The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1904, Image 2
THE CITY. PLATTSr.UiUTH AM VICIINITV. 'Cut Hell," tlif lavorite clnar lr. Marshall. Dentist. K-iuiai.l' i woi k. Tl.0 Lest Mli'.l W.H.T il! the Woll'l ill (JlM'lllH & Cll.'s. Smoke tin' W url I'.r.'s.' celehraled ' lint lli'il" cinaiv Prof. Lovseinau was up (mm Ne braska City Sat unlay. Ir. Frank I.. Cummin, uciillsl. nui with Dr. P.. D. Cummins. That real, smooth, tasteful icecream soda costs only tiorlnn Cn.'s. Crushed fruit of all kinds with ice cream Mda. only at tiorlnn V Co.'s. lion. Win. Deles Dernier was over from KIiiiwimhI Monday on lonal busi ness. 1.. Mary came down from Omaha Saturday and spent Sunday with his family. V. II. I'oi'l. Ilio Weeplntr Water real estate man, was here Saturday on hush less. ' James Mauy went to St. Louis Tuesday to spend a week taking in the 0X( isltlnll. Not how cheap hut how nood. rat toon's Sun rroof ralnt. Sold only hy (iorlnn X Co. The iiaine that moans iiiality Is Pat ton's Sun Trod Paint. Sold only hy (ierhm Co. Mrs. .1. W. Johnson spent several days tin- past week visiting friends in Council lilulTs. (iocs further, looks hcttrr anil lasts lunger. Pat ton's Sun Proof Paint. (icrlnn Co, agents. K J. Ta to of Pliiinvlew, Neh., was a lMuttsiiiouth visitor liiesday. Mr. Tate Is a r-al estate dealer. Kiank Kauble, Jr., returned home Tuesday from Sidney, Iowa, where he had heen visit Inn for several weeks. Mis. John Hurley came in from 1 'co ver last week to visit her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. McKay, ond other relatives Frit Frioko returned Sat unlay nioiiiiiii; fiom his three weeks out Inn at the northern lakes, and reports a inosi enjoyable t hue. Street Commissioner Cory has had unite a force at work this week and coiwiderahlc irood lias heen done in various pints of the city. A inarriiinc license was Issued Mon day to Wlllard C. I.eller, unod twenty one, and MissLuolla W. l'.ailey, aned twenty-two, Uilhof Klniwood. Mrs. I'.liaheth Avei, an inmate of the Masonic home, died last Sunday, aned "' years. The remains were con veyed to Amherst , Nek, Tuesday for Interment. MIssKdith Mann, who has heen vis it inn the Misses Cory, returned to her home in ( nawa, Iowa, yesterday, accompanied hy MlssCarnot Cory, who will visit there a short tune. A new telephone company has heen crnanii'd at Kearney, Neh T. K. Pani cle of this city, and illiain Stadclinan.a former Platts'nouth hoy, uro amotin the incorporators. Miss Lena Jess and Mr. Anton J. Kanka, kith of PlatlMiioulh. were united in the holy rites that hind two lovinn heait hy J mine II D. Travis, Monday afternoon, July Z I'.'iU. For a lav liver try Ceiiuibcrlahi's Stomach and LivcrTahl .R They in vinorate the liver, aid the digestion, rcniilale the how lesand prevent hilioiis attacks. Porsalehy iill druncisls. Constipation, headache, backache, feci mean, no appetite, all run down IM'.ktcr's liocky M"Uot;;in Tea wih make and keep you w-H. M 1 1- I ack. if it tails. i cils. Tea or tah'et form, i li i ii' j Co. Mrs. i'.lia'. el !i I'.i i f. i, i I! er ' i the Kojister i ihtor, i i ned i" 1 1 . city ,- i veiling trv.i l,ei I.. : i : Plattsiiioiit h, Neli.. I r an i Visit With Ik" (.1 . ll 'ul vi . City S. 1 1 -i Dr. E!;fsr. Ct:n(iU Vntcrit'-yn !k(, , No l.r'.'i rl w M !" 1 ' ! i ' ' v ' ' I, si!.l',e t"sp.-.. . ! i Oi :l , I i ' Stoma li ; i ! Live ' . ' r o tnii c it' ii'. i 'V v - i h;. I'leas.uit ni'-vt i i ' 1 i i ' ' -. i prove the a; ' " . ii ' . III jest inn. I ' 1 . "Dick'- P. ii c it: i : V ! Sat urdav i ' . :. . ' t ' ' Frank .lamia sm, .laved with I lave ink f i ieiiik A. L. I ',ii "il 0' nil i ' e.! es(iidav for ( li i t"ll I" I ( li'.i l. li 1 1 .-''hi ne! . M iss M il'ired 4. 'u ii. iii u s is visitlnn li lends hi ( iimilia for a few weeks. .lolui Tiiiiwarl, of Nil'iaska City, was a Plattsmiiiilh visitor Saturday. Miss Kate Peterson, of Louisville, was n Plattsinoiith visitor Sat unlay. Miss Mathilda Valleiv arrived at home last week for a mont h's vaeat imi. Iloward Mitchell, of South Omaha, visited over Sunday with Plat tsmouth friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Coates are vis- It Inn in Chlcano, and from there will no to Indiana. Mr. and Mis. Prank Ilasson return ed from their visit to the I'.lack Mills, Sunday cveninn. Lev. S. V. Jackson passed thnninh this city Monday enronte for his home in llethany, Neh. Miss (ierl rude Colvin, of McCook, arrived In the city hist week for a few days visit w ith friends. Jiminie Klnkead came down from Lincoln to spend Sunday with his iimt her and other relatives. Miss Francis Mitchell returned to her home In South Omaha Tuesday, aftera hrief visit with friends hi this city. Mrs. P. Pearson went to Mart Innton, Neh., Friday, where she expects to visit with her ilnunhter, Mrs Martin Nelson, for some t line. There arc a niiinher of side walks in the city that still need the attention of the st reel commissioner lie fore ail t lie hoards are none. lr. K. 1). Cummins has added much to the appearance of his residence on Pearl st reel hy the erection of a neat, double veranda on the south side. Pine hoine-nrown peaches are plonti fill on this market, and look as healthy as the hlooin on the cheeks of the averane sixteen-year-old maiden Now Is the time to make your ar ranneinents for a furnace . Keineiiiher that John liaiier nuarantees the old rellahle Twentieth Century Furnace us the hest. Jovial Pncle Jake Kuiuiniuin, of Cedar Creek, was in the city yesterday and nave the Journal a call. I'ncle Jake never fornets the Journal when he comes to town. Mr. and Mrs. . I. C. Scott arrived in the city last Thursday eveninn from Central City, Nehraska, to visit a week with the latter's parents.M r. and Mrs. Washington Smit h. The new home of Clell Moi'nau on north Sixth st reel is rapidly nearinn coinplei ion, and Mr. and Mrs. Mornan will soon he domiciled in one of the most pleasant cottancs In the city of Plattsinoiith. K. Lcroy Siiilcr, of Kansas City is spendinn a short vacation with his pa rents here. Mr. Sailer is in the em plov of an electrical linn in that city, and tliis is his tiist visit homo for nearly three years. C. C. Parmele returned from his eastern trip i'l'i lav inorninn. where he visited various points of Interest. Mrs. Paitueh' and children and S. II. At wood and tainily remained for a more extended visit. V. J. Kruuer. who came In from P.elliiiiihain, Washinntoii, a few days iiL'o, lias concluded to remain in (iss county , and oideis the address of his Journal changed to Plat t siiiout h. Mi. Krun'T s;vs Ca-.s county is urnd I'uounh tor i . mi. loll i We-.!, o! rear Ne!i.ika was i i the cin Tuc . Mi . W est was ; i'ccoiiipi.i'ii d hv Miss I'oiii ;i ssler.a si -I e of M s. , si ;,irl .i I ('!( to Fred Mornin and wife were down frmu ll.iveiock and I Sunday w ith j relatives and friend. j Mis. J. M. Leek and daiik'h'er, Miss Linu.of Murray, were isilinn Platts-i mouth friends I'ridiiy. Piof. House and family will occupy the llerold house on the eortier of Ninth an I Pearl Streets. Will K loeiiler wiis down from Have-: 1 iik t spend Sunday with Platts-j ii, onth i. i s ii 1 1 1 1 lends. ' i Mis Henry St. inl.m.r and childien, i who have I ee.i isitilik' ill Fills City, J Neii.. for two weeks returned Friday, j Miss M innle Ostei'liern. a handsome' youiin Miss of Mead, Saunders county. Is here visit inn I'cr uncle and aunt.; County Supei intendent Wnittnan and I wife. j Miss Lucilo Hates depiirted Monday inorninn for Memphis, Mo , to visit a i couple or weeks with friends and form er neinnnors. Mrs. Mlrta Porter, who was visitinnj here for some t hue, returned to Ien- ver, Monday inorninn. where she Willi resume her school work. i Miss Lizzie Travis, who has heen' visit inn her hrot her, Judne 11. 1 Tra-, vis and family, departed yesterday for her home In West Point, Mdo. Mrs. C, L. Herner went to Lincoln Monday inorninn to visit a nreat hin hoy that arrived at the hoine of her son, William Heniier, Sunday ninht. Cont ractor Larson is fornintt rlnht alonn vvlth the reinodollnn of the Cen tral school huildinn. When a con tract is let to Mr. Larson you can al ways hot it will tie finished promptly on time. Jake Koch, foreman of Julius Pop- porhurn's clnar factory has heen con lined to his room this week with wh it was at first supposed to he an attack of appendicitis. He Is nettinn alonn very nicely now. After a hrief visit, in this city with Mrs. James Koherts and Mrs. Pony Walker, Mrs. L. C. Pollard and her diiunhter, Mrs. W. T. Johnson, of E. G. DOVEY . SON SPECIAL SALE ON Umbrellas We are sho.viun a ilU snk parasol. lancy col ored honler. a reiili' 'J" value now :it unlv $1.48 tmnmmmsaBacBusx Shirt Waists! Special deduction on these noods. All are of new stock and styles. SEE THEM! unncacsfcSQKSiBfiSRB BIG BARGAINS IN SUMMER GOODS 5 In Every 3 Department Don't Fornet Wo Sell DEFENDER MUSLIN Under wear Kijid You Head AUuit. SHOE SPECIAL We arc making a Display tf UEEN UALITY Slices. Sec the Illuminated Feretory In the East Window A new stock of these Famous Shoes has fust been received. 'si: sr. lii:;: I 1 -Sti Head llayden liro's ad in this paper, i Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' P.lock. A. Todd and family of Cleveland. Pawnee City, returned Sundayeveninn !ll'e visiting relatives hi Platts- to Nohavvka, the homo of Mrs. Pol- mouth and vicinity, iard. I It costs a little more but is hy far Mrs. James Herald and children de- j the hest. Pattern's Sun Proof Paint, parted Monday eveninn for Huston, j Coring - Co., sole anents. Mass., where they will remain for a j;mu.s Archer will read the Journal year or more In order tonive thochild- deroaftor. Mrs. Archer called Tues- ls 'day and had Ids name enrolled for the same. A marriane permit was issued yestcr-1 Word comes from Omaha that Frank day toT. W. Thimnaii, aned 27, and i Morgan, who is In the hospital there, .Miss Maud Sterns, aned SI, IhiIIi of , is (i.lin., tlie lv. iind cxneeted homo in reu educational advantages. Herald is a native of IJoston. M unlock. After Issuing the license J mine Tra vis spi ike t he words t ha t sent the happy couple homeward hound re joicing (ieHirne F. Ilousevvorth, (.inner dis trict court clerk of Cass county, ac companied hy his family, arrived in the city Tuesday eveninn from Seattle Wash Mr. Iloiiseworth expects to ennane in business in Omaha. a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stouteuhorounh departed Tuesday inorninn for a trip Narrow Escape From Deatt). Just as the Journal was nolnn to press with this issue we learn of a se rious and almost fatal accident that occurred at ttie farm of Charles Spark ler, one-half mile north of Murray last eveninn. T J. Illioden and his outfit wore ennaned in threshinn oats. Amonn the men ennaned in the work was .lanios Pi ivett of this city, who was employed as separator lender. They had momentarily stopped the ma chine to repack the piston of the en nine. While this was hoinndone Pri- A Great Bargain. An S-acre tract of land, all under cultivation, nood orchard, tine 8-room house with furnace, nood ham. and valuable improvements, close in. This property helonns to a non-resident and can ho hounht for Uoo, heinif half or its orininal worth. A li-room cottane with one lot, nood well and cave, close to shops. Orinin ally worth soo, hut if taken soon can ho had for f 4no. ( Hvner is a non-resident and wants the money. Call at my ollice for particulars renanhnn r i ' veil, iui some .easou, am. i . t,1(,sp .t 0,Ilt.r p ,- . pt 1 1 ic-S 1 have any of the men about the machine, iM ,. Wimiiiam, ABent. not into the blower at the hack of the separator, and wneii the ennine was! ready the machine was slowly started ! Cheap Rates to St. Louis and Privett was caunht in the fan.; via Tin: P.riu.iM.niN. t, 1 'inl si. It I nl... ("itv vvhcrol.- . . . .. ....... ...i i.:. , ; I !.M.inavinnnorien la.ny siaueo o,.s -ri.o Ilurli nton will run coach ex- thev will visit a few weeks. i.. ,iv ,.i.. i ti,.. f;.n and threw off' . ... i - oouy ciumeu me oin .uiu unoi ' " ; ctiisions In St. Louis every luesday Leo P.oyor, the nenial representative the blower belt, which was all that Thursday during Aunust and Sep- of the Western Paper Company, of ; saved his life. Dr. Liviiiwston of this! ttMI1,,,,r r0 rollll,i tri ihnitod to re- '1,1(111. ... ... 1.1 .... . . , 11 1. n I..I..I1I. ii v .' K'l Hi -ItW llll 11 ( ' " Vf V . , m ..... The Journal is Informed that 1 1 'l eanei in me ji'ihihu o,, ..,................ turn in . nays, ueave riaiisinoiiin at ollice yesterday, u e are always nuiu j ion ion oiokcii aone mo .onur 4:;ej p. mi iUTjV(. St. Louis 7:1!) the fol to see Lee. , Ids body otherwise badly bruised. Mr. ! im.inK m(,nii,r. w. L. Pick kit, Chester Delles Dernier, sou of Win. ''''"'' mY "r "'liine, ; i : i... i.... i i. i.i.. . recrots the accident, and says this is, I 'ones iiei uiei, mm oeeu ii.siiuii; i .1 sli'l I w 'li.-'.l ( I i . nsili; s s , : I,, i1 u. ( ! to I l;:is C ' IMI !' .'.Ms': . I ';. i'.i ri v :i.' :ic d i; i: ii; I .' ( ,s. I I ' I'.I' lli'l IS- a'" in t'.e :; 1 Mr. Cornelius II. McCarthy, aned 21, of York. Neh., and Miss Sylvia K. (ies.s, aned W of Louisville, were nranled the jirivilene of marryinn yesterday, and the Journal Is Informed that the ceremony was performed at Louisville last eveninn. P. D. Lehnhotr has sold his residence on north P.inhth street to William IIuiiUt, now of Loup county, but a former resident of Cass county, where ho still owns several hundred acres of kind. Mr. Hunter expects to occupy the property In the near future. The price paid was 2,."uo. Miss Clara Street, accompanied ly her Kiiterpean (ilee Club, made the rounds of the city Saturday eveninn and nave their friends a taste eif what they had accomplished in the vocal line. They stopped in front of the Journal domicile a few moments, and we were very favorably Impressed with ; tin1 vocal attainments of the vounn' people, which rctleeted uveal credit : upon their instructor. "Music hath' chariiis in soot li thesavaco beast,", j hut t his didn't s . in to be the object! ! of th" ciuh, for W' wish to draw tliei ! llii" ;it 1 1 1.' ciuh "r',;" as !!, s!",rte. ' . ;i w iv ! rom t he h"i so. Anent. in Plattsinotith, returned to his homo j in Hlmwoud yesterday. j William lleeiiey of Weepinn Water: was in the county seat Tuesday on business, and while here called and re newed his faith In the Journal. Miss Dora Swearinnon departed for Chicago Saturday to prepare herself more perfectly for the stane, and she already has an ennanement when the season opens. .Small waists are no lonner in style. Its the round plump waiststhat come by takinn Ilollister's Hooky Mountain Tea: that's all the ro. :!" cents. Tea or tablet form, (ierinn ( o. After a brief visit in thiseity Misses lvlith and Kdna Kroehler returned to tlielrhome in llavolivk yesterday, no companied by Misses Anna Wcidiiian and Louise pt-ii nor. v. ho w ili v :-it a a f.-w (lavs. ! Wilhi'.in McNulty in d K. W. I'.ie, who have li on in jail hero he soveial days n suspicion oi bi-inn ' ho pa t ir win) lni'o;::i i.Oil 1 l.e sioies hi l-. ,i. Dean ami I.. W. I ran a. Co.. ul I u n ii. bad tl.i ir picliii iii.nv bo ini ; I o dic JuiL'o Wobor l.;s! e.i-i.i.'.' and the tirst serious one that be has ex-; periencod in all his threshinn career.! The unfortunate man is now at the home of Lloyd Oapen, near Murray. A Full Fledged Case. Kow's Trjis? w liny II. il ' ulTcr i hi.' lliiiiilri-il liollurs Itrwiinl for disc nf ( iiliirrli Unit i iiiiiint lie eureil by 's l iiliirrli Cure. I-'. .1. I III NKV Co.. T.iiiilo. O. 1 lit- mull -rsUned. Iiiivi- km mil I'. .1. ( In-lil y for t l.e liisi I.i j ills, iind Ih-IIcvc IiIiu iH-rlei-l iv lioiinriiiile in nil ihi-iiii-ss li-iinsai'- For some time Dr. h. D. ( uminins , u -hi-iukI inuiii.-i.iiiy nuie inrmry out uny nii- , , . ... llu'lll lolls lli:olc li.V Ills Ill-Ill. has had ur.der his care a case which. vv.mmm; kinnan -Mahvin. to his mind resembled that of small-;' the l. irker filillilV, foul' Inv: .lir.i-ily on lln Ih.shI nml liiiieoiissiirf iei-s 01 ( lie s o in. i cm i in1 nun is si ui u i-e. i ni c ;.i , i:l .' ht ih.ii Ir. N li I I iy :il I ilriik'L'Isls. l:o. s ! .-1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i'lils fur i'iillllllll inn. KI, 111 miles north of Piiiltsinoiith lie felt a little juherous about terminnit such' until he was bi tter sat islied, as sumo tlmunht it was chickenpox So in or der to relievo his mind from any further suspense, he summoned Dr.' Tovvne, of Omaha, a memhi r ot the state board of health, to nispe--t tin case. Dr. Tow no came dnw n Monday inorninn and Dr. Cummins c invevid him direct to the Parlor home, where after ;i tl: U'ouuii invest ior-. Dr. T'lwce ajr.-e I with Dr I'mn i:h i s,o;, i' i ' :.s sin, '.:i , IM Night V'cs Her Terror. "1 w iiil i cou.tli nearly all nielli. llll.J," Wl it S Mis. (";;lv A ppll Oilt.', (if Alexandria. Imi , "and could hardly ,et iiii.v sic 'ii. Iliad culi.suaipti'ill so bad II. at if i walked a block I would ccunh frin'i' fully and s,nt blood, hut, w lien all i .I her !-:riiici iii's failed, three that it wa.s a t'il ilodj d cis-o l"iv. luil of ;i mi! 1 form. T..ei to have heen sev-'iiil i;iy: of ini; me in tliat pe'ji.b uh"o I i !l'A lllollths. 1 Hi t illl i.'l'l I"' nooni'i d clii('loli-i". fl.0.ii. -It en wInTy pi. ni. . " toe c!.; I.1. losoi Dr Kinu's New Dlscov ii'o an I I caiiu d ,7s lul'lv uiiaraotced ( i..; ii. il . Pi i.-i I . 's, i.:m .i ipi'O, ! 'i:: l LniU' I ! oo. Trv ! : i' k ,V '" I Iron- Tro-.i- 1 hoi.- s r-pi.: The Clcr.wocd Cja: jii'.u i t 0 "i- Ml .',' i.i":'. u' .I'll t 'ii l .':ii rl Monday veviM t fit v 1 .. look I-., him ' i Ilm i! . Tl: ' i P..U. rs. si :i i : ai t I'.V .1 I' ll. (' 1 1 ' : M'i.-ji ii ii . t vm: h i v a. ils at 1 !,o lost ;'ii i ' ; ;i eaio.i jn tiiio. -i t 'lai.i'o si. imi. i.'r o P. s,-l i.d c ..'.ml i y W I. eii ;i .lo.iri'.ai ie-: I. ul at I.- did with i .0 Y'! ! i ie with, lie said ' t In n: . .'i :is soon ;is pes-1 i at th. v .T i iv, .1 ;.t I'.i no-, m ..i.tiit w.-ith iioariv sloo. i -j.- d.i i ( i c k 1.0. till, s In, i lot n i:i a I .-In-: -o t: Sl a t' I an.l hrolhor i ! I have i( i'( v Iv pure' ;:-e 1 ,1 il j in. K IiIiu if I lie !,i ! ; i j :ov i iiMiit . I ho en..!:,.' 1 1. '. or iiii.i Is a d i :i y i ' wore ihse'li 1 1 -o.i W :i i tie ci:y I Ik. I'l'Mll.o v'lil t v 'I m p. at t .in I.i: e i-..i.t n;;s a i , iind 1 1 o.v i. i-.ko oil.,' direct Ir.-iii West c:.i!e 1 renewed M Sl'l li'i in, i i ' e;vtt 'il to 1 1 1 1 P shock. ' s that wi ie harvi-ste,i o i Miind.iy th.y thresh mi Ttiisday. T!ios-' w ho l.:ii' seen t ! is n.,u bine i'l iiCiiiiis.iy it iii i s it: st excellent work a. id the wav the 'oovs w. ; k it is a nreat s.ivii'l' to those for whom thev thiesh. The Thie.o.f Ih.ithois are bi.s:le:s. i "i'oi- '''"' b' cide.ivon d t-c m and do their won; with noss and ll ' 1 hese 1 ( :i. -. M..ry I the .1 ".ri. il a n fio'ii Mi Mr. 1 '.iv. :i v,;i, oilite I" (if l:.o sj,i i.iii'ii, ;i disease out a oi..". The J. 'i':i,i! ' host. ! Mavor Co", iiu is i:i 1 L.'!ess;i.i.ll lls li.ilU 1 dr.'.wai wn'i he foil l.i.V ... I'. .11 . 1 1 : i 't'.-;s Mid awsi-ii's sub ,it 1 we l.'- . Wes i :.:.: ., with oainer .ilii wi' h hoi os f .Mho Toin ii u'v fi 'i i. Is I i:i .oi!,;.'i' a coil 1 1 is card nl w d ii ! in another col- vl:u e M r. i :oi inn that be w is dispat t T ell. I"- t itv. .I :i. Mr. .n: i ill It'll. Mil il l. inod) ill hiipiio,, ; Win ii fullv com Pattcison can I" M ot oi.eof :i p.i t tlest and ni"st i '.:;:' rial le ai, I re:;; liiodious homes in PlattsaieniHi. i I C ; u.t' I i:. r th V.'sh I I I ,: ;. P' ' s. V i.' S. 1 . sV ii". ii iish;it.'. Kanas. to practice : .li'sMi ii. They went to ( Mnaha : 'ii to v isit another sister of I I . l I 'A I W ,l i'!t n. II',' 1 1 1 i i,c i Hi.- r. . ll h.Mi! : ie al infill. till, i r. Mis. Co .pel ' In for i ' 1 Dire homo. per ai'd far. . i 1 v ai rive I in 1 i, inv to visit Mr. and Mis. j Dewitt's Little l'.arly are .small, easy s !), the two l.nliis hoinn to take, easy andnentle in clb ot, yet .Ci i ii lsa la'e kiiaduate j thev are so certain in leMilts thai no 'oiM.ol of Osteopathy at j one who Uses Ihein is disappointed. Mo , ;i.'d cxpicts to locate Pot iiuick relief from biHlmisinss. sick headache, toipid liver, jaundice. dii tiess and all troubles arisinn fimn an inactive, slunctsh liver. P.aiiy llisers are iincit' Sold by 1'. '. Pricl;e & Co. nolnn to their fu- t pur- su.i'i.' t'.i" proper course. but he t hou..hl ot I.i i w is,'. We did i'.t like to see him stei down and t. of the race because wo l-elievi be st'-od an excellent slew for the nominal Ion. Put l.e has ariivvl at the conclusion that private business ii.atteis w ill not permit of hisaevept inn th" nomination 'ii: in .Mi ll i.::. . I Iho 1 ,J l -;s."i oi ( : ,-i. ( 1 : ( s. , ; i .ili l Chi. ':ip ( S l, 'I III Si' jiai.ts. hot 1 1 i:s -.icsss and :i t t Iiminh iii ;Ioi i' hate, Pepi.hh vv ill he colli i s lil-'st ii'ile 1 1 1 : i i known iiii. I .-.' and It wi.l h travel lo in i ' hi r own I.,., wl.l lee,.. Llliope " Acii.ui . o- or V of, . .' '1 Avers i si ys . : xsmM- na. m im . . . n . j uniBmtfti lulling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; 2 feed it with the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair oven if tendered lihn rcmai ke-ii to We have would have "en en hdn't do u . w n n him pith d imt l"im in li: ,y . Ul at th.s time, iiiianhi',"!!sly. ihliohted to anahist Wind-jammer lhirkctt, hut his supplies of M-Mitn'ou. rv. V.'-i: ! ,v wo will hiivo to submit to a I.IikmIii Co . and loaned iii"iiey to his i.e.i t'o ; n.illliue". In inb' Of lit 1 p-'l' cent . i;,,,.; ,'. Ha ir Vidor Crow, completely cures dan druff. An j it always restores color to gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. ' Vv t'llr ni, rdliim .ml Imil'f ni1 T fh 'n il I kmiiI i I..... n nil. Tl I iri.'.l Ay.'r' II iir V It ,rr,.Ki .ii,.ii",l tin' IkIIIiih tiitl lumle inv Mir ml I rmiiil lli ll l" I"" " 1UIIM.14 1.. ALLKM. KIIl!lll,.J. I t il II hnlllf I irn ... for j r. AVrn en., I ,.,. M... Falling Hair