Disputed the best of the bargain in that tussle. We have come to the Conclusion, though, that our Patrons always got the Best Bargains in Clothing when Dealing with Us. ily'They cannot find such style or quality as we are ofiVriny at such low prices. Call in and see if we cannot interest you. MORGAN, ICE The Old Reliable Dealers H. C. McMaken and Son HANDLE THE BEST ICE ON EARTH And are Ready to Deliver it in Any Quantity. Orders Promptly Filled TELEI HONES riattsniouth Nos. 72. eland 21'.) Xebiaska No. 72 I0LEY5H0NETAR for chUdrtni tafe, ur. Mo opiaft Dr. H. J. MCARTHUR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. i Successor to Ir. .1. M. inim.) COATS BLOCK. Plattsmouth 'Phone 28 NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. y f J- eaBSsaai"" "' GIVEN BY Aerie No. 365 ORDER OF EAGLES (tfififiitMif jtiflftl H8H C23 M r. Halmes' Grove is town, and tnere will LJCX-. psr Pi ft Good Dancing, Good Music, Good Order, Good Refreshments, Good Peo ple to mingle with and a rattling good time all round. You raio Welcome, TUr M 1 UC IIIUUIXC AND Have never come to the Two Personally Conducted Excursions to Boston, via Burlington Route. Special excursion to Huston loaves Lincoln August 11 at ii p. in. in chaw of Chaplain II. It. Randall. A second excursion leaves Lincoln August 1:1 at r . tn. in dm rue. of .1. 1!. Ferguson. Through tourist cars from Omaha. Short stops at the show places of the east. A chance to return via St. Louis and see the World's Fair the greatest creation by the hand of man. If you are tik'in iiii.' on the trip talk with our avrent about these excursions a very low rate for the round trip: with all conditions most favorable or write me. L. W. Wakki.ey, Ft. 1'. A., Rutiingion ltoute, Omaha. Neb $2.15 to Lincoln and Return. On account of the Epworth League Assembly the Burlington will sell tickets to Lincoln and return at $11"), on August 1 to 11, inclusive. An educational, interesting and amusing program Is offered, to which the following will contribute: Ir. Frank Bristol, Cov. Lal'olette of Wisconsin, I r. John Merritte Dri ver. Ir. Hyron W. King. Dr. N. 1!. C. King, Koss Crane. (Jail Laughlin, Wil der F. Crafts, Samuel Dickie, C. S. rainier, Lotus Glee Club, Mrs. Minnie Marshal Smith. Dr. Toyokiclii lyenaga of the University of Chicago, I'rof. L. D. Eichhorn, and the Original Slayton Jubilee Singers. Write for pamphlet "Souvenir Tal ent", which will tell you all about it. L. W. Wakki.kv, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Omaha, Neb. 'TIs said a bottle and a glass Will make a person mellow, But Rocky MountainTea'stliedrink That livens up a fellow. Gering &Co. Eagles' Sunday, August 14 Nick Halmes' Grove an ideal place for picnicinjj, be plenty carryalls in service The Parrot conclusion who rot THE Leading Clothier g To Everywhere and Back- The Burlington oilers excursion rates in every direction, so low that there is no excuse tor staying at home. Below are some uf them: st. Louis and liaek -three kinds of daily rates besides the special low rate coach excursions on each Tuesday and Thursday during August ami Septem ber. Chicago and hack daily low ratis either direct or via St. Louis, with stopovers at St. Louis, Kansas City and ( hnaha. Louisville, Ky., and hack- J 1.7."), August Uth to l.'dh. Boston and back-the only chance of the season for a low rate visit to New England. ::..(. August 11th to Htli, long limit. World's fair stopovers at St. Louis on through tickets. Colorado, Utah and Black Hills ie sorts there and hack at practically half rates all summer. To California -San Francisco and Los Angelesand back August 1-lth to September loth, only HI. The only chance in l'.ml to get this low rate. Fort land, 1'uget Sound and back -August l.)th to lsth, one fare for the round trip. To Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Great Lake region, the ideal summer country, daily low rates to take you away from home. On the first and third Tuesdays ( f each month very low round trip rates to hundreds of points in the north west, west and southwest. Write or call, describe your trip, let me advise you on the least cost. W. L. Pick kit, Ticket Agent. Painting, decorating and sign writ ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders at Ericke'sdrug store. L. Baldwin. Picnic conveniently near to to take everybody out. m A GLASS OF I BEER. I , ....is.... I ) Jtlurayt Wtlcomm. 'Pure, Wholesome f , ....AND.... I i f j Delicious. I 1 . I1'" 40HN ouno bmwino co.. Democratic State Convention. Chairman 1 1 a 1 1 of the democratic state committee' Tias""issued The'ciiTl for the democratic state convention, to hi' held in Lincoln at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of August in. The call Is as follows: The democratic electors of the state of Nebraska are hereby called to meet in delegate conention in Lincoln, Ne hriska. at the Auditorium, on Wednes day. August hi, liiul, at 2 . in., for tin1 purpose of nominal lug candidates for u'ovcrnor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor of public accounts, superintendent of public hist rue! ion, at torney general, commis sioner of public lands and buildings, and eight preMncnl ial eleclois, and for the i ransaclioii of such ot her busi ness as may properly come before the convent ion. The several counties of the slate will be entitled to one delegate to said stati' convent imi, ami in addit ion thereto one delegate for each Inovoles or major fiacl ion I hereof caM ;n t ,r general elect ion of I ' i i: I for I loll, .lolin .1. Miliivan, for supreme judge, which a pporl ioiiinent will give the vaiious count ies of this sect ion the lolloping representation: ( ass 'Jo. Sarpy s, line IT. Netnaba h!. h'uhardson -1. .lohnsoii lo, ;i,i. Lancaster It is recommeudi'd that no proxies In- allowed at said state convention unless held by a person residing in the county which he seeks to represent. Democratic Congressional Convention The democratic electors of the I 'irst congressional district of Nebraska are hereby called to meet in delegate con vention in Lincoln, Neb., at the Lin dell hotel auditorium on Wednesday, August h). I'.int. at lo a. in., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for congress, and for the transaction ol such other business as may properly come before the convention. The several counties of the First congressional district will lie entitled to one delegate to said district con vention for each Inn votes or major fraction thereof cast at the general election of l!o;t for Hon. II. II. Hanks for congress, which apport iomnent will give the various count ies of the dis trict the following representation: C; .U Johnson i Lancaster ,'il Nemaha i:i Otoe in Pawnee !i Richardson lit It is recommended that no proxies be allowed at said district convention unless held by a person residing in the county which lie seeks to represent. Hy order of the democratic congres sional central committee for the First district of Nebraska, July IS, 1'.mi4. T. S. ALLEN', Chairman Was Wasting Away. "I had l)een troubled with kidney disease for the last live years," writes Robert K. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles cured me and I am now sound and well." Iuring the summer kidney Irregularities are often caused by excessive drinking or being over heated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. F. (5. Fricke. Plattsuiouth has organized a com mercial club. Knowing the officers as we dowe are perfectly safe in saving that the chili will he a hummer and always alive to the best Interests of that thriving city. Shelby Sun. Mother's Ear! a womo im oTirt wntm mummma m imrtnr, mo in rum MOrm TMtr com eeeoaa that SCOTT'S EMULSION kOvmiNNiiir so acar rom CHILD. Stnd Inr Itm ump'.t. SCOTT A BUWNE, thmuif 1 I'tirl Slrm, Nt York. M fx. tai f i.oo lU irujj. m NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Arrttt Norfolk Mrchjnt. fforfolk. Nob. Auk J-ThlrWn prrmluent buslnoai men of tint city j htva biwn rrestnl fur vtrUUni the Uwi. Fnrtrtevpn pmirl chick-1 ma were f ;unj. The trial U1 bo bld tomorrow. Stock Judge for Stata Fair. Lincoln, Auk- 1 Tho itn'c Mr manuKi'tuent liaa nra.lo tha (nllowliiK appointments uf 'ii!,es f i1V). ytock: j Vttitl lmrnH, W. J Itutherfor.l, Ainea, 1 la. IAhIu lior.iea an.l rt)iv lir. W. i A. IVilwon. Marion, la. Hef cnttlo, IL It. Smith, NeliraKka xpTlmiital itatlon. llry cnttlo, A. U Hnckr. NobraKks experiment station KuriM Jersey nwlne. Aaron Jones, Jr., South Urntl. Intl. l'olund Ctiina. W. J. Saiv taker, Slotn City. Changct In Aaaaaament. Lincoln. July 3(V Tho utato Inianl of equatlzut ton tins practically ibvlile,! to leavo the asHiwsmrnt of IVunjIaa, Iineaster. Polk, Attain a, iViilKe, OaRo and IlnlTnlo count leu an they were flxml by tho ftHHesworit. Cas anil Otno CountloH will I to reitueeil 5 per cent, while York. Stanton. Ilox Itutte, Tllalno and Nemnha will each b In creased B xr cent. Ulchardson nnd Keith will Ret a lit wr cent Increaso and Lincoln nnd Kimball 20 per cent Crazy Soldier la Taken East. Plalt.sinoiiih. Net)., Auk l.--Thoinin Itoane, a colored noliller from (ho Twenty -fifth Infantry, who had roho Insann after sfrvico III tho Philip pines, paused through this city from Fort Crook to Washington, aceoinpa nied by two members or tho hospital corps. The unfortunate man h hamli wero fastened together and his feet were shackled, and to prevent him from talking Incessantly In Spanish and Kngllsh at tho top of his voleo It was necessary to keep a cloth drawn through and over his mouth. Shipping Harvest Hands, Lincoln, Aug. 1. At the htate la hor Imreaii preparations an) under way lor the hlilpmeni of luitvoht Ii n ii il s to Sonlh 1 0 1 1 i it ;t Tin' esll- Iliatrs til I'll I sill -.1 till' lillleail I'J III tllltt. mate call for l.',,lmo lo . m m i able hodicil men. Tho harvest will lie In full blast tills week and shipments of men will begin today 1mm Hastings, Omaha and Lincoln. It Is prolriMe thai the demand will lie supplied to a large extent hy men irniu the Nehra; k:i and Kansas harvest Hep's, silno tho harvest In Ncliiaska Is nearly over. Gamblers and Horsemen Fight. Illalr, Ne., Aug. 1.- Itelore h aving for Fremont a free-for-all fight was Indulged ill between tha horsemen and gamblers, who were here In at tondanen at tho races last week. Some hard feeling was created by iho horsemen being fleeced out of a eon Riderahle amount of money hy one of tho ganihlera who operated a wheel of fortune. The fight comiiinnceil In tho street In front, of tho Merchants ho tel and was proceeding In the way of a good l-1.ed riot, there lieing over thirty live p"oplo engaged in It, when tho city police were summoned and. nrronipanled by Mayor Williams, they Riircecded In dispersing tin- crowd. Several arrests followed arid It was found that one of tho gamblers ai badly Injured, having hud his head kicked by Fomo of tho horsemen dur ing tho fight. FIREMEN AT NORFOLK. Stanton Draws the Prize for Having the Largest Attendance. Norfolk. Aug. 3. At thn Htate fire men's tournament Stanton won first prize for tho largest attendance, a purse worth $23. Hosklns w'as second. Crelghton had the Lest looking team, prlzo iZ'i. Hosklnn was second and Grand Island third. Tho York and Stanton teams wrh broke a utate record In tho class A event, York running In :28 3 B, Stan ton : 28 4 5. Again York won In the regulation hoso raoo on a fluko of Al Marks, Stanton's loader. Although Stanton won In tlm. Marks faJtod by two threads to couple ani York took first money, 150, in : 33 3 5. Stanton's tlms was :32'.j and was a world'9 rorord breaker. Humboldt won thn elans D straightaway, Grand Island th straightaway hook and laddor and Norfolk the class B regular hose race. ACCOUNTS FOR STATE CASH. Over Six Million Dollars of Truat Fund Hf1 by Treaturar, Lincoln, Aug. 1. Tha trust funds of the state of Nebraska Invested amount to 14,003.426.67, a top notch figure. Tho funds are divided up as follows: I'ermaneul tubool, f r.577. 587.42; agricultural endowment, $302,. 157.3S; permanent university, $118,. 456.01; normal endowment, $63.223. G. Of this total amount, $ 1,381.678 S2 Is In bonds and coupons and $l,6SL 747 S3 In In warrants. During tho next few weeks, however, considerable more will be Invested In warrants an 1 th only fear of the treasurer now 1b that be will not havo any too much mony with which to buy up tho war rants that will bo presented. ILs monthly statement filed with the auditor showed In tho permanent school fund only $103,212.94 and a to tal In tho trust fund of $132.828 96 During tha month Treasurer Morten en ha bought $133,000 worth of war rant and ha only redeemed $60,000 During the neit month there will be comparatively llttl money rerelred Into tha treasury. Tha foe rooelraJ will help out IttUa, for most of tha feei that will b collected thin dlunntum have already been paid In. Ttei mounted to $161,009. Bualnaaa Heyiaa at G flint fVum," Aumra, Uftt., July 30. Th4 Vtlllirfj of Olitnfr. thli county, lot tli biiaU Cs houfa ajid n rlilncv by flraj Jur'.ni tho night. Requisition for St. Cla r. Lincoln, July 3tU Oorernor MtrVey Osued a rvuUrtk)a on Governor iHnkery of Mtufotirt for th return to NobiBhka of IL St. Clair, alias M. C. Warren, w an tint at Omaha on a rhargn of f"igery. Tho accuMod man Is un der arrest at St. Jiweph. Rob Sutherland Portofflct. SuthorUuid, Neb., Aug 2 The loral postoinco wan rohtrtil. The odlr la kept In Hui khuid s stoit and tho thief got In through a roar window. A Miiall amount of rash waa taken from tho drawer, but no stamp. Twenty doIUtrs waa taken from tho till In th store, toRfther with a pair of shoo and other sma'l articles. Tho t)urln r l-rt his old nhoe Opposes Standard Comp.my. Lincoln, July 3u. Tho Markball Oil company of Iowa, an Indopeinb iit con corn, KtM-ured a silo near the stata fair ground by purchase from Thoman Itynn ami will put up an es tablishment hern to conduct a busi ness in opposition to tho Standard Oil rntnimny. Tho lliirllngion railroad. It Is said, bus agreed to run a track to tho establishment when It Is built. Governor Mickey at South Omaha. Soul Ii Omaha, Aus. 2. Governor Mickey, utter looking over Iho strlk ) situation here said: "I tlnd after vis iting thn yards nnd pucKlug planU that unlet prevails Kvorythlng a-i-pears to lie nrdorly and tho packer Heem to bo getting along fairly well. The situation needs careful handling. I think If the sheriff and police put. ther heads together thero will be no trouble." Fire Shot and Use Clubs. Omaha, July Ho. A lively disturb ance nrred at the Swift plant Onn Klml wan II red and two sliihers wero struck over tho head with clubs ami Were compelled to securo the it I I of a physician. An attempt was being; made to unload n car id' slr.l break ers tit Iho plant. Strikers surrounded the enr nnd endeavored to Induce tho new no n not to enter the wml s. In pushing the crowd of strllvrs bail;, clubs were used by the puckers' Riiarrtrt. There wi re l went y veu men in tho party of strike luenkors, some white and some colored Four men Joined the ptrlkcrn. but the bal ance pushed through the gate and 1 ri t tho plant While the crowd of strikers was pushing close around the car ono of the guards tired a shot In tho nlr. Nebraska Crop Conditions. Lincoln, Aug. 3.- Tho last week has been an excellent one for baying and hoi 1 1 1" 1 1 1 k the crop of small grain. The harvest of oats and spring wheat, has progressed nicely In northern counties. Spring wheat lias been eon Khleral ly damaged by rust and blight mid tho crop will he less than expect ed Irf-fore the harvost begun. Thresh ing has progressed well. Tho yield of w heat Is very uneven, but g 'iiernl ly It H only light to fair, with occa sional gcod Holds. The ipiallty Is also most I v below a vera ire. ()iii aro a rather better crop, but In many In stances lire light weight. live and barley lire genera lly rc"od rop. Torn has grown rapidly t Ii now tasseb d out fully and ears aro form ing. The crop continues In promising condition, although same damage has resulted from lack of moisture In routhw estern counting and penerally In Fontbern counties rain would b beneficial. DONNELLY AT SOUTH OMAHA. President of Butchers' Union Address es Two Meetings. South Onmha. Aug. L Sunday waa a day of considerable Importaneo to the packing bouse men now on strike. Michael Donnelly, president of the) butchers' union, vlaltod tho city an! made two addresses. "Wo are willing the world should Investigate and know tho exact cause of this strike." said Mr. Donnelly. He said that the unskilled laborers were unable to live, and oducate their families on tha wages paid. He urged the strikers to preserve the peace and aasurnd tbem that the greatest danger to their cause was any action which would bring out the militia. Mr. Donnelly expressed himself es more than pleased with the situation here. COCAINE FIEND RUNS AMUCK. Kills One Man, Injures Several Other and is Himself Fatally Wounded. Nebraska City, Nob., Aug. 2. While under the Influence of cocaine last night. Jack Carr, a carpenter, Rhot and killed Chris Hartman, aged fifty. five years; shot Chief of Police Schoonover In the hand and wa9 him self shot and mortally wounded by officer!" before he was captured. Hart man was shot without provocation or warning, after which Carr took refuge In a hotel. When the police tried the door of the room, ("ai r e-'ian shooting through tho door with a shotgun and wounded Schoonover. After driving tin officers away, Carr began shootlnj from the window at the crowd on tha street below. The crowd returned the fire, no less than fifty revolvers be ing used by ty men in the street. Carr luft hi room and went Into the street, flrtr.g Into the crowd again, when he was shot and fatally wound ed. 0 fflcer Ingram was shot In the back and eight cltlxens received flest wounds. Carr died this morning. He receive more than fifteen wounds in the Ight which preceded his arroiL WNWIIiWiiHIDlia