The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 14, 1904, Image 8

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mi::: i can
inn Lin
. ; Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
Musia.ig Liniment Austang Liniment
v w t v I. , t'uri:, l'.i uiun.
In use lor over ulity yciirn. I"r .Man, IWuut or l'oultry. uet fur llort-e ailuicntt.
cures Frostbite and Chilblain.
liuibt rs uj StilTJolnta.
AAustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
. uri Sn alu.4 ami Straiua.
I'uri'n Sjiavin mid Kinjjbouc.
hvul UlJ Sort-M (julckl.
15tt fur Cuttle ailments.
ptnetrutcn to the very bone.
llcfct thing fur u latue borne.
Austang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
Is a positive cin e fur I'llt-M. t-urcM nil fornix of KhfutunlUiii. cure Cuki-tl Udder In cuvm.
IieHt for Sheep allmcnta.
alwnys gives mitisfaetion.
driven out all Inflammation.
Weeping Water
1 r.nii tin' Ivi'iiiiiilli'ni)
One tanner near t lie track lctwieii
Man Icy ami Louisville was i-tit t irn
wheat l;ist I'ridav .Inly I.
John Yandekur ami v i ft relumed
last week fit Minnesota where llicy
invested iii a I, inn near Heron Lake. (
Tln'y tad. ot iniikiin, dial their Inline
(Score Tovxle, two miles, south nl
town, had lour cows st ruck by 1 i j 1 1 1 -enini;
Saturday niulid Two were kill
ed ami t wo u hadly Injured dial I hey
may die.
Miss 1'earl Wilkinson received no
I Ice last week (if her eleel ion as teach
er in Hie Schuyler schools. She has
accepted I he pi Ml ion an I w ill I. acii
the sixth uradc. M iss (! lale w ill
take her place In our scl Is.
Al Wiilel'iiiv says he has lilty live
acres o' line eorn and is plow inir il ner
for the last time, lie says the cold
weal her, while I'ol just what was need
ed for rapid flow di of corn has pie
vented die small n ry i ti liiiiii ruslinn
to any reat extent .
.1. ( ', Miti.mii u"t linine Monday
eveniiiir limn ( I'Neill, where lie went
with a view of taking a iduaeie home
stead. Mr. Morgan says after drivlinj
over die count rv lor some I hue he con
clude : theie was tin vacant land there
woi I h the t akniL'. lit- ;i s if a man
can earn lilty cents a i lay he has no in hoinc'. leading in the sand
I n response to some fit y inula! I"IS
Si III rid I'V 1 1 r . .lel'sell In his I 'ani.-h
Irii'tids, In-, and 'i;,inls"ine home
was tilled w it Ii a toi'v i roud mi Wed
nesday eveiiif;; ot last week. 1 1 Has
the i ee ,si 'ii . I' II . etui's I hil ly
sixth lindidy ai.niveisaiy. A line
suppi r was served and ajylly t hue was
enjoyed l"i' n the hour of departure,
Allen U'.iiker, who v. as seriously in
jured al lli!tiiho last week by lieiue;
klme o il , IV ol I ile ', i : 1 1 tnl'lll of tl WilV
car on a ' reiclit I lain, reached h-mie
on U i Mi 'sd.n ot last week. 1 1 is soli
I'l 'd i t t 'its cil v. and his daughter.
Mis. Kr,''i'nil Lincoln, went lollini
In It and hroi;i;ht I heir father hi me.
V i alker Issiith'i hie; tn.iii I Wo hrok
e,i i 1 1 is iind his liack is injure. I hut he
is in p, i :n,: nii'i ly and lie can yet
a 1 ' ill 'le I a Willi some assist a M ec.
I'reiu I lie lli Tiilil
M i Aimm I'avis is Kilu.u her
I'-te, 'Is. V. lilt 111--IC. til '.ercst,
l i u - : . e, he i - she e peel s I o i'i laa : n
I iv , i i ' iee u i e's
I h ( Kt . an, M: m-er editor i I I :,e
Li. Il aeon. ;,as purclias, -I theSy la-
'"' '',' 1,",,, - -
"''s ' I ' l''M"'i'.
. M.'e'iu - .'led Ih'lllV Hl.l.:.;.l.l
Oil. I lies, 1 iv, he' 1. 1 'I',,'-
''' h d. vv.-eie th.'.v vvi", r.-iii-.ter j ;..,-tisj di'.:!c!i. after mm.- tlian lln.r
tor 'ami. .. '. ep-'ct to .ai lo ( ha .or-! y, ais ,-f laidil',,1 ser iee. a!-l Ihe or
" ! ' ' ' die draw in-. ! eaui, at i-'ii vmv le.uet art ly accepted
- ','oa i ilsoe, ci'i.e in i, i -.lav i his n si.i.a: - a:. Ih-v (', i; and his
mi'iiim: flea, Idav-r county, idla
win'- ii.- i n a iiMUifstivitl
I as , i'i i.i a ci-'p. I 'I is p; et t v well '
. , , , , ,. 1
i"ms I -.ii i.e conn rv. n' cl-cc s i
ovtae i.e. i- a.iiel tv.o ::'. -ni ;s ni.i
,,. ,
Wi-ik at l;ls I i'ade.
Tie . ular si at ion ,u
i i . , a i 1 -
e. . I . . ' -'-'i v. I -as heci en I--V ;n a
i .-. istl 'ic.!'. his - a a t !,-r , f a v
" ; o: I , i .is. i. It has ni en '21 i ah'
a; e- 1 1. v i..-l . and !ns h:-.l -"I has
. s.i :..,!, .n.iS is ,;t tiie he. I 1 o; a :
, . ; ,1 -ii-' and hardware bus-he-..
, . ... , ,. , , ,
. hoi 1. i . .M.hmtl vv Im let i h- ic
. . , . , , , , , , .
il- .1 l. I. ails in si i- lie ,a;i,
h '.. -vv vv : ' h th.e ;oct 'tinier. I va - lo 'i
i a 1 s, iv, ', is. woil.iim' in ( V.'n.lio i"i
'r. Woo.liad' has iiceeptci thepos,.
d ' a, -hsi ruct'-r in de,.',.-v i:i the'
l':,v 1 t v i ; i h-liihoma, ;it N"j'a:ai. .
it Ihe opu.inis' of due ,
' returned V cities 1.:
d !; i
I V.'il., V. ' - Ills 1st alel.shcl (Us, -,.
i, , i. stead it, Oklahoma, whei,-
I,- , a ;.oiit siiitah,- t I'.-rt
s, : - ;.'- .. I idy toshoird he s , dcire.
I Ic -iv s the count ry is li.iinv; up rapid
iy. a, -ai v. 1. 1 e i net e is s mho pimi iairi
j-d. l esc dcsii in.' to 'oi'iite we',',, will
have I v.
Ibis l til.
Far a -m
co. c. ; 1 '.iii
ei. 11 cvp-ets to teach
-in a : uah.-r ..: iiistanoos.
af deir wheat li'stiiiii, and
the mav rity m ii d dn-i; the only
euro is a s;tv,iy harvest. The creator ,,l'n'.v kiiusi f Nehawka.
Fart cf die wiie.u will not Lo ready for' Last Friday while helping to shoe a
cuttiiiv' tor ti.oio than a week et. It mule Mr. Fulton pit where the mulo
I.s sai I thiii twoor tliree fanners wid could leach him with the celehrateil
nt t attempt to harvest their crop on "dl hind foot." The mulo kicked lum
account of rust and beliii.' down. On tlio side of the hi ad, ictideriiih' him
1'n.iik Masslo was in town Thursday ' senseless for more than three limus.
after twii c, and the rust has cllected j lie is cut atain, hut mil able to no to
lils wheat some. work.
Brutally Tortured.
A ease came I" IwM mat Im pei-
sisl en I and lllitnei eif ii I I in ! ii le has pel-
laps never heeli eipi il.'d Joe ( lain-
ilel; ot ( ohisa. ( aid. w i Mis' Lor l",
ears I einhlli'il llisulletidi e pa n from Islil and not hlli It lie , ed me
lloiiull 1 1 1 ied every I liilu,' knuwii. 1
amc across Lleet it;' Litters ami it's
the creates! mt i hei ue mi earl n for t hat
roiihle. A tew hot I lesol' it cimiiete-
Iv relieved and cured me " .lust as
uood for Liver and K idii'v I rouUesand
itetieral debility. ( inly , ''it.'. Sal isftic-
ion yuaranteeil hy I'. d. I'rieke, ,v ( 'n.
Irii.Tlsl .
I r..!, tin' l.i' '.it
Mr. and Mrs. ( '. A. I.'ieliey of Louis.
Villi Well' heie ,V I, ril;, and Nllldiiy,
the quests of Mr and Mrs. W. I!, lian
inia'. Jo ,epii I. v im was I" er by I he storm
last Sat urn iv nl'.'ii! , a s real; of .'ha in
hyhlniim knocking ti.e !.ie nul i f one
his l,iu si's.
A I eli'phi me messae 1 1 , . i ( i.nai ,a
breliyjit t he news I hat a line IHde '.'
pound hoy arrived Monday niht at
the linine of Mr. ami Mrs. I.d I ,. -'Iio-maker.
i'f ( Mnalia
J. mil's ! Ki hi has ! i e a w. ,:iiiu his
leit, opi ic iii a sliny lor si veial d.ts,
caused by an a bcess lm min ami sw ell
Iiik' his lace mil il il had I he ap"ar
ance of a cooked ham.
'I'. (I. Harm. in and V.'. ('. darrahe!
started Tuesilav --i . i for lean'si eel,
S. !., inteinliii.' In take a peep at the
"promised land" mid perhai s dr.iw a
few choice s-'elii'iis n! the L.iselitid
I 'lic'e ,h 'ill Lai on, one of I he pi:i
ne t residents ea d of town has been
dangerously ill some time and I'm
a While his r.s'uvcrv seemed In he t
IIKltlcr Ot doubt, hilt our latest infill'-I
imilioti is that die old m ndeman is
ilovv ly i m pi 1 1 In;;
At toi ney T. S. A!!t n of Lincoln, ae
(Mini ained I v ids sistrr in-l.iw, M
'ii i j ,i 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 nn "M 1 1 i i 1 1-1 i t , , ; i
llraee I'.iyan clianncil cars at t his i
i ice ."s.ti iinii'.y . euii'iiie to ;. Loins, i
Tuey evidenllr eli,',.eeil their had
hour visit her,'. Mr. Allen aieetiu-i
save! al personal ft lends.
'I ne heavy rain last Saturday i;i-:l,t 1
1 cii-i-leia'ee
io I his 11, i.-li.
, , , , , .
h il hi.", . 1 ai ;,ai ai v 11 i"oi,s ni al, 1
.. , ... ' ,
. ..... .... , .. ,. . , .. , , .. . , .
vvordilcss. There are also son;.-
! brio:., s dial rem. ire i rv e i s:e ic- -
,. s . . , ,. , , ,-
!t - i their riid.ii frietids Tuesdavev,,,;
i, a a ii i
i II :,:,!,', Kan Mr I I ,
. . '
i,-t -.1 his r-s- ill-ill !i oiist, ,i- , a' II
.jeslimai ... w.te have hot ;, I . en ei;er- j
' i-tir S":lvl'i's ;n c( www a ud! !
-n im I he .cue! a , vv c ta i e ot 1 1 e c :v ;
, ,. . , , ..
mt hit v , ai -1 c v et il i-n. ecia I e ei! t.a r.
. . . , . , , . , ,
f ,., . , ,,.
M;- --'ii 'd iu k si-i.t Ksi-My ar. I -
Sal t -a al a i.i.-l I - i' e,! '
M,v W' 1;' ' f ''' i '
'" a. v is; c w i h er
,. ,
Imi lp;:t mcs. over da- it h
ll-. a;:i'.,ei ' 'is-r vv,,s li.l'.ed lo
de-csco die tore pail oi the week to.
I'tcaci the t.iiicr.i. ( t au , ai 1 1 tend.
Miss T-ml c.vre !.-wn iii-m Murd. ck'
Nii.-I.iy. and . makm- Lev many
I-' h-;s. ev, rv ;., ,1,, , happy hv little
v:,lN- i
'"' Kii uj'-i: rick, t.avi liciht '
, , t ! . . i" 1 I . . I ' i . . I ...
' ""IIO'S "M I'l.l Ol
'-"lils- " ' I"- I'itunts hapi.v bv
spend, :i; 1 1 ,e !', h with 1 1 em.
' M. l'a departed on Tht.i'M'.-ty
even.;;.' mr l.-uu stud. Suith Piikota.
i.- mi u.;,..o ;iip,iciUlo) in
' ,l'!' kiln's ' ioltery for ;i cliatii'e
. I" draw a nr-aiu rsectioti of unci land.
-L M. Stone's folks are catinv,' fresh
MiawLcrtios lids w,-.
We never
lu'A t lie in to has,, late before. Mr.
'sl"ii' and Win. lh se are the straw-
r rniii tin' Ci'iirli T.
. ,1
llem.y i isseii.op ,,i wainm visiten , ;y ,,,,,, ., ,ljnt. M,11(, ,)(iV
his hint iiei , John, Thursday. 1 . . . ,
rarmeis report that, smad L'raiii is
Mr-, L. V. K. liDchlord, one of the Vl.ry im.h ,.,1 ,v IUl, i,ily)t.
cilicient clerks ; tit I heis l!n s. .V (i.'s: ,, ., .
... . '' Mc I 'nnald s iifW residence in
store, is takuiu a vacation. 'hi
Llnnr ;ind Wiliiatti Lrampton visited
with their i:rai:d parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry l.eliiihnll, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ld diilhmaii. of (liand
Island spent, ."Saturday and Sunday
here with V. I'. Kreekiovv ;uu family.
Mrs. A. A. Knod was here from
(hd Wedncvlav I'hKiiit! a tier sum,'
landless interests and cal!ii on old
M is A. I. Lckstcii. ii't.u; tied to her
liome in Hot ,n,u urns, . i i., alter a
two weeks visit In re w;tj relatives
and friends.
Ala uu e! in ot I ne selu ;ol In aid
heal Monday eveniiu Ulcers tor the
I'lisuin vi ar wei'' clio.scn as follows
I'iiairmai:, .I 'l.n K'.np: sei i clary, I".
A. Jacobs! n: t leasiiier, I'. (,'. Mamim.
'I'iie Ima id w ill livid attain tuniuht .
The 1 ical !.. . V. Indite is en .iv
iiit: a boo n this sprint; aim new appli
cations are piesiMli'd almost' every
ni'.;!d. '1'liey have recutly had then
had ivwly pa; v,l and painle i. a .i. w
carpet put le .vn am! ewrj lliiiii.' ,': .!
up in ship shai'a.
Altorney Sullivan v. as tip
I'lallstii'iwth Thuisilay in coaipaiv
with Mis. Anna .lohnsi'ii Uioktlit; up
ev idenc in I he Moedi Lcr etise. M : .
John on e aims to I e an heir in i he
i'.!, lie o 'ii, i 1 1 1 1 ' i e ll'ad.'ker deei a !
ad. ; i 1 1 tv I hat she was . e;niy adopted
by t he l'ii ehel.eis. hilt 1 1 Sei'lllS i li.ti
no record i if such adopt ion I'an he lo :nd.
The case i.s now peudint; in I In-, list net
court .
ru ".'.i Mr. and Mrs. W C. H,u
t see. drill c .l.ilv 1 -i sum- a ;o to ! r
and Mis I'lus .l.i,':.iinii Si.inhv J . 1 1 v
.;, a hov ; also, to lew. ami Mrs. Lipm
Monday, I, a boy. also, to Mi
liidMis. John N-nomi an. Salurdiy,
Juiv J, a tils. i. to Mr. and Mis
a t , -i . i ' .11. n i .mi-,1 :
luv A rlu,l hin t . Momlav. .1 niy i. m y . s
ami in .Mr. ain .i rs. ailjiis
Wedlies, i iv, niy 7. a O rl.
The Cr'ij'tifii.
ey A I 'o , ( ',,e.iL.i
I if A lo, ( la'.ki', o. 0
1 1 i 'I'-, i , ..,
H"h'". ami I a: .. .1 -I !.!
i 1 1, ii-
i v ,, , . .'.v-uini ,.
.. -nl :i. .1 . oi.-ihiiitv of IV.!..-. tioi-.-i
-int iar many mMKh m: s a
!"" I'"' 1 u, ;!';-. Ask f,n I'
.ci eo
'iv ,.ui i .ir an i re:i;e ;inv .u .'iniie
oiiered as no (:!;. r pi p.n ' r . wi.l
t. i '. e ! ! e s.a m.1 a t istael -in. I . -s a-
yla;,tive. 1 1 e--i-tanis im -i a . ami
sd''st 1" ,' ch . 1 i 1 e a' id d" :e h pi r-
s I... i.v r : i-'i-.-i , I'..
El eii wood
I eel. I'i
,. v. ;..,,; am-tiiit iomucl.
1 1 : 1 1 ( li I 1 1 il 1 1 1 .
, ,,
A soli vva.s hoiii to yd. ,; i . i y is.
. v i.). nsi . , 1 1, ,t:.i 1 1, i 1 1 u i s i.i , ,n ,, ,1(r, , ,, i
M iss Mav e dht tsteiisi ii has n ,tn-1
Win. I 'dies, in I ry b j t. m haiiii'
' l d i act orv i'oV. one da, 1. ,s' W'.-.. i-di
,,m . , ,,, ,r
w ,ri. '
Miss Lv:l i'ox. Ileal, .led I',".- i o. '
1 lovev, of I'lat I siiiolh ,,, vv el e ,i , el I V
I he remit ni. v ties s ai tie- I h e .;!''
tle L mcs I'einier In me.
i:;.,.r V, L. 1 hit : Is, vv t-- . ., ,-,.;,.
reii. an iv-1 Lia-l-iy !;. :n Y:i
l. ai-1 ar-isitin: at ! ,.
Mrs. U'.s pai'ei.ts, Mr, and M
J,-e l'.-.lderm'.s and wit-
momal to Marvsvihc. Mi
I . . I.. ..
CV,..lill I H i-IV IMHOL, a,
i I'lot'.ier oeiia: m a v,i v i .
. ti -n I'lom ;.n acc!i;ei.t.i
! Winis (ivvcii. i.f ihaa
was the pi i st of his I.i ii- Ii :
A. Wright, a pordi'ii i : ;
ile was i n his wiiv to ; 1.
he has a posit ion mi t he -
dhirk Miieve's little h,-y w ' '
a tiro cracker somewhere d e
luronts wouldn't allow hitn ai
the result that he has a vc
burned tiriter that net -U i u
w it
.idly i
at -1
Joe l'-elser, liaviiu' linisl e l his work
in the dental cUece at Fhila elpliia,
Islicrocn a visit to his many friends,
and will remain until lie ded ics upon
a location.
I'lS'in ill.- Knt'Tiirlsc.
t'. iii In Mr .ii,, 1 M I
"'' """ .nj "iiiin i
hk ,-iiiininns Mil. 1 1 vmi IS lie 1 1
eomplct ion
l-'itink llurlhiil was huinei. about
tln hands and face while pourli pnw
der en tin anvil I he mm nin of tin' IUi.
1 1' ni. S. L. 'I';,o'i:as and wife, of
i'lat hsmout h, diove un hist. SaUnday
and remai I over the iili. Thev
vv.'te Tli-- quests of .Mr. am! Mrs. U m.
A. Armslroni'. M r. Thomas says I iiat
crops oo h"! I r in I be vv- st t lian in
I he i-asl end of 1 i'duhi v.
iv II. drain ot up -.-a i ly i he an n.iii
of I If tl h, leaded his shot, un and
Went bil III to saiilte lh" flsou Mill.
Hi' 1-ehi tin- L-uii loose in his hands,
and w I, en ii was di-eha'amd Ins rkhl
hand v.a.s iiadiy laeeiao'l. lie will
proi:i,.y leave Midi work to ihe
youh'ei 'enerat ion net ' inc.
Tin- I .i iii i- v i 1 'i- i iiii iei . m :-- alv 'i,
ahoul t lie reci'iil Lo lls', ;pe-d i ecnwi od
bail itansc, calls mh of our hies med
Ii. -us because I hey want d to finish t he i
janie al l er t he rain, 'i oey r,,ay be
mud hens' r Ilel I d: v el's, hi, I ll.e - nli's I
I ion i dou u the pike M'.v de lea ' si a ! I ; i u
I hem in t he l:,ce i.s ; he oniy reason j
l hey lei ii-eil to iuiish I he ame. j
V. .1. Mast, ii w is killed hy h-ni-
i un t vvi I y a ii. , VI I a! i h,nl. ;
Neh., on June lIl.', haul Mi. Masion
was hoi n in I 'os , iei i ii c ,ii!il y. ( i.i, I
Ja.,uaiv d!V. hell ! a.i.v-iri.- ir - is,
'i'.e ni- ail hs and v e i I ysi :t i ; ,' i
wi. 'ii Le dh-il. Ti '' 'rcea . .j v.a-. a
hint in r of M p. A. d. Liar. this'
pa ire. le was Well ivi.o .-. ., '. e,,
i . I v. n'.V end ,)" .pii , ii.ivn-i; i . . , I i . i
.1 1 1 : i 1 1 1 ' r of yea is.
1 r
Olli',.''il h,
i , 1 1 1 ( .v ! ! . 1 1 ! s , ,
! i 1 I o 11 V t i .
I" :t 'lih.u r
I" ' ..- hei'!
t I: oil
1, a ' .
;d., it
Ii 1 r
'" ', i ". ' ' I
! ,i. ..i-a .. the i ' ! .vl - .ei
-f h
o is. , i al ,- :1 I ' i'.,i.
a ' i i j ; ii - i , i sk'a.
( : v: r, a, ... -, .. . v
v isit
ii,in;! ;,
'er ' -! : -a
, ,:
t I,.,
,1 t n'k
j;v j.,, ,.
i "i d.i
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i e ,::i T
. II. :..'.' e
'i'i- al i 1 : v
Mi. i.
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t . ., v I -
,t I'
V's. 1
: r
ti, h.'Hlr : 'V.
h.e i r a i' a'
VV h' le lie I".; .
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v ; '.Icl- i - d ,
I ' ' '
: VV 11
i as
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(. .. ( , . ,
'-V ' p;;- i
! I ' ii a
jUh-tteec ..
;i lt. ...
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'' : ".a
.... , ., ,,,,, : , ,.,.,,
' ' , ,1 ... .; ;,' ;
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rj; . .., , ,
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"7 - -,
' i - - '' -
s i
f ( . ' i; .. 'I
isat '
I3.,ii'i;v.:$ thi f.:cr r.r.3 sdds to
toC 2!,Lh:s cf the food.
Tlie Yellow
Afjcat fur the Popular Willow Springs Cccr
Kvery Case ;unl Ke Hears the I'nion Laid ;
finf f. iJtR Pr?r.?s We are Waiting cn Fine Old Wines and V.'iiislties :
' I'm ei fi o Ii. olon
"'' i"i
i 'i -'!! I'''
i ea
t !
. 1 oi
'l.lua 4 HI
i - '
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. I :i s i i .i' I , in,. .-:i
ii,,, I i."i
m. v it-" ' ".ee' y.
.11.-11 !'.." i.V-. .
w I. ii. t:v- '-
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IV. -i' ,i-e.
ati i r'. o I'.s or Scud Votir ( Irdcrs by Mail
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- .i ii ha '. - a I!, account, you
' .imc is to ami toil rat her liaui
1 1 " a id 1 1. m i ymi wiitit t o
"i' il! out it.
MLLEY - STIfi 'S.iriMy.dRcs,,.
tumi zmwi?' 3i:cx
J.ic niiAMiius tv sons,
rrojis, i;t)SH).v s'l'Or.K, Oiaalui
1. I. ri;Nd'IS v SON'S havn
h U, U-l.-l I l.-v OTII'I'll ....- ... -i
... ,.s.n , s , . , . i . , . , -o , o . i. i i w ,s r ill . -,;
. b'inl.riipi Irv - acids si n-k. invncsd
i I v -....,
' i-a oiiiiv
' I'ric- r nil (jr Ihn s'.'ck w.i, $45 : !0
, dm of tewn peeple will I'm. I h to their;
' r,'"'"i a-!..'niik;-ioatu.-n.l ihis sale, no
r.l.,:tir I. l.,r !i- v m.-.v h o m In !n-..l I
ra . li i i. w I ,r lin y ni.iy Ii iv a lo trav el
Th? amjlini ol r illrm I fjr i. nnliina '
- - s
cecm ire , to tU am. i.ei y-m sie.
h is .dw vs . I. liKANDi-.lS SONS
I . I u il i 'a ; Merks.
'' dwa - L 'IKANl'KIS SONS
' : 1 s . in- -.irui'hi bona pur
hi-alwi J. L l.UANDLlS fONS
d ' - i" il tiari; i,ni
IV '' 1 il. ' t'as liavhitr ill- K-'ll-v-Siit'i
.'m o'.i t.H-u art lieiiia h'.kIb hv
; u tin,!
' IS. i . is r, t'linu iht-r- never h:i bt-en
i itnjf in in-; iv. .y tl i)--.,ihi ntf-rc'aan
.... ' , i , ,
-auv . ,s,ver apprj.du-.l this sale
: s t' i " tver apprj liliL-.l this salt
in ii' i .i.h, ! iif t'Xtrav.igint l.iri;jin gi
-n it c;j:nvi lo buvina Kti)cki an(l
f1 1 - art')wf'... ni.i. . Asn.l. .i t
! t ( ti, r v . 1 1 u t? t ht'rc is mt a single turn in
I the , t t h ii cm U'dr comprtrison with u.
J":e "n.
I i. ruAxnEis sons
'or l'-h Doulai Sis.,
.inulas St
Front Saloon J
5 )
; ' -.?.. 5 ,i :','...''.'. ' s. 4;s-' )
iv.l.i :'; ,'',.,.. ,'( .1' ' I I A ,
..'-( - " ' ' .V ' !k
I!-i.v :i I Tdi-r l:in. ! Inn -:; hi
.Ni'bi ill ( ' ilirt y V, I, y. . :i 1 1, ,ii. . . -.- .VI
, I'i ,i ii i ii'.'li i i '!, ' i.i hi.' ; mi
M-l- '"ii-i W I!" . -:i.,"ll '.' UU
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l',".:!l Shi '",'.'.', I ; i -n ....'.Mm
Ai,..-' ieii V.'i'i.i . -iillmi im
i .'tii i:e"ii VV me. :.',' , I, n .-mi
' li;He.iil-l'l'.V l.r.lli'ly. '.'Mil- ll i .'.II
Ki l- p.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 - i i 1 1 -1 1 : s ".';:)
k e' U r p- iiies I j.y
i Cms-- I, i-v i i::' ri s. t -,o i ii, -.'ii
, (::..''l.ii' ,,i.'.s. t'iri - (lo.',.ii -j ::,
f-'lu TASK A
........ ...
j I-'" 1 s-.1 1, - - u. ,1. . 1 reeiin. 1
COATS Rl.nnt. piait:"-r)uih :hone 26.
ViViU WKY-.V.'-l..', VV.
I'i'lil-l Tl, : NelTilslvll,
I'robsite, Commercial' Law, Rf:il
Cl.ito I.iMjj.'Uion
and IV Heeli sine of mort ';!i;esi specialty
ctois vrD ccc'h z.nJ. Sjoc.I.jIu-ifi
rl fx m .a yrs
main omcr
0rLE3 IN
I Ct . ,. " .
virarrs. 'rovisior,s
, l.euvhi an.I r-!,! ,r i.i .1, -rrarricl i-n rcas-in.iblp
I "w ".";'' ' " ' u;; i en jion
crni'.,. , ,-:iM,(!, i on liax.
u'l-ts'; naaidlntir.
Ship Your Grain To Us
Drctnch Office 273 Coates Block
I'lattstimtitli riiotic I'll
; ik y tj
i ' A
No nrrttita, loss cf strength, nervous-rii-ss,
headacl-.e. conillpation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risinps. and catarrh of
tne stomach are ail due toii-diestion. Kodcl
surcs inaijcsiion. I his new diacovtrv rcrre
.-,il ik. . li i . '
"-'" "' e.Hiur.ii juicbs oi digrsttan Billn
exist ill a hualthv rnmhinn .i
n- t.,.,1.. i L,..... ,
r....,,.! rsi.uwii iciiic ana reconstruct ve
.-S.S.V,. .yC -a. vuro coes net
only cure In-ilfsstion an.i dv.-rtrfia tut this
a:nou3 remedy curc.i a'l itnm-jrh im,,Ku.
, .-s.,t xt klUlli,.,
I ' I'ui.ivn, :;v'rcienin ana
, -"itTsnpthenlnir the mucou mfmhran iit.,
i llf Kmarh
tie stamacli.
. M-. S. S. Ps'l. isf Piv-nssiTi-si, v Va
U 41 ir.'j' ri with ur si ar,-h - r twenty ytJM
I'r L ll 1114 'nr It In mi
Kodol Digcsn What You Eat.
h;tio-v. $.on Sire hcUlr.f 2'i timcj the Irlil
i.-e, which 50 fi-nti.
Prpr.d by C. 0. DtWITT 4V CO., CHICAGO
C-l- L.. r n m,,,,.
,eb. 1 wr ouib ujf r. u. rnitiyc a LU