The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1904, Image 7

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    Xcoal Htocrttecmcnte.
Notice of Adoption.
In lli1 County Court of Chmi County. Ni'liras
Wa. In th? mullet of the ailoulion of Marlon r.tul
ly I'owi'll. a minor rlillil.
All v rson lnli r -li-l will lake not li'v that
..n 1 1... null iluv nf .lulv A. II l;4. Kilwartl S.
Ilivkfiillow ami ifu. Myrllo Hi-vmmiIWiw. KUil
I liftr petition for tin' utloptlon of alil Marion
t.llllly I'OWrll Ulltl lIMll oil llir !nir imj mi
riiililSiivlnir liiNlltiiU' of IMmiliii. a foriKira-
lion cluiiiiliiif to lime thf inntrol ami rinlil
i., ,iu,kM. ,,f alil i-lillil. lili il lis rriltniiiMi-
mi'iit ami iniiM-nt to thv iirokiM-!t inlopllon of
tin-alil Marion K.uilly I'owi ll ly tlirsaiil hil-
wanl S. lli'fcM'iinow ami .nynio iitsmmihoh ;
11,1.1 uiil niHtu-r will In' lu-anl hy tin- County
ii.iirt al th' rourt mom In ;lil I'ounty on tin1
nth ilay of Si-pU-iuU r. 1114, al 1U oYlu'k a. 111..
t wl.i. li itim- ami plarf iiliitvtliiiis to salil
urnpoMHl ailoptlon will ! heard.
It u further unliT, il that rrvlre of this no-
.i.. lu. i.ixl Iiv iiuiiliratiiiii In the IMattMiioillh
.hiurnai, a newspaper printed ami piihilsheil
In salil enmity. ly imlillralion of this otiler
,.n..,. in i.n.-li week fur fnur suiT'sslve weeks.
Witness 111 v haml ami ollii'lal seal tills ;'tli
day of July. A. I. l'.4. , ,
I8K.M, Hahviiv D. 1 HAVIS.
9 (.(I CiiillllV .liul.'e.
Notice to Creditors.
Statu ok Nuihaska. i n Coiimy Courl.
CllSKl'OlllltV. I
Iii the mutter of the estate of Atiton Henry
Weekhach. ihveaseil. ,
v,,ii.... u Iut.-Iiv irlven that the iTeilllors of
salil ilei'easeil will meet the administrator of
i.,.i.l i.siine liefore tne. eountv .iiulu'e of t'ass
eountv. Nehraska. Ill the enmity eoiirt rnnm
In I'liittsiniiiitli.ln salil i-oiinly.oii the I.Mli 'lay
if AiiL'iist.l!i4.aml on the IMli ilay of ! ehriiary.
UHl.". at liio'i'loek a. m. eai'li (lay. fur the lmr nresenlliiL' their I'lalnis for exainlna-
t .1 1... t iiHiiu-iiiire.
siv ii.iiiiilis are allowed for the creiliturs of
Mild deeeaseil to present their claims, and one
tM.urf.m 1 1..' mliiiliilsirator to settle salil es-
r ..., Il l, ii.l ihiv nf .lulv. I I'U I.
'witness mv haml ami seal of said county
court, al I'lattsiiioutli. Neliriiska, tlih
day of July. HH. , ,
7-21-4 UAitVEY 1. TllAVIS.
Iseai.1 County .Imlgo
IW virtue of an order of sale. Issued hy
1... .",.. i!.,i...n,ii elerk nf the Hist rid Court.
Within and for t'ass County. Nebraska, and to
me directed, 1 will on tlie
22d Day of August, A. D. 1904,
said dav. ut the south
south door of the courl house 111 the city of
I'lattsiiioutli. Ill said county, sen in mi. n,
ii.ui tin- highest bidder fur cash. the.
f..n.,uliii. ri.ul estate, to-wit:
lts Three CP. l'our(4i. Five (). and Six (t,).
in in..b k'.iiii. iii Vihiiil' and llavs' addition
to I'latlsinoulh. In Casscoutitv. Nebraska, to
Itetlier w ith the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto lielonnlnif or in any wise appertain
Iiil'. The same tielng levied uivn and taken
us the property of Martha J. Petersen. John
I'. Petersen. John Larson. Art h. Alexander.
umi wniii Murrliiin. defendants, to satisfy a
imlcniw.iit nf said Court recovered by tin
fiiiititv nf Cuss. Illll iiittir. UL'iiliit said iiv
""'j w i
...,,!.. .. sj
th. Nebraska. July 21st. A. II.
UKU JOHN 1. McllllIOK.
SherltT. Cass County. Nebraska.
lecB I . Hiiiit. -'i'-j
riiilntltl'M Attorney.
Hv virtue of an order of sale Issued by
i,.m.. if..i...Ms,iii i-lerk of the ) strict court
within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to
rue directed, I w ill, on tilt
ed Day of August, A. D. 1904,
.it "iiVl.wk iv 111. nf said dav. lit the south
,.t il. ii ...inn liiinse ill the clt V of Piatt
month, ill said county, sell at public auction
to the hhlhest bidder, for cash, the follow ing
.... i ..ui..i., 1.,-.. ii .
it in..' in. Two (il. Three 0), In lllock
TuLiitv-iliree i:tli. Also litsTen ilin. Kiev
iiu mill Twelve (121. Ill Itloi'k Kli-'llt
All In the City of I'lattsiiioutli. In the County
of Cass, slate of Nebraska, together with the
prlvileKc and appurtenances inereum., .
loiuilint or in anywise apperta tiiiu.'. I he
i,i., l..,-l..,l mum mid taken as tin
iipnneriv nf Ilenrv H. (ierimr. defendant, to
. ., i, ui, .I,,. .ut nfsiiid court reci'Vi r.
the Countv of Cuss. ulaintitT. airainst said de
fendant. , , , ,,, . . ..
i'i,.itsiiwiiiili Nebraska. July 21st. A. It.
..... l.illV 1 1. McllKlliK.
SherltT. Cass County. Nebraska,
'Jfusr. I.. lioiiT.
Plaintiil s Attornry.
Attachnjent Sale.
In the Coi'stv Cot uT or
cass County. Neiiiiaska.
K t! IOVKV Jk SON. a Co-partnership com
"posed of licor-Ke K. Dovey. et al. Plalntltl.
W. J. llVsSKK, Hrst real name, unknown. Ie
fendant. . , , , .
Under and by virtue of an order of sale Is
sued to me Iiv lion. II. I. Travis. ( oiinty
JiidXe of the County of Cass. State of Nebras
ka, on the 12th day of July. I1H4. 1 will on the
iKth ilay of Ainrust. I!i4. at S o clock p. in . at
Uw hue residence of the defendant. W. J.
Ilesser. offer for sale at public aucUon. to the lihlder for cash, the personal propert y
by me attached In the alKive case, described
lui follows: . ,,.1 tv.,..i
tine (I) Holler, manufactured by the Kxcel
Hlor Iron Works. UK) N. Clinton St.. Chicago.
111.. Illld the pipe attached thereto, almllt
1HJ0 feel, more or less, situated on the south
wiwt iiiirter of Section 12, Town II, Kanj;e 1J.
it, Cuss county Nebraska.) i) M(,miiiK
s-4-t2 -SherilT of Cass county. Nebraska.
Notice of Attachment.
UM.1E COVI.K. alias llatlle Hall, will
take notice, tlial on the 2nd day of July. I!4.
M. Archer, a Just Ice of the peace of Cass coun
ty. Nelira-kii. Issued an onler of attachment
for the sum of SSL . In an action petidliiL' be
fore him. wherein Louis It. Kcetdx ri-'er Is
plalntltl'. and IJIlle Coyle. alias llattle Hall,
defendant, that property of defendant, con
sisting of household ihhIi has liccn attach
ed iimler said order. Said cause was contin
ued U the atli day of Auuust. I'oi. ut nine
oV hick a. in. I.OIMS l. r.( o.r ...
n-4 4
Notice of Attachment.
M I.I.IK CYI.F iillus llattle Hall, will
take notice, that on the Mil day of July. lint.
m .t ...i... ,. the Ileal fCassiollll-
iv" Vi.lirus'ka.' Issiieil HU order of attachment
f,',r the sum of -I.VHi. In an action pendlnir be
fore him. wherein I d KuenlaTier Is plaintiff.
...i i on., r i ,. Ih.s I In 1,1 e lla .defendant.
that property of defendant, coiislstimr of
household uis'ds has lieeu attached iim ersald
..,i..r ,I ..,,nsii was conlilined to the '..III
dav of Auu'ust. I;H. at nine o clock a. in.
' Kll Kl.KMlElK.EIl.
H 4 4 Plaintiff,
Notice of (tttachrrjeijt.
iniir r.iVI V alias llattle Hall, will
... i.. i.... ii.ui il.n'.'d dav of July, I'l'l.
l. Archer, 'a Justice of, the pence of Cass
,... V..1..HSI111. Issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of iK.'H In an action l" .m .
1 1.1... u .i n, n til lonal Is plalntltl
' ...1 1 in... i-..i" Ins llattle Hall defendiint.
illlll UIIIM ',T" - , . ,,,..
honsehohl irnods has Ik i ii attache, niu ers a
or.U r. cald cause was coin 0111. .1 m ....
day of Au:ust. liml. at nlneo J-
H.4.( Plain'tllT.
Notice to Creditors.
SrAtT. ok Neiiiiahka. I s t'0nnt v Court
Cass County. 1
In the mutter. if the estate of .otto V. Ilook
tn.. v., r. decellsed.
N.iTin: Is hereby irlve.i that the ;n;l"'rs of
said ueceased w ill meet the ailmlnlst rat. r
before me. County Judu'e of ( ass
count v. Nebraska, at the count)
in I'lii'iisiniintli. in said county.
of October. I!'!, and on Hie
lih'.'i. nl lino o'clock p. m
nrt r.sun
n the 1st day
Mh dav "f March.
each day. for the
,,f iireseiillmf their cialins for evatn-
niitlon, iidlustnieiit and allowance.
Six n ontlisare allowed for the cr-d ,. s of
Mild deceased to present their n
year for tl Iinlnlstraior to se tie si I.I is-
late, from the 2nd day of sepleiiili r 1. 4.
Witness my hand and seal of sail -''
court, at Platlsn.outh. Nebraska. . 1 Is t 1 da),.,,,!. IIJ;
Two Paatenger Coaches nd Baggage
Car Swept Away by the Rag'nfl
Torrent and Bodies Ar Covered
Oticp With 6and.
Pueblo. Colo.. Aug. 9.-The reck
of tin? World's fatr tlyt r on me iuu-
ver and IUo Oraiulo railroad uar
Edt-u seven miles north of i neblo,
provei to have been one jf the great
est rallroud dlbatters lu the history
of the country. Two crowded passen
ger cars and a luKtKHRe tar were en
gulfed In the torrent that tore nut a
trestle KjmnnlnK Steele's Hollow,
otherwise known as Dry creek, and
eo far as known only three of the oc
cupants of heso cars eseapeu ueum.
Fortunately two Eleepins tar mm
diner completitiR the train, remained
on the track at the edso of the abyss,
and none of these on Imard va3 killed
or lnjttreii.
How ninny perished probably
rinvtir Ins ( I' lIUieiV IW""""' "
the treacherous sands are iuuuuk
over the bodies. SearchliiR lor the
dead was lieKiin on an extensive scuie
nn.l still 1s in progress. All corpses
fnnnil werj hroticht to I'liohlo
nlaced In four niorRties here
ty-sit bodies have been recovered anil
of these fifty have boon ldentineu.
Itodles were recovered all the way
olonR Fountain river, from the scene
of the wreck to this city. Two bodies
were taken from the stream at First
street, Fueblo, more than oIkM miles
from the point where the disaster oc
curred, and It Is probable that pome
may be recovered even further down
stream. None of the bodies are bad
ly mutilated and all are In such con
dition as to bo recoRnizable. Many
identifications have been made by ar
ticles found on the bodies, no persons
whn viewed them reeounizliiK the
Identified dead: Major Frank w
TChitmnn Tonekn: Lota Shotin. Grand
Ilanlds: Ella Stevens, Northampton;
Hush McCrncken, Aurora, 111.; Mary
Price, l.aSalle; Oeorpe Knuland. Col
orado Sprlnps; Mrs. (lartland, Harry
Hough, Engineer Harry Hlnman. It.
O. Meats, T. S. Uees, Conductor J. H.
Smith. Hrakeman Joseph F. Turner,
all of Denver; J. 0. Oraham, Florence,
J. F. nishop, Etta E. nishop. GeorRe
neck, Miss Ilennell, H. Curtis, D. Bell,
Carrie Downing J. Enierlch. Jesse E.
Gray, H. U. Graves. J. G. Galbralth. A.
E. Hoorc. William Hough, A. G. Hess,
Ppuri llonner Dorothy Johnson, Jane)
Keating, Mrs. Robert Llnfott, Ida
Leonard, Stella McDonald, Max Mor
ris, A. S. Maxwell, Annie Fine, Dud
Seward. Alice Sturfieon. Vinnle Selhy,
Tlllie Thompson, Emily Wood, Mrs.
George F. West, Erne Wrlsbt, Nellie
Williams, Florence Walker, I. W.
Wright, and Mrs. A. I.. Yeagla, all of
Pueblo; W. Bethel, Cripple Creek.
Two sleeping cars and the diner
stopped at the brink of the hungry
chasm filled with a boiling, seething
current that quickly spiffed out prob
ably 100 lives. So quietly had the ca
tastrophe been enacted that the occu
pants of the three cars remaininf? on
the track did not realize that an acci
dent had occurred until Miey alighted
from the train. Then they were ut
terly powerless to render assistance
to the victims, who had disappeared
in tho rushing waters.
The condition of the bridgo was not
known until the locomotive had nearly
crossed. Fireman Frank Mayflold,
with a torch that the engineer and
fireman had burning to ascertain the
condition of the track, was In the
gangway. When Engineer Hlnman
felt the tremor In the great machine
and caught a glimmer of the water he
shouted his last words: "Put out
that torch." evidently thinking that
In the accident ho feit certain was
coming, the flames would serve to
spread Are.
But before Mayflold could obey,
while the words were sflll on th Hps
of the doomed man, the bridge gave
way as If It had been a stack of kind
ling wood, and the locomotive dropped
with the hissing of steam, thirty feet
to the bottom of tho creek.
The baggage car, smoking car and
chair car followed tho locomotive Into
the stream and were swept away. All
the occupants of these cars, save
three men. perished, and had not the
roof of the chair car hurst asunder,
none would have escaped. Tho fire
man as the locomotive went over,
was thrown out. Fie ran toward
Eden, meeting on the way Operator
Jonos. who had already started up
tho track. They had seen the head
light of tho approaching train a mln
uto before and had witnessed It dis
appear with ominous suddenness.
"Notify Pueblo," enmo tho voice of
the running man, "tho train's gone
down and everS'body Is killed."
Even as he spoke, relates tho oper
ator, there wero cries coming from
the distance. Tho two men ran to
were the bridge had been to search
but In vain, for the victims of the dls
aster. When they reached tho spot
all cries for help had erased.
Relief trains with physicians, wreck
lng and pile driving outfits and scores
of workmen wero hurried from the
cltv. The first train from the wreck
came in with J. M. Klllln of Pueblo
hose escape was miraculous; II. S
f.ilhert. Toncy Fisher and Fireman
rtnrflelil. These were tho four men
In tho midst of the wreck who esrnpcd
Flvo hundred men scanned every
Inch of the river and its surroundings
a few hours after daylight. They
waded In the stream and carried out
mud-becrlmed bodies which were
found at widely separated rolntR,
gome of them tulles from the icunt of
thi accident,
Governor Issues Proclamation en
Death of Ei Senator Vest.
Jefferson City, Mo.. Aug. 10. Got
mur IXukery Issued the following
proclamation cn the death of former
tsenator George Graham Vest, calling
for the suspension of public buslueJ
tomorrow, the day of the funeral:
"To the Peoule of Missouri: A
great Mlsiouriaa has just eluded a
long, useful und brilliant career He
rests from his labors. Senator
George Graham Vest died at Sweet
Springs, In the county of Saline, at 5
o'ckick this morning, and his remains
will be laid to rest tu the soil of his
beloved commonwealth, in the city of
St. Ixiuls, at 10 a. m. Thursday, Aug.
11. For more than twenty years he
was a renntor of the I'nlted States
and during mora than half a century
one of Missouri's ablest lawyers and
foremost citizens. He wits possessed
of a charming personality, rare g-ttts
of oratory, masterful logic and tho
genius of statesmanship. Vest never
loved with expediency nor failed In
the discharge of official duty. In the
consideration of public questions his
courage, ability and fidelity have
never been surpassed. It was a pe
culiarly fitting close of his career In
tho American senate that although his
body was 'worn out,' to quote his own
expression, ho had strength to lend
tho successful battle for tho peopla
against a powerful trust which sought
by arbitrary rules to raise the price
of one of lifo's Inexorable necessities.
In view, therefor, of the foregoing, I.
Alexander M. Dockery, governor of
Missouri, do hereby request that flags
on all public buildings be placed at
half mast during tho day set apart for
the funeral and that all public offices
be closed during tho time of the fu
aoral ceremonies."
The Williamette Valley of Oregon
Do You Want a Farm?
If ytiii tin, sv't yourself in ivatlinoss to o with a party of lionu'-.-vt Iuts who will
I V' This is one of tho
a farm. Ami when ou see.
Ijie Ireat Williamette Valley
en joyei
von inav
1, een if
Imest trips you en
tins line eouutrv
the tinet eouutrv m all out tluors
ou dun I Inn
to I'vate in
Sec and Talk With HENRY DON AT
Remember the Date Tuesday, August 16th
A. ('. Osu. A. M
rili'K. A. J. Lowiiv
IX 11
Stolen Goods Discovered.
Last Tuesday evening- ShciilV Mc-
iSride and Policeman Fitzgerald dis
covered about, thirty pair of shoes and
two coats secreted in a hole in the
hank along the byway tfoing to the
ferry. I'pon investigation it was
found that the si iocs were placed in
sacks, six in number, and covered over
with two coats and then green leaves
over the coats. From the appearance
of the leaves Sheriff Mcliride says the
property could not have been there
more than thirty-six hours, as they
were not, very much wilted.
It is yet a mj stery as to where this
stolen booty came from. One theory
is that it was stolen from a freight
car. Another is that they were stolen
In Iowa. The latter theory is hacked
up hy the fact that the Ixiat house lie-
longing to W. W. (.'nates had been
broken open and a pair of oars taken
therefrom, and bis skill had also been
used, which did much In convincing
the ollicers that the goods came from
some point on the other side of tl ic
One of the coals found with the
shoes unquestionably belongs to Mr,
Coates, as it bore his name. The shoes
ire all lirst grade goods and ln-ar the
brand of Arnold & Wells.
The same night of tl le discovery
Shcrilf Mcliride and ex-Chief of 1'olice
Ilycrs, secreted themselves in the
brush thinking the thieves would re
turn for their booty. They remained
at their post until Hie storm came up
but no one put in an appearance.
Detective Malonc of the Hurlington
is of the opinion that the goods were
taken from a car, but as yet there
no evidence as to where they were
stolen. Neither is there any clue to
the thieves.
The goods are in the possession of
the Kherill where they will remain
until placed into the possession of the
right owners.
More Thieves Abound.
Last night the home of Thomas
Shunway, on West Pearl street, was
entered and his watch stolen, with
several other articles. The home of
Fred Lbinger, on Oak street, between
Fifth and Sixth, was visited where
they cut the screen till one of the win
dows, and failing to gain entrance by
this means, went to one of the
doors and were cutting the screen
when Mr.Kbingcr heard them and scar
ed them away. Here they evidently
prepared to make theircscapc In. short
order, as they had tied the front gate
open. Other sections of the city were
visited by the gang, but we learn of no
articles taken.
DeWitt Is the Name.
When you go to buy Witch Hael
Salve look for the name DkWIH on
every box. The pure, unadulterated
Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best
salve in the world for cuts, burns
bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The
popularity of DcWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, due toitsinanycurcs.hascaused
numerous worthless counterfeits to be
placed on the market. The genuine
bears the name of E. C. DcWittS: Co
Chicago. Sold by F. d. Frlckc - Co.
A Summer Cold.
A summer cold Is not only annoying
hut if not relieved pneumonia w ill be
the probable result by fall. One Min
utc Cough Cure clears the phelgm
draws out tho inllamation, heals and
sooths ami strengthens the lungs and
hronlchlal tubes. One Minute Cough
Cure Is an ideal remedy for the child
rcn. His pleasant to the and
nerfectlv harmless. A certain cure
for croup, cough and cold. Sold by !
G. Frlcke & Co.
, rriiir.
I'ri's , Onmhii
Kmlnrsisl liy Klrst Nut'l
lUuk mill liusliiuss mull.
$10,000 In Hull Tup iK'slis, ltunlt Fixtures ami
Si) Tvpi'writrrs. StiiOrnts ran wurk fur linnnl.
Sriid fur Ip'0 I'Miilni'iiii, liimml In ul 1 1 t-n t nr.
Ilticst rviT piililishnl ti v a lliisliii'sn Colliire.
Ki'-iJ il, umi juu 111 utlvuil lb.; N. It. C.
War on
Spi'i'liil ('orrisiiilrnt .
Charles Stone has been seriously ill
for the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Haker gave a dancing
party in honor of Mr. I'.akcr's sisters,
Mrs. lini'ton, Mrs. Heed and Miss
Maude. A very pleasant evening was
was spent by all present. The invited
guests were Messrs. and Mesdames
Churchill, Homes, 1 laker, Cook, Weed,
lurton: Misses Maker, Edinuns, Old-
am, liiirlon, 1 1 raves, i;ooi, won ami
1 raves; Messrs. (iuyand Mark Hiirton,
Jell' and .lake Ilrlndle, Manners, Itobb,
Iravcs, Phoden and Miller.
Herman Smith had the misfortune
to catch his arm in the balance wheel
on a corn sheller and sulTcred a pain
ful injury. Ir. Ciilmore, the attend
ing physician, thinks there is some
hope of saving the arm.
Charles Stone, .John Cook and A. L.
laker went to okoboji, Iowa, Satur-
lay, returning Monday.
The entertainment at the Christian
churchlSaturday evening was largely
Ernest Baxter, of Pax ton & Calli-
gber's in Omaha, spent Sunday with!
his parents.
Miss Lizzie Edmuns was seriously ill
last week but is .somewhat improved.
Mr. Al Kennedy who has been on
the sick list the past week is no better.
U. H. Manners is spending the week
in Weeping Water.
S. W. Hrcckenridgc spent Sunday
with J. M. Leek and family.
Miss Viola Young is the prcud pos
sessor of a line new piano.
J.M. Stone of Xehawka is here
with his son Charles, during liis sickness.
John Spanglcr and wife are rejoic
ing over the arrlual of a nine-pound
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science lias
been able to cure in all stagcs,and that
iscatanli. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the
only positive cure known to the inedi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a con
slitutional disease, reoiilres a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting il
rect'y upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giv
ing the patient strength by building
up the constitution and assisting na
tu re in doing its work. 'Ihc proprie
tors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred
hollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list oi testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co.,Tolcdo, ).
Sold by all Druggists, ".Ic.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
and Queensware
THIS means just what we say. Kvcry pieee of
(Jueensware in our lare stoek will he red need to
the original cost, ami on many artieles helow eost.
'Phis line of joods mut he moved, as we need the
room. The prices we offer will certainly do it.
In Our Grocery
This Old Reliahle store, as it always has done, si amis
ready to offer you the hest values for the money. ( ur
line is certainlv one of the most complete to he lound
in Cass County.
H. M. SoenniGhsen.
Successor to
Weckbach & Co. Piattsmouth. Nth.
World's Fair Visitor
find lirst class accommodations within two blocks of four
dilferent car lines direct to world's fair grounds.
Hump Back
SCOTT'S EMULSION won't make a
hump back itnight, neither will it make
short If loni, but it feeds loft bone
and heals diseased bone and is amon
the few genuine means of recovery In
ricktU and bone consumption.
Send .ir rr .ample.
RrnTT IIOWNK. Chrmit.
jowii l'rl Sirwl, NtwYork.
juc. and fi.oo; ill aruQjui.
Board and Room $1 per Day or $6 per Week
Writs and secure rooms before Marling or for
any other Information.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Livcngood
2737 Morgan Street St. Lotus, Missouri
Department - Store
If you don't want to trade it all out
in Our (ioods. we are willing to
We have just the floods you want, and we desire our
farmer patrons to know that we have, since the com
bination of the two stores, the largest establishment
of its character in Plattsmouth. Our stock includes
In these lines we have everything that any others keep,
and at the Lowest Prices, too. Call and see us
and let us convince you that this is the place to trade.
Remember, we pay highest market price for produce.
M. F -A M (a E: R
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to check
the ravagesof consumption, tlie"whltc
plague" that claims so many victims
each year. Foley's Honey and Tar
cures coughs and colds perfectly and
you are in no danger of consumption.
Do not risk your health by taking
sonic unknown preparation when Fol
ey's 1 loner and Tar Is safe and certain
In results. Ask for Foley's Honey and
Tar and insist upon having It. F. (J.
Frlckc Si Co.
Is That Possible?
Senator Newell, of I'lattsiiioutli,
passed through Lincoln, Monday on
his way west to look after sonic busi
ness matters. The gentleman Inform
ed us positively that lie is out of poli
ties and is now a good once
more. The senator looked remarkably
well for one of his years and bore evi
dence that he was an active member
of the don't worry club and Is growing
a little younger every day. Nebraska