
$10,000 In Koll Top DpkUii, Ilnnlt Fixture nil
W Tviifwrltrr. Stmlenu ran work for board.
Semi (or fivo ratulotfuo, bound In nllU'iitnr,
finest ever puliliKhi-J by a llunlncsn c'olliyo.
livuU it, nnJ ou will uttuud thu N. U. C,