"felattemoutb Journal. VOLT ME XXIV plattsmoitii, m:iu:aska, Tiirusn.vY, .u;ist i. i;ni. M'.Mr.ni :n TART CURB-STONE JOSHINGS Culled, Clipped, Penciled and Prepared fcr the Readers of the Journal. .lust U lni; happy Is it tint' thlun m il; Looklnif on tin- hriidit Ule lOilher limn tlic hlue; Sad uinl sunny nui-iin: Is liirp'ly U llii' i'IhkisIiik. Anil iiisV Ix'lni; liupiiy Is hrave work mill true. Not very many farmers coming town these days-all ton busy deputation is a bubble tliai a man blows and then punctures. Several additions to the shop force have been made in the past month. Many improvements are being made on residence property in various parts of the city. Some men in this town would rather fret the short end of an argument than keepquiet. Many a man who imagines he could run the earth can't even manage a mall garden successfully. Large quantities of homegrown peaches are coming in daily. And of the finest qualities, too. Give your home merchant an appor tunlly to sell you goods before going to Omaha to get them cheaper. How about those broken sidewalks? Fixed, are they? Terhapsthey will be after someone gets a leg broken. "KowIiir down thp Ktreain "f lift-," With a churminK little wife; W'oulil 1 lovely. If the (Iciir DHlu't always want to steer. A New Grocery Firm. John 1. Tutt and his s"ii, K. S. Tut t, have become tin- owners of the grocery store of Capt. L. I. llennett, and took possession of the same la.st Monday morning. (.'apt. llennett is one of the pioneer merchants of I'lattsmonth. Last win ter lie suffered a severe attack of the grippe, since which time lie has not been' in the enjoyment of his usual health, and expects to go to California in t lie hope of recuperation. John T. Tutt is no stranger to the people of t'asscounty. lie is a pioneer of the county, and for about lifteen years was a partner of Capt. lieunett in the grocery business. His son, K S., is one of l'lattsmouth's most pop ular young men. a good business man, and the Journal bespeaks for t lie new firm a splendid business. ANOTHER PIONEER IS GONE AN IMPORTANT INVENTION An enterprising exchange suggests a Keely cure for gossips. An institu tutlon of this kind would do well in riattsmouth. Nebraska City girls are said to wear pieces of sandpaper on their knees to rruike a. sound like the swish of satin vnfiersjklrU. If the reputation of being a "good fellow" means the contracting of bad habits, ask yourself If the reputation is worth the sacri lice. Farmers who are caught with fat cattle, empty corn cribs and no mar kets on account Of the strike, are not very happy Just no. "Get rich quick," Is the motto of some people. "Fraudulantly" if not possible otherwise," the motto of oth ers, but anyway, "Get rich quick!" The bosoms of the new-fashioned trousers look like a feather bed after the housewife has made a requisition upon it for filling for several sofa pillows. Gradually the B. & M. shops are be ing tilled with workmen, and by the time for snow to fly it is thought that every place made vacant by the recent turnout will be tilled. Au old bachelor friend says it's awful easy to convince a girl she's too pretty not to be kissed. How about convinc ing some of the old maids in town that they are too old to be kissed? The Flattsmouth Republican Ring have their county ticket already nom inated. There Is no use of holding a convention. Their will seems to be the law with the republicans of Cass county. "American Beauties" Is the name of ball team at Nebraska City, but the members are not girls, as might be in ferred. On the contrary the home liest set of boys that could be raked up In that town. A great many threshing machine owners will not take their machine out this season at all. In some localities they say they cannot make enough, ow inn to the poor yield of wheat, to re pay them for the wear and tear on the machinery. Farmers with whom we talked last Saturday are not agreed as to the corn cron outlook some contending that the yield In Cass county will be far be low that of 1903, while others argue just as strongly that prospects are bet ter than at the same time last year. An exchange says that "the enact ment of a law or an ordinance Is one thine and the enforcement another." No enactment at all is preferable to Twin -mfrirfpmpnt. The latter breeds UVU Vtlivt r.ontemDt and increases lawlessness, Laws and ordinances that become dead should be repealed. Did you ever notice that when men are at work on a building, mere are &1 waysalot of oldgeysers,with nothing else to do. standing around in tne way tellinir the workmen Just how this and that should be done, when It Is none of business? We did the other, and the workmen became very much annoyed too. Another farmer was Is town Monday tsv rannlva I hll ndrpd nound sack of su- tar ha hurt fir dp red from Omaha. He was surprised to learn from one of our erocerymen mat ne cou.u uuj um urade of surar of him for 2A cents less on the sack besides saving 25 cents fniffht nharirrs. Moral: Try your home merchant before you go to Oma William Wettenkamp Died Monday Morn ing at His Home Near Mynard. Another Cass county pioneer has passed over to the Great Beyond. At about six o'clock Monday morning, August 1, 104, William Wettenkamp, one of the prominent German farmers of this county, died at his home near Mynard, at the age of about seventy live years. Several months since the deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis, from the effects of which he was thought to be slowly recovering, as he was able to get around, and In fact had been able to visit riattsmouth on several occa sions. However, on Sunday his condi tlon became alarming, and finally re sulted in his death as above stated. Mr. Wettenkamp had been a rcsi dent of Cass county for nearly half a century, and by his indomitable ener gy and perseverance had become quite wealthy, possessing several valuable farms and other property, including two business blocks in this city. The funeral occurred yesterday (Wednes day) afternoon at two o'clock from the late home of the deceased and inter ment made in the Eight Mile Grove cemetery. The deceased was born in Germany, coming to America at an early age. Four grown children survive him. One That Will Soon be In Operation on All the Railroads. Several of the daily papers of this state and Missouri contain the follow ing account of an invention of Kay Wiles, a former l'lal Isiuoutli boy: 'Hay Wiles, now supply agent for the Itiirlington at Hannibal, Mo., is the originator of a new Invention which may eventually be adopted by the railroads of I lie west. His invention is a patent slot ma chine planned for providing oil to nglneers at the round houses as it is needed. Its success Is said to lie as sured. His plan is to providecngineers with numbered shins, and as they need the oil they drop them in the machine. For each slug a pint of oil will be measured out. 'The railroads all keep a record of the amount of oil used by each engi neer, and at the end of every month Issue a table showing the mileage made by eacli engineer and the amount of oil he has used. With the new measuring device an engineer must present a ticket. With the machine the engineer's number on them will show how much oil he has taken from the machine. It is said the machine will not only be introduced on rail roads, but in other lines of business as well. The idea of the company man ufacturing them is to have them placed on public roads used by auto mobiles, so that when the owners need gasoline or other oils for their ma chines they can procure the amount desired by dropping the required amount of money in the slot. "The idea of such a machine first originated in the mind of Mr. Wiles. He did not think much about the plan . Question. at u.sb uui BiJKScaicu u it. vi. White, a manufacturer of slot ma chines at Chicago. The latter Imme diately recognized the merits of the Idea, and after turning out a model bad It patented. It Is to be placed on the market Immediately." Farm House Burglarized. Saturday last, while Carl Ad'.lph. who lives near Nehawka. was out in the lield at work, vine parly or par ties entered his house and carried oil a number of art id, s of wearing appa rel. Including Ills best suit of clothes, undonvcur, several tine shirts, overalls, etc. In one pocket of the vest was a ten-dollar hill. KH'orts will be made to capture the thief or thieves, and t he amount of k'omls taken would in dicate there was more than one. Il seems that Ailolph is unmarried and is keeping bach. This is another argu ment In favor of matrimony. GET RICH QUICK SCHEME Another Twist in the Kupke Case In the County Court. Before Judge Travis last Saturday the application of the German F.van gelical Synod to vacate the order of the county court disallowing the Kup ke will was hus ained and the or der and decree obtained by the smooth Mr. Folk, denying the probating of the will, was annulled. Folk, the readers of the Journal w ill remember, by his remarkable shifti ness, became possessor of t he estate of Ernest Kupke "forasong'Vsome,- 000 of the hard life-earnings of the old German farmer passed like the glim mer of the marble in the shell game to the professional and the Kupke chil dren, with the beneficiaries of the old man's will, were left wondering "how It was did!" When the will came up for probate Mr. Folk had, by means wholly unjustifiable, obtained a deed from Kupkc's children, and then by rushing matters In the county court, obtained a decree disallowing the will Ttje True Facts. A near neighbor of one of the gen tlemen who recently had a team stolen from his barn was in the Journal office last Monday evening, when the horse thief question was sprung, and as to the mystery of how they eluded the officials in this as well as in surround ing counties. He said that it appeared to him that as long as the county was paying the expenses of the officers in pursuit of the thieves that they could keep constantly at work on such cases. Now, this gentleman appeared very much astonished when we told him that Sheriff McBride had to defray his own expenses for every day that he spent away from home in his effort to capture thieves. There is no law by which he can get one cent for his work, and there is not a farmer In this county but who should understand this fact, as many are under the same impression as the above farmer. Sheriff McBride has been diligent in his search for the teams that have been stolen, and also In his efforts to apprehend the thieves. He has been a great many dollars out of pocket which will never be returned to him unless the thieves are captured and convicted. The law Is very lame In this respect, and we refer to the mat ter simply from the fact that many are disposed to believe that the county pays Sheriff McBssde's expenses while he Is out In pursuit of horse thieves and other depredators. farm and there found a team of horses as to whether the will should be al- titiU'li unltnrl tlir.lr ntirrutun hnttnr They unharnessed the mules, hitched lowed or not. That hearing resulted d the Horses, placed me mules in me n Judirc Travis decision uiaia square barn and then set tire to the building, (1(,al slloul(1 he krve ),y u,e court to all "r"' XKVlJ. " "rl .? " narties Interested. To this decision secoitu icam. iu trace oi me uiievea ...... had been secured yesterday. all honest people win say amkn. The Cass county authorities are Our readers, of course, know thai Are You Going to the State Fair? Make your arrangements to attend the Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln, August 2!ith to September 2d. Striker Drooed. Asa state fair you will tind It up-io- Tiinmil, Marksberrv. with two oth date in all particulars arm in every ue- r S()Utll ( ,ma)a strikers were camp partment. hvery class full and over- lm, ..... rlver at t a i-i;itte. It making desperate efforts to apprehend ,,olk and the Kupke criiid ren have had (lowing w ith exhibits. anoears that on Sunday last, Marks- y .!( i i f i . a. .1 1 tl.A ilA of al't in vor nl i no nun I P II nPtil, I. . . . i ... i. I, rl have taken place in Lass county, ana iion in ouiaming me uecu inmi uic u.c ....o rurstjain, aim a companion who mm not a single rig has been recovered. heirs, and that Judge Jcssen set that specimens. started with him went back to the tent Since the 1st. of last January elirht deed aside. Now. those lltlgants-the In live stock all the Improved breeds f . On his return to the river horses and two head of mules have Kupke heirs and Attorney Folk-are will bo. reprenenteci arm me opporiun- k he couM w.c noUln (,f Marks been stolen from this county, instead in the air, as the the title through Ity to sec the choicest and most valua- U, The unfortunate man Is said of twenty-two as printed above, and which thev both claln is pending, un- ble Individual animals. t0 have ,)(,en su,ject to epileptic flta etrano tn nay nr.t. rmf nf ti.P nnimalK determined n the county court. in ine nne ari unii ieuie iii pii- rps..ni0( ,i,at wt,ilc In one hRVA rpn eantiirert Hut as in t lie "Ch ckens will come home to roosl," menis me om umip na.e ..iiu nf these snells he fe Into the river. thief or thieves it Is yet believed that and the "get rich quick" practices stricken out and the "new fancies" ,,ls )K)(ly was recoVpred about 400 feet iha man VTthn who nnw Hps tn tliP R imetimes Involvecrucl complications, provided for. i... nw whore It went down. Tuesday. Douglas county Jail bound over for Let the merry war go on. mere win ue acres m r.i.u,w an(1 was tai,pn to South Omaha for stealing a team In Sarpy county, Is the . rm impiemcnu.. niac.in.er, uukk-, burlal eiC, anil It win ue me tiuyi iuiiiij ui Failed to Identify Him. Last week's Journal contained an account of another burglary, in which a gold watch, the property of Mrs. W. Gamble, was stolen from the resi dence of F. J. Iean at Union. The theft was reported to Sheriff McBride and he immediately set out to capture the thief and recover the property Soon the watch was located in a pawn shop at Omaha, and the sheriff was In formed that a negro named James Bradley was under arrest, under the supposition that he had given the watch to a negress named Minnie Dines, who had pawned it. Bradley was brought down from Omaha Satur day noon by J her ill McBride, but the Union parties falling to Identify hlin he was turned loose. 'TIs said a bottle and a glass Will make a person mellow, But Bocky Mountain Tea's the drink Of this proceeding in the county court the Svnod had no notice, and the estate of Kupke was unrepresent ed by counsel. The w itnesses were be fuddled by the astute attorney, and the real facts so colored and clouded the court denied the application to probate the will. Material witnesses, living, who were present and witness ed the execution of the will, were not a Somewhat Magnified. In the Council Bluffs department of the Omaha World-Herald of last called, and the hearing wxs, from Thursday appeared the following item: loRai standpoint, a miscarriage A tale of horrible cruelty was con tallied in a notice received by tele- i(,nnen nf the will, learning of the SlYSffifW pneeedings appeared in the county and harness in Cass countv. Nebraska, court by petition and demanded that The thieves stole a team of mules the decree denying the probating oi from a farmer, drove to the adjoining the wm ))e vacated and a hearing had GREASED PIG DISAPPEARS After Building a Fine Pen tor His Plgshlp Chief of Police Joe Fitzgerald Loses It. (gillie a IHIilihel of the llules ami several invited quests enjoyed a uiiitf niliivnt least at the expense of Chief of I'ciliee .I i.,. I'lierald, last I'ri lay ninht at the liable indue room. The pie, roasted and prepared for the oc casion has unit o a history. The Kagles purchased it to he yiven away on the I'ourt li of .I lily to tiie hoy who could catch It. it was rancid by a buy who had no use for It, and lie sold It to Olllecr Weldy for lilt v cents. Keeping It a few days Charley sold It to ,loe for J.on. A nice pen was built for it, and every morning Joe would piout o see how much his oil' had crown, and the last nnitning be missed liiiu, hut was unable to perceive how it not out of the enclosure made for It. Mrs Fitzgerald mid children were visiting in Louisville at the t hue. The pig being In line order for an occasion of this kind, while Joe was attending to his official did ies, Louis ( ttiiat t and several other members of the Faglcs conceived the Idea of "taking In" Joe's pig, having it prepared and then Invite our clever and elllclent-Clilcf of Police In to partake of It. The pro- grain was carried out to perfection. The pig was butchered, taken to ('lias. Merger's Bakery, where it was roasted and In the evening taken to the lodge room. When the feast was all pre pared a committee of Invitation was sent to escort Joe to the lode room to help "get away" with his own pig. Joe never once "smelt a mouse," hut late In the evening he was called to Louisville, by telephone, from Mrs, Fitzgerald that one of the children was sick, w hich was certainly a great disappointment to every one present. After masticating the sclmat It was the intention of the boys to Joke Joe about eating his own hog. Those attending the bamiuet enjoy ed it hugely, and they say thev never partook of anything that was so sweet and juicy uh Joe Fitzgerald's "Fourth of July greased pig." When Joe found out what a nice time the Ixiys had at his expense he enjoyed Hie joke along with the others, but said he was sorry lie didn't eet some of it. When Joe The German Synod, after the disal- ()es ,n lhp (r(.c,(l ()f tic vacant pig pen now, his wife can hear him sing: l't!liy. pldliy. where lirl IlieeV Never inure they ferni I'll see. l,oule (Mlii.lt Is to lilume. And Hll I Miy. An t It H sluiine." Oerlng Withdraws. When the democrat ic conwnt ion of Cas county was held in t he .spring It was announced (hat Henry I!, tiering, now mayor of I'lat Ismoiil b, aspire I lo the iioiiiln.it Ion hr congress at the hands ol the demoerals of this dis trict. 1,'esolul ions in his favor were passed ami he wascm n permission to select his own delegates o 1 1 1 1 ' Con gressional con enl Ion. In Hie last is sue of the l'lal I siin'iil li .1 1 hi ma 1 Mr. Celine, published a caul in which lie t lianhs his 1 1 lends for what they have done in Ids heliall, and stales Ihat from a business si, indpoint lie cannot think of entering a race lor a congres sional nominal ion. The News Is soi ry that lleiirv lias seen lit. I o w il hdiaw as II candidate because we helleve that he would have proved a winner. Ne braska ('ity News. Locates in Weeping Water. Ir. .1. M. (ireen was In Ihecily Tues day evening. He came down from ( linalia, w here he had been lo purchase l supply of medicines lor bis olllce al Weeping Water, In which city lie has concluded to locate The Ir. has been a very successful pract hmeer in this city for t wo years and Is a nice clever gentleman. He sold ot. I. Ills business here several weeks ago, since which time he has been looking around for another location. The good people of Weeping Water will tind In lr. (ireen every Instinct of a gentleman and also a first -class physician in every detail. An Impregnable Fortress. The Britons may have the Ciberal tar, the Busslans their I'ort Arthur, declaring these forfllicatloi.s Impreg nable, but our own nat ion lias a much better stronghold. It Is our healthy and strong people, active au untiring, clean and courageous, and thus In vincible. As long as our nation will possess such virtues, It will withstand the attacks of the whole world. Let every individual get healthy and strong by using Trlin-r's American F.lixir of Hitter Wine! The weak and sickly body will become a fortress against all diseases. This pure grape wine remedy acts directly on the stomach, In fact, cures every stomach. No matter what you eat, everything will lie thoroughly digested and trans formed into pure, healthy and rich blood. In all diseases associated with loss of appetite and loss of strength, Triner's American Flixir of Bitter Wine Is the only perfectly reliable medicine. At drugstores, or directly from the manufacturer, Jos. Trlner, ?i!i South Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ills. l'ilson Station. man who did most of this stealing. Cass County's Lucky Ones. Mm venrfor intending purchasers to Was la Poor Meaun for Tears. 1 CrnT Ncnro Soldier. " seems that Uiss county iarea compare, and then Intelligently Ira W. Kelley, of Manstiem, ra., Thomas Roane, a colored soldier ab(ut as well as any of tne counties order or purclia(e writes: "I was In poor health for two from the Twenty-fifth Infantry, who ll,at cnanceu we un... n me i-nc- The speed program is me oesi pro- years, sunerit.g irom Kinney mm uiu had gone insane after service in the bud reservation. Following Is the list V(ied for In the state, and as an extra der trouble, and spent considerable Philippines, passed through I'latts- ot mose wno were lucny in u.c uuw inducement to lovers or "last, norscs," money consulting pnysicians wiu.ouu Saturday evening from Fort Crook to Ing, and their respective numbers: iian Batch, the swiftest pacer In the obtaining any marked benefit, but was Washington, D. C, accompanied by 2-9 Robert Troop, riattsmouth. world, will go against time on Tues- cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, and I twonf t hAhnsnit.alrnrns. Tim unfor- MO-M. Blair, (Jrcenwood. dav. August 30. desire to add my tcstimoney that It As an outing, a trip to the state fair may be the cause or restoring me both pleasant and profitable and j8 health of others." Refuse sultltutcs, two of the hospital corps. The unfor tunate man's hands were fastened to gether and his feet were shackled, and to prevent him from talking in cessantly In Spanish and English at the top of his voice It was necessary to keep a cloth drawn through and over bis mouth. When allowed to talk he would become very boisterous and ex cited. He had to be carried from one train to another and held by one man 323 Thomas Barnum, Union. 1U3-A. J. Trlllty, riattsmouth. H03 (Jus Koesner, riattsmouth. ttir Elmer Oilmore, Nehawka. 1140 J. T. Evans, South Bend. 1,127-Walter E. Balling, Greenwood. 1073-T. J. Reynold, Weeping Water. the lUdh nleasant and profitable nut mneivp A one-fare rate on all E. (. Frlckc k Co. railroads. Mortgagt Record for July. The following Is the mortgage rec- Will They Succeed? The Journal Is reliably Informed ord for Cass county and the city of 19ti-Ed Kennedy, Weeping Water, that a certain "legal light" of this riattsmouth for the month Just closed: 2000 II. E. Mason, Weeping Water, city is engineering a scheme by which karm ritorKurv While there may be several dlsap- cveral of the heaviest delinquent tax- Filed s,&oo ' "J - . . . ... , . . . ,, ... . . ... n. i J . , ... , m.. ... . . j nil nimnnn n I mir iv. k iuui. mmr I na vprin ik rjiuiii v r 1 m-ci, laj i kioi'iisi'ii m," ' wnue in tne train, j ne omcer staieo v,,v" " , - -r- n,.n,.h.H.i.i. i tv. iwi. In mind that out of a registration of out of paying their back taics. U11 city imioi-kuty vov ijivj vmv iu . uiv vivi'. i ... ..... I . . .. ... I .... m Ala for about one week. nearly 500 from thisclty and vicinity the law release them and compel the Filed 'i01 mme were bound to "get left." other delinquent taxpayers to pay ne leased Flnt Peaches. , theirs? It lecertalnly a poorlawthat Nine farm mortgages were filed ana A. A. Wettenkamp. of near Mynard. "00 ',0, ll" muui will release those who are aoie to pay nine released; in city property !... presented this office last week with a A man not a thousand miles from and compel those who are not able to were filed and six released. hacirot r.f t.iia flnncf .Mi.c ... , u I Tlo 1 1 amont h Rent to Omaha a few nv or hav the r nroDertv sold. I nisi WMBnv V v. V..W lltlVflV JV V.I I. T.V IIU ' V I . w v .......... - - - - I " " W . I .! . . seen this year. They are of the large days ago and bought a sack or sugar, scheme needs watching, and wnen tne war Against tonjurniH'uu. red variety, and very finely flavored Ills neighbor came to riattsmouth the Journal becomes more fully advised AU nations are endeavoring tocheclc and very toothsome. Mr. Wettcn- next day and bought the same grade regarding the matter, It will nave theravagesof consumption, the"whlto kamp has a large quantity of this and weight for 30 cents less than the more to say. The poor should receive piauc" that claims so many victim fruit which he will place upon the wise man did at Omaha. market this season, and It would be of your borne merchants. well for those who desire sny of It to order In time and get the best. The Auburn. Neb.. Chautauqua. Journal force can attest as to Its ex cellence Moral: Buy the same favors as the rich. If one Is each yctri Foley's Honey and Tar released from paying back taxes the curcs coughs and colds perfectly and others should be also. hat is sauce vmi .ro tn no danger of consumption. for the goose should be sauce for the nol rRix your health by taking August 13th to 21st, one fare plus 50c for round trip tickets. Ticket gander. ralntlng, decorating and sign writ If vou arc a iudire of a uood amoke. Mild 11 wern these dates will be good Inir. Work guaranteed. Leave orders try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you until August 22d, via Missouri l'aclGclat Frlcke'sdrug store. 9ome unknown preparation when Fol ey's- Honer and Tar Is safe and certain In results. Ask for Foley's Honey ana Tar and insist upon having It. F. G. That livens up a leiiow. tiering & Co will smoke no other. ha again, and save money. Railway. L. Baldwin. Frlcke k Co.