The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1904, Image 2

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"(Jut Hell," tlu favorite cigar
r. Marshall, lVntist. (oats' IS!"Ok.
Ko;i! llayiU-ii Urn's atl in tliis imptT.
Mauy & Murphy, ImniWs uml statimi
cry. Mau.y Murphy, lino china ami cut
lr. Marshall, lvntlst, guaranteed
The host soda water In the world at
Oring & Co.'s.
Wade Windham was a Saturday vis
itor in Lincoln.
Victor Anderson .spent Sunday with
llavclock friends.
Smoke the Wuii Hros.' celehrated
"Cut. Hell" clears.
William Muds returned Saturday
from his Idaho tilp.
A. 11. Aust in, of I'liiuu, was In the
city on husiness Monday.
Ml.vs Kmuia r.dwards is visiting
friends In Nebraska City.
S. II. At wood came down from Mu
cin Tuesday on business.
Miss Kiltie Cummins Is visiting
friends In St. Joseph, Mo.
Attend the Old Settlers' lie-union
at I'nlnn August in and 20.
Several nights the past week were
almost cool enough for frost.
Miss Clara Coleman Is visiting Mrs.
(). A. llrow n at Kansas City.
Charley Johnson, of Louisville, was
a county seat visitor Tuesday.
Miss Caroline and Kstelle I la In! are
visiting friends In Lyons, Neh.
J. II. Isely, of Clenwood, Iowa, was
a l'lattsmouth visitor Tuesday.
(cm-go (!rehe, sr., returned Satur
day from his Washington trip.
Sperry Huff nor was down from Oma
ha Tuesday to visit homo folks.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Oillco with Dr. K. D. Cummins.
Mrs. John Camphell, of Kock lilulTs,
was a county seat visitor Friday.
Miss Inez Ileose departed Saturday
to spend a week at Lake Manawa.
Miss Hermia Windham Is visiting
the Spurlock family In York, Neh.
D. W. YanDorsen, of (Ireenwood,
was a county seat visitor Monday.
Mrs. A. K. Smith, of Iiock lilulls,
was a county seat visitor Tuesday.
That real, smooth, tasteful Icecream
soda costs only ,1c, at C.ering & Co.'s.
Miss Nellie Whalen went to St. Jo
seph, Mo., Saturday to visit friends.
C. L. llerger and daughter, Misi El
la, visited friends In Lincoln this week.
Crushed fruit of all kinds with ice
cream soda, only fe at Coring & Co.'s,
(Hen Smith came down from Lin
coin to spend Sunday with the home
Mrs. Elmer McManusof Omaha was
the guest of Miss Klla KulTner last
Mrs. O. C. Howell of llavclock was
visiting with relatives here the past
Mau.y & Murphy are agents for
.Npaulding's athletic goods, the host on
L. S. P. Weeks, a Hurlington civil
engineer, was In the city on business
Mrs. Martin Hauk was visiting with
friends in Nebraska City during the
past week.
The rain Monday night seems to
have been pretty general throughout
the county.
Not how cheap but how good. Pat
toon's Sun l'roof Paint. Sold only by
Goring & Co.
The name that meansquality Is Pat
ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by
Gering & Co.
Mauzy & Murphy for graphaphonos
and supplies. Largest line of records
In the county.
John S. Taggart, the new district
court reporter, was up from Nebraska
City Saturday.
Father Hennessey of Manley was In
the city Monday night, returning
home Tuesday.
Miss liclle Martin Is visiting with
her friend, Miss Kmma Leach, In dor
mantown, Neb.
Mrs. Phil Sauter departed this moriv
ing for P.utte, Neh.. to spend a few
days with friends.
Henry Tartsch, who has been here
several days on business, returned to
McCook Saturday.
Mayor Gering and John Albert went
to Crelghton, Neb., Friday to look af
ter business matters.
Goes further, looks better and lasts
longer. Patton's Sun Proof Paint.
Gering & Co. agents.
Mrs. John Schlappacasse and daugh
ter were visiting with relatives Jn lied
Oak, Iowa, Hie past week.
It costs a little more but Is by far
the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint.
Gering & Co., sole agents.
Miss Ethel Norval, who has been
visiting Miss Claire Povey, returned
to her home In Seward, Neb.
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block,
Will Kamst-y went to Lincoln Satur
day to visit a few days and take In the
democrat lo stale convention.
Mr. and Mis. C. F. Stoutenborough
returned from tlu Ir visit to Salt Lake
and Icnver Tuesday morning.
Miss Louise Cagey, who was visiting
friends In this city returned to her
home In the capital city Sunday.
Mrs. J. G. Klchcy ami son returned
from their trip to Denver and other
western points Tuesday morning.
Judge W. II. Newell went to Sew
anl, Neb , Monday on a business trip.
Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Newell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L'. Schooley arc re
joicing over the advent of new baby
giil at their homo, arriving last week.
Paul Gi-octchell was down from Om
aha to spend Sunday. He has been en
ployed In that city for some time.
Mrs. Anna (ions, living two miles
smith of l'lattsmouth, called Monday
and renewed fur the Journal another
A. A. Jaekman of Louisville stopped
oil' here yesterday enroute home from
the prohibition state convention at
Rev. Alfred Myers, who was here
visiting Rev. II. Rarkman and family,
returned to his home In Rellcvue, 111.,
'I uesday,
Andrew McMaken and wife came up
from Atchison, Kas., yesterday for a
visit with II. C. McMaken and other
George A. Felix returned to Ills
home In Jennings, Kan., Friday, after
visiting relatives In l'lattsmouth for
some- time.
Numerous loads of peaches were on
the streets Saturday, including sever
al from the Iowa side of the river.
All nice fruit.
Judge 11. I). Travis, Mayor Gering
and County Treasurer Wheeler went
to Lincoln yesterday to attend the
state convention.
Hans Tains came down from Lincoln
and spent Sunday with his family.
Hans Is connected with the Hurling
ton brldgo gang.
George Aylesworth returned to his
home in Kansas City Wednesday after
a visit here with his grandmother,
Mrs. Kate Oliver.
Sugar lias taken a jump. You now
pay $1.00 for 1 pounds, when you paid
the same for 20 pounds two weeks ago,
Fruit time, you know.
T. II. Pollock, maiingcrof the IMatts-
mouth Telephone company, was in
South Omaha Friday on husiness In
the interests of the company.
Mrs. M. I). Morgan and son returned
to their home in Little Rock, Ark.,
Friday, after a visit of several weeks
with the Morgans In this city.
Will Rumniel and family departed
yesterday "for Pierce county, where
they w ill spend some time visiting Mr,
Rummcl's brothers and families.
Thoin. Walling and Jerry McIIugh
returned from their Kansas trip Tues
day morning. Thoni. brought the
Kansas hay fever back w ith him.
A marriage license was issued Mon
day by Judge Travis to Thos. K. 15urg
ner, of North Platte, aged 21, and Miss
Margaret Tlghe, aged 2, of Manley.
Mrs. Kmma Detinbaugh returned to
her home in Nebraska City last week,
after a visit of several weeks with her
daughter, Mrs J no. M. Ley da and
Mrs. J. W. Newell and Mrs. Win.
At wood returned Sunday evening from
a visit of two months among old neigh
bors and friends at their old home in
Now is the time to make your ar
rangements for a furnace. Remember
that John Rauer guarantees the old
reliable Twentieth Century Furnace
as the best.
Dan Smith, foreman of the 1. & M.
paint shop, was conveyed to the sani
tarium at Lincoln, Monday morning,
to be treated for a serious attack of
Mrs. M. A. Rates went to Van Wert,
Iowa, this morning, to meet her
daughter, Lucile, who Is returning
from a visit to frlemlsat her old home,
Memphis, Mo.
Miss Minnie Osterberg, who visited
here several weeks with her uncle and
aunt, County Superintendent Wort
man and wife, has returned to her
home In Mead, Neb.
Albert Wetenkampand Mrs, Louis
Falhabcr, nephew and niece of the
late Wm. Wctenkamp, who were here
attending the funeral, returned to
their home in Llncolu Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fight and daugh
ter returned from Akron, Colo., this
morning, where they had becu visiting
thcirson, Will, whose little daughter.
Grade, accompanied them home to
visit a while.
Mrs. J. I. Corley, Mrs. J. K. Kleth
ley and Miss Raker came over from
Weeping Water yesterday in the big
automobile recently purchased by Mr.
Dunn, the liveryman of that place. It
was engiueered by II. 1. J!eed.
County Commissioner Panning pass
ed through the city Mouday morning
enroute home from the west part of
the county where he spent several
days last week on county business.
George W. Rhoden and wife of near
Murray were In the city Saturday, ac
companied by Mrs. Lizzie Rarrett, of
Oklahoma. They took the train, for
Omaha, where they spent the day.
Neb. City Tribune: Miss Clara Kars-
tens entertained her young lady friends
Thursday afternoon at her home on
Smith Kik'hlh street In honor of her
guest, Miss Martin of l'lattsmouth.
K. M. Slatterly, county attorney of
Dawes county, enroute for Omaha on
business before the C nltcd States dis
trict court, was the guest of Judge R.
S. Ramsey and family over Sunday
John II. Recker has moved his fam
ily to town and Is occupying the prop
erty he recently purchased on the cor
ner of Pearl and Tenth streets, for
merly occupied by Prof. Rouse and
A. ). Klrkpatrick, of Xehawka, was
in t In city over Sunday night, the
guest of Mrs. P. R. RulTner and fam
ily. Mr. Klrkpatrick departed Mon
day for St Louis, going by the way of
You need clean healthy bowels Just
as much as pure, wholesonu food:
without cither, you cannot keep well.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea elim
inates all Impurities. Tea or tablets.
Gering & Co.
Several farmers from various sec
tions of the county called on tne Jour
nal Saturday and all reported the corn
looking good, and say that a reasona
ble amount of moisture will make a
bumper crop.
'A. W. Shrader, wife and daughter,
Mrs. R. II. Chrlswelsser were in the
city Tuesday. Mr. Shrader had busi
ness in Omaha and the ladies were the
guests of Mrs. Rennett Chrlswelsser
during the day.
Mrs. C. II. Jennings, Boston "Our
babies (twins) were sickly. Had sev
eral doctors, but no results. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea made them
strong and robust.'' X cents. Tea
or tablets. Gering & Co.
Miss Mabel Hayes returned from
Sheridan, Wyo., Tuesday, where she
has been visiting for some time with
her lirother, Dr. Paul Hayes. Miss
Mabel lias the appearance of being
greatly benefited by her trip.
If the highest Instead of the lowest
number would have gotten a man any
thing at the Rosebud drawing, Phil
Sautcr of tills city would have been
"right In it," his number being WWW.
Phil says he don't want any land, any
Mrs. K. A. Klrkpatrick of Nchawka
was the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. K.
RulTner, last week. Mrs. Klrkpatrick
had just returned from a visit to the
St. Louis exposition, and also her son,
who is located there in the railway
A tive-months-old child of James
Privett, the man who was so badly in
jured by a threshing machine two
weeks ago, died last Tuesday of w hoop
ing cough, and we understand the
other three are alllicted with the
same disease.
Our old friend Norman Slocum of
near Murray was in the city Saturday
and found time to call at Journal
headquarters a few moments. Mr.
Slocum says the corn prospects arc
good for a great deal bigger and better
crop than last year.
Those attending the funeral of Wil
liam Wettcnkamp from abroad last
week were Albert, Henry and Conrad
Wettcnkamp, Kaglo; A. L. Howard,
Omaha; Mrs. J. S. Howard, Renedlct,
Neh.: Mr. Davis. Syracuse, Neb , and
A. Howard, of Nantasket, Neb.
An immense crowd of farmers, ac
companied by their wives and daugh
ters, were in the city Saturday. In
the afternoon the main street resem
bled a Fourth of July celebration, and
the merchants who advertise reaped
the benefit.
Miss Eunice Hill and Messrs. Harry
Campbell and Warren Doming, of
South Rend, were l'lattsmouth visi
tors Sunday. On their return they
wore accompanied by Miss Margaret
Wells, who will visit with old (young)
frlendsat the Rend for a week or two.
On September the Rurlington w ill
sell tickets to Hot Springs, S. D., and
return at the rate of 10 for the round
trip. On the same date to Dead wood
and Load, S. D., for iU for the round
trip. Tickets good to return leaving
those points not later than Septem
ber 20.
Our old friend, Peter Madsen, as Is
his custom annually altout this time
of year, called Saturday and renewed
his faith in the Journal another year.
Mr. Madsen is one of those patrons
who never forget the date when his
time expires, and Is right on time to
the day to renew .
The explosion of a coal oil lamp at
the home of Jessie Scott In the Second
ward Tuesday night caused iiiite a
commotion among the lire depart
ment. The alarm was turned In, the
bell rang out its doleful notes, but by
the time the tire boys reached the
the scene the lire had been extin
guished without serious damage.
Bed Spreads (& Towels
We have made a very special purchase in these
linesand offer them at the following low prices.
In view of the fact that linens and cottons have
advanced, these prices are unusually attractive:
Bed Spreads-69c, 99c, S1.I8, $1.29, fl.39, $1.59, $1.78 and $1.89
Towels lie, 15c, I8c, 19c and 20c
Defender Muslin Underwear
Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Fork,
Ky., says she has prevented attacks of
cholera morbus by taking Chamber
lain's Stomach and LIverTablets when
she felt an attack coming on. Such
attacks are usually caused by Indiges
tion and these tablets and just what is
needed to cleanse the stomach and
ward oil the approaching attack. At
tacks of bilious colic may he prevented
in the same way. For sale by all drug
gists. J. L. Carper and w ife, living near
Union, were in the city Saturday, and
while here Mr. Carper called and on
rolled his name for the Journal. Mr.
Carper, for several years resided in
Thurston county, but last spring re
turned to Cass. He is the possessor of
a good farm, upon which he recently
erected a new residence. He is a pro
fessional school teacher, having taught
In tills county many years before go
ing to Thurston, and was here to in
terview County Superintendent Wort
man relative to school matters. He
expects to teach near his present home.
The Journal found him to be a most
excellent gentleman and was very
much pleased to meet him.
A Fine Time.
A party of Masons from this city
went down to Mr. Ivan White's home
near Rock Muffs, Tuesday evening,
where a banquet was given in honor
of his guest and nephew. Mr. Grow, a
prominent Mason of Fort Worth, Tex
as. The gentlemen comprising the
party were A. W. White, Dr. T. P.
Livingston, Dr. K. V. Cook, V. V.
Leonard, Dr. Frank Cummins, John
Hauer, Jr., W. D. Jones, Dr. W. II.
Schildknccht, II. E. Snyder, J. (1.
Klchey and Hev. lhirgess. This party
was joined by J. A. Walker, D. J.
1'ittman and deo. V. Schrader, of
Murray. The party returned at a late
hour, and arc high in praising the en
tertainment served them by Mr.White
and his estimable lady.
Falter & Tate.
The Corona Land and Cattle Com
pany, doing husiness in this city, has
been superceded by Falter & Tate,
wlio w ill conduct the business in the
future. It Is the Intention of the new
tirni to conduct a general real estate
business, buy and sell town property,
etc. If you want lo buy a farm, sell a
farm, purchase or sell city nronertv.
list it with this tirm and they will do
the rest.
Feed your hair; nourish it;
Rive it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only
Hair Vigor
hair food you can buy. Tor 60
years it has been doing just
w hat we claim it will do. It
will not disappoint you.
' My Mr ntf (t in 1 rr lmrt. lint nfler
lultm Aypi'i llmr Vlunr alMirl Urn II Ituhii
! trw. iiid now It la fmirtrrn Inrl.r. mit.
TliU cin. ilnillil rnlt lu ins after buna
.i,!t without unr hair "
Ainu. J, 11. l-iimii, l oior.nlo Srrlim, Colo.
I on ft Iwttlii. j.r.ivrnro..
VI i,"t v.t. m v....
IShort Hair
Just Received
We have the extra
sizes in these garments
which are usually so
hard to obtain.
'Tis said a bottle and a glass
Will make a person mellow,
lint Itocky Mountain Tea's the drink
That livens up a fellow.
Coring & Co.
POSITION for middle aged lady
In this County to act as our
representative. One with some
knowledge of medicine preferred.
Apply with references to the Med
ical Research Co., Paxton Block,
Omaha. Nebraska.
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
Andrew Kroehler
Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts.
Hall's Old Stand.
If you arc going to build
give me a chance to furnish
your hardware. If you want
tin roofing or spouting come
and see me. Work promptly
done at reasonable prices.
DEALER IN J VU 'Hf$fft jjk
Under New Manage-
purchased the Grocer
nctt, and that he will
ness at the old stand
On The
is prepared to meet all competition. He de
sire all who want good, fresh things in the
line of staple and fancy groceries, to see him at
Bennett's Old Stand
E. S. TUTT, Prop.
Summer Dress Coods
Our sale is still on.
Entire StocK of Wash Fabrics
From 5c to 19c.
Queen Quality Shoes
The best $3.00 shoe made.
See display in east window.
Special Prices This Month on Par
asols and Umbrellas. A Special Re
duction on this Season's Shirt Waists.
Our Lines are Complete In all the De
partments. NOTICE
We have moved our stock of
Books, Stationery, etc. to the
Leonard Building, formerly
occupied by LchnhofT Bros.,
where we will be pleased to
serve you in the future.
Mauzy & Alurphy
$2.25 and $2.50
If You Want Tans We Have
Them at $2.00 Up.
in smooth, fine Don
gola, Military Heel,
Blucher Cut, a well
dresser's choice, for
wants a11 his Me-mls
to know that he has
Store of L. D. Ben
continue to do busi
and by keeping the
V Goods
I .VLf f&Jtefc'Us, 1