The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 14, 1904, Image 6

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and rroxUtnf for trial by Jury iu
cv of indirect tonifiniit. ,
Water Wayt. ;
rr 1.1k aiiiiruiiriiillitm fit tiun.i'U- tit taxation tliull I.'
uraraMcn of church and st'if? la yo
lilaul affairs.
lv jtl.iilnWi'rfil nn.I fo l?v,.. gs nwt
Ui i'.Im r. inmate aKiilnM u:,r iu lustiy,
tla'c or ii.s, to iho n,l t:.i:t tU i Merchant Mjnne.
b!r.l- 1 " ( ''"'"""X'e ll:o alnj) v.itisiiiy n::i
Wo f:m r a revlt a ml a gran
mlm-tiuti of t!io tariiT liy I lu- frh'inS
IiiiikmI aiuo lo ii,: -j of tin- iuiium'is uiul tor r..inu. ii
l(, Ml U Unl I Weill, Utul Hot ll.V l lit lll '.KiB I'T '
theiarv ami Improvi'im-iu if the wavr
mays of t!it country. Wt.i'ii m y v.m. r
way. liko ttio Mi-is!tii'l riwr. m "I
t-ial iii.l of tin- o rum
should l- cxtnulril. with u i.!i'iiU'
gilaji of continuous work nnul nUna
uml Improvement Is mm uri-tl.
Vt u!'hw t tit Id i'utilii .in ixili. y of
t&rvtiin homo ili vi'l. p:i;-iit in or.l'T
to fee,! (1m sr-fil tor cii'iu.'st iu.. I t'w
appetite for "pr.htie,,. ami
display of strnmth.
Economy of Admlni. ration.
1- ljirm1 iiui'ttotio oiifiy bo
Biaiii' ill tin' animal xpciiuir.sre.s of
tUit o eminent v it In tit iMipmain tli"
nVleiuv of any brain li i f tl.f piilille
BITVlff ami wo tslinll ItistM "poll the
utrlcteM economy ami friiKiillty com
latil)lf with vlKoroiiH -ttltliiT
civil, inl'itury anil naval n-lriliilM'-n-tlon
ii a relit of tin people tjo rl'nr
to 1m ih'tili il or withheld.
2 f tuvor tin' iifo" ' rr.etit of
Inmost y In tin' public service ninl
to t!:at cinl a thorough lnvobtl
gatlon oT those eNeciit Ivo uV
j.Rrttniiits of t In Kovcniiiii'tit already
known to teem with corruption, as
well on other ilepartiueiits BiispeetiM
of harlutrliiK rormptlon. and th pun
ishment of UHcortiilntMl corrupt WmlKt?
without fear or favor or rcKiml to per
nons. The porRlAtent ami dllbprat
rofimal of both tho senate am! the
houw of riproi'ntatlvcii to penult
mh Invent Ration to be nia1 demon
atratcu that only by a chantfe In the
executive nmi In the lcRtalatlv de
partment can complete expound,
punishment and correction bo obtained.
We condemn tho action of tlm He
publican party In conKrew In rofuslni?
to prohibit an executive dnrtment
from entering Into contract with ron
Tlctd tnmta or unlawful romblnv
tlons In reatralnt of Interstate trade.
We believe that one of the best
methods of proctirlnn economy and
nonesty In the public service I to
have public officials, from the ocni
Vnnt of the white house down to the
lowest of them, return, as nearly an
may be, tn Jefforsonlan simplicity of
Executive Usurpation.
S We favor the nomination and
flection of a president Imbued with
the 'principles of the constitution, who
will set hi n face sternly aifalnst execu
tive usurpation of legislative and Judt
rial functions, whether that tisurpa
tlon bo velWI under theRiilse of exec
ntlve construction of existing Ihwb or
whether It tnke refine In the tyrant's
plna of necessity or superior wisdom
We favor the preservation, so far as
we can, of an open door for the
world's commerce In the Orient with
out unnecessary entail Elements In Orl
ental and Kuropvan affairs, and with
out arbitrary, unlimited, Irresponsi
ble and absolute Koveniment any
Where within our jurisdiction.
We optom a fervently an did
O-orKO Washington himself an Indefl
nlto, Irresponsible, discretionary and
vamie alkstdutlsin and a policy of
colonial exploitation no matter where
or by whom invoked or exorcised; wo
believe with Thomas Jefferson and
John Adnms that no government has
a right to make ono set of laws for
those "at home" and another and a
different set of laws, absolute In their
tharacter, for those "In th colonies."
All men under the American flag are
entitled to the protection of tho Insti
tutions whose emblem the flag Is; If
they are luherently unfit for those in
stitutions, then they are Inherently
unfit to Ik members of the American
BKnly politic. Wherever there may ex
ist a people Incapable of belug gov
erned under Amerlcau laws, In conson
ance with '"io American constitution,
the territory of that pvoplo ought not
to be part of the American domain.
We Insist that we ought to do for
the Filipinos what w have done al
ready for the Cubans, and It Is our
duty to make that promise now, and
upon rultable guarantees of protection
to ritliens of our own and other
countries resident there at the time
vt our withdrawal, net the Filipino
people upon their feet, free and inde
pendent, to work out their own des
tiny. The endeavor of the secretary of
war, by pledging the government's en
dorsement for "protmrters" In thu
Thlllppine Inlands, to make the United
States a partner In speculative legis
lation for the archipelago, which
was only temporarily held up by the
opposition of Doniocrattc senators In
the lant session, will. If suecesaful,
lead to entanglements from which it
will be difficult to escape.
The ivniocratlc party has been and
will contiuue to be the ctmslstent op
ponent of that class of tariff legisla
tion by which certain Interests have
Iwn permitted, through coupvsstonal
favor, to draw a heavy tribute from
the American peopta.
This mouktroua perversion of those
equal opportunities, which our polit
ical Institutions were etabUihd to
secure, has caused what may one
have bwn Infant Industries to bo
come the greatest combinations of
capital that tho world has ever known.
These aepeclal favorites of the gov
eminent have, through trust methods,
been converted Into monopolies, thus
bringing to an end domestic compe
tition, which was the only alleged
check upon tho extravagant prof
its made possible by tho protective
ystem. These Industrial combina
tions, by the financial assistance they
can give, now control tho policy of
the Republican party.
We donounco protection as a rob
bery of the many to enrich the few,
nd we favor & tariff limited to the
needs of the government, economical-
! abuses, its ixturtltins mid Its din-
I criminal ions, kti pin !n v. w '.'it i.ti-
' mate ends of "eiiimlity of !.-.i"l 'is a:id
I en' ot .'pp"iiu:. s t.n.i Lie .mi-
I Btltutional puriMM' of ra::. a ri've-
! I.v tnvut'.m ll ( 'II,.. '''. I
of the federal government in all It
Integrity and virility, Imi u. hlcipin i.y.
Trusts and Unlawful Combinations.
We reeof 'Ue that the le
trusts it it f 1 combinations ! .- i.el !'
enable capital to secure more thuii its
Just share of the Joint pnnl'n t ol cap
ital and laUtr, and wt.ii ii have been
fostered and promoted under the Re
publican rule, are a menace to beiio
Ilclnl competltlen tHul mi otist.icle to
periliatielit liuslliess prosperity.
A private monopuly is tudt fcuslbi'.'
and Intolerable.
Individual cipiallly of oim rt uiuty
and Tree oiMpetltlon ur essi nilal to
a healthy and permanent commercial
prosperity, and any trust, combination
or monopoly tending tf destroy these
by controlling production, restricting
competition or fixing prices, should be
prohibited and punished by law. We
especially denounce rebates and dis
crimination by translocation compa
nies as the most potent ai;eney In pro
moting and strengthening these un
lawful conspiracies against trade.
We demnnd an enlargement of tho
powers of tho Interstate commerce
commission, to the end that the travel
ing public and shippers of this coun
try may have prompt and adequate
recently passed by the I n. I' d Su.ti S
;l seiiuto as an lniqultouf, appi up; ..4' i u j
s ! (if piili!. i- f.irii'.- i,r ;'i!v.;e j .:r; - ;
U'ld a witellll. 1.. 'I":1 a: 1! lo: !
aMei:';t 'i ti'.'M .!;.: y .e
ol' t!i us rul id iy ' .. ;.i;;u.
by keeping!
Sin lin&i
in rt.
-.tin. 1:1 t
leK'mati'.n to the fm
M'liiel.t of At:ier(c;i:i
i- v: the
1. ir.;.f w.t !.
: i :.s ;.i i.
n.t.tii-s 1 ; :
. 1 '.1
lie el.-,M
llit' . : ,i '
Wit:ie.t !i
trcis'.ll v.
1 UeeKbael? ? ?o, j
We :.:vor .ili ril t; '.. i: ,m
mints w:!ii ('.main nr.d '.;! ,.,';.
of other countries w! ' i-.' !. . .1 1 .
(!:tTed ill 1 j Wilh ll 'W'.lt t,, ..! T-
lean airrlci.lture, mai;ul':i. ; ,:rt i.i.i..!'.
or C( tllllleri e.
We r the mai::r, :;.t:.r-e ' '.
Monroe iiirti-ine l:i ii-j full N - v
We f'!op the routlcMon ni' nr'i.y
and of army expendi'ire t i tho x,-:::t
blstoi Iciiily deuiotistrutt"! to be ..i
anil Sllllielent.
Ti e eni(K racy would .-"tvtirv tott e
surviving soldiers and sailers and
their dependents generous pensions,
not bv nn nrbltrnry executive order.
but by legislation which a gTa'
people stand ready to enact.
Our Roldlers and sailors, who defend
with their lives the constitution and
the laws, have a sacred Interest In
their just administration. They must
therefore share with us the humilia
tion wilh which w have wltness"d
the exaltation of court favorites, with
out distinguished service, over the
scarred heroes of many battles, or
aggrandized by executive appropria-
where ymi Wl!l lie re-
Jilliii i'l r y.Hil tl'I'Ullle
by cettini.' tin- l,-'st
lli the -Miriiotr
3 (iroccrics.
: '? Canned Goods.
relief for tl abuses to which thoy are tlonn out of the treasuries of a pros
subjected In the matter of transporta
We demand a strict enforcement of
existing civil and criminal statutes
against all such trust, combinations
and monopolies; and we demand the
enactment of such further legislation
as may lw necessary to effectually
suppress them.
Any trust or unlawful combination
engaged In Intorstato commerce which
Is monopolising any branch of busi
ness or production, should not be per
mitted to transact business outside
of the state of Its origin. Whenever
It shall be established In any court of
competent Jurisdiction that such mo
nopolisation exists, such prohibition
should lie enforced through compre
hensive laws to be enacted on tho
Reclamation of Arid Lands.
We congratulate our western citi
zens upon the passage of the meas
ure known as tho Newlands Irrigation
act for the Irrigation and reclamation
(f tho arid lands of the west, a meas
ure framed by a Iiemocrat, passed In
the senate by a nonpartisan vote and
passed In the house against the oppo
sition of almost all the Republican
leaders by a vote, the majority of
which was Democratic.
We call attention to this great Dem
ocratic measure, tiroiiil and compre
hensive as It Is, working automatical
ly throughout all time without any
further action of congress until tho
reclamation of all tho lands in tho
arid west capable of reclamation is
accomplished, reserving ttie lands re
claimed for homesteaders in small
tracts and rigidly guarding against
land monopoly, as an evidence of tho
policy of domestic development con
templated by the Democratic party,
should It be placed In power,
Isthmian Canal.
Tho Democracy, when entrusted
with power, will const ruct the Pan
am a canal speedily, honestly and eco
nomically, thereby giving to our peo
ple what Democrats have always con
tended for a great lnterooeanlc canal,
furnishing shorter and cheaper lines
of transportation and broader and less
trammeled trade relations with the
other peoples of the world.
American Citizenship
We pledge ourselves to Insist upon
the Just and lawful protection of our
citizens at home and abroad, and to
use all proper measures to secure for
them, whether native born or natural
lied, and without distinction of race
or creed, the actual protection of laws
and tho enjoyment of all rights and
privileges open to them under the cov
enants of our treaties of friendship
and commerce and if under existing
treaties the right of travel and so
journ is denied to American tltlzens
or recognition Is withhold from Amer
ican passports by any countries on
the ground of race or creed, we favor
the beginning of negotiations with th
government of such countries to se
cure by new treaties the removal of
these unjust discriminations,
We demand that all over the world
a duly authenticated passport Issued
tty the government of the United
States to an American citizen shall
b proof of the fart that he Is an
American citizen and shall entitle him
to the" treatment due him as such
We favor the election of I'nlted
Btates senators by direct vote of the
Statehood for Territories.
We favor the admission of the ter
rltories of Oklahoma, and the Indian
territory. We also favor the Imme
diate admission of Arizona and New
Mexico as separate states, and a ter
ritorial government for Alaska and
Torto Rico.
We hold that the officials appointed
to administer the government of any
territory, as well as the district of
Alaska, should bo bona fide residents
at tho time of their appointment of
tho territory or district In which their
duties are to be performed.
Condemnation of Polygamy.
We demand the extermination of
polygamy within the jurisdiction of
the United States and the complete
reil fresh ewry ir.nruiii.
'lUone 54.
H U',.,.....u., 11'. ...L i'..,- I.
Spt'tkl rct-ri s
o. 'I In ir-
t 'at ;i lot' if' !'!' '
hi i' netn.-ii v. !,.
iiii." p-. 1 ; 1 . e In in il I tit
re 1I1 -Miulily trained
ill !
. ,! (,.r vntii: 11. e
We p.r. i-irt
COURSES -business.
ShcrthtnJ and Typewriting.
Prapare:cry and Telegraphy
'. ,. cf .n Ntfu! :i-.:i:-vpt i h u. . 2. i'vvS.vut i 11 jmit ii t
. i..;i, 1 111 4. I'ei-'i -t! inieri M ill i-itcli I tit it tit. j. As!-
l.ilj. e ill -e''Ulil.'. I ltil 1 V Llt'lll.
W i ( i s. Lincoln Business College. Lino In. Neb.
CIMi! LAM S l OCK j-AKftl
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
fevfeV ITU!
mmi Choice
Polled Durham Bulls
High Grade Pedigreed Stock.
Tele. Cedar Lawn Stock Farm
trate people In violation of the act of
conjoins which fixes the compensa
tion and allowances of the military
Civil Service.
The Democratic party stands enai-
mitted to the principles of civil serv
ice reform and we demand its honest,
Just and Impartial enforcement.
We denounce the Republican party j
for Its continuous and sinister en
croachments upon tho spirit and oper
ation of civil service rules whereby it
has arbitrarily dispensed with exami
nations for offices in the interest of
favorites and employed all manneT of
devices to overreach and set aside the
principles upon which tho civil service
was established.
Race Question.
The nice questlin has brmieht
countless woes to this country. The
calm wl.sdt .n of the American people
should epc to It that It brings ro
To revive the dead and hateful race
and sectlo' animosities In any part
of our con mon country means confu
sion, dlHtrrctlon of business and the
reopening of wounds now hajVly
healed. North, south, east and west
have but recently stood together In
line of battle from
king to the walls of
6harers of 'he common
mon destiny we sho
nally the common burdc
We, therefore. d
Meftls nt all hours, Special at
tention to the fanner patrons. The
tables are supplied with the best
the markets atFortl.
JOHN COREY. Proprietor.
TUT A TT T7 PtT vegetable Sicilian
JBtALllSS Hair Renewer
wny not stop this railing of your hair? At this rate you will soon
De witnout any hair' Just remember that Hall's Hair Renewer
stops tailing nair, ana mates hair grow.
Ketuovini.' of Uousehold Goods a
Specialty. Also, Heavy
Merchant Tailor.
The only one in Plattsmouth that car
ries a larjje assortment of suit
ings, fancy pantings and vest
in gs for you to select from. All
work first-class and of the latest
styles. .Cleaning and repairing
given prompt attention.
Room 227 Coates Block
Bottled i
the walls of Te- 9 6 f-
Santiago, and as & PPrrV S ReStOUrGIlt 8 i Y
glory pnd com-1 ft Q Vl
uld share fraterjfi nnfi eLftVL fvA Urtll Si V'l
pret ate and con-1 8 X ! "i
demn the rtourbon-llko st'lfish ar.d SOSOSCCOOOOCOOOCCOKSQ!V
narrow spirit of the recent Republican v Meal Served at Regular tt' I
convention at Chicago, which sought f m 1 ti v' t 'ZT ItV
to kindle anew the embers of raclaJ Meal Hours. 0 j Vf M
and sectional strife, and we appeal S p i Hvctpt-C S Kik
from it to the sober common sense Q rTcSIl UySlCrS S ;f T ( vK tfM
and patriotic spirit of the American I a tv opuhv V tv; ''JN
W it Hi. ,TkV
ie tl)c Cheapest
tn tbc finM
The Republican Administration.
The exl.,ting Republican adminis
tration has been spasmodic, erratic,
sensational, sp'tacular and arbitrary.
It has made Itself a satire ujion the
congress, the courts and upon the sot
tied practices and usages of nations'
and International law.
It summoned the congress Into
hasty and futile extra session and
virtually adjourned It, leaving behind
its flight from Washington uncalled
calendars and unaccomplished tasks.
It mado war, which is the sole pow
er of congress, without its authority,
thereby usurping one of Its funda
mental prerogatives. It violated a
plain statute of the United Stau. as
well aa plain treaty obligations, inter
national usages and constitutional
law, and has done so under prUnie
of executing a great public policy,
which could have ben more easily ef
fected lawfully, constitutionally and
with honor.
It forced strained and unnatural con
structions upon statutes, usurping Ju
dicial interpretation and substituting
congressional enactment decree. It
withdrew from congress their cai
mary duties of Investigation, which
have heretofore made the representa
tives of the people and the states the
terror of evildoer.
It conducted a secretive Investlgv
tlon of Its own and boaated of a fewi
sample convicts, while it threw a!
broad coverlet over the bureaus which j
had been their chosen field of opera
tive abuses, and kept in power the su
perior officers under whose adminis
tration the crimes had been commit
ted. It ordered assault upon some mo
nopolies, but raralyzed by Its first
victory, It flung out the flag of truce
and cried out that it would not "run
amuck," leaving Its future purposes
beclouded by its vacillations.
Appeal to the Country,
Conducting the campaign upon this
declaration of our principles snd pur
poses, we Invoke for our candidates
the support not only of our great and
time-honored organization, but also
the active assistance of all of our fV
low-rltltcns who, disregarding past
differences upon questions no longiir
In Issue, desire the perpetuation of
our constitutional government s
framed snd established by the fathers
f the republic.
Fifh or anything in Market.
P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor,
Brv crrtr n thin S
HfJ ft I S il flVJaViiil V
MalnStrett K
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
tfXm fciriW toffiiHh Arts "
Ctt m &0TTLL
'a T 1 '
Toor Whisky is not only die
agreeable to taste, but undoubted
ly injurious to the stomach. A lit
tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just as much
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you don't know how good it is
come in and try it.
Bears the
Signature of
no CURE thi LUNC8
" Dr. King's
Now Discovery
OUGHSand 50c l $1.00
OLDS Fres Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
Make Kidneys and Bladder Riant
Nnfr. Aliv nillnlili-. l.ttHIr. M Pnicrttt ft
Jld mruillic boii-. fi with bin ribhun.
I h no ixhrr. llrfiiM ilnnirrriiu lill
lullnnntl Imlmilnn. Huvuf vnur lmiKcmu
or wml 4r, In "iniiii" lr I'Brllrulnr. Tll'
mnnUli nl 'ltrllf-r for l.nrtlr." 1 1 '" '
hr rrliira nail. IU.U4IU I'miitiuiimia. br
all lmik-im.
tioo sibiiuob Nqir. rniLAn ra.
Hullti IkU "
GuckenheimeriEye, per yalldn. . 00
Yellowstone, " "
Honey Pew, " "
Bitr Horn, " "
4 oo
3 00
2 00
1904! 1
We take this opportunity of returning our
most sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a
continuance of your patronage in the future.
During r.KJ-1, we shall endeavor to supply tho
market, as usual, with that
WhichjSuits the People!
both in quality and prices.
Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, we
invite all to come and be comforted by making
your purchases from the largest furniture house
in Plattsmouth.
Sattler &