The Plattsmouth Journal ITllUSHKO W " FK LY AT PUATrSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. U. A. HATl.S. Piiiusiim. KnUTf.1 t tlic vl"ffl.f U IMtuniiith. No- DEMOCRATIC TICKET. national. l or President, ALTON It PA UK KH. of New York. Fur Vice President, IIKN'KY ;. PAY IS, of West Virginia. Jrm.K Pakkkk's initials stamls fur "A Hum President." Tiik national dctU lt creators arc In the saddle, 1'iit tin' people will unhorse tlii-m In November as they illil In 1 "'- Tin: accidental president kIvcs us to understaii'l tltat a wliiloinan is Just as mini iiv :i iiilm'(i so Ioiil' as III? IHlUVl'S himself and vnti's for llonsevelt. Tn k best fvl.ti-iK-e t hat fusion should work in Nebraska Is tlu fail that all tlif loading republican papers of tin stati' are bitterly opposed to it. A roi.mi'Ai. pointer: Tin- New ll..r:il.l look a noil of this olllces on Wall street ami found more than three foiirllisof the vntrr.s favored Roosevelt. IIavkjou heard an) repuhl loan say n word in regard to the national t reas urvdelleltof f::,iiihi,ixiiifor.lulyy Isn't our national life heeou. Indent irely too M ivtiuoiisy Tun New York Times says Unit since H;o this count ry has hail six panics live under republican rule and line under democratic rule. Was the tariff responsible? Somk dlssatislieil politicians oikuii i.eil a new party in Chicago the other lay, which t.lieycatl the Continental, .lust whattheir alms are Is not known, and most of us don't care a i'ontlnent al. either. Thk liainiltonian leaders of the re publican party are gradually tindiiiKr out that their plot, of centralization lias been discovered. Teddy and side, partners are not slick enough to fool all the people on t lu ll' plans. itKiT n campaign managers claim that House veil can he elected without carrying New York. After further rellection they will nu doubt reach a conclusion thatthere areotlicr states which their nominees will not fairy, and they are not south of Mason and Hixon's line, cither. Blaine's Opinion of Htnry G. Davis. James C. Maine, In bis "Twenty Years of Congress," has this to say of the democratic nominee for the vice presidency, Judge Parker's running mate: "Henry (1. Havls, a native of Mary ind, entered as the tirst democratic senator from West Virginia. His per sonal popularity was a large factor In the contest against the repuhllcans of his state, and be was instantly regard ed by his party as Its most Iniluentlal leader. Mr. Havls had honorably wrought his own way to high station and had been all his life In active af fairs as afarmer.a railroad tnan.a lum berman, an operator in coal and a Imnker. lie had been uniformly suc cessful, lie came id me senate im the kind of practical knowledge which schooled him to care and usefulness ns a legislator. He steadily grew in the esteem and coulidence of both sides of the senate, and when bis party obtain ed the majority he was entrusted with the responsibility of the chairmanship of the committee on appropriations. No more painstaking or t rustworthy man ever held the place. While 11 nn ly adhering to his party he was at all t hues courteous, anil to the business of the senate or In loci I Intercourse never obtruded partisan views." This Is the opinion of James lllalne, the iitiiiuestioueu leader of his party for many years, a man whose brilliant leadership makes many of the republican leaders of today look like pigmies. Wherein He Lies. "Has tlie Journal done Part? Is the heading of an article that appeared in the last Issue of the WcepinB' Water Republican over tho signature of that excuse for a man, commonly known us J. K. Keitliley. After reading the ef fusion emanating from such a weak brain, we didn't think it. worthy of at tention, hut upon Investigating K'une of the matters therein contained, we iind the late Weeping Water editor has wilfully lied without even attempting to tell the truth. The mass meeting held In l'lat tsmouUi, to which he re fers, was not called for the of discussion tliescavanger law, but really s ilely for the purpose of discussing mat ters purely local to the city of l'lat ts moiitli. Neither was that meeting presided over by Mayor Hcring, a dem ocrat, but by W. V. Coates, a repub- NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Jo Parker VliiU Tibbies. Lincoln. Aug. 6. Jo A. Parker of Kentucky. secretary of the ropullst national committee, arrived la Lin coln for a conference with Thomas H. Tlbblee, nominee for vice presi dent on the Populist ticket. Mr. Far kor said hla visit to Lincoln had no special Htgnlfleance asldo from the fact that ho wished to leo Mr. Tib Ilea and loarn of political conditions la western states. Mr. Ida Cook Hangi Herself. rremont. Neb.. Aug. 8 Mm. Ma S. Cook, wife of Charles Cook of Co dar Iiluffs, committed suicide by hang ing herself to the rafters of the shed In tho rear of her house. A short time ago sho began a suit for divorce from her husband, but this week tho action was dismissed and their diffi culties were apparently settled. Theso difficulties are supposed to have been the cause of tho deed. Sho -vas thirty eight years of ago and leaves a dnugh tcr soventeen years old. Brakeman la Killed by Car. Chadron. Neb.. Aug. 8 Captain Claud Ouga was killed by falling be tween the cars of a freight train on the Northwestern, oa which ho was I brakeman. Convicts Smuggle Opium. Lincoln. Au. 4. (J rem and Jcnes, convicts in tho penitent '.ary, were caught smuggling opium to other prlBoneis and each will loso sixty days of good time. How tho opiuru reached th i penitentiary the officials there d n.'t know, and the convict rcfuso to say where they pot It. Strike Situation Unchanged. South Omaha, Aug. C There Is no chango In tho strike situation here. Nino strike breakers were taken Into tho Swift plant under tho protection of deputy sheriffs and police. Every thing was quiet about labor head quarters nnd tho Btrikers appear as confident as over. At the packing houses work seems to be progressing as on yesterday with about the aamo foreo of nien. Somo desertions from tho pneklng houses are reported every day, but new men come In and the total number remains about tho same. Nebraska Dry Ticket Named. Lincoln, Aug. 10. Tno Prohibition state convention nominated the fol lowing ticket: Governor, Clarence F. Swander of Klchardson county; lieu tenant governor, lsalnh Llghtnor of Plutto county; secretary of state. Stanley Larson o Saline; state treas urer, John P. Heald of Polk; auditor, S. T. Pavles of Otoe; attorney gen eral, Martin I. Hrower of Nance county; land commissioner, Andrew J. Thompson of Johnson; school super intendent, F. H. Carson of Dodge, The resolutions reiterate the platform of tho national Prohibition convention nnd pledge support to Swallow nnd Carroll, Woman suffrage Is demanded and the nrlnelnles of the Initiative and referendum endorsed. It seems to worry the Omaha lice because Parker has resigned the chief Justiceship of New York. Well, If Wind-jammer P.urkett had as much conlldenceiu his election to the I'liitcd .States senate as Judge Parker has in Ids elect ion to the presidency, he ought to resign as congressman, too. Hut will! ic? Kvkn the republican Journals are forced to admit that the ticasu ry state nient for the fiscal year just ended shows a dcllcit of .".2,lH)0,iHHi. House vcllisiu Is cost ink' the people more money than any prior administration In tlie history of our republic. And yet the hip-hurrah fellowsareslioutiiiK for tlie dc licit-breeder. How Hkxky V. Johnson, former republican member of congress from the Sixth Indiana district, In coming out for .Indue Parker for president, says: "1 agree with the democratic platform on the tariff, shipsubsldy and colonial expansion uuestlons, which arc the leading Issues, and feel that it Js my duty to support Judge Parker Tiik Journal called attention last week to the fact that the Plattsmouth Republican King- has Its ticket all cut dried and ready to siring for the rank and ll le of the party In this county to swallow in November. In the mean time the republican hoard of commls kIoiicis are busy enforcing the republl can (scallawag) scavenger law, enacted liy the late republican legislature law which it wasclaiined and is claim cdbythe republican members of the legislature from Cass county was pass oil for Pouglasaloue- against the pot people of the county. Walk up to the clerk's olllee, gentlemen, and look at the operation ol republican legislation llcan. Here you have lie number one Democrats and republicans alike sliar- d in tlie discussion of matlcis that were brought he fore that meeting. l'lie scavanger law was among the sub eetsof discussion, and a committee Appointed to confer with the com in Is sloners. That committee never held ;i meeting afterwards. JohnM. Leyda was made chairman of thiscominlttee, ind not secretary of the meeting. So here Is lie number two. When the lournal presented lis Dill two years iigo this fall for publishing the tax list t he board of commissioners was com posed of Falter, .ink and J odd one democrat and two republicans. Ther you are with lie number three. It would seem from these facts that the late editor of the Republican has been "talking through his hat" In stead of his trumpet, and with no re gard for truth whatever. Prominent Republicans for ParHer. Hon. Ueorge S. Houtwell. one of the founders of the republican party, Sec relary of theTreasury under President (rant, Governor, United States Sena tor and representative in congress from Massachusetts, Is forjudge Parker for president, lie gives these reasons for his preference: i am with the democrat Ic party be cause 1 have made a distinct decision In regard to the Philippine policy, and whatever may happen In regard to do mestic affairs, nothing can be so unfor lunate AS THIS TRANSFORM A TION FROM A RK1TP.L1C TO AN KM PI UK. "Therefore, 1 do not concern myself about what the democratic party may do. but I am satisfied that they will not SACRIFICE TIIK HONOR Ol THK NATION 11 Y LKAYING A (i RKAT OPPORTUNITY." Kx-Congressman Johnson of Indian has also announced bis Intention of supporting Parker and Davis. II served several terms In congress, and elected as a republican. His reasons for deserting the sinking republican ship are about the as those of Mr Houtwell. Next: Lightning Kills Two Men. Albion, Neb., Aug. 8. A heavy rainstorm, accompanied with slight hall, parsed over this part of the county. Ht-avy hall fell In the west ern part of the county and crops tirt badly damaged. Two brothers namo.l Gresham were killed In Dublin pre cinct by llL-htnlnu while shingling a chool house. Aultman Diet of Hia Wounda. Norfolk, Neb., Aug. 5. Louis Ault man or Hoston, anas i)ui8 .Miner oi Omaha, died from the effects of a shot flred by omcer Pilger Tuesday. Ha had arrived with Bonestetd crooks, stole a grip and Jumped throush a high window to escape arret. A chargo was filed by A. Morrison, a citizen, against Policeman Pilgor, charging murder In the first degree. Tho authorities consider nn Inquest unnecessary. Had Mania for Killing Indian Girls. Pender, Neb., Aug. 9. Oeorgo Four cloud, a full-blooded Winnebago, has been held for tho murder of Cora Elk, also a Winnebago, tho fourth girl ho has killed In two years. Ho has ap narently a mania for killing girls. He started his career by killing a daugh ter of Mrs. John Hill two years ago Ijiter he murderod May Decora and Lucy I .cbo. Ho had no reason for killing any of them, but apparently amused himself when Intoxicated by murdering young girls. Train Kills Man and Wife. South Omaha, Aug. 5 M. Pellen. packing houso striker, and wife were struck by a Union Pacific passenger train near Avery, and Instantly killed Mrs. Pellen had been along the tracks nenr Avery nicking up coal and her husband wan on his way to meet her. Tho passenger train rushed around tho big curve at a high rato of speed and struck tho man, whose attention was undoubtedly attracted to an cast- bound freight train on the east track. Ho was thrown high In tho air und nearly off tho right of way. Thoso who witnessed tho accident say that Mrs. Poller saw her husbnnd struck by tho train nnd seemed to bo spell bound. At any rate sho did not make any effort to Jump to the side of the track. When the pilot of tho engine itruek her sho was thrown probnhly sc cnty feet and landed near the fence along the right of way. Campers Drown In Boulder Creek Houlder, Colo., Aug. 5. Mr3. Llna Chambers of York, Neb., and Mary Renkes, the twelve-year-old daughter of Charles Uenkes of this city, were drowned In Houlder creek. They were part of a camping party in Hummer gulch, six miles from here. Without any warning a wall of water, caused by a cloudburst, came rushing down tho gulch, carrying tho tent and the Inmates Into the creek. Mrs. Cham bers and Mary Henkes were carried Into the stream by the torrent cf water and drowned. DIVIDED ON FUSION. Governor LaKollette Explains. Lincoln, Aug. 10. Governor LrFol lette of Wisconsin, who came to Lin coln to deliver an address before the Nebraska Kpworth League assembly, corrected an impression circulated during the day that he had slighted Governor Mickey by refusing to meet him. Governor IyoFollette arrived In tho city tired and almost ill. He went to his room nnd to bed, leaving orders with the hotel clerk that he would re ceive no callers until evening. Ac cordingly, when Governor Mickey and a reception committee called they were notified that tho Wisconsin executive refused to seo them. After Mr. ljiFollette'8 address, tho two governors met, and explanations satis factory to both were exchanged. Ji Diii: P.UihK'.; has resigned the po sitiouof chief just ice of New York that Ills successor may beelectcd at the No vember election. Wind-jammer Hur kett has been nominated for United .States senator by bis party in the state and also renominated for congress. The mystery w hy he does not resign ;is congressman in time to have bis suc cessor elected at tlie November elec tion, has not yet been solved. If lie Is elected to the senate, perhaps he de sires to put the taxpayers of the First district to the expense of holding a special election, and maybe he Is Just bull-headed enough to think that he can hold onto both places. That's the Wlnd-Jamracr for you. Si'Kvkkk Cannon has given upg ing t; Kurope this summer. It nngl be wiser to L'o while bis title lasts There's no telling what will happen to congress next March. The w riter re inenihers that it is just thirty yearsago that Uncle Joe slipped back Into con grevs by the bare majority of seventy live In the then Seventh (111.) district, and with the except Ion of twoyears.has been there eversince. The writer was publishing a paper In the district nt the time, and was well acquainted with Mr. Cannon, lie thought for several oays that he was defeated. When you w ant a physic that Is mild and gentle.easy to take and certain to act, alwaysuse Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. Democrats and Populists of Nebraska Meet In Lincoln. Llneolu, Aug. 10. Nebraska Demo crats aro hi tho city In numbers for tho state convention for tho nomina tion of a stato ticket, which will bo called to order at 2 o'clock this after noon. Thero Is no very veil dellued idea as to tho composition of tho ticket, and unless tho unexpected happens, it will be a long convention, with many conferences with the Pop ulists, who also meet at tho tarao hour, looking to possible fusion. Should fusion bo agreed upon am! Democratic party leaders are working earnestly to bring It about It Is gen crally agreed that the Populists are to have the head of tho ticket. That removes any strifo among the Demo crats for tho nomination, but If fusion should fall, tho cholco Is thought to Ho between W. H. Thompson of Grand Ulaud and former Congressman Shel ienbarger of Alma. It Is already agreed tho Democratic national plat form will be endorsed. W. J. Hryan is a delegate to the convention end will attend. Fusion with the Democrats Is tho dominant question before the Populist delegates who are here for the stato convention, which will be hold at tho same hour, but In a different hall from that of tho Democrats. Thus far all overtures for fusion have ccme from the Democrats, with the Popu lists badly d:vMed rn the wisdom of IU adoption. Prospective candidates for office cr the state tidu". r.a'urally lean tu f'i-!or., while It l. noteworthy that natlcr.a'i ladirs In the party, a number of whom live in Nebrnka, have advised against it, Charles Q of Lincoln, secretary cf the Poi'u'.ift r.a' ccmmltteo sal I the or.'.y basis r,f fusion would be support by Democrats cf Watson and Tibbies electors, and an equal division cf tho sta'e cSlres In this declaration. Mr. pcFranie is upheld by Thomas H. Tibbies, vlco presidential nominee, and It la mpposod Thomas F. Watson, presidential candidate, who Is here, entertains tho same views. On the other side, George W. Perge. candi date for the gubernatorial nomina tion, Is out and out for fusion on tha ttate ticket, Ignoring tho national Question, and lie has a following. It la asserted, that will carry the day. Dennlson Alleges Error. Lincoln, Aug. 4. W. J. Connell, nt torney for Tom Dennlson, filed In the supremo court a petition in error, complaining of tho decision of the Douglas county district court In the extradition proceedings. Fifty-four points aro raised, principally relatlvo to the Introduction of evidence show- Ine tho alleged connection between Sherman W. Morris and Dennlson Objection Is also made to the ruling; of tho court that the extradition pro ceedings were founded on sufficient evidence before Governor Mickey, It Is alleged that the Indictment on which Governor Mickey Issued the executive warrant was not the same ns that found by the Knrrlsca county grand Jury, tho allegnticu to robbery having been stricken out. Beef That Has Taste. I That ia tno kind we have, Not only now but all times. Beef that has been pro duced from rich, sweet country crass and fino nourishing corn. It has the Havor that ia so highly tender, dated by those who know what good meet is. It is lasting, juicy nnd delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting. Our prices invito purchases. Also bear in mind that our GROCERY DEPARTMENT is up-to-date nnd that tho quality of our goods ennnot be surpassed nor our prices cannot be beat. We divide our protits with our customers, becauso wo give them tho bt6t goods for the same money tlint you have to pay for poorer quality. Don't bo backward, but give us a trial. Lorenz Brothers North of Post Office Plattsmouth, Neb. .9? rur a spring i onic 8 0 I 1 Try a case of the Favorite John Gund PEERLESS JURY EXONERATES OFFICERS Nebraska City Policemen Justified In Shooting Jack Carr, Nebraska City, Aug 4. Coroner Karstciu impaneled a Jury and held an Inquest over tho remains of Chria Hartman, the man murdered by Jack Carr. the cocaine fiend who ran amuck lust Monday evening. The Jury found that Hartman tame to his death from gun shot wounds flred Into his body by Jack Carr. maliciously and wltnout provocation on tho part of said Hartman. The Jury then bold an inquest over tho remains of Jack Carr, who was killed while resisting arrest, anil after hearing the evidence- brought In a verdict that ho came tr bis death from pistol shots fired by city pulieemcn aim ot Hers wtillo re sisting arrest and discharging Tre at ins npainst tlie said officers, wound Ing Chief of Police Scluumover and several cltl.ens. "and wo, the Jury, aro satisfied thnt the said officers were Justified and compelled to bring about the arrest i,f Carr by force of arms.' No Attack on Amjrican Legation. Washington, Aug. 10. In response to an Inquiry as to the truth of the report that tho American legation at Uogota had beeu stoned, tho state department received th following ca blegram from Mr. Snyder, the Amer ican chargo at tho Colombian capital: "Reported f.'tdi-X on American lega tion absolutely without foundation. All Is quiet. Tho army of General Keyca Is In power. Evidences of tat isfactlon everywhere visible." One of the Purest Beers on the Market Call on Ed Donat at the Peerless Sa loon, or telephone 112 and Ed will do the rest. All we ask is a trial for this popular brand and you will buy no other Try a Case To-Day. THE:-: PEERLESS ED. DONAT, Proprietor. 8 8 8 8 8 I Attention, Farmers! Pitch Forks, Stoves. Hinges And Numerous Other Articles at Half Prices at JOHN BAUER'S Give us a chance to put in one of those Twentieth Century Furnaces If you contemplate putting- in a furnace before cold weather comes. We will make it an object for you to do so. I Bauer's Hardware Store I fiiiiiliiifiiii ; : 1 1 1 All I .MlLi.iGAN MfOl Cc. 'ifotifMa F.G.Fricke&Co. SOLE AGENTS