The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 14, 1904, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal i
vlattsijouth, nuhkaska.
i; A. l.ATI.S. l'i in l-un:.
Kill! T.-.I ,-,t till' p..Hl,.ltl. i' 'It ri:itltiM-lllll. Nl'-
hr.ih .1. ;e -.''i"l- a mat u r.
I'm l'i I'Miicn! ,
AiroN i; i'ai;ki;i;.
uf New N. 01 k .
Fur iff 1'icMilent .
iii:m;v iavi.
i if I'M Iryllii.l.
1' w;m k m I Is a vv i i it ti iik t mi -
Tin SI . I.niiis convent Inn vvasiitie ot
the k real est In tin' history i if thisnreat
uat Ion.
Alton II. I'vum-u Is a loyal demo
crat MiiMirtinu Mr. I'.ryau I t 1 In
ls'.ni anil hum.
W VII 11 I III' SWCetsi'l'lltl'll hlllllfll
that will In- fast In I he direct Ion uf V.
.1. I'.run I iy llic republican press.
'rni'. Chicago platform evidently
caini' nut ct' mill sluraiif. Tin' coun
try is ready for something warmer.
l'i u. 1 1 it ians "cearly ; me lot iluw s"
aft t i' tin- eonvc Ml Ion : 1 j i 1 1 1 1-c 1 last
week! This Is lut I i'i' 1 1 i:iii if I In- blows
wciv fouiinu' In I lif in.
On, s, W. ,1. I'.rvan is not di-ail po
litically, nr otherwise, lie's Just as
li as lie ever was, ami Is beloved In
the f mi mi hi people just the same.
Una' has reached the liiulifst. point
attained since the I'lvil war. Secre
tary Shaw says "hldi prices mean
prosperity." So this must he a pun I
Tin" lVmoerat Ic nominees are chos
en and the next net ion Istoclectthein,
which will he done with the assistance
of Unosevelt, Fairbanks, l!oot,ind Cor
telvou. W, .1. I'.iiYAN lust none of his laurels
at the St. I. mils convent i"ii. He Isstill
a k rent man loo ureal, to even think
of bolting the nominations of Parker
and Iavis.
Tiik Filipinos now tourinn the
country ileiiiaiul at every opport unity,
"either independence or statehood."
Whitelaw Ueiil sayst hat independence
Is prefeiahle.
Ill.lTlil.K ANS pledge themselves to
change the tarilT "from I ime tothne,"
hut they forget to say whether to low
er or higher rates, and when "time to
time" tfels here.
Si'.natoi; Faii;iinks declares that
liedoes not see "anyt hin: funny at all"
in the voluminous ejaculations which
Speaker Caution puutvd fourth in dis
paragement of the vice presidency.
Com. kkss appropriated .'0,0iiu for
the prosecution of I rusls. ( nly !."t,(t!i)
lias yet heen used for the purpose, the
attorney-general explaining that he
isn't nolnn to run amuck against
"Kood trusts."
TniKsare very tnucli closer and many
more people are out of employment
and more husiness and hank failures
are hciiiu reported at this time than
for the past six years. And still the
government is in the hands of the re
puhliean party.
Tiik liberty hell is now in place at
St. Louis ami the oldest hell in Amer
ica has heen shipped to the exposition
from New Mexico. Now if ( !en. Shcrtn.
r.ell of Colorado could he haltered,
mu.'led and placed on exhibition, the
arrival Ion of famous cracked hells
wi'iilil he praet ically complete.
Fii'T years ao the repuh'.ican par
ty v as horn. Il va at .lackvn;, Midi
if::in. .1 lily H. h.M, when a lot ot men op
1'i'seii nil n'pi .11 oi I lie .M iss'iliri Coin-
pioinise held a convention to oivanie
a new party and oted toeall it ivpuUi
cal. How it has changed. It shot Id
i.ow he termed the party of I lamilti u
ian instincts.
'I'm; president I. as had to seriously
i 'i inland his s, th t.i: v of the interior
Hhi.ut the FlaCiea 1 a.:eiic and other
Irrecularil ics and n i aain lumond
that Mr. Iliiehcvk w i'l resirn. .sena
l"is Hale, Hoar, 'l'i l.i i and 11, iM who
so r nin l!y con, Indued tt.e seeretaiv
l.i-t wii'ter on th- i' i of t!,,. V'iute
are responsive for the -oi.t --i. i.itivl
'I'm: Mi.ssiaii ai.t h..ri! j, s ,, w
Ci'i'ili'd fie iHiltaues t';at tin i IM
mil l.iry authont jes of fol, ra l
Colll'liittinu oil till' a'it!l"li! ies e
slate. I ' Inu iren from
homes, takniu away cvciyl hiuu
po'-sess and setting them duvvn
strane country without food or
i i -
' an,!
a iv
I heir
in a
ter is a crime that puts t" sham
horrors (if Sihera.
He Supported Bryan in 1895 and 1900,
and Has Nj Hesitancy In Saying So.
Aeeoiilii, o ( 'oiik'i'evsiiiaii .lohn W.
( '; he's of Tell II., .1 liil'e I 'a I's tele
itiiam to the nat tonal di'inocral ie eon
' i -1 1 . i : last .s.itinday iclalive to the
; nioie'V platik hi t he plat l"i in Is nut t he
I til si t line thai t!ie oil iai ic nominee
for piesldeiii has made a stand as to
his lew sol I lie' money iplest on. 1 u -I
In,: the campaign when he was a c, ni
di iate fol .Indue of the New Yolk
('mill of A ppeais ami t !ie ijiii si loll was
raised as to his part y r coid, he said:
" I will w i ile a lei lei tor publication,
on one i ii, niil inn, statilie. I oleil fur
I'.rvan, hut it must I e piililished in the
press, hecaiise (lie j; ! i commit tee
meets soi hi to endorse me lor t he Judge
ship nominal ion I want the commit
tee to kimw beforehand how I voted in
S!Mi. Hiis'l s.VII. I Mn.U I AI.SM'ol.-
In speaking of this incident In St.
Louis alter the adjournment of the
convention, ('oiircsMii'iu ( labn s said:
''The let ter was I hen and I here w cit
ed to 1 11 1 it t t !anforth, vvhovvasauionn
the liiiiilsitors. He yave the letter,
as he told me, to the New York 1'ivss.
This Judu'e Parker also told me. Mr.
I laiilortli also told me hi Washington
lie had this letter In his possession.
This is ils text omiUili the a idless,
tin1 dale, Septeuiher s;i7:
".My lit: u Ii iMuii I il II Miiseniln ly ri.lii
fur nii in nrinur I" my at o ut leu n iiit si ii in
V lilelt t lie sill. 'ere frlelnls uf V r. Ill' till It re
im ssiii'.r uinii i iii. I e.'tn rr:tnl,l v mill sln
eerely wiv lu .Vim I hut I uO il fur I he In si 11:1
I lull II I Mill M h lees uf I he lielliuei'llt h' purl . Ms
hllle Vulell fur I'll Hie revilllll' llelliuerill le I
llullilliees I hlld II lute.
"The Hold committee next (lay met
and indorsed .ludc Parker. To me
.Indue Pai ker said, as I recall: 'Several
ineinheis ol this committee met, me iif
tervvards and asked why 1 didn't wait
mil II they had indorsed mi! he fori; puh
lishinu the lei ter. I told tlu'iu I want -ed
them to know the fact hefore they
acted.' .Iiiile Parker's telegram to
Mr. Sheehan was prompted hy the
same manly, frank spirit which Im
pelled the Klllolt liaiiforth letter.
"Parker, we all know, was and Is a
uold man- hut always a parly man
The original St. Louis plat form was
silent on thlsiiiest Ion Many support
ed, and will support, Parker, hecause
he Is and has heen and will he a uold
man. others have supported him.
kniAvInu that the money iUestion is
not a party issue in this caiupaiun,
full as If is of other 1tal issues.
"The uold supporters niiuht suspect
Parker of wavering in Ids uold views
hecause of the omission on the siihect
of our platform. To remove this sus
picion, to show that lie had nolhiiiK' to
do with fraininu the platform on this
point, to make himself fully known to
all men, and particularly to tlie con
vention hefore its deliheratiniis were
tinl.-hed, he felt H hisduty toseiid the
teleurain to Sheehan.
"It stamps lit hi manly, honest, frank
and open, a man who would rather
maintain hisuooil name and preserve
his own peace of conscience than he
president of the Cnited States, how
ever alluring the parly honor and
however tempting the political oppor
tunity. "I helieve we have a ticket tliat will
win. Former Senator Iavls isasouth
eru iiuan. He is a self-made man at
the head of lare affairs. When a nuin
herof .Indue Parker's friends, looking
for asouthern man forthesecoiul place
on the ticket, It was not unnatural
that such a man as Henry (J. havis
should hethouuht of. His nomination
assures the return of West Virginia to
the democratic column ofstates, alonn
with the jrain of most of the congress
ional dist ricts.
"I think the force of the nominations
will urovv from day to day in populari
ty. I think likewise of the plat form.
.Indue Parker will soon he well known
hy the masses who read and think, and
I am well sal Istled, most lavorahly. A
plain, earnest man, honest, manly, pa
triotic, Ids life and party record can
not fail hiuhlyto commend him every
where. "The more he is seen and known the
more he must urovv in popular CN'.eeni.
lie is lolnist, very much a live red
headed not loo red headed modern of pimis .leffersoiilan inspir
ation. "In lN'7 he was snhjected to ,ni,,
t ions of his loyalty to the patty the
previous presidential year. That tt;es
tloii was always answered to the satis
faction of honest solicitous democrats,
lie supported the ticket of I ami
h'i'0. Not only that: he emit rihnted
vv ith time and money and inlhience to
the ticket, lie did this in hoth the years, as Mr. To van ouuht
hi II I i know."
Si in;k pel sou ol an invest iual iiu t urn
ot iiiiud hasiiiseoveii d that the (.'l ie: -U'i
CjiiVi'iilion was the thirtieuth
meet inu "I the n piihlican pai ty in na-
! I ; ci iiveiit ion; h'oosi ve!t was iiom
I mated at thirteen ininnti s after ine
i o'clock, and that hour was the thir
teenth ol the dav. Thai settles it ft r
Tr y. contrast het ween the t wo na
tional convent ions ui'ovvs as t lie events
recede. The Kcpuhlican paity slept
at ( hicauo and the lvn.ocntie paity
awoke at St. Louis. The. Kepuhliean
snore has heenlellectually drowned hy
IVmociatlc etUhuslasm.
Supports the Ticket.
lien. Y. J. I'.rvan has spul-en. The
repiihlii.iiis of Nehraska, wh" have
U'en piaviu hourly since the close of
the national convent ion that he would
reliel. have not heen answered accord
ii, u to their wishes. Mr. I'.rvan. as the
Journal ha sever cot, tended, is In. i -
Iv tu I ake any sncli net Ion, and t i .
ratify the wishrs of those win, ,,;e
heen so hit ter au.lillst him in t he p:;-.: .
Ile .s.iv s.
"I shall vote for Parker and Ihivis,
I he l e en 1 1 iet sof t lie tie n hk rat le nat mii
al convent ion, ami shall do M) i,r the
follow inu leasous:
"l. P.eciiuse the demoerat ic ticket
slands lor opsosji ion to imperialism,
while the repiililican ticket stands fu
an impel ialislle policy. ( in this
lion, which vv ;is the paramount issue
io I'mi, and w hich must remain an im
portant issue so lonn as an at tempt is
made to hold colonies under the Amer
ican Il iu "ii this issue the convention
was unanimous. The platform is em
phatic, and l have no doiihr that (lie
candidate will carry out the platform.
"J Mi. Poosevelt is inject inu" the
race issue Into American politics and
this, If Itheconie national, will make
it impossihle to consider economic t)iics
tions tluit demand solution. Thcelec
tlon of the democrat ic ticket will put
a ipiietus upon this attempt and per
mit the raeeiuestion to work itself out
without the hitterness which Mr.
lioosc veil 's conduct has enuendered.
"II M r. Iloo.sevet stands lor thespir-
it ol vv.'ir. His friends present him as
a man of hlood and iron lie hclicvcs
In si reiiuoiisiiess and inculcates a love
lor vvailike thinus. The demncralic
ticket stands for peace, for reason and
for arhitratlon, rather than for force,
conquest and hluster.
'4 The democratic platform de
clares hi favor of the reduction of the
standing army, and as this plank was
unanimously adopted there is reason to
helieve that a democratic success on
t hi.s suhjeet would hrinu some advan
taue to the people."
Tiik little uirl who spelled c-a-tand
called it "dou" made, no urealer mis
take orthouiaphy than the ropuhlicans
who spell h-a-n-k-r-u-p-t-c-y, and pro
nounce it "prosperity " On the tirst
day of this month heuan the new fiscal
year and Secretary Shaw presented his
report, shovviuu that the receipts for
the year have heen .'iH,lsii,7.i, and
the expenditures .Vt,."):i!i,0'U, show inu
a delicit for the year of $ ll.:!.".2,:i.V.
For the preceding liseal year there was
a surplus of .'iJ,:iu,uri. showing an ad
verse balance compared with the year
end inu Thursday of last week of pretty
nearly hi(i,uon,uoo: This shows that
the administration has lost money
every month of the past year, and if a
loss of .fhiii.iiiiii, (inu in a single year
is prosperity, it would he curious to
know what adversity is. Mr. Shaw's
showing certainly deinonstrat"s that veil's successor in the Yhite
House will inherit the same sort of
condition that Mr. Cleveland was call
ed upon to inherit in March, lMUl.
Our national poverty then, as .indicated
hy the deficit , was due to the Harrison
ad mi nisi rat ion, asour national poverty
now show n by the deficit is due to the
McKinlcy-lJoosevelt adiuinistrat ions.
Is Si:ris:T.utY Uoot an iiiurate?
When he left the war department the
president fervautly embraced him,
hurrahed for him, and sent a squadron
or cavalry to escort him to the depot.
Hut the illustrious man went riuht olT
and made a speech to Vale vvarninu
the studentsauainst the usurpations of
public otlicials. sayinu "the more fre
quently men who hold ureal power in
ottlce are permitted to override the
limitations imposed hy law upon their
powers, the more dilllcult it becomes
to question anythinu they do: and the
people, each one weak in himself, and
unable to cope vv itli powerful ollicers,
wlio reuard any qiioiioninn ol their
acts as an ail'ront, unulually lose the
habit of holding such oMiivrs account
able, and ultimately practically sur
render the riuht to hold them account
able." It is understood that the
president immediately sent Col li lyoii
lo ask him if he said il.
"'I'ltKN the platloriii adds these
words: -We fought a quick, victorous
war with Spain.' Pad history auain.
Americans fought it. It seems to me
that I have heard that lvwev was
a democrat, that Schley was a demo
crat, that Miles was a democrat, uiiil
it seems to mcto", lhat 1 heard that a
repubiicanadininistlation snuhhed the
first, tried lo disgrace the second and
insulted the third. Il seems, too. that
I have heard from u.eiion the liuht hut
line that Joe Wheeler was as much in
evidence at .Mut ia,.o a.s t he President
himselt. It seems to mo that 1 have
heard that Ilolson, who did a fulilo
hut brave ait. was a demoeiat. It
seems to tin- Dial I have heard that
younu Pauley of With Carolina, the
hist oferinu of thf war upon the altar
"I a com up a , count iy, was a demo
crat." .lohn Sharp Wil'laais in his
"penit u spi-eeh at the St. Louis con
vent ion.
Tin: president addresses Paul Mor
ton as an old sea dou and then sends
Admiral Hewey with him down to the
navy yard to point out the iliiTerence
between an anchor and a catamaran.
Tin: World wishes to n-tiact any
thiliu it lias said in leuaid to the piiss
inU'd Mr. I'.rvan fruii the leadi islnj,
ot the Iiemivrutlc paity. Mr. Pryau
has not passed. He seems to be stionu
t r t ban ever.
At UansasCity, in, with a unan
imous convent ii in In hind him. he suc
ceeded only in ilietat ir.u tlie platform
;j!.d the candidate, but at St. Louis,
w illl ino.e than tWH-tl lldsot the lie!,'-
k.iles ;ik-ainsl liia,, l.c hassueeei il'-d in
n taiii'u the i'ia;i"in.
I h's is a u eater achieveinei.t.
" I ' I ' i'ii ee ut ( qmli is may vv ell
chuckle when he thinks of the ahji-ct
biiuiaue t hiit was pan! bhn bv c iisi i v a
tive I ii'ii.tK'iacy s uvervv helminu but
white-livered majority.
Tlie above is taken liom the New
Yoik World, one of the most inveter
ate liryan haters aniunu the newspa
pers of t he country. It isquoted here
to show the deserving tributes that are
paid to the tiuhtlnu; qualities or the
ureal Nebiaskan. This tribute is ap
preciated, not because ol the kindly
spirit ol the writing, but because il is
the reluctant testimony of a paper
that would like to see Nebraska's fa
vorite son crushed. P.ryan emerges
from the St. Lotiiso mvent ion a greater
tigure than ever.
Mil. Uoosi-vKLT Is superlative or
nothing. All his geese are swan.
When he drops out members of bis
Cabinet he publicly announces that
they are the greatest of their kind
ever know n. Knot was the most re
markable war secretary ever known,
and now hesajs Knox has left "a deep
er mark for good on the country's de
velopement" than any of hisgreat and
able predecessors. That Is, Knox
throws hopelessly into the shade YVil
liam Wirt, JJoger It. Taney, William
Pinkney, Kdniund Randolph, Caleb
Cusliing, Jeremiah S. Klack, Kilvvin M.
Stanton, William M. F.varts, F. R.
Hoar, Alfonso Tart, Chas. Devens,
Wayne MacYeagh, Uichard Olney,
and others or the greatest lawyers!
At Tin-: Harvard banquet ex-Secretary
or State Olney followed Taft, and
answered him. lie said: "Where
will you find in American law any
riuht hi a. strong nation toappropriate
the sovereignity or territory of a weak
nation, either in the name of 'collec
tive civilization' or in any other name
or on any pretext whatsoever? And
if tlie search he successful is not a
rule lhat Is good for nations good also
fiir individuals? And why may not
the lives and property or weaker and
inferior citizens in any community be
rightfully appropriated lor the benefit
of the stronger and supcrirr?"
JiT think of it! The manufactur
ers of agricultural implements are to
day selling Implements in South
America and Australia to the compet
itor-, of the American farmer, cheaper
-yes iii:.wi:k, mind you -than he
can buy theinat the door of the factorv
which makes them in this country.
It does not make the crime any less to
he robbed by your neighbor or best
friend. It is robbery, injustice, and
an outrage, and the question is, how
much longer will the American con
sumer stand such treat merit? This Is
a good year to get your eyes open, and
the ballot box Is tlie place to be heard.
Hkuk is and electioneering bluff for
your whiskers. The state, through its
chief executive, Little" Johnny Mickey,
has sued the State Journal Company
to recover :J,.")00, which it Is claimed
that company bis fraudulently obtain
ed through the sale of ?xtra copies of
of the supremo court reports, which
is an infringement upon the state copy
right. We'ell bet a coonskin, and skin
the coon ourself, that this is simply a
cold bluff to try to fool the people.
"Wiiu is Davis?'' inquires the News.
Kx-Cnited States Senator Davis is a
hale man of no in heart, in physical
strength and activity, in appearance
and manner. He is no years old only
in experience anil w isdom. He has the
mental and muscular vigor of (Hail
stone, and lie will aid powerfully in
cutting down tlie tree ol Itepublican
hopes. And alter the Fourth day of
March, l'.iu."i, will he the vice president
of the Cnited Stairs of America.
LvCuv r.iiMu: i'.i.v w in his speech
nominating Poosevcli exclaimed: "The
fate of nations is sti'l decided by their
wars. Peace w ill eua: here to abide
only vv hen ! he il reams of children are
the accepted charts lo guide t he desti
nies of men " In other words, "Pre
pare for war by making Mr. Uoo-ievelt
president 11 you want war, ym want
Poosevelt. It you want Pooseve't,
you want wir." Weil, isn't that
about it?
Si'A'i;i' Sua a in his Cbictigu
speech repealed I h:, ,i iw.iiui) ,vorlh
of Ainericai) ini'icliaudise is ailti'.iaily
sold abroad cheaper than at home, lie
merely left out two cyphers ,i typo
graphical error. Stei I rails aie sold
i here for .'Js, I s.t are oTerrd in llin-ooe
for sjn per ton. our man m trut tired
expoits average over t -. 1 1. j .i n ;)
year, and ah. .est all , f u ul Sl,;,
abroa I chea; i r Can at hon e.
$4.00 for Selling 2d
'four Champion Flat I iu,u , .m,.,-N
Sills lor 'I', cent each and ew-iybodv
wants on,.. Wiite for p:u ticulars.
The Atkiiiscompatiy, !',on s j . ( i;,al ,;i.
n i- ' V r , - ?; '. s -
'V-I'f ' '' 'A.1 ') W
.' i ' aVJ? I. V V :
iiourishiiiu' corn. It lias th.- tlavor that iJ so highly tender,
ciiited by thus.' who kiuivv wlrd L' "d meet is It is lastitiL;,
juicy and deliciuus. Choii e outs for broiliiii,' or rousting.
Our prices invite purchases. Also bear in mind that our
is up-to-date and that the oii'dity of our ifo ds ennuot be
surpassed nor our prices cannot he beat We divide our
profits witli our customers, because wo yivo tliem the bebt
goods for the sunn money that you have to jiay for poorer
quality. Don't be backward, but give us n trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office
How is Your Roof ?
If You Meed a New One. Now is the Best Time
Kemcmhcr, that we are fully prepared to
place a new tin roof on your house, new
spouting, or repair the old ones.
We Make a Specialty of Roofing and Spouting
And are Prepared to Give You Close Figures
og This Kind of Work.
No. 506 Main Street
Q i-or a spring Ionic ft
I ry a case of the
One of the Purest
Call on Ed Donat
loon, or telephone
the rest. All we ask is a trial for this
popular brand and you will buv no
h Try a Case To-Day.
X ID. DON AT, Proprietor.
frX&7.h u. niu:(' "MW 1 1 mil-,-
- '' ).N
V .
Vl!l .uv Nln i nam
v.. . ,
, Ii
Thai i.- the kind we lmve,
Not only now but nil times.
Hoef th'it has lieeu pro
duced from rich, sweet
country ltiiss and tine
Plattf n ctlh, Neb.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
I - avorite .lohn Cuiu
on the Alarkct ($
I'eerless Sa- A
d Ed will do 0
at the
112 and
Mii; fVi '
i j! i. ,. ( 4l :Vlif. ( . l. I. , m
ma M-TVil-an
SJtj0 jO Mje jm s m a &