The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1904, Image 8

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Mustang Liniment
cures Frostbites and Chilblains.
Mustang Liniment
15et thing for u lame horse.
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
llcttt for llorne ailment.
limber up Stiff Joints.
ang Lin'
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
l-urr Sprnin nut I bruiu. cure Spavin and Ringbone, hcalu Old Sonn quickly.
Iltut for Cuttle ailment.
Mustang Liniment
drives out all inflammation.
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
la n jxiolti vr cure for I'llen. curt-a nil forum of Khcunintlxm cure Caked I'ddcr in cow a.
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
I5et for Sheep ailments. always gives satisfaction.
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
curca Cntx, KurttH, ltrulm. In ue for over nlaty ytara. fur Man, iSrutit or Iualtr'.
Weeping Water
IT 'in lliv lli'inililti'iin
Tin' Pepiihheaii family feasted mi
sweet com from our o.vii ca i di'ii last
Sunday. Was anyone inure "previous''
than that?
Mis. Aiiius Wart, w Ih lias had a long
Klegc if si'i'lmis illness, Is limv aMe to
Hit up a pait of llii' time, we are
pleased In ii'ite.
Mr. and Mis. Frank I'arker rejoice
over the arrhal of a new nine pound
daughter that arrived at tlieir home
mi the morning mi the l.illi.
Tin' Misses Jennie ami Mary Swart,
nf Ml. l'leasant, Pa., arrived Lore last
Wednesday and are the quests nf their
uncle, Unlit, Ilitehinan and family,
Mr. Dickinson of Lincoln, was In
town Sat unlay calling mi the school
iniard. lie Is an applicant for the po
sition of assistant principal of the 1 Huh
The many friends of Mrs. P. K.
Wade learn with sorrow that she will
not remain at the hoarding hall next
year. She expects to leave soon for
her home In Dennlson, la.
Next Tuesday, July '1'J, will lie the
tenth anniversary of the date of the
incmoriuhlc hot winds which swept
over Nebraska and devastated the
crops of every description. That day
will ever live In the memory of those
who were here at the time.
Mrs. Vera Pelle Hose, of Lincoln,
died at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. K. L. Shirley, on Friday, Ju
ly 1.1, after a lingering Illness. She
was not considered In a dangerous
condition and her death came as a sad
shock to the many friends of the fam
ily. Dr. (ireen and John iteeson, two
young Plattsmoulh men, drove over
Monday and paid a visit tothelrfriend
(5iiy Johnson. They went tishlng in
the afternoon and lieeson landed the
largest bullhead that has tieen taken
here this season. It was more than a
foot long. Thi boys drove home In the
We were pleased to see Allen Walk
er out on the street again last Friday.
Mr. Walker was Injured recently by
belli)! knocked from a train at Hum
boldt. His broken rihsglve him con
siderable pain, especially when he lies
down. The Injury to his spine Is also
quite painful and he will not tie able
for duty for some time yet
From tlio HrniUI
The storm the night of the nth
blew olf considerable I ru It, but many
trees were overloaded and it will
prove a bene lit.
C M. Cherry has sold his meat mar
ket to his son, Kdgar, who took pos
session Monday. Mr. Cherry will rest
for a while.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kroehler, of
llavelock, parents of Mis. Herman
Klletsch, visited here the latter part
of the w eek.
Alt Marshall, while painting on Will
Marshall's house last week, fell off the with his ladder, and was much
bruised on his limbs, which prevented
work for a few days.
James Perry and wife, of Washing
ton, former residents of this vicinity
In the days of thirty years ago, are
making the rounds of their friends,
and at present are the quests of Mr.
and Mrs. Orton.
We have been keeping an eye on
Frank Towle's movements of late, and
believe that if the democrats Insist
they will tlnd him not much handi
capped for time to run for county
Commissioner. Of course thev don't
really need any surest Ions from the
li. I. McNurlin made another start
Tor P.onesteel Sunday. He met Mr.
Wonderlyat Nehawka, and together
they made the trip.
Last Thursday night the elements
were on the rampage, and did consid
erable damage to cr.'ps. The wind
blew a gale and the rain came down in
unite a number of wheal fields wbl fro,n ,osln,t " ar,n'
not be harvested, and some wheat i Jw' Ko.ver died Sunday, July 17,
that has been threshed frmu the shock ! 1,u4,ni!Pt'"0'fars' :' months and '
does not pay for the expense. The ' ,la-vs' ''''''cased was born In Milllin
season has been very discouraging i ,,urtf' 1t'"n' Moved to Illinois alxnit
with respect to snia'l grain. The oats, ' 11,0 'l'ar lN1''' r'roi tbcre became to
while a little better, Is only a partial ;('loc au"".v Nebraska, In the year
crop. ItU'ginsto look like a good : ls:t' a"1' settled two milt s east and
crop of wheat once in three or f,,(ir ' Si miles south of Fl in wood, where be
years is ail that can Im expected. . has since resided. On April 2C, of
u'f present year, he was stricken with
Small waists are no longer in style. , appoplexy. which left him entirely
Its the round plump walststhat come belpless. He lingered on until Sun
by taking Holilster's Pocky Mountain ' day afternoon last when be quietly
Tea; that's all the go. cents. Tea mi1 peacefully fell Into his last sleep,
or tablet form. Ocrir.g & C o. j Village Marshal John Lynn, who
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light thai for per
sistent and unmerciful tort lire lias per
haps never been 'pialed. Joe (!olo
bickor Colusa, Calif, wiltes: "For l.'i
years I endured insiiffeiahlc pain from
Klieiiniatisiii and i otlilng relieved me
though 1 tried everything' known. I
came across Fleet rie Hitters and it's
the urea test medicine mi earth for that
trouble. A few butt lesof it complete
ly relieved and cured me '' Just, as
good for Liver iind K idney t rouhlcsand
general debility. ( luiy Inc. Satisfac
tion guaranteed by F. (i. Frlcke, Co.
Kmim iht' Courier.
Krv. li. .In iik' went toOinaha Thurs
day to meet bis wife who has just re
turned from a thiee-weeks' visit at St,
The gasoline engine at Richey's
elevator went on a strike Thursday
and Mr. Ilichey had to secure a trac
tion endue to elevate his grain while
he adjusted the dltllculty.
Horn-to Mr and Mrs. Frank Ful
ton, Tuesday, July lit, a girl; to Mr.
and Mrs. John liormann, Thursday,
July 21, a girl, and to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Prussell, of Mauley, Saturday,
July li, a girl.
Tuesday, while playing on a machine
shed on her father's farm south of
town, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Stolihnann fell and broke
both bones of the left arm above the
wrist. Dr. Thomas reduced the frac
ture and reports the little sufferer
doing nicely.
Antone Walllnger of Cedar Creek
called Thursday and renewed his sub
scription to the Courier. Mr. Wallin
ger says that small grain Inhls locality
will be a very poor crop, and some
pieces will not be cut at all. "In fact"
said Mr. Walllnger. "small grain is
the poorest crop 1 have ever seen in
Nebraska, and 1 have lived here eigh
teen years " Com, be says, can make
a good crop with favorable weather.
The Free Methodist camp meeting
opened In Jackman's grove, north of
town Thursday evening. The meet
Inns are being held in a law tent ca
pable of seating several hundred peo
ple. A general invitation is extended
to the public to attend all of their
meet inns but those who only attend
through idle curiosity or to disturb
the meetings are not wanted on the
grounds. The meeting's will continue
about, two weeks.
The Original.
Foley .Sc Co., Chicago, originated
Hooey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on occount of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are otlered
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Hon
ey and Tar and refuse any substitute
offered as no other preparation will
give the same satisfaction. It is mild
ly laxative. It contains no opiates and
is safest for children and delicate per
sons. Sold by F. (!. Frlcke & Co.
From t lie I-i'iirtcr-Kolio.
Home grown peaches are on the
market this week selling at a dollar a
J. 11. Uogge ami wife left Tuesday for
St. Lmiis to spend a week or so at the
Miss Nellie Willcockson has been
feeling (iiite poorly and Is under the
doctor's care.
Mrs. Will Mapes left Tuesday morn
ing for West Plains, Mo., to enjoy a
few weeks' visit at the home of her
Frank Voorhees' arm, which was In
fected with blood poisoning from cut
ting his linger on some implements he
was putting together, is considerable
'better, but is yet giving him some
trouble. The arm has licen lanced in
fifteen places from t lie linger to the
shoulder, and now seems to lie heal-
lug. it was surely a narrow escape
has been very sick for the past two
weeks, grew worse Saturday and an,
operation was decided on as the only team got freightened auain and ran
means of saving bis life. Accordingly away, throwing Uith men out of the
at noon Sunday, I r. Harry Fverett.of . baggy. In this accident Fred escaped
Lincoln, assisted by Ins. I'.ohannan, J unhurt but Any was rendered uncon
Neely, Alton and Paddlefonl, per-, scions for a t hue. The team ran only
formed the operation. Ills condition j
was a great deal worse than was sus
pected by his phjsician, Ir. l.ohan
non. and the operation took an hour
and aiiiarter, a ureat deal of pus be-j
lug removed. Mr. Lynn rallied won-j
derfully from t lie shock of the opera-1
uon aim nas since neen doing excep
tionally well, and from present indica
tions will soon tie able to get up town
F. G. FricHe & Co.
Ask the readers of this paper whoare
suffering w ith indigestion or dyspepsia
to call on them at once and get a liottle
of Kodol 1'yspepsla Cure If you knew
the value of this remedy as we know
It, you would not suffer another day.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a thorough
dlgestant and tissue-building tonic as
well. It is endorsed personally by
hundreds of people whom it has cured
of Indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation
of t he heart and stomach troubles gen
erally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat. It Ik pleasant, palatable
and strengthening
From the KcgNU'r.
J. W. Maguey started on an explor
ing expedition to Oklahoma Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Y.. Kirkpatrick was a pas
senger to St. Louis yesterday where
she will visit for a short time.
Mr. Johnson, the foreman of the
stone quarries, says he is shipping ten
cars of rock daily.
Mrs. Ollie Albln has been very ill
from chronic trouble for the past two
weeks. We learn she is improving
The brick is being hauled on the
ground for the erection of Peter Opp's
new business brick, and so the im
provements move along.
Whooping cough has had quite a
run in our village for the past two
weeks but is now confined to a few
Miss Jones, of Dunbar, came over
last week to visit. When she returned
home Saturday she took Grandma
Jones along with her for a visit.
Henry lleinrich and wife of near
Wyoming, came in last Monday to
spend the day with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob timber.
She Tried Five Doctors.
Mrs. Francis L. Sales, of Missouri
Valley, la., w rites "I have been alllict
ed with kidney trouble five years; had
severe pains in my back and a frequent
desire to urinate. When riding I ex
perienced much pain over the region
of the kidneys. I tried five physicians
without benefit and then concluded to
try Foley's Kidney Cure. After tak
lng',thrceJl,00 bottles I was completely
cured." Sold by F. CI. Fricke.
From the Reneon.
There Is some talk of a new brick
business block being erected In Eagle
In the near future.
Mrs. Pauline Ollermann was ap
pointed postmistress at this place and
received her commission Monday
morning. This appointment will re
ceive the hearty approval of all the
patrons of the office.
We are in receipt of a letter from J.
(. Sack who went to St. Louis last
week, which says that he arrived
there safely and is doing police duty.
He Invites any of his friends from here
who visit the fair to call on him. His
headquarters are with Co. D, at the
Transportation building.
Ed lletts, who has been sick since
early spring, returned home from the
hospital Thursday of last week. His
condition is not much better than it
was some time ago. On Tuesday of
this week he and Mrs. Itctts went to
Lincoln where they will remain for a
few days and then go on to Denver to
see if the climate there will benefit
Last Saturday night when Fred Os
senkop untied his team to leave town
they started to run before he got in
the buggy and as he was trying to get
hold of the lines one of the horses
kicked him on the right leg breaking
the tabla just above the ankle. At
the time he thought it was just a
sprain and did not pay much attention
to It, and in company with Andy Furr,
went on out to August Spabuie's to a
dance. After thev got out there the I
a short distance and plunged Into a
creek where they mired and were
caught. Sunday morning Mr. n
kop came to town to have the doctor
examine his injuries, who found that
Instead of a sprain iie had sustained a
a broken bone.
From Mm I.iilijer.
Dick Conrad lias been playing the
cripple on account of a horse kick on
his right leg last Sunday.
Dan Lynn has been manipulating
the butcher tools at the meat market
while Will Taylor takes care of his
Iodic hand.
Mrs. II. II. Lessel and children were
down from Plattsinouth last Sunday
to spend the day with their Union
relatives and friends.
A tine new daughter was added to
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Pell's family re
cord on Wednesday, July 13, and Jesse
was so elated that he forgot all about
such Items being acceptable at news
paper oftices.
Joseph Malcolm, the well known
miller who is helping tear down the
Factory ville mill, was seriously Injured
Tuesday while working at the mill.
He fell quite a distance and sustained
a number of very bad bruises but
fortunately no broken bones, and he
is reported to be recovering nicely.
O. C. Dougc has purchased from
Mrs. Emma Wallace lot 3 in block 2,
and in a short time Mr. Douge will be
gin the erection of a large frontal ad
dition that will make it one of the
nicest residences in the village.
A balloon ascension each day will be
part of the attractions at the old
settlers' reunion to be held here on
August lit and 20. The committee has
closed a deal with Sexton, the well
known balloon man to make a para
chute leap each day.
Mrs. E. Dungan suffered a very pain
ful accident Monday evening which
might have been much more serious.
She had stepped out to close the cellar
door, and a slight mis-step caused her
to fall into the cellar. She was cared
for as promptly as possible, and an ex
aminatin showed a fracture of the
right limb just above the ankle and
a number of other bruises The pa
tient Is getting along very nicely.
Crjarrjberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
This remedy is certain to be needed
in every home before the summer is
over. It can always be depended upon
even in the most severe and dangerous
cases It is especially valuable for
summer disorders in children. It is
pleasant to take and never fails to give
prompt relief. Why not buy it now?
It may save life. For sale by all drug
gists. Greenwood
From tlic Knterprlso.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs Harvey Cole
man a boy, Saturday, July hi, l!K4.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goodale,
a nine pound girl, Saturday, July 10,
Mrs. F. Smith has returned from a
two week's visit at Charlton, Iowa,
Marion Iloenshell was home from
the Crow Agency, Mont., visiting his
parents the fore part of the week.
Fifty Years Ihe Slandard
Intprovis thi flavor and adds to
(hi haatthfulmss of thi food.
The Yellow Front Saloon
frit- .. A- ,
Agent for the Popular Willow Springs Beer
Every Case and Keg Hears the Union Label
Q Wote the Prices We are Malting
Cunadlan Club, pillion f (Kl
WedilliiK lliiiuim't Hve. K'lMon.... 5. (HI
Silver Wt'ildiiiK. illlllon b.M
Miiysvllle Cluli. irnllon 4 (
our Fiishloiieil OukwiKxI. khIIoii.. 4 (Kl
M. H. Iliuiil Sour Mush, ifiillun 4 UO
Montrose Hy, gallon 4 ml
Whltu Hye. pillon 3.H.)
(iiii'lii'iilu'liin-r It ye. itiillim! 3.5(1
Anderson Co. Whiskey, gallon 3.all
Alcohol. 1N0 priKif. gallon 3 ;)
Mononnahela Kye. gallon 3 ml
Old Glory, gallon 3.U0
P.nll nnd Sv1 TTs. nr Sonrl Ynnr Orrlpre hv Mnil x?
Miss Jessie Fowler has been selected
to the s line position she held last year
in the York high school.
Mrs. Peeves and grand-daughter, of
Chariton, Iowa, are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith.
Henry Cutler, who has been here for
several weeks on business, returned to
his home in Waurika, Okla., Wednes
day. Mr. George Leaver was born in Eng
land May 12, 18."2. died in Greenwood,
July 15, 1!KM. He leaves a wife and
three children, Ida, Thomas and Alia.
The funeral services were held at the
home Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
conducted by the pastor of the M. E.
church of which he was a member.
Mr. Leaver was a pioneerof Casscoun
ty, a hard working man, built up a
home here and helped to develop the
resources of county and state.
A family tight occurred in the north
east part of the town last Sunday be
tween Iloss Parr, his wife and son
Wcss. It seems that the trio had per
taken too freely of tangle-leg booze
and created so much disturbance that
half the town were out enmassc to
see the "fun." Uoss and the son were
arrested and Judge McDonald fined
each of the $10 and costs. So much
for "looking on the wine when It is
red." Here Is a good subject for a
temperance lecture.
Safeguard the Children.
Notwithstanding all that Is done by
boards of health and charitably inclin
ed persons, the death rate among
small children Is very high during the
summer months In the large cities.
There is not probably one case of bow
el complaint in a hundred, however,
that could not be cured by the timely
use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Pemedy. For sale by
all druggists.
The corn is growing tine and the
hum of the threshing machine Is
heard again.
The lawn social for the church, giv
en at the home of Oscar Gapeii last
week, was a grand success.
The 1'. 1!. church at Liberty is un
dergoing some repairs and will lie in
tine c mditioii when completed.
Charles McN'inltn and Paul Jones,,
of Weeping Water, "Mindaycd with
the Misses Nelson. ;
Miss Edith Pit, entertained a 1111:11-1
ber of friends Sunday.
No Pity Shown.
"For years fate was after me contin
uously" writes F. A. Gulledge, Ver-,
bena. Ala. "1 had a terrible case of,
Piles causing -1 tumors. When a'.l j
failed Piiicklen's Arnica Salve cured 1
me. Equally good br burns and all!
aches and pains, only 2V at F. G.
Frlcke & Co.'s Ding s;oiv.
L" ..." vTv. '
...... I
on Fine Old Wines and Whiskies
Koynl Tiger Gin. gallon $3.00
Nelson County Whiskey, gallon... 2.50 Jr
Peiu'li (irchard, gallon 2.0(1 y
Miisc-atel Wine, gallon 2 .00
ltoyul Port W Ine. gallon 2.00 Jy
Hoyal Sherry, gallon 2 UO .r
Angelli'a Wine, gallon 2.00
Maluga Wine, gallon 2.00
lllai'klierry llrandy, gallon I 5o
Keg Beer fight gallons 2.25
Ken Iteer Knles 1.25
Chso Heer iiarts. t wo dozeD 2 25
Casu Iteer pints, three dozen 2.25
aLx'i'Ij y- , ;'' ' V J
(Sdi'i'essor to Or. .1. .V. Greene.)
Plattsmouth 'Phone 20
Plattsinouth : : Nebraska.
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
and foreclosure of mortgagesa specialty
foleys iioneytar
tops tb coutfh and hetlslunga
main orrici
Fifth and Robert SU.,
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Bought and old (nr eah or carried nn reasonable
margin, upon which there will be a cbarve of Hon
grain, on stuck! and 't on flax.
Write (or our market letter.
Ship Your Grain To Us
Beat FaeiLiTtM. Prompt Returns.
Branch Office 223 Coates Block
Plattsmouth Phone 241
For quick relief from Biliousness.
S!ck Headache, Torpid Liver. Jaun-
i:ce, D;:;;ness. and all troubles aris
ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver,
DeV.'ilt's Llttls Early Risers ara un
They act promptly and never jrlpe.
They aie so dainty that I :ls a pleasure
to tAe them. Ore to two act as
mild laxative; two or four act as a
pleasant and ellectlve caihartlc. They
are purely vegetable and absolutely
h.-.rmless. They tonic the liver.
ntritD only v
C. C. DoWItt & Co.. Chicago
Do o d
For Sole by F. G FRICKE & C(h