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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1904)
.wan MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN ,. i.; Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Muslanq Liniment Mustang Liniment cures Frostbite and Chilblains. u.-. l;i uiiH. la nie f:- over lxty yt-urtt. fur Man, llriifet or Poultry. ltt fur Horse uilmcuts. limber up StifTJoiuta. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN ang Lin MEXICAN MEXICAN Atastanq Liniment Mustanq Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment circs Sj'iiiitu uiul Stralni. hculsj Old Sores quickly. Ecst fur Cattle uilmeatu. penetrates to the very bone. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment 1h i MiMttlvc cure fur I'lle. cure nil forma) of Hht umnt Urn cure Caked Udder in cow. Bt.8t fur Shep ailments. Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment nlunvi irlves satisfaction, drives out au inuammaiiuu. MEXICAN jng Lin Weeping Water IMin tlio Ui'imlilli'iui The excavation fur the Christian Science church was commenced Mon day. Koheit C:im cuine hi from (icneva Monday ami will spend the rest of Ills vacation at home. Henry I'.elmis, sr., was in town on Monday morning. He linlslied cut t inn Ids wlieat Saturday. An elderly lady who keeps house for Father llonnessy at Mauley, tell down cellar one day last week ami dislocated her wrist. Chas. l'lillpot, who took head of fat cattle to Omaha last week found the market a little otT, and took tlie beeves on to Chicago. Abe Rockwell's family is having more than Its share of had luck. Mr. Rwkwell and the children are sick and one of the children has a broken arm. Earl l'arklns, the time keeper at the stone quarries, reports work quite brisk with the company. They have sixty-three men employed at present and ship out ton to twelve cars per day. Mrs. Oleander returned last week from Omaha where she underwent an operation for iM stones. She is feel ing well and when she lias regained her strength she will he as well as ever. Miss Joyce Davis, who went to Da kota a short time a'o and located on a homestead, has been secured as one of the teachers In the Ulh school at Pierre. The Misses Ida and (lusta Kaufman of Columbus, who have been visiting their cousin, Mrs. Fred tinnier, for the past three weeks returned home Monday evening. W.J. l'lillpot says he considers the prospect for corn fully as good as it was this time last year. Late fall wheat he reports In letter condition than the earlier sowing and he looks . for a fair yield. F,ddle till more, son of Raynard Oil more, accidentally shot himself in the hand with a blank cartridge on the Fourth. It was promptly attended to and at this writing Kddie is doing nicely, with a prospect of no serious results. From tlio llcriilil. Mrs. John O'Leary has been sulTer intf with lung and stomach trouble hut Is now Improving. Mrs. Conner and child departed for San Francisco. Call., last Thursday morning where her husband now re-Rides. Dr. Rickard reports Win. Maple able to be up and around a little, also Allen Walker, who was Injured by an accl dent on the train recently. Ilobt. Illtclmian in sawing a limb off a tree one day last week, sawed in to his hand and cut an artery. Dr. Fate dressed the wound with a quick- healing lotion. Mrs. Lars Nelson received word last week that her brother, Peter Mlk kelsen, living at Maryville, Mo., was accidentally shot ana since then a let ter stating his recovery was doubtful. Mr. Mikkelse.n was a former Cass comity citizen. In talking with those who claim to be posted,' they say the wheat will not make half a crop and the oats will be a' shade better. The spring wlieat may do well but there Is little planted. Corn is as good or better than this time last year. The heavy growth of foliage this year has produced some queer sped men. Kev. Moulton says the black berry bushes at his place are ten feet tall. Mrs. Wolf, living on the south side, has an apple tree w ith fair sized apples on the limbs and blossoms and buds appearing on the same branch Even the bees have their preference for church. Monday a swarm sett led in the Methodist church steeple and also one In the Congregational church, while still another, having a Mief In Christian Science settled In that Church's spire. C. A. Kaldwin went afttr the Methodist denomination. They are said to be good workers and full of music and honey. Another swarm the same day were after knowl edge and took quarters In the school house belfry. Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture has per haps never Ixen equaled. Joe (iolo hlckof O'lusa. Calif, writes: "Fori.') years I endured Insuperable pain from Rheumatism and nothing relieved me though 1 tried everything known. I came across Fleet ric Hitters and It's the greatest medicine oneartn for that trouble. A few hot ties of It complete ly relieved and cured me." Just as good for Liverand Kidney troublesand general debility. Only .inc. Satisfac tion guaranteed by F. C Fricke, iScCo. druggist. Louisville Frnin tlie Courier. Mrs. Julia Frampton, of Lincoln, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lchnhoff. Mrs. E.. V. E. Kochford and Miss Willie Merger expect to leave Monday for a ten days' visit at the World's Fair. The Free Methodist people are mak ing extensive preparations for their camp meeting to be held atJackman's grove beginning July 21, and continu ing for two weeks. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Geo Schoe man, jr., July 10, a girl; to Mr. and Mrs J. J. Room, July 10, a girl; to Mr. and Mrs. Demlng, of South Rend, July 11, a girl. Harvest is now in full blast in Cass county. Farmers claim that winter wheat has been greatly damaged by the continued wet weather and that the yield will be a scant half crop. Dick McNurlln, of Weeping Water, started out last Monday with a party on an overland trip to the Rosebud country. They got as far asSprinticld when Dick lost his pocket book and had to return home. Herman 1'aiikouin believes that "we Germans must stick together," and it was w ith this Idea In view that he vis ited the German village at the World's Fair, but when he was informed that a good meal would cost him $;t he lost his patriotism right there and then. J i m Terry berry suddenly came to the conclusion that he wasn't very fond of German cooking cither and joined Mr. 1'ankonin in hunting up a cheaper place to eat. They say the way they have of parting you with your money down at St. Louis is no trouble at all. It is a game of hold-up from the time you land in St. Louis until you leave, and they are careful to see that you do not leave with any money. Union NehaovkoL Teachers' Examination. Teachers' examination at Piatt s mouth, July 2J; Weeping Water, July 7, and Greenwood, July 2i. C. S. WpKTMAN, County .Superintendent. From tlie KcutsttT. Violet St. John is spending this week with her grandmother, Mrs. lngwer- son. Mr. Sherman, of Ludlow, Vermont, Is here visiting Law son Sheldon and family. He was here thirty-live years ago. He says there are many changes: that then he had to ride out from Ne braska City In a lumber wagon, and now be conies In a comfortable car. Joseph Wrssel Is entertaining a visi tor at Ids home, who arrived on Satur day morning, In the person of a new boy. Jake Is the richest man in Otoe county, having two four-horse teams, four Ihi.vs and four girls. We had the pleasure of meeting Grandfather Dale, of Wtst Virginia this week. He Is visiting his son J. T. Dale. Mr. Dale was on the losing side during the late unpleasantness, but carries no sore spots for the "blue." Walker Rates haschallenged August Gorder of I'lattsmouth to mortal com bat If they can only get close enough to reach each other with their bay windows. Let us hope they may never meet in anger it would be terrible. John Loberg complains that some one, a night or two ago, was in his chlCKen house, but he scared them away neiore uie tutor secured any booty. Now, this matter of chicken or any other kind of stealing has got to stop In Nehawka, or there will .soon be one less family in town. It is hoped that this warning will he heeded and violence avoided. Work was commenced on the new mill Monday morning. The masons are now laying the foundation. In sl.e the main building w ill be litix io, three stories high, with a boiler and engine room 24x:tr. A basement ItiixlO Is excavated under the entire main building. The contract for the ma chinery has been let to a Minneapolis firm, and it will be shipped here about the first of August. hen completed It will cost over if 1 0,000. From tlie bvdiirr. Mr. and Mrs. John Eaton, jr., are the happy parents of a line new daugh ter, bom Fridav morning the Sth of July. V. M. Rarclay. the Riattsnioiitli wholesale beer man, was here Monday to "round up the empties'' for ship ment back to the brewery. Howard Graves of Murray passed here on the Wednesday noon train for Fort Scott, Kan., where he has signed to play with one of the central league ball teams. J. E. McCarroll was in Nebraska City on Wednesday to attend the fu neral of Edward Williamson, the man who was drowned In Manawa lake near Omaha Saturday niuht. C. R. Frans went to St. Joseph Sun day, accompanying his mother-in-law, Mrs. Goodin, who went for the pur pose of making her future home In that city. Mrs. Michael Elward of Deadwood, S. D., arrived last Saturday to visit her relatives, the Taylor families, near this village. Many of our citizens re member Mrs. Elward as the daughter of Moses Taylor, and this is her first visit here during the past fifteen years. Rear arrived here Monday from Moulton, Iowa, and Is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. 0. Watkins. Mr. Rear was a resident of this county a number of years ago, and he has such a good opinion of this part of Nebras ka that he may conclude to make it his permanent home. Col. L. J. May field of the Louisville Courier changed cars at this place Monday evening, going to Kansas City. He had time to give a short blessing to the Nehawka and Union empty beer cases and kegs (4ll of 'em) stacked tip north of tlie depot, but fortunately he didn't see the. other stack around the south end of the de pot. The tragic death of Edward Wil liamson, which occurred Saturday night by drowning in Lake Manawa, near Omaha, causes sorrow among the many friends in this vicinity who knew Ed when lie made his home near Union a few years ago. Ilis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williamson, lived east of here for several years prior to moving to Nebraska City, and Ed had been living iu Omaha the past few years. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on occount of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Hon ey and Tar and refuse any substitute ottered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mild ly laxative. It contains noopiates and Is safest for children and delicate per sons. Sold by r . 0. rricKe x uo. rado Springs and other places of in terest. The lirm of Wiggins X Donegan has sold their stock of general mer chandise, and the. parties who have bought It w ill probably take possession the 20th Inst. The nameof the new firm has not been made public. Messrs. Wiggins and Donegan will move to San Jose. California, for the benefit of the health of Mr. Wiggins' family, and if that country and cli mate suits them they may engage in business there. Head llayden Rro's ad In this paper. From tlie Ueiioon. Lightning killed a cow for Jake Cm- land Wednesday night. Morrison Stall has concluded to quit farming and will move his family up to Lincoln about the first of the month. Nick Peterson has recovered suffi ciently from the wound he received on the Fourth to be up and around, which Is very gratifying to his friends. J. H. Latrom left Monday for a visit of a month or six weeks with hissistcr in New YorkTify. "He said that he would probably call on Judge l'arker, the democratic candidate for president while there. The wheat harvest has been on In full blast this week. The most of it and some of the oats Is already in the shock. There are various opinions as to what the yield will be, but most of those who ought to know think It will not be so large as last year and of a poorer quality, A gentleman whose name we were unable to learn, but who Is connected with the forestry department of the State University, called at George Renter's place of business on Monday, and was bitten by Mr. Renter's dog. This is the same dog that bit Mamie McAllister several weeks ago. A. L. MelHinald who has been ailing for several weeks left )at Sunday for Denver to visit his daughter and re cuperate his health. Lewis Mllen., assistant cashier in tho bank, accom panied him, and will spend a week or ten days sight-seeing in Denver, Colo- F. 0. FricKe & Co. Ask the readers of this paper w ho are suffering with Indigestion or dyspepsia to call on them at once and get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure If you knew the value of this remedy as we know it, you would not sutler another day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough digestant and tissue-building tonic as well. It is endorsed personally by hundreds of people whom it has cured of indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation of tlie heart and stomach troubles gen erally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It is pleasant, palatable and strengthening Elmwood From the Lender-Echo. City Marshal Lynn has been very sick this week with appendicitis, but is some lietter at present writing. Prof. Cyrus Williams left here last Sunday for Guthrie Center, Iowa, where lie is to be principal of the Gnthrie county summer schools. F. A. Baker has purchased the Clayton Co well residence property and will take possession immediately. The consideration was $1,100. A fine nine-pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave McCalg, Monday, July 11. All concerned are doing nicely and Uncle Dave says it's no chickens this time. Michael, eldest son of Wm. Smith, was quite sick tho past week with an attack of appendicitis. He is reported much better and will be able to get about within a few days. Frank Voorhees is having quite a serious time with the finger he poison ed by cutting it on a piece of machin ery, lne injured member has oeen lanced five or six times and is very painful and.slow in healing. Dr. Frank E. J'addleford is home from the medical school at Louisville, Ky., for the summer vacation. Frank finished his work there this spring and is now a full Hedged M. D. J. A. Wright has been laid up most of the week and is still confined to the house. A suspender buckle scratched a place raw on his back, Infecting the wound so that blood poisoning set in quite badly. His many friends are hopeful that nothing serious will re sult. Joe Mullen drove in his fine bunch of fat cattle Monday afternoon, ex pecting to ship them to Omaha that evening, but on account of the rumor ed strike in the packing houses was advised by the commission firm that there would be no market on Tuesday so he had to drive them back home again. Mrs. A. P. Hosencrans, of Sallads- burg, I'a.. is visiting at the home of her son, W. E. and family. "Rosy," as W. E. Is familiarly called by every one, has been a resident of Elmwood for seventeen years, and although he has been back to see his mot tier sever al times, this Is her first visit to Ne braska. As she is sixty-two years 01 nf nun tho lorn iournev was unite an undertaking ror ncranu it ' neemess to say that her son appreciates ner visit, and we trust that she may enjoy an extended and pleasant stay In Elm wood. . : n (3 &4 The Yellow Front Saloon W. M. BARCLAY -l'ROPRIETOR- l-i. Wholesale and Retail WINES, BEEF AND LIQUORS Agent for the Popular Willow Springs Beer Every Case and Keg Bears the Union Label i"? I ,rr Note the Prices We are Makina on Fine Old Wines and Whiskies hp- Citnitdlun Club. Kiillon fti.00 Wcridiuit Ilouqiict Rye. khIIou.... 5.1X1 Silver Wedding, pillion S.iHl Miiysvllle Clul. pillon 4 00 Old I'lishioned Oukwood. imllun.. 4 (H) M. S. llond Sour Mash, pillion 4 00 Montrose Kye. trillion 4 (Kl WIiIIb Kye. trillion 3.50 Ciiii'lii'tiheirner Kye. irnllonl 3.50 Anderson Co. Whiskey, trillion.... 3.50 Alcohol. IsO proof, trillion 3.50 MonontrnliulH Kye. K"Uon 3.00 uld Ulory, trillion 3.00 Itoyul Titter Gin. trillion S3. 00 Nelson County Whiskey, gallon... 2. 50 I'eucli Orchard, trillion 2.00 Muscatel Wine, trillion .... S OU Koyal Port Wine, trillion 2.00 Koyal Sherry, trillion 2.00 Angelica Wine, trillion 2.00 Malatra Wine, trallon . 2.00 Hlacklierry Brandy, trillion 1.50 Ketr lleer eltrht trillions 2.25 Ketr Heer ponies 1.25 Case lleer iiarts. two dozen 2.25 Case lleer pints, three dozen 2.25 Call and See Us or Send Your Orders by Mail MAIN STREET NO. 415 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA l&.-'SVEk-W.ja Fifty Years the Standard TT&AFiTTOI mm WW mm SiJUfiTESft VVlMbiL Improm thi flavor and adds to tns healthfulnsst of the food. mice baking powdih oo. CHICAGO Greenwood From the Enterprise. Isaac Stradley Is having his residence in the south part of town remodeled this week. Mrs. Fred Voorhees left for Pella, Iowa, Thursday. She has been ill for some time and goes to be to be treated by a specialist. Messrs. Walter railing, Roy Kern, W. P. llailey, M. Osborn, Al Stotler, Jim Abbott, and A. L. Jardine are among those w ho went to the Rosebud this week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kowd were at Agnew, this state, Sunday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Howd's father, Mr. Patrick Rohan, who died of drop sy of the heart, aged 5 years. There are a few fellows who sit around town on the bosom of their trousers and yet if you call them lazy they will want to tight at the drop of aliat. An effort is being made to hold an auction sale in tow n each Saturday afternoon and anyone having a horse, cow, buggy, harness, household goods, etc., can put them on the block and they will be sold to the highest bidder by a good auctioneer. Wm. Walters came In from Denver Saturday night to visit a few days with his family. He is on his way to Winnipeg, Canada, with his race horses and will compete for the Cana dian prizes at their annual races. Mrs. Walters accompanied him as far as Council liluffs. Mr. George Leaver, aged 73 years, died at his home in the south part of town this morning, of kidney trouble He had been a sufferer for a number of months, and death was a relief to him. He had lived in Cass county for over forty years. Funeral services will be held at the M.E. church Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Marlon, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. M. Stone, died of paral ysis of the howels, Friday evening, July S, 11104, aged 4 years, 5 months and 1.1 days. She had been sick but a few days when death relieved her of her suffering. The family have the sympathy of the community in this their sad hour. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery at Central City Sunday at 2:110 p. m., conducted by Rev. Father Delfosse. She Tried Five Doctors. Mrs. Francis L. Sales, of Missouri Valley, la , writes"! have been afflict ed with kidney trouble tlve years: had severe pains in my back and a frequent di si re to urinate. When riding I ex perienced much pain over the region of the kidneys. I tried tlve physicians without henellt and then concluded to try Foley's Kidney Cure. After tak Ingthrecfl.w bottles 1 wasconipletely cured." Sold by F. . Fricke. Dr. H. J. MARTHUR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Successor to Dr. J. M. Greene.) COATS BLOCK. Plattsmouth 'Phone 26. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. R. B. WINDHAM ATTOHN E Y-AT-L A W. riattsinouth Nebraska. Probate, Commercial Law, Estate Litigation Real and foreclosure of mortgages a specialty F0LEYSH0MEMCAR tops tli cough nd heals lungs MINNEAPOLIS I OMAHA iduards-Oood Go. MAIN OFFICE Fifth and Robert St., ST. PAUL, MINN. (INCORPORATED) DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and sold for cash or carried on reasonable margins, upon which there will b a charge ol H oa grain, on stocks and Yi on flax. Write lor our market letter. COMMISSION MERCHANTS IN CAR LOTS Ship Your Grain To Us Best Facilitiks. Prompt Returns. Liberal Advances. DULUTH " WINNIPEG Branch Office 223 Coates Block Plattsmouth Phone 241 barly THE FAMOUS LITTLL PILLS. For quick relief from E!!!iu::i:ss. Sick Headache, Torpid Liver. Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all tro.:h!?s aris ing from an Inactive or s!ur;lsli liver. DeWltt'j Lltt'.o Early Risers ars un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that I : is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as pleasant and eifective cathartic. Th re purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. "'I tftlPARID ONLY BY E. C. DaWltt & Co.. Chicago For Sale by F. 0. FRICKE & CO.