L ipCCCCCGGCOSCCCCCCCOSCCCCC 4T J. The 'HIGH AKT.' 1 Copy tlhitd 1903. SBnwnnManHMMHHiaMd MiiiaiiiiiiMiii i.f 8 Our Fall Hals Are Here, Too! jj f. j. morgmWA 8 The Leading Clothier. County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement. From January 7, 1904, to June 30, 1W4. BW.ANCK. .MM AUY 7. I'.nu. IT NIL State C.eneral " Sinking ' School " University " Kcform School " Insane Hospital " Inst, for Feeble Minded " Kelief " Capitol Iiuilding " Live Stock Indemnity. " School Land I'rincipal.. ' " School Land Interest.. " School Land Lease County General " Hridge " Court House lionds. . . " Soldiers' Relief " P.oad " 15. & M. U. 11. lionds. . " High School " Advertising 3.1 77. SO 4,042.07 4,.'12:t.87 o:fl.(12 District Itoad : .227.:: " Scliool " School lionds l'lattsmoiitli Precinct lionds Louisville Precinct lionds.... South liend rrecinct lionds.. Teachers' School Individual Redemptions riattsmouth City Weeping WaterCity Louisville Village Greenwood " South liend ' Klmwood Fagle " 1'nion ' Avoca " ... , Miscellaneous Collections Fee Account Special Tax Taxes paid under protest 17,:io7.io :i,u:id.42 1,124.14 2,fi:i2.Hi 3.20X.0O 140.20 3,041.10 ;V,2.41 :i;s!. ! 47.07 72.nl 321. till 211. Mi 11 0 0.1 .14 Total .",,3o:i.22 Total Outstanding Iiridk'e Warrants, Registered, $1,23 l.IJS GiVEK BY Aerie No. 365 ORDER r. IIahr.es' (irove is town, and tnere will Good Dancin-j, Good Music, Good Order, Good Kefrcshments, Good Peo ple to mingle with and a rattling jood time all round. You are Welcome, MORGANJ Leading Clothier. V K ------- -------- - o . . Guarantee . . As fie mojf abused word In the dictionary Our Clothing Isn't Guaranteed. The Word Hasn't Force Enough, IT IS INSURED! Yc are not ashamed of our floods. We aim to tfive entire satisfaction. Now if you are in need of anything in the suit line, come in and see if we cannot interest you. We are satisfied we. can make a "dicker" if we can hut ct together and look the clothes over. II P as ww v w WWorgr0r40rgrM ( Iverpald January 7. VM. Trans ferred to til'lHTIll 1' II IK I. Trans ferred to other l'lllllls. 17,',4S (iii 30.44 3.2m.3l 3,2(MI.3s 2.11 .-..32 4.3s 3.3! 0.4:i ,!Mi l..00.00 3.-.4.01 212.(12 LN.14S ,) 12,077.;M (1,413.40 21.JMJ 110.74 .I!).")!) 213..-4 2.".!) lsx.,-,3 ,03:.00 ,445.(!t ,123.7 070.30 .130.41 .40 ,423.H2 ,s4ti.r.3 ,x.'o.o7 i - l . . "t . 300.. 10 202.07 20.33 420.no 131.02 1.11.03 .11!) 332.S.1 ,170.34 110.00 Os.22 213..14 2..1H 1"!S .13 .40 l,ti!i2 K1 17!t.33 ,f Ui7,2H.37 12,007.01 W. I). WIIKICLKR, County Cass Easies' naimes orove tnmmitmmmm mm mmm0i mmmmm imm a mm an ideal place for pienicintf. he plenty carryalls in service 8 8 IHSIIIIISK .Ml NTS. tivcrimlil I '.'1 1 1. 1 XdO $ 2,110 00 17.H(i 3" 1. 1.1 372.2'. 2.00 '..in 3.00 2.04 0.33 .'.4 12.7" 2,N2.1.Hi 2.S2S.0II .0.1 .13 1.3 1.3.1 .10 .02 l..lt;o.ou 3.14.14 2o0.)!t :1, 20.37 .",7.'.Ni 1.740.00 3!i.1.si) 11H.74 .lii.'iti 3.1.03 10,040.41 2,101.(10 5,007.3(1 o17.72 271.72 ll,!iOJ C.s .'i7,01".C0 107.3.1 1,104.02 s.s4'.t.20 1,043.07 17.17H.71 1.200.70 400.72 204. .10 73.12 332.2H 3.32 2I.7.NS .02 0 il N2.1.30 3.00 12.2.1". 11 l",7o:;.!i.i 4.H70.2! l.o;;;;.o:i 1,01(7.(10 01.1.00 liu.no OH.22 731.00 :$147,.101.24 $ 170 33 if72.Ml.41 170.33 ISalancc Treasurer, County, Nebrasl T 1 1,0.11 ca. Picnic OF EAGLES convenientlv near to to take evervhodv out. At all times, 1 l , In ull hcor.. " I j ' Ko i;!-::cr w,u you arc li f I ( or where yjj ai 1 l ; Guild's I JvL j Peerless l ATI Beer I H f r ht will bp enjoyed anil iipptecutcd. ltriMvi-il t ttio f.vtiimi t.iinU l rK'iisi under lilt' llant exacting -.li.ll l,.- lit ftcanlt- iicm 1 1 ii is 1 py sun. ii.ii y kt'li'iiri'. Ask Your Dealer -livcj.t A'o OfnT JOHN GUND BREWING CO. LA CROtlC, Wll. THE STATE CONVENTIONS. George W. Berge Nominated for Governor, and Hugh Lamaster for Congress. The latest from the conventions in session at Lincoln, is the nomiuat ion of Geoiye W. I'.eive, of the capital city for governor. Mr. ltere wast he riision candidate for congress in t his (list i ict four years ao, and is said to ht iiiit( popular as well as an ahle man. Iluis'li Lamaster, the fusion candi date for congress, hailsfromTeciimseli, Johnson county, an able lawyer, and is one of tin; rising orators of Nebraska. His family are anions the earliest, set tlers of t lie state. The balance of state ticket we pre sume will be nominated today. Will You Be There? Where? Why the Old Set tlers' He union at I'nion, of course. If you are a pioneer of Cass county you oiilit to attend, and if you ain't an old settler of the enmity you ourlit to no ami en Joy yourself in seeing old faces as well as new ones. Anions the listof speak ers will he Hon. W. F. (luilev. of Om aha; Hun. II. H. Hanks, of Nebraska City, and our silver-tongued orator, Matthew (ieriutf. There will be plenty to interest all. Plenty of ood music, both vocal and instrumental, baloon ascension and parachute leap each day, and any amount of amusement for both old and younn. Remember these reunions come but once a year, and you may never have an opportu nity to see another one. (io and see yourold friend of nearly ahalf century auo. 1 Soys take a day off and take your best ejrl and enjoy yourself, bear inn in mind you are not to live alwas -so enjoy yourself while you can. lie- member the days and dates - Friday and Saturday, August 10 and 2o. A Sweet Breath is never a failing sinn of healthy stom ach. When the breath is bad the stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world eipial to K'odol Pyspepsia Cure forcurimr indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary C. Crick, of White Plains, ky., writes: '! have been a dyspeptic for years: tried all kinds of remedies but continued to nrow worse. Py the use of of Kodol I bean to improve at once, and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like." Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold hy F. G. Fricke Co. ARTICLES QFINCORPORAITON WK.THK rMi:itsi(iNr:i). iikiikiiv a.su. clati- oiirsi'lvi-N toi'tlii-r for tin. iiiriii-.i' of forniliiK a r x r:itl iiiiiIit tl. law uf tin. State of Nrliraka. and (In ailnit tlic i:iih iiik ariirirt or iiicorKiratloii: Aiith'I.i: I. The inline by whleh this cor IMirnttiui shaO ! known NThe .M unlock 'l i lr liliouc Ciiiiiany. A Htici.k The prlm-liml place of lnislncsi, of this coriwiralloii -.luili l,i at .Miinlork. in the county of Cass anil State of Ni l.raska. AllTM I.F.3. Theoliject of which this cor liaratloii Is formed Is to Imllil. erect, maintain ami operate a system of telephone lines In Cass county, Neluaska. AllTli l.K .1 The aulhoried capital stock of this eorKirat Ion shall In. i-I.Vki ii w hich slock shall hi 'divided Into shares of the par a I ue of t me IMlnr each, of w hlch i'.Vi shares shall lie suhsi rllH-d and fully paid up. Aiitk t.K ,'i. The highest Indebtedness of th!scor.'ratloii shall not exceed tMo-thlrds of the paid upcapilal. A 111 It 'I.f. H. This corniMtln:i shall l.c.-ln Icisim-sson the llrl day of s p'etulu r. I.ml. and shall terihlnale on llielirst day of Sep teuiher. 1 .'-" . HtllesN s..o!li I' iIIss iHimI. Aiitk i.f. 7. Tin' aTilis of ihU cm p. ,r:it ,m '.l.a.l fe mi. ler the In.l ua .'. in, ul and e,.u or a Hoard of ilri"'t'r-. con-Kteu' of the Co Iih lalier-. to he I'Vcleil hy 'j,,. si . ' K 1 1 . . i -1- and a r ! , l n . seer. I irv. treasurer ami sllperi'llendelit In In e.e.'li I I V t 1 " 1 1, .a r I I if Directors. ,il i-.i " S.n . ;:' ; I i.e hy I ,:;,ii, A h.a i.'rli of i,e li . ard i m hi o, r- ,n i.l ill ei-t n.' -h.l i r. .(il .'. '1 1 e li i:il,.',l;, fur I I In trrt.sift li 'II of li,t-.i':r.s. Alll I, I.I The ill.l.a:,, u- til..' ,,f Hi" I. h.ddi Is of this CM' ,r:;', ,;: si, il' lie hi ,1 on Hie t.i'iiih Muii'iav .' -pti nil" i. In earn J ear at ! lie I !' id .' ..V:,,!-;, i til. f, rial n.rel - iius of st,'kli.'l.leis teav ! a. led l.v the Hoard ,.f lilrictur, .y k-hn,u' i hrc da -s n,.i i licallo'i In urltln.r. .Notice i.,:i-; stale pur pose of such tuei .In.-. AllTH l.t !i. The stockholders of this cor k 'rat Ion shall he enl II led to one vole for each share of sto.1, heid. Holders of a maturity of sharcH ptes.'iit. cither hy person or hy r.iy, -hall siltuie a iiiorum f.,r the trans, irilun of huslness. Aiirn i.t: P). Theseartl.'lesof Incorimnillnn may lie itineiuled hy a I wo-l hlrds vote of all the stock at animal tneiilmr or at u scclal meet In., called for that purpose, Wltliessour hands this l.'ltli day of .Ititie.l'.Kit, I. NKimx. I'reslilent. Kov II. Cox. Secretary. FOLEYSKIDNEYCURE Makat Kldooya and Bladdar Right u w m fc f 1.1 6' J HI VP II Wm Died From Eating Rat Poison. Myran, the three-year-old child of Walter L. Thomas, living west of the city, died yesterday afternoon from the effects of eating rat-biscuit. It apiH-arstbat the cliild went tliecup Umrd for snmetliiug to tat, when it came across a box containing biscuit, two in nuinU'r, which he ate, and then replaced thd box. Later on Alien it was discowred what the child had done, il'r. Cummins was called Tues day night, and remained w it li It until a erv late liniir. Onleaving the child appeared much better. Kvery thing possible wasdoneto sae the lit t le one, but without avail. The funeral will occur today. 'Tissad Indeed tn lose a child thus, and the ent he ciinununlly deeply sympathise with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Ha! rti! Mr. Kiethlcy. When a newspaper man makes a great blow about the "scavenger" law being Midi a good thing hi si lighten ing up hack taxes, Just Inquire what the county treasurers fur years back were doing that they did not report such matters sooner, Jt Is a iosili,, fact that we know of a hewspaper edi tor who never pretended to settle up his taxes unless lie could turn the pro ceeds of publishing a delluilielit lax list in payment, for such taxes, and even then did not make a full settle ment, yet claims that lie never knew of such taxes being due ami unpaid un til Hie enforcement of the scavenger law. Weeping Water Herald. New Telephone Company. The citizens of M unlock have organ ized a new telephone company, and ar ticles of ineorporat ion have been tiled a copy or which appears in this Issue of the Journal. The title of the new organization islhe M unlock Telephone Company and the capital stock has been placed at l,.ioo, mid the head iiiarters of the company w ill lie at M unlock. L. Neilz.el Is president, of Hie company and Uov I!. Cox, secre tary. A RemorHahlc Event. Mr. John Urasek of llalletsville, Texas, writes us as follows: "We were at a loss to understand the con dition of our hi-year-olil son, John. He always used to be in t . ,esf of health, robust and strong. At, once be began to grow pale and weak, in spite of all medicinal help we nave him. At last he became di.scniiraired and positively refused to use any med icine and we Indeed gave him up, de fying li f it) to be a victim of con sumption. Some of our best friends recommended to give him Triner's American Klixir of Hitler Wine, and we persuaded the boy to take this pleasant remedy. We then procured six bottles and could hardly believe what happened. John immediately got good appetite, his complexion be came natural and Ids body stronger. Two bottles were siillicient to cure him." It seems to be wonderful, hut. In fact is an every day occurrence with those using Triner's Hitter Wine, as people call it. It ads directly on the stomach: the digestion becomes reg ular, the blood pure and rich. It Is the. best blood purilier, nerve tonic and muscle builder. At drugstores. Jos. Triner, 70!) S. Ashland Ave., Chi cago, III. Violent Attack of Dlarrhoe Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Per haps a Life Saved. "A short time ago I was taken witli violentattack of diarrhoea and believe I would have died if I had not gotten relief," says John H. i'atton, a leading citizen of I'atton, Ala. "A friend rec ommended Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and I Morrheoa lteniedy. I bought a twenty-live cent bet tip and after taking three doses of it was entirely cured. I consider it the best remedy In the world for bowel complaints. For sale by all druggists m iM. - 'HEATflSE Mk All the food" clcmcnti that Nature tts'intrthe chojeest white wheat grown in'' California1 is'cvmbincJ n tthealose-thc purest "and bV".of M breakfast foods. "Absolutely the only wheat' food With all the clutcn ' IrT ani all ill i JlwIU. fl - s.' - t - St1d in2 lb.- Psckagrt Ohl What a Lie! We are Informed by very good au thority that Sheriff Mcl'.ride demand ed f'.no to run down the Weeping Water horse thices. This Mr. Marshal! re fused to do, I. ul said be would k'lve 200. The county commissioners It seems should oiler a reward for such criminals in order to stop Ibis raid. It is not right that a man should loose his team and have his barn Iniriied, and then be asked to "dig up" by tins sheiill. The people arc getting tiled of paying taxes losupport olllcers that, can see no farther than the treasury vault. Nchawka Keglster. Il would seem that the author of the above simply look the word of some tit her person for bis authority, and I hat some other person took some other for bis authority to tell the man w ho w inte t he above. I Cs as big a lie as ever was printed In a newspaper, and on the face if It seems so prepos terous that we are surprised that, u person who Is well aoiuainlcd Willi Slierilf Mcl'.ride would take such a re port as true, wit limit asking Mr. Mar shall. I L seems so utterly unreliable and outlandish as to need no further notice. Now, as to the true facts in the case; M as sberliT McIJrlJ'? was apprised of the theft, he liiiinC1 dlately asked Mr. Marshall by 'phone If he should come to Weeping Water, and that gentleman replied that there, was no necessity, lie was authorized by Mr. Marshall to get out. notices and that, be would oiler .'.0.110 reward. This was all that was said In regard to any money consideration, except, for expenses, for which there Is no law provided, and which the Sheriff would have to pay out, of his ow n pocket un less Mr. Marshall paid the same. Sheriff Mcllrlde told him lie would give all I be t line lie possibly could in an effort, to recover the property If he would simply pay Hie expense. Now, if the writer of the above elTiislon will go to Mr. Marshall he will most assuredly Mini out that be has printed a ni:n iAi i: i. ir., told for the purpose of injuring Slierilf Mc llrlde ami nothing else. Mr. Marshall is a gentleman and will give the true facts in the case. The idea or a slierilf demanding $'.00 to run down any criminal, is simply absurd. P. S. Since the above was put, in type, we are informed thai, the parties from whom Mr. Sheldon, Hie publisher of Hie Nchawka Keglster, secured his Information wercfj "kid" boys. This being the case, lie should have Inquired of Mr. Marshall as to the reliability of the report before having bis man, Fri day, print such a base fabrication. Too Eager to Criticise. The criticism of Slierilf Mcl'.ride by people who are acquainted with con ditions as they exist and by newspa pers that do not take the trouble to liecome informed, would seem unwar ranted when the facts are known, t 'nder a ruling of the board of county commissioners the slit r i IT isdeiiied the privilege of using the telephone or telegraph or the use of a livery team to appchend thieves, and if be goes out in ipifst of law breakers he must pay his own expenses unless he Is suc cessful in capturing and convicting the thief, when he Is allowed mileage and other necessary expenses. The Courier does not believe that the sheriff should be tied down band and foot, and then criticised because lmr.se thieves wax fat in Cass county. I turing Sheriff Mcilrlde's turm Inofllce there has been nineteen bead of horses and mules stolen in Cass county, nine of which have been recovered together with three of the thieves, two of whom are serving time in the penitentiary. This record, while It is not a brilliant one, is not so bad under the circum stances. If horse stealing Is to do stopped in Cass county the board of county commissioners must untie the sheriff so that lie may act. I'ntll this is done withhold criticism. Louisville Courier. F0LETS honethtar for chtldrmni tat 9, turt, Jo oplatu -X sk a v jv ma ...ui.iuuit . IIUIC (Mil hy sll 'huhVln. grocers r r XT